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The Oregon Daily Journal from Portland, Oregon • Page 3

Portland, Oregon
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THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SATURDAY, EVENINO, JULY 18. 1D08. Beware FIGHT Imitations. Substitutes and of Cheap DR.

M'INTYRE'S ADDRESS STIRS LARGE AUDIENCE SB 99 SCHOOLS "Just As Good As. VW7 nscrupulous dealers, mindful only of profit and notning ror the nealtn of their patrons, are ior saie iow-graae, impure whiskey, wnicn ProgTsja for Sunday. MORNING. 11 you is a "good as Duffy's." It is a cheap concoction and fraud, in Devotional hour. 4 tended to deceive the people.

Of course. when a remedy has been the public man, and both drew to a very satisfactory conclusion this morning. -At the W. C. T.

U. a conference of the members tnat were on the ground was held at headquarters yesterday suornlng Mrs. Henrietta ltrown, state 'resident, presiding. It was unofficial Its nature, but moat helpful in Its results, as much of the state work was canvassed, ways and means discussed and plans for campaign work gone over. Dr.

Mclntyre Today. Few lectures have ever attracted more attention on the Chautauqua grounds, and certulnly none have this so long, has been prescribed and used by Normal Decision Puts Drain on the Teck Spirited Campaign Expected When 11:00 Sunday school, under 4 4 the direction of the State Bun- day school Association, It, It. Steele, presldentr the best doctor and in all the prominent hospitals, and has carried the blessing of health Into so many thousands of homes AFTERNOON. aa Duffy'a Pure Malt Whiskey has, 1ml Next legislature Takes 1.00 Muslo by Chautauqua 4 tatlona are bound to arise. But they can Imitate the bottle and label only no one Up Question.

year, man tne eloquent aa areas or Dr. Mclntyre last night. The large audi ence of the afternoon remained generally for the evening, and with the chorus. Solo. Sermon, by Dr.

4 Robert Mclntyre. 4 4:00 Sacred concert, by Che- mawa Indian school band. 8:00 Chinese program, under 4 4 ths direction of the Y. M. C.

A. 4 4 and T. W. C. of Portland.

4 4 8:00 Muslo by Chautauqua 4 can imitate the contents. Duffy'a Pur Malt Whiskey is an absolutely pur distillation of malted grain; great car being usd to have every kernel thoroughly malted, thus destroying tho germ and pioduclng a predlgested liquid food In the form of a malt essence, which i the moat effective tonic stimulant and large additions mat arrived on the evening cars very few. If any, seats i. raw The ghost of ths biennial normal were to be found In the auditorium. school battle Is not laid.

If anyon The close attention that was paid to the speaker, the manner In which he believes that there will be no normal 4 chorus. Solo. Quartet, by. WIN 4 swayed his audience and carried It with him, and better than all, kept It seated school controversy in the next legist 4 lamette girls. Sermon, by Dr.

4 F. J. Van Horn, of Seattle. ture just because the state normal WMlmml school board recently decided that there should be three normal schools and that the Drain normal should be the sacrifice on thr altar of educational economy, those persons are qulto mistaken. There If past experience arfd present indl lnvlgorator known to science softened by warmth r.nd moisture, its palatablllty and freedom from injurious substances render it so that It can be retained by the moat sensitive stomach.

Any firm that will sell Imitation or substitution goods will sell Impure goods. The firm that Is dishonest In one thing would not hesitate to be dishonest In another. Whenever you see Imitation and substitution goods offered for sale by a firm, beware of anything and everything put up by that firm. You endaiger your own life and the lives of your family and friends by dealing with them. cations count for anything this, the closing workday of Chautauqua will be will be A fight and just as lusty a one as the Drain adherents are captible of putting- ud and luuglng from past iegi the most largely attended of the season, till lie was through, was eloquent tribute to his power of oratory and personal magnetism.

