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The News-Chronicle du lieu suivant : Shippensburg, Pennsylvania • Page 3

Shippensburg, Pennsylvania
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Personal and Social Gossip. THE BOLDIERB' RECEPTION'. EA8TER. An Evening's Pleasant Enjoyment. C7f Shirt Waists For 1899.

Rev. John Sbarpe and wife, are visiting Rep irted for Thk News. Hear, mourner, tho Evangel! 11 A Most Successful AflairEloauent Ad Hear the radiant, white-robed iingel! On Thursday evening, a their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elder Sharpe, East Main Street.

His appearance is as lightning, company of yonng folks repaired to the The entertainment advertised for March dressesEnthusiastic Reception to the Veterans A Sumptuous Banquet. As announced in The News last week, Anil his raiment white as snow: home of Rev. and Mrs. David Allison, near Leesburg, where a surprise party 31st, by the Ladies' Temple, K. G.

has Look! the very skies aro briuht'ning! SHIPPENSBURG, PENN'A, Friday Morulas, March 3t, 1899. been postponed. was held in honor of their daughter and a meeting was held aud committees ap Deathless joy to all bel-nv: 'HE is risen from the Rev. and Mrs. Frank Reber, of Rey- Constipation, Headache, Biliousness, Heartburn, Indigestion, Dizziness, Indicate that your liver Is out of order.

The best medicine to rouse the liver and cure all these ills. Is found in Hood's Pills 25 cents. Sold by all medicine dealers. son, aiasie and Kobbie. The evening pointed to arrange for a suitable reception 1 1 i Complete Assortment Fashionable FIT noldsville, are the guests of their uncle This is what the angel said.

NOTICE. was spent in playing of games of a social character, interspersed with music and and welcome home for the men who bad enlisted for the war with Spain, and had R. W. Hockersmith. JVcr.

Geo. V. Henry. Carlisle sHoes for children made of fine Miss Ruth Henry, a student at Irving recitations. The refreshments, which con Advertiser and others cill please take notice that ire go to press regularly every College, Mechanic8burg, is spending her vici kid, at vVeaver Gates'.

fri'tay morning, ami cannot insure the inser sisted of sandwiches, cake, bananas, oranges and lemonade, were appreciated. Easter vacation at home. tion of much matter after Thursday evening. At a late hour the company retired, all Dr. B.

F. Myers has removed into his The mail slip on each paptr indicates the time when the subscription expires, and is a expressing themselves as much pleased Celebrated Its Eighth Anniversary. The eighth anniversary of the institu AND house purchased from the Jamison estate, opposite the Opera House. receivt in full to that date. wan the evening entertainment and the hospitality shown by Rev.

aud Mrs. Alli tion of Cumberland Valley Council, 207, Order of the United American Mechanics, Finish son, lue following were present: Misses Charles Shulenberger, of Newville, has Masie Allison, Annie Highlands, Anna PERTINENT AD MINOR MENTION. purchased the restaurant in the Jamison was celebrated Friday evening, March 24th, in the Opera House, by appropriate Building from J. D. Clever.

Neff, Beckie Hanlin, Lottie Hale, Anna Emma Coover, Alice Miller, Alice and Dora Hosfeld, Grace, Mamie, Satlie and Bessie Fogelsonger. Messrs. A Full JAue of WINDOW SHADES and Fixtures, Cl'RTAIX POLKS, Ac. Miss Georgia Craig, who is attending a exercises. There were upwards of four been mustered out of the United States service.

The time set for the reception and banquet was Thursday evening, March HOih, the address of welcome to be given in the Opera House and the banquet in Educational Hall. The different committees took hold of the work assigned them and worked ener-geticly to make the occasion a success in every particular, and their efforts were not in vain. All details were carried out and the honor and welcome extended to the ret mod soldiers as well as the veterans of the Civil War was a befitting and patriotic one. The Opera llouao was haiiaonn ly deeo-rateil willt llagi, bunting, llnwurs und laiirtil and iniblH a bitmitiful Friday. tiixid rive, March.

for the April fool. 1 int and eggs dye with Easter. school oC elocution in Philadelphia, is Aiso, Shirt Waist Materials Madras, Chambkay, Piyt'E, Percales, Flanselleites, Silks, Zephyrs, Lawns. Ititbbie Allison, Kddie Highlands, Klmer home for the Easter vacation. hundred members, their wives, sweethearts and friends present.

Mr. Chas. M. Fridinger presided and -Tut- h.iud organ may be looked for most any W. A.

MeCarrell, student at Mer- Kvans, Ld. Hanlin, Wm. Failor, Wm. Neff, Raymond Hale, Jacob Wineman, Wm. Allen, Kan Noel, Herbert and Al.

Foglesongur, One who was PKEsENT. oersburg College, is home on an enforced made a brief speech of welcome, after vacation, owing to a sore thumb. Mr and Mrs. II. J.

