highwayMepart-ment ’! the-Qtbwit-ness Fer- of it of I he in- on - be Hub : Check heads hi Slaving : CAMBRIDGE Mass AP) -"There may be a break -very shortly'1 -in last weed'd bludgeoning death of Mrs Ada Bean a’ 50-yea r-dd widow who: liyed alone in a fashionable section-:a sou fee close to’ the investigation Of the killing said today ' “We haye some very good tegds" the source said' "We’re oirtimistic’-''' p- Mrs Bean's body war found Feb 5 sprhwled across a bed in her apartmenLHer skull haj been dnished Amedical examiner jaaid the death had ocdiiiyed about 36 houn before the body was discovered X-' Tito leads include several hit germints found in the -vlctim’s thhd-floor apartment and !ze pqrts a stranger being in the yicinitypf M$- Bean's apartment bcdlding at aboiU'toe time the litogocdirred' -loii'stgitger!i'Wgs 'described as- "a rather young feUowybo was'seeh in the Yieiiborbood dtadgr suspicious circumstances 'just ivior to thekilling" one official - said ‘ The stranger has been’“pretty well described by some -people ii the neighbor hoOd” ' the official continued arid “'a yery good likeness” of him has been obtained Cambridge' city of 107000 separated from Boston by : the Charles River lbr a dommimity of strangers College students make up much of its population and - its neighborhoods range from those in winch Mrs Bean lived to triple-decker tenement to the psychedelic shops of Harvard’ Square A' major guestion' stiUunansw- ered WM wbetoerthesame per son was responsible for both Mrs Bean’s death and the simi- an jattractive Harvard coed in an apartmeht about a mile from the scene of the Bean killing ' The ' coed ’ 23-year-old Miss Jane Britton also was beaten 'A medical1 examiner ruled that death yas-caused 1 repea ted blows to the head Mn both cases the killer used blunt instrument Both victims were found with blankets or ’clothing piled atop their heads and with the clothing they wore pulled up to their shoulders Both lived alone But there -also were differences in the two slayings Police found that Mrs Bean’s apartment had been broken into The front - door' to Miss Britton's apartment was unlocked and there was no sign of forced entry There still are certain similarities that make it impossible for us to exclude that this was done’ by the same person” one source said He added' however: “We’re not in a position to say that the probabilities are' more aneway than the other” In the -Bean killing iqyestiga-torsare proceeding mi the theory that Mrs Bean surprised an intruder "We found that there were several other attempted breaks into that same budding that had gem e undetected" the source said -The would-be intruder was unsuccessful the source fcaid because occupants of the other apartments had better locking devices than Mrs Bean “We think that the person who attempted 'these - other : breaks may have been the one who got int?' the Bean apartment” the source added in at ' as in - -