-a-- "V j c -- ' l. u Inaa-( or M. . -curu- Ot- at I- IIU- tfa- of ra- iM - , Democrat and Chronicle. i-v Hrll. -.,' - A.1c IMaUow'.i ' "At Hat It aksM rt." O UxjaaM's' a1rt ! tltat f or aa k . Uara mi.uimoJ k. - miwr vraaa. U bem te haul. aim. . Hoc aa : aa 'i M doaa la rata. ' TBraaca tnAt, aa4 waartaaa. aa aaia. raa rlM at laat baU ana. . n ntnra Ba4 tea af aa4 trtckt Uaaa aa4 aWaa f. ban rat trra t-kavAtT kaek ta yaw. O kaataa; baart t to rna K straa . Tli. awat wa aa of trijAt a.4 baarra, raaaak rem aar barx awra. -- Ataaans aa taa tHCrsai akka . " ' ' Tea awrr act lor a kick abUaAa. - - . Bun castsHb ant aU (aar. Koearatat. Jaaa U. Ma. A A CKSEBf RUTAK. ' T. H. auka) . ar rsnta jnant. rn tk. Itaaoerat aa4 CbrnaMa. ) fajc a4 kv mj cfciidma tfear, A Bd I t. m a-IM tctt Tkcata vat ia Istl I knraj, s Aa4 ttbat te ka bclrlL Ooa wa a link -rata Hay, Wba aftaa ki4 a auavf Al aairt kad amati. f. teAtaaea, Ilk. By jinfu" ac4 " Ok &y." T1i!aBeItr Bit' a!car lair lad a a Id nf .ar Ta err rh! that be kncw( k-p-t iAiij bi Bkothcr. JJ hand wn flirta. aad Ukaarta fita AMpoifc. and car, and aua He awcAi ta aaaAk ta fanukara Aa tamaatc ki cautaM. yw trbca tai W7 waa aid aaaagk 1 a r aloac ke a hN4. HC Mcd tO it AMAt evCTTtbiaC ' ' Tkat raa aaioat taa rak. Great aaatr Taper arada ta abjr 'I hia raA" ai aad t dAra. Am aaea bo aau a erat.ked via in bia deat tfiar bcr a t-itatr. He naed to aide ki teacker'a bat. fiia AfieetaH-iea. aad rale, AaH bnallT a cot a bad II. na aaraj fiiaa at kaai. A nd then a creat tnc vlieBaa fie graUiKl liim bj tlie coliar. Aid tbra tbft Utw vttlnar buy Moat liudj! j did " butlre." TSrm in th Truaat liana ke Uvea , (fn tmixh ca-a beef A&d caobace. rt k tbraAbftie aai ttatea a day. " 'I be uicar iitCA. aata I ; IX. TVe atber Hot waa vctt gnad. A arfert till t jewel. J f A i aava kta babom ataayeal y Witk earea aad tmaWeacr. lie aerer asefl tS aay " I .otV Kor try mri Bake foaa. Arrt aver kiat tbe feWlB af Bi leader-hear ted " uva.' Re BeveT fan away fran artrool. Hut learttad ktat aatc but, Oleerrai tie z Ut b rnie. aa abuatied Uutb h nti and acbiaau . And wkeat he frew to b a Hub ' Tber taade bia a rbnrrk v file bad firt -ral aecarttif. Ub tela aide at the Jardaa.J So be rived latir and natrpdy la tbiA 'ere atat of life kt t had frfeated frtKl ke call I Ha tiultireo and ku wife. MORAL. By tbia yaa bear, ay ebltdrea dear. 'Twill rare v Bevec pay . Te walk n aa atkar thai " T be atraibt aiyt Aarrow way. ObAwrra tbe tea anmmand writ. Bad 1 aa fAMcersnf darkBaa raYt, jAad Biet eAi!y taki-cara 1 h-nl yaa ara not fcmod out. OI K KEW IOBK LETTER. ' Ht Wall B treat Ftrvav-Wbarsers la n.a.y Btattrra Tb. M abct aiaraet KrBArkA-bta Cbaaaea ta otaebB J aa. Bad tba lawrera faeta la t'rltw-Tkt Ilelea J.wetl Mar del A klevlew af taa Caacw OrrearjOTMIf-BC Deancrat aad Ck-ronide. Few Yobk. Juiian. 1875. Thoreceat ad-taocb to Laka rib am, with omo other f atot-ahla cbaoges, baa increased tba Wall tree fever ta a very noticeable degree. An et ttrapt ia bow made by aome ot tbe boideet of tba apecalaUna; hoaata to iodaoe jreea-born" to try tbelr ebAncea, tbe metbod being to Adrertlse ta a tempting tavaaaer. One firm AdTertlat that (160,000 baa beea cleared la tbetr office by partial who par-' cbaaed 00 a margin. Tbe public ia led to aotioe bow readily a " pot or a caU" briOKe ad (romeoee retaro, and all who read ara in-wited to try tbe ebAoee at leaat to tbe amonot of SIM), wbtcb may bring a tea-fold retaro. It may be oooaiderxd bold for me to deooaaoe tbeae propoaaia a belc j of Ute nature