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The Evening Telegraph from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania • Page 1

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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IMC- A VOL. YNo 27. PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 31, 18GG. DOUBLE SHEET THREE CENTS. Till the Hour of Sickness Comes, few care to Read anything on the 8ubject of Disease.

In tbe yr 1848, the writer of tht article embarked to tis Drov BoslneM In tbe city ol Philadelphia, but lor the Uat e(htecD yra meat o( lili time bai been occc-- jled In the manuiactnre ol the various Bo Id and Hold 1 X'rrcti, the moat prominent, and to which he detlrei to call tbe particular attention of the Faculty and the I ali are the Extract Buctm and the Extract Bar-raparllla, both cf which are highly concentrated preparation! of the lnrredlenta entering into their composition. Cne bottle ot the Fluid Extract of Baraaparllla la Jn'lr equal In strength to one gal on of the arrup or decoction, as usually made, and burn'reds of dronrlnU thronghoot the country have adopted It in making their Trap oi thli name, and one tcbleapooatul Added to a pint ot water. Is fullr equal to the celebrated Lisbon Dlot Drink, so much used In lormer jean to purify, enrlcb the blood, and beautify the comp In calling attention to my remedies, I wish It distinct understood that they are not Patent Medicines, most of which are com Jx un led by persons too Ignorant to rnnd a physician esmnlest piescrtptlon. much less competent to prepare pbsjmaeeutlcal preparation. These persons adreitise.

'i his I jim oompelled to do to bring my name before the pe et In conversation on various occasions I have been astonished at remarks slrnl ar to tbe following, and th'se mads In' many cases by persons of no ordinary IntollSgence To wit: that the raodlclno buslnea la tbe most profitable a'l that Is necessary is to adver-tup. Iboosandf have embarked with such Ideas, aad millions have been expended In bringing them before tberniillc. The result ol such accumulated errors Is, that when brought to tho tost, lacking morlt, they have bow few have been successful I Ask the season of their been snort-lived, now few, of the many thousands em barking, are compelled to abandon the business In a few years, entirely bankrupt! Look back fifty years, and anccess and yon will find my statement in regard to merit, correct The Science of Medicine, like tho Dorlo ColOmn, eh old stand timptc, fure, and marine, bavlng fact for it basil, induction lor it pillar, and truth alunt for Its capi al. 1 contend there Is no business requiring these qualifications more. Tbe medicines are brought In contact with Druggists everywhere.

I am also aware that persona reason In this manner tht which may benefit me may be ot no advantage to another. How staken the local A Blood Purifier tor one is a Blood Purifier for all. A Diuretic for one, a Diuretic (or a l. A Narcotic for one, a Narcotic tor alt. A Purgative for one, a Purgative for all.

Just mnch so as wholesome food for one Is whole-son food for all, with no more difference than that sjome constitutions require more tian others, and that persons In disease are given to despondency expecting in a fewdays or weeks, and perhaps with a single bottle of medicine, to be restored to health, it not to youth and beauty. These persons rarely recover, lacking patience, and considering a few dollars expended for the benefit of their hea th a waste of money. These same persons may nave osen years in Drcamnsr down their constitutions, and probably expended thousands of dollars in dress and dissipation, and think nothing of It. Inch forget that IjOOD HEALTH IS TRTJE WEALTH. 'With upward, ot recommendatory letters, and Hr solicited certificates, I have never rs sorted to their pabllcaticn.

In this case I shall, however, aspend a few remarks, trusting they may be appreciated. I am to the afflicted and suffering humanity. Their Humble Servant, H. T. I1ELVB0LD, Manniacturer ol Helmbold's Genuine Preparations.

Prom the Philadelphia Ladear. fBiUDiimiA, July It), 1W63 Our esteemed friend and fellow-citizen. Mr 11. T. He uibo.d informs us that he contemn.

atcs icraovlng to tbe city of New York, with a view of enlarging his huHlnexs We have been acquainted Ith ulro for upwards of ten years; have been p. east 0 with bis inte fin It and lair deullng. Commencing In a una I way, his articles must possess merit to insure the success he has met with, and irom our acquaintance with bim cam confidently xpeuk that we do not believe be is a mar. who would wlh to impose on any one, mnch less the afflicted, and real in uu. own long business experience as uu adv.rtlning medium, we have never heara of tho sucoo8 of auj medicine without merit.

From Philadelphia Evening Bulletin of June 20, 1861. We are gratified to hear of the continued success In Xew York of our townsmen, Mr. II T. Ilelmbold. Druggist His store, next the MerrouoiiUn Hotel, is iHteet front, 23V lei deep, and live stur es io bsiglit.

