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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 1

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

if Oakland and Vicinity: onset tied weather anil probably- showers! 'Sunday air; westerly winds, RAINFALL. it Cliabot Observatory.) i N-ason to dale .17 Normal' to date llMftad Dt Last year to date JH' International ttowc 4trvc VOLUME XCIX THREE CENTS-rSUDAV TEN CETfTS. OAKLAND; CALIFORNIA, SATURDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 22. 1923. 1 WO 'Rl TRIBUNE Publishing Co.

XIV. CT 22 PAGES a. a aj-w a a -Msfjr '). 'I'' '''f rI iSDH P10T LETTER-ROW $12,400 to Aitf Refugees Sent To Committee Defense Move Develops From Conflagration Blazing Oil Tanker Is' Deserted by Crew, Left flo Drift in Suisun Bay. BETTER FIBE DRIVE IS ON II BEATEN SAYS GOV.

WALTON IN 300 FIRES IS PROBED FOUR HURT WHEN BLAST STARTS FIRE aMBBiHBiMsaa Associated Compjny Steamet William F. Herrin, With 45,000 Barrels Distillate, Blazes in Carquinez Straits Tug Scanlon Sent From S. F. and Deluees Menaced Craft in Attempt to Check Spread of the Burning Oil BMWSSSSaHBSBBBBS SAN FRANCISCO, Sept, 23. The fire aboard the tanker WIT- Ham P.

Herrin baa been con- trolled and soon will be ac-cording to a telephone report thin afternoon received at the offVe ot the Associated Oil company's -s marine deportment here. 't; Her cargo of 45,000 barrel of light distillate afire in several holds, the Associated Oil company's tank- er William F. Herln la reported to hav been abandoned by dta crew and aji explosion Four men, members of theenglne and fire room crews, are in the Mar-tines general hospital, severely burned In the boiler explosion that, la declared responsible for the fire. Tugs towed the William F. Herln out Into Suisun bay, aa far as possible from the Industrial plants on, the south shore, immediately after the boiler explosion, which occurred early thla morning while the vessel was moored at th Oll-company's plant wharf at Avon loading Its -cargo.

Joe Acampo Cello, Olaea and Frank Pedro, member of th crew, were caught in th blast and badly scalded by steam and burned by th fire blast accommpanylni th explosion. ORDER GIVEN TO -ABANDON VESSEL. The crew of th ship remained aboard, fighting the fir with, the special appliances with which the tanker Is equipped, but th nature of the distillate is uch that a tire la almost impossible to extinguish. 4 IRSFDES i Governor Declares He' Had jo ijonnecuon- wiinsruu-lciation; Denies Promise of State i Job to Hardwick 1 State Insurance Coimmisoner Souires. Involved by Al leged Confesion of Theft, Denies Knowledge ot it Tn the maze of statements' of the principals In the Senator Johnson letter flurry involving Governor Richardson and several of his political aides, the only point which appears to be' clear of conflicting assertions today is that the incident has precipitated the greatest state political schism in years.

When word of the alleged confession of George D. Hardwick he had taken the letter from Boyn-ton's files reached Sacramento Governor Richardson locked 'himself In his executive offices and declined be Interviewed. GOVERNOR DECLARES NO JOBS PROMISED. After a period of consultation with several of his political lieutenants, the governor ultimately Issued the following written statement: "The Hardwick statement shows he gave a copy of the famous John-son-McClatchy letter to the editor of the San Francisco Journal and the Journal published it. The statement shows I had no connection with that publication.

I will be glad to have any letter J. have written published. "I have never promised a political job to anyone. I went through both the primaries and the general election without making a single promise of position. I have maun no promises of jobs to Hardwick, Boyntbn, C.

K. McClatchy, Gus Oliva or anyone else. "My one aim and purpose Is to put this state on an economical and business-Uko basis, and I decline to be sidetracked by political episodes, however humorous." SQUIRES SAYS HARDWICK ASKED FOR Hardwick, who resides at 1216 Curtis street, Berkeley, declared in -the Confession allegad to have been obtained' in writing by a private detective, that he had been referred by the governor to George D. Squires, state insurance commissioner, for a position as reward for his theft of the Johnson-Mc-Clatchy letter. In this connection Squires made the following statement: "I know absolutely nothing ot the details of any supposed theft of these papers from Mr.

