Germany to Remain in Nazi Fold Indefinitely, Says Correspondent Hitler Regime Not Endangered by Events of Recent Revolution 15y WEBB MILLER 1. P'. European News Manager Copyright 1034 by United Press BERLIN, (U'.P.) -Where is Germany heading? Is the Nazi regime seriously endangered? ('an Adolf Hitler surmount present difficulties? These questions uppermost in the minds of forcigners now that the firing squads have been siienced and the assassinations have been halted. Answering these questions as simply as possible, everything I have seen or heard, even from non-Nazi sources, indicates that Germany will remain Nazi indefinitely. The Nazi regime as such is not endangered now nor is there a sign that it will be endangered within any appreciable future time. Hitler, it is indicated. will surmount his present difficulties. The reason is that the majority of the nation is still firmly supporting Hitler and the Nazi regime. Furthermore there can be no argument against guns and no to Nazi regime would be a military dictatorship imposed by the reichswehr. The reichswehr always has pursued a course of in and in the present situation it realizes a conflict would bring chaos and civil war. which its chiefs do not want. At present. besides the reichswehr. Hitler has the excellent force of landespoleizi (police) under Herman Goering, numbering around S0.000, and about 100,000 S8 troops--picked men from the Nazis' own forces. Furthermore there are about 1.500.000 ordinary storm troopers, or the brown shirt army, from which huge numbers could be drawn for the defense of the regime it necessary. They are on a compulsory vacation during July. While seven of their highest leaders and some minor ones have been executed, the mass undoubtedly is loyal at least outwardly. There are about 100.000 state; police, all highly trained. Thus the Nazi regime possesses overwhelming military forces. Frond the political viewpoint