of twlndlicc and yet tbe reealt it alraoet In-variable tbat tboae who make tbe tnal came oat 1 oaera. Tbe large cttlee cootAla a claat of ibarpcre wbo lire 00 tbe tolly of the orer-credalouB. and the etocc-blaarera of Wall atreet form a part ot tbia clata. Another scheme for obtaining money in a fraudulent manner ia found la each advertisement! aa tbe folio wing, which I hare clipped from a leedlnc dally : We will mrett for ladle and aentlemro any amount from $300 aparard, ao aa to aecare Urge mootbly intereat la gooi aafe abort loans. Becerttiea al waya on band. Higbeet reference girea. Addreaa". et&, eta If any one aaa been tempted to entraat money to the authors of tbe a bora fcdeor-tiaemeat tbe probabiittj U tbat by tbia time their InTeatnaent baa brougbt tbem aome ooatly experieaee. .. BOUT CKIAr. Money never was ao freely oflered on good BecorttAea (call loans) at snob kar rata of intereat aa at present. Two per cent, per annum is a mere trifle, and yet yooeaa borrow f r-.CWi.uuO bare ia aa boor it yoaeaa furnish acceptable aeoarlUaa, uoh aa gov-antmeot bonds. WbeB each faciiitiee are before tba public it is not likely tbat any one will pay "large monthly Intereat." It is curious to look back over tbe brief in terra of two years (Jusa 173;, which waa aoeerene and promising a time tbat none could imagine the paale which waa ao aooa ta follow. The eaotatirna of some of tba leading stocks were aa folio wa ta J aaa 173 : ftetawaraaad HudAi-a IIS t aierB Luifia.. ....... .............. ........ eU-Ai-li auw a aueataaa Cniri .. IT.'.. .......... 1 our ..... .. l 'JO .. (i at The panto which followed in the aatama oaaaed one to ax claim with Hamlet, ' Lack anna tbat picture, aad then upon tots," lit. way these leading slocks were AlA0h. tared ia shows, by the folio log panic Quota tionss K ' riaiawaraaod Hadaoa..... Mi VAara 0ah .... & i - trai'li ail wa . . m ...... it n. .,-... X At iiiffft a r autral i Lak rbore a la Jaae, H7S, money waa cheap and Wall street ma wereeoafldantaf afeatadTaaoe. A aevare lessoa waa taoght the pabhc; but sacb Itasona de sot last long aad heaae It U proaabte that Boats will be lad to take frees experiences ia the risk of WaU atreet. At preterit with the ckeapoeM of . snooey thers Should be a ban movement. For three tnootha, bow ever, stocks bare beea going down. Tbia shows bow "good eateula- tioos" snay faO. Sow Lake Shore ta ad. ranciac. aad perhaps other vaiues will be carried op by tbe moTement; but tba future may beea treacherous bow aa it proved twa years ago. Who eaa tell what tba next aoaeoa will bring forth! HOW T.BAT OO. The manner la wbiah some of these stocks pass oat of existence is shows by refsraaee ta aalea al the exchange when I first eater ad a clerkship hare, tba qatHstina beLc aa fol ia wa: rnitad Btataa kaak ! ri. (BAi k.eefe" feaak.. fsaoter.' batik tr la , las ...... mi...... tftW lf see Traat eoapaay Every ooe of thea. ioaUtaUons wblah than had ao important a raJoe tatted aad left ao aaseta. butce thea I Bars aeem saaay other popalar stocss explode, aooh aa Key fort aaa r Warenea road. Parkar Vela Coal com-baey, kladtaoa aad IndUoa polls road, waioa oca waa opto 1UT; Crystal raiaae stock, which oaea waa up to 17. Ad t thaws tailed aad beeaaaa abterly worthJa. Kaay of tba sux-ka bow oa kha lat are of ao better value. Here, far i fat bob, ia the C. C. t L C. eoacmoaly aauaa ladiaaa CeasraL I s,tt year it waa sold at 30 aad waa a popalar Wall street babbie. Now 1 m Oowa to a, woieh at ao doabt raatty more thaa It Is raaiiy worth, ! - rB