Boynton's office. Hardwick did, however, come to me and ask me to help hm get a Job. I told him that I would do what I could for him. I gave him a letter to a friend down town, and learned later that this friend had Interested himself in Hardwick's behalf. "Later I saw Governor' Richard son and the governor ajno told me that Hardwick had approached him In regard to a position." Hardwick declared in the alleged confession that he had sent to Governor Hichardson a copy of a letter from C.

K. McClr tehy of Sacramento Boynton, which contained excerpts from a private letter which Senator Johnson had written to McClatchy. He asserted he had been promised a position with the state government in reward for the correspondence, but that the only compensation he received was a personal r.ote of thanks from Gov ernor Richardson. KNOWLEDGE OF YELLOW SLIP IS DENIED. Squires Is Involved in the affair through allegation by Hardwick that he received a yellow slip of paper some Mays ago he sent the correspondence to the governor and which read: George Squires, Insurance Commissioner;" Squires denies knowledge of the yellow slip.

Hardwick said that when he called upon Squires the latter eald: Oh. yes. I see. I received a similar slip of papr." Hardwick said Squires showed him this slip, whlnhf rad: "Mr. Hard.ick will call upon you." Hardwick Ueclared the writing on the two elf pa of paper was ex actly the same, and that it corres ponded with the governor' hand writing.

In explaining how the! copV ot Into the possession uf Andrew M. Lawrence, publisher of the San Francisco Journal. Hardwick said he called upon the latter, and was persuaded to turn over a copy of the letter be had sent to Governor Richardson. He asserted that Lawrence promised to pay him if he would take other similar letters ST OF Leaders in Eastbay Cities See Feasibility and Necessity "For. Co-ordination and Co-' Operation in Defense Tlan Conference, Suggested For Purpose Railroad Com-mision Will Direct Survey of Water, Supply Situation BERKELEY, Sept.

22. The Railroad Commission, ot California will have charge of Berkeley's wat er survey, as the result of an offer by Presld it' Clyde I' Seavey of the service, without charge, of engineers jittached to the Hydraulic Dlvlslflws Following the disastrous flreSBrffsldent. Seavey communicated with the authorities here, offering: all of the resources at his command for the purpose of making: a survey of Berkeley's water situation. The size of mains, the proper reserve pacity and storage capacity of reservoirs and the distribution of the water In order to1 furnish maximum Are flg! ig efficiency will be carefully considered. Marston Campbell, chairman of the Board of Utilities, accepted Seavey's offer In behalf of Berkeley today.

BERKELEY MOVES FOR FIRE PROTECTION. Berkeley today announced Itself ready and eager to Join any movement cf the Eastbay cities for better protection. This statement, made by Mayor Frank D. Stringham, is taken by the officials of the various cities to mean the start of an actual campaign to prevent any recurrence of the recent Berkeley conflagration, and to the better flghtingof all sorts of fires, whether from brush in th -lllls or any other cause. Commissioner Frank Colbourn of Oakland immediately announced his willlngn i for a conference toward forming an "Interlocking" system between the cities; not a merging of their fire departments, but a thoroughly mapad-oi't understanding oiK the duties of the various sectors in the long defense-line which runs from Richmond to the San Leandro boundaries.

OAKLAND ST Ato OTHERS TO SAVE ITSELF. Fire Chief Sam Short of Oakland agreed that "the Berkeley, episode shows it Jakland may have to light fires InN other cities, In order to save Chief Short says he is thoroughly convinced that "the citie- must have an understanding." Today's Berkeley Invitation, say Oakland officials, points the way toward a big meeting of all officials of all the Eastbay cities, so that they may plan for common defense. For Oakland, Commissioner Colbourn and Chief Short have already agreed there murt be a larttr high-pressure system downtown and that there must be larger and more plentiful firebreaks in the dry grass in the hills. Colbourn aid the water company, which owns mch of the hill land, are even now conferring informally on the chances for plowing great fire-breaks into the hills, where the grass gets dry during the hot eea- "The place to fight a grass fire is In the grass," says CCi- Shopt. "By the time it gets to the downtown se tion Jf a ctty It is almost beyond control." PUBLIC UTILITIES WILL MAKE SUUVE- Meantime, while civic officials are preparing to maket their cooperative plan, the Eastbay Public Utilities District on Thursday night ordered their eng'Ver, James P.

