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Morning Oregonian du lieu suivant : Portland, Oregon • Page 3

Morning Oregoniani
Portland, Oregon
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JSirttou anfl A. B. I A TJ 10 3NT XQ i of J- tin i Oak A 1 I 3 KSTATi A a i A I i TA I a i i i A il OftflB SIIUK CBJfWS Matot tre en of 1 t- a I A 11 I I I A I UN AD i I i IflE AJTD PEREMPTORY BALB OJ- Pui-uiturc, General Merohaadue A 1 1 A 10 djck A 10 FLORA I I A A A I net cu i II A i I I I UK A TW A I) IV 1 JiiO K) A A A TO B. 1 A I HOMESTEAD PROPERTY A AUCTION I I A A A 1ST, it a-cWk A STfJID PROPHRTIf Lot Ho cumr rlnl lo MJABLE FARM: ME, IRON AND STEEL I and MpdT EX 'JWew Mf i 'fit t. eaou In 4 I MM Pun Hi ai-ti.

1 JttBART Ant to WHLOW A mi, Jto to Ul Vorix flitt, SfceJ iron, trMtttnoi. Ban ITI laxl ITt I SjiaaDIMlIo lunik lowlMaic ixi OOLrAX, ANT AS A AM A DK WM BMiTU 1 AHBHCWKAPHY I A WKBOTTBC BIBLK, by Pmf fc. JKUKK00N DATI8 by AltViend ami nrritorir arfdMws A A CO 604 Wavblnic' i San«c 1 STOEBI HEW i HBHDRW80H COOK DKALKiLB If STAPLE DRY GOODS, AID HOTIOIT8, it Geits' rurnisliinj Goods. THE ONE PRICE STORE rint Street. CtiEKK, DKNIIKKSOU CO IK I SP4PFR1 A 2V, i franclnoo Log Yoi-t Gold EH i i tlie i I I co I I I I I 1 i i thts I UgB i i I co th tUf tt I' Milt itrwit II I ad frelsaat I fu the by uo yea freigbttiii.

I A l-TLtt HI cr twtiHhu i ai 1 1 fair tl I i or lu i tl IO.M I fill dH letter I w.k A i tb ujund pu lu oTitrercbrfnd I I nrli lioiHe In ntano (m )wt 11 0 fc I I a i i i a cMy aboottwotte YBuni met with a atu MCldunt. I i i i 1 a it do walk rMTffat bj a I ter him upon i i wltbaacl I n-ak tl It i arm uu i I a I ho i bttftditig It fl i i I tbe a i facturl IE I and tbd I Uy tt hirl i bTi It tn Te OBT ll I HVC tl He. W.lbti lort Simc-w i. I i nu recove from Ills U-t bei Mr ffMlurlM I 1 ml rusted for -nil to Hie we ible learn ll ry tin bat ID tl I I 1 wagua wlieo b.t«Hne of wMto en ar Hie Iiidiaiiaj a fr In Very Nlro ii CLARCE A ctiLTt A Socit-Tt I i i pnrniant to tbe Hrtjnort eiit of a firmer waa thD (Jay ol ited fur tlie orgat bution of an Ipik- I Society Urke Co nly Wo nre i -p-l lu deft i lie proceed! i but no reanon told 1 I I that the Kjofoty was ful orRnnUod intt ar menu made Hm. fair ll In Al tl (oroier to It was re-olrv 1 I Tl loa be as tbe Clarke Oountjj Ajt-ilc th i ral and Mocliau.n.1 8M5ioty Tl tl tlie oflicetfa of HAI 1 So clely shall a tTeniilenl Tire rrs reti i Treanrer That any jwrauq may tBCamad met it or of tbla Society upon Into the TreMury behoof dollar i but no be aatlUad.