uv, BAvteg ref orred to Jane tn tha stock market, I mar speak of the akgal experteaeee of the same annnia. Taa great Baechar trial will be fisiabed this moat aad tats wta be a mark to make Jaae meeaoraalav Taia leads feet that Jaae eatoa attussssd a trial which thea thrilled tbe Cato. Saarty forty years hare peased away aad yet tba memory of that case still tlvae, aad is arffi aa dofebt aJwaya be aae ot ew York's niktoric trials. So also the B eschar case will live, 1 ac after forty yeart tbalt have elapsed It j wiU beaeealled by blaaory to taa eat wedio' j yeeeTBtfrni. , ; Tbe aaae of wBteh I am snsst ! to rpesk was eaa of enarder aad tbe asisaaer Ww tbe yeanaeat roaa that had ever newa BfraVsad for that crime at tbe Sew Tire bar. Be tacked two years at aaaaslod aad thea praeeett a marked . eoatraat wttM Beeeber, who did rant get iate a eri aataal cfcarge cMl s had passed etstr. BfCBABB f, BOBrsSOB. Forty years bare tieaify atepaed elaee tbe yosry maa's aaate waa ta pebiie eoeaip wtth ss t&tsaity of later tat soeh as had Bevar before bees awakened. Looking back opea the past ws ara reminded what a little etty Jtew Tors: was at that tiarm. Biane thea a pmrmiaUon of 725.000 baa beo pleated ea U at, hat taa sdaad. and the 275, 090 of that day baa become a roaaat ati.boa. ' Brootlyo, which tawwoatalas a ks f maiioa, was thea a Brvwtcg town of SO, 000, aad the present great culprit of that city was a college youth at Amherst Thus the wtarM changes while human nature aad tea ems remaia the same. EUcbard P. Jtobinsos, the youth of aiaeteea, would, - had - he bved, " have- beea ' ripe ia years ' aad at fifty -bads ' woo Id toe a the- versa ia which Beeeher meets his srreaAewdeat, It is a potat wort! y of sote in making this rafereue to tbe pest to oeeerve baw maeh tba tegel pro- -eers baa beea expended. The satire dorattoa of Mae. tvdween tbe murder sad the trial was hi lUibteiaoa 's care onty half the period ocea-pfed ty the Beecher rase. The trial, watch, through Its tmpertecos riveted pablie attee-tlcei and awoke aa lotense ictaresC waa bat Bvs flsys inits eetireerteot i iK:5iSllBeiBit,,-,- :' ,; - Buyers of dry goods wbo bow mats such heavy purchases in Church street (which is indeed a mart for this specialty), will be surprised to learn tbat It was within brief memory oae of tbe moat poUuttd spots in tbe city. Thirty years aco It was much ecjkiost a eaea'e reputation to be aeea therm. At Bight It aboaaded ia tbe loweaa revelry, aad las eoaveaieaee to Broad way rendered it aa easy resort for tbose wba were tempted to Sera away from tbe grand tboroughrare. Tbomae street it abort and narrow and eon-necta Cbwroh tAreee wish -West Broadway. It wee kaowa at the time I refer to as eoa-talniog a aotorioas bretfaei, maaaged by Rnsioa TaamseBd, thea thirty years old, aad in the fall Sweep ot m seers fa her carwer of infamy. Her boose eras number dt, and bad received among the fast msa ot the day tbefancifal title of the dry halL It was not a large betiding, and Its taarates were sot aumeroae. Ia Mareh, she received aa astraoUva boarder who went by tbe name of Belea Jewet. The letter came to this boose to meet a bloody fate aod which was consummated within three weeks after her arrival. TBX BTSTSKIOCS rBABK RrvBTIS,' ' - Twa persona visited sirs. Towaaend under tbe above fancirul title. The genuine Frank was Richard P. Robinson, the other being a mere copyist of the gay yooog rake wbo bad cat such swell ia the "city hsIU " Frank Eivera and Hellen Jewett wars tbe most noticeable of aU tba hahitwt of that place of ruin. It was understood that the former waa a clerk, but hit true name and residence were Dot known. Mrs. Towneend looked forward to a long career ta tbia Infamous trade, and with a view to the risks of property Increased her InsarsDce oa farai-ture from tl. 500 to 3. 