Davis, to make a sury- vf the situatl" Davis has, been 'authorized to call upoH" city officials and upon all fire, water company or road officials he desires. He has already started to work. The Oais report according water district heads, is expected to show conclusively just where i-e defense-line of the Eastbay cities is weak, and suggest the jemedy. "The Berkeley disasre4 was caused by a brush fire where water-mains were non-existent," 'says President Marston Campbell of the Utilities dist-ict. "We realise that brush-fires are matters which a water district, can hardly touch; but: we are concerned with the second of defense, where the brush fire encroaches into the city's street, 'id becomes a civic men- ace.

ta CtnDT XT 1CJ DEFENSE SOLUTIOIHU "A good water supply, with sufficient distribution, can solve a big portlon of; the. defense question. That is pur part of the job. The matter ot Inter-olty defense and the matter of hill protection. Is rather outside our province; however, they all hitch up, and they all concern- us to a greater or less City officials r.dmit they-are lh- 9 A Lall of a T3ERKLEY tarti drive for bet-ter fire protection and paves way for' Eastbay conference on interlocking, co-ordinating system.

Oakland officials agree to participate and tabulate needs for defense of the city front Railroad commission will make survey of Water situation furnish ing engineers for the work free of charge. State, federal and private agencies have commenced investigations to fix causes' for the 300 fires in the State within the past week, incendiarism being suspected in several instances. Underwriters' head declare arson plot is indicated' bj1 ions tentative evidence so 'far secured. eSarchers believe now no lives were lost in Berkeley disaster 'and skulls found are said to have been relics homes. Restrictions' on antos In the burned area are continued.

Property' owners who were victims of the. fire are called to-a tomorrow to plan- city beautiful in rebuilding burned area, 1 San' Francisco police are aiding in patrolling; the devastated area. Stockton and Modesto Expect Damage tp Drying Grapes and Fruit. It rained last night. Tomorrow will be the first day of autumn.

Sixteen one-hundredthsi of an inch of rain fell over this section of California. Prior to last night but one hundredth of an Inch of rain had fallen since early summer. The normal rainfall at this date Is 51 of an inch. The rainfall' to date at this time last year was .60. The temperature yesterday, climbed to 73 degrees and lat night dropped to 55 its lowest point.

NO DAMAGE DONE ATSAN JOSE, SAN JOSE, Sept. 22. The heavy rain which started falling generally over the Santa plara valley; shortly after 8 o'clock last night is not ex pected to result in any serious damage to fruit or vegetable crops. Most of the prunes are already dried, very few orchardists still having any of this fruit in the dry yards. WhileJ slight may result from the snowers, no material losses are expected.

Several ranchers, interviewed, by telephone last night, deolared that i at the present the rain will -do much more good than harm. MODESTO, Sept. 21. -Rain started falling here shortly after o'clock last night. Considerable damage was expected grap'es and fruit and beans, according to A.

A. 'Jungerman, county agent. Vineyardlsts and orchardists early In the day Were Issued warnings to start stacking their trays. Hundreds trays of. grapes are in the fields drying.

AID li ASKED OF SHIPPING LINES. STOCKTON. Sept. The long summer drouth, unbroken since June 15 was ended last night when rain started falling about 8 o'clock. mild thunderstorm accompanied the first Bhower.

Transportation companies on the waterfront were swamped with orders from growers during the day asking that both onion and potato crops be rushed to warehouses in view -of threatening weather. REDDING, Sept. 22. Bounteous rain falling all last night throughout northern ornia obliterated vestige of recent forest fires, but; caused a fljrry amonff prune growers when the last trays of drying prunes were -covered In the nick time. Thee losing dayj of the Trinity county and were greatly Inter-mpuntaln fair ln red with cause of the rain.

Rum Ship Off'L A. Cuts Scotch Price BY ASSOCIATED FBEBS tE8fn wike to nuFtjme. LOS ANGELES. Sept. 22.

Reports have reached here of a. four-masted topsail schooner, flying, the British flag, lying 0 mllea northwest of Los Angeles: harbor. with large supply of Canadian liquor aboard and which is slowly dwindling as It Is purchased by bootleggers of tos Angeles end Pasadena. Because of 4h arrival of the schooner the price of Scotch whisky here is said to have dropped from 1150 to (SO a case. Murder Discloses Drug Addict Ring LOS ANGELES, Sept 22.

(By United Press.) A ring of, women drug addicts, one of whose members, was accused by J. W. Cass Of murdering" his ex-wife. Ethel Case, a cabaret entertainer. la being traced by-police here today.

