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The Pittsburgh Commercial from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania • Page 2

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1 tt Piitsbnrgl) Commercial: June 2S, lBhb. Mndej noou, wlu-n niereifu. khvc him WANTED. Hie Failure ol sir Morion Ftlo, WANTED. I.ONSo ALK A NO POUTER, IX)MON ALE tND ('OUTER, I tie 1 i motictis sAuoc (iBtttaBB) Cbmier says: a turn ol the whesl AGENTS.

FOB SALE. i if a i Ihe pro! rleior- o' tf SffJf! sarv to rrp betr irnr iw iai-r wsKSHee sase at ine Muwausee operators not tie -tie riajj NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OTH KIR SAE.K- A NEW IRON LATHC, (-empiii'l rf-t and scew cutting alU'chment. 12 feet shears and a inch twin LAI SHAW. HCM WON ft), EoetBe Builders and Machlnteot.

Kirst aud sts. on Um hip. Th, sff VII II ft m'n lo a great syui- i pat by Bar tin nnaoahistlcated nntkna tjeOTs Adwrtiewt'- apPeaHMt' Wf uriU b4hargedtmn i1" awra-vuru -t be t.i.-T-rt WAV EP SITUATION. Situation man or Tr.velf Ae it f.jraome Mm, Frnm the celebrant t.rPweri I Nto A i ftmi hass and in alids tt nhnvp k-' icte V. also have itii iitt-il a v-rv Liqnors, fur met Irtnai n1 t-hrr'y, CaSMM and Flnrkr-rry Wiaea.

Kino Bcatca Bum, Kia -k -terry itraM selMoifHl with srrWt are tJSCLAT, PKR-T feat) fetnai oftoaics. i-ck 0 pN 1 aa Oboac Brandy CDatajpavoe. ''laret r- Hil ani ia-by. at of which na-e ii-' ih- waats jv' ecu made bv the a Mtaieot freedom and wM; Li mate ih "it" our es 0f aBZ bv tBO IBOW slier all DBgB 1 lie privations ol 0f1iad action, to be pie an'. rebellion and i t'on federate either emancipation nies.

er to luh combined, it ioM wise, kind and to restore society to a prosperous condition. TntHia oT'lr as. anti tb all in eanaiwM df-r Biiiers. thlr locbSS saMBjsi I 11 i'Hs, IOVS. want woold do well to avail tbmaww of Sn opportunity.

UET- I OI I ROOMS, No. l.urth elreet Apply Immediately je27 2'. ON TliK PKEMUsE-S. VH I Hitoatloa as honh keeper, clerk or aaUatant bnek-keeper bv a vnoM iran wh aaa bad ne years wilt Iskf II I ill IbO ytVMI iu ft overs wwii an Bfgbarbooa. IB HOrl to any fauiliy.

rjecqrwl patoot4 riiiivryHar i in a lilt spare iliue wil aa it plaaaaol -ti ping I al'ie H-'Oti two sfcanll'S ir i-irnuan, ao r-- iru 1 live, o.rtrtrtw It WilvHX, BOX 7 CMeagO Illinola. aeti im can bring ti beat of ity refcreocwi; apeak, i'itafe auureaa r.At. L'ouiinerc al oUice. i i. ii ill i.r v.

ner than to irritate and aggravate end. Uie K-st prade fcbe liiarweL. HM1AREAS A, Irnir fg Market at cor. niamnnit near Fifth st. BROWiK'N KM IU OE COMF1 Or Worm nantn il Much ric neaa oaKloaWedbt with rhildren and aUiits, itrihut tn is ca-H '-1 liy w.

r-ni VKItMIVT'lK lOM FIT8 althonsh oftVctua! In dftr as. ea a i 111 pi Mtlve injur to the most oeilcate rblla valoah.e combination has iie a aaoOOBaftUlf 'risicians. ana round to be "aw ua in awaowa Worms, sf' i 1 Inldrn Cbirdren bavlag worms rjnire immediate actw Uon. as Denied ut the trouble ufLeu causes BCOSOagso sicklies. WAITED TO EMPLOY.

mil sr. I I.IHk ii Al toapww-ssmB aoongb already a patriotic and bntnane press on th sides, direct its efforts. It were well the IhfMW'l editorial columns bar-soniaed a little better with the lessons laught its column of news items from North and South. FOR SATE. A Hetai! and Preampti IlKtTU UTORK fi olTere for aale ifoiug a pa Id la'r terms For I I anirniam adilreas ilomnierolal office.

1111.1 ls. I TtBMCUM BXTBVa Sugar-cured Dried Beef, A iuce article for svore and for sale by r. isi.i.s. list c- JTO. 327 S29 331.

cor. Peuu and Wayne Bts TX7AWTED A jouuk man, Bfteea yearao age. to aHve a waiton nr the Piti bur, City Tnngj i wtu aoqualnied with 1 the i uy aide. ome well recommend -i tn.v a-, i ai the Laundry oflce. Market street 't 9 o'cl ck, a.

U. jeis-lt TXASTED TMfHiy.fiTo Coal Mi- fv nerval Ihe Clearfield Coal impaov M'oea Stec7 work at goo- wa.e. gives. Aply to W. I.

fif worms in ebildrOn Af often otr- KSK. ase 10 Ke- worms ui 1 he Btomoch aim ww P0K TITK PIt TOUIAL B(X)X OF af i.oi incmmsm SrAieadkHy iraatrated with vr 3M An Portraits and hPHiiijrul r-nnnivinif The valiant an1 Bjavh Hurled, tbe Fi tur iu aid Dram ittc, h- .1 Lty and arvetion, tbe fearer and wtaetSe. toe i 1 rr.p and Storr. Camp Pfekec. -roat.

Bi voiic. ai'dsiPKf: rertbas -urpri-M. W'Viderru! Famooa WurdH and Djaiilii of womava. and tbe sroe Par orama Of tbe War ar h-r- tlirilllnttly p.irtrva tu a lunetl'llj1 manner at oife UM mn-t'r, rciHleriiig it tbe most ampie- brilliant and readiiole that Hi- wjir has callptl orth. Spud for circulars bi (t ki-p our terms.

I- 507 Minor Sin-rt, PuliadWp'iia. P.t- Jtiv-lmdiilmw tn ifi ra icri tn be removed Only ov luj sure ran ey. The iMBbinsaiorj o' onre-H0'! la raking BinuVN's i i is RDtsfa hh to gie Kb ut poaswle elf-c. th 1 Rwd Ssssa Wtirk Horses. I1 lilt.

OOBOty, Pa. or i-Db: 1 ssB dne f'ir hXvu qi ill Mi lit IRHC nrutra-d ent-nt MVdirlne jDePOt, No. 94 vtj BOWaBTI'H LIVERY STAB I. IB, fs ket si rt-t. WaNTKP Hi IMS.

Mm tt. a-- SinihifM, nar HtOSSMaV revH TO H. U. KIKB A Refiaers of Excelsior t'arboa Oil, ANIi IiKALERS IN eF.TROLEUM. 'Hit Mberty st below Hand,, plTlXT.rP.'H.

PA. IVlMl ii A farn ished or fhed room, mrriaole for a gentleman'a 1 uging Pontoffii WAISTTBD TO BELL rj0 KEHSl'APEB PUBLISIIEKa. FOR SALE, A DorBLE CVLfSBKE TAYLOR PltKSH. Bias VAM TO PURCHASE. ana.

hams. siac. of itie nnis ofPeto Thp creditors of Messrs. PetO A Retts had a meeilng in London on the 9th Inst. A statement whs submitted, showing iiahilitiea for 4.S.r.To, and ss-etw, which had bi--en carefully ut existing value, without any over estiniftte, at The creditors were as-iuri that tiiere was every prtwpecL a rapifl it alizailon, and that the payment of every claim wilh interest at an early dale miht be considered certain.

A vole of sympathy and CA.ntitience in the firm, who, by their loug aud honorable course, have contributed to the engineering fame ot Bnglattd in all prts of the world, was adopted with a warmth of feeling such as has rarely been witnessed. Sir Morion Peto, in reply, referred to the fact that on the tlist announcement of Uielr dlflK-nities, they had the offi irom personal friends ol assistance exceeding lialf a million sterling. Mntuhtr Kailaay Aeelienl. Hie (ireat Northern Railway has heretofore been considered oue of the best managed Kug-lish railroads. Sunday, June Ut however, it was the scene of a frightful acc.deut.

The catastrophe occurred at Welwyu Tunnel, about twenty miles from London. It appears that au empty freight train from London was stopped in the tunnel from the breaking of some part of the engine. The accident occurred at half-pust twelve on Sunday morning, ami the precaution customary in such circumstances of sending brakesmen to both ends of the tunnel to signal danger to approaching trains, was, for some reason, neglected. A few moments later, a loaded lrelght train came at lull speed from Jiondon.and dashed la to tue brokeu-down train lu the tunnel, throwing several earn off the. track, and comptotely blockading both lines.

There were numerous tracks ol oil and other eojiinuslibie material ou the train, Which were 1 1 row out uu oucii iorce iijil 1 bey were piiad upon one ai other in tiers, rescuing to thecrown ot Uie. uinuel. A naif hour later a train laden with tuwl lor the Loii'loii nntrkel cm along, and no ttgnaj buviug boon given, it tKt was ie-Btrttyod eolliaion with the wreeked tralue. already In the tunnel. Tn is liesi Uon, it seems, was not to be I be end oi the isaster, for the engine of one of the tffaina nd boon aj set, and trie hot coals roiling nut, stoii set to comtmhtlblu materials aiounu, ami tieiore long the sui cauatbt lire, i guUtrly enough, he engineers aud Ilrcineii ol the aiinus trrtinsweri-' unhurt, and after sikctiHlliug (o the riiituaKeiuent of the road the ateiai uj me disasuT, Uiey proooKtod i roocso the train hands wbo weie killed or wouudeil, umI also, bj Um aid of iHtMiri-rs s-nt by the r.tli-load 1 flic 1 Is, to clear lie wreck out oi the tu n-nel.

iHtiiutn weieklih ii and two wounded by tlds si casualty. Tne laborer wbo were endeavoring to clear away tbo rabbUttfc, how-e bad a difllcuU tj'sk. The lire spread rap-itliy, ex pins ion lit qui ut ly occurred, vast volutins til smoke roileO out hot it ends ot tb lu n- it and a ooinmn ot llame, from 50 to 86 teei in beifbt, ttiwejfd up from an air shaft tn the cen- roai il a Turn wa no way ot putt 1 tig the fire out, or, indeed, o( saving in Bab property, so the laborers were comp lied to desist, tbe AM KIl- To aell farm of l0 acrm, 00 Orecsi rlv-r, (aSwnya 'iiibtf in Kentucky. Oil has h-en pniiipe! for finr years in the a n'KhrMtrho'Ki. Ktular I'onjrminiriation by sti-amboat.

witb fcvanavir.r. on tbe Obi) A'ddrHaa t'om merctal nfrir-e, Piitsbiinjh. tayZiVt AST-; A Hmiall I in proved 11 prorty. ou or u-ar tlie AMagbear Valley t'-u to twlvf ruil-i from thf- city. Ad-dr-nn Commercial efBoa.

apiz-tf lb 'rural ilistrlcts" who had had th temerity lotluhttlie uger. rneybada great deal to say "Unit children playing wltti eded tools" but time at last sets all thtugs eveu aud quite recently the Milwaukee; chicken 'came lame to roost. Lafayette is nearly gSJO.OM ahead, with "several townships" of "seller June" to hear from. With what eXnttatton and pride the M.isou tells yon of the rulgtity growth of bin order, of boosaad ol ledpaa aud uM4a of boaMBd of member, spread everywhere over the world', bread area. Nor dots he exaggerate.