Htewart, of Harris- I.ulckl Dehign In WALL PAPERS i.wiwT retit'i: J. MACLAY'S, Kurlti Ilnllroud Mreel, Stetson's oft hats at Weaver Gates', A fxmUy'a Narrow Escape Mus. Claiiknck J. Redd i burg, attended the funeral of Miss Alice Hnydei, of ii rslowii, on Wednesday, which the following program was given: Singing, "America," aii'tience; Prayer, Hev. G.

ll. Gossard; Music, "Slur Spangled Banner," t'itiens Bant); lltsliiry of 1'iiiiibttrliiiid Valley Council, ,1 no. SV. ('titivul'i Hulit, Itubeii ittltn, Uho. Haniiu-, win) is a ui intent, ii.iy.

i in- hen thut lays the colored egg la uow in I'm- iib-f i he lef told liy the teetn of I II. i.n. it i -inn t.i tin very iHiutoiifily i.i i I vi n. us in ut i mIh nil 'I lii have li mil llm in i ii i in i I iv fcilli)ii inl blllHlnY hi in I tamidiiv I in. ii "fii'ali Mli iii" li bunny 1 1 ii i ri lii'li I in mum iiii-h viiit away money In flip i Hi it Hiiii burs.

Benjamin Naugle, living near Metul, Franklin 'nunty, wh a wakened Hul unlay Washington Hint ilulfHimill College, 14 an it Wa brilliantly jlliiinilial eal wild Inthix, mitToiiitiij tnnu nmping dotttfh Kmulallnu, MIH Haillid Sn, Mualx, liimilliq? ulimtt f.ilit' ii'nlitnk, ttlinunl nllltu J. A. KELL Newville THiipki Mi. IVIei' Ne(T ut iiiiilijii hyliU: 'J'liu Riinilini vidtiiiinii, nltii'Pli iif tli inrtnliiia and t'iU'i ii Mum! neeiipliii! I In' ut ago, niil nt will) Minitkn, Culling hi wiftt, fnni I'UMi'iiK llaitd tiit, Miami Mowiq Mid HlhlllM'lllHIl i illllill, Mil. il lliitlMtti ti Mlilpppiifiljiii-jf was In our city lf week, as AL 1 ll Uitul ft I'liifilrbii mid Ml of Uiitiiiiininl, i giibM, they iliiiivqiei that the whole In filmkitig hittidft with old ettinlnlitnee.

Tim Ctiinuiiltbps, Vi'ti'iitns, Mrs. Ed. U. Met'lierson mid Miss Cnt- llrti'lmtir t'litnn Mulii, I'mf t'atinl l-'iii'sp; Muile, jlaiid. Mr.

Coovcr's statement gave the iitt lti Hand and 1 Maury" lii-uin Ciiips, met nt duniiij THURStAY, MARCH 30th, in iiinti pun id" tor the inner man, ami the rie MeCrpary spent Haturdav, Habbath tho Council Housr1, and at, seven o'clock and Mondav with friends in Baltimore. bri'sliip at 112, and invested fund nt i- i ml flip outer woinm. Ki i lnv in iv rmt bp unlucky, but there Is really iin" i Friday In tin' year. formed in line and proceeded to the Opera House in the following order: Citiens No. ifi Plinth second Plreet, IIAtmiaitt 14A.

Win, B. Angle, accompanied by his near Tpwanls of fHtll) have been roommate Ralph Buell, is home from The Held Spring overcoat will soon gloat paid out within the past, eight years for Band and drum corps, Veterans of 'til-'li'i, i.vt-r fur lino 1 autoernt of a few weeks ago. el- ll'tof of the house WM a eellilug tint of fbitim, mid escape that way a put olT. Throwing the mattresses ami bed clothing front Hie window, Mr. Naugle dropped his youngest child out, and it escaped unhurt.

Mile Rosenberry came with a ladtter just then, and rescued the imperiled people, just as the tire was entering the rooms they were in. The house, a large, log weatlierboarded one, was totally destroyed, "with all the contents, including $oT in cash- A. W. Horning owned the building, which was insured. the relief of members.

The report further Spanish Veterans, Committee. Princeton University for the Easter vaca tion. Mrs. E. WALZER is displaying a line ot tine New Pattern Hats i ir yim are worried about moTlng, just reflect showed that the council was iu a flourish C4RNIR MAIN AND RAIIR3A0 STRUTS.

Our New Spring Goods ARE NOW OPENED AND ON DISPLAY. We have them in en (IUhs variety. Staple at. Fancy-Dry Goods and Notions. A grand display, large stock and just what you want We have marked them low to sell them quick.

No question about you being please with our New Goods and Prices. For the best of everything at low prices, come to our store. On arriviug at the Opera House and thi' strawberry shortcake season Is Just iiiicad. ing condition and on a stable foundation Mechanicsburg Daily of Tuesday after all were seated the following pro gramme was rendered: ami all the newest novelties In M1I.L1N- A irreat many women are so engaged In The main objecf, of the Order is the Miss Minnie Eckels, of Shippeusbury-, is KKY both Imported ahd Domestic. Prices to suit the times.

al work that they have no time for the fancy relief of its members and the maintenance visiting her aunts, the Misses Eckels, West Music Citizens Hand variety. I'raver K-v. M. E. Swart.

of American institutions and the Protestant Main Street. Objectof meetlngstatedby t. IV. (le, (7i.iinnn,i Also Asrenev for A. F.

Itornot's CLEAN- IS(i ami DYK1NU Establishment of Phil- adelphla. I religion. None but American citizens 1 he days ana nights have passed over the dividing line, and daylight has the call for a Miss Sara Spencer, of Wilson College Address of welcome J. I- omwake, Coritoral bs A Kyncr can become members. It is a worthy -spouse faculty, is the guest of the Misses Craig.

