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The Daily Review from Decatur, Illinois • Page 8

The Daily Reviewi
Decatur, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Eight. THE REVIEW Monday Evening, April 11. WAUT AD RATES. TERMS CASH-MINIMUM CHARGE We. Ko leu then lines--C to line, to tint time, JHc each subsequent time.

Telephone ui will not for your ad. POSITION WASTED. WASTED--A POSITION Aff HOU8EKEEP- widower with small family. Apply 420 WAN.TED--POSITION BT LADY AS COL- lector. Address D-344.

cure Review. HELP WANXBO--AT ONCE. AN ALL AROUND country 'printer: good wages. J. W.

Mc- tlwaln. Bef-any. III. Ml9 HALF DOZEN BOYS FOR In fa-ctory. Must be over sixteen and have school certificate.

Apply factory of' 1 TM; H. Mueller Mfg. Co. 9 WANTED-- Young man to work night. WAL8TON HOTEL.

3406 WAXTED-LABORERS: STEADY WORK; 10 hours. Supply Cept. S. p. WANTED-- ALL Inquire Jones' 14S W.

William. AROUND Bhop. ULACKSMITH; 3383 WANTED--HORSES TO CUP son'e barn. SOU S. Main.

Old -called for and delivered. ONCE. A HORSE 6HOER; must be a food man. Apply SOI W. Wood.

8373 WANTED-AMBITIOt'S YOUNG MEN TO become traveling salesmen: experience un- write for particulars. Bradstreet Svstem, Rochester. N. Y. 8290 WANTED-YOUNO MAN; 18 TRS.

OLD TO drive grocery wagon and tend counter. John Ray. 1130 E. William. 8B70 WANTED-S FIRST CLASS TINNERS FOR Inside work.

esn N. Main. Decatur Cornice ft Rooting 3S41 5403, WANTED--OOOD PORTER AT ONCE; colored or white; Employment Agency. 130 E. WANTED--TO CLEAN YOUR WALL FAP- WANTED-Boy to rtrlp tobacco at FRIBOURG'S.

Y.ANTED-COMPETENT McGavic Lumber Co. LUMBER YARD WANTED--A BOY OVER SIXTEEN YEARS of age; good with Wanted To grind your lawn mowers on automatic grinder. Crum Novelty Co. UU phone 1473. 820 N.

Main. 3352 WANTED-FACTORY HANDS. APPLY AT factory corner South Franklin and East Decatur. 8197 LAND AGENTS WANTED--WE WANT A good man In each community to represent So. Dakota lands.

Farmers preferred. We hive to offer the very best proposition In the state. Write at once for ln- teratate Land Agency. Neb.

3150 WANTED-SALESMEN; SPECIALTY; THE line you have always been looking for; staple; sells everywhere over and over again; samples light and commissions liberal. National Mercantile Co. 115 College. Iowa City. lows, 3039 I AND LABORERS I all kinds of plow shop work.

Machine blacksmiths, punch men, ters, grinders, polishers, ereeters and laborrea. City work, iood pay. Competent men will find unusual 7 portunltles to secure positions at good wages. Apply Jn person to Employ- mem COMPANy Mollne. Illinois.

3086 WANTED-WYOUNG. LADIES TO ROOM. as company; within one block of dward street car tine; references given and equlred. "-nulre at 1130 N. College.

3215 WANTED--TO SHARPEN TOUR LAWN mower with automatic grinder; guaran- eed to cut as good aa new. W. B. BURKE, ,39 E. Washing-ton St.

Old phone 473. 2979 MEN; BRAKEMEN. riiemen. -'He motormen. conductors.

tram porters. Hundreds put to work. to SiMi month. 500 more wanted. Experience "mneceskwy.

Application blank and maps of 'ANTED--MAN WITH A FEW HUNDRED dollars to operate our "Sanitary" Vending machines In Decatur. Handle your own money--be your own boss. You need only Ive the business part of your time. The Jnited 'Supply a River Chicago. 3302 new lines free.

Give age and position wanted. I. Railway C. Nc. TO.

Indianapolis, InjL WANTED--MBN FOR RAILWAY Internal revenue, custom! and postofflce examinations; to preparation free; -rite for Docatur examination schedule. Franklin Institute, Depfc 93 N. Rochester. N. Y.

88 WAITED--FEUALE. WANTED--COMPETENT YOUNG LADY to take charge of casket robe and lining department. Address D-4'8, Review, Deeatur, 111, WANTED-- help with the A woman to help with i cleaning at the W. Y. C.

A. dishes and 3415 WAXTED-- Good seamstress. 840 N. Main. Call.

3433 WANTED--A COMPETENT WOMAN FOR general housework; small family; good wages. Old phone 8435. 3411 WANTED--GOOD LAUNDRESS TO DO washing and ironing lor family of two Apply 1S40 N. Main. 3373 WANTED--GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work; family of three persons; permanent place.

804 WANTED-Nurse girl; bring references. 440 W. Decatur. 3384 WANTED--YOUNG 1ADY TO LEAR halrdreaslng trade: call forenoons. Mrs Ferguson.

226 N. Main; 2nd floor. 3S66 WANTED--EXPERIENCED GIRL TO AS dst with housework: one who can cook CaJl mornings. Mrs. Wire, 936 N.

Church WANTED--TEN LADY SALESMEN. at 335 E. CALL 3349 WANTED--LADIES TO MAKE SAN1TAR' belts at home: -material. furnished; $12.30 per 100; stamped addressed envelope for bar tlculara. Westvllle Mfg.