Cass said that, shortly before hla wife had left blm. she had' been associated with a group of women narcotic users. BloBIlIB "BERKELEY, 22. Contrl-bulions amounting, to' $12,400 have resrhedVHie Berkeley Pisa-ter Relief committee by neen day, according to the report of Frank (Thatcher, chairman of the finance committee. Oakland has pledged 110,000 for the relief of Berkeley fire victims, the sum has not been turned into, the general committee.

The quota of $75,000 has been set by the Berkeley committee, as the minimum needs for refugees. City officials are preparing to place 100 tents in Live Oak Park at Shatruck avenne and Berryraan streets for refugees. The. tents will be equipped with board floors while', all necessary sanitary ar rangement will be made by the city. Persons desiring to occupy these -tents may apply at the city hall.

Derelict Craft Causes Fear for Safety of Scientists Mapping Colorado. PHOENIX, Sept. 22. Suggestion that the War Department send an airplane to fly avobe the Colorado River Can-' yon to ascertain the plight of the above the Colorado River Can-yon to ascertain the plight of the exploration party sent by the United States Geographical Survey to chart the waa made In a telegram sent to Washington officials this afternoon by Acting Governor R. E.

McGlllan of Arizona. ASSOCIATED MESS IXARFD WIRE TO TRIBtTKE. KING MAN, Arizona. Sept. 22.

One of the boats used by the Exploration party ot the United States geological survey, which on August 1, started on a voyftge So chart the Colorado' river, waa discovered yesterday floating down the river upside down at a point 200 miles below the point where the explorers are supposed to be, according to word received here. The boat, marked 8. G. was sighted' iear the Katherlne near, the river, which has been' running high, with dangerdus water in the gorges. As there Is no means of communicating with the explorers, who are hundreds of miles from any habitation, their plight Is, a matter of conjecture.

They were reported well when Inst heard from Sepjember 13 at Supal Trail. VETERAN BOATMAN PILOTING PARTY. Members of the exploring party started their voyag from Lee's ferry, near the Utah state line, and It was expected the survey would be completed In three months. Colonel C. H.

Blrdseye, chief topo-grahlc engineer of the U. 8. Geological Survey, cqmmanded the ex-pedltlqn. The task of piloting the boats through the rfyer. which has never been accurately charted, was entrusted to Emory.

Kolb. veteran boetman. Members lof the party besides Colonel Birdseye and.Kolb, are: E. C. Larue, government hydraulic engineer: R.

C. Moore, professor of geology at Kansas University: R. W. Burchard, government topographic engineer: Lewis R. Freeman; "of Pasadena, 'author, lecturer and explorer: Lewis Lint of Idaho; H.

E. Blake, of Hawaii, arid'Frank Ward of-the Grand Canyon. COLORADO HAS RISEN 29 FEET IN FOUR DAYS. In the last four days, the Colorado river has risen 2 'f1, peak of the flood1 passed the Kath-" erine Mine yesterday and today the river was receding slowly. The current of the stream Is now running bout eight miles an hour, and it was estimated here that the boat belonging to the party started on Its downward course about last Wednesday noon.

ii 2 Up On Hf of Final CHICAGO, Sept. 22.r (By The Associated Press.) Max Marston of Philadelphia today managed to hold a champion. Jess Sweetaer ot New York, to a lead of up on the first 18 holes the'flnal round In the national amateur golf championship at Flosi-rriore. although the Pennsylvania "champion took 40 strokes for the first ,1. Sweet-ser shot very) good golf for a firm' session, going ut In 2 above par for a.

8 and coming bom nndei P'ar for a 75. Child Run Down By Automobile May Die James Taylor, years old, llv. Ing at 2128 'Thirty-fifth avenue. Is at th Oakland emergency hospital, probably fatally ajurd as th result of being run down by an automoblla at Humboldt 'and Davis streets today. Th child Is th son of Mr.

J. E. Taylor. Th machine waa driven by Harr7 Drlckenrldge, S24T Logan street. EXPLORERS' BOAT FOUND BOTTOM UP The fir was held tn check until -about 8 o'clock, when It began to Hiking Booster Asks $100,000 For World Walk BY ASSOCIATED FKESS tIASED WIRE TO TBIBOTTE.