It Is certainly a grand extabllHhment. aud speiks favorably ol ths erltof his articles. He retains hi otllce and laboratory In this city, which are also model extubuuumonts of their claw. IIELllBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCIIU. A positive and apecific remedy for diseases of the Blad der, Kliinrys.

(travel. Dropst. 'iiio utmost confidence an be reposed In Its curative power In the above diseases, also In restoring the exhaus'ed powers of nature, which are accompanied by so many a arming symptoms, among which will be found indiposition to Exer.lun, 1 Of ot Memory. Wakelulness, Horror ot Disease, or tore-boslngs ot evil In tact, univer al Lasiltude, Prostration, and inability to enter Into the enjoyments of socletr. If no remedy is used In such cases.

Consumption or In-sanliv ensues. Vlilt our hospitals, asylums, and prisons, and be convinced. '1 he reader must also be aware tha. however slight may be the attack, it is sure to afiect hi i bnOllv health, happiness, and that of bis posterity Helmbold's Extract ot Buchuwi give you brisk and enervetlc feelings, enable you to sleen well, and la more strengthening than any of the Preparations of Bark or Iron. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU AND IMPROVED ROSE WASH, Cures diseases arising Irom bablts of dissipation and Imprudencles, aiaylng pain and and for which those unpleasant and dangerous remedies are frequently uwd.

It cures at expenie, little or no change in diet, no inconvenience, ami no exposure. All tbe above diseases require the aid of a Dlnrotla. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCIIU 13 THE GREAT DIURETIC. lIELMfiOLD'S EXTlUCI SAUSAPAMLUD Cures Scrofula, Bait Rheum, bcald or Bore (lead, totter, Pimples on the Face, Erysipelas and all eruptions of whatever nature on tho lace or skin, purging out the llumois which make disease, enriching the Blood, and BEAUIIFYIXa THE COMPLEXION. How to use tbe remedies so as to guarantee a perfect cure i In all coses except those arising from habits of dissipation or Itnprudencles, use the Kxtract Buchu.

In these use tbe Extra Buehu and Kise Wash, In Uumsrs on the face, or an? and every part of the body, me Extract Sarsaparilla, apply to Plum es and external Humors or Eruptions, Improved Kose Wash. Whole-lome lood recommended In all the above discs ips, Instead ot restricted, avoiding fs'ty and high-seasoned food and acidulous and stimulating drinks. la recent cases, a cure is effected in an astonishingly short period but in cases of long standing It Is better to purchase a half dozen bottles, and nse la'thfii'ly according to explicit directions, In which case I am enabled to guarantee a perfect care. Direct letters HELMBOLD'S Drug and Chemical Warehouse, Ko. Ii9 Bioadway, New York, next Metropolitan Hotel, or HELMBOLD'S Medical Depot, No.

104 South Tenth street, A-uorobly Build ns, Describe symptoms lb'all communications. Bold'by all druggists eveiywhete. BEWARE OF ASK FOR HElMBOLD'S. take Ko Other, THE FREEDMEN. THE POSSESSION OP THE SEA ISLAND LANDS.

Objections to the President's Reconstruction Policy. Important Letter frlm James L. Orr, Governor of South Carolina, to Andrew Johnson, Prcsidcntot the United States, Executive Oppick, Charleston, January 10, 18GG. To the President of tho United States-Sir When first your wise and humane policy of the restoration ol tbeir lands to all pardoned proprietors was declared, there was a hopeltil prospect of a very happy result. But In tho execution of that policy there has been a moit unaccountable delay, and that especially in those sections of tho State where there was the largest scope lor its exercise, and where the presence of the Freedinpii'a bureau ought to have furnished the readiest means tor its execution.

Now it appears to me that it there is one subiect upon which the interest of all parties agree, of the Union and of tne Ptate, of the freedman and of the landowner, it is this: tho speedy resumption and steady prosecution of the agricultural industry of the South. And all these intercHts are directly concerned in knowing whence the difficulties come and how they can be removed. 1 believe there is but one main difficulty. For I would observe, first, that in this State the freedman now sutlers under no civil disability. Without reference to any special legislation, and there is as yet no special legislation of force here, the treedmon, by the State's acceptance of the act of emancipation and the passage of the Constitutional Amendment, is relieved of tno disabilities of his former condition of slavery, and Is to-day as thoroughly protected in his rights ol person and property as any other inhabitant of the State.

He has, therefore, every right to labor and every guarantee that I have that he will be protected in the enjoyment of the fruits of his lubor. For even supposing this not to result from the simple abolition oi his status as a slave, the military courts which ulone now exercise jurisdiction in cases where he is concerned, alford him ample protect on and very summary remedy. The difficulty then does not lie in that direction. Nor does it proceed from the land owner. The ready and early employment of this labor is his oniy salvation.