500. . This precsa ioa was well takem, for 00 the morning of Bandar, April loth, her house waa discovered to be on fire. - , A HORBJSLX SCKSS. A little after midnight Mrs. Towaaend was called up to attend the float door, and while peasant; tha parlor noticed on the tsnle a lamp which did not belong there. This attracted her thoughtful atceatioa. Toe lamp was designated to the serviue of a special room np stairs, aod she determined to know wby it was oat of its place. That room waa Holies Jewett 's. She knocked at the door,-but no enswer was made. Thea she turned tba latcb and a vol a me of smok. burst forth. Tbe bed waa on fire.4' The alarm waa given ; tba watch called in; the fire waa ex-tiDfintebAd and than the deed form of tbe beeotifui but unfortunate woman was Been,' ber bead bearing the mark of a blew which had been fatal. The Bight waa dark and stormy, and little could be done till daylight. Six men were ia tha house, and oas ot them was rich and of good repute. bey all escaped ; but the name of the latter waa learned by Bennett, who black-mailed him to the amount of 1 10, 000. THE ARREST. ' Suspicion at once centered on tbe genuine Frank Rivera, whose identity was known to the watchman, and that Sunday morning before daylight an officer visited the boarding-boose in Dey saeet and Robinson was called out of his room. The officer said nothing about tbe murder, but asked him to go to lira. Townsend's. When they reached the boose tbe latter "acted aioguiarly, " aad b either confessed nor denied the eri me. Tbe murderer had escaped ia tbe retr aad had leaped a fence, leaving a cloak behind. Robinson denied the ownersaip of the garment; bat tt was proved that on that Bight be had been seen wearing one of a similar style, A hatchet waa also found, aod with this tbe fatal blow had beea glved. Bach a hatchet had beea ia ase at Hoxie's store, where Rnbinsoa for two years had served as clerk. Ia Robinson's bureau was found a miniature of birr self which waa proved to bave been in Helen Jewett'a possession a short time previously. Correspondence between himself aad the murdered girl was also proves. The prisoner waa conveyed to the jail, which then stood in the park. Be Immediately hang oat from his window a placard bearing tbe words "Not guiUy. " Aa they were about to demolish this building, aad aa the new jail (the Tombs) waa not yet finished. Robinson and other prisoners were taken to Beilevue, a place now known as the hospital, which thea also contained the hones of corrector. TBX IBIAX. Oa Thursday, Jane 7th, the trial openei la tbe city (hatl. Ogdea Edwards, graodsoB of the famous President Edwards, waa oa the beach. The proeeeutton waa eondaeted by Rheney end Stoma, the former being district attorney and the latter aa able lawyer aad afterward, a judge, Tba defence waa la the hands of Bugh Wat well aod Oydea Boffmaa. Toe district attorney relied on the facts which I have briefly mentioned, Aad which were suffisient to dexnaaS MtavUtUM --. wy.- cTci ' aamua-teined the prisoners tnocenas of murder even if ha wars presest that night. They denied the ownership of the cloak, while the hatchet 000 It not be identified as belong Log to Hone, since this pattern wsa on sals at the hardware stores. They affirmed that Riaina Towneend waa the .real oremina!. She had taereesed her insoraaoeaad desired to eoileet the amcuat of her policy. $3. 