"The Battle of Life" was his subject last night and he gave good wholesome lessons for the building of character, and the sure foundation that will Insure success. Today his subject will be entirely different, as he will speak on "The Evolution of Abraham Lln-ooln." Dr. Mclntyre was the pastor among the relatives and neighbors of Lincoln and much of his lecture he has gleaned from personal contact with the original sources of information. Athletios and rirsworks. Two most enticing numbers, both for the children and the pnrents who have to go along to take care of them, are latlve history that Is something of a With weather conditions as favorable dissension.

Douglas Has Xlok. as they are, with the Saturday gen erally observed as a half holiday and People of Douglas county are not at all satisfied with the dictum of the liormnl school board which recom the fine program offered, makes every thing favorable to a very large attend' mended that there should be no more ance. PORTLAND RAILWAY, LIGHT POWER COMPANY Bulletin No. 8. MOTOBMXW AMD OOsTDUCTOBI During ths year ending December tl, 1907.

over 10.000,000 psopls. Including transfer passengers, rods on the cars of this system. This gives a good Idea of the responsibility that devolves upon motormen and conductors of the various lines, and Indicates tho cars that must be exercised In ths selection of men for these positions. Ths closest attention is paid to this branch of ths business of ths Transportation Department, because It is realised that It Is necessary to have men who can be relied upon to meet any and all emergen clea, as well as to go through the day's work with a pleasant and accommodating spirit. Rules liavt been adopted regulating ths sm- ployment of men for these places, which reduce to a minimum ths chance for an Incompetent person to secure a position on ths ears.

Xla7X.OTXsTO MOTOBICBbT ASTD OOVDTJOTOM. The course that applicants go through Is very Interesting, showing, as It does, the care taken to get good men The Portland Railway, Light Power Company employs over 800 car men. Applications for positions aa motormen and conductors are received at ths offices of tho Superintendent of Transportation, at First snd Alder streets and East Water street and Hawthorne avenue. Applicants re received personally by the Superintendents, and applications are accepted from those giving suitable references. The applicant is then subjected to sn examination by tne company's, physician as to his general physical condition, and particularly as to.

his syeslght. After the examination Is concluded, physician's certificate Is returned to ths Superintendent, and, if satisfactory, the applicant is eligible for em- ployment. A complete record of the applicants is kept, and as fast aa they are needed, they are placed under the Instruction of competent men familiar with every detail of ths duties which they will bs required to perform. nTRTBVOTXOV Or KOTOBKBsT AVS COsTSVOTOBS An applicant for position, aftar having been examined and found physically suitable. Is placed In charge of a competent motorman or conductor, who gives him thorough instruction; first, regarding ths nature of the vehicle and apparatus thereon which he Is to handle.

I-ater, the operation of the car is placed gradually In the hands of the student under the direct supervision of the instructors. This -period of instruction covers from 1 0 days to three weeks, after which the student is examined by the General Inspector, who files a certificate of efficiency with ths Superintendent. If this Is satisfactory to the Superintendent, the applicant then receives further Instructions from the General Inspector and later from the General Office. From this latter point he receives information regarding accidents and kindred subjects, and Is thoroughly examined in order to determine) his general efficiency for the position he Is to fill. If he successfully passes this examination, a certificate Is Issued which hs files with ths General Inspector, and his name Is then entered on ths eligible Hat.

The details of Instruction cover for a motorman: First, ths general rules of the company; and second, detailed Information regarding the nature of the apparatus upon tho cars and the methods or hana-llng the same with the highest economy of time, power consumed, wear and tear on equipment and other similar points; also, with regard to the safety, comfort and convenience of passengers. For conductors: First, ths general rules of the oompany; sad second, signals. Issuance of transfers, names of streets, locations of parks, public buildings, railroad stations, steamboat wharves and other points upon which passengers msy rsqulrs Information. WHAT THB OOlCPAirT BBQUXBES OT XT KBV. One of the most Important requirements from ths strest railway point of view is that all employes shall be courteous to passengers and patient at all times.