Without it his lands must lie idle, and that when the promise and prospect of remuneration are ten-fold trreator than they ever were, and his wants an hundred fold. On this head the official reports are conclusive. They expressly declare that the planters are ready and anxious to work. But that the freed-men will not contract to work lor wages as long as the Government does not explicitly assure him that lands are not to be given him. I would releryou especially to the reports of General Beecher, from the Combahee plantations, and the reports of Major Delany, a colored o.ficcr, who was sent on an official tour of inspection from department headquarters through the sea-coast parishes.

The language of this latter Is so decisive, his opportunities for observation so peculiarly favorable, and his sympathies so clearly with the freedmen that I will quote from his officiil report "1 have met with a general representation of the inlelhgenne and farmer wealth of the planters and large land owners of these districts, and large numbers of the freedmen of both sexes and every condition among them, and have generally found the planter ready and willing to enter into any agreement reasonable and just to both parties, planters and freedmen. All with whom I have yet met and had conversation on the subject of the planting interest readily indorse the most liberal desires ot the Government and tne Bureau towards the freedmen. And the freedmen express the most anxious desire to go to work on plantations, and simply hesitate for tbe purpose of receiving dellnite orders from the Government that they cannot obtain the lands by purchase or otherwise, when they will readily enter into arrangements to work or give place to those who will." In the upper portion of this State, where the Freedman Bureau has never been organized, and where post commanders chiefly had charge of the relations and conditions of the freedmen, this delusion was never as strong as lower down, and yet it was strong enough to prevent any contracts being made before the 1st of January, 1866. Up to that time the freedmen believed in the certainty of their future proprietorship. Since that day has passed they are manifesting much greater willingness to meet the necessities of their condition.

Bnt lu the lower part of the State the condition of thines is different The delay in carryingout your instructions positively, which has continued from General Howard's visit in October to Captain Ketchutu's return in the last few days, rendered the freedmen. as a body, incredulous of any restoration. They have in many places quietly but firmly refused to accept any terms, tint I regret to say that within the last few days they have in some instances reported to violence, burning down dwellings, destroying bridges, intrenching themselves in their quarters, and refusitig either to contract or give way to those who will. And in these cases it is proper to say that the contracts offered them have been approved by the United States authorities as liberal and just. This is not unnatural.

For as long as the treedman has reason to believe that the Government will give him a homestead of forty acres, he will not voluntary work for wages. It cannot, I think, be denied that the action of tbe aeediuen's Bureau in this State has largely contributed to this unfortunate result. Without entering into a minute detail of its administration. I am constrained to say that there is to my mind sufficient evidence of an unwillingness to co-oporate cordially with the policy of the Government. Certificates oi title have been in some cases granted to persoa tilling none ot the conditions even of General Sherman's order, aud have been given to chance visitors to the island for lands not only for themselves, but for their lilends who had" never been away Irom their homes in the interior.

Great delay has been interposed In the execution of the forms neeessary to restoration, and the Bureau has Indeed gone so far as by a construction too unworthy for any comment, to defeat the very object ot your orders. For it has been decided that where the freedman refuses to contract on any terms, however lust, that in such coscb there cau be no "mutually satisfactory arrangement," and his refusal acts as a bar to restoration. In addition to this, the whole Parish of St. Helena, and a great portion ot St. Luke's, comprising a body of estates which, in Intrinsic value, in the former amount oi products, and in perfection of culture, cannot be surpassed by an equal extPnt of country in any State of ths Union, have been appropriated by the Government under the provisions of tho Direct Tax acts.

These lands are occupied by freedmen, some under pretense of allotment, somo under pretenfo of purchase, some under pretense of General Sherman's order, and most under no pretense at all. The Tax Commissioners charged with the execution of these acts have manifested the same sympathies as the agenta of the Freedman's Bureau, and this wholo section of country is held out as not only a home of refuge, but as land of promise for every indolent freedman In the Slate. I have felt bound to call tho attention of tbe Socrotary of the Treasury to the condition of this section of the State, in a letter, a copy of whicn I herewith transmit, and to which 1 would earnestly solicit your serious cc nsidcration. Finally, a bill has been reported ta Congress, and is now under discussion, by which title i granted under General Sherman's field order are to be confirmed lor three years. I do not think, therefore, that I am risking cither an extreme or doubt Ail opinion when 1 say that the chief cause of all our difficulty in linding a solution ol this questlm of labor proceeds Irom the action of the Government, encouraging tho belief that the sea coast region of South Carolina is (o be confiscated in the hands ol its owners for the purpose of establishing a system of independent colonization for the ireid-n.

en. If this is not so. then the interest of this State require that this impression, so generally prevailing, should be authoritatively corrected; and that those who for purposes of personal interest or political agitation arc onJeavoring to prolong and to exaggerate the present embarrassments of the State should be deprived of so ellective means of mischief. If it is so, if unfortunately there should exist a disposition to do this great wrong and to inflict this irreparable Injury upon the State, I would ask your attention to the following considerations: This policy can only be intended ni a reward to the freedman or as a ounishraent to tho land-owner. The number of the ireedmen so rewarded must be very smull in proportion to the millions whom the Government have enfranchised.

