MRS.FAYERWEATHER ON G. 0. P. SLATE TO REPRESENT NEGROES Mrs. Louise M. Fayerweather. the first colored woman to be elected al ternate delegate-at-large to a Re publican national convention. Is cue of the most prominent women in or ganized work for women of her race, and has been treasurer of the Eu.-pire State Federation of Colored Women's Clubs for some years, -sue lives with her husband. George IE. Faverweather. at 1095 Park pi., In the 18th A. D. She is a member of the board or managers of the Home' for Aged Col ored People, president of the New Era Association and a member or the new Republican organlza'lon fr colored voters. She Jis no children. Her husband has extensive prop erties tn Brooklyn. . Newport and Washington. D. C. Mrs. Fayerweather was first pro posed as an altemate-at-large by i i organization of colored voters niec. ing at 2 Court st some weeks ago. and is understood to nave naa id backing of F. J. II. Kracke.