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Delaware County Daily Times du lieu suivant : Chester, Pennsylvania • Page 1

Chester, Pennsylvania
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CHESTER DAILY TIMES, CHESTER, TUESDAY, MAY 11. 1880. PRICE ONE CENT J. W. LeMAISTBB, No, 48 North EIGHTH Street, I A I A HEADQUARTERS FOR Hamburg ies, Laces, White Goods, Eeal and Nottingham Lace Curtains, c.

CURTAINS BY THE YARD. Gents' Ladies' and Misses' Colored Border Handker- cbiefe, Ladies'Lace Collars, Children's Lace Collars and Bibs, Ladies' and Misses' Embroidered Sets, Fancy Toilet Boxes and Cushions, Silk Ties and Bows, Black and White Lace Ties. A fiae assortment of Velvet Frames, and Nottingham Lace fi- dies, Gents' and Ladies' Silk Handkerchiefs, Infanta' Lace Caps, Plain and Embroidered i a Spreads and Shams, Choice Line of Linen Towels, Collars, Cnfls, Rufflings, Corsets, New Line of Pocket- Books and Bags, Choice Line of Cologne, anfl Fine Extracts. parts of the United States in the interest of the Land League. It is helleved that Mr.

iParnell will join then four months hence, Rufus Armstead, foreman of a plantation i afu adjournment Parliament, fourteen miles south of Memphis, was at- i Tne DaUy Veip8 Goschen. the sassinated by an unknown negro on Sunday newly mp poi nle Ambassador to Turkey, night. i in proceed to Constantinople on the 17th A from Salt Lake City repor's just. The Marquis of Ripon. rew Vice- that ISO Indians under the brother of Chief, roy of India, will leave England on the Douglass are encamped near Salina, Utah: 113th, to assume the duties of bis office, that the Bales are well mounted and equipped, and that they have "asked a merchant to get them forty kegs of powder." The Republican Convention of Cook county, met yesterday and split, the (irant delegates withdrawing and organizing a separate Convention.

Both Conventions elected separate delegations to the State Convention, one opposed to Grant, the oth- "We respectfully beg to announce that we have just opened twenty- four cases of the very latest Paris Novelties in Millinery Goods, comprising some of the most novel shapes" in Bonnets and Round Hats for Ladies, Misses and Children, in all the new Fancy Braids, French Chip, English Dunstables, Tuscan, and an endless variety of Boys' and Misses' Sailor Hats and other new shapes. The most recherche A Full Assortment of Fans ani Gloves, JACOB GROUSE, --DEALERIN-- NO. 68 NORTH SECOND STREET, (Below ArcU, West Oil Cloths, Mattings, Window Shades and every variety of Car- petings constantly on hand 1 styles in Trimmed Paris Bonnets and Kouncl Hats, and also those of our own artists. The largest variety in Misses' and Children's Millinery. Special gran'd display in Paris Flowers, Ostrich and Fancy Feathers, An variety in Fancy IlibBons "arid Silks; all the new shades in Satins and Satin Surah; Fancy Silks in'Cashmere and Persian Effects.

Kibbons to match, and all other Choice Hovelties in French Millinery Goods, too ntf- merbus to mention, at the Most Popular Prices. er in favor. The Chicago express train, which left New York at 10 30 yesterday morning, met with a' disaster at St. Johnsville, near Utica, iu the afternoon. Five cars ran off the track, and a number of train hands were injured, one seriously.

One passenger, a lady, was slightly bruised. Some of the members of the Ways and Means Committee who voted to report the Tucker Tariff bill, will, it is said, oppose it the House. Their action was influenced by the criticisms on the dilatoriness of the Committee, aud they now wish to put upou the House all further responsibility for the measure. It is reported from Lake City, Colorado, that 25 prospectors who invaded the reservation of the White River Utes, near Guu- nison River, have all been killed by the Indians. The unfortunate party is supposed to be the one that left Del Norte aud Lake City two weeks ago, headed by a prospector named Bradbury.

The Supreme Court at Harrisburg. in affirming the decision of the lower Court, in the case of a colored man and bis wife who, SO LIVES LOST. All the who were supposed to be misting after the fin at Noa. 80 to 84 Gray's Inn Road, ou Friday night last, have been accounted for, and no lives were lost. THE INDIAN DEFICIT.