SAN DIEGO, Sept. 22. Henry Stewart, an aged pedeitrian, has aked the city of San Diego pay him $1, a mile for the 100,000 miles he has walked around the wft ld from ity to rity. Stewart made the claim for $100,00 to S. J.

Biggins, city attorney, asserting that a former mayor of this city had promised him II a mile for hhi efforts in advertising the San Diego Exposition in 1915. The city attorney's breath waa taken away when the bill waa presented and he will endeavor to ascertain Just who was the mayor when Stewart started on his long walk jn-the hope of bringing about an amicable settlement. DESTROYER CHIEF ASKS TO TESTIFY Commander of Wrecked Ships Takes Responsibility To Aid Inquiry, BY ATIOXAL HYWB BIKYICI LEASED WISE TO TftlBtTMX. NORTH ISLAND. SAN DIEGO, Sept.

22. A bombshell was exploded In the court of naval inquiry at this morning's session when counsel for Captain II. Watson, squadron commander, and the twelve other hlgli officers held as defendants, announced that his client had desired from the first and now desires that he be permitted to take the witness stand. "Captain Watson Is anxious to assume full and complete responsibility for hla actions as corrtt mander of the lost squadron In order Jfi prevent by any possible chanO its being placed where it does not belong." Charles Corn craven, counsel for Captain Watson, declared onc, tMtlraony th (he court navy aepart. L.

fh. mav Unow th. faC(g "The consciences of these defendants are clear and they wish to take the stand and assist in every way to bring out th facts," Corncraven continued. Replying to counsel for the defendants. Rear Admiral Pratt, chairman of th board, commended their action in tne highest terms.

Admiral Pratt then announced that court was adjourned until Monday morning. It Is understood that Captain Watson will be the first of the defendant officers to take the stand on the Monday morning reopening. Johnson Asked for Standn Dry Act OMAHA, Neb. fBept. 22.

(By Ited Press.) A I letter asking United States Senator Hiram John son of California, to state his attitude toward a proposal" for modi fication of the Volstead act. so as to legalise beer and light wine was forwarded to San Francisco yesterday by Don DeBow of Omaha, secretary of the National Liberty League, the latter announced today. After, referring to reports that movement Is under way to organize Johnson for president clubs in Nebraska, the letter said that "we believe the way for you to carry the ticket Is to come out unequivocally for modlfica'tion of the Volstead act, as outlined-by the principles of the national liberty league." "Unless we hear from you In the near future we will take It that you are opposed to our policies, the letter added. 2 KiilelTlfed In L. A.

Accident LOS ANGELES, Sept. 22. Two were killed and a third possibly fatally Injured in -three accidents on Pacific Electric railway lines near Los Angelea last night. Mrs. S.

Brunner was struck and killed by a train at El Sereno and J. D. Jewel met a similar death at Culver City. Charles B. White suffered a fractured skull when struck y.

a car at Long Beach. V. R. Noble, motorman of the train which Struck Mrs. Brunner, was threatened by a crowd which Sickly gathered.

Other trainmen hurried him aboard a special car and brought blm to Los Angeles. South Africa Union geneva, sept 22. (By tee as- sociaiea tress.) An appmu to League of Nation to act on the reoaration-nroblem waa made today by Georg Murray, representatlv of th Union of South Africa In an eloquent address to- th assembly. Th kingdom of th Hedjai. otherwise Arabia, has applied tor membership in th league, Oklahoma Governor Defies Solons to Assemble For Special Session; Foes to Ignore Executive- Order Grand Dragon Is Arrested! On Charges of Flopging; Executive Makes Threat to Call Off State Fair ST ASiOCTATID MISS lEanwn WT TO OKLAHOMA CITY.

Sept. M. A threat to close the Oklahoma- state fair and place Oklahoma county nnder a more rigid enforcement of martial law unless members the state legislature abandon their plan to meet In extraordinary session next Wednesday was voiced today by GQxornor J. C. Walton.

N. C. Jewett, grand dragon of the Oklahoma klan, at liberty today on $1000 oand, following hla arrest on the charge of flogging E. R- Merrlman, of Oklahoma City. Alleged evidence against Jewel obtained at Governor Jl C.

Walton's military court of Inquiry in Oklahoma City. Jewctt's arrest made at dictation of military court. Governor Walton announces "the klan Is whipped." Antl-Walton members of the legislature say Walton, not the klan. Is the Issue and go ahead with their plnns the governor. Tlie three men held at Shawnee, as alleged floggers by court of Inquiry Investigating whippings In Pottawotomlc county.