to a tl a electl fur thereof aglets tiieJl para a nsi 4aot of jLhirko ootuity atad ovec -fti)e mn axe TliRt the object of Soclrt In tbe dfTTuilW 4( uselul aod merliaDaCiil knowledge Of THI RIQST STL FT --Ou itnd After tl occfuio i tlin fire which destroyeJ Mr Walk or a fUctGfl oft tMftrd tl remarked that loaor a plucljy HIM tn I that lie liU 1 writ a i i i a pbt pi KithM In tlio riiius I I ncn.rr«ly uiuiu Mil bal re Mr a a a for i en that lers i I ury already beeji I to tbe nt 1 Hint Mr ft id about to let Ida tri Tor tli a erection proof brick will tw i ies the uld tuurteen Ttwt and the othor tuittve ftJt high Me WaUw ng en-it abjrtly ito nail) nlperiutrn I the con-trnctfon uf idnie niactunery to fctuilu.t Ii c.Mt, Kill vary ru.r«l5 uud in tUoenetern khopi Ue of exactly the rifdit (b. tmRdlnR darelupliift new country thijt, tbe li.niifty will Join In wtthing-hlm the greatest nacaaura of good furluue SttUBfljitBOvaiKSia --Jmt at preneot ore is co fab.4 activity the matter uf AjpC repair. ad41Uoo lo the laying wn i le in I cr rM wlalkn tlM Ktrinrxly ire cattinc Waablufton it reel It roceivlt now drMMi MeiM ftj.low.nic lift of be Improred Iniiiiedmtely-- toon uf tliom by uf tely-- to tooabfuc up of I rjkcn atreuU tn UiTwetflb OUy OuloniLia, Harkftt rroat ba I from I'l to CUy street geieoth atreet ashington to OUy etree Slurk atrtt (run Sec to Sixth afreet Pine vtreet Truiu llmt i Araw Vruot tu i to 1-ourtS. Flflli street ClIUJLlT CoutT Uproa JUM.E TUe i i pr ceeil lag! were had ta the Circuit Oonrt oa Swlutjdtty B. n.

JIM Knolt. a Lagao and Shsttoek ftr plal rtiff rich for defendant 'fl. Hopne I.ndwlj for pUl.itifT trapnrt of refurre Hulker lor pi ilotllT Itiad Thayor tbr defcoitattt. eirelatfoa I llbdun to oat part -3f eomvli lot verrnle 9 -tat ootil tb Mitchell forplaiuUB, QIbb.1* y. HarbaBth A Wallea Wctlra fcr now on I Dolpli Btnlth tor plafntliT fltwt nek Jfc Capl A HflnryBlnl Jt tar plaintiff by ft Jt, 20 CStple.

lorplall tiff. OOCTUS-Drnur, JOIHIB.W fcl lowing ft K-Brbee, vt Lidd MotUin of fo'tgroaa. up, tbe court for aatarilajr In ft. John Wallacr, "Sai OattUBbm rf af of 0 ZxHwoed ei. ol Bwmivrrtr to ttw pvdUop plaintiff uk of of Injanctlon Ion of the Oowhlx river, itarUd a to run witboat woctoMry an, atttt wtUioct the from loipectun fty law It It uld the pnrcbuer irl il roOt ba 1 jv- TowBMnd, Uto ttof l.rt»t He bad been in aad cofidttba men fint.

aad bad Uwjt ad terribly i. came to the rather i relUf tha Ittror, thoD to the family left dwtita Is a Watlah cw poorlj The wliw -Wi are Uft with abwlaldy uotbliR. but the Vnf B-'-'T. O-l ft Jarrtn Hall, upon wwlTO. Nehw Kortkrup wJkht w.

JT, bank- OrJer erantlnR iua? AwbirfV to A-tywUTieJ until Satnrd.y Adgtntlot Suatu Xbo 1 OnrHU flt aader IHWM of the 8 puwiBer And oavigaitlo made by If A B. iHefcardwo -BC toJ 0 fur The WM bi owotd Satur for lawi Tbe lon-wr and lit for the oanti aed aantwr night, reo.alT.idh hlgj.iK.wmo --We learn from Mr Ho; Oouch that tha bark it with lumlier for Ban Diego JiV Tita 1 the antUfl fiir lau Botl Lbene uoU a i a Ii bM.Ia«t if ntilber of thwa we tblnk Uced by telegr-plij rti aaili Frauciity he ice wu ct'ticludo tl -T fr portt Tike baric a Is loadft i lum for Kau ltd will be ly to 1 tiext Fr CbMcA will bar dow to boocotrrr Taocvw --On tbe 8th I nil tbe mm $8,000 in otUn from Mr Dwaivl Levuu at G.ileiville cou ty Two Obi areMppuMHl tl committed the crime-- 1 Ited 6 toro hl l. shout 125 It hw high vtrtUt borjM acd good ICkiKihb tbe an n(tly looking fallow with one aar OOB They lu tmve cotuu thf. way and poi" thU city uffertuga reward faUO fur the Ve KBW Tbe following new boA- bar to the Portland Library Hard Cavh, i Young Mchtwuod two, by by fc 11 HiH ana on, by Mn leet lately*, It CUadl- by An rigbtlnf. tho FlaniMi by I A the BU we.

