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The Dothan Eagle from Dothan, Alabama • 2

The Dothan Eaglei
Dothan, Alabama
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

a's The Dothan nit SCHDOL VO'IK'I JaC roitn MONDAY 'AUGUST 18 1913 fl Bt engagement to VHERE THEY C0M1 ROM ll'Xt BttlSIOIV MIES USO MPiiT nc In meats in rom The Exchanges ROINI PiirugrapliM 2v 1 Util 10c One tllCUl Is I DENTIST INDIVIDUALITY Special or This Week Nevp Trt Smites Tile Lcsmt Evil are am! get tlm into i you EAT WEAR or USE PHONE 188 i Tones Dothan Ala i i is known that is to be cim he feels disgraced for life' mother camo out yesterday bear bear ill III lb I for had can 'iiuniilted nufurnlly Portcrhouso Number 7 Clunk 111 held 4th winw Baron of tlicv of a The Will Evcwwe Hiiirluiucs Nobody will object thu liuril cube season is skipped this Savannah News "cakes of I'almolive soap free with a 50c bottle of Palmolive only one to a custom er tho City Hi ptom 1 i 4 4 1 1 4 met "What did the infinite cvc do to ashed the innocent by atamli Ulikago tld i td ufler means lo pet tue bear who was at ctillid one i Office: Eagle Building East Troy Bt Telephone No 119 DOTHAN WEEKLY HtfJLIi) (Published every riday) One year 8100 Meet Thursday nights at eves Ii Watford Sanders Uneeda Biscuit bring the bak erytoyou corded a warm welcome is' Chester Biggers DIS ASK MEET Phone 488 RESH ISH OYSTERS ETC fish ROE CUT ROM 30o TO sh PER POUND' I1AUGHM A CfiNSTllUCnOS COMPANY General Contractors Burial Vaults A Specialty Vflt il a short time ago scarcely one person in a thousand had ever tasted a really good soda cracker it came fresh and trisp from the oven Now everybody can know and enjoy the crisp goodness of fresh baked soda crackers with out going to the oven sunscniPTioN rates One year 1500 Six month 8269 Three months 8125 One week 10c Delivered by Carrier Subscriptions by mall paid In ad vance 8300 per annum Prescriptions will save you money on everything rom the Clip ago Nena AVlicii In doubt tdl lito ti Every limo a gill's final in fiioli mi Mm saves the plme It Is easier to make frk'jidu limn Il Jh fo hold Evon Ilia alk iit man lu unitblu to keep bls Ignorancu under cover Anyway uo mni ever bus mcim lon to apologize for doing his duty Lots of men ure willing to sell tlioir (xpct lmue for 1 0 cents on the dollar Ordinarily a woman manages to hold her own I bo exception of her tongue If many people were to think be fold they apeak they would foigef what they were going Io any Somotlmcs a woman listens to man's talk so she will bo ready to start lu when lie jiausca for hrmitii? sow: pot OsR hsai ken STEVENS Dental Stnuci'n armer Building 'J cfi pbone 2215 A food to live on Stamina for work ers Strength for the delicate Give them to the little folks ive cents NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY Phone 40 now Steam Lsiindry La Dry Cleaners Aceutaiojy Compounded Tint means the directions are followed to a at this drug store Two licensed druggists guarantee prompt and painstaking xervica Prescription Druggist the REXALL store21 Phone 121 'Ollbso Landslide Vnjbe If Mr Claji'm is not seat a Smator tlirni what w'lll be thq pro Talladega Home CLEANING AND PKESSTNG Pressing Promptly Done Phone SIMMONS COMPANY Tailors 208 East Main Street i It Jon tbit word many iru i ad elf lhejr (mu i tot him News 125 127 Headland Avervie avocation farmin' hmi'o knows the ne ds of u1( pH blu IT'i ts would cbiBH who bate so long bcn ngh lull oiia In ib tw nia of tbta noinliy s'lyu "Oh pupulftjfippiinrte lint Jkiiu I of inn ii Uothau Cbapr ter No Regular vocations 2nd and riday night Vlsltlhg coa panions UffifH Uilicndy lirted yiu has become of the old tlHh loii'id girl who lined to part her Jiulr In the Sou the: ii Demo ciat V4 'i 1 If Keeping Well Hark' to a imvitgo of Clilmgo! Ho ay: easy to keep well Drink nothing but waler cat the plainest of foods and Inko lots of exorcise proforably It would appear that tho Windy City sage suffering from a