meeting periodically. | Peoria Students Go To Carvallis Schools Peoria.-Mr. and Mrs, W. A. Muller drove to Eugene Friday af-' ternoon to attend the funeral of Dale Bryant, an old time friend. Robert Mason left Thursday afternoon to spend several days with his father, Lewis Mason, at Gold Beach. Ray Mode, who is employed in the timber near Noti, spent last week at home getting up his winter's wood. Due to heavy rains in the mountains* the was suspended last week. High school students who entered the Corvallis schools were Betty Taylor, Dorothy and Abbie Patapoff at the senior high school and Joan Taylor and Mary Dobrinin at the junior high school. I The students go in with Emma! Dobrinin who makes daily trips. Ronald Githens will attend Shedding high. Mr. and Mrs. James Hartley of Jefferson were last Sunday guests of Rev. and Mrs. J. A. Hall. Jerry Moody, who, left recently to attend an aeronautics school in | Los Angeles spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moody, in the Pine Grove section. Miss Phyllis Harold of Salem began her second year at the Pine Grove school Monday morning with an enrollment of eight children. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Mishler. who were recently married at Shedd, have moved into a house belonging to R. M. Miller and will do farm work for Mr. Miller near here. Carl Gindhart and Henry Bales started to. eastern Oregon Thurs-| day to be on hand for the deer season when it opened Friday morning. Loran Smith, farmer of the Willamette district in south Ben-| ton county, was a business • caller| here Thursday afternoon. A. A. U. W. Cooperating With Refugee Group The American Association of University Women is actively cooperating with the U. S. Committee for Care of European Children in connection with the emergency refugee situation, and plans have been made to help in the solution of this complex problem. The plan is to keep the • children who will be sent over for| "the duration of the war," but it is realized that this. may mean permanent responsibility. The age range of children sent will be from five to sixteen years. These British children cannot be adopted because of a British law passed in January, 1940, prohibiting the adoption of British children outside of the Dominions. Transportation will be provided either by the British government or by the parents of the children. Those interested in receiving British refugee children 1 may secure further information and instructions from Mrs. •R. E. McCormack, 615 East Sixth street... New Chrysler Arrives At Brown Motor Co. • F. R. Brown, of the Brown Auto company drove home last evening in a new 1941 Chrysler after attending the annual sales meeting in Portland incident to the I introduction of new Chrysler models. Approximately 150 dealers and salesmen attended the meetand the pre-view of 1941 cars. A luncheon at the. Benson hotel was followed by a showing in the afternoon of a complete line of new Chryslers, along with displays of "fluid drive", a feature of the | 1941 line, and new accessory groups, The special showing was held at the second floor of the Tarola auxiliary showroom, S.W. 11th avenue and Burnside -street, with a night club motif prevailing. Leading the discussion of plans for 1941 were Tarola and Mell Kale, regional manager for the Chrysler corporation of Seattle. Cloudy Weather, Showers To End Hot Spell Portland, Sept. 24.- (U.P.-Oregon temperatures hit unseasonal highs yesterday on the first official day! of fall, the federal weather bureau reported./ Cloudy weather and showers forecast for today and tomorrow were expected to end the hot spell. High temperatures included: Albany 83, Salem. 86, Portland, 88, Umatilla, 89, Baker, 77, Bend 75, Burns 78, Eugene 81; Hood River 84, Lakview 80, Medford 86 and Roseburg 80. FEMALE PAIN Women who suffer painful, irregue lar periods -with nervous, moody spells due to functional cause should find Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound simply marvelous to relieve such distress. Pinkham's Compound is made especially to help such weak, tired women to go smiling thru dimcult days. Over 1,000.000 women have reported remarkable benefits. WELL WORTH TRYING! Any drugstore.