ly Fbillip lluary aouM ll.o I JRrv. Ingrabm yi TO THE MuBKTAIWB --The lie and the otf Jtot week are haTlog their tMraalefft-ct--tibitart to the moentaJna aud lo tl HovLrm! (amll.iM and of Mnlnctiniuercd If a left tbe city lo OoHfLiMKatTtiir TtizjttB We Lnow (ho receipt from the WMhiftgtxw (luard. cuaip tiutminry tkketi for tbo Uooallrfbt Kirurtlon on tltr ovenl. of Augu-t fith PRODUCTS --Tie followiofr wai on fiaturdar per the MO ar ilu flour 1 tZ woul 1 Imlet. bl.DkeU.

rece 100 feel of In the New iork Convention iff THinela. made a speech in vhijcli be nd fcc--ad Wade Hampton Fort Piliolw FoireKt other rebels prefaent, nnjii)g I stretch toot to yon the hand of feHowsh.p id ly It I oo-operaie to orrebt disunion auil nenrpik tton Has the devil himself ovijr sh KTO impudence and nssurnm thafl is bnbit "ial witlx Copperhead politiciiuis wo er tho transaction 011 the motmtuiii ht ccr never han Koiuii 'Hard Honey According to iLttheH to the Ir the New lork World tho jourijal which j-ByreneDtfl the, bruins of tht Democratic partr, the position tht hnancnil i ibe New Yorkplatfoun mean hard money same view btkt by the ban Ifrant IHCO the most prommont and iiinuentitil on the Pfw-iiic cuawt TIIF SmtiFKS At (lo erciiK 1 tb 11 is i St I i Oca tirl co. lu 1 1 his 01 iti with tht following spl i i Then 111 the nwt 1 scii tli 1 a i in tl is 1 M(JT i hlo I slud in the Ki-e it ti 1 I tha wounded iui I ihu i ur that is moistened tht IK jf i tl i aud oqihun 11 1 is 1 tl tl at over oar battl ht 11 1 lumi 1 tl 11 Is agony in our Ii sj I 01 I tl sacred promise 11 it tl im si ill 1 died in Tain tl ji hh ill ni from on pnrjt si 11 it hst i 1 run InhJe hhi II iko HM iltr rr that we i I i st i ii tl i i th HI i i mH i Iho i vi tor of the i A i i i It put lie no in livisil is hrmH gr 1 in parti 1 just and the pi il ol all inarliiiif, i i i MUI Hi grand 11 lil rti our hiiu nr-rs an tin 3 A in i bti 1( ciimg our ns i i tin i i i enci, BU.l nfiihi tijt th i our eiu a i i i th si a rnvert fiuth! i i I tznnati i of tlit-ir trt, irhtirY 3 ill ui truh on Kether-- on and ou i i 1 aiUsn nicsisti nle until thi in 1 i sumfmult i i so that when mi IK It inkiit 1 iy bkKs vis is wo it blitt.s th im 1 I Tbe a 5 Dot a fiiutto i (y i I I i Iditr in Mo guilt i i Hh 11 i nrl) i i tho other bad thu i of fair 1 I a acting UDii vot tli tliu i lioai Ion party a a (. I i i i JoLecti il cd in i i i 1 i oe i KvmiTi.onT HHOHI-t i a nrtb July lint Hinca Una I ol a i 1 nit bnt lu vil cli ko- MeuM.4or.Ter re buny tlieti FuKifiBiiHD IIH i Itunip for unn a 1 wife it Mrs i i 3 01 Ij I I I A A I STILLS llois II in c4i 1 or 1 tt mid fur aalo by A Liilj Fruut A A lUt OC.1DCA.TE OF COLLH K. i oii Liwt two engage 1 In aoct Dinpe iflnrr lice hi New Yu.k Oitj 1 Oa-a-iOK--N a 1(1111 Bucbiel aOallery Poillaud Oieein 4d28d8plf I DA 3 i I I Hn ah Co Og OKDKK8 ran 1 bta Bed at ll IsU fl Toet Offices in all aria of the ti it 1 Slut in tiuuu one to cue huudred UH lollms at tl 1 rated one 1 otic i or cei or nt tjie r-vtea On tut cj.rf(,Jii 10 $2l) uot excewliDg -i ceutn a Treat- ury Totes or nnl tc( uly receJTe I or aid A A I' 1 i i A AM) MI1IUA1KD Uy Dr Rlcha.raitoiiiU AupKratak Improved by Dr.