Order and will prove to bo one of the For a first-class tailor-made suit, perfect fitting, finely made and well trimmed, go to Weaver Gates'. Oa Behalf of the Veterans ot 'Bi-lJSJ E. Music Citizens Band There Is a trite saying: "Dead men tell no Miss Spencer was formerly of the Normal bulwarks of the Nation. t.ue. u'u uie emoaimea Deer nas quite a Address Or.

U. M- I. Kckels Music Clllzeus Band School faculty. hight refreshments were served, after story to ti'U. Address Prof.

W. Iluiriie- GITY HOTEL, which an hour or more was spent, in David Ueker lias sold three and one- It Is always the letter containing the check Music Band Address Kev. W. A. MeCarrell social wav, after which all dispersed to seventh acres of land, in Lurgan Town- that cm ast ray-toe one with the bill Is sure Letter From Fostorla, Ohio.

Mr. I). Li. Cramer, of Fostoria, Ohio, on remitting for a renewal of his subscription, adds: their homes, with the wish that Cumber singing, "My country 'Tis ot Thee" Audience hip, at Ooker Hill School House, to Sam i-i iiml yuii. The exercises in the Opera House were GETTYSBURG, PA.

land Valley Council would grow iu mem bers aud Larger hats It is sld. will be favorites with uel G. Bricker, for $110. enjoyable, as the different addresses were New Carpets the I. idles after Easter.

This is expansion In the Mrs. Annie Montgomery who spent some jinn in rung direction. replete with much patriotism, eloquence An nil.lors tablets for biliousness und days in Pittsburg, visiting her sister, Mrs. I'roprielor. Sabbat as a fair day and rather mild, and and warm words of welcome for tin constipation, 5o.

mid 10c, at. Myers' Ihnr "We cannot possibly get along withoet The News. I suppose there have been many changes since I visited the oltl town iu 'HI. Indeed, I have been told I would hardly know it now, ami I trulv believe young When you lm to ettvstiut-(r stop at the CITY Hie (in, in- took an airing after their linl Kb. (in-erto ail rallroail stat Ions than any nnlcv.

Lillie Aughiubaugh, who had been ill, returned home Tuesday. and old veterans, tinged Willi sadness i'Ii mi Ii attend. nii'e. other hotel In the town anil within 4U steps of Spring is most at hand, and we are stocked np with new Carpets for the season. We can show you the new patterns and colorings in the different grades of when referring to those who havo answer Caleb S.

Brinton, of Carlisle, has that The News has done her share of It ii 1 1 a good Idea for some people who always -iiiiiiihilhliig of all urlilng Void to try piibllr Miuir.i situated on Main Street. Aeeoiu-nioilailiiiis for it reople Kates fl xototJ ll i s-r it iv 1'nrlors on llrst. mid st-eoint Ibsirs. KoniuM ed their last roll call. It would be ini been appointed a justice of the peace by pushing it along, hong may it live and General and Local ReiiRioua Information.

The ladies' prayer meeting hn been held every Friday afternoon in th .1 lie. ui. Jttiwdel. tloiibli- or en Hut and Hatha.

possible to give even a synopsis of the Governor Stone. 'Squire Brinton will Toilet on llrs' ami seemul Honrs Kletlrlc prosper. "I notice in the I'inola items mi lie hi this ue the greatest trouble seem to be addresses. They were received with pleiiMu ttcei-pt congratulations. light ami In lis unit heatetl throuithout by sieaui.

V. A. rooms, lias ln-en ili.M-ont nine. I count, of George W. Arum! roti having six iliat i.

in viititig nun empty Ik-It hand I i nil lie III hi Ul'ilde. The runt eon of Wilson College for wo hearty and frequent upplaus and waving fur he present Illlllletlelil IMtlliff lib illiie over Itat li-tb-bt with tour or Shiophbite ewes that tfave bulb to four Brussels and Ingrains We have a handsome lino of our own make of RAG CARPKTS I'tii -si- ii hi i iniM-i luiiMln can blow all I hey of (lugs, with which the audience hud been men, at ClinmlicrHlmrg, luivt adopted tlm teen iambs. I am in charge of a Hock of llll'io will bit Hi'lVlei-H ill iniil'e, I H' eiteh. Klebl (fliiowa Willi every in! I li'llliil kt it llH- bi)t In pump, "bill I'm It am II illlellt'ltl Utiblis tiniilieiteil Willi plans of a woman architect, Mr. Wagner, Hie hiiiiim breed.

We lud live ewe that provided. iiifliottl tvnt of I'lltsliurg, for a new ilortiiitory building At the cIohm of itxercisim, llm audi a in llrvi III An niwi-rMiiif wiiiniiu leiiiarku: "II gt nci tfavtt liiitli to iiixlieii lauiliN, one having t'i'ir, I liteo of wlili li tin. living ini.) lining Mm, argii rut. Ileiitly, ('liHinboiKbuig'd, nil) mi i the al kind ut a dli-anpullil lin-nl line Willi tlio iiml lief. Nekl! elli'it wa illHinissinl, a in', llm gicl were encinli'il to I', I i it ul Hall, in i'i'tie, that run lift! lie eoiiuled for the money, i ome In and olileol ilied I'lidity, HIih wan III hl'll 11 i oil II lllill! Hen tin gondu, bring the niii of your totun, leant tin Si llll plnpll! lllll I' lUllll! tlll I 1 1 1 IT 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 by I he I'llll'lix tild Unit! Ifny went I ii ti w.

