IN Model shows how campus will look after completon of new buildings, identified below by number. J Rush Rhees Library addition 2 University Commons JJ Science Complex 500-car parking structure 5 Proposed parking structure $80 Million Expansion Plan Announced by University Continued from Page lA , f ice space, undergraduate, replacing present hospital fa-and Sol M. Linowitz, attorney graduate and research labora- cilities, remodeling hospital and chairman of the board of years. The University believes it can .... .. , , , , iXprnx. handle an additional lories ana post-aoctoral pro- space mus vacated xor meai- 1 600 students and 125 pro- Sram sPace are not available, cal and nursing education, and ; fessors by 1975. Jt aIso wil1 nouse tne Center erecting two new buildings for Brain Research, now in a one tor education and one lor research and animal-housing. T'R now has an unrlerprarin. ate enrollment of 2,700. ittemPorary buildig-is expected this will increase CHEMISTRY Restricted to 3,600 in 10 years. The undergraduate and graduate EASTMAN SCHOOL OF j MUSIC The school is 40 years old and requires major I modernization and renova tion, inrliidin? rnnsirlprahle to increase to 1,500. jv an(j the new facilieis re- exnansion nf the lihrarv more j i -j The faculty of 325 will be quired. ! classrooms, studios, practice 1 ' 1 ! 1 increased to 450. . irooms. 0Illces ana sPeciai 11 i Mi 1 i l present graduate school en-!enroumem reuevea n t taa . . I with a new building, which rollment of 700 is expected; .,, a. fnr .Hit.s, fa. Sukarno, Arab Aid End Asked In Congress Continued from Page 1A Committee voted to authorize $3.67 billion, or only $3.6 million less than President John- HUMAMTIES AND SO-! mirnnsp farilitips In an announcement to stu- CIAL SCIENCES Class and friends. Wallis described the' graduate student offices, are designed to attract out-i'0" reuesiea or ine liS nrneram as "a logical out-commons rooms, general; standing faculty members;31" starting July 1. John- erowth of developments initi- reading rooms all will be through 10 endowments of ated bv the university over a provided to meet future! $500,000 each. decade ago." "At that needs with the building. The nnnrtmonf nmir io KinncnH in time, he said, .,5. . , r C( . ' after long and careful study,;. .j - 1 : 1 iL.i Ti L iiuin. n was ueieniimeu uiai nuuii-ester could and should bt- FELLOWSHIPS-To attract highly-qualified graduate students in areas other than science, the university must provide support through 10 BUSINESS ADMINISTRA come one ot tne nation s great TION By remodeling present 'endowments of $100,000 each, universities. To this end, the j facilities and others to be- university committed its ex-come available on Eastman! SCHOLARSHIPS Already isting resources and under-'onariranolp thp rollrep ran'inadequate funds will be in- ... ,. 01 O ! Ji ct took to oDtain suostantia new resources." son's request was the lowest in the 17 years of the aid program. The House committee version, which was put aside for final action next Tuesday, includes what amounts to a blank check authorization for whatever aid funds Johnson may need to prosecute the 1 . 0 . . ' 1 :j- on 1 provide quarters tor an in- u iu piov.uc mr in Southeast Asia creased program. ;scnuiaiMiip ciiuuvMiieius 01 $ou,uuu eacn. I EDUCATION Remodeling and enlargement of present Planning and design are !"U1UM . " uau town. Mass., firm of Sasaki, Projected Areas Of Improvement n.L ,,0. n ran8'e wlJ1 provide housing n DpMav AssnHatPs r 1- Ihe URs program! in- forfepr0grams other than those ? ;.ril!ywf elude improvements in these . P" Brf "IS uinerK 11 dI1 "1U! Inc., headed by Harvard Pro-ciuae improvements in tnese to g0 ,n tne new biology and , ' id 0 ki chemistry buildings, areas: LIBRARY EXPANSION - UNIVERSITY CHAPEL A President Wallis will serve as a vice chairman of the fund It also would cut off aid to any country that ships goods to North Viet Nam. The Senate committee's re port said it first considered 'an absolute prohibition" on aid to Indo nesia and the U.A.R., but decided to substitute an expression of Congress that all aid should be halted to any coun- ihis was aesenneo as tne cnapej providing appropriate campaign, as will William S. single most critical Kiver and esthetically pleasing fa-jVaughn, a university trusteejtry allowing "officially in-Campus need." The library ciiities for worship and a and president of the Eastman cited or unrestrained mob Kodak Co. The campaign steering com imittee includes Leo D. Welch serves a campus population campus home for the univer-cight times as large as in sjty-s extensive program of re-1930; yet its physical facili- Hgious activities long has ties have not been increased becn needed, since then. A new wing and remodeling of the existing UNIVERSITY COMMONS building w,.l douDie sta k ne unrversuy "eeus iac - anj; change fast." nviiA HWirin rfln n fTllfli; I f VI r!J I'l I rill 1 j I .11 1 I I I I I I'S L ,uc ,.... j lr,,!jj , " " ' "' rfj,;r l.r , f.v board chairman ot Ihe Lincoln action" against U.S. embassies and other properties. The committee said it felt chairman nf the board rsf the administration should be Comunications Satellite Corp.; iven a deSree of flexibility John W. Remington, attorney because "situations can study areas for faculty, and gatherings, and for organiza- 'o Hikin nriden n double space for staff opera- tiona! meetings. It also will W- McQu 1km President of tions. provide a campus neaoquar-; " ters with office, lounge, anJ Ui"' ""V i iiiei vice piesiuenu ui jdai- RIOLOGY A new building working room space for uni- will provide the amount andiversity alumni. type of space required to rionhlp thP hinlnpv faculty AIHLfcUL AULiiica and provide for increasing 'improvement and expansion undergraduate interest. jof both indoor and outdoor 'facilities are essential for the PSYCHOLOGY AM) changing athletic picture IJKAIN KKaLAKl 11 A new building will relieve over man; Mercer Brugler, board chairman of Pfaudler Permu-tit, Inc.; Fred H. Gowen, president of Mackey-Shields Eco-nomics,.Inc; Donald A. Gaudi-on, president of Pfaudler Per-mutit, Inc.; George L. Todd, of Todd Associates; Marion B. MEDICAL CENTER New 1 Folsom, Eastman director and crowded conditions where facilities can most eiteciiveiy,iormer u.a. secretary ot classrooms, seminar and of-and economically be met by health, education and welfare, - -.-JShfc. diddlLi 'IcMilii MEDICAL CENTER EXPANSION new hospital; 2 new clinic building; 3 Model shows location of: 1 proposed medical science, education building. Merciful Judge Helps Pay Fine PORT JERVIS UD City Judge William J. Gregg mixed $9.87 worth of justice with 13 cents worth of mercy for one defendant before him yesterday. Found guilty of public drunkeness, the defendant was fined $10, but was 13 cents shy of that amount. Rather than send him to jail for 10 days, the judge reached into his own pocket for the balance. of is of of in It at of j U.S. Airborne Sent to Santo Continued from Page 1A The Marines shot back from the cover of automobiles parked on the tree-shaded lawn of the embassy. The embassy said two of the five known dead young people in civilian clothes-were killed, by the Marines and three by Dominican troops fighting against the rebels. Two other snipers were believed killed. No Marine casualties were reported. The embassies of El Salvador, Peru, Mexico and Ecuador reported similar sniper attacks. The snipers fired a variety of weapons, including automatic arms. Evacuation of U.S. nationals and other foreigners continued in U.S. Navy ships. The latest night count was in