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The Critic and Record from Washington, District of Columbia • Page 3

Washington, District of Columbia
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Till: WASIIIXOTON CIIITIC, TUKSOAT 1SVI3XTNO, 3IAIICII 22, 1887. WASTIINGTON'OKITIO WAblllNdlpy, MAIECU iM, 1SS7. A little way below licr chlu, ('aught In her baioin's enow hem, Some buttercups arc fastened iu Ah, how 1 envy them! Tlicy do not miss their meadow pi nee, Nor iro they conscious that their skies Aronottho heavens, but her race, Jlcr hair and mlM blue eyes. There, fa the downy mashes pinned, tiucli awuct Illusions haunt their res', think her breath the frogrant wiud, Ah, ttnbto on her breast. As If, clow to her heart, they heard A captlTo eecrct slip its cell, And with desire were tuition stirred To And a volcaaiid tell I frank Dempster Sheruuif: JESSIE'S LOVERS.

Jteslu Hue was 3J. Tho suu of dial Milhday hail Just risen, ami bIio stood bcfoic her loolclng.ghis, fastening In lur cars mil nbout her ilalnty wrists tbc pearls tbat bad been her uncle's gift the night before. Pinning coquettish little bow In her hair, Jessie left the glass and ran down stairs and out Into tho garden, where she always spent an hour beforo breakfast. A gcntlcmnn was thcro already plentuut looking man, win wore a largo hat of Panama straw and collar that (pofcd bU handsome throat. "(lood -Miss lt'io," Dr.

JIanly ciled, taking oir his big hat. "I lmocomo to beg some patient." "You must nlwnjs help ynunslf to llowtrs fur jour sick folk, an I 1 skill bo nroudcr of mv irordt-n llian before." said Jessie. "Lend inoyour knife." And when he had opened It for her alio cut htm a bouquet, fragrant and bcnutirul, and arranged with uncr ring tnstu and made him hold It while ho bountl It logLlhcr with soino silk from reel she had In hci cmbrollcrcd apron poektt, ho looking at her with admiration all tho while. When at I ist be UiauUttl her and went nway Jcsslo laugbid. "1 don't believe In your tllcnt, Doc tor JIanly," sho said to hcrielf.

"It was only an eveuso to see me." And she thought so every morning when ho camo for his llowcrs. Mjo saw him oflcncstln the morning. Ashley Honeywell sho met when she visited at teas and dancing parlies. How often Jessie wished tho two men could be changed In some way. Ashley was the man sbo Intended to choose, but sometimes that light In tho dark gray yes under the doctor's great straw hat innilo her wish that he wcro Ashley and Ashley be.

Tlmo passed. Some Utile things happened. Ashley hod openly declared his admiration. They were on the ay point of being engaged, and ine uocior suuucniy ccascu to ua lovcr-llko. He came for the flowers still, but sho knew now tbat he did notdoltthat ho might mcc her.

Mo took them to patient. O. jo, taking long walk, sho bad paused at i llttlo cottage on tho roadside to ask for drink of cool well water, and had seen, In a great chair near the door, a girl as lovely as an angel, though sho was evidently still ijulte HI. Near her, In a gieat class pitcher, stood a bouquet of llowcrs that Jcsslo thought she rccogntcd as those she had plucked that morning In her own garden. "Ihoso llowcrs are beautiful, arc they not 1" thu sick girl nsked of Jessie, while tho little boy ran for fresh wutcr.

"A dear friend brlnjs them to me cveiy day. Ho siys lady has told him I may have nil I want. Ho brings them a long way. Tho lady must bo cryrleb, I think. I fancy her old, whlto haired somclhlug like my graudmother In her pretty laco cap.

I linc all sorts of fancies In this Invalid chair." Then tho nurse came In and Jesde said good by. "Ho has not even described mo," alio thought; "and, oh I how lovely the girl Is'" Andtheu she found herself cnliig. 'lhatcciilng sho engaged herself to Ashley Honeywell. Tho doctor catno for his llowcrs; she picked them for him, but she did not smile as she used, nm did bo look Into hcrcji'S. With every motion of tho hand that held tbc llowcrs which she tut he saw tho Hash or Ashley Honeywell's engagement ring.

One morning, as she sat at work upon her porch, a boy hurried up tho path. Mio remembered him as the chill who had brought tho water In that pretty cottauo parlor where sho had seen tho beautiful Invalid to whom Dr. Manly took her llowcrs. "Is tho doctor here Dr. JIanly ho asked.

"I was told bo might be. JIIss Gwendoline Is dylDg, Aunt Jane says. Oh, JIIss, you only can tell mo whero to find him I He'll save her, If any one con" Tho child was crying. Jesse was oublcdanil agitated. "The doctor must bo on his round of lslt," sho said.

"I'll send Jack to Kok for him." tho called tho hd who helped tho gardener, and bado him go with tho little fellow and scorch for the doctor. And then sho hastily donned her riding-habit and rodo away toward tho cottago why tho did not know, or whether sbo could do any good hut her heart bade her go. Bhc alighted at tbc door and entered In haste. Tho girl sat In her chair; tho old rinse stood behind her. "You hac come," said tho girl.

"I am so glad so glad. They camo this morning. 1 saw both of them. You don't know, perhaps. Mother smiled, father looked stern; but they will for-givo mo after while.

They arc both dead; but they came, I saw them." "In a asked Jessie. "No," buiJ fluendollne. "Their spirits tame. Think ho.v strange unit was. You know, 1 wa engaged to my cousin, Dr.

JIanljJ" "No," Bald Jessie; "I did not know "I wns," said Gwendoline, "but 1 jilted him. lie was not handiome. He was grale and older than and I liked Ashley Ashley Honeywell ind one night 1 ran Oh, It was ears ago. I am IWo und twenty now, 1 was Hvcntrcti then, and my father died of It, ouil my mother oh, I was wicked gill' We went to Italy. Ho married mo with a iliv.

Ho slid It was true montage. 1 believed It, but one day ho told mo It was no marriage at nil. lie was In Invu with an Italian woman, singer. I spoke of It aud of mjbclf as a wife, to whom he should bu tiuo Then uu said I wis rot his wife. Ho said I wns fo)llo lelleve that a ling and a ow between ustwiiiould make me one, and Iran nway.

1 hid on a steamer coming to America. I was staricd und frocu when they found mo. I had tills cold. They wciu good to mo and brought mo here. Hut my parents wero dead, and tho only one who kucw mo was the man I had jilted, my cousin, Dr Oilier JIanly." Jessie bent her head upon tho pale band sbo held and tears fell.

"Don't cry for said Gwendoline. "I nin going very soon to hc.ivon to my mother. I filial! pray there that some good girl will love Cousin Olher somo beautiful woman like 3 on," Sho ceased speaking, and a soft smilo crept over her face. 1 bo sound of wheels filled tho cottago room. The doctor's gig was coming.

He wnstlinc. That evening stood nlono with Ashley Honeywell and drew his engagement ring from her linger nnd gavo It to him, Sho lurned from him with contempt nnd he left lur. Down In tho garden somo one moved to and fro. It wns Dr. Manly He was gathering while ihrysantlu mums Iho hist floncrs of tho pardon.

Jcsslo went down to bis side; without a word sho began to help him. Tlicy were tho last llowcrs ho wou'd cvoi gather for' Gwendoline's sake. Tiny were strewn In her collln and she slept In their midst with that soft smile upon her face, nnd Jessie seemed to hear again those words: "I will pray that somo good woman may love Cousin Oliver nnd make him hoppy," and she seemed to hear them nftinvoril when sbo bad lung been Dr. Jlouly's wife. Chicago News.