Ths position of a public service employs is frequently a trying one. Soma people feel that they bars a right to abuse him. At times It becomes necessary to dismiss men. This may be for any one of many reasons. While men may otherwise bs competent, their manner may be discourteous to passengers, or they may not possess ths requisite patience.

Discourtesy, lazlnsss, complaints of passengers, lack of Interest and the many things whioh rsnder men Incompetent In other lines, make them undesirable for employ-men by tne railway company. XEBXT A3TS BJ3UXBXT II STEM. After employment, it is endeavored to hold ths best men In ths company's employ. Wages are adjusted according to ths term of service. A system of Discipline by Record is employed, under which the car men recelye credit marks for meritorious aota, suoh as exceptionally good operation, avoiding accidents, deeds of valor, eta.

Conversely, demerit marks are placed against their reoords ooverlng Infractions of rules in proportion to ths nature of the offense. This system Is of recent adoption, being placed in effect May 15, 190S, and has been adopted in lieu of the old system of suspension, which caused a loss of time to the employe and suffering to both him his family. The effect Is already noticeable, and its continuance will, it Is believed, rapidly lncreass tho efficiency and morale of ths platform men. The company is proud of its employes and of ths ability and courtesy generally displayed by them. We believe that, as a body, they have no superiors in ths country.

teachers Droduced from the Drain With the exception of one or two school. They are looking with envious tyes at Monmouth and at Ashland and Classes mat closed yesterday every student entered as earnestly Into the offered for this evening's program, Portland people need no Introduction class work, this morning as though It I 1 Jrrk fl were the first Instead of the last class to Professor Grillev and his work as luuieuu uitiL 11 uiiy ouxiiuio piiuuiu abolished by law that, one of these should feel the official knife and not Drain. They point to the fact that the board Itself was very much divided over teacher of athletics. Tonight under meeting of the session, and there was very little if any falling off of mem the auspices of the Young Men's Christian Association Professor Orilley will bership. Dr.

B. J. Hoadlev this morn ing closed his eighth year ot Gladstone the question or cutting; Drain orr tne official list and argue that If the board could not agree until after a sort of nut the entire program. From the park as Instructor of literature. preparations that are being made this BEWARE OF FRAUDS! Duffy's Pore Malt Whiskey Is sold in sealed bottles only never In bulk.

A fac simile of the genuine bottle Is printed here so that you may easily reo-ognlze It. It Is our own patented bottle round, amber colored and with the name "Duffy Malt Whiskey Company" blown In the glass. The trademark the Old Chemist's Head Is on the label, and over the cork there is an engraved paper seal. Be certain this seal Is not broken. It Is the only whiskey recognized by doctors everywhere as a family medicine.

At all druggists, grocers, dealers, or direct. $1 a bottle. That he has held his place so long, compromise arrangement had been ef fectert that there is s-ood reason to be romlsps to he a notapie program, ana i irge numbers of young people, among with a class of Increasing Interest each year, sneaks louder than words of his whom Professor Grillev Is very popu- I lieve that the legislature will also be well divided on the question and that acceptability as a teacher. As a fre as a result there will be a good rignun quenter of Chautauqua Dr. Hoadlev has endeared himself to the other Ohau- lar, expect to be present to do honor to the occasion.

At 9:30 p. m. the dis- play of fireworks will take place on the baseball grounds. Secretary Cross chance for the retention of the school. And the Drain neoDle like to take a tauquans who meet him year after year.

fighting chance when they can get the always personally takes of this In a cackage and thin ng mi tiea up He has fine genial manners, a broad outlook on life and his mature, conservative opinions make him a welcome feature and In tne many years mat it Handed to them has been used as the closing number Four Marks. visitor at the various headquarters. has been In very truth a blaze or The people of Drain and of Douglas county, and perhaps of other contiguous glory," for they have always measured up to what was promised and no accl-, Uncle Remus Memorial. The memorial to Remus this Write Consulting Physician. Duffy Malt Whiskey Rochester.