Upon what principle are the few thousands woo have occupied, or who may occupy, these parishes of South Carolina to be selected above their fellows for such a reward They consist chiefly of those who remained on the plantations when their masters removed, have enjoyed for years tho advontflges of homes to live in and lands to work, divided among themselves the supplies and household goods that were abandoned, and without contributing in the slightest degree to the aid of Government, hnve shrewdly benefited by the confusion of civil war. Tho only addition to the original population being the vagiant negroes who, without necessity, abandoned their own homes and hwarmed as camp followers in the rear of General Sherman' columns. So uch for the reward. As for the punishment, it is not a matter of complaint that these estates being most exposed should suffer most. That Is the chance of war.

Biit when war has ceased Its ravages, when civil law, the same law for all. and above all, resumes iti authority, then individual penalty can only be exacted on gcnoral principles. But to appropriate for confiscation only those lands which, by the accidents of military strategy, have been occupied by the army, is to punish by lottery. For more than four yeaw the owners of these lands, the first occupied by tno armies of the United States, have been paying the penalty not so much of their crime as of their tituiition. Driven from home, deprived of all income, reduced in the vast majority of cases to poverty, they are now selected as the victims of still further punishment; while those equally involved with them in this revolution, who have fortunately escaped the suffering of invasion, arc still exempt, only because they have not suffered at all.

Can any reason be found why a Elanter on the const, who was driven from his ome in 1861 or 1H62, should now have his lands appropriated tor distribution, while his fellow-citizen of the middle or upper districts, whose estates have been untouched, whose industry has been undisturbed, but who has participated as fully and heartily in the war, shall be confirmed in the possession of his But whatever may be the motives of such a policy, I would ask your attention to its consequences both upon the treedmon and the State, And I wish to be distinctly understood as finding no fault with, animcorfratrement the Government may wish to mve to the natural and, in many respects, commendable desire of the freedman to become an independent landowner. The policy of which, as the representative of the State, I complain; is the partial and unjust confiscation of the property ot a small portion of her citizens, including a large number of unoffending widows and orphans, to be given, in the same spirit oi injustice in which it is taken, to persons having no claim for special consideration at your hands. The mere introduction of the bill for confirming these titles has had an immediate and injurious effect. It has checked the energy which was beginning to manifest itself, suspended tho contracts which were in progress, arrested the spirit with which the planters were preparing to go to work hopefully and heartily, and stopped at once the investment of Northern capital, which was beginning to find profitable employment in Southern fields; and these effects are not confined to the section of co'intry directly included in the bill, but extend far beyond to contracts in distant neighborhoods, and Indeed to the labor of the whole Stats. Disastrous as I am persuaded this policy will be to the freedmen, equally disastrous will it be to the rest ot the State.

As long as so large and valuable a portion of the Slate is set apart for such a colonization as is proposed, so long will there exist in the State a source of perpetual disorganization of Us labor. The treedmen of the rest of the State will rot understand, or be reconciled to the lact, that while they are forced to contract, and to contract for wages by no means so liberal as can be paid at present prices of cotton on the islands, that large bodies of their fellows, without a solitary advantage of character or service, should be selected by the Government for this unparalleled bounty. They will work discontentedly, aud whenever the opportunity offers they will leave their homes lor these lands, which are off ered without money and without price. Further than this, the separation of so essential a portion of the State, aud its government by the Freedmen's Bureau, will be tno erection in the State of a government within a government, will excite and foster that which it should be the object of every wis and humane states-Man to extinguish, a 'bitter and growing antagonism between the races who must live together, and exceot under the existence of martial law, will place the Government of the United States aud of the State in perpetual contradiction, and involve (hem in constant and annoying inconsistencies. This policy, too, deprives the State of the revenue and resources ot the most valuable portion of her territory at the very time when she neods every dollar that she can raise aud the use of every Industrial resource which she can develop.