GENERAL NEWS MOTES. A jourg man calling himself 11. C. oinan, a traveling salesman from Chicago, has hern arrested at Knob I.lck, Mo, (or attempting to pass bogus checks. The ttrlkinir miners havo secured pones tlon of tho Kutherford coal mine at Wes-y Cliy, and run It ou tho co opera-tho plan, Ihey lommeuced work jis-lerdny, $, l.ctk, ono vt I lie best known hml ntfs tutu of Cleveland, nnd.

thu renter irtmLer of Km llrtu of Ltik, Doling A. Co, died jtettrdjy, of cancer uf the stomach. A tcuipcrnry wnodtu bridge Ins been ricted tn pli(! of tin- Uum brl lg'1, near llostou, ot iti mi lit of lln tirrlblrt ralUn i.ttaster of Id wttk, utid tlio rimuliig of tiatns has been lesuitied. Tim ronlmctfor Hid construction of the MltMHiit Central lUIIroid, nhtchls to run between ft. J.nii1s and Kntisas CIt, lim been i-1 tied, aul will bo broken an I tho wuik cf grudlng begun bums Iu Apill.

The Matltoba ItjUrond prnposes to build f.tO miles from tho western end of the Manitoba Koail to (ireat Palls, on tain, and 'J tnllcs from (Irent Falls to llclrtu, by Ttmhcr -). Work Is to prosecuted at nlht by electric light. Thrmas Ildiry Ajrcs, the missing son of William Ajrts and Cor ml la Ucunieul, who was stolen from hi motbur, in 137, by bU father, hrrlvrd Iu New ISninswicIc, N. .1 yesterday. He Is httr to his mother's share of tho ood fellow estate.

The KDlghts of Labor In New Ilrunswlck, N. ard Mllltown, employed In tho rub her Industry, together with their New Kng land brolberf, thrcntcn to leave the Knights of Labor unless a chatter for a national trade council Is granted. Dr. Andrew Jackson Grant, the alleged bigamist aud confidence man, was arraigned ot 1 aet Cambridge, yesterday on a thargo of bai log stolen money and clothing from Lucy Terry of Cambridge, with whom, It ts alleged, he entered Into a bigamous uianlage. Eults have been begun to Chicago against Dnlgbt M.

Sablu, United States Senator from Minnesota, by Henry Porter for (00,000, and to recover damages for loss of their ttuck lo the fctlllwater Car Compjny, of which cauin was preeiucni. About one hundred Western brewmasters met In Chlcaeo yesterday and formed au organization to take definite action against temperance and prohibition agitation, and to secure tho appolntmeut of an arbitration committee In case of disturbance at brewery centres la tho United States. Hilary Pfraengle, the new Abbot ot St, Mary's Abbey, was Installed In bt. Marys Church- at Newark, N. yesterday.

I'lghty prlceta were ontsldo the sanctuary. lllsbop Igger acted as celebrant, assisted by JIoDslcnors Uoano and Scton. lhe panegyric was preached by Father Wayrlch of tho Church of the liedcmpllon, New lorn. Too Much FliMtilclty. Vr, William (larraul is oa his way home from Cheeune, forced to return for his hcallb, Ids litdUposltton having been caused by au atmospheric phenomenon, wLlch Is singular, to Bay the least.

Ilo, with many other residents of Cheyenne, have leeu overcharged with electricity, which affected their nervous systems to such au extent as to cause Insomnia, hallucination and depression. The supcr-clec-tililcation of tho Chejenneltcs was caused by the continued blowing of strong winds for arcrlodof eeten wetks, 11m velocity of Iho wind riming this time has never beca Ursthan tbltty miles, und aomettmci) as flieat as eighty miles an hour. '1 lie ground cor sequence bicime extremely dr, and the friction of tho wind in passlug oer It produced au enormous quantity of dec-t licit and ecry one wasmoieur leas ehorged. Ilie old icsMcnts nre usid to such things, and aio In a scueu uin conductors, or aie chatgtd with somrtblug ttronccr than llghti li ir, tut the effect was bcrlous on tho new residents. Dr.

(larrtirri said when two persons charged with differing quantities of the llutd would shako bauds I hero would alwojs be a dUtlnct shock, ami the cats are simply crazy. 'Ihey are walking electric batteries, and give painful shocks when touched. Many residents haegono to California temporarily lo got relief. it. Louis l'ost-Dlspatch, So (rnntmar "So you don't belle; la tho stujy of grammart" eald young Mr.

liural Foda gogue to old Mrs. Bluff, a patron of his school. "No, I don't," was the frank and unequivocal teply. "Ltmy youuguns Is eech Lorn ejects tbat they kaln't talk so's to bo unterBtood 'thout fooltn' away their tlmo on grammars, they kin get along the bsst they know how. never studied no gram mars, an1 folks most gln'rally makes out tbc mcanln' ot wbut say when I've eald It.

that's what they do. What's tho good ot ktiowln' whether a brick-bat Is ot tho rats kyllnoortho fembhiie glnder, as youcal It? An' of all tho dratted torn foolery I ucr beern tell on, this hero 'parsln' blznesi Is the wmt. My 1-bho wanted tol'uru how to do it, an' acz I to him, sez Vou pjrso jerself out to that there woodpile, Eh llluff. and parse me up halt a cord of stovc-wosd leu'ths, au'1'11 parse ono o' 'em over ierback if you ever say grammar tome sez I. ecz 'ef you don't know how to talk plain Kugllsh you come tOyour old mam an' fchc'M boost you over Dm hurd No, sir, no gramuur lu mlur not any." HM llita.

iifMtiit rn itri. Wm Price made abet of fifty cents with Jim JohnFon, auothcr colore 1 man, that the latter could nut hit blmlutheeye In five minutes. Instead ot tpanlnc, as was tijutted, ho inn, acri at tho cud of five minutes claimed the stakes. Webster Hanks was the stakeholder, and Johnson struck blm with a brick because he would not surrender thu money. Hanks then shot John-ton.

Hanks was held for the action of the grand Jury by Julge Snell to-day. "What shall 1 tho maiden cilel. "Ho will be hero to ulght and my handiure (happed, and ho luiVholri them" "Calm youitelf, dear," lur mamma replied, "ne'te bottle of Salvation Oil." Hald headed men, like bravo soldier are always to be found at the trout. IHoston "AtdtriiH-y Dairy tWiicoti'." Frebli Aldirney butter, churned every mondng aud delivered in lb.

"Ward" prints, A'a, per lb. Also cottago cheese; buttermilk and sweet milk Gc. per qt. Citam, ISc. per pt.

iUllNISIIINU UNUCHTAKER. n. bet. SdanU-lRts. KTfrilMiig tirftHMg.

CTAS. H-HVEoGIXjL BEALEBIS BniLDINO sorrugs, 008 to Oil a Blrret notthwot, noil National Jthlei1 Armory, Architectural lion Work, Cement, Plaster Fho Urlci, I Iro Ctar, Wall Kioto, I-alutB, 01U OIui, etq. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. 1'ctroleum B. K.

riain ft Bt. Cloud Building, furnish tho following UU quotations: Closed yesterday, 03 opened to-day, (J.JJ; highest, 03; lowest, 0Ja 2.13 p. OJi. lAcw Votli Mtock Tho following have been furnished by Walsh, Cropley brokers, 515 Seventh stmt norlhweeti mux. O.

J3 RAMI. I OJS AT, Can l'i N. W. p'M Ccn l'a iNo l'a I "n'M 5J IN Ccn Del tOmaha 431 4H II I. V.J2ti 1311 "n'M 110 lllOi VA, l)ro al 3H Erlo 311 3Jli)ro Hall Krlo L'l l'a M( M) Kan 31 31 lllcaillnir 'J71 Wl Ills Cell Hock 1 .1 St l'atll 021 02) I.Bbore 04 0-, I pM L.