Westvllle. N. WANTED--10 LADIES TO DISTRIBUTE samples for reliable firm: liberal aalary Apply Mrs. Babbitt, St. Nicholas Hotel, be fore 10 a.

after 5 evenings. 3341 WANTED--GOOD WOMAN TO HELP with housework In small family In coun try. J. L. Drake.

330 N. Main. 3312 WANTED-; Good gin. 467 W. Main.

Mrs. W. L. Shellabarger, 3308 WANTED--A YOUNO OR MIDDLE AGED lady for office; afternoons. Address care Review.

AGED LADY TO DO 329v general housework. W6 N. Monroe. WANTED--YOUNO GIRL general housework. 462 W.

William. TO ASSIST IN 327 WANTED--EXPERIENCED GIRL TO AS slst with general housework. S27 Nort Jackson. 320 WANTED--GIRL TO DO HOUSEWORK no laundry work. Apply Mrs.

O. E. Moeller .800 W. William. 821 CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS.

WANTED--MEN TO LEARN BARBER trade. Few weeks completes; time save steady practice; careful Instructors, tool given: diplomas granted; wages Saturdays positions waiting; splendid demand for grad nates; write today. Moler Barber College. 'Chlco-o, 111. 3239 BOARDERS WANTED.

WANTED BOARDERS; BEST HOM cooking and private family. W. Eldorado. 8824 WANTED--TO BUT. WANTED--4 OR 5 ROOM COTTAGE; GOO neighborhood; will pay 11.500 cash; answer quick.

D-S88, care Review. WANTED--TO BUY FOR CASH. SMAL house fro tl.OOO to good locatlo Address D-ST5. care Review. WANTED TO BUY--COMPUTING SCALE coffee mill, show cases and 'arge refrlg enter.

John Ray. 315 N. Jasped. Old phoi 181. 33M ACRES PASTURE farm lands; Ntwton couniy Ind preferred VffO Bealtr Terra WAMTBD BOY.

'ANTEDr-TO BUY rBW- SECOND HAND. bicycle frames; must prove ftrlng. 719 N. Water; Auto .1488. 8412 ANTE J--A' 2' CYLINDER AUTOMOBILE engine.

2O ox 88. Sadorus, III. 826T ANTED--TO, BUS GOOD CUBAN COT-, ton rags, 'or wiping machinery; 1 cents a onad. Bring them lo The Review office. RENT.

ANTED-- BY REFINED YOUNO permanent room and board in respectable, mlly. Address Review. ANTBDi-T6 RENT FIVE OR SIX ROOM house: not too-far; rent reasonable. 818 Wood. Automatic phone 3672.

8294; AN'. J--TO RENT MODERN HOUSE BOU: aeast part of city. Address D-258, Review, ANTED--TO. RENT SMALL DOWN- statra xoom with cooking privileges. Ad- C-3000.

oire Review. MISCELUNEOT78 WAHTS. AT WIL- phone A51. 3430 'ANTED--BIDS TO TAKE DOWN COA8T- er road structure at Wilson park, fiee Rpbt. arlea there In the day time or at 521 E.

dorado between 6 and 8 o'clock even- gs. 3381 'ANTED--TO CLEAN TOUR WALL PAP- er. I am the expert. Leave orders at rmstrong's drug of Water, and aln Bts. Old 'phone New phone WUllams.

3378 FARM UAWD--CONTWtlRD. FOR SALE--MISSOURI FARMS. I HAV15 one of the best all around stock farms In Missouri, consisting'of 4Z5 acres; Im- provemenu; 1H miles, to county seat -a, town of 8,500 people. Also have fine grain farm of acres; one of acres and-one of, MO acres, 1 mile from railroad station; 6 miles from cour.ty seat. All and will sell mil worth the on easy terms.

Also other farms of all SlMSj. Write for description and prices: F. M. CONNOR, ChllllcotheT Missouri. HOIS TO EXCHAK31.

FOR EXCHANGE--120 ACRSfi TIMBER land In Oklahoma for lots or other property. "Taites-Mltchell 540-22 Walt i TO RAMBLER, on residence lot. See, Grady Grady. 404 Powers. 33O1 FOR SAIIr--Gin PEOPEETY.

For Sale If you want to buy city property, small or targe home, cash or payments, pay you to see J. M. Pickle Go. 317 Mllllkin Bldg. 3425 FOUL SALE--VACANT LOTS FOR SALE--BOMB CHOICE DOTS THE nortft (fine east front, paved'and OHER EVAN8, Mllllkln FOR'SALE-rA CLOSE IN VACAIJT LOT; 40 1,000.

buy the and I will'build you a house to snlt.and you can pay for same on D-M6, care Review. FOH SALE-LOT SthtllB; KINO. ST. lot; cheaper; -north of Mllll- kfn i. OR SALE--FULL; BLOOD BULL; 2 years old; eligible to register.

Address tbert Babcock, Old nhooe-WB--ring 2, Route OR, COW- JTBST WlfH calf by sfdi; also a 4 year old horse; city B. of town; 33M 215 N. FOR SALE--1275: WNB LOT; BABT WQOD sooth-; 'one at this price. OR SALE--ONE BEAUTIFUL- SPOTTED Shetland pony (1.year old ar.d Cfntle.

For price, write TOM-BROWN, iton. 111. FOR IF' SOME) -IN NEXT. weeks, lot SOuth Boyd on road on new Lincoln park; fine place to build; paving, ser-er and all paid. Brueek 215 N.