In this werld of oar. In it, is year of grace ism, mere area! aroogb calculation, over tW.OW. Ot this BBBSber MW.6W are tnKurope; UJO.iXK) In Asia, 80860 in Africa; timi.aou iu North and South Ainerlca, and In these United States aboo Illinois has divided into abuut SOO lodges. barley Duar.e Untch Charley, an old Cham lom Hyer recently shot dead 0oL Boss iu tneatreet of yan Francisco. Tney had quarreled over a land claim.

This is Duaoe's seeond nuirder. His first wasshootlnK io cold blood the doorkeeper at a faucy baU; fights aud rows he has had Innumerable, until of late years astr ike of PlHlysis havleB disabled him. Ho Is one of the Sullivan, Mulligan, Idly, Casey Cora crew-all or whom died violent deaths, or as a New York paper pnts it, "died in their boots." brother was with him at Iliws's death, aud both were arrested aud Imprisoned. A new dodge has been adopted by burglars iu NewVorkfor the purpose of obtaining Information in ri ard to desirable places to operate In. Men ol good address go during business hours to the residences of business men.

and, representing themselves to be Internal Revenue ofli.erh, question the servants minutely respecting the occupants of the houses, their business, the viilueof thefuruilure in the house, quantity ot silver plate, The information tiius obtained made usetul by the working inemhers ot the gang, A pfraon who has recently visited the Shenandoah Vuiley.suys it is noudertul to see the prolusion of cattle and poultry In tula "denuded" valley, alter the devastation it is slid to have suffer, d. Kxcepl the absence of leuces In I luces, now aud tnen a lorttncatlotl or a burnt bora, no one would aBH an army had bleu the valley, one or two years' ciops Will replace ah the destruction that has beeu ad, except loss of life. lm I.iitteworth.of Tenuesse, now seventy-eitht years old, Is the father ot thirty -one chtl-dren, lie oldest of whom is fllty years, aud the youngest four montlis. He is living with his fourth wile, whom Be married at the fifty la-lng then a little ludiau s-iuaw ot lourteell. AJKTEII SAE.ES5IEJS.

Fxp'-rifncfd husni'-fts men prferreil. Yt a few can Htar hraiid.r Cincinnati Bogar-mred 11 t-lar or.iul of Cln-, onatl tsugar -cured DfOBDBXEl hoice ij of ToitKlies. For pale at the Family Grocery of LKWIr A SlrCLURE, je27 316 Liberty street. roa SALE- 3 nun Prime Ohio at3. ii oi oui-h.

Prime White Iowa Oats. cart Kar I orn. 2 crn. I car HeOond 1 Inn-Ire KKNN 4 I.OrHROP. iS lo Feirai Allegfeeny, LOCK STITCH SEWfflS MACHINES.

We would advise a man io forego a threnhnr and llirefch wheat with a Hall ralber than to tee a wife weal her health, algor and away in the ever-lafiting slltch," when aSewinKMa-i hlneran be obtained. The WITIEf.KR W1L-feON is an Invalua-ile aid in every household. We have had several dim-rent kinds on trial, and alter six yearn- servil tho WHEELEIl dt WH BOS has taken the precedence as the best where all kinrls of sewing are to ho dune In a fa till ly. WlftU aa Atrlculiurlst. Th-se Machines have MORK IMPROVE-Mf-NTh.

MAKK tB8 KHIHK. are MUCH KOBJE SPEED aud H1MP1.K In oprattoa than Ma-filnelii IHe market. OBA( I STOKE FOir SALE. Ore ih locat'ona for on Fifth reet, WU tt sold on favorable t-rms. Apply to ROBKRT F.

WEDDEIaIa, jeTO err Pmit Held ar 'stT strets. SUMMER RESORTS. rind employmexa who have not had psperience a Sftlwrnv-p. if worthy and well Quallfle! to nsa2e in tiraiciaas buiiiijuas. Apply In ffri.u or addrwa t4 ivrant street, apll-m over WrMaatftr.

(Jarzam A Oo'a Saw i'KKSUiN AL. XT A I IiirorniHtioH of the srbr-abeaia of JOHJDI MILEH, who left thf eupf- uf 1 i eitlifi. Dear ah1 HH the lant ii' jNdvuiilii-r, and has not nee b-u LMrd if by bis IfcUiiy. It ia feart-d that he ma have bi4-u orwriKi. He near fifty yars old, quite ttald on th- Up ot th hf-ad rtiiiM.ri!tiR hir llgbt; sandy beard: f'KlU abDui Hvh f-tt sfvu lri'-ifs stoutly built; bud on "beB last seen a sort SFOOI hat, dark loth paebl, dark -mil cfiat WOO leu roars aboes, end a tiray woven hhh.

ititohed round Deck lti red vam. Artrwh Mrs. KK IiK('' Mil. 8. hox H.

Oil City, ur A BEX. FULLERTON, IttH Hpr'ng aliev, air tt AVrA A As rUkU, He proposes, provided tho United States will give him one million dollars sad three thousand men, to go to Mexico, and estab-Uab a government republican in wltb the Chnrch, tb Roman Catholic Charon, of at is head, in return for the aid ol the ITniled nta An a propose, the valuable oooaideraUon of his wrnal graUtude.with eertaia Mexican provmcs, not named, collateral He I. confident that when be shall appear in Mexico with the million dollars in his pocket and the three, thousand Yankee troops at his back, the church will instantly ake him by tbehandaad the army fall at hi that Uie Liberal. Will form an Witb him and tM l.Bperial.sts be nappy place themaelve under his bi Biand, Isn't it a beautiful after-dinner project lor the pacification and Mexico? Ami how easy! What a pity if it should lail. With th immeiiso ptMtiga of -anta Anna in it, for want of so trilling a OOBtiogaat as one million United Slates lobars and three thousand United States troops As Santa propoaa lo have lea dollars on deposit i tl.

1Ullk ot England, he might perhaps get along without our poor one million. But we do not exactly understand how the Church is to fitted on as bead of a republicaD loim of government, and that seems to be an essential condition. Hut the Chnrcb and the Uovurnment have always had odd relations in Mexico. rnu hki'i 'Hi ifk iiimii Mil vr.i.v. Fi 'H i HMI a jowt I'll II.

SBjITi II tor niKKiTnu no roaa JtHI lKVO. ri)K AHMKM BI.Y usna 'i ikvhii it. m. I LUC, HNH v. tt II.

1. 1 1 I'K I I KS, JOHN I. tii.vss. A I I.AKI I I. 4 .41.1..

Th sihi DmmmmMc Ces-trt! Commlt-teti hits nrili ri rully of th terrified dt-MM) in Hoiks i i i ii v. I'll" lnt-MMtHllM eommrttM Im bM iwep) MM wil.l tempest of i ii, We 'allium, MNtjUN "I' Mog ii'" IsmootoI 'rais BerkM pt.milv. IUmI. th'bI U'lrlv Imvvever, in IM ItMlt They invito "all wbo re in l.ivnn.f the liin.ic'lmte nsunatioii tin- Unloa in" "MortgiBl purity MMWtod by Mm miMMii eoMt oar- infill-. wl" MPMM eoMtttn.

tin ii (ir the rnited State ii IM IWMI la oi IM tod" I "ll8 n-wri-l; MlMIJwto WBO an OD-MMd DOmmltttBg the dMtiDtMOf thin IiiUlioim nl' white men 10 00,000 BggflTO voter; ull wb lire opposed to nenr.i nturo "WOtl'Igo tn a WIMlIlM of MM BfaMtoaad 0OW-uu)-. wiiy, the OwmM bm! Kuisuti', ill niiililicittliti, ll boiiOW, A bun I red MMrtlMM made out ill PriM IIauiiy mid li i nh tot etiMWitBMMi Blgnt hundred tlniuwiilid DOgZO voters! ThtU BXC Is POLITICAL. K1.H1KO- CAPE MAY, IV. Opened en Uie 1st day of June, IS6. nasi ietiT.

HON. J. K. HSSRBEie, Having plact-d himsell at th disponal of his frleniU in raaponaeta tiu-irnall made on him. iiia name is now preaexited by ihera a.s a eftiulMate for Domination tot riiHUliaaa.

Ilia Twaalj aw null Diatrict, Mulraol tc tb action of tlie Uuion Orjnty KM ver. lion. ap-'-td A rewer.l of THI DOLI.APS will be paid To rebenaioa and delivery to the noaeralgeed, i AMiKit FIAcK.a (ii-i-ener irm the Cplte ikatea n.uiiarv deertion ocfnirred iaaa, an ihe ie-ener la now aappoaeat bel Uie vu im.y of Pit.wburiih, Rawberebe re ider a ihe iin.e, He la feet inches high con ulexton. bine erea baotrn an aaciute by occntiol K. ball H.i arH and Bt Ma Ki Isii aa IJbvrty KecnritragrrMcev.

i-z. WH SUMNER CO hav hswi adifil tn kHta NO 27 8 1 H1 RrREET, innoi i i low 18 tit Hi NOTICfc. ar.d popotax esatbUati the etose tt bksl s- soa. BbKsMV oelabiwsed Hand has been scesni SJDd notblnjj will be ift undone to ausUaiu Hi- wi-li -Hta'lihd of (he house, It has long been adm t-d ttiat Cape Hay p-sspflse3 an-ttir acta more set-ure ach thao an; other sea i Side fumnier re-crt Id the i-ouutry. It is the only I tjfacn where ladies and hiuiren can oathe lu the 1 ocean ti t-mseiven with security.