It interposes a complete check upon the industry and enterprise of the interior, by shutting out her Atlantic coast from the field of enterprise and investment. It surrouuds her commercial metropolis with a country aud a population which cannot contribute to its development in trade or add to its growth. It renders the railroad connections which, before tho war, connected Charleston with Savannah and Wilmington useless expenditures. In any other portion of the State such an experiment would be disastrousupon the sea-coast of South Carolina it mtibt be latal. In submitting these views which I have been forced to do under tho pressure of constant engagements I have not been able to discuss them very thoroughly, nor illustrate them as lully us I would desire.

But tho State which I represent has had such an experience both of the wisdom of your policy and your generous sympathy with the embaras9uieuts under which she is laboring, that I feel I' have almost certainly secured her justice when I have placed her case under your consideration. I deem your immediate attention to those representations of such vital importance to the State, that 1 have instructed Hon. William Henry Trescott to proceed to Washington and lay this letter before vou. Mr. Trescott has already had the honor of' being the bearer to you ot former communications from my predecessor.

Governor l'erry. I have desired hiiii to enforce these views, with the Information which he possesses, and to put you in poseession or sucn aotaiis as nave be unable to communicate more particularly Mr. Trescott enloys my entire confidence, and both as a member of the State Legislature and a large landowner in the-section of the State to this communication refers, is thoroughly familiar with the subjects which I have endeavored to bring to your attention. I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant, James L. Orr, Governor of South Carolina.

LEGAL INTELLIGENCE. District Court Judge Stroud. Barbier A Simpson vs. John Hess. An action of replevin for 110 dozen skins.

Defense, a lien for work and labor bestowed upon them In finishing. I'lalntiff's reply, that defendant injured them so badly that they deteriorated in value from $2 to $3 per dozen. On trial. District Court Judge Sharswood. Rayner Raynor vs.

Mary HalL An action of replevin lor certain carpets and other articles. Jury out. Alfred 11. Mead vs. John Brown.

Suit on book account to recover for goods sold and delivered. Defense, set oil'. On trial. The Germautown Murder. CONTINUATION OF THK TBIaL TnK KVIDKNCK THIS HORNING.

The trial of Christopher Bergcr, charged with the murder of Mary Watt, was contiuued in tho Court of Quarter Sessions this morning. Alderman Thomas sworn I identify this deed shown); I handed it to Miss Watts at her house on Queen street. Cross examined This was in 1857; don't know that I ever saw it afterwards. William Bonder, sworn Found the deed on the North Pennsylvania Railroad, about one and 8-hall miles below Fisher's Lane; I was in tbe woods cutting a straight pole; had a dog along; saw some rabbit tracks; stooped down to look in a drain that was there, and found the deed; it was pushed about one and a half feet inside; it was 12th of January; I took tho deed to Sergeant Dickson; it was wet at the time. Thomas Shlnglo Saw the prisoner on the morning of tbe murder about ten minutes to on the southwest corner of Queen and Main streets; I was not quite a quarter of a square off; I approached htm till I got to tho corner, when I ctosscd tbe street towards him; he was watching me intently; I returned his look, and he turned his head away alter passing him a few jards, I turned round; he then turned as if to cioss the street, aud disappeared.

Crosp-examined I left home thirteen minutes to seven; he had a black slouch hat on, and a long overcoat down to his knees; he didn't starer me out of countenance; I don't think any one could do that; I stared hlra out; the cars came down Main street; next saw the prisoner at the Inquest; recognised him at once. William Jake Saw the prisoner on the corner of Queen street, nearly every morning for ten aays or two weeks before the murder; saw him on the morning of the murder about twenty-five minutes of seven, at Queen and Main streets. Cross-examined. IIo was right opposite my stable gate; when I came out of the stable ho said good morning to me, and went towards Mibs Watts' house; I said to Mr. Funk, one morning previous to the murder, "That man looks worried about something;" about 6 o'clock on the day of the murder I told Mr.

Hughe6 about seeing the prisoner on tho corner; he first asked me about it. Re-examined The prisoner did not know roe, except by coming round tho store. One morning I asked him If he would like to rido to tnvrn with me; he said he guessed he'd wait for the carrahe wanted to see about something? William S. Funk Keep a grocery store at tho roiuuwobi corner oi wain and Queen streets; saw the prisoner standing there for a week or ten days before the murder. Cross-examined Queen aud Main streets are public thoroughfares.

Henry Gravensteln Know tho prisoner by Bight; saw him going down Green street (on the morning of the murder; (he lived three doors from me.) Cross-examined He lived with Mrs. Butcher, his wile's grandmother; I saw him that morning about hall-past 6: ho was in a great hurry; 1 spoke to him and he answered. Elizabeth Vanderslice Saw the prisoner between 10 and 11 o'clock on the morning of the murder; he said ho bad lust come from town: he had money in his hand and said, "Rub that off tne tnen ne said, "Wait on me;" he owed me $23-84; he gave me two $10's. a $'2. and two $1 notes; he bought near $3 worth of meat and provisions.