Main. 3397 OB SALE--TWO FRESH MILCH COWS; one with Also male Berkshire shoat. 1870 f. Trayer. c.

TOR GOOD LOTS ON EAST Main at a bargain for quick Yates-Mitchell 520 8187 FOR SALE--SIX ROOM MODERN COT- teige. hot water heat a.nd electric lights; located 'In a good residence dUtrlot and Is hsndy to city car can be had at a bargain. Yates-Mttchell 520-22 Watt 3422 PEOPLE TO KNOW WE MOVE and raise them. We buy and OUBCB and barns. Tuttle Bros.

Auto phone FOR SALE--8 ROOM HOUSE, STRICTLY modern; here's bagraln; It will be a learn re. to show you; come and see us. 1149 ff. Eldorado. 3431 3378 WANTED--YOU TO KNOW I HAVE PUT In a new stock of groceries at my old stand, ohn Old phone 181.

3371 For Sale room modern house: N. Oakland; three locks of university; all In first class shape. 4,300. Lukiris Room 3, Stine Bldg. first class work guaranteed.

Apply win Drug Store. aOO blk. N. Water. Old one 533.

3401 We're Still in the Swim bargains, Property 'to sell, trade or ent. Some good Qall us UP, Fisher Fulton Auto 123 B. Main: S421 RANTED--HOUSE CLEANING; PAPER taken off. W. C.

King, Id phone 2462. 3350 FOR' SALE--4 ROOM HOUSE; LOT BOxlSO: good Well, big haaement; good outbulld- ngs; $200 down; will take stock or a lot, balance (700 on payments; a snap; must sell. 2400 E. Ccrro Gordo St. W.

T. Hlckman. 3427 'A-NTED--PAPER HANGING; lOc PER roll. Let us figure on your painting. Old hone 3686.

1297 W. Decatur. 3310 CLEANING; NO streaked paper; no gummed carpets. 56S Mercer. Phones, Old 2801; New, 5182.

J. Stlnsoh. 3318 rANTED--CARPENTER WORK OF ALL kinds; price right. Call Old phone 3597. epalr work a specialty.

3175 CANTED--TO CLEAN YOUR WALL PAP- er before the rush. Prompt service; first ass work; leave orders 1123 N. Water. Bell residence phone A. D.

Cecil. 2420 FOR SALE--NEW 8 ROOM MODERN house, located on N. Monroe lot 40x 76; paved street: full concrete basement; floors; furnace: gas and electric ights; gas range; bath; hot and cold water; arge porches; will take a vacant lot worth 600 or $800 as part pay. There is mort- ice of 11.800. Price Eight room house, located on Central Ave.

las furnace, gas, and cold water, gas ange. full basement, lot 40x155. paved, house built In 1901. The owner has bought lann in the' west and IB going (o arm It. Pr.ce reduced from 14,100 to (8,500.

Five room cottage, located In the N. W. part; close to school and car line; house tew and 1n first class lot 40x187; of fruit and shade. Price New five room, cottage on lot 40x 90. located In northwest part, close to school and car line.

This is a dandy. $750 cash, balance 120 per mo. Price $2,730. New Five room modern cottage on W. Macon has gas and elecrtic lights, gas range: concrete basement; lot-40x150; shade.

Price $2.700. E. J. SMICK. with U.

S. Brokerage 134 E. Prairie St. 3400 ABSTRACT WORK AND examination records. Work promptly one at 23 per oent discount from old prices.

11 work.guaranteed. BURT3CHI BROS. A ICHOENLE. 140 South Water St BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. OR BALE OR EXCHANGE--GOOD TWO story business building, located 1031 N.

Inquire over 1031 N. Water. 8244 OR 8ALB OR TRADE FOR GOOD PROP- erty--Best located stock of groceries at 2,400. Address D-233, care Revew. FAKMIAHDS.

FOR ATTRACTIVE BARGAINS IN FARMS, ranches, farm land, grazing land and alt Inds of property, write the Potter Realty Potter, Neb. 3417 Alfalfa-Fruit land, Pecos river valley. Pecoa Texas. Some of finest alfalfa and fruit and in the U. S.

Soil chocolate and mulat- 0 come nearly black; adjoining land roducinK five to seven tons alfalfa per acre, low selling at $20 per ton. Home market; adjacent to largest cattle country In west. -pears excel California and Colorado fruit; two railroads, Orient and anta Pe now building. Orient Ry. now sell- ng at $rj per acre; our price $60.

$1 down, 1 per mi.ith; no Interest: no taxes ntll ISIS. Tree water right. No malaria; 10 mosquito? Average temp, winter 51; summer elev. 2,500 feeL Excursion twice a month. Address ELIIS Look Box 52.

Columbus; Kan. 2 FOR SALE--FINE FARMING LANDS. 4.000 acres of fine' farming or truck and fruK amis hi farms of from acres to 400 acres; i large portion In a good state of BO per cent prairie, sandy loam, wel mprcved. Prices from HO to terms easy. None, further than 4 miles from good railroad towns; on two trunk lines.

Write A. J. FRICK. Normangee, Tex, 8328 Bargains in Farms For Sale--100 acres located near Decatur and Intel-urban; good Improvements; prairie and timber land; worth the money; $160. tX acres near Decatur and Interurban; goot improvements; prairie and timber soil; nice little home; (175.