.1 04 C.lljTti 2-i' HrtJ Man'bi Coi IU Purine, nn 071 Midi IV BU IWt Krj) Mo l'a OR) Wl Wet 1171 1171 Oil UIJ IM C1i1iiik JlarltctH. The lollonlnK nimmarjr bv It. K. Plain A St. Clouil llulldlDK, Ninth anil Btricta: C.

Wheat Juo. Ml SO 311 401 2SJ Corn OtU Pork-April LirJ April iJ 737J 7 171 7 171 7 11 fiMhlnirtnii t-xrlinncr. The lnllowinir wcro thu auutatlom ou the recular call at tho Block Kxcuangu All quotations aro for pecurltkii to the amount ot (1,000 or 100 aharea itoclr, Wortilrifiton (leorgetown Stock 210 Washington (Jeoreiuwu liomls 1131 Metropolitan titotk 1(H) Colurobia Noilli Capltnl Oiiticrt 4T oahlUKton City Otallnht Co lit Ocorutlowa 41 rlruiicu'AliiBuroriLu Co 10 National Mil. Jnaiirum Co TO National Union limuraiieo Co 201 Arlington lnsururce Co 100 CorcorHii Iusurutico Co GS Columbia Insurance Co 141 tlcrman-Anicrlcan Insurance Co 117 Potomac Insurance Co bll KlgCB Insurance Co 8 Board l'ub. Works Urcen ts Masonic Hall Domls 103 ashlngton Maikct Co.

Htock Washingtou Market Co. Itoiuls Washington llrlck Machine Co. llank ot Washington 310 Columbia Natloual Dank 110 National Met. Dank lift National IJank of the Itejiubllc 150 Faimcrs Mechanics' allonal Dank of Gcoreetoivn "A CItlzenB' National llank 113 Second National Hank 120 Cmtral National Hank I'll) tlreat Falls Ice Co US Ileal Estato title Insurauco Co 117 1'cnnSTllanla Tclcphono Co 41 Chesapeake A. Potomac Tel.

Co Ml U. S. Electric Light Co a National Safe Deposit Co Washington Light Infantry, 81 Hull Hun PanoramaStock 3t Columbia lltlo Insuranco Co 5 If variety Is tho spice of life, nby does everybody go back on hash? Thoroiifflilv rloitnun tho Mood, bv lislntf Dr. l'liieiis cloldou Mcdknl Distovtij.nnd jrood lltstlnn, ft fair fvkln, biiovunt rliittJ, Hi ri'mrtli and health 111 It) 4 stablihe (Inldcti Medical IHscovcry tiinn nil hu-mm-tt, from thi common pimple, blott b. or eruption, to tlio woibt Hcinlulu, or Mmm1-imiMin.

INik'i tally Imn It pi Its Jllrn luoiifng Mlt-iluuui or 'Jitter. vci-somh. 1 1 lp Joint IUhcilhc, rot tilotis Soi i mid Knlirgiil Olundrj, nnd Katlug L'lcrrn. (loldeii Mcdk-iil DNcovcrr itupronstimp-tioii (whlih Si ml ulu oi tho CnnK), by lis woiuliTrul blood-imrfjlnK, ItHijrointliiK', nnd nutillivu tiroportlcs. 1 or Wtak I.uiurp, hpltllntr of lllnird, Miortnifs of Itreuth, Itniiiehltlri, CmiH-hH, ARlhmn, Chionlu Isumil Cat null nnd kiiuhxd niTrctlune, it Is ll fioven itfii umwly.

l'or 'loipltl Ctver, UllimisnrM, or "I.Urr rnmpliiint." Uispcpwln, iml Indfinstlnu, It nit iiih nualkit ii'iiuilj nM dniKtflbts. pic. lllliuiiv uiul Cnlliurilt i its. a vliii, bv ilnunrlHtH. A Fine Silk Dress Can be worn white uInj a Without dnuKcr of Injury to It.

NO DIRT, NO DUST, NO ASHES, Wo havo tv comploto assort' raont of STOVES and Invito nu Inspection of thom, TCO, PHOTO-ENGRAVING. naTlnc rocentlr flttod ap a Photo-Engraving Establishment, In connection with my TATKNT rr.OCESa, I am prepare! to (urnlb ILLD8TIUT10N8 AT NEW YOHK rilICB3, l'botofrrarhing on Wood fottbe Trade. Maxirioo doyoo 118 sxnr.ET v. c-A-RFETiasrca-s. GEO.

WILLNER II an lu BtocK a full lino of CarpotlDRN, all radtnOllclothu, Cocoa and Rttaw Mattlnirs. Also lutcst virion la Noll Paper, Window1 bhades aud Curtain Goods. Wlro Wludow and Door facrwus. FllIOES LOW, 4W NINTn KTKBBT NORTnWBST. The Remington TYPE-WRITER.


O. II. 801 8t 801 Nil 341 311 IP' il'JI 40 40) iX) 2') 2'J STI in rt 7 471 7 10 THE VISITORS' GUIDE. Objects of Interest in and About t' National Capital. THE GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS.

inrbr. SqimriM. Htntiirn. flnrdfti nnd Utlier 'oliit of Attrnctlon. TUU WAY TO REACH THEM.

Washington is fust becoming tho most nUrnctlro city of tho country. As tho Capital of tho Nation It presents more objects of Interest to tho visitor than any other on thu continent, and brief directory of Its prominent points will be of flcn Ice to tho vast number of fiersons who annually resort to tlio po ttlcal metropolis. For It Is estimated that over three hundred thousand strangers pay ft visit every year lo this city to behold tho varied objects of In-Iciest which fo thickly Mud tho his-torlc "Ttu Miles Square." The HjMom of rViimlierlnff lloimcfl Numbers aro displayed over tho entrances to all hoiuen, and tlio decimal nre tern, as acloitcd In 1 litladclrlila, Mtncd (inoltiin tired number being allotted to ncli urguaro or blcick commenting at I Irat street t'Ht, ruiiiiltiir vvtt, Iirst ntrett eiibt, mnnlnit euttt, Aftrci nortii, running nmtli, nnd A Mrcit tuutli.iuntdiiffitoiitli. lliond-l nam tfintnronhviijiDii tho rlslithaud eldo Injttruin llto Uni'lii-l, and tho eteit uiinilHm en II uithntid Mdu. Tlio elty It dlrldod Into tuir fiction, nnrttiratnnd iinitliufft, Mnithrat nnd snnthwiM.

tho rlHttii btliLMloUnnttjd at'CortlliisU; tlioti) luniiliir noithuini umih ntinieri'iillr. anl tlii'M intininireurt and vseAt by tlio JctliTit il thu id bit-it, tbo dhidlns linos liointf uii li nmt Mtutli Ciipltol ntneti, running mi ii lli.t' duo liortb and Huutli from tlio Un tin! 1 uL l.mittol nin ot.und hi mithmm tn on tltO Muinu wl of thu Cai'ltol, run nnd we-t. The' Cupltnl. I bin rreiit tmlMhitf thou ntrut tInt or tbo urlicliiulliiittittt, and tlio largest cdlltcu In tbo tuiiiitry. Iu centra nurn-4 tlio Meridian d-filimton.