Six more men Indicted In Wwr-goner county charged, with whipping a farmer. By JAMES L. KILGAI.LEN. International News Service Staff Correspondent. OKLAHOMA CITY.

Sept. 22 The, all-absorbing question In Oklahoma City today was: "What will happen next Wednesday noon Possibility of violence when the State legislature attempts to con ven at that time for the avowed purpose of Impeaching Governor J. C. Walton was minimized today. aiuigugn Doin siaes in uk if vra a bitterest political conflict admitted the situation was' fraught with dangers.

"There will be no session of the legislature," Governor Walton reiterated. "There will be no unlawful klan assembly." Tet ralns arriving In Oklahoma City brought state legislators who came to attend tpe called. session. Many Insisted they we're not klans-men. "If governor wants to arrest us or shoot us, he will make considerable history." a prominent legislator asserted "VV.

B. McBee. of Duncan, and Representative W. I. Cunningham of Sapulpa, said If trouble' came next Wednesday, It would be brought about by "Mad Jack's body guard, not the military." Walton alleges that 68 out of 110 members of the Ktate legislators ni lirtlfiwiff- -wr liitf VW mUA Klan." Therefore, he asserts, the impending session Is an "unlawful klan assemblage." "What Is the situation In the the governor was asked.

MAJORITY OF SENATE CALLED KLANSMEN. "I should say that 61 per cent of the senate are members of the' klan," he -replied. The governor said he was receiving messages of congratulations his fltcht against the klan from all over the country. He expressed satisfaction over the headway the militaryourt is making, culmlnat. Ing in the arrest Grand Dragon Jewett.

Jewett entered a plea of not guilty when arraigned last night and was released on $1000 bonds. 'The' alleged flogging of E. R. which Jewett is ac-eused of taking part, took place on March 7. 1922.

THREE ARRESTED THROUGH PROBE. The arrest of three men as alleged floggers at Shawnee, were the first three as a consequence of the klan whipping; Investigation being conducted here. Hunting Deer Is Good Around Byron BYRON, Sept. 23. Hunting deer in th mountains hereabouts Is occupying th attention of many local sportsmen.

A number ot fine buck have been brought in. Os-pital canyon, in the range southwest of Tracy, seems to favorite spot. There are many deer In the ranges there, but the brash Is thick, and traveling is a bit difficult. rolice Brown fll MS OeriOUSiy III i Police Caotaln Thorvald Brown. I coiumanaer or in eaaierji siauoo for many year 1 seriously ill today at th Oakland -Casual hospital.

Dr. 8. Perter diagnosed It as a case of appendicitis, and ordered an iivmediate operatloc. I i State-Wide Investigation By State, Federal and Private Agencies Begins; Berkeley Disaster Centers Interest Skull Found in Charred De-, brjs Declared to Be Relics and Not Indicative of Lives Lost in the Conflagration i SAN FRANCISCO. Sept.

22 (International' News Service.) Three agencies state, federal and private were co-operating today In' stat ewld. Investigation to determine what part Incendiarism played In setting; the nearly S00 flrea which blazed forth from Santa Barbara to the Oregon line early this, week, destroying fourth of i Berkeley, a half dozen other towns and doing, property damage estimated between' 000.000 and 20,000,000. The federal investigators are centering their efforts on the causes of the Berkeley conflagration, assisted by the state department of forestry. The state investigators are busy over a wide area in twenty north ern California counties following up leads gleaned from fire fight ers and residents of burned areas. The state board of underwriters.

representing the Insurance com panies. Is had at work investigat ing the fires and its agents are collaborating with the state and federal investigators. UNDERWRITERS URGE THOROUGH INVESTIGATION. J. R.

Malbney, member the board of underwriters, declared to- day that a mass of evidence'already in hand warrants a thorough in-1 vestigatlon of all of the fires. "Never in the history of insur ance companies jnany fires started within so few miles at one iime, said jviaioneji. it iooks like an arson plot." Fire Warden E. B. Gardner of Marin county waa investigating a report that a man on a white horse had been seen setting-fires In that county; Last night's showers alted greatly in putting out fires still REPORTED VICTIM BELIEVED ESCAPED.

BERKELEY. Sept ,22. The man reported by a spectator to have perished when, the roof of the A. H. Weber home, 1515 Euclid avenue, crashed in during Monday's fire, is now believed to have escaped.