koe WILLIAM KOEHLER, A I cor tier Front and Yi oppniiltr ijlorlbrup A Co HH dware I am making HII i 0 UUBJOTOUM AKTII'ICIAL TEETH I a impruFMl i Dr Cool Patui -jaibuUxl Cot. a tbe Impr veniei of wltlcb cunniMtn a II tl fntir. cave inrftice with a KU! I it nut uul tlie pi dt0ble aaatruticudcleai liar tlnni tliu cvfutmuiO uVcat ilc It altobaq by it nuvde cotuiflerablr tbinn and llgbUH wbere-u tl price but little Kb la that foi ooiuoion tutu and ppcoiniLi i to fern tbo om right i Dr ilfcprtjvoJ unite I laltu cfu I ate it pfute out to tliwn ly appljiui; to tbl Itice H. --To aUnuHcerji I would nay that A In croaaiug Deotul I'rutCico for tl tiwt five e4ra In city will beaiudicieut fr thorn to a bint ClMfiaDl Finlnhed Work Numerous t.nVOO.ala to the can be given at tbe offlce it)r Dental OouBttJtatiut Free of Cburgn to att jyldtf LOST OR STOLEN. 75,000 Reward! ILL BK A I FOR THE A and uf the or jio cun buy Buoti aud cil out fro UK cb ijier thiiu eUe wliere In city On KCCJUI tliiiM wo liatr iuetj to veil our liuti ne dl it I ti as given bt-luw Forn or Iroaent 1 0(1 1 Lila-lt-li 1 In hull I I t.

SK A 0 JfrQ? a It In 0 i.J I at I t4t I II II 00 i dronr pt-Kt-ct tn 6() 1 of, i id I It Ii tH Calif ml ibo 1,1 I I II I netted ti 1 I (K) Dent Calf a (tors (XI Oitllo OU i Ho it Bl 0 i au Ua lora 00 Lulitfl CuKtwm Ol em Itul 4 W) ft.n taucim 4 (X) Pegged it K) Cblldret 81 1 All other ((oods ID pit iortl tlie 1 I A I III A IHMJT STORED US Front 0) MeCor kk ok SI ore rtln I Orr 1 1 00 75 THE JEWELRY ESTABLISHMENT JOH1V HAS TO 101 Vront earner Carter New i i I A I VA 0 1 1 I A 8 I I Where lia will 10 at ti 1 to ull innniiBr I i a a i I In II A i i AND 1 I PA 1 1 I 1 i tlie i lanlfka lu imer i I I i i or 0. N. im jus ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF The 'organ sjuipa hi ing HM urt from the i i Our people are once more callo upon to luttor hot that they arc Tt toiie of the Wireury baa de 4lf aim 1860 61 when it prmleJ i rtb under the of foro gu 4np.itoh«i. tbat if tro pa were reajorol fan CbarlMtoD arbor tho ob for aod take tlie forts A A A 8 1 8 0 1 I 1 I I I I atl i lor Or nirtli uimi Ij tlie stu a iiy is i. JE i i i i ll il 0 (I I 1 i flrttlirU i Jl I A I I I A (J 1 i at II I I I 1 Ir in Hie 1 1 u( ul If ui tio all (I i 1 i ml I a llic I i I'v I rnvl Bat it Ii II cltj i Inn c.

i n( I. i NOtlTII A I OK I OT I IN IILOCK SOUTH A L()l 1 I HI OCK 78 AND THK I I I OK Mia to I aSe I 1 1 cl A HI Knd 4 tck I iv "iln I Id on the i t-il i 1 cusli down on Hi rlrtlc ftll I llin I (Ull Irf1 -J I 1 if tl ird encb ia id fti ll 1 1 i er Oti tlie deft rod tin whi t) ll to ciiiwl u. i i A i i MI tiisrov i i i I' i i i Jurtlaud, July 4 I) Ibofc i n.K 0 th -e HUBT CLASH OPK tf I It 1 Rat Hh 1 -H ix I I I rid tt I all IBM Ex raction of Ttetb Also tbe RH10OLKN Bl i A fur tl 90 wl I nr of I 8ta KL a Portlfi I Jyl i SIS' I SI VAPO'l A I 3 il ra COUDH8 i in LMrmi ttu 1 1 I I M-H-C1 IO i atlf I i of null mi froia directed n-r Itatl ur two uritCull A i Cold Shower or Vapor Baths, $1 00 Warm Itutl 60 routs CUAS WIBQAND Pr I arris! kk line Po tin Orcff Ir Cooper'0 i a a i A A Kaaiily Medicfua It RI 1 7 Dlptherift A I Irr Diseaien of I a I I A I I In Dysentery nrrhca, Cb lero Ch 1 i n. a A iu It i i I tb i II. i Bn tc A arc nt a i 1 Ijy Hi a a a i fed i i it i fVV KOMI i i CO i A a AOOLI now IR AH(.

