LEWIS RENEWS LABOR BATTLE Mine Union Leader Stirs Heated Debate At Convention ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., Oct. 17. (AP) Undaunted by last night's drubbing. John L. Lewis and his industrial union allies renewed their fight today for American Federation of Labor adoption of their "one-big-union' plan for each big mass production industry. Hours of convention oratory even more bitter and heated than that preceding last night's victory of the craft unionists followed Lewis' demand that the craftsmen stay out of the western metal mines, mills and smelters. Yesterday's issue was one of principle. Today's WAS one of practice. The chief of the United Mine workers Joined the International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers in claiming that a number of craft unions had enrolled members in the Anaconda Copper company's Montana plants that rightfully belonged to the metal miners union. "I regard this raid as a thrust at the jurisdiction of the United Mine workers because if the metal miners can be emasculated with impunity. then the United Mine Workers can be raided with equal impunity,' Lewis roared. Lewis' speech brought William Hutchison, hefty president of the carpenters, platform for the first time during the convention. He "defied" Lewis to produce any written record that the craft unions had surrendered the right to take in members at the metal mines, despite Lewis' assertion that Samuel Gom• pers, president of the. federation for many years, had given unrestricted jurisdiction to the metal union. Paul Peterson, a delegate from the metal union, accused "an organization that Mr. Frey represents" of "organized scabbing." John P. Frey. president of the metal trades department, leaped to his feet and obtained President William Green's direction to remove the remark from the record. Other developments today: The federation directed trade union members to stay out of next year's Olympic games in Berlin, urged whole country to refrain from participation, directed a renewed boy• cott on "Nazi goods and services." and pleaded for more money to help German trade union refugees. A federal investigation of strikebreaking agencies was requested after Julius Hochman New York said that "the lifting of the lid of these agencies would reveal a cesspool of crime that is poisoning American industrial life." The convention ordered the executive council to Investigate charges that the teachers union had come under control of forces opposed to federation principles. GRAHAM WILL PREACH The Rev. Edward M. Graham, new1y appointed pastor of the Pisgah charge a of the a Methodist Episcopal church, will preach at Davis chapel at 11 o'clock Sunday morning and at Piney Mountain church at 7:30 o'clock Sunday night. HAS OPERATION HERE Mrs. Kelly Ray, of Asheville route No. 1. underwent an operation Wed'nesday morning at Biltmore hospital. ART SUPPLIES We carry such well known brands as Devoe & Raynolds, Grumbacher, F. Weber, Windsor & Newton, American Crayon Co., Plastic Art Co., and others. A few of the Items we carry are: all kinds of water color paper and sets, charcoal and pastel papers, drawing papers and boards, canvass of all kinds, tube colors (both oil and water), modeling clays (both moist and dry), all sorts of brushes and sundry Items. Special Arrangements Made With Art Schools and Art Classes Everything for the professional and beginner For complete prices and catalogues write or call. PRITCHARD ARD PAINT AND GLASS CO. Western North Carolina's Largest Art Store 77 PATTON AVE. PHONE 407 Belk's Haywood At Walnut St. Shop at WELCOME We Invite You Headquarters While In To Serve You. Belk's and