There will he a lt. i by be dealb nl muKiiaN ROBBRTdOU Fi RU ni it 1 1 GK hx paM and adjusted al rty if'Hjaln niffrhic of Uoa Mineri a Part Per NEW AD VftMTIStV3NTS. QTO KS AMD AT Executors' Sa le. BSUib Iirl1u Mini Mull- rem i iMava WwsMaia sUbisi BOrVtpsv" Ixiiiaud AHe(flieii 1miiiI Hunitlt. on r-A 1 r-1 A uu- a0.

As tlit-rt- will be b-isi-a'of Imporranoe hroagjil before the meet it la mn il iliattoere boa id he two del gatea to repre-l ear li baok oi" this Bv order of IT-tt CENKKAl. B0AVD, ihen iu lo IIKU ALBKkK aa.lKnee A. U. cl wlii aelllb ail cfalwa due Ui or ayald m. OKXX A i.

KKK. A-aiKuee for A OCRLTIfa, leRIla I ill THRIfKlK. FOURTH OF JULY GIFT CONCERT, WILL BE l.IVKN AT l'inSB( KH, PJL, WEDNESDAY, July 4. 1868. Birrs i the AMOumr nr $40,000 Will lie I'ri s.

nl. 'l t. lbo TicUel IiUJrS, ljatelnltaK -it bsacfcw. Moe arm lu tibe Wihi. Sfuifttc Hie 4 tilll'a.

Ml A TICKKT8 SNLI SIE XM-LtK EICB. I.IST Or I.IFTS: Qwvact Ofl. UOMP.KT, rsBCaea ue 7, lf6. 1VOTK iS HKKKHV dv iiniiiMH ocbboldefS that unlr-. the 1 nti s'l it The aaauaJ (.

aaastlc Entertainment OwBaptiaof EXCnsfiB iv-irrTC tb. vii! FRIDAY KVKKIJf. JlUM in MM I K. IS VS, 111.1114. 1 1 A Itiehmond paper, under the bead of ratiroad and largely extended hotel accommodations must command for Cape May a preference OVeT any ojiher sea shore resort in this wontry.

The Colnrrnla House is locstM cln upon the Heech, wi'h a full view Irom tnree frwrn- of the house. Its hatl-iii) FOO0QS are nw. and oeaiiy liailt lu ian has a Una croup or shade trees, and well laid out walks. I's dining room i v-ry large and airy, and ia Bot-itualed a to secure a fine ocean rjreee at all times of day and eveui. Tlj(-re are connected with the house several fine ro'tfrsten prbfeb may be secure-1 by frtmides or p-rtiea who aeaxre more private quartern ihau rounis in tbe hfitel.

For rooms. Ac. OK J. BOLTON. Cape la.

and. N. ok at my29-ln eod Bolron'e Hotel, liiirn-LinrH. Pa. JORETTO SPKlNtiS, r.V, OPEX JCSK 6 Hituated on the top of the Allegheny Hoantab iB imr-orpar'ted for heaHb anl floe Kfnprj.

beiug oniy four milH from Station, onthellne ot ih- Pennyi vnia Kahroad. ioacoes win b- in readme; t-j nonvfj visitors 'n-ua the Station to ihe trpiinfcs. For purdru'ari adirv--s, ut tha H-rit ga F. A. UIBBOlNr Proprietor.

Jv-'JV loiHrtJ allow i.j to bora out. lUDtlJ suinlay Fox usiMy two days, MncJed bi tooblockij li is not till June Lou again run. tn-eu 1 lori.i BjUklnfl LBBl KWKM ll" ran ed states i. ei tor i BsUms foaplws Ntn nal Baal sux-k. leo Kaua of I'i taborgb Slock, S3 Allesbeoy Nauoiini BaakBtock law Pluabaraa Scoos: 10 Bit Os Stack.

IN illegtieojT aospensfofl Bridge Co. Stock. 0 Moi.miarahW- rkige OOS 3 Heduu. slreel Bjrtdgs Block- lea Mf.n Dgataela Kat avtoo 00. Stock, ao Haialtasiei Pass oaUroad t-ck.

bs) 4lisljSfij Val Sf KdSroad BlHCk bar. n- RaUr.d fettocfc. Kill ngaai Kai al oa i Bond forbl.OOO iMo oacli a-esnient of i EN PKK TEXT ror workliit capital, (aft ar-. on at a me tin of blockhfjider on June f' wh th- reserved HLo- ii w-ii issued, -iihil be r'd within miriy days fr this dat, so mocbe tbe stock aaM aelinq ie as v. ill here-ijnir-d 10 pay ad assessment a'jd neeefsary expense atUiji.infr Uie nale, a- provid-d hy law, witi at trat he sold.

By ordt'r O' Bar" of Maxtor. fcE 2 MAR-HALL, Trcasunr. Iff A nioi'ling of tho mVs hv kLoider? of the Itti- tjaw Mill Kan Railroad Compai lil held at ihei- oUlce. in ttM hor-oiifth of neropererjceTllle, on Sttn. ia60 6e-tween I an.

1 p. for tbe nirpoae of eiecLiajf a President and six IlrHtor for ih nulng year JessVlea WM MakH aLL, President. VVWTKBM TRANhPilKTATJ (., PlTTsRt'jiyii, JOXM IS 1SB6. Sj art so-called," speaks in a proper st rain ol pri.e dog light, between Hob, trained by Doctor J. Massachusetts, and ayilu.w dog.

Jack, trained in Bn gland. '1 he Washington city pauers recently gav an account of a pri.e tight between two humans, which was publicly an 1 uliHf i UNO Not many 5 ears ago lie town ol Ualettt, II-llnois, coiiLtineil lu a street, the business hiiifr. (.1 six prominent citizens, wno baveslntv heoogf (limit in the public service. They are Hiladier QMnd J. A.

Maltby, Major (irneral A. 1 Chetlaln, ijor (Seneral John A. MiiWlliiiiM, Uie lion. Kllhu A. WHSliinirne, Mnj or tieiitnd John iC.

Sinitu, and l.ieuLenam iteueral I. S. Grant, L'esiiiond Ivyan recently wmte ln the London JWMMOOl World this acrostic on Alelina FatU: Art antl Oentus urn wl'hln her, I ftinttJuK ut' the GriaCeH r.v'ry ubarnj is i-enten-i in hwr- LUt pocft'i iJitis her ftee is' In br til- itrk hi mrtillBC 81 a The tBr-en ot linglainl Ih the rm 8, at io I gl 1 Ktl ever dreamed I thirty millions of Wlf IM is MM nil the ABBBM Will fur huiiilreil yeitrs to MM Alus! tor thoso tinhorn bubes whose destinies are lo b- oonunitMd at the next tioii to tin- dandling euro of 800,000 neirro Vol( in. For oImUMI good gBBtlOBMBi lo fright- the DtiBoeiocr of ISerks county ill this wh-. Hut us the couuuitlee have fallen into I-'alstutrs fault, they sbitll have the beiir lit of Uimw for hoi exaggertt-OMMri fOlBlMBV my vocation, Hal; 'tis no sin for a man to labor in his A VWAI A MErTIVG OF COO a aa 250 1 aa 75 so Ooo 000 HO s-o 010 1 line aio ea -a H'i ao COKE A NO UMt ion ill a mi Um gll a 000 gii lo an 2 RAi4POa.TATjrO CUjV.

will be ne.d tt tie office of the Comparv. tn PitLshurgti, on TH.USS-DA Juce BS, at II a. if. II is. .1 EWETT, President.

A. J. MCDOWELL, mcretary. jtjSo-9t COAX. I COAJLI aaaaaaoi rmmttog ui aaaaa T- fiarri.

al Pechal 4ioa ai Povf i oflcw Pmn-hi. liai tm If i ii aall H. ijOJaXI riK i'lamond fii amaH, to wit: nounced beforehand and was attended by some ofl, rials of the Goveruiueut and by reporter tor the press. As between the two brutalities, we give oar preference to the Richmond rather than the Washington style.

We do not feel our national pride at all inflated by the occurrence of such a scene, that might have leen easily prevented, within sight of the dome of the Capitol. Should a couple of bullies, of the human species, in Pitt burgh, propose to baiter one another tor a wager of thirty dollars, they would have to get about it very secretly, or the authorities would interrupt their canine siiort. It would have warded off a deep disgrace to Uu inanity, had the police of Washington City done their duty aud prevented the brutal tight referred lo. TII-. ASH I OF 1MII.1I It N.

pipo, called the Uumsu'a Ivoboooo PlfiOa' wliiv't) tie tacaslotiully linos' OS iu it Ulati ner inline Ujlltreut from inoul suiokeia. Mlie iu-ver stuokes HuytliiriK tmt a genuine urtiele of I fjHif rtsti lfHD, uuU i la al wit bttO anil ciy itiude tugHtnal tlie manner in wiiit'U Ue ho WllftfffilllJ WSrlUaltl up lue arTifi'fl wtilen fall Into htr foboOsobOJat. Tue last tltue her MaJ ty'apsfiowaa lit it nonsnsTaOxl I ewt. of igars, ami the ti ni- he fore that lous of tea. TbOW r' now awaiting a future UybtalM of tue P'pa 1, uu: tt of vtry valuau.e tK'th.

ail deatmction for attempted evaalous of tue 8VsV toais or otrpyrigtii sois This pii lo ftn Ihe coruer of a vast afOsM wareiions, ofTleialiy AssBMtOd the "Klin," aa tndlssrtcd by rude lelt-iiug Um iliKir wtlh tue Initials h. and a drawing of a erovru. Aees Is iMalnet by uuioo king a dxr and reniCfVlug massive Iron bara Uy agl-vuuy 1 u(, in hicli quantities of klbOOOb rtgars tea ai mntrabaud srotais are wailing for tbo lu ll lighting of ihe' tjuiii'n pipe." MpO OCCQplM th- oa ntre ol the ic, aud OOsWsOai aelieular hriek-Nlaie. kltn anspwt al t-lvjti'tattd about flvf Tf-t duui-t-r wlttua. aide door ottOMMj tne kiiu, gt vssl OOBBssi tne interior.

