URGES U.S. TO WITHDRAW FROM OLYMPIC GAMES PHILADELPHIA. Sept. 6 (P) Governor George H. Earle demanded tonight withdrawal of the United States team 1936 Berlin Olympic games. Speaking at the Municipal stadium, where the Philadelphia Olympic A8- sociation held part of a postponed Labor Day sports program, he de• nounced the Nazi government for policies he said are contrary to Olympic ethics. Earle also assailed the Soviet government In Russia for "subversive activities" he said are "aimed to overthrow our own democratic government." "I have seen at first hand in Getmany the things which I condemn.' the governor, A former minister to Austria, said. "Because of what I have seen. 1 call upon all American sportsmen and the American people to direct the American Olympic committee to withdraw the American Olympic team from the meeting in 1936 if It is held on German soil -unless the Hitter government substitutes fair play for persecution and freedom for despotism." Terming the Hitler government "a government of hate and oppression." he said. "the course which it 18 pursuing toward helpless groups 14 wholly contrary to the Olympic spitit of fair sportamanship."