m sh 5!. r? rh s rililllildbU, lfllliir Hi. fes MJS SB HB HAIR P r tin if B gill VI E&3 Latest Reports State That Hun di eels of People Have Been Killed and Probably One Thousand injured. lany Victims in Temporary Hospitals iLOWN HEGK FLAMES The Entire Water Front Is Burning. City Hall and Post Office Are a Mass of Ruins-Palace and Grand Hofeis in ' Danger From AJV FEFWY OSPOT V - v- "Ct5 sS- ""I - I . --rrJk 2. lUliii V.' V X lAv'. i" III V 3 j VUVTHT unv"S)t v-x av 'j .III -Jvnitnnn4"J:nnnri nnnrlL Oyvy ', mui lUi -i n rl n" iummi' im n n r- MAP OF THE WORST DAMAGED SECTION OF THE CITY The Solid Black Squares Indicate the Sections Where the Greatest Number of Lives Were Lost. The Shnded Portions Show the Area Where Property Was Badly Eamnfiecl ana tne bpreaa or tne inc. Since This Map Was Drawn, Dispatches Say That the Entire City May Be Swept by Fire. t 4A it. C J JJVVjl 4 ? if 1J : .(; i -'" 4 V i 11. .... i'.'f f , &;4t ii' r V ' 1 f i " ? HALL OF JU.-T.;-., tepurted tn Be Fnllinff. into a tiiii)ornry htiwpitnl and nlrt aily hi-v-craj liiiiKii'Pd vii timy of tin' difl:istnr ui't1 bi -hip t rented t hiyi by a coi'pi-i of vol km 1 1 it TIip entire wattn front ih burninc;. Tho Post OdU'o waa liiidly .shulttMi nnd h:is ciUircly r-ollapsccl. Tho fish market at the coiiht of ;lny and Mrrrhaul strrcls lias collapsed, killing six porsoiifl. F!iv Cliicif Sulliviin aud his vdfu have boon very badly iniarpd. - (iranJ Ope; t House Is Burni. TIic GrHiid f'pera House ia burning florucly. A ti'ii-fitory hitilding at Tonih and Mission stroeiB, luijoiniiiR I ho Giami Opora IbMi;:.o. is uppait'iilly dooinnd. and othrr hiR buildings botumi tin thrntcr ami St. Patrick's ('liurch; many pcoplo arn flccins! from Twenty -one Bouios in Morgue. Tw 'ciil v-oue bodies huvo been taken to thf inorue. Tim build in u cannot am oinuiodait any more Miiynr Schinilz esiahllnhnd licudquartera afc ibc Hall of .lusitce and has appointed a relief commit tee of It fly prominent citizens. The military arc pairoliiiK tho streets, guarding the b.inks and other establishments. They have received ordem to liiioul any one on sight, delocted in theft. The J'.'Srfie street a I do of the Palace Hotel in hup ii ng. t The burning district bl this hour runs frota South street on the west to the water front on the eaut. south of Market wtreet. Damage Plated at $40,000,000. l'iro extends norLii of Market street from Sanson)'' to tlie water front and from Market to Washingi on. There is also a block, burning