Cross-examined He had been dealing with mo live or six months; came frequently to ray store nearly every morning and evening; he would stop there while waiting tor a car to go to town; he was in my store when we got news or the murder, between It) and 11 o'clock; he heard the news and the remarks of the people resent; I saw no change in his manner; I asked 1m if he was going to see the murder, anl he said no. Henry H. Keppart Am employed at Vander-slice's store; Berger was there on Wednesday before the murder; told him he couldu't have anything more till he paid the he got nothing fiomnie; I was on friendly terms with him; he went with me a great deal; he said he never owed anybody yet and wouldn't owe anybody In Germantown. John Garwood The prisoner got medicine of me on New Year's day; got more next day, and a breast pump that he wished; he had no money, but promised to pay; again saw him the following Saturday, when he paid me ten one dollar bills; he mentioned the excitement akout the murder. Isaac Conrad On the evening of the murder the prisoner paid me $1-30; I gave him twosilver half-dollars; he gave them to me one ortwa evenings previous, saving he had forgotten his pocket-book, but would redeem them.

J. Ross IJrowne. J. Ross Browne, tho distinguished American traveller, has just been appointed Captain ot Arizona volunteers, and ordered to report to headquarters in this city for topographical duty. He will start to Arizona soon.

Ross Browne owns a delightful residence in the town of Oakland, across the bay Irom San Francisco, and has an interesting family. His home is surrounded by tho rarest of shrubbery, and all the flowers that grow In our climate bloom in his garden. I had the pleasure of calling on him nt his residence, und found him one of the most agreeable gentlemon I ever met. Ho gossiped about his travels in various quarters of the globe, and said that he started Irom home on his first trip with but fifteen cents in his pocket, travelled 12,000 niileS, and returned with more money than he had whon ho Btarted. He also told me that he went to Germany on one occasion, taking his faaiily ith him.

He arrived in London with barely money enough to carry him to his destination. He resided there three years aud returned again to his np live land. He said the captain of the st anier had to carry him on his return to New Voi on credit. He supported himself all the time he as in Germany by his pen, writing for Harpy's Magazine, the Sacramento Union of this State, ar.d other journals. Ho told me that he had never mado much money publishing books.

The Harpers, he said, always preferred publishing his magazine articles before printing his books. The price usually paid him by Harpers for a mRgazine paper was $250. I was in company with the proprietor of a literary journal of ihe city nt the time I mado the visit, and, during all the time we remained at his house, he talked to us about his travels and literary labors. He is a man ol great energy, and is imbued with the prjgressive spirit of the age. Chicago Tinws.


PIERCE ASSOCIATE JUDGE. Harrthburo, January 31. The Hon. Joseph Allison has been appointed to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of Judge Oswald Thompson, and the Hon. W.

8. Pierce has been ap pointed to fill the place of Judge Allison, In the Court of Common Tlcas. AVvsiiirsc5rrorv. ftptcial Vetpalchet to the Evening Telegraph. Washington, January 31.

The President's Views on Pabllo AfTtrn. Hon. James Harlan, in a card to the Daily Chronicle, says that part of of the report of his remarks on last Friday evening, which referred to the President, is so imperfect as to change the sense, and he adds "After referring to the danger apprehended by some in conlerring tno elective franchise on a vast multitude ot persons so recently released from slavery, and the danger on tne other hand oi exciuaing tne largo portion ot tne thoroughly tovai part oi tne population, irom a voice in the reorganization. I expressed my confi dence in ignorant loyalty than in Intelligent treason, ana added tnat 1 nad never disguised the preference, and would not do so In the future, Concluding with an expression of confidence In tho wisdom and virtue of the Presideut for whom I was not authorized to speak, and who has been able in the past, and would be able in me iuture, to aisciise nis own views." flPoatal AfTaira In tbe Sooth. Postmaster-General Dennison yesterday dl rectcd upwards of a hundred post offices to be re opened In the Southern States.

Sew Hoify -Order Office. On Monday next filty-five new money-order offices are to be opened, Including Richmond, Charleston, Savannah, Mobilo, aud many othor important places in the South and in the Terri tories. Clerks DlftctiArged. It is stated that ono hundred and fifty clerks are to be discharged from the Treasury Depart ment to-morrow. Land Ofllce Statistics.

At the Land Office at Ionia, 6C55 acres were taken up in December last, under the Homestead law. PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATURE. Senate. Hartusburo, January 31. Meaars.

