i EDDIE AINSMITH BY TRADE THAT SENT HIM TO PLAY WITH JUNGALEERS Bears No Ill-Feeling for Old But Prefers Detroit as City Service With Waller Johnson Ma angled. By a StnftT Correspondent. Macon, Gu,., March 2-1. His hands scarred from the constant battering of baseball delivered by on& of the most powerful arms in the history of baseball, yet as good today as when he first began to attract attention as the battery partner of Walter Johnson, Eddie Ainstnith isn't sorry that destiny guided his course to the Tigers. Eddie doubtless will, many times, look hack on the days whuit he, on the receiving end of the Vashlngton combination, shared the picture with his illustrious mate, and glory in them. But today Kddie would rather be a Tiger than a member of any other club In the circuit. Ainsmlth's atllllatlon with the Bengal clan satisfies a wish of several years, a desire that required JuBt such u twist of baseball fortune as that which developed at the joint meeting of the American and National leagues in January for fulfillment. It was then that Frank Navin, Harry Fra7.ee and Clarke Griffith .uuuuoiiueu in a irianguuir trade that sent Oscar. Vitt to :Boston. Janvrln to the Nationals and Ain- aiiiiLii.-wii.il j-.ove anu smorten to IJc-trolt.- Ylxitcd TIgtrrK Ilegulnrly. Kvenings after games played bv the Tigers in Washington Kddie could be found at the iiotel Jennings aiiiWiis troupe were stoppin--at engaged. in friendlv chatter with the visitors, and the same applied to him when the Washington club was scheduled for a aeries In Detroit. Alnsmith Is genuinely pleased to be with the Tigers, his own admission and actions prove It. Sol that Eddie possesses any enmitv for his old. iissoi:iaU-M in the natio'n's capital, but because eight vears of service with (IritTlth's team began to pall on him. Thus far, too, Ainsmitli has seemed to be the most amiable of chnpo It Is related t hat Kddie can whin his weight in wildcats, and requires, little provocation to maul anybody But one never would think it true to watch him or enjoy his eomnanv h(.re. Ainsinith is the life of the parlv. PLEASED Associates on Washington Cluh to Toil In Eight Years of FJJ.v, RV'j -uio o jviK'ii imna his chatter and humorous expres'-'"'' keeping the rest of the ill": !V.'.i'n "V "c '""Shter almost" from he time he tumbles o-jt f mortilntt until sleep closes hi? ejes UEain after nlfflitfall. " "' Johnson's ox-battery part-"".,!"? nothing hut the kiSdost if-.,, i t "e ineml'crs of the eluh u till i?t ?i h m '" tha Tigers. It him to the city of the straits wa welcomed ua much as the fans Sim ' "r certaln 10 welcome Alnsmlth's service as backstop f ,-right hand of tho catcher. Ever-;iiini . .. is "ngers and thumb iV distorted worse than arc the hands lev St.??Z Jlm '"clrc. Char- c Heimott or Prank liowcrman, the ueuler, spread to hum-like propor lions, resembling a bunch of chain llrks scrambled. -nam llnnd Ilndly Mnnglcd. One finger poinls east, anothei west, while the ncxlmlght steer a course due south. Catehlng Walter Johnson for eight years Is a font that reflected nation-wide glory cn Alnsmllh, but ha will curry the evl-aViZ hl3 ""flon to the grave with him. BULLION. BLOCK INlMW WITH TOLEDOAN Toe to Toe Battle Gives No Marked Margin for Either Boxer1, and Saginaw Elks Are Enthused. Saginaw, Mich.. March I'i. Ted niock. of Detroit, middleweight champion of .Michigan, and Johnny (.'oimnrs, of Toledo, stood toe to toe nnd battled through eight terrific rounds to a good draw in the windtip of the Elks show tonight. The light was the bese Been in Saginaw in years. Celmars showed himself a clever- er boxer and landed some hard left i hand jabs, forcing the battling all ! tho way, hut Block landed some : ri