NEW "L" LOOP IN USE Long-Sought Improvement In. augurated Today, The loop connecting the Myrtle avenue and Broadway "L" systems was inaugurated early to'-day. This is the Improvement that the residents of Ridgewood and East New York have sought for the past two years. The elevated road on Myrtle avenue has been raised and it is now possible for the trains on both lines to switch to either road without delay. There was some confusion over the fact that a number of passengers were not aware of the fact that between Wyckoff and Park avenues the elevated trains did not make any stops. One of the organizations that had Inaugurated the fight for the Improvement is the Ridgewond Board of Trade. Its president, Bernard Ruoff, and a big delegation of members were on hand during the morning to observe the working of the new loop. The congestion at this point will be greatly relieved under the new plan. I