old (iililsi i;j.55-i 1.78-1 17. 7.-1 i;0.7J-l 04-i 1S.K7-1 t:u.i4-l Kft.40-1 7.1H5-1 1.01-1 4-!.f.!-l pat'i: - . IK)1 iSOO. i oo'u !.S.l-l a.:il-l 5.75-1 5.-:a 1 tlM.i7-l lo.o-M 5.77-1 !).;::m 1.85-1 i:.s5t ti-:.fi7-i ti'M;7-i '1,'' ;l,r . rio.t "" Net i I'tl.ls 'il. 54-1 41.!4-l lut-l t-a.li-l a.i!-i 15.70-t 11.171 ii.o'j-i 7S.l!,-t tVttii-1 1-1 tM.-M-i T'S RECORD, NOT OLOR, IN CASE OF JOE EKARTHY Continued from first sport page. ilollar t;tf. :i:aa. f soo. Ki !d .l.'-M-l if'M 7.o:i-l : "1-1 - '- l-l !is:-l 1.-.7.-.1 -!! a.-s-i -H)':5-l in.H-t-i -::'.,:."i-l tioiiar 5.04 Went to tila'.e 5S00. Ko odd ao 41 H.M7-1 4.7 f i !70-t H,-:-:-i i)7oi 4 s-,.) Two l!f'V. r- Wen I 300. Ku odd aani ii.':t'-i 2.!7-i ".li'l-t lished with the Cubs now recommend ed liim to Jake Uuppert, the second best spender in bapeball, who brought him riht into New York at a wage of about $:;o,ooo. Mr. McCarthy Never Played Much Baseball. Now, two years arter his dismissal for losing a world series, McCarthy will move back into Mr. Wrigley's yard, from which Mr. Wrlptley has departed, with an earnest wish and a very i.rood chance to prove that he can win one. This imparts to tho impend ins world series the delicate garlic of a grudge, but it must be admitted that the grurise exists largely under tr.o hats of tho customers and not in the temperate and businesslike soul of Mr. McCarthy. He has never run out his tongue at tho management of th Cubs nnd, on the whole, has conducteJ himself in tho dignified manner of a business executive who Bimply trans ferred his services from one big house to another with satisfaction all around. I,lke Tants Rowland, the busher who managed the White Sox. nnd r.ranch Rickey, the tent meeting hymn howler who has done so well in tha executive branch of tho baseball busi-m-HS in St. Louis, Mr. McCarthy never was much shakes in a ball yard himself, in person. II was technically a major leaguer for a few minutes once, if the old Federal league could have been called a major league, but only in the technical sense. He was en-fcaged to play with the Brooklyn cluo of that group, the club that once rttablished an all-time all-American low record at the turnstiles by -'ay- irifj to a net, paid, attendance of two customers. Rut the league disianded before he could report and he was assigned to Louisville in the distribution of the players, I! I a Graduate on Banjo, Tap Dancing:. Once, Just before he jumped to the Federals, lie was recommended to the Yankees as an inilclder, but the Va:." ?es were a minor league team in a major league setting at the time 'This articles coni-trtting Editor, Tribune.' "What ball is Except after a plays from tra started ball has to which or at the try for Each over encroach, line Is to 5 yards, team. fouls ball Is penalty down the itj penalty is second The ers are of the restrained point Each goal The has to ning in is of example: an fumbled passing broken may yards If other