I 1 I I A I I I I ir I I I I i at 1 01 Ir tl i ull I it A I I I 1 11 A tl 1 I ik 1 I ui ti I I Dun 10 I to A iy it 01 ml 11 tdn I tl ach hum Iti out I in Lh I a i len Si rain II i I- ff nn i i UiutiacttKl In id UIML Lain Buck, and all Lameueu aud I KATT A I I 1 OIL Is uphalically Wan Frl 1 1 (firery itn wti teKtitimnial Price, Me I ur bottle tbv 1m I iog three i lucb a the.malUr by all Dra or PRATT'S L.IPK I CURBS AND RJ'VENTS FBVER AND AOtIF I i tkte Blood fNrtogtbem tbe Stoinitch. Ln and Regalatett tbq AD rti ij "jaMqwIi. LUM of Appetite Cuu4tlp i tl par ttle WOT by atl Kruifj, sin rtTholewlfl by Mtw-rs, BU1TII A I ni I HOI flALEF 00 WholetAle Dm i I I 1 1 i -1 I I A I l-6f OL tpe biaclc i i IIim cue id of cheaply easily by Hie i ne of tl re popular article, which an eno in nnle at the a ii(l fat now for male by evciywlinre H08TKTTKR fcMITII i A HKOINdrON A CO mj27d.Im ItMiile Ageutt, Sao 9TA.VL OF TUB UflUON CELEBRATED STOMACH BJTTERS. Tbe-r- Stovacb BltterBareratlrely Vegetable. md ftee fiau aluob.01 atid (Tftry bnrtftll tin reJient A TUT 1 TRV FOR YOUK I bd moat drink The yiw iijMNir bat lit nf roobi, i inlmlrly adapted ta cnra of nil of the Stomach Kidueji, Liver ftti i Dynfwpitlm, Ferer touof ete etc For inlr everywhere A A 601.1 UAHiiFimjiint Cur Sknuonie A SAN Fiuicisoo MAIL A I THROUGH TO SAN FRANCISCO IN THE OREGON AND CALIFORNIA STAGE OOMPjlLKfY, Carryiig tiiltwl SUlwi Usllfl and WtlU targfl ft Ou a Kxprau ftre nuw tltdr DAILY LINE OF STAGES, Connecting AT OBOVIX.LB, AfD at Waoramento, TfflWHH TO SAN FRANCISCO IN 5S DAYS! 0rs pertniHeil to lay 1 over at any riot OD the nd leave the Offlce of the Comnn iy Dally at clock A a o.

Aiceut. July lyih 1808 JjTldtf L. c. HE: (Succtiior to IVo. 10O Vroiit Wtroot, Has Just receiretl a Large and Well Solectcd I ly or GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES! DIAMONDS.

JJSWELHY, Solid Silrer aud Plated Ware. A PDH. BOMM'S IMPROVED ATEKT LADIES BUDKIE A I I I wlilch I SIM 1 LICITY and Kl CO eurtinssH and PaillcHlnr mini pnl 1 ta DIAHONO SETTINO. ENQQAVINa, Ckl! in and j( Dnd kt 11 yulir will, tmre to Hardware Cutlery, IIIOIV A i Blaolumitbi Hmeri' and Meotmaici HODtiK, CALKF i IX Drugs and Medicines, PAINTS, OILS AMD WINDOW SLAM, A BRUSHES PAINTERS A I A I And Bui.flrle*, O. Of rot PIP aa 97 Stre rtUnd TO DEALERS IN PAINTS, OI LH, fc J-to.