N. for fre Illustrated medical booklet and free advice. morning was one of the finest literary efforts of (he entire course of litera- dent has ever happened to mar the pleasure or enjoyment of the sight, i itteen set pieces, prepared by Professor William Kelllng, will be part of the display. uro. Mis.

Ellen Miller closed her work In domestic science this morning with 444444444444444444444444 44444444444444444444444444 lesson on "Summer Drinks and Fruit Desserts." As usual standing room was A Day of Devotion. The" fiery "Good Night" which sends every one scrambling up tne nui ior at a premium long before the lecture began. Miss Anna Clark closed her club institute class yesterday morn the cars, as tne ominous gong sounds the last call, does not rneaji that the ing with a lecture on Parliamentary Law and Club Amenities." Miss Clark's class has been well at curtain has entirely fallen upon the Chautauqua session of 1908, for tomorrow will be a day of devotion and rest preparatory to the breaking up of tended throughout and the closing days she lectured to overflow meetings. She was requested by many clubwomen camp Monday. It will be a day rich In educational and devotional service, being so far as the routine work is stay at Chautauqua and give a lec- ROOF GARDEN or THE HOTEL HEYSER EAST THIRD AND BURNSIDE C.

M. Bennett, Manager Now open. Music by the Italian Orchestra. Splendid view of river and city. An appropriate place to spend an enjoyable evening.

Take any north and south car and transfer to East Burnside. counties, nave argument against me elimination of Drain that Is of some force, according to their logic at least. When you begin to talk to a man from that locality about the normal school question he gets out a map of Oregon and makes four marks on It. One of the marks will be at Ashland, down in the southwestern part of the state. Another will be at Monmouth, up towards the top of the western half of the map, where "The Mother of the Normals" Is located.

One other will be at Weston, over toward the eastern boundary, while the fourth will be at Drain, about mld-wav between Ashland on the south and Monmouth on the north. With these four points on the map as an Illustration for his argument the Drain maa.wlll contend that If there Is to he a reduction In the number of normal schools, which he will not admit is right, just or proper, that the reduction should come from the south or the north and not from the middle. He will argue that eastern Oregon Is a big country and destined to be bigger ana that therefore the Weston school should not be molested. Then he' will show that It would be easier for the knowledge seekers of the Ashland or the Monmouth district to come to Drain than for the Drain district to be forced to go to either of these districts. 1 Drain Is the center of the western ure this morning, but having mane concerned, almost a.

repetition of last Sunday, with Sunday school, sacred con- cert, etc. At 2 p. m. Dr. Mclntyre will deliver the afternoon sermon, and at' arrangements to leave she was unable to do so.

Yesterday 15 members of the Woman's club of Aurora, not being able to make satisfactory train connections, that service he will be at his best, fori rove down to Chautauqua to serve as over and above everything else Dr. Mc- I hostesses at the federation tent. ntyre Is the great preacher. In the I The religious classes have been par evening Dr. Van Horn of Seattle will preach.

ticularly strong this year under Rev. Charles A. Phlpps and Dr. B. L.

Whit 444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 4 GERMAN ACTORS TO GIVE CLASSIC DRAMAS HERE DURING WINTER half of tne state, has the climate, the quiet surroundings and everything essarv to make tne location Ideal as an 'educational center, the Douglas county ff man will contend, and for these reasons and many more should be given the support and assistance of the state Portland's place as an Important the purse In building a great state lnstltu Hon there Anyway, and whatever the trend of MORE NO the argument, there will be one when the legislature meets. The people of cago and St. Louis to select the 12 players who will head the stock company. New York, Milwaukee, St. Louis and Cincinnati have long had performances of German plays In the German language, and- they have been uniformly successful, but with the exception of a company that played In San Francisco some 12 years ago, no such organisation has ever given plays on the Pacific coast.