Tlio mhbllti ixtrtlon. tn.inedtatily under tbo tho Dirt tim nin, ft hk ini Hull ydtHtroyed by tlio J.iltllln but win mmijleiil retturod 1 Ulneloi'eH tliu "er( whero tlio lemutimttf WiMilrmton v.i'iolntcritlo'l to bu plueid, tbo l.lbrur). tho Ibittiudi.tho old ItillCftntnthe-H lull, now tlio (Jallery of Mntiiury. nnd tho old bum to Clumber, iuw Tlio old huiiremo viiiii i iiiiiiii, 111 inu nri, nuir, it nu ut ll" iitu o) inu taw i in mu i.ioniry, tic corner ctononf tlio Catiltolevtenitn'i ah iitumnin mm iouiu vmiiki vai i iiii.nny lhfil, Hunlel Wtbhtcr dellverinittlio umtlon of tho octatlon limn tbo baleony of tho Library i 1 ho ronth whtjr contrtlrn tho HotMn of Jtefrcditatlvci. and tho north Ins tho cnt he nituiidu Iidl-i-tlnKiiUliedfor Its blstoilo imlntliui, (ur tho fan ions Lioii70 doijrn, with their Inn rtlttfji, nnd for llnimiU'n lieifolniti.

Initio Hall cf Mnlunry aro tho mil urn 1 nltturiH of l'eitoirao marble, rcpreitntlnir fatoi of ttr-tnln Amcrlcim Btatcumeti tilctureviuo tituk or nature, lrom tho llttlo rotund immedhite'Iy north of tho crcitrotundi. tho etalrcnFotu tlio top of ttiodomo begins Its vundinjrvay, lrom tho top of thodomo.ur nsfnrostbo can ascend, tbo view of tbo 8 ur rounding country masnlilotnt. lho CnrltolKioumK vvhlcfi formerly wcro homely nnd foitnnl apiearanre, havo been tiaiiHfoimed Into a bouitlful paiknnduro now mnntcTquldtcIy boautl-(ul. 'lliu eai't baao of tho Cmltol tiJ'ti ftetaboToordlnarylovvtldoInthorotomic. Ibototul height lrom cast base to tho top of tho tttnplo overt tho dnrao 2S foot; tboatateio of tho Uoddcisof Liberty, 13J6 feet, maklDK tbo total belitht to tbo crot or tbo Btatuo iWTM ftet.

'1 his treat feet ldRhcr than tho west cato of tho ground, and7j7ftetnbovolowtldo In tliot'otnrnao, or IMS feet lower than tho apex of tho Wash-In ton Jlomimtnt. whkb lmmedlitcly VMtt. lho building 1-4 751 fpet lona VtUlo. nndeoernSt acroi. ItUtlio llm'it und Inrrcbt publlo building In tho world, nnd In many lcspccu lho costliest and bandnomtbt.

It moreover tlio growtli of lefts than a untury a factwbltli adds to lis beauty and 'J bo original Capitol, or ecntro bulldlnp, Is an imitation, not uklabh one, of tho Maliou Canto atHinc. 'lho view from tho wmt portkont tiljiht, when tholnmpi tiro lit In tbo public eiounth and, t) UiihH of tho city llltiminatoihodaikuedslHono of tlio most beiiutllnland pletiirt'fiuo In tho world und It well worth a Journey of a UiuUddud miles toeeo. Ilie Ultlti' (Iouhc. ITom the west ball ony ot the Capitol, down rennyluufa neuuo, tho Wldto IIouso li seen itarlnclts snowy Iinil walli above the deinotnas- of that tin-buvvtts It. JikoiiBiiMiitlutalia MIVHpilnetmr upainlil tnfoMlni: greun bhultH.

Wero It not for tho luutly liitcntuliu Ireanury btilldlnK tho vltwor tlio Into UoTHofnun tho lupltol would bo full and complete lho blto Ilotitiols lho tenter cf "I'p town," ax Dm nf it id thoccnttr of "Downtown." It 1 beautifully lotattnl, tho view fiom tlio votitb Indow tov ti Ine tho liolo southern front of the city, as tho view fiom tho north upblxltt nth tliettwct exhibits tho bait pat of tho Noithvv tut beet ton to tlio guo 1 ho blto Uout-o a copy of tbo palnco of tho Itako ot Lehiitcr at Dublin, with tho addition of a turco ixirc on thu nui th fiont, whh at added ifiirlmt Andrew Jjickim'a admlnUtrutloii. Tbo ichcriatluu In whkb it gtiiiids embracm ncaily ntrti. Tho main entrain on tho north, icaehed by tbol'cnuxytvauliarenuo earn, It fs two FtortcH hluli on thu north, It built or whlto frc ist otic, ITU feet loiiti by HO I le. It contains on tho firt lloor lho famiiH (irten, ltcd, Dluo and 1'nH room-i, tbo bt tto Dining Itoom nnd tho great cotiHirvaturles, i'ho llluo Is the I'lcldenl'aofih I it ret ui-thin room and tlu'druwliiK room of the bidks of bis family, 'lho Cast Koorn, orUIn illy designed for a banquet ill and ho im'd a luteal 1MT, and In tho latter pirtof tho ciiituryiiMsliH a drria-room for clothen by Mm. lYcsldtnt Adams, tlio Urecst and most noted mom In tbo building.

itl-tJ UUldfch.w feet long and 40 wldo. It Is i pen to visitor tv try day except un lays. iVbtnlra mo tho I'ablnet mom, tho nilrato ojlhes, tho President's oillto, tbo library and tho family npaitmcnti. All these rooms except tlio latter aroopeii to by ei eelul permission, at tultublo hours. J.nraj Sqiinre.

Duo north from tlio hito llouio Is Lafayette MluarcMiioiirsi puuiiorccervaiiou in Inplon that waii lmi roved. It contains tlio ftntuo of Androvv Jackson, by Clark MUM. Many of Its trees aro old forct ctmarchs, bumlrtds ot years old. It Is In pmt a specimen of tho old foiin.illandstapo unrdenlng so fashluiiable In 'u eland two bundled years ago, a stylo that was lm-I oited Into tbH country. Lafaetto bipnro ono hundred years ago, pirt a cuv c-yard that enclosed lho pquaro noilli, on which bt.

John's L'hurch is built, und tho nquaio i'at, on whbh nro nllunted tho Attorney (lUitrurH otllco (formerly tho 1 reed-man'n Hank), tbo burgeon tieneral' oftteo und hlggs Dunk (both In tho bu 1 Idi formerly used as tho L'ulttd btates Hank), Decatur'H Iukho, eorncr Hf-teeuth nrd half nnd II streets, an 1 tbo old Club IIouso, near which 1'hlllp Dart on Key was killed by Daniel blcklen. crof comncHi fiom Now ork 'lho last bodies fnui this graveyurd wero not to moved until 1MD. Ht. I', CtntiM'h. bt John's 1', Min lilt ti tins Peon often enlltd thobtaloe hunh Itfiuo inniorii'sl dints huvo tin re tliHMiitiiny otbir, M.nid at tho corner of HunlN-tnnthtittts, was hui't lu lbi aul on-Imtcl In lJO, In It luvo worfhlpicd Pros-bUlitd Mtdlson.

Moiin John (jufucy Adams (thiiiish tho latter was a conguvu-tloiullst) Miullii un Hurt ii, llmiitfli ho uo-Knged to tho Dub li Church, Kar-ilson, IjUr. tlllinoro (though tho latter was a Unitarian), rhrc. liuch-iinaa and Ait bur I residents IJiumIii, Johnnoii ntnl dnilit havo also attciibd Dl vIiioftMltcsbcroaltboiubuot 'tnilllj its lulei lor icinlmls ono virv for loh of tho old, dim I lulbh touuti Up! opal tlmrehe j. 'I be Tii'iimi Di'puttiueut. IboTieasmyDcpaitn cut is ta-t of tho Wlitto I lot iso ami extends ttu whulo length of tbo frc nt I ttu ecu r'etiijUuiit i uu I New 1irle avenues, 11 Is feet long bynontfU ni to.