500, and such prrtons ware always ready tor derperaU deeds. Tbey objected to the testimony of the Inmates ot tba hooss, wbo proved Rjbla- on's presence ia tha victim room at a lata hour that Bight, oa account of her bad character, aad Judge Edwards sustained this objection. This weakeaed the proceed Uotj, sad to farther assist la rioering the prisoner as aUVi was got cp. Robert For- locg.a grocer, whose piece was near tha pre sent posteffisB to Liberty street, testified that Kobiasoa was at his store on the night of the murder at half-peat V e'clock, and remained till tea. Tha porter was asleep aod Robinson, who was smoking, knocked aS tLZ ashea oa hia f ace. Very strangely the Drosecatkoa did sot mveaatgata this aUM. which was svideotly fraud. They shoaud bave Interviewed that porter aad ascertained tha facts from him. This was neglected, and as a result the jury was obliged to accept the ttstttnony. The case was summed na for the defence by Ogdea Hoilmaa ia ooe ot his most brilaaat rights ot oratory, ' ; which ha pra-seated the poor boy ta a mast aSsoUng an as aer. last sad of a most preoocioos moa ater of crime as ha raaiiy was. tha picture of apparent gitUt. Tba tnal Vsated fiv days; tha jury ware oat hat fifteea mia-otes, whes) they gavs aa aC'ialUaU, whteh was reoeivtd wtth applause. A BATTBW Or TBM CASB. . 8och was th. great tnal of Jane, It thru led the Uatoa as a degree aaver before expejtenoed, aed U still nnaers ia the pafcii? mind. The ga!!l ot the prisoner was gaaer- aily admitted, aad while the Ingenuity of tha deace eommaaded ailmirataaa, all felt that the gallows bad beea cheeked ot Its das, Hooinaoa went to Texas, where ha died by violeeee. Koeiaa Tewaaead sold eat, aad a few years ao died at Hadaoa. She bad re-forsaed, eao aa duabt becskma a good SDamber or aooety TM boobs was pulled dowa, aad the arte tsaew nniwpiid by e werehoeae, bat tas nsemory of that draaafai erisae atiU ttag- ars aboat tha poe Watfciag dewa Taemas suae whom I met rsferred to it aad said that hs had kaowa nana from a great dsa3e who tea to sea the spot. Teas the atas Of bled . en.., to the seeae of that crime. aad seems ,va . at this lata hoar to protest axAlaxt tha lujostics whih protected tha murderer, .. . Maovkatrvl. tVeek The aBprrvraary fert'ts cf ttus abova Vme-heaortd rr.Mtutfon were never nsore ruccesaf a'tbae thai year. The exercises were uibered re by the '' rttuc msCBM w tmi wcirnn, ' The tare ladies societies were tbe first to hold "public, "th at of tbe Iojtelow oeeorrfog June OA aad of tbe Browning Jons 5th. ' Oa tbe evening of the 5th occurred the exercise of Amphlctyoo, ard those of tbe Lyoam on tbe lite. Tee young ladies aad gentlsmaa all soqsitted themselves in aa espeefalry cred- table manner. On Baoday evening the ' j ----AjrBtTAlj SXBafO"" rfcre the gradaatlag classes ws preaehed by tbe Rev. J Decats, D. D., of Brockport, and was listened to with marked a teotioo by the large eengregstioa. Oa Koadsy eveLlog was tha coacert. of the Uaaicai ta-a'ltuie Tuesday arternooo tbe seminary hall was Oiled to overflowing with aa appreciative audience to bear the , ,. PHIZS BXADI.tOg ABO t)tOLABATIO!9. Tbe exerctaea were eondaeted aocording to the following ' FfWVtRAMSf B: TS teat ot the Bteamnta tfebtller Be la U. Catearuva. sardlala. Tb. Belt, . B. r. Taylor , " r. O Terry, Bars, tr.ali AlktBssad Kncllkk V i.