A A I I I A BOH BBLH A A I I A WI 01 I A i A CO I A 1I llo i to in Dragn an I 07 ront TO DRUGGISTS AND GENERAL DEALERS. Qt KM LI FI I 1 1 A A A I I I A A A BOH A I HUH I I HI )F I CASTOR Olio, TINS A BOTTLH9t FL I EXTttACTS I I TB With Urga comploU stock of PATENT MEDICINES, POHTLAND ORLOON Goods by the PacJcage FOB CASH AT San Prices and Freigtit. Ordorj ll. SAU FranUxxj IT diMlruil Port uud Mny 1 Ifti A I fMauufaelorp KtttablUtied 111 1 8 9 1 STEAM IOWM1 NOfl A 6 5 A A 1 CALM A 1 4 I 000 000, FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE, I I A IJ i Scciula In Oregon and Vv aahington Terntory, A I (J iieral A A I 0 1 5 1 1 A ur i nporUUjii fr tiH fur obti ilng the ab at enat In tig to Jw atom nuuLeti Onr AMU flnt and er grent HODC.K, A A CO Doalero Drugn Pni to K( Mtt B7 FroiiC B. J.

NORTHROP IRON AND STEEL, HARDWOOD LUMBER, HUBS, SPOKES, HICKORY AXLES BEWT I FELLOES, POLES, SHAFTS, CALL THE ATTENTION OF DRALIRI ollierR to our atuck of tha goo ti wh oh V12K8, ul, bj II OO AXI, 1C A AK, A8II A H1CKLOKY A JIMC lecelvMl ox la(o by pSMawlm BiOKTimtlP CO. W0ITK FKOTUIAIf R. D. WHITE iJOOTS St SHOEf 131 Flrat Bltek, I (JUTLAND OKKOON THTONDEMIOVKD ItAtlSO FCR cbaflcd A WH1TK ti Block of Bout! id couHial Ing of a Large HaKnlfleent Ailnrtnenl LATEST STYLES AMD BEST BRANDS known to tbe Trade which i be sold at 25 cent. Former Pricei are also recehrlng Supplies bj eiery Steamer fnJm a for the pa(r noge heretofore brat owed i licit ao eximhmtM of our Bitenthe Stock by Lhe ubiio a.

p. WUITK jt cu. a 1808 ALL SET A A I THW1NC, I I NO. HM FliOlVT la to Uiger SADDLES, HARNESS COLLARS all of wb ch will low Also of In tho itralnet I 0 1 i IHi, I 1 homf antl ahr ad A I llnnmtr wl 1 ab Ii lltK-rnl chare wl JAlavtf OREGON A OPITZ Proprietor, MANUFACTl, OF ALL KINDS QUALITQfc REAPFRS, MOWERS. THRESHERS, Fo 11ft Corner Kroi.l MorrLon PlKl A JlKUON dtl rir.c and Sli.

A n'OIKV A A I I I 1 A i he will a general ly wl I 1 i rl 1 -ell a 1 (bati the tafue can 1 a a i at San a lien BREAD, CAKES AND PIES! Cut -ta tly I a I a RCI tu-ot of rtflitn I I srt ji i The Great YOU A 1 i i A A UST A I A1IUK Oi SKI 8 A 1 I I I I JH BOWI8 I I a A I I A STflNHVAKH AT I A 1 1.Y IIP.I»UI FD fltlCKS at Whcliwl. or ft I t-y A A 0 Brlilclniick JK)dlf Vroiit BlrMl Jortltud Jortltu BREAD, CAKES AND PASTRY! rt AI WAYS HE HOI HKLOW San FranLUco Cost 1 9 i to FlUST I A Hattreis Maker and General Jobber IN TIIK ULB1NK8B 1 I I I A I I I A THH AtTMfc on Ll to iha Aid ctarM STn you ctarM UF 8.WXtND AM) TA1 Utlt la rMdy tu vrork to i or cut i i in no! lo 1 4KB 0 or it nn elltf i Ctf-Ft A A A 1 BEDDING ANFTuTNITURE H)UH A AN TM plojen In tlin Fun i are rooika of BMIL I A LO I aa ritcd a Factory I On tUe Coruer of First and Salmoai Whe (fl 1 A le nul al all timea to flit a i i i i In tl HfHl It, hoe a ti II Id HFPA1RINO UPHOl 81KKY A HMJLHM) Ak I A 1 LKAMD and A I I I OKKI10N A couUnllr on hand I rtlatirl 1 ISbS BOTTS 1 A A AMD A ATTERN BOYS' I at 26 ir I. for J'ldlf 8. VV 1 1.T.INRKl'H, im I SlOI Rl II A 8 8 A A I I A tBB HULK UAmraa TSAM COLJARa, Hill's Concord Stage A I SET I AF1ARAJO did LKATUKR A I A KMAJA1SLKD DIK-KINQ 6UKEI 8KIN8 bTAOE I A8IIK8 A I A A Ac ImporHnf from tht Enirt irt offer kll tlio ad obUinwi tii the Pmncfwo mnrkct A Urge well dtock coutUoMf 1 find mb30tf3p i Splendid Assortment of Goods! jbST BJCGKH KD AT W. T.