Weber said today that he' saw a'college student fighting the flames oij the roof of the house with a bucket of water and an ax, but that he saw him make his way through an opening In the roof; It 'was this man's disappearance through the roof that gave risd to the rumor that had fallen into the burning ruins. Weber said it was practically certain that the man escaped. He also told the coroner and police authorities that if they found a skull In the ruins of his home it would not necessarily indicate that a life had been lost darn? the fire, he had such a skull in his house as a relic. RESTRICTIONS ON AUTOS CONTINUED. The restriction on automobiles was continued today.

Only police and press machines are allowed In the burned area. The same re strictions will hold good tomorrow, wnen Berkeley will face the most traffic problem In its his tory. It was emphasized by the police today thf all visitors must go on foot and keeD In the mlrirUa nf tbo streets. Thousands of persons a''bren visiting the burned area since the ban was lifted. It lis expected that crowds-will -tome pouring "In not only from the bay district, but from central California and other Dor- of the state as well.

S. POLICE HELP PATROL BERKELEY. The Berkeley force Is still augmented by men from the San Fran cisco police department. Two po licemen are -stationed at -very corner. one from the Berkelev office and one from the San Francisco of fice.

A mass meeting of all oroperty owners will be held tomorrow afternoon 'in the High "School Audi torium at 2:30 o'clock'. This meet ing waa called by the city planning PLANS FOR CITY BEAUTIFUL MADE," Albert Leisure, ft former candidate for mayor of Berkeley, and head of the Property Owners' association, stated tht plans would probably be discussed at this meeting for rebuilding a city beautiful in th burned Fire Warden George Nelson today expressed the belief that one of the preventive measures would be the construction of a lookout tower high tn the hills back of Berkeley. From such tower flrea cotlld be seen and reported before they gained headway. 1 Several hundred dollar worth of (Continued on Page 6, CoL 1 spread and three-quarter of- an hour-later it waa reported th order had been given, to abandon th ship. Fir tugs summoned from San Francisco had not arrived at 10:30 a-.

m. Distillate, oil men declare. 'burns-' with almost th rapidity of an ex- plosion. Th smok from th burning vessel Is light blue' and hardly to be detect-d at casual glance. Whether an explosion will result depends, oil nun her say.

on the quality of distillate in th ship's holds, the danger being' greater with a small quantity than with a large amount 'f LITTLE MOPE HELD OF-SAVING VESSEL, The fire tug Scanlon jfrom Sma Francisco which reached the tanker soon after 'U o'clock la standing by jthe William F. Herin and is deluging -the decks with water to keep the-vessel cool and pre- vent opening at the seams and allowing the burning dlstiliat to' spread upon-the waters of Suisun bay. Th crew, numbering about thirty, has been taken off the ahip. Experts in fighting oil flrea have 1 been summoned from San Francisco by th Associated Oil Com- pany, but official her seem to hold little hope of being able to save the vessel. A most peculiar feature of the fire is th absence of smoke.

To all appearance th burning ship is merely lying at anchor in th stream with nothing1 amiss. Greece Exonerated, by Mixed Commission ATHENS. Sept. 23 (International News Service). Greec has been exonerated of contributory negligence in the assassination of General Teltlnl of th allied boundary commission, and his four colleagues, by the mixed commission sitting at Janina, according too Information from that city today.

It is said that th Italians made, a minority report, asserting th Italians were killed tor vengeance Martial Law to Check Reds in Bulgaria ATHENS, Sept. 22. International News Service.) Martial law has been proclaimed throughout Bulgaria as a result ot th attempt by Communist revolutionaries to overthrow th Zanotf government, said a despatch from Sofia today. A semi-official statement issued in Sofia said th revolt was local and had been completely suppressed-' In Sofia when polie attempted to arrest several Communists leaders, one policeman waa killed and on Communist-committed suictda. from Bbynton'a office.

Lawrence'a statement regarding the matter was published in today' Journal, and follows: "I have read the article in Hearst's evening paper which purports to give th method by which Hiram Johnson's now famous swan song letter cam into th possession of the Journal. I ol thcasr ar as follows: "Georg C. Hardwick cam to (Continued on Page 2, Col. 5.) terested in the Davis report and expect to gain data fro which all the cities can outline their Individual parts in the joint defense system. "Wa have to come to this Joint defense," says Mayor Strlcgham (Continued on Page 2, CoL I) ti.

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