1 lm 1 1 ntriil pot Hon Is built of frcvstii rebuilt In lUcl 41, whllothfothu'paits wero tominuiiid in lt11 mil built of gianlto lho I'udIi Itoom lu this bull ling Is a Uau-tlful aiurliiicnt lu tho uoitb thocu-tiiune to whbh Is Horn lho north h. 'lho viuilts iktouudii lho eah Itoom mil tan luhttii on a wiltn i unit idv by tho IttHMtreroftlio I uittil btates, wIiho ultlct lu tho riiirthca-d angle on tlio iht tloor 'i hi permit mux bc thowu tho umIi br who will detail guldei to t.tko tho vlsl-toi Into tboirrcat bullion thchts of thm ouu-try 'lho old btato Di'partimut n-o-l to bo on tbo Hlto oceii led by Ibouurtbtust ear-ncrof tbo'litabiiiy. tlnr, Auvj mill Ntntr ItopnitiiieiitM, 'Ibis cdlflco onto turned by Washington join millet tho rrihuuo Itiilldltlg," oi i iiiis tl we ot ttldo of tho I'reHldent's reservation, linn edlutd) west of tho Whlto Homo lho btato Department oetui les tho toutti jmrt tboNavj Islutated iiotthof thebtato, whllo somo strut turo Tho most budutlfut loom In tlie viliolo building Is conceded to bo tbo llbrury of tbo btato Depart meat, with south front, from hon Indow ti tho vjo can bvucpuutulcrruptcdlydovvn tho l'uiomao toMt.Vtrnnn nnd fur over tho Virginia hilln. ThotiUllittniMMntho Italian Itcnals-Mtit o. It Is tAY! fett long and ail ct wldo, lis prcatnt height Is 1.W rnt, nnd tlio XUa, itontirigover tfiorciitralportlon.

flaunts In thobnerohlgheriiplliananyotber Hag tn tlm city, net excepting tin no nbmo tho benatn and of losentnthos. Tbo (Oft of lho building wjs llvo millions of dol Inrs. about threo tlmrs ns much as tho VMiltn IbniFc, and, wo think, ni mueh as thocailtol. Itriinrtmriit nf.IuMtro, Immrdlatcly north of tho Treasury Itulllln nnd Just neros Ihortieet Is tho Di'purt-me ntof JustUo. 1 his build lint was oilgln-ally erected ns tho 1 rccilinnn's llink.

lho pquaic In which It is erected Is a hlsloilo ore. On tho unmo tn et, at tlio riW i orner, rtitnds ltlggs Hank, which was built Tor tbo tnnmodnttoiiof tho Washington branch i tho old I id ted btates llank. '1 ho gri iter ait of It Isiiowoctupled bythotlirks of tho Lurgion (letierarm)llleo. Around tho corner to tho well Is tbo t'emmlssnry den crarntiniei', formerly Ilio old Washington Dull Ilotife.In front of which rhlltp Hat ton biy wnliot by Mckles. 'lho treo.

iindi Which tho dead mini's body lay. Is Mill Ftnndlng, although Its bat bad been cow My removed by rello bunlcrs. At tho uoiihwiid corner of (Iiocquare.nboro tho ternimlsaaty tjenciala DflUc, Is tho hnuo inadotamotts by Iboownerililnof Commo-ilnio Deiatur, and whno "Dolly" Madison lived nnd telgncd leant a stral tJueen niter btr husband's terra as rriidduut ox-plrenl. Tho lVnAlittiRton ImmedtntrTy south of tho Whlto House stinds tho Washington Monument, thu loft hint rut turn rrei ted by man, and tbo mt rn rowing obtllik ortrcoiiMructrd It Is KA tet aboTOlts base, hie bis 4Jfeotaloro tldo water. Its lorner-stono was hid July 1, ninl tho enKntono, forming thoapex, was plm rd In tosltloii Jierember Wl In It nro IM blocks oflntrteit atotitsor top-jfr.

clfts from vatlotis rountrles and so dot li. lho total tost will bo our rsi. it Is situated In what will ultimately boubinutlful imik. 'I hi nvnl 01inm ntovy To lho WrMoftho Wn-hhigtofi Motrimftit on tin hlghi'ot i lev at Ion Hut birder the lioith lank i the rher, twccti bt II 1 i lelb's Heights nnd iicurgelown ('ullco, ftntids tjm observatory 'I hu Iflll on wbhh It Mini Is Is famous Inr having bi en the rami lug groun I of Wa-hlngtntt, Ilrad dofk, nnd lho iDttci'sarmy, whui ou their iiuiicbtii thofatal tlel wlu'iotho l.ttllsh (tneiiil fell victim to bis ftlfeotiiedt and Vimltj. Iradltioti uNopoints nut this hill a tliu d'ltMvo balllo be twi en tho 1'Milcl Imlhiusntid lho hiitmiis, 'Ibis obtnatoiy contains the largest icfrur Unit telcscupti lu tbo worll, next totioiicvvetimtoihi jitt built fur lbs hlik obFetviitoty.

Hy lis aid that most In tnccllngjlf not KicuteM.ivtroiioinleiil dls ovuj of Ihotountry was made, tho mwms of Mats. The cntratifiito tho ohserwitory Wat nml 'twenty thlid hi i eels noil hwtt lho llcitllocubsgo to'Jneiity-seu'iid and ti streets. The Atcririiltiirnl lii'ii tntenf. This bulldhig Is Mtuatid rust of tin) imnt. It Iscntlo-ed by tho tno-t beautiful itinl glowing llower garden In tho country nnd the grounds tontalu thotnoM om leto Alholitutn irobul ly lho Uidtel talcs, Attaebedto this DcpirttiKiit uro tho l'.

lnrhiH ntnHnirUns, wlitwo oflh es uro lm imdi.itel) weitof tho main building Thy iitu wuu cars go rigiii past ino gruuntii. The Hliiltli-oiilnn. Acros Twelfth Mrett, Immediately eisl fnm the Agrleulttiial Department, nro tho bmith-onlan InHtntlou an 1 tho Mnlthsu lilnn lho foimer tsu xpcelmen of tho most graceful arthltitturo lu tho ilty, and tbo latter form tho most beautiful landfcnro gnrdcti In tbo country 'Ihcso croutHNof themselves urn worth visit to Wu-hlngton to "eo. 'Ihey contain tho ircinorliilurn to tho atti-t who eleslgncd tho latk, Andrew .1. Diwtilug, and tho brunro stuluoof Profesvor Deiirr.tlio Hist stcretaryof tho Institution.

'lho litter Is ni iiionorinwcst corner or tun miiiaiiig; mo Downing Lm Is tnthccentieiof tlionTiniiKN. two hundred yards north of lho ci-twlng. lho bmltb-oulan Is tilled with tho most vailed nnd lntrrestlng objects coimotlod with Btlento. Itlsrencbed by tho Soventli btrcet.tboMnttiblreet and tho Uolt Lluo oi btieciears. Tho JVntlonnl llusoiim.

Tho National Museum Is In tlio bmlllnonlin a fewjards eat or tho bmllhso-n Inn building. It contains thousnuds of tho most Intncmlng rut lnltlcs, samples ot tho life, customs nnd history of nil it ions. It, ns well ns tho Smithsonian, is open illy to tbo i ublio from 9 a. to 1 p. in.

Tho Itotnitlrnl (iai'itciiM. r.isslitft eastward from tho Museum, over thotallroal brldgo thit spans sixth street, and through tbotxtty park lying between Maluo nnd Missouri avenues tbo visitor comes to tho entraneo on Third street, Just south of IVnnsylrnnla nvenue, ot lho Uf tanlcal Hardens. Ihoolntcttstlnj grounds ato oien datiy from lu tho morning to (1 In tbo evening. 'Ihey wtio established f0v earn ago, Ibocoiiferratoiles mo tilled with thoi'tiuleift and larent foreign phiits, Arounl tho mb us aro etcnho tollco tionsof tues and blubs in tlio centre of tho lawn ratlin; that en tro nmeivntoryIs tbo fnmous Haitlml'll 1 oiiutabi that ut trnctod Fomuoh attontlou at tho riilladti phla Centennial. 'IIio I'caeo Juht halt way across lho Avenue fiom tho lie i tlit at utulo of tho Ilotaulcal Harden And ut lho wet foot of tho Capitol Is tho I nro Monument, 'lids was do Memd bv Ad mil a I ivrtr In honor of tho ilei.d soldiers nnd sallois of tho iato war.