-i . ... Bb eU Lyman G. atorey, Li a: a. AIaatb-beSeeae.a. li-erre Llppard iieaij w. Bradtbaw. Bis t'lata. AajerleaB Pwtnf"n. . Webster Albert ft. tMsklaa, eauB, . .. A Ballad rf Ite Erte . 777:.. ....... Nwa Read. Wen BteneBSeta. BaaaMa of ue Pnr.ouni f the Pi'cnjaa..BcaraAk WliiAJQIIAAOtlfflel. ' The anasle wee foraiebed by the wall, knewa orgaalst. Alias Flora EUIs. AU th yooog geottemeo did themselves eneb credit, but la the judgment of the committee Henry W. Bradsbaw waa entitled to tba first prize, said Homer Breed to the second. Tae prize readers were as follows: , ': AlWFfat .... Umt Merrttt B Abetl ; Perry. trle 1 M rl Irk. ...... ......... M.......,...Bcaleora.. J. ot a I a -c.e CrtKjadnie. i'. AbbbS i.Hbeet ...... ...Una. buBbi Biji.hu.. ........ ..sate Cestar. Iowa, MslAe B lltbb, Li von 1 A. eukia A. I iuaca..M......... Lima. E. o Terr .. flunk. i. Iroac Bf P05-ick.. Lima. AJiua Ju. atelkatr ...... ........ This reading was at sight, tba contestant cot know in; what was to be read oattl tbetr appearance oa the stage, when a book was banded them containing the article to be read. Tae piece laid under contribution for this trial was entitled "School Reminiscences, from tbe Star papers, Ths prises were awarded to Alice Frcst and J..Sortoa Pas-coe. Is the sveniag occurred tba -, I . AXSUAi. ASDBXsS . -- before the united literary societies. This wsa delivered by Rev. Dr. Srxatton of this eity. The address was a splendid effort, filled to overfiowir g with good advice to yooog men and young women, given to such a way aa to make it unusually forcible and acceptable. Tbe address gsve mora than ordinary satisfaction. On Wednesday evening occurred tha exercise of THS GRADCATI.tO CLASS Kg. The classes were small this year, consisting of three ia tbe preparatory collegiate classes, three tn the ladies' coarse, and six musical graduates, aa follows: , PKEFARATOBT cou.egiatb. J. !t. Peace, CareoBdeie, Pa. M. B- Abel. Perry. i X. L W Hired, Lima " u dies' cortBSS. M. Jcephine Well. T.uha. Fkonie J. Klteble. Uma. AtaAgie K. liibba, Llvaota. - . ArStCCUi'ASE. Nnr, X. Pindar. Lama. Luc? K Pberiaaa bprlBevtile. - -JOte . HcM,buD. Lira. Came fUbiBMn, dpriBATwater. KvaJ. bleveoA, Lima, wlila akennatt, Eakt Rash. ' Tbe following was tbe progTsaime for the evening: -; i " " TtctatiB .Krbe Ru-i E PindAr. lama. aalntatory Xatin Oration .. i. S. r aacoe, Carboadala. Pa . Dte Wetaae Dame ,..8pU3'.er . i BBAle L- BeMuoB, Lloia. Barriers kf. Josephine Wells. LI ma. Concert Polka Paulson - I rrle Bobi&Aoa. Bprutswater. TbeTlstaol Ute ....... r. I trul-t. Lima. Fantasle , Aadrewj Eva J. Steveaa. ZAnta. Prom Strength t strensth k AuAie J. Klmbie. Lima. LarretlA Bnririe....... Aaeher Lacy B bberDiaQ, ApringTiMe. i Oaraelve. -A ST&rtt K. A bell. Perry. nTrevstore Gottaehsik Alice 9bernia. East ttasb. 1 " BeT"Bd tbe Alp, L ee Fair Italy" with yale- dictorj acareAeA..... ktae B. flibtw. Lieonia Ceaver. Coo fern n of Dipioaaa. Aa;dl of Prlxea. Tie prize ot $35 for ladies' essays was awarded to Maggie E. Gibb and Fannie J. Kimble. ' There ia a faculty prize of thirty-fire dollars for tbe student wbo has sustained the highest scholarship daring tfceys - Owing to tbe fact that two of the stuoeots, If is: Mangle L. Wright and Myroo T. Bly, stand exactly the aama, tbe faculty were under the necessity of equally dividing the prize between tbem. There were several other prizes awarded for painting aad crayon leg, penmanship, eta . At the annual meeting of tbe trustees the same faculty were retained for another year. Toe work of repair on the bondings of tbe inatitutione is now being pressed vigor-ouis.'y forward, and we beliva nearly it sot quite the Whole stipulated sum of $15,000 bas been secured for this purpose. The credit for this is largely duo to the principal. Rev. G. H. Bridgmeo. A M., who Is on-swerving in his labors la behalf of the Interests of the school. Tbe seminary is gradually recovering from tbe effect of the removal of Genesee college, and is apparently on tbe high road to prosperity and continued uaefulness- !