ACROSS THE CHESS BOAR') 1 Illinois State Tournament to Start Here Tomorrow. CHAMPIONSHIP IS AT STAKE. Northwest Club Difi-ats the Swedish Team In a One kiled Conteq. BY L UEDEMAll.N. . I I The annual to for the t c chamPion- 1 al-tp of the Illinois State Chess SA5;',, On 12 Lei P 41,7'.1e tomorrow at the rooms of the Chicago Chess and Chek er clots- . t o'clo,ck and continues Play begins a 1 through the afternoon ar,d e v ng eni The amber !TOM n' of participants genera:ly is sixteen to twenr.y, brut with a good atterd- 4 anr-"e 11;15 Year from members of the Chi- tchd p st Is expected entry at; ayer cago and Northaest clubs as well as at aels a ler li. A team match on fifteen boards between the or Nthwe st Chess club 11112(1 the Swedish Che club at t ,ss hee Svihiod ;ub r m on Ln oos i- c n s birthday ol r ted esul In a vic to the ry o f 1 i I sitors by the &te-Jre of 24 to 1. The Swedish ! club is a young organza; on and deserrs e a t5 I comn,endation for Its pluck in rneettrg the I Northwest Etr:gf-st li neu p The North- -e,t Chess club has challen ged the Chcag io 0 3 an d C lie r c t ctel..,t) a team match Gf a Eft . een boards Tourney at .St. Petersburg. The interrattcnal che tournament at the RussLan capital, organizess d te SP r by ht etes- burg Ches s c:ub in honor of The late II. L TewthIgorin. Leiria last Ilanday NotwAb- stardtng tie rerrettahie absence of mar,- I noted players.. stet as Blackburne. Jano w- I ski. Leonbaret, Marco, Ilaroczy. Marshall. Tarrasch, and others. the ll,..,vt of entrants 1 rePreserte a formidable array of great chesa I mat'ter. s It Includes Dr Lasker and Ilerr. Schlechter 1 I h.s next y f w'schart4, adversar or the crld on- I tei-lite Another prom:nent master who d!d not take part in last year s toLrnaments at Vienna and Prague ard whcee tarr p5- abiy be rear the top at the fin:: is Dr. Bernste:n. The re1;ft ct the frst rcund lour: game at chers. !tI: Rubirreto I ot. Fr,-Ark,3-Frwskt..f1 H. Vf43 Vreyrrann. ..,1) .,: Tar ak, "t ... I 0. Duras 0 ' 3 1-- 13i-rrs1Cr. C.. Li rh-.;7!rnirtki... I- I Slio.,s T.' 3 Erich C,Ar 14 Arnce Pt.rt .,.., R. Teiertrrant ......... 1,2 M Vid-tar Iv L. Fit.ehrnarn ..... 11 H. 9tt,e04-r I: R 11pielmn5 It . H. .Sts le e It o Ftt te-t!tr ;E. 1.-ask.- P. Nt-tar,,w........ ibr. S. Perlis - Atjourrel. Vidmar Beats Schlethter. In the second r,:und Schlechter was beaten by young Vidmar, another fire player ranking with the best. Rubinstein tofeated Speller, the (-tampion of Holland. The res7.1it cf these flicounters gave to Bernstein and Rubirstein the oniy clean F corPs of two trin. These may be eAllialed by Lasker if he defeats Schlechter in the adjourned game of the first nc,und. Tartakwer drew with Srielmann and s!snds tie() with Vidmar for the next best position. 17.2 pcints. That such important games as Lesiter and Schlechter. DI;ras and Bernstein. and 'Te,.chmann and Vk:TI13r took place in the first round added much intereot to the first days pay. Jc,.6 R. Capahlanc?-s record el' sweeping A-lctories in all the cities visited after leaving Minnesota was checked at Kansas Ci;y. whore he lost three games in a simultane, us cf only seven bcards. Two of the winners were E. M.chelsen. formerly ("1c-tic-ago. and J. Daniels, both members of tte AVestern Chess association- They were the first and second prize winners. respectiveiy. In the Iterr tournament at Lake Minnetonka. In ctflnand games the brilliant yoling Cuban. tiowever. won eleven games and Vst only one 1 'this to Nwell Banks,. the promising young el'Uert at checkers who also plays an ex-- cert.:it game at chess. Dual Experts Scarce. Ex Per at both games can he counted on the firgers of one hand. the two most notab:e Onf'S bPing tie lamented Pillsbury and a century back Deschapelles. famous at