Hy ttua OOP ll Ill na (SMI, cigar. TVOTLCE. rpHE IUUUrffIsV3 ART or the large ipertj or aie laid oat In B-yd Allen's plan orwea, srttl re ardd In iota or by the arre. Hpten-aid ior Kfcrdeiilng pTirpoaea or for cUv realdenr. to WM.

BOYD, office of KilRlI PATRICK Mb corner Diamond aud Qnust streesa, or to Kit li AHL- Ai-L-haJS 011 Use property at Lowert, Clair Hotel. mylSTm I RKLATIVIi OF Det KifvKD EOl IT mill) ni heretofore Incurred, In bringing bxHxte for the remains of PennsyWania (soimern. will be repaid wholly or in part. BtScardlnK to ctrcumstancea. Tra jsportation will bi obf winrin rtw-roiw re xrrerl ijthp mhviii of sni--ers, barted in any ot tae baniefi-ldji or Quseieniiilil LOTA1FD AS FOLLOWS- Fosse In niwsiiiH 111 co iuiv, Osve of MI si iss.

sinl TI reeof 0 Acreech; Two Tetar eaUutr iee Acres One la Rbiey county of tee Acres and Two la Oresfue sttiiy, eaw-ti iee Acrss Also, Two amis te Marathon county, Wicuuin. ISO a -d ao Arrm au rich Faraainsj Laad tn gi-d ettlu.euus. Titlea per aud to be sea at so aJBStssssn fi Itwh' In OH Wei's located on the Pnhoir reeS, VeLaorr county Pa. to- BANE BALL SHOES. LOT JI HT KE4 KIVKO AT 5 rs s4, Ill III til 1 N.

QOK.C, IOAI, 1.IWK I'lrWHLlWH AM' tO.NSKLWVILI Gas. Coal and Coke Co. Yir a UFE iHKNV I FT. orr Nt, 4 hi rtAlR i PfTW BtS Hull. Hi is i jJaM saesi.

i-ni. ParVm'ar attfotion SO of UA arwi ml ir2S KN Hi: GRAND PIANOS. THE Ull II I II UAH JllrtT BT r'T" i A iih t. A BM 7-. cxAav.

Full Grand Piano. IV. BIGLEY Is now prepared to ftimish, from his Tonjrjjiocbstay Mines, the cltiteua of Pltbnrgh auid ykciolty wiali superior article of well screenetT Lump and Nut CoaX TAKIl, FOOT OF (iBAST NTUR, BKAB BROWSBViUJ! PACK KT LAN MS. rloteia. Boiling Mills.

ULaaawanca. Ac, snpplia a liberal terma Onlera aoilciLPd an arotut.liy fill a. Wagrwis alao sapplleiS. COAL. Philadelphia and Toughiogheny Ceal ompany.

V'OTI F. The Hlyle ol llH" firm of i I js. Ml 1 DUE dt will be nan gel J. E. WHLl.S.

in- "SfcCt or the rav- is smwa. JUHX YOT G. Attorney. dtC 1 No. Ha-; ''vie hreseertsMal "fan kfessi of WRin waieb they nt artWU Si.

Junk nA MM 4faW SI 1 I Hi S3rlna Or P. 0. iiui 7e. iritteaMrnJta Pa. dmlral.two woridn til tirvu her ArdwH, pur-, no tmtguei iir Tr-ahii rl frieudscaii nr-vr fall r' Tell ne, wlw-- tirttise tall iLatl la? 1 sj I'atti The New York correspondent of tho R'fst-on say; "The preface to the new City has a very unmannerly fling at the fr K.

N.T.'Bln theshapeoi an Intimation that The uld Ktjlckertocker families, who pride themaelve iu peaock style upin a long local pedigree, were nor of enouKh cori8eiiH'ne a single generation ago to las even mentioned hy uuuie in the Directory of that date. Particularly tmf fy ought the iiigh-feeiing HtnyvesianU io eover the horrid statement that the oniy one of their name who graced Uie pages of a tttiriy year old Directory one "Peter Htuyvesant, shoo, maker." And so with many others who then did Journey-work, In aplleof tbclr name and old 11 tiOOSQt pmf 16 be stuck up ln the face of tue uld lirto-rectory." TheAlbany, N. Arm gayn Gen. Fremont and wiie called John Hrent, mate of the I'ean itlcnuiotid, on Wediieaday, and pro sentd iiim with a maguihent td wath, a a tukeu i their graiitude for saving their sou's lite on the night of the Mfa of June. The w.t-b lsasiuero one.

doutile case, of American mau-uiaiure. VIM following is ine luscnpuou General and Mrs J. ('. Fremont, in grateful ren- nilrnut id June 9tn, MM." The Itev. I.efnard Ilnon, fU, lias accepted the Profet-hors of Didactic Tuwlogr lo Yale OollCfle The position wtu fttriueriy fl lied by HttcoUEOH AND TBK campaign cry of the Democratic Central Committee has been promulgated.

It is Johnson, CbVMKiiand the Oanstitution." This is excellent, and only equalled by a former one that had some celebrity "Polk, Dallas and The Tarijfo 1842." vtn or pay a 1 aa GEO. C. POTTB, PreaideGl. fi- H. WTXSOW, See'yaad TreaaVr Rte ia en Hi va mo BftCtioa ir f'irtht-r neru.

Mapa howm tne a ii ol rK)d we.SS. SBBaa OD hand Person -Ltitg Ut deeejS.eJf certain artl Lisa tf llisi elujii pr -teny iAn s0rjOesna dated at ant os irbsw sU sbe psassseaai may oouamed. tiHvr ik oj'ku-1 property in ur aeaeduie, wmco nix oi4 ilserasnre cmnteod nenlf le the pabllc. Ti.m la Dot a j-ninhi it ia ineraiy an ftfon BS lbs aa.e of a iarg-e avmoust of property at a A lOKjpKCT ialrHT. TMOAJtHXQ THE TK CKT HOI i itt' NAMEtf.

Ai ftjisajra, AD THEIR K1 I ReT al OCR OKKl Xi 1UAI ALL MAY RIX'EIVE ICSTH'K. 1'IK Til FT aTTXSXJ THE COtfCKail MIT. TbeM will no hfana A cirt of rrPBS a led wttl oe ipves to rery lickrt "is ere prtotjarapiis of Yh distinguished men ar wcoiva of SOT tin VOTK tH HF.KKRY thai a sesCsst baa been preaeoted to th onrt of arter uf A iiegh r-y county. ty twrel freetrotders of tbe ward, Allegheny City, pray bet intti so mneo df Qneertiib street, ss sals ward ae utejade frora the north side of Lacck street to tne oauk the IVnasy ivaum canal, should not be racated and up. ana that a rule has been granted rbesr okssm why sotah vacation shoaid uot oe decree by the Vurt.

All pseeous bavlna; any Interest in the prniUies are bsssby untlsbss to snpesr an file yceytlss. IT smy Ibey may have. HaMPTON MoREUA'D, Jry iaw-lw Attorneys for feiitiouers. Miners and shippers or beat Y0UGHI0GHENY COAL, mmi I'wiai, it- sestrtaaf L-a. a asm Thai i mn p-.

r. ih injj ul ar Mara KNaHl- mt.A la no'intlTfia-ty the fl gttlil "li nj- I tl QO I 01 iis)dfrrrd 3 Kugiaud, whi-rt a Mokt-is are ready to pay a good prU tan-t o. MM g-tiuiue article of fatlOtl How many ttiouaaodaof poOOs bavro gladly pwrottBsosfl hi htgn tlgu t-igtdy UMM Ol t'liruL. for li bssMHM oi tfsBtssOt Aud assk Iknj bSUM aatn. how uiucli bSJMOX SMBttlsl tt Oi vtruint to liisLric-uu Uifm among aneoucated that work in in a Pi i hi 1 mm 1 lr I'll BH n.

01 r. Oeaerei DlettlMMe1 RsMal aavd M- oiacrt. Lh, BleOS after 1ai pur mark'ns hi nr i.l Uno.l Mrn t'li'apr triil lliey. CHARLOTTE BLUME. is i i tii Ac I KM -'A.

rPRI'll- For gB. mannractorinc end domestic purposes, ere prepared receive and fili promptiy. orders by ral or river, fur thte gnpenor coaj from their mines on tus -fcLeny, near Osoeola titatlon, Conn eilsrlUs sllnsssT Barye 'oaded with dlspatcli. Yard, foot of Try treet. near Conneiisvllle raUroed depot.

Office. SI Fifth street, flllslllinb iit tun nt ti. I TOB? NOTICE- Notice hereby Rfren 'hat letters testamentary on of If A RO ARK IRWIN, deteaaed. have been granted sesbs BrVSVerssjjsisA AM pHcecsss having rUln or h-ing ludoted t-i th eitaXe will prt fctiii tiK-iu for eettleineni. irwix.

CHARXaSS SCffW ARM, Erecutors. Btrrn Ing bass Ibne t-t. Jed i -iitaw i A ee on. a -ui ui tii ne 'i ii art Bobsers ssesce ss se peril see mat tbs OtlssaaPS tiifiriOFiied rseeJl pnbltabed iuaajed lately. f'r sH! ry exj.ire.

t.M-S WAN 1 EI IN EVERY 11 Ree of PitlajhiirgO. to eatisnts are ofrered. IX Ra nbs: idn Rl "VO ne ai-irw oe SlIlllSSS 17 5 te vddrerr. ab ie dcres(. oj mt a1 ifeaa 5 te addrsse oe I.l l.l.ll I Illvl'KvMKV, gUOMM If HL1.

Al.t.K IHEVT. T. JS. PATTE1WOX, "nnerlntendent. -CS-Sir-eod 4.1 Ktt A I.

lMU.LIt,i;.( K. The New York Jle'-nhi says that on Monday eveuicg last a number of heartless idlers collected around a colored man, and, having coated him over with Hour, plactst him In silling posture ou an elevated piank, while they faiothed his sufferings by inviting him dine off a dish of tancy pies. He was next laced on the end of a plauk which proj -elect over the water of the canal, and the self-appointed executioner disentailed the other end with a sum p. and tb poor um tin was preelfBtBteo into the water. He was soon rescued a f-w bystanders who bad home cotmeience left, and the sport vias elided.