( 11 a a oiTJiBsiri. rreeeedtave at Ceaaeareaeat Bar at th. t'Blveretcr ta Iju Star Kaaeya al th. tirwdmaUaa C tae. Addreaa . et Slav. Wtillam ties art k, D. !. Alaanl staete las, ete. Yesterday morn is g ths friends aod patrons of Iaghara university assembled ia foil force at LeRay to attend tha commencement exercises of that tnstitatioa. By 11 o'clock ths cepecloas hall of tha university waa filled almost to the utmost extent of Its seating capaoity by an appreciative audience wbo Listened to: the exercises throughout jlsarssS'giT-.-a iv-- wTrSaAAi pleaaare. Shortly after 11 o'clock Bev. L. D. CQapio, D. D , Mrs. K E. L Saaaatoo, Dr. C. EL Taylor aad Rev. Wiliiam Bogarth. D. D took their places upon the Masreaa, the eoaaeilors aad faculty ot the university occupying a eonspScuoos position oa their right. The opening prayer was offered by the chancellor, Dr. Cbapin, who thea proceeded to announce the exercise according to the following PBOOBAMlfB. P":bo solo lie Corni;r AtiAS isa Hays. SaSalALory M! Laretta C Pratt, oeal solo LraaiA dl c'baaoanix kii.A lAilia H L.rav ... Ritiar .DonltetU Plaao solo-. Last smtje MlAA e.vnn.m C W,rA. ..WolleaJisapt Eaeaf ktoaaiek ......... kit Btlea U. Wheeler. Tocml soto Two Laugaaaea HaciIja kl)M A. l:ne UrliBth. Bsssy CenlrerAtea aad taudea..,.... Mil Gertrude W. AtAJTis. IaatruakeBtal thiat Uanae Alberti aiiAe, Broaa aad MeLeaa. Baaay Barkad Cittes .. Lliw 1 arena C. Pratt Total Solo Tbe r'ioaer liirl. Berts kaal Mta Aama II Hare BaaBV. Wttk V,U.I.r. .r, linMbtuM mi via J-cnie 1 a iia.a. TkoUB Daet stspbuBte Bo. A atiAACA ibAiiM aaa tiaecms. Addrsas kefirta octette Bev. Wtliiaa kto-krta. D. O. iaasraaeatAi le Coeoaattoa ...... ...m.hca . MiAA 1M aiu ktMdiaetk. . The opevtsg piano solo by Miss Earns Bays was Bnely gtven, aad put tbe aauieace IB aa exaafieat hamor for tna exercises which followed. To salutatory which waa grratt la Latin by Atlas Loretta C. Pratt, waa finely read aad well received. The vocal boIo by Mies LIlMe H Gray waa sung la a very plea stag aod finished style, the Italian Mhswttav mm wafl a the mseie tUaif, beiag oharsaiagly rendered After a piano solo, which was finely executed by Mis E arns C Ward, ths first of the essays of th gradoAt- tng claas wad read by Hiss Kilea H. Wheeler. Tha aabjeet "Miua. was treated la a very Intet-eeetng rasa iter. lBecsiptAaoso soma of tha fiaass sped mens ot saJ art ware gtvaa. Aithoagh a macbaalcal art yet, taa apeakar held, , one wottid fxeoaaaaly bura satiated treat the fieest Brattitmgi aad new with gennrse pteaear these hamater works. A beautiful apptosttaa waa made ta aaesaa Ufa, aad tha eaaey throng hoot was quits pleasing aad waa read ia excellent style. After a ehswaaiasT seasj by hfiss Doiiie Grtttl ooe at the very A nee essay at tha eiwasloa by Hwlrwtrttuktr. Harris It , dry soeatttio dsBBoarsa as oaa ight mfar from the subject, sat highly ia- teraalisg from begiaBiag to aed. It was laagaaca ehosea with axaaueat test a. neither too (!wery aor yet laetueg ta , graces of sty 1. Th readiaj ot Atus Barrkt