Hi-! by I 'o high gi iiiln dlioes al yearn old llei iiuilili'ii union whh Twenil nibl hIih miniit fiom lii-liiinl in MI7 Sir piiee, ninl you will nnd you nan do better. I -I iialh ui' I iinlll III" pern Ii i lop Easter gleidnd Willi ll Hceim nf beauty, hi llm CARPET RAGS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. ji1 I illlll If, It illinium in lint' only iln iglilcr i -aver i Unit ll b'uu (linn Any Ton miiiti. all li'i'l been tat'ltifully iuii a I llm-1 1 hen In lie i ye I dan l-t I Mr I'liiiH li Klein, who I'i'Iiiovi it fi'iini 1,1 it "Hi II HIIiI'ihI M'l I In it 1 1 I llm tahlott prtiHily Hitangml Th.i lull Meiisl ill I', I'liniell, Mil.ielililllt.', Intlll liliil Illnl evt'lilliK' .1 lek II, Of I 'llllllllil'l slllllg, Mill (lll'lll'll III lliltll iiiv lite. F.tinl t'l' dilV "l-l A iees III Ilii' Iblbel nf Ijli' I'lillitll nf Goil, '-Hi 1 1 in ii -Ini 1 at lolliuvs 1'imii milling nl in a in pi lulling ill In In, Kiilip'i-I.

"I lie I'ltel nl llm lie it'll i eel lull Iv.l ulii i-liei H.ibli,li Hi mil 1)1 MI in I' ini.lunl nl li ml. iilid nl i U'l ml lull ii I'lliijj i tn I ei, uill llll fHH'll ll Hit' If'bill 11 v' 't'llilllll I ei. lit llll' I' I', Huell'l All HI" I I III ll Thlx II 1 1 I I III ii 'II 'linn I I ill i lliiii, Id Inl lilt i lllhl MlllinlMll I III I ltd eolipie itiliii, imbiii ulii I'l Mltliii imltiirg In mutniil )cai H1NKLES' CARPET HOUSE Many of our buliie iin ti ami nlntin I ii Him II i I ii no ni ii ii llllr), U( fai ihiiimIhI iii nf liillialu mil ll Knilp, lllnil Hibl mtiilliiiiii nytltiti inii itilel i.niM iii ii ii ii li.ii .1 wiiil lii llm iitiiuiiig I'M inati lino linl be I In I i I lie put 1 1 an tun l.i ii I bit aid -lie In pill I mum ni Hut I 'iittilii i liiti'l alley ''i Ii iIiiiiii I 'mil ii lulu, ban ii'lui iimt ninl will liiii it HliliqiiUt iill Mulu Hhei Till'. NHVI iitleiiiU II Wi'lmibiM In Mr Kleili Hii'l a in 1 1 I'ANCV ASK lii mIIIi CI il'-M'l hill illii.t I lilba, ill lli lebnll i'l I- -i -iiiy In aiil biii'il Inn of libit linl 'IiIiuiii In il "I Ui ''l'l. Vi.

It ili llllm, ut HllitiiH, li iilii Inn nl. In tlm Iiiiiii In iiieir liibtini IniiMi-n nibl i-Kbb'lit'i' it The I Ii I I llll I t. I- ilnlh I'l l- llll tin Illnn (iliniiil, ti nk Hil ii'lllntt; nf wlib Mitt Miuliiiti 1 1 1 ful Ininiv yeHrii nlilnf i 'i ti 'il i'i-i liJlliil nf Hit 'piiiiiiit Hi i litt. in imbiii will I ii I be Mm I I fill id, ill I he iinlft i I Id I hi vnii'iuiin, ulil mi jiiuhioti Hi iK lii Din imi mini" ntni it tniiiiiy biiim rt Ii i Inn lit I l-t I It It It it In I III 111! I AM 'I'll" VbllnU Weill ni nllo In Ihn "qipn 11 I I in ti 1 1 1 1 1 1 Mb i -tit Id thi si (, i r. il It I ilili'li, III I fun bli'li, ninl linn Iti'lill llll' H'lbillil rtllt lliote ibiilMl llllut il Ineii iiil In Th" fni lilifli biiiU ll ll llll tutii," well I'iikii who ale ilii.

iii i'l, I III, nl I lei II I tin Kill tv h't tlllH III I'ihIIH'II. iliint III llMlllllltl lllll( MlllllM'll tftOII lit i'll lIlHUHKH. tt WM fnitintif .1 li mid W. Il'tekt'i' K'tlM ll of Hllip-eielltg 1 I'tH of llll tlltlhll'llil tMIMl, At 'I II Itufofa biltlilltltlg ttf tl'H liiitiq nl l(iV t'ti iiiuii Ini ifiitin bvy ninl Hie eiitnjnitiy ma. ti '-V lil I let may i-i it lug up Spoons? el rein- leet Inn of n.

lll. lt. ill I lit' III I'll till it el nl llm I liii tin ill III' "Mi i.l'l!i-l!l In I- I lute will be l' oil Iiml Inn li'i'l Hi" lii'ittiiietlv fin- tnmiv 'li'llt'lt Th" I li'tt eli I liU i vi nibi III lilt. New Tiltt.h." I'l lit ion I In l-t' elit pi tibolltiet'il umea. tifi" were fitty-sit videratts of l'il an' -tiling f' a titlny nay Mi', rior'-nee Nofiaker.