chess. Polish checkers,. and whist. This eminent Frenchman. althts.igh he had lost an arm in Germany during tswi, Napoleonic wars. also THE DOVE OF PEACE. BY C P. McDONALD. Ah- tnght and gay the old ecr;d seem. I een jke he friehtf-41 eathee: I role er3- tny "Inter-2 dreams 1M magnizes a:i hese got toge.ter; The tear-a have heee terrganszed The dead c..nvIr have teen trade& ar.1 Mr f--,e1,14-rt b!poAt reiLze43-- 'rt. dove of peace t 51r rIC.ell the lant ectere chaos resned erroe days ago Anifd tbe ;etter-teriting ttz..nift Now wirids t.,t meet tionterterent tlow The stir of s ord. Ilea teen sale ed des. No erho of he strife is hear& Each maariate's face La hapntr. And r-ghtint h;reod 11,t) Of is stirred , The dziAe cf peace sloe rules tze land-No ep!7bets are passel ani tur'edEach truss-mate ell the other's rg To r-ake cd 'JP a joyous sor;4 hasete:1 harmany I:undying Each takes the cerimiire and the t lama And rresze his adterasri. hard. " for the tom!. cf the game -- Ste dose of peat nos the Ian& And, tlerefc-,re, CI the iror:d Is ?right, The tarnusb II ottiterated Now that et knae CI things are r!zbt and peer., at last is reinrated To calm repose I nos site way And Into pleasant trotns d!p Ate, dream c,f ttat momentous day They..1 atart upon their train;ttg trip. was one of the great billiard players of his day. At St Los Caps Diane& lost (Inly one and drew two in thirty-six simultaneous games., the winner berg D. W. Pomeroy, another former Chi,wgoan, In Ficittle games he won three from E. F. Schrae,er. an ex-charnpion of the Western Chess assos;ation, One of the games follows: Double Buy Lopez. retittianca as Schrader Ph P-K 4 P-K 4 16 cuR 5 Kt-Kt 3 2 Xt-K; B 2 Kt-K RZ I C.:a? to-ci 3 Kt-B 3 Kt-B 3 It, (...t-R 2 Q-K 4? 4 11-Xt P-Nt 3 13 Kt-Kt 4 K-Kt eart;ea Carl-a 2;1, P-K B 4 3 P-Q 3 X:-44 1' 21 P-K E 5 (d-Kt 4 KtxKt ExKt P-K Kt-R 4 Kt-K 2 P-B 3 totKt 44v-4 P-R 4 P-1 Kt 4 24 Kt-B 9 eit K-Kt 2 10 E-Kt 3 3 2Z, K:aQ eh K-R 3 11E-Kt 5 ht-1C ht-B 61 P-R 4 12 Kt-Kt 3 P-K R 3 27 E-P 2! P-R 5 1-i B-P. 4 P-Kt 4 R-R n eh K-Kt PaB R-K E! FILE 1 P-K 4 P-K 4 16 cuR 5 Kt-Kt 2 Xt-K B 2 Kt-K B2 I c:NP to-ci 3 Kt-B 3 Kt-B 3 P!-(4-R 2 Q-Kt 4? 4 11-Xt P-lit 1!) Kt-Kt 4 K-Kt estrt;ps castles 2;1, P-K B 4 QXt 3 6 P-Q 3 X:-4.4 ? 21 P-K B 5 (,d-Kt 4 KtIKt 1-'3Kt P-K Kt-R 4 Kt-K 2 P-B 3 totK,t twv-i B-R 4 P-42 Kt 4 24 Kt-B 6 ch K-Kt 2 jib B-Kt 3 t;z-Kt 3 25 K:it'4 e L.-R 3 11 L-Kt 5 ht-1C ht-B P-R 4 12 Kt-Kt 3 P-K R 2 27 R-P P-R 5 B-R 4 P-Kt 4? R-R eh 35-...Kt d 14 Kt-3 5 Px14 R-K E! FILE KtiP eh K-R 2 R trAates. Twt well known Amencar. TI20-ers -T Stanley Jones Of Deaver nd Jacob Elson Philadel;ihia 4if,(1 recently The guilty I arty told re the coroner's 1:ry attributed Mr. EISOT1.9 death at G in the morning Tartly d,- to pinying chess on the previol.severing Tivitti 1,311berberg of Chicago. More ammunition !Lir the knoc.-kers. Problem by R. Sahlberg. Tirig pre-1,.:5- Trate by the Lc,td cornT,Dser of S:ockhC.m wcn a firet pr!ze Ir. a tolirra-tri,ent: vaite C6e. Vi-h!-e ;lay. Maie !bre. Wla lte alda. White to play. Mate to tire. POLO ON THE PACIFIC COAST. Riverside Club Arranges Tourney in Which Frank Mackey's English Team Will Take Part, The Riverside. Cal.. club has arranged a polo tournament for tomorrow. Frank Mackey's English team el:1 be one of the competitors. Mackey's team will meet the San Mateo five as one of the features cf the aouthern California horse show whi,:-1.1 will he held at Pasadena March S. .1 1 1 ! 1 1 i t 1 I ; i l 1 ! 1 Li 1D ri....,e4j'a 11 r-1,,; 17-41- , . wAs co d ;LI Lsoo4 tait, 0 oat , .. 7W1 4 Eg ce:' I II 5 , 1 "all t, 1r4.-il; 1 -1107 i' .40.fisti OZ .,.. i---4 rz vrii rt '4 Li --4 tlit L, 4 i A, pl r-4 ri, Ea . a rT f, e..44, t.41 ...EV .7V. 4 1 L r 4 .1, fr , ..., 44 rrIT , .:-.71 .i.l ;i-A t,:ei P,1 ,