ICO acres; good prairie land; mllei from station and Intel-urban; Macon Improved -and tiled; 1 $209. 132 acres; good prairie land; well Improved nlco home; located 8V4 miles from town i Christian cheap at price ask; (125. Alexander Eckel 149 E. Main. 331T FOR SALE--160 ACRES FAIR LAND, VERY well tiled, fair beddings, 5tt mllce of town, 23 acres timber; free delivery by the house about half of this land black sandy color but will raise olover.

In-fact good corn lam and oata; will Uke ISO acre and half In trade, good rental residence or merchandise tttts Is bargain; farm must trade. 'W. Baker. Idavtlle, Ind. 1 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE--AN UNIM proved 330 a.

tract; located In Webb coun ty. Texas; In'onion belt. Will divide thl tract to suit- purchaser. Jno. P.

-Ut't Co. Home Tel. Room 1. 381. FOR RENT--HOUSES.

FOR RENT--HOUSE; TRUCK pasture tot' horse and cow. Dn Hen. FOR SALE--TOP BUGGY; HARD RUBBER tire, boll bearings- Inquire Room 9, Mamie temple. FOR RENT--SEVEN MODERN house at 1149 N. Church; gas and electric lights; blinds; gas range.

Apply 1134 N. Main. 8305 FOR RENT--DOUBLE HOUSE; PARTLY modern; 5 and 4-rooms on side; near depot. Old phone Z165. 588.

E. 8369 FOR COZY SEVEN ROOM MOD- In jfest end- Call 1022 Macon. FOR REHTT--ONE-HALF- HOUSE; THREE rooms with rummer kitchen; mod location; relit. Inquire 738 N. Church, 3380 FOR SALE--BUFFET PLYMOUTH' ROCK eggs; 11.50 for 16; $2.50 for 80.

Gust Relter, Cltr. H. F. D. No.

1. 1816 FOR RENT--HOUSE; city; rent New phone 1577. SOUTH PART OF 3385 For Rent 6 room modern house, 512 E. Division St. Coma quick.

Patterson Bradshaw 418 Powers Building. S403 OR LADIES PRIVATE MATERNITY home; perfect seclusion: best of care; phy- In ee. This home Is eonduot- by a lady of SO rears' Adress Caroline Hill, 1610 Bellevue St. FOR RENT-7 ROOM PARTLY MODERN house in block N. Broadway.

Automatic phone 3720. 3341 FOR BENT--T. ROOM MODERN; WEST Bide. 6 room calling distance; east aide, V. B.

Russell, 711 Mllllkln Bldg. 3329 FOR SALE--6 ROOM HOUSE; CLOSE IN; on payments. 8 room modern ho.use; W. part: 3 room cottage; N. Church; paved street; take a lot on this.

5 room house: two lots; good location: $1.800. 4 and 5 room cottages will net 10 per cent on t-vestment. L. O. Waltens 133 E.

Prairie St. 3407 For Sale in city property. No Genuine bargains graft. Try us. Patterson Bradshaw 418 Powers Building.

3402 FOR SALE--SIX ROOM STRICTLY MOD- ern house; small payment down, balance easy; a bargain. Inquire 459 W. Marietta. Old phone 3452. 3393 FOR SALE--5 ROOM THOROUGHLY MOD- ern c'ottage; bargain if taken soon; new phone 18S.

W. Julia. E. L. Owen.

3S87 This Will Make a Good Home For Sale--9 room house; thoroughly modern: heating plant with house; also connected with city heat; this lot also has a good barn on It. The property must be seen to be appreciated; price (10,000. Roy M. Dawson 104 E. Prairie.

Old phone 1156. 3357 FOR RENT--MODERN BIGHT ROOM house; 240 W. King; good neighborhood. D. Corley.

MHllkln Bldg. OST--CHILD'S WHITE COAT BETWEEN Intei-urban grade and Pythian Home. Call Mrs. E. J.

Ehrhait, Auto 1738; Old 2814. J433 LOST OR STOLEN--LARGE NEWFOUND- land black with breast; ons. to Duke. Reward. Old phone 3SS6.

A. Springer. 3382 FOR RENT-- NICE 4 ROOM COTTAGE; good well; 6 month; located 430 S. Water. 258 N.

Main. 3346 See FOR RENT--6 BOOM HOUSE WITH 1100 blk. W. Cerro Gordo. Inquire 1112 W.

Eldorado. 3851 iR RENT--8 ROOM MODERN HOUSE jn East Eldorado. Call SG2 N. Church. Auto 3319 FOR KENT--SIX ROOM PARTLY MODERN N.

Union. Inquire 735 K. Edfvard. FOR RENT--GOOD 7 ROOM HOUSE AND barn at 1328 W. Forresr Ave.

Apply 483 W. Eldorad Auto phone 4040. 8300 FOR HOUSE; 4 ROOMS; city wa'er furnished; 348 N. Monroe. In- qul.

517 N. Monroe. 3289 FOR RENT--SEVEN ROOMS AND BASE ment. 1129 -N." Calhoun. Inquire 320 W.

Wood. Old phone 2230. 324S FOR -RENT--NICE FIVE ROOM COTTAGE, thoroughly modern at 1O4 W. Pugh. Call at 1310 N.

Church. Old phoco 3305. 3223 FOR FURNISHED; VERY cool; desirable for summer. Call 1312 N. Water, mornings and evenings.