wife of Win at, i hurting to Hi iiievll able, Ib'te II t-it the hal word ald )IewsBookStore tiiiotlu enirti'iuy ('0111" In compel il Inn N. Noftskr-r, of Stiiipenslnitf) I-i t'tr iVt'tite 1,1 t'tlf 5ssi itiii-'. an 1 1 thii'teeu Spanish vderati, with pn'rttt stinWM lirtr? Vf ft'd. thrttt, 1 1 1 i line It-pteM-lits the '-vie in in-. tin.

i t'id -i that le tis Hi'lne tigly weather to re the itiif ft run to I'l f.illuwiil bv Wit ll I belli. died at lnr home in Hedalia, Mo on fSun nii.i a prophet to Ite galn- day, March 19, of consumption, ngcd thii- sal I. Mascot issey. of Co. Kighth Ucgi tiietit.

There were a number of veterans absent on account of sicklies, who were now opened nt Latest, slvles mid Holy iitiitii'ini'iti In llin evetittii; the Kebooln will mule I lie eon gregatiou in mi Kuxter service in the in teres! of the Hosnd of Church ExteiiMon. 99 hs ty-nine year. She is stirvivetl bv her K.i-etrl' seems to be running ahead of Sl'ltlMl Mlt.blMCItV Jennie I loekerstnil b's. lowest prices. 1847 Rogers Bros.

husband and three children. eoitipr-sse't air. and yet wind Is cheap enough. referred in a set of resolutions to sent t'n- i tin- chief troubles with wind Is to con The matter for The News this week was llrnrtd during tlie paft ritury of but Your Parlor, Many Want to Ot Congress. trol I'.

each. wp enn show von ome ot tne latest, rrnuut- -The "honk" of the wild geese Is heard as prepared under adverse conditions, as the editor has, and still is, suffering from tJ tiotts i-t Ibis Ask I There were veterans from the Florida, JrsT oi'KNFii. Spring millinery all the la'est styles und at lowe-d price, at Jennie Iloekerstnitli s. will rteeiveVN, L.T) Dining Room 1 A-' poo, Is ihr int luiii'ili' i-lllltlyoil they pass over town for the feeding grounds In Already five liernocratic candidates from Cumberland Comity are in the field to represent the Nineteenth Congressional hard wear. 'I jJfSs the u'cnuine Iletrerttqu ie-'.

imius fir Ion rheumatism aud lumbago, and the grima the North. This Is one of the advance signs of Mexican, Indian, Civil aud Spanish Wars present, which included both land and or Bed Room Spring. ces and contortions made bv him are more district, composed of Cumberland, Adams may have a wealth of beauty added -Same children are allowed to eat steadily naval forces. It is doubtful if another easily imagined than described. and ork counties, anil the contest pro i to them just now with less than the usual town iu the State the size of Shippens from morning until night, and then their pan nts wond-r If they suffer la later years from Mr.

J. B. Reddig has been seriously ill mises to be a spirited one. The candidates strain upon the purse. are; Ex Congressman Frank K.

Belt for several weeks, suffering from conjes dyspepsia. Ltttz Co. '8 Clotrnns Factory Burglarized. Sotnetime M'liiday night, or Tuesday morning, unknown parties forced an entrance into W. A.

hut. Co. 'a clothing factory on South Normal Avenue, Shippensburg. takiux therefrom a large number of corduroy and ca-iiaere pants. The burg can show among their citizens veterans covering a period of sixty years.

er. Carlisle; Ex Representative John Gra At, ice combination has been formed at 0 tion of one of his lungs, of which he has For Sale by LEE H. OEIHL, Jeweler, Shippensburg, Pa. ham, Newville; Representative Robert I. A number of young ladies were assign been relieved, but other complications with capital.

No doubt there will be si tu "freezing out," when It gets have developed, which may eventually Myers, Camp Hill; Ex State Senator William Penn Lloyd, Mechauicsburg and Ex-Representative II. II. Mercer, of Mechan ed to each table, who served the viands in the most charming and bewitching 1'ito operation prove fatal. It is hoped he may recover An exchanire wants to know If the political thieves first broke into the boiler room and his usual health. icsburg.

manner, and all the veterans were glad sky ill be clear In i900. We don't know. The On April 12. at 4:30 p.m., in the parlor Spring bllzard killed all the weather prophets tried to get into the storage room from there, but failed. Thev then went to the that thev received the "rations" from kfi our ehickpn powder and vour of the Commonwealth Hotel, Harrisburg, Of Every Description Done nnd Quickly at I'rires.

GIVE US A TRIAL On Your Next JOB and be down this way. jofiPpintina chickens will be free from the gaps; 10c. rear of the packing room, and broke the -Tin- chiii P'p Is delighted to hear that Miss Nella Parker Skinner, daughter of iron barn aeros one of the window and uch fair maidens with their winning smiles. A vote of thanks was given with a Hon. G.

W. and Mrs. Skinner, of Big Cove at Myers Pharmacy. Molly Pitcher's House to Go. si lent itie men have discovered that the man vlin- brain weighs the most is not necessarily then broke the window open, hrough which thev cained an entrance into the room.