It Is i marble) mid lost, with pnleMuit nnd ihtrorm It spoosyti tortnmvo thli monument to ono vi tho squares on tlio noitbwist ecctlon. ltttratingoursttpswo flnl Tlit' l'i Inline mid Eliim nv litis lluronii Tho prcnt money mill ol tlio novcinmcnt Is bxatedattho coiner of Pomtt tilth nu 1 11 Mutt southwest, southeast from tho Monti ircnt mid seuithvvt'Ktfrnm tho A-'iieulluro Huieiin. It Is icnihtd ly tbo ISe-It Id no C'arn, and Is opened to visitors every diy, imj Itmn-sM'oltne'. One of tho eutlosltles of Is old Davy Hums tott age, "seventeenth strcet, mar tho river ltmaybu ioaliol by tlio ililvo south of tho I'tcsldi ill's IIouso or by tho Mtliorolltuu or vimio lino of tars it floor to It UdeiU'ral an Isem' tmco Matcly mansion, wiieio ho bi ought hU btide, Martin Duriis, ono of thu original believes of Wabinr'toti. i'oicmnti Alt Tho Corcoran AitUalletyis at lho corner or rcnuiiylvnali a)uuuo anl bevtntoenth tho War, Navy and stato Deitiitl.itut It is oirin 'luosdajs, Thursdays and b.iturd.iys free; on other djj (ox-t(t Mmtlajs) a email adml-sluu fco Is lunged.

'J ins gallery, although not to bo compaied with tho great Old World gal-brlti. Is ucveitbelejis a very redltablo lu-Mltutltin for mi uevvM toiiutry ns thy United Mates. It contains among other original objectsroNtrs'greatfctutuoof lho "Unci. The LoiiIho Home, The LouWo Homo Is a beautiful building nt tho coiner of Massachusetts ovt-nuo and Utttenth htiett.neur be-eitt Chtlo. It his evtimdvo giouuds, beautifully imbelll-hed, and a ituiquo e-tiiblMiment.

It Is a lrcmorUI to thowlfo and daughter of Mr. W. Coieoran. and Is Inteti'bd as a botno for ladles of education, birth and who havo been educed to poverty ftomafiluenco. Tho C'oltiiuhlnii I'lilveiNHv Coming down niteenth street from lho fomlso Home, nt tho corner of llftetnth and 11 sttccis.tho visitor tecs tho I'nlumblan Uni-vtrlt, which fietuttes tho Mto of lho old (i Uvv aid miuiMon 'J bis unh ci sit was lu-coiiHuated as Cedumbtan C'ollego In PU1, unci Is under tho special suixrvlshm of tho Dai tll hureti it Is an Institution famous fir tic dintlpllnu and thoroughnuss uf its instruction, Tlio Wonthor llurcnu.

Tie "sirvue. or vw.nhtr Ibireau, Is nbout one huudietl nidswst ed thoMnto, Witt and Nuvj Deputlmuits, on street It Is one ot the tno-t lututhtltu pla eis in Wahlnctoti tn visit 'lho ob-ervtrs In charge, when at blmno, mho plciiito iu si ou tu 1 muuulai tuio ntaihti 1 he I'eittiiille Ih'imi tim'iit. lho Central PoFioHioIvpariment Is om tho MnuHto bounded bv buuuth and tlgl thMlcets It Is it hatidviiiio litllldlng, tiltleiugh Its proximity to Its larger and loldct In either, tho Iii tent Oflnc, somo-wlut ubntures Its treat i mil (ends to It en Its bcaut Its dllleitut bureius i user's pent ititert' tto tbo vl.ltot.httt tho Dead Lettn Ollli i utliiil.ulj It'obrilMd. 'lho lulltilliill itt Uli-sltlo, taken Iiom the malls In us 'ul intDSf tho uses towhhhilio ition'-. os-tvlcoiivi vault's tuo put, 1- liotli le 1 mid unique bvtrvthlngtunm ihtblo frotna i In tllitu tonuihiwKtoa -tnili.

1 kaiuuon is to bo Mill iu this eolltttlon, aud It Is still crowh g. 'lho Intel lor Dopui tnit'ut. or. ns it Is impuldi ly terim tl I'li'ct Of tke oeitllfi stbe two.quaien i twee-n SeV eiithuiil Mnth utid I ut) I -tin ts It bi lullt tutliuDoih MIi, aiuIN an udniltablo fiiiinciiot i hi' boMcst and oldest tho (link MIe It limits tlnel with tho l.eiieuil lostolti Wbli ll Is oiltilhltin tlio Iiiot oiaatoef tho pUU tiitu tuoili's -if nuhltcctliro 'Ihoeuilosltkriof tin I'utunt I'll io uio tbo iiiihUI rooms, wh it hmiiv ll.i usuints of Ideas havo bem tuatul ilied and txhlhlt themselves to the ga im.v.iv MUi.ei Invent Ion Ibis building, like most of tho (lovernnunt ollltts, in totlio visitor from ti in 'llm of the ItiUiinr Deiaitinftit aro wi ll v. mb) ot a vlvlt Tbo trent Inauguration hull at 1 IihoIii eioud term tuok plaiolu tho I'atent oftu liisoiifo Tom pie Westward fruin the I'atr nt iiliuni rose in strict at Itw iuteiMi (ton wlMi Mrtct Is tho hamisomo M.hoiik 'Itmpie ereittii in it nns duim IngUono of thu most complete lu Us ar langtmewtsof anr bnlldmg tonsetrated lo Maoulo ubts iu tbo country HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS, HAVE YOU TRIED THE GRIP AT GEO.

W. DRIVER'S? mnm Till: HAND mil THST WILL MAKE YOU hi I (UNO. Tho firlpTcct commends itfelf tonthletos, ourstmn, baibill, tt mils layers nudphijurs of all garni sin whkb stn ngth and muscular dcvtlopimiit of i bo band and vvrlit nro os-rcutlnl. 1 1 Is cm hilly rommimded tn ho l'rtsidi ntof tho united btates und allprofes stoital bund shahirs. 1 bo It! 1 C1UA It commends Itself to every IT 'is THE BEST FIVE-CENT CIGAR IN THE WORLD.

UlsrriuVof tbo i holiest do Ibms of tho Iliie'l grades of tobinio It Is entirely fno fioin noxious drugs or at Hid il tl ivoi It Is a tloroturbly welt midoilgnr boliu ih-'iiuil cloiij In aiiHiiidii It Is arum itlo without liltigstentcd, utid tho llitiorlsof Ihet ml Iiw swtetnrsswbbhls elisiatterlille of th-J tin ft uindesi igHis With every Honor tho i.rlp f'lgirsoM Mr Driver will pit tent ot oof tl untimo machines lo the eustomi wlm will hi tbu Ntroiigitt gtlp. Ihix td'e'gars lo tlioouo who mnsts the Lt'Tt I eitttiord 'Jiy jonrgllp, an 1 x.uokulhoUUII' CD) ME GEORGE W. DRIVER, AWiich, l.liimil I lisur, im. SAM'S I Cor. Mb nt, nnd I'n.

two. "THE ELKTON" HOTEL AND l'let'ont rooms; iltcliss. opposite remi It Deiut InrVAt. Hell's Ji International Dining and bum li ltooms. Hi9Ia avo Hoard aud rooms, tt and Mprdny.