8204 FOR RENT--FLATS. FOR RENT--MODERN FRONT FLAT. Elevator service. Pianos and typewriters rented. Suffern Music House, N.

Water. 3241 FOR RENT. FOR RENTVFIV eery. 121 S.SOak C. Jack, vkxan FOR SALE--J ROOM HOUSE; PARTLY modern; E.

Herklmer St. 6 room house; partly modern; N. College 4-room house: partly'modern; Morgan 6 room house; 'North street. 8 room house: thoroughly E. Prairie 6 room house; partly modern; N.

Edward street. Roy M. Dawson 104 E. Prairie," Old phone 1156. 3359 For Sale 6 room house; water In house; N.

Morgan: 7 room modern house; W. Decatur: 13,200. 8 room modern houe; 'lot 5pxlV6: N. Col- 4 room house; basement, cistern and- well; W. Green; $200 cash, bal.

112 per month; 8 room house; barn; sewer; a bargain; W. Green: tl.OOO; on payments. 8 room house; modern except furnace; basement; lot 40x250; 500 blk. South Broadway. 2-hmises nd lot 80x190: paved street; good for business lots; 200 blk.

S. Broadway; $3.200. H. A. Watkins Automatic phone 5050.

Bell phone 1327 124 E. Wood Street. S3O1 FOR RENTtiBARBfJUJOLD-FROM-'8 TO 4 head bed, mattress and sprlni for sale. E. North.

3337 For Rent Office Rooms In Citizen's Title 'Trust Bldg. Also A Light Basement Under the new Citizens National Baalc Bldg. Park St. entrance. J.

E. Fitzgerald Manager." A Syndicate. Bldjg- 3183 FOR RENT- -ROOMS. FOR ROOM; MODER1S conveniences. Bell phone 230.

717 West Prairie, 343 FOR NICE ROOMS; GKOUND floor; partly modern; suitable for man and wife or-small family. 538 JJ. Water. 336 FOR RENT--ON APRIL IS IiWILL HAVE furnTrhcd rooms: ensuite: with all moden conveniences. Call S.

Water. 341 FOR RENT--ONE UNFURNISHED FRON' Inquire at 272 W. William. Mt FOR RENT--TWO ROOMS; VERY COOL and pleasant: all modern. 975 N.

Main. 334 FOR RENT--THREE ROOMS FURNISHED or unfurnished. 1826 N. Church. 334S For Sale, Rent or Exchange; Houses and lots In all parts of the city.

Houses and rooms for rent. Rents 1 Fire, lightning, tornado and automobile Insurance. Steamship tickets to all parts of the world. Farms for sale on easy payments. Free excursions to land buyers to Red River Valley, North Dakota.

B. B. Wirwatz 133 E. Prairie. Automatic phone 1537.

FOR SALErr-160 WELL IMPHOV- ed, near Marpa, 120 acres, two miles from Forayth. Grady Grady, 404 Powers Bldg. FOR SALE--BY OWNER, 165 ACRES. 14, miles of Richmond, 8 miles Peters-' burg; miles good town railroads and electric'line. Six room house, barn, chicken' house, fine lithla water; fenced and cross f.fcced; per terms.

L. M. HULL. 212 Security Cedtr Rapids, Iowa. 3267, FOR SALE-- A ABM OF 500 A.

IN COLES counts, Illinois. This elegant farm has been In blue grass for SO 'years and would be, a great corn producer. -For particulars write, D. A. Anils, 111.

8024 FOR SALE--160 ACRES. 6 MILES NEW Rlchland. great dairy country; (45. 820 acres. 9 miles Stanton county seat.

Marcar North Dakota, Northern Pacific ro- building to Stantln. lignite 1 coal all over this country: $80. 320 6 miles Gladstone, Manitoba, good wheat $20. P. Gallagher, owner.

1124 Dons-i man street. Green WIs. B17 FOR SALE--J20 ACRES ALL BLACK LEV- el corn land; none westi -if Forsyth: rented for 1910; worth 1200 per. acre: can't hold long at price. $180 per D.

A. BARRACKMAN. Sis N. Main. Defca- tur.

111. IIW Bar gain If Once S5 acres, 2 miles from town on Interurban, four room house, well and cistern, large plenty of fruit. Let ma talk this over with you. Roy M. Dawsou The Bargain Space For Sale--0 rooms and bath; thoroughly modern; on Haworth only think of It! Nice 7 room house on Water street; paving paid: In splendid condition; $3.500.

This is a bargain. Bargains In all jisrts of city. ains in all parts of city. Albert Ruebsamen 101 Wait Bldg. S35.

FOB SALE--A BARGAIN IN A fine 8 room, strictly modern close In; now don't delay a minute for It Is sure to be 'd. Phone us or call. Plckle.Jk Darling. 157 E. Main.

8888 FOR SALE--NEW ROOM MODERN house; take small house and lot in-eject inge. 428 N. Oakland. 8280 VACANT FOR SALE-- TWO VACANT LOTS ON EAST Main a bargain. Yates-MItchell 520-22 Wait Bldg.

FOR RENT--ONE OR TWO FURNISHED roo.ns;.five blocks west of postofflve; or' after 1- Address D-295, Review. THB MOST COMFORTABLE ROOMS IN THE city at the St. Hotel. brock south of the Transfer House FOR RENT--3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS ground 'flopr; 800 blk. N.

Main. Call Oli phone 2816 or TSli W'. Prairie. 3325 FOR RENT 1 TftgEE ROOMS FCRN1SHE or Old phone 8815. 82T FOR -RENT--NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS with private all modern con fences.