Coonell. Nichols, and Ilaynea presented remonstrances against Sunday travel. Mr. Kidgway read a petition in favor of the act allowing persons to testify in their own Mr. Nichols read a bill authorizing the con struction of a free bridge over the Schuylkill by tho city of Philadelphia, to be commenced within one year.

Mr. Kidgway read a bill closing the doors of iiic uiiniu.T purci uuhiu IU tun puuilU. Mr. Hope read a supplement to the act incor porating the Pennsylvania Travelling and Trans portation uompany. Hons of Representatives.

Mr. Negley called up the act extending the nine ior one year ior tue reception ot soldiers' claims, which passed. Mr. Davis called up the act for the organlr.a- nun oi me DcnuyiKiii uoamy l'once loice, and moved to consider, which the House refused. Mr.

Markley offered a resolution, giving tho use oi DacK. seats oi ganery to colored personj, Not agreed to. The Committee on Wavs and Means reported lavorably an act tor the relief of tha citizens of Luambersburg, who sufiered Irom Itebel Incursions. The Committee on the local Judiolarv rennrt.erl favorably to an act making eight hours a legal aay moor in rnuaacipnia. From Havana and Mexico.

New York, January 31. The steamer Moro Castle has arlrved with Havana advices of January 27. A roval decree hail hnen rpnolworl itiiannrntHnir the formation of a society for the suppression of tne slave-trade, reprimanding the Captain-General for countenancing it, and ordering its suppression. There was no cholera at Havana, but considerable smallpox at Eegla, a small town opposite the city. It is reported that the Gulf is full of Chilian privateers.

A schouer and a steamer, flyiug suspicious flags, had been seen by the latter, is believed to have come from New Orleans, and to be cruising in tho Gulf. War risks are being effected at Havana by tho ship-owners, but one company had refused to take them. The staamer Tonaieanda, from Boston, arrived at Havana January 27, via Matanzas, having been without fuel for two days. She would pro. cccd on the 30th Inst.

The steamer Vera Cruz arrived at Havana, from Vera Cruz, January 22, and will sail January 28 for New York. Private advices say the French are tired out, and freely discuss tho abandonment of the Empire. There is an Intense feeling against the the French say they want war with the United States, and to be sent to Texas to wipe out the Bagdad affair, which they say was the work of the Federal troops, Ilerschel V. Johnson Elected United States Senator Irom (xcorgia. MiLtKDfiEviLLE, January 80.

In tho Legislature to-day, on the first ballot lor Senator, A. II. Stephens received 152 and Mr. Hill 38 votes; scattering 1. Mr.

Stephens did not' consent to the use of his name, and on the sixth ballot Ilerschel V. Johnson was elected, receiving 152 votes. Sentence of a Murderer. artford, January 30. Albert.

Starkweather, convicted of murder in tho first uiegreo, having killed his mother and sister, has been sentenced to be hung on the third Friday in rebruary. He was completely self-possosjed while receiving the sen tence of the court, 1 STEAMBOAT DISASTERS. Two Hundred and Fifty Lives Lost. Cincinnati, January 31. The steamer Miami had about 250 passengers on board, among whom were 91 men of Company 13th, United States Cavalry.

The accident occurred at 7 o'clock in the evening, Just after supper, while the passengers were assembled in conversation around the stoves in the hall. The explosion was of such force as to rend the cabin floor asunder, and let every person In the front part of the cabin 'down Into tho mass of fire and steam below. Great numbers lost their lives by Jumping overboard. Tho total loss of life is supposed to be nearly 150. Thirty of the soldiers were lost The steamer Missouri had 120 persons ron board, twenty-flve of whom were passengers.

The latest information from Evansvllle places tho loss of life at about 100. Tne Missouri was one of the largest passenger boats on the river, and was valued at $100,000. Specie lor Europe. Boston, January 31. The Asia sailed to-day for Liverpool with a small specie list Tiie Lae Firb ok Delawabb Avejtce.

The loss by the fire yesterday morning at Delaware avenue and Vine street will loot op about distributed as follows: Tho building No. 237 on Water and No. 242onho avenue, occupied by William B. Johns, and the one occupied by Tomlinson Hill, No. 239 on Water street, and No.

248 on tho avenue, belonged to S. and W. Welsh, and Thomas A. New-hall, and were formerly ot the Brock estate. The loss on tho two buildings will reach about $10,000, which is fully covered by insurance in the Franklin Insurance Company.

