Mel-j X-RAY SHOE FITTING STORES REQUIRED TO REGISTER BY JU1Y 1 Albany, May 25 (U.R) Shoe stores using Flujoscopic shoe fitting machines have only a little more "than a month to register with the State Health Deparment. Health Commissioner ,Dr. Herman E. HHeboe said today a new State law requires firms using or owning X-ray shoe fitting devices to register with he Health Department by juiy i. The new regulations also say fluoroscopes must be equipped with a timer to cut off the X-ray exposure after five seconds. , Stores using the devices must also post a sign reading, "Warning repeated exposure to X-ray is harmful, fluoroscopic examinations for shoe fitting should be limited to three exposures in any one day, and not more than a total of 12 exposures in one year." Tat ttrsoaal told! . . . ilmty ef salt tat cktckles, tot. YoiH Ilk. wkat ONE MAN SATS, kyaRoWt M. Cratais, it tat Brteklyt Eafl. ,