Boa phone 1616. 509 E. Eldor LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING. FOR RENT--NICE FRONT KOOilS FOI light housekeepihg. The: G'rindbl Bids 281E.

Main. S3) FOR RENT--FURNISHED- light Gall 500 E. Eldorado. ROOMS FO 8322 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE-- at 1048 W. Wofld.

341 FOR BAlE--NEW AND 'SECOND HANI furniture, rugs i Minnick Peek 215 sit Park. 140 B. Main. 339 FOB SALE--CORNER PAST city; owner would take In horse or cow. $850.

worth more. Bnieck 315 N. Main. 3,399 Ideal Residence Lot Tar Sale--One of the finest vacant lots In Riverside; south front; sewerage, water, gas and elect. Icity ready to connect up.

Roy M. Dawson 104 E. Prairie. 3S58 FOR SALE--flMO BUY8 FINST front tot 40x152; North Monroe; sovith Pugh school; possession Immediately; sewer paid. FOR SALE--SECOND SAND OAS STOVE cheap tbr New phone 1577.

888" FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE--ONE NEW TELEGRAPH IN atrument; complete. 1440 N. Union. 348 FOR BALIX-THREE POOL TABLES iheapjf taken At T59.N.'Weter.


OR BATJoJ-TAWbT HORSE I-HAB- ton; cheap Gill 316- K. Old phone 299S. 3 4 0 8 TOR JERSEY iTBCrW-' good flow of milk. Frank-'Oregory, Out-, n. sin 3287 TOR- yean old.

Call Gould barn. E. FOUR 8208 OR PR. SORBEL MULES: 7 ITS. old; 1.

pr. gray 8 yra. and sound: also 10 bead of horses; price to 146 Carro Gordo. Old ,1171 FOR SALE--VEHIC1E8. TO RSALE-7-ALMbST NEW RUBBER TIRE surrey.

Call at once. S47 E. Center. 3414 FOE SALE--EGOS. OR BALE--a C.

BUFB- ORPINGTON eggs; 16 for $1.50. Also No-Break-Crate 115 eggs at $1.60 per dozen. Dr. f. Mo- ivid.

W7 Mllllkln Bldg. III. 285S MEDICAL. xinls Mo. 8054 LOST OR FOUND.

OST--GOLD WATCH; SI-ZE 16, ALONG branch south of K. P. home or near my Sunday. Reward if returned 68S N. Edward.

MONstY TO LOAM I SUMS OF $1 'If 'IMPL iDa TRY ME FOR'THAl. IT WIU, RAY YO J. Ramer Room J. Syndicate Bldg. v-aiir MOOSE SIHIISME; i'p- i.

We stod Up will accommodate 'you quickly. It's a'pleasure for us to- supply our customers with the amount they when they want We do business just as, any business firm--but--PRIVATELY. You'll like our methods--they have suited thousands Decatur Loan Office Auto 1118. Room 201. Powers Bldg.

Mrs. OceBDUerPaints When Told H.buse IB win Money to Loan On the best plan possible. First, the lowest cost. Second, the payments 11 are arranged to suit the, borrower fl and can oe made either' weekly or II monthly. And last, but not least 1 1 --everything confidential.

When you come to us for a loan'you can have, the money within an hour or two. Any amount from $10.00 up. You pay only for-the actual time yon keep the money. Call and 1 see us when 'needing a loan. Illinois Mortgage Loan Co.

If Rooms 7 and 8. Conklin, Building. I Half block north of Transfer House. 114 N. Main St.

4 Bell phone 2041. -I MONEY-- Old Reliable" This Is an old expression, but a good one If properly applied. WE'RE RELIABLE In every sense; long time In POULTRY BIRDS ANU TETS. 'OR WYANDO'lTE HEN with 14 chicks. Eggs for hatching, ach.

any quantity, Church, .1150 S. Silas. Bherslde. 1 YOUR ORDER FOR BABY chicks; any kind you want. Breeder White Wyanilottes and Rhode Island A.

Gandy. 10? W. Prairie. 3032 business, have unlimited capital and a good reputation. You'll make no mistake If you borrow from us, tip: more If you want It.

Fidelity Loan (Jompan? Old phone 870. 154' 8. Water St. Room 4. Opera House Bldg.

S4SI PHOTO-3RAPHEES. The Virg D'Or Post Card Store ground floor Always omething new In post cards. Always some- htnu new In photographs, Watch the nances' In our window. 'Remember I still hake a specialty of outside work. letldence pictures.

Interiors, lights. tunic parties and social All work uaranteed and courteous 'treatment to very one. Chas Auto 1107. 319 N. Water St.

3S77 INSURANCE. write fire, lightning and tornado Insurance In three of the strongest Insurance We ompanics in the I'nlted States. Roy M. Dawson O4 E. Prairie.

Old phone 1156. 3350 lane--ftonb 126 Dally Chi via 124 Omaha and fit. Paul 12:1 Up.m. IVX Dally Clinton A'ccom. 7 43p.m.

Main Une--8oulU 1U1 Freight 01 Daily Local Mall 2tt buutoera Kxpresa Daily Pana Accom. teurU UivMun--To Peorla. Uailj 224 Dally Local Fralcht ts40a.m, iruui Fevite. ually 03 Ually il Ujual ITratgnt To Uattousj. UI Dally Uvansviile Mall CO Pally Z83 Local Frelgbt om Hallvosi.

baity Peorla 24 Dall if Local Freight To Chicago. 20 Dally via Clinton 24 Ually Sunday To CbampnlgB. 02 Dally 94 Dally Interurbaa Krvm Champaign. 01 Dally Intel-urban 83 Local rrelaht. exemt MISCELLANEOUS.

LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH US. WE canisell It. a "by phone, Automatic 567; Bell 108. Patterson Hradshaw 41? Poiyei-B 3405 Contemplating a Trip to Europe? See me for steamship rates. I represent 12 steamship lines to any part of the globe.

L. C. Waltens 133 E. SS14 1O7 Call and Investigate Our Ctedtt System. a Week.

Smallenberger Co. S. Main. Lincoln Square. S315 PASTURE ON WEST STREET will be open Ma.

1st for con-s. 12:50 per month. Apply 337 N. Church street or cill Automatic phone 4C81. I-RS.

J. G. CLOYD. 8250 JARD OF EDUCATION OF THE Decatur ichool w(ll receive bids for the inn of a school' house In the 1409 block on West Main according to plans p'nd speciflcationB prepared by -B. Brooks.

up until noon April 19, 1010. Thsy reserve right to reject any or all bids. Address J. F. ROACH.

Pres. H. B. WILSON, Clerk. 8205 COLLECTIONS WE COLLECT BOARD bills, rents, wages, store accounts, labor claims, bar bills, jobbers' and wholesalers' accounts, no es.

judgments and debts of Iqng standing. All classes of claims collected on te'rcentage. No advance fee for our aarvlces, A. T. SUMMERS 4 SON, 110 North Water Street.

BOYS' $3..10 BLACK AND TAN. OXFORDS. samples for (2; sizes'from 2 to 4H. Men's (350 and 14 patent leathers for Rosenberg's. 125 S.

JUST RECEIVED--THE LJkRGICST AS- sartment French tapestries ever shown in the city. Come In and- make your selection to cov4r any old piece of furniture you may have that needs covering. Also mantles. Bt-atea, tiling, andirons and everything In Una. a.

BOOK BINDING PRACTICAL BOOK binding and blank book manufacturing, 127 South Water street, Decatur. III. Herman Spies. Magazines bound, names- stahiped In gold on books, pocketnooks. and memorandum books, toilet cases, etc.

EUREKA MATTRESS CO. HAKES' FBA- ther ma: usses. pads, pillow and. com. torts, a specialty.

Feathers bought and sold. MIS-ATO N. Jasper stree.i. Old phone 2910. KIDUER.

proprietor. MUSICAL GOODS. LARGE SIZE OAK PIANO. flhe condldan. Pianos and typewriters rented.

Suffern Music House 349 N. Water. 8240 WOK SALE--TOOD rUPRIOHT, PIANO. cheap; cash or A. T.

Summon Son. Ui) North Water St. FOR 8ALE-SgU)S AND PLANTS SEED EARLY PROSPBRltT Learning. Niriety Day, Red. to test or.your money b'ack.

II.T5 per G. Hul, 111. 3410 FOR. SALE-- PREMIUM VKHtTE DENT corn. 8 miles northeast of Decatur 'ce at farm, .11.

J5 to $2, shipped tested. per cent. Old phone boock. Route Decatur. III.

Alber 3341) MOSEY TO LOAN. We Loan Money Your sepurlty end terms' are'- satisfactory Desirable houses for rent at all 'times. Pegram Cltlssn Bank BWg. OUR STORAGE WAREHOUSE goods. In separate i Inspection solttltf PARKS? A WI I CLEAN-a; CAN BORROW ANY AMOUNT-.

too large. too We lend money on -Furniture. Pianos. Horses. Carriages, Goods In Storage.

Cattle, Cram. Growing Crops, Easier terras' than other brokers. Also WE BUY NOTES. Tsle- lone M.l»4. OLDEST LOAN OFFICE IN Establlslied.

1JW. A. T. SUMUEP.8.* SpN, 110 N. Corrected Fei.

27, 1810. COR. ft 8. WATER STR CARS LEAVE DBOATOR-- Bast to Cnainpalgn m. m.

m. m. m. m- ni. p.

m. p. m. m. m.

m. m. m. Limited connect at nttfleld with limited cars for Ml West to Rpiinnfleld a. m.

nv m. m. SUJO. a.w. l.ii.

4MJO. p. m. p. in m' 6:00..

m. m. m. uim Nortn to aluuTjiT.zt iiti p.m. 11:15 Vll JocaL Sullivan BIJOU A.

Mnnnger. THOSDAY, Tl'ESDAY, WBDSKS- (Llnle) MULVEY. Greatest Singing (Walter) SCHRODE Vaudeville's Acrobats. FOUR DANCING BELLES. Vaudeville's Prettiest Dancing Otrls.

WILLIS HALL CO. In "David Garrlcki.Jr." CHIO; Japanese Novelty ArMst. JACKSYMONbS. The Tramp BIJOUDRCME. Latest Motion Pictures.

Our' method not" only the but all easji i Hainan from the syetemt Entirely 'different from so- "cancers 'M0 satrcrlsg. sjo Mat vonr returned after being ed? We have 'simtel cess In Rich eases; amr MalMertlmt. Tt will nay rv htvni- claims. of IIHT Of great ftalue TOO. Yo what kind cancer you bsre.

