ADAM'S ALE AT BLOOMINGTON. Enectal theratch to The Chleaco TrfbuneBLoommotoN, Ill.. Jan. 14.lbe iron work of the stand-pipe of the Bloomington Water-Woiks was completed to-day at 3 o'clock, and the event was celebrated by unfolding tbe Stars and Stripes to the breeze. The pipe, 4vItich is located Piet west of the Chicago Alzon Road in the northern edge of town, is 225 feel high and 8 in diameter, holdiog uearly 100.000 gallons. It is believed to be the largest in the world. Tbe connections will be male and the water let in neat week, when the water will be dhstributed by' lay& taco pressure instead of as now. The pipo 11.Lii built by Williana B. lai14144 ft Co., of Llooloisigtoo