An elderly gentleman tell In eomp'iny wtth a i atfla you ag man at the Detroit in Cleveland a few days aio. l'leaslug young num bad his wife aboard they were goinit to Detroit, lie was solicitous very of her com-, fort. Went up into ttie cabin to see ttiat everything was In order. When he came down he in ii he old enileinan to take a walk. Old gcntiiman consented.

They walked through I'- DC Nt It lte 1 rs: etdssM srJsb I yea fl i nsn ISIREAI BAKtJAIVS AT il 1 DEH It fl I 8 T. aaac axvssi, 1 POBTEB ANI Hi ILESA LE DEALER IN HIIKS, RK IMilK. Cil. IlllMIM.AIttt.tlillillll.D RYE liSSKT. 1 lil! At t-O, SfctiAKS.

Ao. rVt. 16S letlex-al AI.I.EGHENY CITY, PA. a-p-an l-re n4r llie lle aud Piliabilrgh Rall- n-ad rS4ggf l'-pwL new cAsnrua, jt-I-ln mxl Ijiwrence rmiaiy. Pa.

TO Fir I I I or. i lironU lf RsOMtsss PWesarjrs And at ism inliiilsil Bees s. Bsibl sfasia aud DTiaf J.K. SMITH No. 1 ami "i Diamond.

SOUTH SIDE. SEAB MARKET ST ai.OMSVIi: IM Ar.r.H IX Teas end General Groceries, Kve new la store a very large assortment of Green, Hack sod JstpSLB Teas riei lint's Pinsliett Ptil-veriasd, Ucaaafased, PolTiie Bussn extra also tv cuSugtur.ikxitai fe Ktiger 's aud Jersey Ctty HyTttp, Sfir'hitfiA aud New ijrleatis Molcwses, BazprTB i extlwSB Bmrna. Ooeoa and Osoea -shells, Hcster'a Karma. DurKee's Seiet-t spices. MsiHord's Ill Nome periods Ml countries the consecrated church and the horns of the alUir have been deemed inviolable asylums for criminals, rom that resort, it wus not lawful to drug them by violence and force.

He wbo, even with his band Btet-as with the blood of murder, laid bold onthe bonis of the altar, was at least temporarily safe from arrest and vengeance. lty a strange revolution of opinion or prejudice, the area of politics has become the sanctuary and the precincts of the politics! altar, the sacred asylum, where crimes and moral of various sorts are wont to claim exemption from the pursuit of argument and deuuueiation. Aud the man, especially the man of sacred calling, who approaches them them, to expose and demonstrate their criminality, or to raise hi roice in warning against their dangerous character, is deemed, by muny an intruder on the forbidden ground id politics, and an otluinler against his owu holy calling. Treason and rebellion have thus claimed asvlum in politics, aud demn tided exemption from all Hiiimad version and denunciation by the ministers of religion. A rid ministers i hemst-Ives have been found who coiideimu'd ami avoided all reference to the sin ot treason, sand inon lo sty ignoring the war while it was desolating the count r.v.

serenely si tent as to the st rug- ifles and difficulties of tbo Government that protected them, and only aroused to nnv emotion by their horror of iniliisti rs prajing tor the BOOMS of our arms in putting down the rebellion. Half ol the noble young men of their charges Wight go into the service il their country, they might BMM the ene-my in a. score ol terrible battles, they Blight fall on the bloody tields of war and their pien ed slid lacerated bodies be brought home lor burial, ami yet, these cautious pickets along I be oilier border of religion Would never aiep OMBtfeO line into, polities so far as lo re ogni'e the justness of the cause in WhOOh they uobly fell, or to denounce the crime that rendered the sacri-tiee neeessary. Ob no! that would be meddling in politics, that would he degrading religion. t'riine that disturbs peace, that drenches the soil with human blood, that makes the whole land a BOBSe of mourning, hat slaughters men by BOB-llreds of thousands, that aims at the overthrow ot government, if it only tie-take itselftothe asylum of politics, is quite sale from all unlricnilh notice or remark by these seraphic guardians of the religious boundaries.

So it is with intenperanco. This, too, lias claimed sanctuary in polities, as though the agitation of a Maine aw, in any htate or community, placed a prohibition on all further exposition and enforcement of the higher 'aw of temperance, in religious assemblies, or the voting on it at the polls made the sul.jeet eontraliaud ill mil nit discourse. As ell might adultery, "tamp rer re oOce order 1 iinv seel jtnecil -ie. KA1U PLEA SUBB BXC i ihloV To Lake Superior. I I RgCKIBE s.

6ftJeratoa olgmxO'a Toilet oaps. No I. 2 and tfacSere by tbe hm rtmrrOt. Shore erel kitts, Foreign and IrfiirastV" Fruits, etc myr9 m. k.

snn HAni. nUR AM ERICAS PBUTRB, BY THOMAS MACKELLER. Practical dlreetlODB for managing ail departments ILIJES BARS A PAKH1JT, TT spndid lew prsseare sssanMssr steamer ORTH BB.W EalOSETaad BBtld. wtil stall ne roiloscinc eaisoDiiUANb PLhlA-UKK EXCCR iNr-ioth cpner Lakes, leasine rawaiasfd at ft 'efteek e. aue Detroit the fuliowmg day at la cioca, l'.

at. N0THFRN I.IOHT, I KM LA BKL.LK. t'apt M.H. i a. t'apt Juhx I O.

roesday, 3nJy lo sod ci Tneadjay, Jaty .1 it Anx and SI. Aog-14 and SS mv a 1 rnfioa -v Bi Na retasa, p. ea dki avooiM Rn a i now. Cheaper Than Ever, CARflMfR A nS41 FITFUL pi ifii r-li It IKCBKa 1 1.1. KR ai It ol u.

ai Rirousrli of l.a.'r- if 1 mJ tat any of ihe trips. or furtber 003 art' ili 3tal Um 1 1 rail on -Hev. Ibrl -tlitailst pr ItU T.KIi I MANN (., i'i0, urry years ao a p4 mwr it In Vriiitit, orLiiru New LOTH ii. i laa. oucwtt itt.

nd t) nrr I la' 11 '--r I' I nil Olita a1 ir.inu. PLANEfi, liliAl NSIiijf Co. SI iu ii H1MG I The Improved tlliptk Sewing Michinet Dalton Knitting Maohines, B0VD0l CI330N, -i in in raaKT, srAlKfl Parkeriiuf Lsbricatie Oil Keep nctistanilr on hanO a nupply of NATURAL LUBRICATING OIL mw rut: bkht uka vi Fiefi-im all Kvry harr! warrant-f-t aa brand or to be returuwl at tbe aenpe-nfte. WUte (or. THird pimm kh.

JAS. B. THOMPSON, Agent, ap27 i th T. II WF.VIN A CO. I' Kit I A I.

VfMIJill. BOl.LJlA.N'H i Iijiperial French Vinegar, Mmifnlr-1 by H. A MU1UI, Bffgaipa, (thnrtttttMBr-. aiaanuavi omce. irorsait oy H.

If AT EX, tor. Woivil sswsl Ttiirdl 8U1 at SAVANNAH. GA, lbs. rought and last Iron Willbesnld at PCRLF from the Hiat Arser-al bCwldBtwC in OsTSimsIl, on WKDNKDiY Jul II. IBa sale coruaieucing at iu m.

The Iron i SM i(f. Bi re I tie ti a bble box is a bssslCSrC. A ssosli rovt um-. i-i UlaclUieO. Tlwaatd parrawmbr to) cup oica on t-- Ki -V OW jaMary laao.

aa BUTI rlll DAYOf PKi KM HKt 1 HKS 1 1. I.Kit. llt 1 W. Ii A H. DBAS GOOOSs ORESS i Ti lnltd Stales Senate has Sjg.iee.1 to Mr I'oiano's resolution diroct ing the Oom (Otttee oi BLACK SILKS, AhlKKHiMIH liKSKMAL I OVVSGa, I I'lllMil k.ill.

fuM I ifik and CMiadav, ttiod uii i-'riilay. at Vroy, Sew Yrk, at The atlvanctxl aieol t'ixiity-tLr yars. r. Cannon coutlnut-d it Ih mi iilstrHtlntiH ainonx lie EotfSsUU liiid sptxrHby SjSalWs1 wiilto inliubltaijlti of tlie Ironli'T for mnny an until his lieattli broke dosra tinier iht; hartl-KljipH of pioneer lile. i he HlKht Kov, Bfcilauii Lee, presiding ulfler of Ihe (iioct-he of Jjelaware, in now ln PhUbrtcl jililfl, ptrtormlng Uie duties nf the ofRce of Utah-opsteveus.

After ttie departure of that prelHU the honored HUhop Vaii, of K-rttisaa, kindly aav tuned ttie arduoiiH laimrs of this brnaii iftOOOssX fTcoaUssI to hia own Hphere by imperative labor, tbe Church In vanla was without a bead. HiHhoii la now r-erformtng the t3a4 rt-monie of ordination and confirmation. Mr. f'fctchor nan Introduced a new Kreneh toneh on the Ijofldoa ataga. Forexarnn when u.

i.oHiiMi:r ivt. WM i al Piihm- In tbs IO A GOODS l.I SS KVKK. HI BUSH II auad 12 1-3 tVnta. rgtvaias lOtttad 1- 1IH11 BLACK SU.fkNuul 81 SS. MltUI.Siinl; ill).

llll.ih.S llj H. EVERYTHING (HEAP Iublic linlldings and Grounds to Inquire whether a trucl of land of nit kssl than 960 acres, adjoining or very near aj-hi ugtou city, can be obialned lor a rfanoiulile price for a jj.ia uu I site lor a i'lesidrnttai Mansion, wnlca sjbai combine convenience of acceaa, god water, and capability of adornment. I'he unfitness el tb9 present resiileucw is oniy Ui obvious. Aside from the unh'tftUhfuinesH the Bite, the space la too much encroactied upon by th contiguous dfiperf nriOtlt buUduig. As the growing needs the GK ver B.