'or psrflenlsra desprlnlns or DR. C. TAiLOE HALL Sullivan. April. 'ftre whistle about j.0 night calling out the department dence "by Mike 'fWey', ented by Oce Mlllpr on treet.

In the same block wlftr tlfe Bul- tvari Electric company's 'ettetrlo The team-made the has eyer. made fire hemlcal engine. The fire was about a halt he city nail, but the engine got there) 'time to get the fire It -ad done much da-mage. IN -OUOST. The fire originated In a closet which was used to 'store away! cans of fruit which were wrapped In presumed that a mouse got hold of'a, match, thereby, setting the paper, afire.

The fire was discovered by Pete George, who makes his home at Mr. Miller's. He had been over to the liirht. pfiht and on coming home' discovered the? when got "to' tfie house. r4ln back to the plant to'turn In.the alarm.

6H Mr. and Miller. both -ssnay, from home at the -bedside, of Delmer Hill. they got the that heir house was on fire, Mrs. Miller 'alnted and.

a doctor. had t6. be called to take care of her. Some at residents- had la-, cllned to make fun of the chemical'en- gine, but- If given a- chance- It-will put the fire out every No can handle a-fire after It gets; frftni. under control fiefOre arrives.

THRESHEHMBN MEET. The threshing machine men county met In the. grand jury-room -on the second floor of the court, house Saturday afternoon to otganlze by, mutual agreement. This Is'a. movement that Is being: started' all' over the fltaie, getting the machine men together creating a better feeling', among them.

No officers of. any. kind were elected at this FIRST MEETING. This is the first time a of this'kind has ever'been In tnie shows the machine men of the county, to be enterprising. The question.of prices to be charged farmers for threshing In the meeting, that was not the, object of the meeting, but Was to promote good feeling- among 1 the machine men thereby 'be- able to give, the farmers-better results.

PLEABANT AFFAtR." The Twenty club met the, home, of-Mies Meeker on Jackson- Saturday afternoon, the subject tor' the afternoon was "A Musical mg was well attended by the club PROSPECTING. Eden Mo'rlin, who has been foreman Ut Mie 'Progress'Printing company's the past and will go from ada a. urespocttng trip and' If. he Ijkcsj the country-will remain 'and take a but If tie doesn-'t, like It there he will go on to the Mrs. l.osa -Qpx.

has bean- t' ie past week, or was reported better-at a late hour Sunday night. MONTHLY Ladles' BMOcjatlon the church will hold their monthly social t.lje; "swiuc home of street Wednesday cord Invited. "J'" Jessie Covey-returned'tb day morning, after Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.

G. Coi-ey, Boy Silvers returned to his studies 1n De-' catur Monrf-y morning, after spend Ing day here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. and Mrs, Rcott Wllburn were Deeatur visitors Monday.

Charles V. HidRon went to St. Louis Mon-" day rhornlnp oc James t. of was a visitor here Sunday between Miss Viola Goodnian vtuteH; Mr. and; Mrs.

MRS. H1LU BURlBp. The a of Mrs. Mary Miller Hill, wife of Mrpor dill, WM iield Meth-i odlst church Monday eon- ducted by Rev. L.

caseiey. pastor of. tWs church. Interfnenf at the Greenhlll- eeme- ery. Mrs.

Hill leaves husoatid, Delmar Hlii: a father, Allen Milter of Mat toon; -a mother. Mrs; Marlah Miller of'this city, and wo brothers. Clarence 'ot riiear. city and Peter, of a. niece of A.

H. Miller'of this--city, and: ot K. Mirer of Mattoon. Mrs. Hill dteft Sunday morning about i :30 than week of serious Illness.

EI-EK-BURIBO. The funeral of Mrs. Laota PInraSwr'- Eller. vife of William was -herd at thej Christian church Sunday afternoon- at conducted by Rev. W.

Walters; pastor, of the church. at Qreefthill cemetery. Mrs. Eller was born 8, -18871 and died Friday, -April at Terre Haute. the remains being brought back here Saturday afternoon burial.

ORGANIZE jiiEN'S CliASS. Rev. A. Cory's school class of men a Presbyterian' cKurch organize! Into a- Men's Bible class Sunday morning st Sunday school hour, with Paul Thunemann president and W. O.

Cover secretary. class has'only been, In ex(Stance a short time, but has built up tiet being made up of of very near every profession, who sre taking a great Interest In the class, as Ik also Its leather. Rev. A. T.

Cory. INOLE-PARKBR. Ingle and Miss Kathryn EArker, of lovlngtbn, were united In marriage by iquire'C. office Saturday afternoon. KLINE The.Kline recital at the Knlghtsx CANCERS hall Monday evening, April 1 Aid of this Presbyterian church.

White to Atlanta S. Pred- 1. Kirksvllle; Alblen McDavId and Biindy, bieifc A. B. MtDavld's fourth a4- dttlod to Allenvllle: WOO.

Samuel T. Miller and wife to A. part of ne. sw. 1, CONVICT'S Bteubenvllle.

April vrct's'. dream of Homa, HflWg dorre. In verses'by Schaffer of Plttshurg wbde at th4 JBtark. county won "for him the recommendation of pri'oil management" that pardoned Bchaffer' has served a -gteat six months' sentence for tie of a Plttsburg He convicted of putting her drthklng with 4 her' and stealing $118. Since: his Incarceration he the' seventeen-verse epic of hls-llfe.

viewing his childhood in so sentlmelg; a strain that ,11 has moved on managempnt to aak or bU- dom. -'w-- lEWSFAPERl.

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