Tannery, Fulton County, will be married the mnst Important THE NEWS OFFICE, 13 West Main Street. A a heavy rain storm prevailed almost to P.dward G. Criswell. of Pittsburg, a The home of Mollie Pitcher, the heroine A bicycle generating lta own electricity clerk of the Carnegie Steel Company. hearty "aye" by the veterans to the committee having the ovation in charge and to ad who in any way contributed to its success, and to the ladies for the graceful of the battle of Monmouth, in Carlisle, in promised in the near future, but It will probably the entire night the thieves were enabled to work without being detected by those Mercersburg Journal of Wednesday not able to give any larger variety of shocks a few days will be razed to the ground to to rl l'-rs than the old kind.

Mr. L. D. Murray, merchant of resitting in close proximity to the factory. The thieves tore the tickets off the pants, make room for a modern building.

mariner in which they waited upon the Wind men outnumber blind women In the The house in which the heroinp lived is Shippensburg, was circulating among tables. propoit It'll of two to one. That Is probably the of log and stands on the southeast corner Before dispersing for the night the com friends in town on Saturday. Mr. Murray J.

W. McPherson Sons reas 'U hy- it Is so much easier for a woman to of Bedford and North Streets. Mollie died rades sang a number of army songs lead will in the future visit town every two see a mau's fault" than vl versa. there on January 22, ISil'i. The building weeks with a full line of the latest style This Is 'I'lite a feather In my cap re is over 100 vears old, weather boarding by Comrade John Shugars and Kev.

Geo. C. Henry. They were not sung with the same steady, clear voices as in days of samples and to solicit orders for suitings, hiding the logs of which it is constructed. mark, Mrs.

Newly wed, when she had succeeded In coaxing a from her better ilf, and It which were found the ailey adjoining the factory. The goods cm lie easily identified, as the tuitions have lititz name stamped on them as well as a private mark unknown to outsiders. Messrs. Lutz Co. are unable to state definitely their exact loss, but it is considerable, as noue but the best goods were taken.

The goods me insured iu a theft company, whose a ljusters came the same day and made a satisfactory adjustment. etc tailor made. will he one In my Itonnet." Cokkf.ys' will not be undersold. Clothing Gettysburg Sentinel: 'We had a pleas DECIDED BARGAINS IN ALL Tin- Weather Bureau ought to be notified of all ki'ids foi men, bovs and children. ant call last Friday from Prof.

II. M. "Auld Lang Syne, but called to mind the camp, bivouac, marches and the battle with vividness. Shippensburg's citizens have always responded to the call to arms for the preservation of the Nation and their homes. that the spring lashlous this year are especially All goods as represented or money cheer Roth, of Goldenville.

He is one of the SORTS OF FURNITURE and that no rilling ill be Utlerated fully refunded. with tue brand cf Easter weather. announce that they are ready for the Spring and Summer trade, with a large and varied stock of Hardware. Cutlery, Building Hardware, Carpenter's Tools, Iron, Nails, Smooth AVire, Barb Wire, Poultry Wire, Screen Doors, Window Screens, Steel Horse and Hog Troughs, Lawn Mowers, Ice Cream Freezers, Wooden Ware, Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and Varnishes. Advertised Letters.

-i hi' ago families to the number of twelve candidates who will come before the School Directors on the second Tuesday of May." Prof. Roth is a member of the faculty cf the Normal Schot-l, and would She had representatives in all the wars Auction' at W. J. Angle's grocery store Saturday afternoon. hundred a -vithout a Bible.

We suppose they The following list of advertised letters waged by the Colonies or bv the United must have sent their Bibles, as they do their remaining in the post, office, at Shippens 50 Bedroom Suits TO SELECT FROM. preachers, to the outside heathen. States. Her soldier dead lie buried in all parts of the world and on many hard make an excellent superintendent, if burg, will be sent to the Dead Ietter office, elected. A Broom Factory tor Shippensburg.

A gentleman of Shippensburg, possessed fought battle fields. Her citizens at Last Saturday, notwithstanding It snowed almost the entire day, there were three sales of April 15th, Eckman, Mrs. Tillie Greens Our large second floor is full of Parlor home, felt that the present was a fitting On the first page of The News will be personal property In town, rfil the articles were C. Johns, W. W.

Kling, John occasion on which to honor the surviving Suits and Odd Pieces; Chairs and Rock brought good price-, an evidence that It does not Lee. Liraa Miles, Mrs. Albert Reed, Mary found a poem by Mr. I. V.

Atherton, of Aurora, 111., a native of Shippensburg, and of much energy and enterprise, as well as means, informed the editor of Tn News that he expected to start a broom faetory veterans in their midst, and right royally require a clear day lo make a good sale. I). Warren. Pierce Wolf. have they carried out their partriotio reso lutions.

-This government does not. bellevo In civil will be remembered by many of the. "old Persons calling for anv of the above Mcpherson sons this fall. lie will onerate the machinery ers bv the hundreds. JOHN E.

BOHER, East Main Street. letters will please say they were advertised. hovs" who attended school with him in ineii ny killing them; but Agulnaldo aud hi- followers must be taught a severe lesson. by a steam or gas engine, ami expects to what was known as Kenower's School One cent will be charged on each letter. Fit ank E.

Hollar, P. M. hich they seemed determined not to learn till house" being iu the rear of Mr. Kenower's run it with the must unproved maehmeiy Tins gent lemaii fs also the owner of eon The News only voices the sentiment of the veterans when it states they fully appreciate this mark of esteem and honor for them and the service rendered their country, ami shall always refer to the It comes hi them Irom the mouths of guns. residence, on the same lot where the col Hiderablo land ami will plant a piitioii of The rain storm of Monday night and Tues ored school house now stands, but on the We carry in stock Geo.

