I SPRINGWELLS. John Otis has just imported from Germany a large number of hogs, The regular monthly meeting of the Township for purpose of settlement with the Board, Treasurer, will held at the Clerk's office Monday afternoon. The thermometer at this point registered seven o'clock, degrees and below five zero degrees on below Friday on Saturday morning morninz| at the same hour. The owners of ice houses are reaping a good harvest of ice at present, the weather of the last few days having • •been oxtremely propitious. The ice being packed is from ten to twelve inches thick. now While on a visit to Samuel Emerson on Wednesday last Henry Campbell put his horses in Emerson's barn, One of Campbell's horses Vinas so kicked by one of Emerson's horses to severely end his sufferings he was killed the next day. D. Burdeno, of Delray, died on the 3d Augustus inst, after a long and painful illuess. He was October 30, 1800. He served the country faithborn the wars with Florida, Mexico and fully through the late rebellion, and ever bore the record of a true soldier, The new St. Mark Lutheran Eyangelical Chapel school-house will be dedicated one from and Rev. Mr. Newman, of Ann Arbor, Rev. to-day. of Detroit, and other clergymen from Charles Hans, aud this vicinity, will be present and asWyandotte sist in conducting the dedicatory services. The installation of officers of Riverside Lodge No. 303, I. 0. 0. F., took place at Kurth's Hall on last, aud in addition to the officers Friday evening elected, as noticed in these columns, the following were appointed by the lodge: R. S. N. G -Frederick G. Vambam. Warden -Adam Miller. Conductor-Wm. Elliott. R. S. V. G.-W. S. Martin. L. S. V. G.-Lewis L. Flint. R. S. S. -Amasa Armstrong. L. S. S.-Frederick Leach. 1. G.-John O. Gallagher. O. G.-James Falconer.