A A A Miasie Ax-t Cra.llex-y 9 Oo First Street. Dear Weatern UulH A A 0 I A IU AHTKI fFt COKKI- I -Hi ion CKLAM A I A a I le Iho uu omigi tnl wl 1 u. alwuyii ij 31J u) Ik ct I Jt for the ex 1 rut a 1 t- thltig to nut fj tl I I tl ll i I lu Iv It cncutuai IU.LI iijtorf rliy 1 I uu uu In nd In tint nmrkota tl 0 AI 1 a eicltr- tbe t.ui iditj it I I bj i 1 in the i 1 tic induing i i tl en it I i fur tlie A I 1 A 1 Oui-KKt. i fitiUil uubudy afti a rial imly it. i li iinwtll HM of co ut i uld 1 fu i tbolr ffunrd aj, et i i ictlce A OF 1 COXJN I TS Each I tl ul A KD 3tt rftONT STHBtT i IM been appointed Agtiut fur tbe of ENAR.D II i PI Ml 1 JJ A i 1 I i KV, H)l A ICh A CO 1 KTT t- () A I S.


TllK H10UKST PHICF PH I I I PA 11 id H1TKS deli i ILK No 88 factui C-ateli it atrcet, I rtlacd. nt I uud ni! A i th ISM lor FURS 1)K A I I i I I I tin I a 1,1 1 id? to rdr i I.M Ufa. A 3 jrlu C. it. 110 a Porllaml Ot't-LAH IOOSLH AKD I A(TIM LIFT FORCE DOtJOL-AS 1 IKT 1 i UOUBI.IE I Lareat of 1 air pi I tb WATCHES I A Ill OITIUXS OT I A A laforaiftd that tbo baa a Watoh Maim? and Repairing Shop, No ISO PI it Itrrat I ol and Ta- P1K15 b'fr jt-ar.

In I nQdrut ofpIoMlnR thepnt he A Work i SILVER ARNOLD, 130 Jflravt (Between Tayltr and i a ItllKTI AM) ORBOON I I A A I A i A I I 811 KTBI Blick ol ll.e III for CASH OR OOUNTRT 1 RODUCK 8 SILVER A 2 6 STEERS HINDE, DatALIM IX XOR.KU.Bf A 8 I WINES, BRANDIES, WHISKIES, ETC. Stark St totwocu Front and Firnt POKTLAXD OREUON illf Established in 18O3. IMPERIAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. Oapital, I IK $30 000 A I nCRK I A FPOK Ap JUSTMICNT IN UNITED BrATE3 QOU) C30IN A DICL.L. la TP( Son Fi accleco AfSuU for llic PnciAc end Hi If Jt A A 1 Qrcp' and Jilkli ARC I And of wbtngl 1 I li- SpeclKl Dr A LLIS Frtmt aad Stmtk I I A I 14 1H66 II HOSTETTEIt'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTEfiS! A Pure nd Powmlul Tome, la STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS.

PHOTKCTIVB PKOPKRflKC. Dp ftnd All CMBpt ram Bodllj 1 of miwhot i ormtei OI A of dfgectloe bowtte, the Pi Lift. RKMKDlAJLi POPKlti'kjBV. UTM- JHck IMilHtr tf i. of Spuita Or-- Colic.

of MX PBODCCKD BY BPBCIAL OADBBfc THAT IB NOT HOLKSOM1, OBMIAL, 111 mid rn tormtJre In lu Bfttar com of IJOSTIiTThJt 9 STOMACH BITTEBS Xhfa I taint no of any kind. DO deadly boUokml cleiuoutt ficrjr ncitabt bvt combtnmttoc nf the of rare halwrnV and pknU with the purest and mlMtmt all dUftwiTM vtim i i Tht stMUftdi It rmi4dly lDvlgortnd and peUEo reMUirt-il bj bli Tuuic tnd faencc it wmderi in of Ityepejxu md In conCrmM forma of lo- dlfreoli AerJnjr ni gentle ftprfMit, wtll upon the lirer it abu ImnftUj rvUtves COB by irregulur ncUon of thedlpMtire Brcrutiri orf nf 'wl I UaUt, 1L Low of mad uf find prompt and fmpi illtlpn thin lrt.m bolk MXW. A- DC Tonic UOM bTT TH. ClTTttRi irhlc mist bt i M-IS eil io a t. ire I tg 1 i Infl I at all diaraMB it Ib.