OMot bCDai- au Ml i.i i HSjMs lbs. cast Iron. (lisll metal.) iu the cliv near the wbnrt. IHO.eeo lbs. cast iron, (gngsj in the city near tbe wlsar ooo )bs.

wroosht iron scran. jgum Darriage irons.) ln tbe city near tbewbt-rf. 11 OOO Iba. eass ir n. (guns about 5 miles from the city.

ii4 ibs cast iron, about nine miles from the mty. cm a tuad. is 5oo iiis ernes Iron, gassaJ aNiut 3 milef from the city on iberivt-r, do rosvd by land. ia Eba ca roD. (nuns about 9 ncllea from tue city, on itie river, tin road by land.

i ou BbeU and iron ia the forts. 1 he stttntkMa of rtbena buratg is lovited tth-s sale. The rile Brctctnes tmve on them sabots of brass, or l-ad and uiiinony 1 hp Iron -will nivided tnto lots of from 30 OOO to 1 OOO lbs. BayKXB can izt iists at the Ordnance Bepots, ai Mivanaati, several ilavs before the sale. 1 hey art- reqaestSM to examiiif the lots bessee the day ot tal.

TeriAitt ash. In LnitedSijUes Currency. Tbe iron In the cUy to be removed wltbia 13 davs after tna sule. j. C'apt.

Brevet lieat. ol. U. je'fi-tjyS Auirnta Arsenal. IO CioCK, X.

M. iPOPOarl VH FOB a LTKRI II 1 I I'MiKK TBE OjT THE BI'KICaL' a'- cleiitaiiO. mM' buihilntM will require to bo extended from time to Unit-, unit! Hveniiially. I the preseiit resei vaiion will be ruitreiy oectt-pied. l-vnas it ib, the grounds around ttie i'i esKieiitiai Mansion aro so mucti a ONF st'IliNi; VTAGON, OUB A BI A NI be precluded have been subji thett or homicide ground that these lcgislat ion There is a moral RTM EST.

SPRING AND SUMSSS STYLSS. To the Millinery Trade. JOS. H4RME 0. CiftI! the Attention of Oltv and OoBtrtrr M.rchant and Mfiliitera to their bKtJo31 AKK1VAL uf NSW BOODS, In Straw and KUliicery Goods, I5TS VSD ATS In everv variety.

Including the I 4TKST STYLES for LAWBb, MJBdEM and BSiliinery Goods. jcll likes or BONNET SILKS, Ki Ii BOSS and FI.OWFRS, Rfi lf, ILLUSION, CltAei.i LAt'F. fSAJI FX. BLONDS. bltt-aW TRIMvrrNOS, and OBNAH KNTS, BOH 15 1 and HA BLOCKS, SEiKKK iiOODS, Ae.

As onr tttficte vra purchased at the present low gold rali-. ir ci-stoiccrs. and al 1 tther buyers, will ilnd it Idrcniauie to make their punjjaea from ita JUS. HlliME apIS TT A TM wir.el. i VJLm OFFIM, VBOUKaU GROCERS, OR.

WATER PITTSBCBOU, Have always on hand a well selected Stock of Groceries 19 lii. is for Sar is well as a civil bear-ijects, and they have HI VKN WAGONS, H1XTKXX eiSOLE BKTIBOF HAltXEHS. JrlS-llt t.t. Oil. and Tepntr li.

M. flen'l. ELEGANT FANS ing in all these Willi religious as well as with some one htiggests that his brother Ih dr-ad, tie momentarily startled by the mimjeHtlon. Tben hereetver8 himself, and just tit doas so he lossriMi his loi ehead with the baik of his hand and tlien lookK at the bark of Ids hand to see tint XrHpiratton which ills momentary irigtit haw called iortli. The New Tork Pba says Among tho honorary dtgrei conferred by the New York University, was thalol ''Doctor in Physical Science Il was given to Smith, a gentleman who tor thirty yeara past Inw ieeu identified with the leading engineering enter-preHot ttie country at different limes being llie eoiiMrucl ing and KUperiiitendlng engineer 11 hi addr B.

Kbseerl inoronebtiare in tbe constant passing oaec- wai da and furwa rd through tnem of ttiose jier-sins who imve iiuslness to irHiisact in tlie van ens Departments, as to destroy ail privacy, and todepiive ttie 1'iesideui ami ids lamity from using Itiem for their recreation and enjoyment during tho hours of Hie it. It has been pro-poaed to eveel the new KxeentlVe Mansion on the site bot nded by h'oui ti eni and ttl UOOIHIl strteta, nrili of 4 street, wldcli is rlfieen feet Idglier above tide water tlian 'apnoi Hill, If not the ry hlt'-Hest ground iu tbe clt y. Ills half a mne fiom the ptt sent mansion, wn Ich, it is ug-gesieo, will lie used as the hxecniive'a ofrlee, Tbe proisi site contains forty acres, sttfB-cienlly large for buildings, gardens, ori'liards, and nice in re froonOs, witn tne prtvaoy and retirement requisite for nt eoealbrt and n-niiy of the President's reshletice. Thih, is only the first atte protMK-d Nodouot lijere will tie otbers offered, equally valuable any acceptable, possessn.g all tne advantages Oesiitd. vral street, and Dually arrived at the Case block.

The pleasing voting a Bad an In that block; would. Just run up and see that every Bag whs light. Soon cmedown and fan. Jlhirly ask tie old gent to lend him tl 8 00, as be had a little debt lo pay, ami his wlteon the boat bad all the money. lid gent complied.

Young man went up stairs lo pay the debt UhI nenl waited oulte a spell. Tnen watted a IKtle longer. Kept ou waiting. He went to Detroit on tb Star. The pUnlbg young man and wife weie not oi, board.

11m Honor, Mayor J. T. OoSaaaa, or New York, has vetoed the resolutions paad by the Com, lion Council, to contract lor lighting all the streets, afllBIW. wards, squat, parks, pub lie bBffdtna and places of tb city, for a term ol twenty years. The veto meets wtth the approval of a majority of the tax pay ess.

'the anniversary comiueijeemeut exercises are held this week mseveial of the colleges In ObtO, ua uiding Wtstern Uescrve Coil, at Hbomsb esleyan Cnlveislty, at Dataware, and DeBBaeeB diversity, at QraBVfite. A grand celebration of Uie Fourth of July wili take place at Halem, In Southern Illinois, by he returned boldiers of tfiat region. Governor i iriltshy, ijeueral Logan, Colonel Haynes and deneral Palmer will be present to address the multitude. A singular case of mitigated" theft has just at Cincinnati. The private room of a Mr.

Ciahbs was entered and a valuable gold watch and some silver coin taken by the thief, who lett a note saying that he was utterly destitute and to lii to New Orleans he took the valuables. A gond silver watch lying near by, the Incognito thief did not touch, while an envelop containing several thousand dollars in Government da, was likewise, mercifully enough, left untouched, either through stupidity or magnanimity. 'the Cleveland Warfaafeqfgr A most Interesting event tramp, red eslerday, which will long be it liuuubered by the parties concerned. As a crowd were on the banks of the Cuyahoga, watchlne; the floating masses swept dowu by tin turbulent waters, an object was seen a short distance Horn the spot occupied by the spectators, which excited not a little curiosity. It tumid out to be a cradle, aud when at the lu-staLce of a lady it was drawn lo the shore, was found lo contain a beautiful child, fast aso-ep.

Bad ti'ipi'ily unconscious of the perils of this rough commencement of its voyage of life. Where it came from and who Its pareuts are, are lacts unknown. The corner stone ol the Wllberforce Institute, aeoioreu MaattoBl concern, w. is laid at Xeui, Ohio, Oil the i'lth Ins, with Masonic cel. -m imes.

The WUbertDTO institute, so named fclttrllie great Koultstl ibnauelpati mist was bmnedbyan incendiary on tho 1 Knot April, i Lhiu UMkBaHUM WffH 111 tllB Xnia the tll or llichtnoii'l. ItsloMftoti beavily upoa tho colored people of IftM i t.nitiry to thu MetiioJijit Ciiurch, tint only ttt tkM amount expoinlfd, but oa ac-ct'untot it vjiIu; iw propt-rty jiml an tUut atumal iutiViiutmu. The propeiLy w.ia valued at to before tLe de.straetlon uf thu buiidiuff. About wo weekh ago a younp ruan, who gnve name as V. 11.

JobiiHon, took a BaJUhiore Holel, dcponlti nt at the time two checks for mJa Keeping; one for and the I'tiier lorfJ.HOO. After remaining for two weeks hedetttiiiptd without pn ing his bOftf wiicu the checks were found to i-e woilhitss aud hl VRlibe contained nothing valuable, lie managed to sw indle bevt ral partitM out of about ItjOM ill the two weekii. He Is apparently not over twenty year old. The London slates thrt it is protiable that rnuiflurtn wiJ! shortly be tjakeu to place ail the tleciric ttleraph lines in i if vat lintalu lu the handn ot the r.osUrfiee, with a view totue-tatilisbment of a low and uniform rate of euarg (or teJegiHphic di'-palchtt. The financial budget or estimates of six of the ministerial detachments oi Maximilian governuieut lor tue fceveu montlis irom 1, of the preht ut year, lo January 1st, 1H67, are as follows The Ministry State 1" um lH2.UfcJ krlmvu firing uf FOI Hale by til I I.LI- Rlt KWHW, JOHN -v! FfKMtNi (OeSrtlsJ ir Stt Thin exci'ent VIKWdAK fr-im up ip- pi ,1 ti moie LmporiJaJJat the war be was largely i RXCAIVKS THIS DAT AN Ki ANT ASSORT 11 t.VT OF CHOICE tPA.JS&9 la lTrjt lrl, ttml fiMIlal LIRK!) mi.l PAPEH Its i "i Hill I I 1.

IAMBI KCf 1 II 't I i. UM llllM.V. 11 BI HIJ a. J. I HX.I HUM tt" III lt, Ml I IM1IN list, a A'laA4 1 1 4- 1 im a 1 4 Hull I 'S it 11! 1 I us aVHITS IMlsi US, LAKIFS- I'llTlsIA XtlTE.

new gma rnN. lAliitv -l I mm g.lii 111 ll- EX SUSHI HAHTD M.4IIE 6Uii neas fmbkii um. llaUKUEULK IKK aud 1 LOTH Vi lli 1(1! I KS. I lls: liiioli vi lltK and I' S'ilit i i 1 1 CK ilM WBJ VK1IS. ll.l.MIKtlOLIl.Vf Instead Na.

