Benjamin Sheldon, one of Bristol's highly esteemed I citizens, passed away Monday evening at the home of his daughter, Mrs. C. C. Currier, on Spring street, after an illness of several weeks. Mr. Sheldon had lived in Bristol many years and was a man of integrity, and his word was as good as a bond. He had a wide acquaintance and his friends are numbered by the hundred. He was married to Sarah E. Myers i in 1865 and five children were born to them. four of whom survive him- Mrs. Anna Sturtevant of Freeport. Me., and Mrs. Lena Currier of this village, Warner Sheldon of Meredith, N. H., and Walter Sheldon of this village; he is also survived by two brothers in Massachusetts and a sister in Connecticut. The funeral was held Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the house. Rev. E. R. Stone officiated, assisted by Rev. E. J. Ranslow. The bearers were E. H. Eastman, H. N. Tatro, C. N. McGee and Dr. G. F. Edmunds. 'The burial was in Greenwood cemetery by the side of his wife. Mr. Sheldon served in Co. K First Vermont cavalry during the rebellion. He was a member of W. C. Dunton post, G. A. R., the Eastern Star and Libanus lodge of Masons. The floral offerings were in profusion, including pieces from the Masons, Eastern Star, Bristol railroad and others. Death of Benjamin, Sheldon.