i Inioil oj erataa to ra-cnferaa 1 I UL IrKMt il la tha onlr aafa atltnnUi fr ra Mnird aad looctinua I fr tn lie Her I RlomrBla ntora or I a I i and 'tniuacjlct of tt.1 day K. A CO A J'UHpf Orrj- J. P. JONES CO. STEAM COFFEE AND SPICE MILLS, Coruor Mua ani Second I'ORTLA sD OjL8OO EEP ON A A UuOB 8UPPLT of OLD A A CflAJlTRKS aiO GROUND COirEJf a.11 KirLdrt or Oi und (Tw fpicM fc Cvi IT IIMI wben the public A A it of old i Trvl uU I ui Urge In Ubor.d A ISLAND SALT.

WARRANTED PURE. WJOCK COARSE OROljMI DAISY AXB TABLE SALT alwavi on hand and Tor aale (D I I A I I A 1 A 8u A WARDED TQB BOARD OF AORJOT3LTDRE 2 4 186K to LANDSBERGER Fen i A I I 1 i ih fcrl A BRItW PTKR TLK8, A TOP JE. I A I (Suv-MiTTta 4 AT) 1 Irst fct-t I ETLAND OREGON NEW PLUMBING GAS-FITTING I 1KV i TEtt OF A DULE It 1 A 1 8 A P1TTLHGS. PLUMBERS GOODS, a a Gooda Hat Water I a a a Water IEJ Flal.d Satin Balk Blfch. crolon Stops and litO-V AM) a ALL i roE STI.AM A A TIM BINDS, BUSHINGS.

PLUGS. lUa, aahcroft'. Gna-gea aad Plaxira Ct and WatfMaaa Angle And ClitM Ic VaJvaB Oil Cup Tallow and Drait of IIOSp A OHOTIOV A rOHCK i I 0 1 I I STKAM WATKE, E. Sumirrr fc WllOthS A RETAIL DE1LSR EC STOVES, TIN PLATf, SHEET KDN, T1SV1.P BHiZIEBS-i zixc niiii Tin, Sheet Iro. B5 K.HJL, LetUSTEfS; 4 CO.

WHOLESALED AND I rt. POUTLAKD, I Mftl BllTCKBB will ll Dottce uf 11 cuuiKjlweim MKi toRfa if Ut flOOD I UKALTHFLL TONIC ASD A Purifier of Blood Betlu nuvlj yrt tk 1 futil ftCTeeoljU drlak 1 WATERHOUSE LESTER, OT Hardwood Lumber, A CAEUtlAGK aBD A A I A Ajutrr First PORTLAND, GODDARD LAKE. a. 114 aud UG Curorr of Horriaon POBTLAfiD OBEOOM A I I a BCDUIIT OUT 4 BJUlii. THE OLD BENRETT A WHITE UVERY, SALE AND FEED STABLE 111 I 'f lor Ltni rtlaud 18 186R dSplf FAMILY A I A 1 mplMod aod ar I 1 OOOI 111 A OO a ail the old at ace fit tu pa tlcnlat fart A CA11RIA01-E OF DIFFliEIIMT I K8 I a il an 1 COOPER 4 CO PortUn i 18Ui IMA Express wagong! XPRISB W400MS AND STJLKJKS C.ti A 10 4 0 0 10 that we a riei arrtl tbe 01 ALL nOTII A A AM UIIK- nnl we afaaU take pride In out a.

cao on tbb cuaal fur tl to BUT ALL THK GOOD OH-'ILa tb-vt COL il waiLM, al UKTTltt. KS a UK I npeci ou rtlaiid 1W18 dSptf SECOND-HAND BUGGIES! A A I I ordM and i ir tale I vr I iMrljr Daw cui band Pure Linseed. Oil RAW AND BOILED LINSCED OIL FftOM A A A OKtUOJ. Wrritntcil AW I A I I onc.iof.uj NFWSPAPFK!.

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