MB-1 I'lTKST BUiri'lHL BI Stii Kit illtIklV(i i Ti. HBSTW Cuib, 1 11 te. A c. MAI peat variety. J.

R. WSLD2N Sl jft 101 won fit I ET. ertng. He is 11 ie designer and ngi pceata prearvirrg'and medb masl supplant ah osbw Vh BOLLKaM, HKi'K A nglnecrof tlie great ram is repoiteil, is ttie llrsi. 'line Tit our iiHVii surnnt tier bars.

thisd gt -An tht the lias been eon fei red in tids conntry. troiig liliel suit, in New Yurk.ouu of iiesaes, named Ueorge Q. Jonas, deHCi died York, bubiijes man, iu the curious slung Albany lobby, C6Uesrs: "I am auopjr- ShijMil Nirlti 1 Hm Uu .1 rearl lllMi.it4. ti (orlf-t S.m, 11, political considerations. And it requires not more than the average po wor of discrimination, to reOQgaJsa and observe the line of dlktiBOtion between tlieui, if there is a ijlspnsitiltB do so.

Hut erea this absurd eUiiui of asylum in politics has MM admitted by many who hear the Of-lice of conservators of public morals and Bd locates ol purity in manners. We are not lor iiflndiicing what is specifically know as parly political Strife into reii. pious jilaces and eaen ises, but moral UBMtlnM, with which the best interests iliiil the positive sn let of people are inseparably connected, are not to he shielded lronidiscussionbythi and sinister 1 caveat, "If is American intelligence and freedom should disown such mi arbitrary tufm, only lit for the old barbarism ot the 1'acilic Isles. And yet we have dear, sweet gentlemen, ooniplaoeBt teachers ol morals, who have not, in the lave past years of war, uttered tBe word treason in their teaching or spoken a sentence against the rebellion, I auao 1 would have violated the sanctuary ot pott- to" A-sl MIIMfft In the Ki' hmond Enquirer tBOM are daily, under the heads i'he North" and o'i be Booth," lists of small news items that j111Vc bun clipped from the exchanges ol lliat paper. have r.a.l tbeu Willi sn inlirest beyond that whicli springs the Individ Ml announceuiBiius.

1 ueM ral is Sy for OA8H, and to which we Invite CwSB BuyiTii. Ron eh ei Lbe aitenc FISHING TACKLE, cask it manao, BANK li 4 I 6, 51 lil ti i li AVI' KO'a AVII.S, HacksBith's and Carpenters Tcols, 1011 SALE AT JAS. BOWN'S, je'Jl-NKt-Th I3 STREET, rpHE a ii I Sl fcttITV. KWWWM IA. Ufssep 1 in a.

1I(msi i i i laa, no, u. Drab and i-m pv DOIM A a it! A VelK VJ1L Bh KM IK. tn colnri. and a (VioSntsU assort msc tol NO I it umi awcy WOOJIB, smole- F. EATON'S, 17 FiRh st.

thf paid by yard. w. ooe NOTARY PUBLIC, 1 tsfut, oHf ctr aud criveneri Mw louiuierrlal I 11:0 ln Room. PlTT-BrilUH Serial attention given to CXiletiiotis ln Western Oiuntlea myla-tf I'A'l TEUSOSi A MANCHESTER SAW Mir.r.q act ni muds or oeraOcatss, at the notion of nment. within inn iln.

alter tnt1 wirmiu nii-stiaii hare been passed by tbe Hnf inrenr tna thj wssabry rbectssSPS of tbis Bureau are numbered aud desig No tier froa, tc. Palm OIL REFINING COMPANY, OF PirrSBl HH, PA. JOHN WATT President HKNBY M. LONO Secretary ad lTeaatmg. Worlrs in Temperance ville.

OFFICE, BH. DX -QUKHXE WAY, Qgoox ttusieiio-i m.vmA(TrRKB8 ojr PUEE WHITE BDRNINfi OIL, BRAJSD, "ErcIFEB," Tbis Oil cannot be excelled for burning propertl 1. oolor or lire tei. and ia put up iu wei! seasoned barret unliable HOME US or KXl'OBT. a Orders solicited.

DI RECTORS ihn Watt, iC B. Herron, IRoht. Wallace. Robert I IH. H.

noiiine, ID. w. CfcrroU, re Biack, Ita L. Oaidweil, jj. W.

Porta. ap24 Sa A 1EXA1 DK i 1 rTJBBftOBI, Slaacsiester Lumber lard. FioorinK. -Shi-lviut Shingles, and ali dedcripLiona Yaid and iMill Lumber, Cor. Irfbl nud 4 ticstimt mtr BS3r2 rim ANCH BSTRB.

li. Ml 24, K.i Hi plaa n. Boll4 4, Sam Pack Ing, 8, sparm OIL 6. El OU, 7. Lard oil, 8.

Ln ber, s. Talli.w and Wo 10, Kugint-ei-'e Btti 11. ntim-iT's To ill ItWIlA, 5tJSS KAii; B.H3t.M Brtwt-pu Beaver street and UhI" Klvr, MANCHKSieK. pa. Orders all kinds of Lumber Ur ball--, Bo BXItim.

Peg Plank. I.atu. pg-c m---i DABIOB PAPEBS. SEW OT J. OF STAMPED rAPEK For Parlors.

uv JJSSbSJ 8tniyl9 Je- 107 3fHrke PtreCT. near Fiith. ator In Flocks; was In Albauy during theses-sion of the in aSes-TO saw Seuatir Strong lliere." t4- "Were you acquainted with is reputation, and what was It, good or -bad?" A. "In Albany parlance he would be called a business man." t. "What do you mean by business man?" A.

41 lie was active- lu pro-dociof legislative (Laugtiter.) Fanny Fern writes to theNew YorkLed-jer "Walk a little bit now, wou'tye? It was in the Central Fark I heard this. Tlie speaker was a bare headed, bare-footed little girl of Keren, oue of those juvenile nurtes whobe childhood isapent in bending their spines trying to carry the stereotyped baby ol tho family. The 'baby' In this case was nearly aa big as Its DUtae, svnd had cried till Us face was nearly aa red as its hair. 'Walk a little bit now, won't with a kiss on the 'nabyV IdreUead. Now my ramble in the Fark is julte spoiled at ttie entrance, said I.

Isn't that dreadful? AU about ine was an earthly paradise. Honeysuckle and wisteria blossomed oTer everv rock, and seringas and laurel, aud thousands of other odorous dowers, made ruei'u breathing a luxury. I had wandered up there to feast my eyes und rtst my soul, and here was the everlasting problem ol Ufe coming up again to disquiet and fret me." In th" portrait of neral Grant upon Ft utze's ease), the General holds upon knee a tcrap of paper, upon which he has just penciled the famous telegraphic dispatch I mean to Ight It out on this line if It takes all sum-nitr." Artemufi Ward was mot on landing lu Fugland witb an ofn-rof Z.4,m and all expeus paid lor a lecturing tour of six months. recent marriage at the Chapel of the Tolierles of M. le c-jinte Adalbert do Ferlg.ud due de Montmorency, witb Mile.

Ctr-men A(luadodelas Marism is, has excited tne Inten ol the faantouabie world. After the ceremony they got iuto a carriage, much, ex- 12. fo liistn Krlct 1 1. Wruugbl lr lents, i Plis: 2B. w.iiw pinn.

27, Black tvamut and Cherry, ahoKarij', 7, Lanterns, l.lnn1- vitre. St, Dade Pumps, Ac. S2. iiut lour Crucl- Me. 31.

Patented artlc'es. 34, tV'ttii" aud BCeaap Packing Ac. SS A fine Rtock of Gets. Nejtley's new Vf-rhena. Kate Baasa, uow ren3y.

a Eso. a iiArge stoek of choice bfddtng flams COZDlOC inui biooni. Kor sale at ttie Oakland UreenhouRt-s. and Cars ran to the rjrrrnnnnsii every fifteen minutes, mji 2m JOHN R. A.

sCURDOCH. An pxfrmeae. Tbe morits of the eitjtit tiour' eysteXQ liuve iuteiy been seated iu New York, mm Boatori, iu a cnarixaev wbiob, tf exporiefiee of any vtiue. inoet uuxdy will hnvo its effeet hereafter. Tiie ejuiiker.s and) Hhlp-carpeiitfts of NTew York, and Otbev iiH'cliauicH in huH'ling atul re-pajring; vesbele, fttaetpatedl witb tbe uow principle, tWalled, tiial eegbt hours per tlay are auf-flcitnt for a ilay'H work, to gaba for th( rnseives the privilege of wortclug for no Hieatt tltue, aud at tlie same raleH they had previously rewaJWcd for Bine aud ton hourN per day.

Ak a result, a ship partially repalretl lu New Toik wsus sent to Boston to have tho iutprove-iueiitK fompleted. The Bunion shipwrights and euuikeiN were recelvieg all they had asked, but they at once resolved not to work upon Umt eblp becanae blie had come from New What was the consequence? iu Bostou the iiere hunts and shipwright's uuit--d lu a com-moil online, and declared that unless the vessel sent Lbere lor repairs wh-s Balabed as required, thy would stop all work upon any vessels which were being repaired In tuat port. it was aeonleet bet ween eap4ai and labor, not solicited by capital, hut forced upon IL. A trial ol endurance was entered upou, and after ten weekis of idleness the mechanics found tuey could stand it no longer. Kvery oue of ttteiu bad tost from SiMO IO 8-70.

It is estimated turn wot to the vaiue ol five millions of dollars wae inverted from the port of New Y'irk and gent to olber parts tf the country. Tue wtaofe joss to tbe mechanics of New Tork, was, therefor' six millions of dollars In teu weeks au a-gregate of over thirty miihous of dollars In a year. lie ArSHunalunifoii ftp MjlllwIslWIi, Win. White, of Henrico county, Virginia, who baa been confined at the Dry Tortugas for the two years, under conviction of being a spy during the war, has recently been pardoned aud returned North. He pays that Ir.

Mudd's health is rapidly failing. Spangler and Arnold are quite well their eonft nement does not fceeni to allect their general, physical or mental well being. Tbe State prisoners are compelled to rise at o'clock, a. alter breakfasting at 7, gp out to Work, and are employed lu cutting and carrying stone to build the fort until 12 o'clock, when one hour's luierrnissioir Is alls wed, tbe work betas resjained atli. and continned until 5 oVlock.