There are about Germans in Portland, who will welcome the oppor tne district are DacK or tneir representatives in insisting that there be a big errort to keep Drain on the list and these representatives will be there when atrical center will receive another advance fall by the location In this city of a regular company of German actors who will give a weekly performance In German of the classic and modern dramas and comedies of the Fatherland. Efcnst Pacully, editor of "Naehrlchten" Is the chief backer and will be manager of "the stock company. He proposes to give a performance every Friday night at the Lyric theatre, every Tuesday night In Seattle and Monday night In Tacoma. The first performance in Portland will be given October 2, and Mr. Pacully leaves next week for New York, Chi-1 tne appropriation mil comes up.

and oe fore. Drain, will nor- die without i struggle -and that struggle will wnke tunity given to see the plays of Haupt the legislature out of any monotony OtflXTSALE wnicn migni Derail it. mann, ssuaermann and the others or the German moderns, as well as the classics, and the comedies In their native tongue, as well as a good many cultivated Americans who will enjoy the plays and performances for their own sake. SPECIAL OFFER THIS MONTH EDISON PHONOGRAPH TEN DAYS' FREE TRIAL WE PAY THE FREIGHT EIGHT MONTHS' CREDIT NO INTEREST. Write at once for full particulars, catalogues, of the fairest and best Talking Machine proposition ever made.

CHINESE PROGRAM AT CHAUTAUQUA MEERSCHAUM, EXCEPT MISSOURI, DOES NOT GROW, BUT IS MINED A Chinese prograrn is to begin at Chautauqua from 6 to 8 o'clock Sunday The Florence Placer Mining Company has word from its engineer on the ground, informing the company that "if the directors were here and could see for themselves what we have, no more shares would be sold at any price. The stock is too good to sell." II III "No, meerschaum does not grow," said afternoon under the management of the Young Men's and Young Women's Christian Associations. The Chinese missions are taking great Interest In the affair and are working hard to have a first class program. These missions "Meerschaum Is a yellowish white in oolor when It comes from the mines and It is covered with red clay. It is a Portland pipe dealer this morning; nor Is It gathered from the sea.

Some a soft, soapy stone In Its raw state. persons Imagine that It is nothing but a lot of sea foam or something of the sort. Every other smoker I meet and has to be dried either bv the sun, in summer, or in ovens In the winter, before It is exported. Most of this meerschaum goes to Vienna where the majority of the finest pipe mak are the Methodist Kplscopal. Rev.

Chan BIng Kla, pastor: United Brethren. Rev. Moy Ling, pastor; Baptist, Rev. Ng has a different Idea about where meerschaum comes from. "Meerschaum Is mined.

If you want to get rich, locate a meerschaum mine. In Asia Minor the mining of meerschaum, or hamtach, as It Is called In Its crude form, is an important in ers in the worm are located. "From Vienna the pipes are shipped to all civilized countries and are then handed out to the meerschaum pip long, pastor; t-nrisuan, l. iee, superintendent; Kpiscopalian, James Kan, pastor, and Presbyterian, with Jew Poy. pastor.

The Chautauqua program will consist largely of musical numbers by Chinese of all ages and both sexes, the little children having a prominent psrt and ranciers. dustry. No More Shares Will Be Sold on Installmentsand But a Limited Number for Cash, at 25 Cents per Share a splendid time is promised. Some of THREE VICTIMS OF rlvi the songs will be iven in Chinese and some in English, for said one of the young girls. "We want to show the PREMATURE BLAST GRAVITY SYSTEM TOR PENDLETON Savings of $5,000 a Tear Would Be Effected by Xew Water Scheme.

Americans what Chinese can do." Following Is the program: Scripture reading. Chan Sing Kal Prayer T. Let Chorus Sopranos Ida Chan. Rose Ling, Bertha Ling. Grace Ling.

Contraltos Bertie Chan, Rose Gooli, Ruth Lee, Fannie Chan. Bolo H. Ding Address Rev. Moy Ling Solo'YIeld Not Into Two Miners Killed; Paul Capitalist, Badly Hurt. Within a few days the stock will be taken from the market entirely.

