and Abo called unit: thereto by the s The question id on the table relative to inoorpora-raiipe and loan company and moved f of the report and that the committee ed from the further consideration of the ras agreed to ' - " called up the report of ithe com ic iudiemrv vesterday iaui upon me ta-to authorizing Abigail Shumway ad- &c to sell certain parcels of land whvh rc-ort was read and adopted ana uu wy lion the bill v as rejected and the committee dis-ciia’“Tcd frvin the further consideration of the eub- the terms from it Resolved executive public authority constitution both Just of the ofthe the gallery Mr not ask as it who had contempt The to bring In a few indi-vidual Mr the bar - Mr 1 It seemed biinging bo was gainst s Yeas Ewincr King Robinson Moore ton The was Mr au-journ: Mr individual conduct rebuked the move Mr most before defence ty of made Mr motion Mr individual of every against Mr to be make to do Mr al stood answer might Mr motion go to The not Mr until to-morrow to too hoped - Mr which Mr Illinois willing which was the ne-cessary his Mr wished to willing proper B) lawyer not The usage were protecting for the had In Mr wished was Mr person ed were Y Dana Linn 'Robinson Walker that The ordered him The Mr the The previous opposition made Wise the reaalution poat-poned anon— Gen hie the start something safety place should stranger or his with rights The balik of ‘‘Washtenaw-' has -made no report 1 — -i i tai ATI VrtO r" ne'UdDik vi DAvutvv her imTitations' have been tn operation K — I —--it flit! 111 1 HUI La too a time to inufrc ill of w ’rich is respectfully submitted ' ' ‘ - MARSHAL J BACON r ' Bank Cotnmiuioner Tan 26 1337 : v ifr Luihrop called up the report of the commit-c- on hanks and incorporations made by liini anil heretofore 1 g nn in- auopio dischur b-ect wlrieh w — — — ' - rpi - - (Concluded :rom r ret pvv i of a certain town in said county referred to the nor fcas the- ba committee on organization ot towns anu conn- 'The obcr i cjort of said committee yes- e- 1 -v h’id u’-’on the tuble relative to the petition of 7li-ert Abbott executor &3 which was readi:id alo’tcd - - ’ ' V--O c-ru'! up the report of the same committee laid upon lire tablo oa the 13th inst relative to es-tt'’o’foliiiig a court oi’ common pleas which was tead and adopted ’ Mr JfcKoen calied up the “bill authorizing the iiurervisors oi tbe county of Lapeer to loan a cer- J with the amendments maue n upon concurring in the 1st ndnients made by the senate n concurred in - ' TI- Lotbrop owed to amend the third amend--m ut made by the senate by striking out the wordJ November’ and insert “ApriJ’ in lieu thereof -vi!':!i was agreed to' On nio-un the 5th amendment made by theBc-uute was non-concurred in lden of Branch on leave granted presented the petition of Gi’bCrt II King and others of Calhoun county for the organization of a new town shin in said county : rclerrcd to tne committee on t’eiir'aniznt:OD cf towns and counties The folliyinjr message was received from the senate through their secretary: ?Ir Speaker: — ’ Ii pursuance of the rules of the senate 1 herewith transmit a joint resolution which has passed the senate cnlit1ed“ A r solution to authorize the fiscal agent to advance to John S Bugg a certain sum of money” in which the concurrence ofthe houre of rcpicsen’alivcs is respectfully requested On motion of Mr Lothrop the “ bill regula-tmr the interest of inonev” with the report of the" select committee to which the same was referred heretofore laid upon the table was taken uo and considered The question being upon adopting the report of said committee it was on motion of Mr Con vis decided by yeas and nays in the negative as tollows : Yeas— Messrs Convi Lothrop Phillips — 3 Nays —Messrs Alden Almy Burbank Butler Ballard Burke Cressey Calkin Cornell Colbatb errirgton elch arrington inch oote Gilbert Herrington Howe Kellogg Kingslev King Lee Hunger Afartin Afonfore -VcGafti-y AIcKeen Purdy Ralph Job SmithShattuck Jos Smith Shelihouse WingWisner Ward Yorkes Speaker — 38 On motion the house adjourned The Expunging Resolution Passed — Congress in senate Monday Jan 16 1837 The hour of one having arrived the senate proceeded to the consideration of the special order which was Mr Benton’s resolution to expunge from the journal of the senate the resolution of the 28th of March 1834 censuring the president for having removed the deposites from the bank of the United States' Mr Clay addressed the senate at great length against the resolution The debate was further continued by Mr Buchanan and Mr Dana made a few remark's to reply