E. Keith's tine shoes for men, in all leathers, to it iu broom corn this season, tint will not be occasion as one of the bright Mtota top of the hill. Omt Motto: When We Buy a Bargain, We Give Our Customers the Benefit of It. lasts. Wf.avku Gates.

day morning was a very copious one. In cou-si the streets and roads are again covered ttliii inn, I The creeks are all bankfull and able to raise a Kiillieient tpiantit to rim The name of Samuel S. Shryock, their march to their last camping ground ami the final roll call. his factory to its fullest extent. It will be well for our farmeis to raise wiiiie broom SOME SOAPS son of Mr.

8. H. Slfryock, of Philadelphia, The following ladies and gentlemen Drink Grain-O after yon have concluded thut you ought not to drink coffee. It is not a medicine formerly of Hhippensburg, appears in the eorii this year, as il: yields about l.fuili to Hie iieiti, ami sells ut good composed the different committees, which Tli is places us in a position to save yon money. Having purchased a full and Parish Messenger, a monthly paper puii- were further augmented by sub coiuuiit- complete line of figure.

tees: Imliml in the inlfieBt of Tha Church of the Hiivnn- III Watt I'lillailnlplilrt: Viillllg Man ler wlni tin an alio t'fu'iitii'K I'tiiimillht fKul t. Cole, will remove dirt, but they roughen the Clmiiiiian i Frank Iv Hollar. Geo. VV. Will.

Cook Stoves, Ranges mill HonKefiintiHliliiu finotlH, kkiii, We Hie ubilliig loittiitiH but tha ht KnlreMn, I'! CiUwell, It Morrow, I. ll'ibHl-Mitl. .1, Mt'l'liei' i and wciis it present the high waier Inalh i in- Ni-wpnit Ledger saya that "II. W. HllUtll the appliances und machinery I.e.

loci, ,11, nr lure 01. (1 til li a fl'ulil tllall A Man, la HIijM I HM Wl.tlhl Illlll til limn ut I tin "will ililnka" I loll Will ii.nia, itir i i two of Ncwpiiil rlll 'ti A itiiati Inn to be a verllnble rtttittirt lohlflt to knp up with the larlous hew llglires ie- iiiat! by fashion. A few months ago shrt had to i.e -hort walstett to tie correct now she must be long -ay, more than long walsted to have the appearance ot stvle demanded by the up-to-date modiste. lint doctors order it, because it is. health-till, invigorating ami appetizing.

If 4s i iinln t'nii'i pure gut inn mil) that, rioli neat brown niilm1 mill laoln llktt tint lilinxt (ii'iiiliifti nf iniiTeM Hint etmix about- an tiiiii'li. Cliildimi likf It mid thrive on if ttecniiue It a genuine fund dt-itik end ftiiniiig tint hint tint tioiii Islibienl, Ah yotif grocer for Grain thp now food drink. 1" aud 'Jne. viitito, mid a imt'iihK nr tnt plnirt'li, lit lint'ii rptdrt(l a ntni (if thii tutlolt for l.not of Hu inlay at Mm tumiilng uprvlee. good th" niitikel pftithltjen, Btitt the sou.

il n. omwiiko, liefnie the dvin in ptiim, ptmblei to give you thu Bdvantitgo ot tho M.tWEHT wilh'oine wllhln tin liinll of all, ,1. K. ii Maekey, Chfili' IVflM'ti TH, allunnl gnen nay, tuiniikr I'liolll fol' Hpl lllg gittiila, III I lnllllll'l Ttitttt fa, tmvalty tttniiii, A Milliliter of Hie Pht ViViltn ttf lite Thin! I'ptitiiylvmiia Cavalry refddliig in I'itilti-tlelphia and vicinity wet nt ibirby, t'a recently mid elected Comrade A. J.Speese President of the Association, ninl Captain E.

W. Warren Chairman of the Committee tnanl rank (lutes, Gpo. W. Hitni'S, J. V. Kit OFI hHfil, AN It TO Ol ll CUMIN III AM IllXJI. Fleming, W. W. Htough, W. A.

Lutz. S. C. dimming. B.

F. Lmidi. W. A. Cox, They never fail) they take less cost tlr wood than any other; they bake bread quicker Newton Staley, C.

Robinson, R. Mcfherson, Wm. Reigle, Chas. Harmon, Our Spring choes nro nil in and reBrly for inspection and Easter snle. 1).

EbD. Levi Fleming and Mi" Mary Freer werp quietly married last evening, at the Church of God parsonage by Rev. C. 1. Behney.

Mr. Fleming is an employee of Boher's furniture factory and a very industrious, exemplary young man. Mrs. Fleming is a young lady of retiring disjiosition and amiable manner, with many friends. Thev will sro to housekeeping in their own aud better than any other stove.

Tlie Columbian is unexcelled. We can furnisn jrou with testimonials by the hundred. We buy strictly for spot cash in ear load loU of the best goods the market can produce. Also, remember that we can save you money Henry Wolf, R. W.

Hockersmith. Our 5c. Perfumed Soap Is the Best We Ever Had. LnUrs I'nmmittrc. Mrs.

Win. Shapley, and plenty ol it. l)ou buy until you see our line and learn our puce. Mr. W.

