HEW DRIVERSITY BUILDING READY Students Will Make Use of It This Fall. HAS FACILITIES FOR 500 New Carnegie Laboratories Provide Ample Quarters for New Department ot MechanicalEngineering. I More Apparatus to Be Installed Wher thv fall term opens at the I'ni-Tereity of Rochester, atudt'Dtn iu the mechanical engineering courses will take jMibsessiou of tlie uew quarters tlmt Jiave been provided for them iu the Cumegie Uuilding, just completed on tho campus. Instruction ia the tint year' work of this department wa t arried on last year under considerable difficulty, owing to luck of adequate space for the Classen iu mechanical drawing and elementary mechanics. It is expected that with almost ideal facilities -work lu thi department will progresa rapidly Lbkt year and iu tha years to come. The new building, which wa made possible through the geieruaity of Au-drw Carnegie and the Alumni association of the city of New lock, is well equipped for the liret two yeurs' work In the mechanical engineering. .oursen, and Professor Millard C. Ernaberger, "who has charga of tlie work of the department, wiid yesterday thut new piece of apparatus were being planned and ordered and would lie put in place u eoon a) needed. This year iusiruvtion in the freshman and sophomore year.t' work will be given, together with a few elective courses in junior work, which will he taken by students who attain a certain grade of proficiency in the work of the Hophomora year. Since the tirt two years' work does not require extensive, laboratory facilities only a part of the equipment that will eventually be placed in the building Las been set in place. Full laboratory work will not begin until the winter of 1012 and in the meantime Professor Ernsberser will be buy planning and making specifications for the experimental apparatus. , No new instructor have been engaged for the work of the department, l'rofewur Lrmherger will be asited thin year, at be was last, by t'aptaiu Frederick V. llinrirhs, who will take charge of most of the classes in mechanical drawing. It is expected that next year, when the work of the department will have extended into the junior year, nd the following year, whin the fourth year of the department's existence will lie entered upou two and perhaps three Hew Instructors will be needed. The new building Is of the modern academic style of architecture and mea -UTes on the outside U3 by l-.'l feet. It is two stories high with a largo basement In which most of the experimental apparatus will be placed. It is situated iu the northeastern corner of the campus jiwt ttouth of the central heating plant, which has been equipped with two uw boilers and will furnish Kwer ho wert as form part of the laboratory for the new courses. The lull'llug is well ll;bte(i, welt heated ud well ventilated. Jjirgo windows on Ides and skylights In the drawing rooms on the upper door will fumleh light by day. and at sight rnnirsten lamps and a system of Indirect lighting will make the tvnuis as light as dny. Both the direct and Indirect Tentllatlng systems are used tbruugboul the building. The power and hydraulic .aboratortes, the fuel testing room and the toilet rooms have. In addition to thee. circular exhaust fans. A vacuum system of heating la tueil. The air eoinnt lu over the front doers, snd. after puling ever heating colls and tinml'liners. wblch r iiitomatl-cally regulated to keep the sir st 70 de-grei and at a eertnln hHinldlly, 1 blown Into the rooms lr rotary fane. Kour sections of thirty men en-h mar work at ouce tn the drawing rooms, and recitation worn space has been provided fur the name number. Four seeUons per Any could work In es-h room without crowding ea.-B other fr time, so that the iiulldlug really provides aeeuniniisiarkma for nearly GOO students, or twb-e the tntal number of ma students now registered at the university. On the second floor are three drawing rooms approximately hy 50 feet, with an offlcs for the instructor lu charjo of euch; two recitation rooms with seats for thlrty two students each, and two blueprint rooms. The drawing rooms are each equipped with ten driving doks each having four lockers, thereby providing srcom-uiudutluns for four sections. The recitation rooms and a lecture room which will aeronimoiliitn I1 students nie on the flrst floor, which also eontnlns the main offices of the depsrtment; s private nice for the professor, a mom for the reference library, a computing room, apparatus rooms, cement testing rooms, teu-ersl toilet and locker rooms, the Isst containing 1V) lockers. The general laboratories and most of the experimental apparatus are In tbs basement, which contains the power and hy-dranllo laboratory, the materials testing room, the fusl testing room sad the apparatus repair shop. Th equipment In the mntera!s" tes'tng room Is practl.