to what fell from Mr Preston the other day— v Mr Bayard next toothfeoor and moved an adjournment On which motion Mr Benton asked for the yeas and nays : which were ordered Yeas — Messrs Bayard Black Calhoun Clay Crittenden' Davis Ew’ing of Ohio Kent Knight Moore Preston Robbins Southard Swift Tomlison Webster — 16 Nays — Messrs Benton Brown Buchanan Dana Ewing of Illinois ulton Grundy- Hendricks Hubbard K:ng of Alabama Linn Morris Nicholas Niles Page Rives Robinson Ruggles Strange Sevier Tallmadge Tipton Walker - Wall White M-right— 26 So the motion to adjourn was lost Mr Bayard then addressed the senate and was followed by Messrs Hendricks Strange and Ewing of Ohio' Mr Strange moved to amend the preamble to the resolution by striking out of the last paragraph of the first page the words “ irregularly illegally and unconstitional-ly” and inserting in lieu thereof i was not warranted by the constitution and was irregular and illegally ” In the second page strike out the word “ unconstitutional’ and insert the words unauthorized by the constitution” and in the third page strikeout “ violation of the constitution” and insert “ not warranted by the constitution” Mr Benton observed that he saw some difference between the words proposed to be inserted and those already in the preamble however he was not he said at all ’ tena-clous on the subject and he expressed his willingness to accept the amendments The question being then taken on them thev were figreed to ' Mr Webster rose and briefly addressed the senate ’ - On motion of Mr Benton the blank in the resolution was filled by inserting therein the “ words 16th of January” ' - The question then recurred on agreeing to the resolution and Mr Benton ' having asked for the yeas and nays they were ordered Yeas-r-Messrs Benton Brown Buchan-' an Dana Ewing of Illinois ulton Grundy Hubbard King of Alabama Linn Morris Nicholas Niles Page Rives Robinson Ruggles Strange Sevier Tallmadge Tipton Walker Wall Wright — 24 ’ f Nays — Messrs Bayard Black Calhoun Clay Crittenden Davis Ewing of Ohio Hendricks Kent Kight Moore Prentiss Preston' Robins Southard Swift Tomlin-sonWe'os ter White— 19 ’ So the resolution was agreed to and On motion of Mr Benton the secretary of the senate brought to the table the jour-nal of the senate 1834 and in pursuance of ties - - fo ' - Mr Kingsley from the committee on the judiciary which were instructed tu inquire into the expediency of providing for keeping recorcs of land sold for school t iues Reported “ A bill to provide for keeping records of land sold for school taxes” which wes : read the first and second time and laid upon tne table" ' ' MT elch from the committee on enrolment (reported as correctly cnrulle’ “ A pint resold-1 tion instructing our sen ctorr and representative in congress relative to lighthouses and harbors Mr M’Gafiey from the select ccmimttea to which was referred so much of the governor s message as relates to a geological ‘'’'rvoy el - the state reported “ A bill to provide tor a gcu-' logical' survey of the state” vfouch was read the first and second time and laid on tne tave Mr Alrnv from the c committee on roans ami bridges to which was referred the petition of sundry inhabitants of the counties of St Joseph and branch relative to a state road : reported “ A bill to amend the act entitled an act appointing commissioners to lay-out and cstanuah certain state roads approved torch 2b which was read the iirat and second time and Ifavrl nrrn tnhln ’ ‘ Mr Wing from the committee on removal ol seats of justice to which was recommitted tiie report and resolution relative to tlie removal ol the county scat of Branch comity reported the same without amendment which was laid upon the table ' ” Mr Convis from the committee of ways and means to which was committed “ A bill to provide for the cquilization of taxes on real estate’' r ported adverse to the passage of the bill and on motion the printing of said bill was dirpens-' ed with : And also reported “A bill amend t-tory to an act entitled an act to provide tor the assessment and collection ot township and county taxes” which was read the first and secondtime and laid upon the table’ ' And also from the same ccmmitec to which was referred the bill from the senate entitled “A bill to extend the time for cellochon and payment of certain taxes therein named” reported the same without amendment Mr McKeen from previous notice piven asked leave to bring in a bill to incorporate tlie stockholders of the Lapeer county bank the question being upon granting leave it was on motion decided by yeas and