i Rezoning of UR Buildings For Commercial Use Asked Permission to use two Rochester's Prince Street sembling storm windows will of Appeals Thursday morning. The board will consider appli-| cation of the UR and 'Peter Laiosa, purchaser of the buildings at the southwest corner of College Avenue and Goodman Street North, at 9 a.m. in City Hall Annex. Raymond L. Thompson, UR vice president, said La, iosa purchased the buildings on the condition that the Appeals Boarder the approves buildings, the which proposed are located in an A Residential Zone. One of the buildings is the power plant for thhe Prince Street Campus which Laiosa proposed to use for assembling aluminum storm windows and doors and storing them. He also wants to build a one-story addition on the north side of the building for office space and a garage. buildings on the University of Campus for offices and for asbe asked of the Zoning Board Carnegie Hall, an abandoned romitory, converted into a storage office building with off-street parking under the other Laoisa proposal. Both buildings have been abandoned by the UR which has transferred women formerly housed on theh Prince Street campus to new quarters on the River Campus. OLIVETTI" ADDING MACHINES TYPEWRITERS Portables and Standards Complete Line of Serv- Office Machines ALSO RENTALS ice DE MAC all