-slly eomflcte nnl hnluiles I hutxlre.1 -theunand l pressure torsion awl eomprcs'ilne mnclilne for tesilii li.m red te1, a slndlar nacl.lne of twenty tloiM::uid po'io!' capscity for trtt'i ,-ois tic-tin:, and a t:irs!on testing m:i,)iiin of Ihty Ih'iinsnd Inch pontuls xap;iiy: ai In oil tcsttmi nuirtime t"T cndnluc tinii In-Is llb ell. and amari:ts for viscosity, tlssh and chill tets of oil The f I testing room Is equipped with sewral alr-liueters ' for testing the hating value of various kinds cf fuel. The tpparatiis for the power and hjditu-lie la! oratory has not yet arrived. Scrcra! pieces cf aponrtitm are helug deslstnrd bf I'rofcssor I'mst-errer and nlil he ordcre-l es exin .is the lecltlcatl-un nre nr ui-,ile'.ed. ThvV nlll not he needed before the full if 11112 and It is ex perted that by tlmt ti"'e the equipment ml! all i m piste. A general Idea of the spp.iratus villi, li Is expected wsi heu by I'rofessor ICrnsherger yssterdsy. There will probahly , three or lour small stssin rnnines Illustrating gen ral types, Including the new turbine engine; four or (as engines showing tU various kinds of Internal combustion which are adapted to the consumption of alffeiee? kinds of fuel snd different ways of tnveru ng; s centrifugal pump, several kinds ef wuter motors for tenting and smdyli g aater flow., belt testing machines, etc. fcteam for hciling aud sperltnental pr-poses will ls forulsbed l.y the central heating plant, which Is directly north "t the liullditig aud has been specially A - i t r i ltv i r 4 ' !' w i r.Jr (4 PBOr M. C, EHNtiltKRdBR. equipped with a 120-horsepower water tubs boiler lu addition to the two large ones already there. A smaller water-tube boiler will he put in to supply high pressure steuni for experimental purposes. The steam Is conducted Into the Carnegie building through a tunnel, which slso carries wires for electric power. The small high-pressure boiler referred to will b connected with the other boilers by a reducing valve so that In case of emergency It may be used In connection with the other boilers to furnish low pressure steam for heating. TAFT AGAIN FIGURES IN PACT FIGHT CONTINUED FltOM TAQB OKB. made by both aides in Parliament. The views of Chaoip t.'lsrk and other Ameri. can champion of reciprocity also will figure largely in the speech-making, as will the opinUm of Hritish statesmen relative to the effect reciprocity tvo'ild have on Iiritifch tariff reform and imperial preference. Uespite cartoons and apeechea to 'he contrary, the annexation bogey is li,t,-d-ly alive. If Canadians believed ih-it reciprocity would lead to severance of the Itritlsh tie, or to absorption by the I'nlted Stales, tho agreement, It ia ton-ceded, would get hardly a favoring vote. The tendency of the opposition to tiriug forward things which it bolda are discreditable to the government is especially noticuble iu tho West. Much ix being made there of the fact that the pruirie province will not be represented fully la l'arllanient during the next four years, becautte the government brought on the election before completion of the ceimus now being taken. The sulmexjueut distribution, hasvd an the increased population, would have given the West twenty additional members. Failure to t.ike over the terminal grain elevators for government management and to declare that the Hudson Kay Hallway, w hen completed, w ill not be let to a private railway corporation for operation, are olher factor in the Went opposition. In Quebec, which is largely French, opponents of tho government again are attacking bitterly the there unpopnlHr navnl policy of the I.aurieir regime, to draw attention from reciprocity. Obstruction and the long de-bate in Parliament, however, have ao fx-tiaed attention upon reciprocity that it ia doubtful if it long can be diverted. Bourassa Commanding Figure, rrobnbly the tinwt notable figure in the rnnkH of the opposition la Henri I'ourusaa, neaj of the opposition at Quebec and formally a member of tho Dominion Horn. Through his paixT, Ix Devoir, printed at .Montreal, and in his epeechew, he is advising the eleotom of Quebec to Vote against Laurier and tin- t'anadtan nary, contracts for tbs nucleus of whVh are about to ha let. Mr. lWnwi ia tint opposed to reciprocity. Olher eon-piciioiis opponents of the government nre Cliffort Sifton, once minister of the interior ntnU-r Laurier; Hubert Itog-rs, mitiMer of public works in Manitoba and bead of the Conservative orgsniistlon of the pmlrie West and Uiolinnl MvHrtde, premier of British Columbia. Premier Whitney, of Ontario, is a Conservative, but may not ao tivdy oppose the government liberal governmenls, in favor of reciprocity, are in power In 1 Nv Bcotia, Prince Edward Inland, Qnebso, 1 Saskatchewan and Afberta. Navy Suicide Burled. York, Pa., Aug. 8. The remain of I.liitteoant Charted Itrlllliart, who hot himself st the I I..tl Aster, were buried here today, but the mystery as to his motive wns not made ilr. Contrary to expectation, tlie funeral was without military honors. Tragedies Told hy the Types. The trsrdie, the troaed'es The headlines ever tell! I.ll-e "Thought It Wasn't iM" anil "lie Hldu'l H"nr the Itell " - I.os Anijeles Fi'tess. Tin tragedies, the tragedies We read ou every side! I.lk "Tried I" Break a Heeord" ml "Mistaken f r a (lulde " Milwaukee Keutlasl. The trainees. tb tragedies A lack of sense denote: I.Ike "Ventured In f'eep Water" sn! Worsa still. "Ho Hocktd the Host " -Sprhnileld I'ulou. Ths tragedies, the tragedies What damage ' n'er! tike "Tried to Cross Hefors the Trala" Aud, too, "He Married Her." - U ton Transcript. Thc Crime ct 1011. Itotiston Post, We suppose King wbansvrr sny- bedy Is presented st co irt, direct i the nt-teittion ef the "hoiuiree" to a parte ulur snt o his ribs anil v: "Jvby lys LiamuaODd oudjea m h;i.'' '