nays iu ‘ the negative as follows : 'Yeas-— Messrs Alden Almy Burbank Cressey Calkin Cornell elch Gilbert ?i on fore McGaffey McKeen Jos Smith Wing "Wisner Yerkes Speaker — 16 1 Nays — Messrs Brown Butler Burke - Con-vis Colbath erringtcn arnngton inch oote Herrington Howe Kellogg Kingsley King Lee Lothrop Munger Martin Purdy PhiUips Ralph Shattuck Shellhousc — 23 - mt inch from the select committee to which was referred the petition of sundry inhabitants of Macomb county relative to county business reported adverse to the prayer of said petitioners anti on motion said committee were uis-charged from the - future consideration of the subject said report was rain upon uie tame Mr Almv from the committee on roads bridges which were instructed to inquire into the expediency of increasing the price of commutation for labor and report by bill or otherwise made the following report : “That a bill has been already introduced into the senate containing a petition making provision for the increase of the price of commutation for labor on highways and will in due time reach the house they therefore beg leave to be discharged from the further consideration of the subject” — On-motion the report was laid upon the table and the committee discharged On motion1 of Sir elch Resolved that the committee on the judiciary be instructed to inquire into the expediency of passing an act toprovide for the more speedy assessment and colection of damage occasioned by flowing lands On motion of Mr McKeen Resolved That the committee on banks and incorporations be instructed to inquire into the expediencyof in- corporating a bank to be located at Lapeer and report by bill or otherwise On motion of Mr Alden Resolved That the committee on the removal of seats of jus-tide be instructed to inquire into the expediency of a removal of the seats of justice of Branch county from the village of Branch to the village of Coldwater and that they (as soon as prac-ticable) report by bill or otherwise Mr Ely of Allegan gave notice that he shouldon some future day ask leave to bring in a bill making an appropriation from the state to build bridges across the Kalamazoo river at the villages of Otsego and Allegan in the county of -Allegan A mt Lee gave notice' that he should on some ‘future day ask leave to bring in a bill to change - the name of the county of Calhoun to Benton Mr Smith of Cass gave notice that he should on some future day ask leave to introduce a bill to mcoiporate the stockholders of tlie Cass County bank to be located at the village of Ed-wardsburgh in said county of Cass - On motion of Mr' Convis the house resolved itself into a committee of tlie whole Mr Ward in the chair upon the bill from the senate-“A bill to extend the time for the collection and payment of certain taxes therein named” and after spending sometime therein the committee rose and through their chairman reported the same with sundry amendments which were concurred in On motion of Mr Wing said hill was' committed to the committee on the judiciary The following message was received from the fovemor through his private secretary Mr ackson ' To the House of Representatives - I have this day approved and filed in the office ofthe secretary of state a joint resolution “ instructing our senators and representative relative to hint houses and harbors” ’ ‘ STEVENS T MASON 1 January 26 1837 The chair presented the following communical tion from the bank commissioner Resolved That the bank' commissioners be requested to furnish this house with a tabular statement of the returns of the several banks in the Mate which shall exhibit the amount of capital Mock paid into the saidhanks ofthe debts due the same of the moneys deposited therein ofthe -noteain circulation and of : the specie on hand and such other information relative to - the affairsof fittid banks as may be exhibited by said returns ’? -Iii-accordance with the above resolution ofthe the house of representatives I have the honor ' to Mate that a full report from the following banks bro been prepared iu a tabular form and is now in f the handa of the printer:' ' f The bank of Michigan armer’s and Meehan-je’a bauk the bank of the River Raisin the Mi-chigan Mate bank the Erie and Kalamazoo rail-: - roao eompafy® bank the bank of Ypsilanti ’ Tito bank of Pontiac has made returns which are now in the hands of the committee on incorpo- I ration of the bouse The beak of Tecumseh has made but partial re- - tarna ee follows : v ' T”- -a ' N RlflOa CfeUvG Mix StfUUW iUU’Ji tJVMLI UA 0 fefe TiZu 57 Circulation 8 500 17145 Deposites ' 1305615