J. Angle, Mrs. R. W. Hocker on Finance.

Measures are being taaen to hold a reunion of the Kegituent Philadelphia in September, at the same time of the meeting of the National En Stocks Well Bold. smith. Mrs. H. W.

Geesaman, Miss Ellie The executors of the late Alexander HYKES BRO. Kauffman. Underwood, of Mechanicsburg, sold at campment, Grand Armv of the Kepiiblic. house on West Burd Street, where The The quantity is limited, so we would advise you to come soon if yon want any The new patterns tor Spring suits and Company II, composed of men from Ship public sale on Saturday last, 19 shares of trousers are readv and vou will find some News hopes they will live long and happily and that prosperity will be with them second preterreu uumoerianu vaney nan pensburg, Newville and vicinity, he- very neat ones at Holland's. road stock at $88 to $91; one hundred shares Mechanicsburg Gas and Water at at all times.

longed to the Third, and the survivors will endeavor to be present to meet their old In Time for Easter $14.25 to sixty shares D. Wilcox comrades. Tailor-made suits $10.00 and upward, at Carlisle Hotel on Fire. Fire broke out Mondav afternoon in the of it. We have 10c.

and 15c. Soap in Glycerine, Elderflower Manufacturing $37 to $40; four shares Weaver Gates Overalls at Coffeys' with or without First National Bank, $190 to $191. basement of the Hotel Wellington, Car apron, worth 50 cents, our price 159 ets. Returns Th-nks. lisle from an overheated furnace.

For a All clothing made by Weaver Gates time consternation reigned among the After conducting the grocery business for the nast twenty-two years, and now pressed and repaired one year free of and Violet having retired from the business, I desire, Charge. Old Reliable Fish Man. in this public manner to return my sincere HIK TttEASl KE TKOVE OF SPRINGTIME. There are treasures In tlM garden. Purled low ami burled deep.

Such as buccaneers and pirates Had not ever In their keep. You may tlnd them If you sek them lnirlhg April or In May, With the spade and fork and shove'. In the good old gardening way. aptaln Kltld hath never hidden Any gold benealu the sod That is brighter than the yellows Where the daffodils do nod. Ai the golden cups the tulips VlU lift up arv greater gain Thau the spoils from out the holds sf all the galleons of Spain.

So, go you all a-gardenlng To win the Jy of life: io, make the stubborn soil give up Its ilches ripe and rife! oil will Mini thcin if you seek them During April or lu May iih the fork und pick and shovel, In ilii- good nl, gardening way. Dig il' t'ii (he opadit, and illi a will I ili(l llm wealth than I here! I'm In I he il, iiierit ho dearth lf ili lum, I'U'iy where, )'. ItH'i i'Hilvr. guests. The fire raged for two hours.

The Bremen were much hampered by clouds of smoke. Much damage was caused by water and smoke the basement. The 088 is covered by insurance. No one was injured. thanks to the public for the notrai patron Burglars at Waynesboro.

Burglar's forced an entrance into Sparrow's clothing store in Waynesboro, early Wednesday morning. Ten or twelve suits of clothing, a lot of neckwear, a number of pairs of shoes and a rjuantity of jewelry made up the plunder taken by tlie burglars. There is no clue to the burglars. I have vacated my fish stand on Burd extended to me, ail or which i tuny appreciate. W.

J. A vole. SADIES' READY-MADE SKIRTS $1.00 to $4.00 EACH. LADIES' SHIRT WAISTS 39 Cents to $4.00. New Collars, Neckties, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Corsets, Come and see-be your own judge.

This is the People's Ion't forget to buy yourself one of those Have Tou Bad the Grip? If yon have you probably need a reliable ilka K.iley llouey ami Tar lo heal your pretty neckties for fcaster at Holland s. An Increase in Mill Rat. Tim County Commissioners of Cumber lungs and Mop inn racking cougu mi I'li-mm to this Altlck Ib'ilg Mtorti, Castile Soap a Specialty at a LOW FKICE. Aitick Drug Store FLEMING I FUMINQ, Prop'.

Street, but will hav. fish at my new stand, East Main Street, opposite Foglesonger's store, on ami after Friday; will be over town every day, afternoon and evening will be on or about the ''IMnmond" with fresh fish, as 1 am receiving them daily from tho fishery. Many thanks to the pu'nlio for their past patroimge and hoping it may be eotitinued in the future. Jah. II.

I 'AO UK, Our line of fine shoes, hut, silk bosom shirts ami neckwear for men now complete. WMVKI4 tlATKU, laud County have raised the mill rate from A Olrl Wantad. two ami a half to three nulls on. Iae for A ifirl or woman, to do general liouae Ladies, try our .00 shoes. We have them on the new uiunnUli lustH, coin, stptare and common sense toes, light or hnavy soles, luce und button.

WfcAVEU U.vTKH. lr. Wimii'n S'trwiiV Plim Hyrni stteiim e-tpe-chilly itiliiilt'i to i he in. in ni ni iiiilili't-u, I'l'tittuiil In I ii kit; Willi illlilf III t. in llm reined id relneilie nl I-Velj fiillil of throat ami lunu tllauitoi', wntk In a miiall family.

Inquire at TllK eon nty pin-potted, N'KwN lllllcu. ami geuN, for unrieet spring ..1 t. II. i. i ill view ilf milieu, nit lllil'in "ill WIMJAM H.

HKDDin. Houm for Bnt. lutpilra nf Angla tlroa, window, II, It..

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