The upper stories of these two buildings was occupied by JamesS. Shiudler, sailmaker. He estimates his loss at about $30,000, $15,000 of which will tall on parties who bad sails in his establishment In the process of being made np. He employed from thirty to forty hands, and among the sails making, and which 'were destroyed, was a full set tor the United States ship Chattanooga, at tho Navy Yard, a set for th3 barque Sea Eagle, and other vessels. He has Insurance, $5000 of which is in the nix, $5000 in the Delaware Mutual, $5000 State ot Pennsylvania, and the remainder in the Etna and North America, of Hartford, and the Springfield, of Massachusetts.

The loss of Mr. Johns is estimated at $18,000, on which there is an insurance of $14 .000 in tho American Fire Insurance Company. The ground floor of No. 242 in the avenue was ocoupied by Samuel Williamson A general produce dealers, who uttered by water; but is insured in the Reliance ComDany. Tomlmson Hill estimate their total loss at from $15,000 to $18,000, on which Is an insurance et $5000 in the Mutual of Pniladelphia, $4500 in the Magna, of New York; $5000 In tho North American ot New York; and $5000 in the Reliance.

Budd Comly, who occupy building No. 235 Water street and Nos. 238 240 on tho avenue, valued their stock at abiut $25,000. They lose, however, but about $5000, which is fully covered fty insurance In the International, of New York, and the County, ot Philadelphia. This store bo-longs to tho Brock estate.

Messrs. A. J. Cattell A and other parties had goods on storage In this building. On tho ground floor of this building on tho avenue was stored 132 hogsheads of sugar owned by S.

A W. Welsh. This suffered badly by water, and is fully covered by insurance in the American. Building No. 2S3 on Water street, and No.

238 on the avenue, occupied by J. C. Davis, rag merchant, sutlered slightly by fire. The avenue front, on the ground floorj was occupied by Stephen Cox A dealers in produce and fruits, who suffered by water. Their loss is covered la the Republic Insurance Company ol New York.

Champion, Souder A produce commission metchants on ground floor of No. 244 on avenue, sufiered slightly by water, and were insured in the Reliance. The loss by water of B. L. James, who occupies Nos.

241 and 243 on avenue, is fully covered by Insurunce in tho Delaware Mutual. Austin A Wood, produce dealers, occupied the ground floor of No. 246, aud suffered slightly by water, but are fully insured. Building No. 243 Water street and No.

248 on tho avenue was occupied by Henry Bumm and others for the storage of molasses and haf. Considerable hay, but no molasses on hand; loss by water. Tho fifth story ot tho building was occupied by R. F. Shannon, sailmaker, who sutlered slightly by water.

H. A. Mickl-, dealer In fish, ho occimled the first floor on the avenue, also suffered by water, and is insured. The Street Crossings. The condition of the streets, lanes, alleys, and gutters of the city is Indeed disgraceful, and especially Is this so in a city where the people are required to pay an annual tax of four dollars on every hundred of the valuutlon of their property.

For three days past the crossings In all parts of tbe city have been both filthy and dangerous to pedestrians, whilst in many cases the space between the ruils of the city roads is filled with mud and water. Notaby Public Governor Curtin has appointed Erastua Poulson, Notary Public lor this city. The Proposed Convention of the English Episcopal Church. The Archbishop of Canterbury has sent the following reply to the request of the Canadian Synod for a General FphcCpal Convention to settle questions arising in consequence of the decision ot the English Law Courts on the Colenso affair, and the jurisdiction of colonial and English prelute3: the Bithopa, lergy, and Laity of the Province of Canada, tateiy asscmbkU in their Triennial Synod: Addinoton Park. December, 1865.

Mv Right Reverend and Dear Brethren: I have duly received the address forwarded by vour Metropolitan from the late Triennial Provincial 8ynod of tne Province of Canada, requesting me to convene a Synod of the Bishops of tho Anjlican Church, both at home and abroad, in order that they may meet together.and under the guidance of the Holy Ghost take such counsel and adopt such measures as may be best fitted to provi for the present distress. I can well understi your surprise and alarm at the recent decin of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Co'-f in gravo matters bearing upon the trine and discipline of our Church, and 1 comprehend your anxiety lest the recent re-of action in the two provincial convocatlo Canterbury aud York snould lead to the di auco of those relations which have hithert' sisted between the different branches Anglican Church. The meeting of such a asjouproposo is not by any mans foreit mv own feelintrs. nnd think- it miirht ten. prevent those Inconveniences the possibility whicn you anticipate.

I cannot, however, take any step In so gra" matter without consul tine mv Ei.isconalbretli i. in both branches of the United Churcb of -land and Ireland, as well as those in the colonies and dependencies ol the British Your faithful and aff ectionate friend and brother in Christ, T. Cantcab, Primate or all England..

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