It is the best money-making proposition ever offered here. We have predicted that it would pay its stockholders 200 per cent per annum. We believe it will pay much more than that. Frank Kan Recitation "A Storm at Sea" Fannie Chan Polo "Christ is All" Howe Lee Piano Solo Rose Ling San Bernardino, July IS. Word (Special Plipatch to Tbe JoornaL) Pendleton, July 1.

Efforts are received from, the Victor Mine near fcoio won ipes Away our Tears being made In Pendleton to secure, a Seld Back, Jr. ocr ouet A llesn Heart Ida and Fannie Chan Solo "Rock of Ages" Grace Ling the BOYS' ooai nun and Ella Goon Noln Mrs 8. K. Chan Needles today that C. W.

Johnson and J. K. Carstow were killed and Paul L. 8trong badlv injured by an explosion on the 800-foot level. The premature explosion of a blast caused the tragedy.

The dead men were miners and 8trong Is one of the best known mining promoters and capitalists In the country. He was visiting the Victor end was just leaving the level when the explosion occurred. Address Miss Frances Oage ANY ONE WANTING FLORENCE PLACER STOCK MUST GET IT QUICK fravlty water system for the city, udge James A. Pes is now a member of the Pendleton water commission, having been appointed to that post by Mayor Murphy. Ths appointment was made to fill a vacancy caused by the resignation of W.

J. Furnish, and Immediately after the appointment had been made, the matter of a gravity system for the city was discussed. At present the water system is bonded for 14 6.000, end nons of ths bonds are payable for 10 or 11 years. At the present time there is about In the general sinking fund of the I commission. The system produces sn annual revenue of about 120.000 and as i tnorus tninese Girls Quartet Seld Back George Tom.

W. R. Moy. H. Ding.

Chins for Christ Audience, accompanied by Dr. 8. Lee Outfit No. 7, $29.55 Onllit No. 10, $42.50 alaxa Cherry Ifelr sTigfei Trains to rortlaad Yla Orsgoa Kisctrie.

Ths wUely sdvertlsed cherry fair takes place st Balem on Thursday. Frl-oay and Saturday of this week and ths Oregon Electric rallwav has arranged for a special night train to leave Banff Hot Springs. The Canadian Pacific will sell ro a ticket tn Banff Hot springs and return for tJS. Rltuated In the very heart of th Rocky mountains it Is an IdKal spot for summer's outing. Excellent hotel accommodation.

1 nparralleled the annual expenses sre but 110.000 or 112,000, the water system will be a Salem at 10:10 p. ra. on each of tnese JTB running through to Portland and Others are furnishing their homes with "Edisons" on account of our very liberal Free Trial Offer; why not yours? Address Phonograph Department stonrlns at all between stationa Re- soenie attractions. Appiy at local nf- AmamI 1 lrtr will Ka mnA Ait hau 141 Third street, for full parttcn- paying Investment. One of the strongest arguments for a gravity system lies in the fact that the present system Is an sxpenslvs one.

Over $5,000 Is paid out annually to ths electric company for pumping water, and to ths men who run the plant. Ths city would obtain a much heavier rev rs. I trains. THE FLORENCE PLACER MINING CO. Telephone Main 935 220 Cornmerdal Club Bldg Fifth and Oak Sts.f Portland, Oregon Doom Office i enue from a gravity system for ths reason thst It would then have ample 7 wifr to sui.

EILER.S PIANO HOUSE All the members of the commission -trsh mmd at favor a gravity system, but to provide TOMTULXt. OKBOOK. for establtahlng the plant ror eetacuaning the a bond issue VX. Portland, Oregon Is of win require a rote of the peopU the city. Steps will immediately be takn toward ths establishment of sue a A.

L. WUI I PrealdesS UIITtU ral Muuo cuLHancB t.airru Assc mk Ths Policyholders' Compstnjr a plant. Today end Monday will be Bosltlretr Is Best for Oregonians. ths last days' for discount on east stds JOUUS'AL lEfEE3 COST LI PILE, AOCOHTLEH JlCCfl. gas sblii.


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