Assaal tmilAi at raasasaeeasaat -. t.5 -:-at Dam,.' -. t w. waa very the apraaraace word was lost iiaatro mental Mhs Brows rendered, aad vary Isiss an extensive qalte tehut solo, "Ths soog. Tbe de-elined en wbodellvwrsd she aadteBca aad eises-aad prepriate Rowland asd twelve and plsssing of sxceiiest addreaa of which Adame, the which tba between the year ay o. x-peBMt of tbe sobjeetof his fallowed by troa women duet by eled the recognition of both performance Music has specialties of this listened t the that it has H. A. Rowland contributed musical ' Dr. "Cbapin diplomaa to the folio wing Bttaaea Gertrude W. Carrie Dow After the adjourned to served to the dispersed to intereat Xtrineipai of 00a tains some At 4 o'clock held which commencement Tbocsawds Bex re. (o general be saved by iron. The prepared element, and tbat w ill ' FIXAXtlAJ, ROCHESTER- Bevued daily RAILROAD Tork, ate te riiOUB W later, BS.T5 extra Brs MILL rBBD-Qnoted toe for biBtaek CORN MKAL SBd tLM 9 ewt. GBAIM If lcfusaa aod I34!25e for eew-BiaadiBS ontstde beab, -Coajf analitT. Oavs auAlur. , HA Y AMI ha raitna price Baled Hat at : ; STBRET Followmaare and A&eet Kri j uuee Feacbbiowa B Peertee bbl. Potasoe. 9 ?trawbemee a Appiee busk Better ' a the eVmBdetea Beiu meoiom de aimivi do while ChiekeoA. Pie&iaat 9 Lettuce Ibeaol vbjobs iDoncai N. T. -FoflowiBs are bp from the last Oblcaeo A Cbi.A Konhwkt'n Peiawsre A Lajiu,n . . VutrAsllTer. laicksllver PAeiDcMaU ew York Fiodsun Brie Hriei laieetean Cenixai Panama ..... Micniaa BtaBewerv Mcaer easr at at IHiftt a cent, closing at 11? Clearings from Customs receipts tll.OJU. craiet. Bailroad kearket at tbe of Snaoetal declined Salii 9 eoa-tlderabie decline, with Erie of s foreciosare Ta-wards tbe ctme moderately ebare. - UOVKRVM L. a. os or '91 L . !". of W C. 8. A-3P e. C. 8L 4-3ooap.of L'. 8. i- eoup. L. b. t-S) coop, (oidi BAIT.W AT Delaware A C'Aot.Ai... C o-MKisted CoaiberlABd Wetera LnlOB Quictnlver QuiikMlver PacillcMi.il BVH0O Aim New lork Madson Bivet Brie... Brie prelorred. Uarlem . H r ;':.ii M icb iiiao Paoaaia t nion PaelUa lmkb snore a MlcnJ-ata &OBtbeen nfinots Ceotral. FACIF1C Cectrs.1 Psve.se L'Ot OS HaVCstiC POUTH KH !i- TenmHvi M.. S rtrtaTtBi 6- BW !Btrm rl M. afWwrptl....v....... lOiDi'- tMiiiixaB. Lev em EJTPBEft AdiiB. K pr-T- WoiaaV, TU s - "r-" COTTOX m; l.2 tw.'na iL'K AM sHatrkel fr ia trntrrrs' heme foar;--U.AA.r for tor ouatttum to r3AC6 f.r tt'vd tvr it"- f .;jlss;T .,3s4 2S for Ciudiuht 4.THD tVuj.ab--market fit. BSntr at H. wej.5f-'. at (t'vC6-i4. f btiAlN rnr frkkrriir on tte ctt aod da:i stnd beav- lJAsiiSc fur era. Its: for waulteB. llrL'r MtstreebOttw ta tepruitt. f w aBDbT aito it ue baB mod lnK t-Qrb at Hie Bt r aad r ; L &c fur Barlct M axt rwed Ls,te at bota abort umi m tor ? j Lfa4 at ars.c t'-r Vv nueira nixed Mre. aad heavy : ! IVwfwy, to -uiJtfd Cxutda. HA. turitt e&tppmAt, . Hra - ax3 f.r itHie Ko t)iird a. k-ie K'itd Taam qcuMtd l-AMrsirft-iTr Kit wjirtet P arTTttdiLEt si-a m- fi at irkiite ad T A I at w - -PHiniIOivSi K ifti nw D.f ft. Akt. - sawXltawW wiABt irfAQber. -i3Btr?( ouait fc aiwt, tlx auwua-ruark. mmoj IcmimM -oU-ar. at Lc tor pttm wft!3 Baa,i,r blTTtt yntn tttrw b rtaalV fetate. to trTj tAdu- t-wfnyii.n ? ' cnawla.i.ft. lia a liisL niU aad Mady; at ke u4 MM tumfif. Jaw whtlt. anieatlva ra a!ex ;sti at tMattAU. Awtwttr- UAL.rmJk.m Mii rn.m. w-sUtw, (uy aad ama a tm.tr aad Ke. t aad t&e A-ats fsW evessaahna ; Birtt4 qkii ad kT asAsuav -avti-fc. are. lM - PtJAa-ew- tf ta,a tvtf 1 -AT arsiB ts taf-sto Ttt tiitvwtjaf