A dispatch from Calcutta to the Ttmes says "The news that an error of 000 bad been discovered in the Indian Budget caused the country after purchasing tickets for a performance at the Arch Street Theatre, were ejested, says: "We incline to the opiuieu that as purchasers and holders of tickets tor particular teats they had more than a mere license. Their right was more in the nature lease, entitling then to peaceable ingress and egress, and exclusive possession of the designated seats during the performance on nvanlnc." profound sensation throughout It is generally fell that the defence of the blunder has broken down most lamentably, and that the gross miscalculation as to the war expenses has forever ruined Sir John Slrachey's reputation as a fl aaucier. ACfclBMSW BtBUMr. A Chinese dinner is not to be recommended. It is too greasy, and that Mosaic abomination, the pig, not only appears frequently as piece de resistance, and in sundry clever disguises, but contributes an unmistakable flavor to nearly every dish.

It comes in the full pomp of the boar's head or in the more attractive form of tender "roaster," the praises of whose "cracking" Elia has sung. restaurant uses several wagon loads of hogs daily. The animal is boiled, roasted, ried, fricasseed, minced it forms the unsa- ory contents of innocent-looking dumplings, and it is disguised in a dozen deceptive entrees. Not even the daintiest of weetmeats can remove its contaminating touch from the palate. Hence, for the curiosity seeker who has a stomach not under perfect control, it safer to try the lunch orved at midday, in which few meats ap tear md JOB HART.

C. S. HAMILTON. 4. 17 West Third Street.

We respectfully call the attention of the ladies of Chester and vicinity to our line of BLACK FRENCH CASHMERES, Which we are selling at 38, 44, 48-aud EXCELLENT VALUE the lg her grades. These goods are selling freely, would ask all who intend ing to examine our stock before buying elsewhere. OUR BLACK SILKS, At $1.00 and $1.25, A A I A A I ALSO, LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Figured lawns, Chintzes and Spring DresaQoods. MUSLINS AND SHEETINGS, Cheaper than they am be bought EVEBT in PfaflaaelpluV JUST RECEIVED, ONE CASE OF CHILDREN'S FANCY HOSE AT FIVE CENTS A PAIR Respectfully, CROSBY HILL, NO. 17 WEST THIRD STREET.


DEVILED CRABS, CHICKEN CROQUETS, SALADS, c. Confections, Fruits, Nuts, c. Ice Creams, Ices and Frozen Fruits, Refreshments for Suppers. Weddings, Parties, Ac at reasonable rates, on snori notice. Genuine Vienna Bread Served fresh every day- apl6-3m The cheapest place in Chester to bay WALL PAPER AND WINDOW SHADES, 19 AT WILLIAMSON'S, NO.

810 EDGMONT AVENUE. Hung: by experienced worfcmen. that particular In the House various bills and resolutions were Introduced under the call of States. Resolutions were passed requesting the President to open negotiations with France, Austria and Italy, with a view to removing the restrictions oa the importation of tobacco in those countries; also requesting the President to call au International Sanitary Onference, to meet in Washington. The Curtin-Yocum case was discussed.

The Legislative Appropriation bill was reported, ordered to be printed and recommitted. An evening session was held for speech making only. The charges against Mayor Kallocb, to be DM TM The garcon appears with two teacups uu a saucer and a kettle of boiling water. one cup he pots a pinch of dry tee, pours water upou it and covers it with the saucer. Your tea then "drawing." Quickly he returns with chopsticks and the regular lunch.

The bill comprises three egg-cakes; two dumplings, with a species Chinese strawberry mark on the top; three scraps of the unknown pert of the a dish of preserved watermelons, and another of The tea is now steeped, and placing your forefinger on the saucer, you tilt the cup over and allow a thin stream of the fragrant beverage to escape into your saucer. You-will win the flood of the waiter if you shake your bead wfien be if you want sugar. It never occurs to him that you would ruin the cup with milk, he tea, made of the tender shoots of the plants, tastes like unusually fine English breakfast, but with a more delicate flavor and aroma. By Its aid you may eat sparingly of the preferred before the Superior Court of San Francisco, have been prepared, and were to have been presented yesterday. The Mayor is accused of corruption and inciting to riot The names of nve persons in the Sheriff' omce and of several others in the Registrar' office are given, who, it is alleged, paid the Mayor a "consideration" for their appointments.