I A HOI turner loih nnd lints, n. w. 1 tret class accommodations for families and transient guests. Iji ic: and Ucnis' C'afo attached. l'a en mtHltrato.

UATIOIALHOTELl Opp. Baltimore and l'otomao Dejiot, I'cnns) lvanlie Ave. und Sixth Utre-ist, WAblllNClTOX, V. largest hotel In tho city. Itemodolcd and renovated with latest Irnpioveineuts.

MIO I l'i It DAY 1UN.N1.V Proprietors CHAMBERLIN'S RESTAURANT. FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. 841 ht'A and Hs FinccntU (Street. Comprising tho lormor residences, of Fernando wood, Governor Thomas Soa ai.d JanicnO, Illalno Vr, tbamberlln has ed op tbo Swan man Bios especially as A LADIES JIRSTAVRANT, tho entrance to which la R3 Ilfteonth stroct. TlioekRant dining room was formerly (Jot.

beau's celebrated picture gall try. lhe Stoat Kxqulnlto Culslue lu Wash lnclou. Arrancftients can bo made for Kecvp-tlons. 1)1 liner or Iboittro 1'nrtles. Applltatlona e-an be madoln porbonorby letter.

'Wtiifis. Liquors and Oordlt.Ii! by the bottle urcsKC. JOHN F. CnAMBERUN. EUREKA, Formerly OLD OYSTICR lS10 W.

Simiei. omu-oN, Piouilelor. oh'lhltS A srnciALTv. Oysters Meatned, I rkd, Mewtil, iJscallopcd from the nmous beds oi Lyim Hav eti and tbo roves of loik Itlvtr aud Chesapeake Day. Dluo I'olnts for Plato.

Uimo tiisodson. Lunches ami Meals at all hours. SOLARIS, HO'J tn I'ciiiiHjlinnlii Av. REGULAR DINNER from 5 lo 8. On SUNDAYS, 4 to 8, 70 tenia.

Imtiidliuplut of gou4 Clarot. "HALL'S HOTEL, Corner Clint hum nnd llunno Mtiectt oste-w "sronir, Ono Hlotk from City Ilall Depot, Elevatod It. It. aud Brooklyn Bridge. ltooms, 75c.

and $1 per Day, Amplo Flro escapes Insuring absoloto safety. Dorse ears to all parts of tho city past Hotel. Music Hall anil Restaurant, BET. TTII AND 8T1I. Metis terved tablo d'hoto and a Ii carlo.

Tho handomo daucltiR hall can bo rented for balls, partly, etc at any tlmo, Troprlotor. DOONER'S HOTEL and RESTAURANT. ON THE EintOrEAN TLAN. Ttntli htlt'tT, AImo Che'Hliiut, l'llILAUELrillA. F- S.

DOONER, Prop. rrlVBtodlnlucrouuion second tloor for U-dltsonly blt'caut furnished rooms, with bath, for gentle men only. Berlin's European Hotel, nilLADELrilH, N.E. cor. Fifteenth and Filbert Sts.oppo- slto reansylranla It.

K. button. Ibis hotel has Jnft boen completod and sowly turuibbed tbruutiout. eu all ulitiit. HEItdlN, 1'roprlttor.

"THE'EBBifT: WASHINGTON, 0. AR1IY NAVY HEADQUARTERS iulii luu ilUK ihiiru nml ,1.00 itr llnr. G1JL.W12-W HOCJH13, ElIIOl'SAN HAN, Uoriior llruuduH) uitil SUtliStroit, HFW OIIK CITY. JAMES ii. lmusLiN 1I1IU, rruprlctor, HAKItlH lilltbK.

AMEHK'ANl'MN JMaiid rouairlraula ava. tue.bitwitn ljtu and llthslrttta. bpiclal ran to i artlf. and i ti manent guont, -IJMLLAKl) TV ttAhUINOTON. 0 0(1 felarlcajataof Ihouxauil HI ST.

JAMK.S' EUltOl'EANPLAN, Btxtb atrcet aad renaiTlvaata arenoe. OOUUUnv, ltoprlelor. PIANOh.J i-i. irii HPI-A-InTOS. DECKER DROS.

nTATJOtJ CSTCY riSCHER IlniiUo. Estey Organs. SANDERS STAYMAN, I1UTI.KII, MunilKFr, HI. I Notlll diaries ttrrct, HaUlmotc, Mil. $10 MONTHLY WILL BUY FltOM L'S A MAflNiriL'CNT NEW UrilleJlTT MANO, AT A low Come III and talk cxchanno with in for your old jiutio, Will kIvo you a sptondld Irado and make payment to suit, IE PIANO EMIE WAREROOMS, 4 Mnlli strrot.

ELLIS No, 937 Pp. Ave. K.W. Teiilli slMcf. The Oldest nnd Largest Music House in tho Oity.

PIANOS. ORGANS. New anil Scconil-Ilanil Pianos and Organs for Sale or Rent Pianos Sid Organs Moved, Tuned, Repaired, Packed and Shipped by Competent Men at Moderate Rates, JOHO. ELLIS CO IIIIT I'll. Am-.

W. Call ls HARDMA1 PIANOS. W. G. METZEROTT UO.t lVnnN)liinlit Ao.

KNAB FiaAJsros, Unequaled in Tone, Touch, Workmanship and Durability Bpcclal attention of Holiday 1'ureh irra Invited to their Now Arllutly btyloi, aulshud lu Uesltnis of Highest Decorative Art. SECOND HAND riANOS, a nno asiortmuiit o( vromlaitit makca at all rlifts. 'AMIS Hill 1CEM. WM. KNABE K17 JUnrkrt Spine.

EDWARD F. DROOP, t5 IViinn. Atomic. Call and examlno tlio larco stock of TEINWAI Gaoler, Ilallct Cumston, Maruhatt ft Wen dell, WheuIocR, Cceacr and feon, Y. Uaton, Groveitgun Fuller and otlicr PIANOS.

TlanoH fold on InNtallmcnti, Ex li uitriM, Itemed, Ite paired, Tuned, aud Morod ORGANS, Miect Mtislu and Iulcal Men hm iS PIANOS ARE THE BEST IN THE WORLD. HUGO WORCH Solo AeohIb, No. 0J3 bcctitti Slrt-ot Nortliwo.u I1AN03 Vl'Il LENT 100 (HV1 lOlMT-Dh 5 AND l(lu Ml Ml KLIUNliSAMlMlSl (AI INNlltl MKNTS GORE FITS (to) ttu irtin'si Ira not rif Pnltof Infillllk irmtij til liirrM naluMODU It i jmnnotl tut torn) kLJlvUltuiflVU, PU.U.0 I. MILLER wwuMUm THE TRAVELERS' GUIDE, 11 113 nnd ironrM or.rtlIna In ana Out or UnMhltitflou. From It.

nnd I. Ktutlnn, (wltlmutchanco or enr) lorNework -7-Ati, 0 10 (limited, all I'ull- man I urior earM and linn KV10, Ulmllid nil parlor carton 15, UMl-Jip, m. lor lldladcljldit Trii, ti. 010 (llmlitii) and 111 a. ,8, nndlI-op.

m. rirlialiimoro-G flio (llmllrd), Did and 11 13a. tn KHacwmuMUtloti), i (limited), i 15, 4tfJ. 1 OtW, a IJ and HJOp m. FortTiUiipo, elnelnnall and fit.

Louls-DMfl. m. (liiniteitinndtt.iuand 10 p.m. Tor buffalo, KIm'ra and lJarrlsburg-3 SO a. Di.oud lop.

m. rurAnnapohV-TVi a IJ (100 p. m. (Kundayti at 9 a in and 1 l'i p. For riipn'iC'reik Lino- imp, m.

on ncikdaiftonly. Tor Alexandria-0, 7-05. fl-25, II a. 13 01. 3 03, 4 is, 4Z6 ill.