On rainy days no work isTeqnired. The same rat ions issued t' 1' id ted States soldiers aredistrlbulfHl to be pris-oners, and, though coarse, is abundant and I oleaome In quality. Ke represents the is laud as sterile, and ui'ipiwswlng appearance, but, as cool by reii esldng sea breeze, and the condensed water is palatable aud bebitbr. He further says a marked improvement in the treatment ol prisoners has been instituted by tho officers and soldiers of the lOih uited States JietiUSer Infantry, who relieved the former gar-rifcon ol negro itc. 3j.

TtiLira, 16 Ml. 17, Nailii and Boltt, 18, Oappw 16, 'l in Zino, Ac, Ml Int, QAKPKT CBLAIH. A oTll Thi i i aianimi miuf are the classes, by their uumoers, re-pPL-tlvp Navy Yards; TITER Y. rattu Stroke Power Hammer. 6.

10. 2i. 23. 23 jiERB SHI LTZ, DEALKK IN HIOKS LEATflEI AND W0L, NO. II WALNUT STREJST, Between Second and Third, ner -aruujia Hotel on-pOilite t'alhedr 1, ST.

LOUIH. sia lAKUIAOK t'E ACT I IC AT US, HKI)li'atAilDS ia a. tho nnrtrsiirnd havirsr become sole awalgtMOU uwS 1, SO. 1,5 COTTOfl AJTD XWMMo tMuATS AM COT.ORl-:. Atoo, COTTON Y.KM, assorted oameers, an of h-t qnHiiiy.

For ssoe by a. I OQICiOS at Hope Cotton Mttl, ABeebeay city, ah pre trie liaijroad Bridge.) Samples mav fie xfy, and orders left with WTf.rsaf SJo. 13J Wood street, Plttshiirsh. je 1 Tbis new UMtttnttoBis setaSI'shoSI ami liberally endowed tij tiie Uobu Asa Pscksr uf Maoeta Cbuafc. wi li te epened to mt iw students in tti PXatST TWO OUAat- EH, on tbe 1st of1 Senieoaber, ISM Its tfeslan i to impart to younii men a thurou-hly PKAt Tll'AL KI1! aTH.IS.

nttnis tliem to taK- uu immediate ai 1 n-tive part so laa duties tin- busy atft- in wriiicti we live. in tiiii end the otfleeretty ooorse constats oTtwo vearw preparaoiry last roctien mmc for all resualar Htiirterjts In tbse basts stu-lias wnich every 01 ehhoui'- know tut wbsseeei prntosstea ii" be ia-tenrteti. After this the student tbllowinc tb benfc of btsmlrid, will nter and study for two addiiiunal jf-ar, iu one of the SMIOWlnSj special schools TtmO bobool of (General Latrature. Hlieot bf of EoptDering. Tbesebool of MeebsdicsJ Knameering.

Tiie of aud Mining. In eari school a spuria! Ieree tIii (m confprrfM. Csrculara aivina dotails and lsstns may obtained, by a poly in to itfHY UUFi'KK. Piesldeot. jeu Ibilblabnari Pa.

Ofkp OjT M. 8. PifsBtion, Jane Isbs). GlftTEBSJIKST A.a.B STORKS tWfilbeaoW at public auction to tue bigbaat at ihp Qovernaasfit araraooaa. oppotfte the Y- Ft.

At' Lfeliot. on IVm street. I a. sale aaiBmeacbig at 1 clork. ta foUowtag It think; atKl auia aurf OarrlMiu JviUlpag.

vi fiM huadred ujut Oamp Kettle, () tw huneti.d Hera Pans. (Si fit. han ireti and sixty Riankti il) onf tireat Ii fmr Ittl sacks aiwle. ia jovernm-nt K. LUOAH.

M. K. qo. w. aato.

a. bjjddlk A II A tBSXJS8AXJE iKI'KS AXB OMMIS-uiea MKRI II VSTS, fin. a ItlHinoml. All. shenv.

Sooa fielivrwl fie. of char, ti aylfi 3na CHAlil.EsTOWN. 6. 10, li, i 15 15 17 ia 19. jo.

M. 2i Uintatrv nt thm lotOrlOl 4 BROOKLYN. Nos. 1, 2, 3,1, 16, 12. 17, 19, 19 20 It 25 2f V- -3 s2- 71 Public fcdUOataUwi and iveiig.ou...

ullic linpioemenlh 23, 33. PHILADELPHIA. 4 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, lo, 19. WASHINGTON. 'i 10, HU 12, 13.

14, 15. For sale by Not Lttiwfw W. S. HIVE. cor.W,,d and Third Mreeia.

Coming from all parts of the country aud arranged by the editor as above stated, tin give a sort of panoramic view of the condition of the two sections as to the tua-lariaJ prosperity, education, morals, the ojder ol society, pernoual safety, political allairs, Ac, rmn the uniform tone and temper of the hminrer, we are free to acquit it of all suspicion of lavoriiism towards the North in its clipping. The scissors, we have no doubt, harmonise with the pen, as fai us the IB-is will ullow. Hut taking these little new items, originating ill loual throughout Hi country suit corrected and cl-hd by uie hiauir, as furuish- ioit binl -r ul Uil" not bal congratulate ourselves on our lo-MtlM u' MM iut" iletails vrith-oui trt-erring the items bodily into our ani, but Hie indications giveu by tbaoa fully Junty our tbsnklulness that we live bsje, BBaJ aot in the "inmy South, at tlj vri. coiiot prsvvnt but rather Increase syiniiov ult whom bad i- reduced to bsiiplbi ii.k lain In the budget are not included the estimates ol the Wai and Treasury leprtiueuU. Hydrophobia Is usualiy Inferred to bo com- BEAT OF CHOICE BQU Dbww the saliva secreli'u iroin Liie of the teeth of a rabid dog.

ung man at Manayunk, near raMvUeWUuran iu tho State of Pennsyivaula if the Above atfjiner. )i ninmwl to i'truiti- itieui at -uri n-'tirp MM pT Tv-aona'dp rrrriR. All c(Mai. QiCa-t kvm irom aortim requiring iiamoiers ivr ube in "PoDOBflvouhi munt be addreasea tM Et81 SOS, Wa-vhinfftoi'. fcFH3l, -'hMadt-ipaia.

(Irf'iilars ooinaniii-i; lull will be lur- QHAJiPEI.IBilM, WABB BTAKD8, iiATH 1CBS. PL' MPS, HYDRA NTS, Ac. AJrSlI tl A A.Ml.a.M. o. :on.Ml(if ol IliamoiKl, jeis tt.i.aniTi far- city.

Oj I BXS 2 KJJt JS ED i'HK IIKV BM BXS. 3 I.B. CAXWEg I'I. at 1O0 BXi. HTBEK CAN-BEES, In Store, and for sale by COOK, BROS A Jell 1 suiiuideid street.

Miimesota Club Wheat, ABB NOW PBEPAREB TO Hfflntrs (ii! 1palf n. win. asnpertor arlicl. of turn, tl ami I rwft BUKill all uiadp by paleiii autouial in niacliiury. Or lnr raaaOgMl at-h' it.

d. si or prict lift. Fact-ry. So. te Matury hi.

litlNhurgli, I'a OrlrrZ 'i HavDKN LU JjAKVI-ST roots, t.KA6S SCYTHES, CAADLINU SCYTHES, SNA'! u.a, li A Ita Eut, l-KKLES auJ SCTTfTE 8T0NE8, ana sharpkneks. JOS. HOODWELL A I i cor. si-oad anti Woud Aerafs fs.r I lUl.l r.1 A l.ys J1 (1Aw I lt IX cetding in sumptuous elegance I hat wutch 1 it-vtiaiid. AlflO, Uuiiy receipts hTcm 00 ti on UtesK A line WMB siio walk- cited tlie enT of UUJ uy ra, O.

LLACE, Foudon street su u1 iT-itn her mother throti MS last Sunday with very liydropbobla, who had the disease from the bite i apprentice to a black-, cat in the simp when lie I'luhidelphla, who violent mptoms Ino' ulated wJ 0 a cat. wan IiiltP. TheJf wm a und amonu other.tnnsgs iuey uai sir a smali parasol, MiiS urrUCOTT, ss' PENN NT. has been actively en- ft', Mractie- of Dentistry over 1 tj saaja. Having a of Med'clne.

and meOoU la eoahl.d to core riiwaae. th n-ct Irregularities ot the etft. and devotes sPfSS anei laon a the loriiiaiioo aud praservatl i Biural T.eth. offire. 1ISI rK.N slKBKP.

bur, Pa. taw- A 91 A IIAK ASUTI KI ailei.tion ot Mauu.a.'tu er EJ otbers aattkg boiler, is. dirtwte ti mis aoii rel ai-le aprarasoa ftr removtu a i peES Ihe es pensive and known aa cale. l.T a 1 1 it 1 1 ti 11 Coiner i.ii ran UlIi p. a AUafkwg "oj.

diu.ipni of diamonds, atn blch was tippea wuu an the extremity ol jlti PACKKR, Hnsar-onred Hamn. fffaillll Karrp! Pork. ihk ateo rarca emerald worth hn ty hotand francs. There wer ionr huadred and thlrty-fonr Dealer OR THE BOee OF PHAROfl'8 hJK.RPlTNT8, A new and curious ctemlcal toy. for sale bj Btajms-, imigfiist.

eoraer Peaa ai Ht. ia streets. PfttisburK sole agent for Westmoreland, Wash uigtoii. Fayette, Aiiegheny Hreeue. Beaver und Ven uago oont-tles.

Also, for sale by jVctlsrrftii A Mc-Ken nan. dels to tipfii it siiiru: tliree weeKS ao. mm wraps ft UUJ ner teetu mt ln hu t. Xto WOUOd bealtitl, aud the poor boy had UM f-' h.rgt.tteu the (M'curreiKo. On Hatarday, wt UM slliht of wter, be was seizKl with hirasms.

suffered unutterable agony until For sale by Tork last week, au IffiSn of Drir Hen. Wiuid reapectfully solicit a a bare ol tiie trade XO. il SfcVKJil'H STRKET. DiylSni PITTSBURGH. the in Xew W.

H. HIVES, er the previous wt-ea, prmuipauy Jet cor. Wood aud Third streeta. among childien. i.

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