It is said that one of these cases is fortified by a letter over Kalloch's own signature. He is also accused of demanding and receiving free passes and gifts ot tickets from railroads and heat i as. The last charge, that of inciting to riot, is supported by citations from his Sand Lot and other speeches. The fire at Rixford, near Bradford, was still burning yesterday. In the morning, the tank which had been burning boiled over and set fire to a second 25,000 barrel iron tank of the United Lines.

Two other smaller tanks, belonging to the Tidewater Pipe Line Company, remained, a short distance farther down the valley, and it was thought they would catch fire before night. The loss on the buildings destroyed at Rixford is $30,000. Dangerous fires prevailed yesterdav in the woods near Barnum City and Coleville, twelve miles from Bradford, endangering oil property in those places, but there were indications of rain last evening, and it was hoped showers would fall and extinguish the flames. BT ATLACTIC TCLEOBAPH. dumplings, relish the egg-cake in spite of the lard in which it is fried, enjoy the watermelon and devour the sweetmeats.

Of the pork, the odor alone is ample a long drawn smell is equal to a surfeit. All these dainties are eaten with chop sticks by the Chinese around you, but the use of these articles comes with nature, not art. It is idle to imitate the skill of your neighbors you will drop all the food on the table. Better is it to accept the offering of on old-fashioned battered knife and fork, which the proprietor doubtless gathered in at an auction sale of antique household goods. There is no limit to the amount of tea you may guzzle.

The attentive waiter will fill your cup again and again with hot water, and, singular to relate, the tea leaves give out strength aud aroma after much soaking. The cost of all this refreshment is only twenty cents. A regular dinner, at which meats, coffee and rice brandy are served, costs from forty to seventy-five ceuts, according to the number of coumes and the in JV. T. TOCK FOR SALE AT THE South Chester Drove Yard, EVERY DAY.

Fat Cattle, Sheep and Hogs fe2I-tf QHALFANTS EXPRESS. On and after Monday, March 12th, 1880. I will ran an Express to meet all trains at the Medift depot, and will auw be prepared to attend any Borders mt all times, reasonable rates, will also run three trips, weeKy between Media and Chester. Leaving Media at 9 a and Chester at 11 o'clock a. on MondaysYThuredays and Saturdays.

A share LosDox.May Channel Squadron, which was ordered to leave in search of the training ship Atlanta, has arrived in Bantry Bay. No news of the missing vessel was obtained. LABOR TROUBLES. LONBOS, May meeting of delegates from twenty-five cotton manufacturing towns in Lancaster and adjoining conn- ties was held at Blackburn on Saturday. The meeting resolved to accept an offer from the masters to have an interview at Man- An early betrothal is chronicled by the Elutira Free Press.

Two young couples were married within a month of each other, and from families that had been very intimate. In January last a boy was bora to one of them, and be was welcomed as heartily as though he had been a prince of a i reigning house. Last month a girl ap- Ipeared to the other young couple. One evening last week the mother of the boy vis- ited the mother of the girl, taking the child with her. Most of the members of both 1 families were also present.

The mother of the boy took a rather dlminntive but costly ring from a case, and, placing it on the finger of the girl scarcely a month old, solemnly engaged her son to the child, the matter to be ratified in the future--JV. Y. Tribune. 9 Media. Pa.

AKD AMERICAS I A and retail, at fair prices. siren to and others at A large assortment on band MNTVILF8, Aleeftwlle Bitten. Thousands have been ruined for life by drinking popular the principal gradient of which was alcohol. Such "bitters" are deceptive in their effects; they cause Intoxication and temporary relief, TWO-0VATW an advance of five per cent, is made in their There is quite a determination among the operatives, which means that what they sonertd daring tbe strike of 1878 they are prepared to suffer again. The masters are equally determined.

Some thousands of dock laborers, In Liverpool, nave struck for an advance of wages, and steasaer are much inconvenienced. One firm has already conceded tbe advance demanded. Daeltt and Breanan sailed on Ssttrdaf for America. Mr. Datitt and Mr.

John Dillon will tlstt CeliJbmla and alcohol. It not heat and inflame the blood; it cools and parties it. Better than this even, it has cured many a raving appetite for drink, it will do you good, not efil all tbe days of jonr life. AM druggists sell it. Dr.

David Kennedy, proprietor, Bon- dout, X. T. Cooper, Drjdeo, New Torts, had cancer yearn age, sod be I them bis re-Bui It did not.

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