H1, 10-03. and 1117 p.m. (unda)-l at 11 01 and 10-03 m) For Hkliini'iid and tl.o houlh-6 and 11 a. nnd 4 Alp oinlif except Sunday) Tia At! inilu I'Miihi Mho. For IiiMlliORndSt.

Louis, vU rtiefnp like and Tcr tort Monroo, NcwtHrt Ncwi and Norfolk Ciunndll a. tn (except Sundays.) Fot Iticlmrit. Itound lllll and 9Sb, ni. (daily except Sunday) and i 15 p. rur ManaMn, (lap and Front Ifnj alUI5 p.

xeci Sundays. lor Wurunton-lUJia top. m. lor I Atlanta and Now Orleans OCOa in. and 11 p.

Midland. I rum II. A O. Htntlon. For co.

in. 7w, 8-10 and 10 ns u. 1 a is, jo, i to, 5 io, ii H.iindii, efiiundar.ii io, 70, fr Ki mill im a 1 SJ, 4.JJ, A 5 to, I l'i, to, 8 41. 1 1 () p. in FeirAnuii1Ic.

ion liin, 1 io and Md in tsiiiiday, KrfO a. hikH 10 p.m. Fur l'i lntol Hut kg, Iredirh in, li i 4H' Ji i in biitiday tol'ulntuf Koeki nl) Fer Unrper Feiryaud flictmndoali Valloy t.H'H in dally, i xeeit MuiUy Fur (aillnubiirk-U a nn io 4:10, 3 II unl ti vi in. dnllr, encpt mdt on lOa m. md ft ll in For liiiire rvtiiwti tii a tn mi I ii ta lor hleno-llu a.

in lop, dally Pur r'lMmrc a. mjn ler tla in lurdnehit at), Iuilnrlilo andM LtiuU-iod auei lb lu p. AIIIIH AI.1 At If. nml 1. Million, rrom HoiToti- in tin ni Hm roii).

Itoni Vork-ritt, and nr ra li, J.J7, 4 Uimited), 7MS (uuw), Ij i bM (Imiltut)uiid io 17 p. in. riejin Jlaltiiiiortr-rw3. tltO, P. 8 Vt, 1 9.10, met 10 11 a I JO.

7.1 (,'0, mid 17 From eld iiko.M. 1 oiiii, I'lttsbuift and tin- itMi.ill-ue.'iaiid'J'JO a '0 anl pra. From AtnintMdl-fmu mil ta. IromliuiTiiIo, ftrnlra and UarrUburt-I0a. tn and "'It in.

From ManasHiii, imrouuhfaro (hip and Front hojullflirn tn MindiijN. Frcm Watieiituu bA) a. ta iW and 3 10 p. m. Fii'in Atlanta, New Orleans and Lynchburg bsA)n.

in and J. Jon lYuin ivpo'n trcek lino- 5 a m. (except hundiij-fi) nnd m. Frim I hltadeli hla-l-il, 8 and 10 a an 1 lo, 3 J7, 4, (nuw), and 10 17 m. From Itlehmnnd and tlio bouth-11 3.10 11 m.

Fieitn Alexnndiia 12 10 (except Monday), 6-, is-jn, mi, to. io (Mo-jo and 11a 1 JO.3i5.a4J, a-W, 73,11 31 and 11 p. uMiudays: nt )0, 80 au 11 a 5', t3l and 11 p.m. From Uneliinatl, IulsIIIo and bt. Louis 30 a mil io p.

rrom Fort T'onroo, Newport News and Nor folk 3 ra (dally excej Sunday). From Hound ll Ucslnircand iwunmon W- t- km nndHnVip. Thoovcu log train doe not run ou buudays. At II. A O.

Htntlon. From naltirooro-cio, 8.10, ti.iA, 10J5 and ll-JO a I So, 3 JO, 4-M, 6.10, 3 i btt, naud 10 p. 12 JO a in, on buinlar, 810.B H-juii jo, i10p ra U'jo a m. From a. 1 5 25 and 8 P.m.

(Sunday loj5 a. and CIA p. From Fi 8 J3 a and 13 p. in. dally, except Sunday.

From Uari-tr' Ferry ami SLenandoah Valley BJOp in. dally, txeett suuday rromc.altbcmbnri: 7 a. U.SM 13, 5 10 and 8 17 p. ta. bunday, 'i' a ra and 3)0 p.

in From llapcrstowu 53 a m. and SJJO, 6 17 p. ro. dally, except Sunday. From Uilcagci and niubur 7J0 a a.

and 7rJS p. w. dally. From New oilean US'! Itom C'lnrlnnatl, FoulsUI and St, Loulw tsX a. m.

and p. ro daily MEDICAL. Catarr LY WZkkiObMK rilraiH.wM Wl SG sjsSaHWl wnnm ym HAV-FEVER cmiam im Twtah'iuat, snujl vrvoicthr. Appliol ntitnoxtnUutiuiHltf abwrbciL Jtrleitnnri the head. Allay iiijlttmmation JIcalnth6 tore llctarctheMnncaoftanteandHmdl, 'Ji cent at Drii'mtti, ly ELY BROTHERS, Druggists, Owsgo, H.

Y. tlsti ttiilf nml limits tire Mull tOnliiv ii L'ulnrtv tiv l-)i-iii Aim rh mi Worm iJiiiiiimlvril kiiM'i Itir lo nil tiier, ir usii rrmmlr.l. Imtitnn IllltftV llll ktlak I Alalia. Tt IhU HfiiMilt (linl, Isold Hll DriipizltB. i-r inulltil to on uililn-KM si-mi 4 utM fir M'K 11 If I'inc beedt, Cromwell A.

Co Acts. Washington MTJMEMESS Ur tho I lijnor lltihlt fan Ilo Cured AdinluUlerliif" lr Italnetn' (luldtn sjnililr. tan in a up of offio tea without llm tiiuvMci kcid tlio person taklna it it Is at colutiiy liartnloi and will electa ikt manent and "ineili tue wbetlicr tho patient Itp irodi tide ii i inker oi nn uu nholli wretk. It lis 1 nn cieeti in ilinithatnl if -'ae and in eeiy insitimii pcrRi uro has (ol Ion oil II ntwr rIN. Iln -v-t.

omo Impres initntwitb do Nil-, (hi tt I otnes an utter -nihility Ii i tin hum-! ap tlio to exl't l-i by 1 Ware iimkr Fbldtt House: II in lnitiiLi urlecuth etieet aud i I It t(Iillt: WUMIIIU" HI Consumption CURED HOMF. NLW PAMPHLET ITtllH. 8rtQ MiKTll IiHoenHTltHiT, 1)3 I ULLAIOJ 1'lllA PI tr 'iiwe'R urbulute ot Tur lubult ur KrnJ (or l'airtldit ami amo thta 1'apfr. rniT Tnill M'KMTA speedily i I IILL lllinLi tnry nnis lost Sluulinoil, aud kit cures prwirw. Involun llll UUU KIUUIVU an ii- i i i kiiio Uf postage Ireu tit i im.

ii, iii.i isr WuT-iiiih't linnet ebleaco, IU $1.00 per rttilwihe. Mk for tkir eiint ui i 'il xorii in wUliilCAbIBlKKAT.8Ki.lh dlium), TANSY PILLS rl Ari'i I HPI 3 VTZ nl OPI wmmmM I I liroiichih, mu, mk I'BMSIMPTIOfl. 1 1 4n ithulf nd ll 0 A) milieu i i ni, UmiiiiiJ. ilcuuiof thtr vrulsl JvlwJ nJ I.

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