bud ullaclc of cost or as ills udvke seems to bn biased 1 loug IiJh line However we will ftKrec that tho rules nru good ones and tholr merit Is added to when olio Consldeis time by following them for suite It will also b'rnallt tho pockit nothing but itoi" good also waler is about the cheap est drink: wo have yet foitnl the plainest of idt to aS: to vv atci also the plainest foods arc generally tho cheapest lots of oxciciue piefem bly Again most excellent nth ice Walk io work and save car fare? Hats off to'snch a wise tmse Times OUR LAUNDRY WORK RENCH DRY CLEVUNG IS TINCTIVELY INDIVIDUAL THE NEXT MAN YOU HE'S OCR CUSTOMER Piioiie No JO and let us tell yon WHY said the futurist point ing pioulb to the canvas which he had jiiatflnl licd my attempt to interpret the careful that your boy or your fclri start a puce tlmy keep i Ci tv Market Mchnight Prop PHONE 120 125 St Andrews DR ASSMORB DENTIST irst Nat Bank Bldg A Res Phone 251 Offl phone 478 Dothsn Alabam Tuesday over Store All Sovereigns Ward Muy Run Hon Jojiu lb Ward Is being ircc ly spoken of to take the plain or Air Clayton who baa been apuulnt COUNTRY I Presh at 20c a Dozen 20c Dave Wnldlne of Headland wa' in tho city (oday Mir taoiil Phone 605 Wc Sell for Cush Only dm way I neber had but 1 Was pussioually wid do old boss so I jeaf took dll say hither the engagement broken The Carrolls oieupy thir cottage in and il This I to bkooubv jhut Schools will op'u Monday per k(h A strong orps of era have bf en employed for the year JP12 14 aid Mpi Ijtcndehf with the 'iiWdsitanee of the board of oduca tlon and ity council hope make next r' ridli the mod succeszful the schools have ur expeiicnn Tlm biiildi'igH have all bion tho 'Poors oiled and rooms fumi gat'd The Mounds uiu biing im proved by morijg oU Hie griss trimming up tries and binooth Ing th" lawns Tho 'irw text books of the r'ient adoption tor the live years are coming in and iiiimfh'S for iiry depart meat been ordered for next Senator Ward acceptably Is agreed by even his pollitical opno nents of the past who now recog nize hki uhility and would' like to i see him go to congress in i9 otlIJ of the great number chief I ALWAYS ATTJl ICTS THAT Lt WHY' WE ARE WORK ING OVERTIME NOW 1 1 Make ready to enter (hlldreh the first day of school and keep them order that tlm pri' Hist piol't may bo deiive'i from their udvancow u( Giber announ'a menis will appear from time to tltuo which patrons wl'J pli'iisu ob'crvo tfully I row it Nice Wedding Pi I country coircjminhmt wilting of a widdlug to mi ouatern papu after a half eiliimn di rr the gown ami a xdunin fur Um and flmlr clothes says groom was also Right like wedding present JomimJ NEW AUTO MVEKY I 0 New fl Will make a specialty of city end country Urery Prompt ervlce day or night WHATLEY BROTHERS Paone 41 DoilJAN CAMl NO lift w'u wi Meets second anl fourth nights Drug Quitillicd invited to meet with us II Martin Darden Clerk LOOK! My prices for first iIjh meats are lower than anybody else in: town llir ham and breakfast bacon anyamoiint HOc Other proportion BEST (I'JS LOIN AND 15 2e lb MIK Cai mil Mvor Im wo nd auorite Qafe (The Cufe de luxe) The nicest ccolest and clean est place to eat Dinner 11:30 to Open Night Day Wood JerKins 0 0 0 0 ClDu Luhtj It afife Two geutliman from the iioitli was eitjo Ing the extilenk nt hunt down in Mississippi vas hiinounded in a bin ill inm aajs tlm Muntienl Jlerald Th dogs could not oat mid tho blunter tlm Imiid of the limit the negroes Eim go thcie bear lliO negro hebiliiled moment ambilieu plunged' into the A few moments later the negro the bear and tho dogs were rolling upou thojnuiind outside Altiu the over the visitor etild to tho ne gro: jin not afiaid to go Hint (lilelivt with tiiai ap i ephed the negro was je4t PLUMBING AND ELECTBiru SUPPLIES Estimates cheerfully urnshed Phone 385 Dotban 'R that my to Waihitjji Unclog the Liver Headache Goes To put your upset liter In fin Shape to diive poisonoua wurtu from and euro constipation uso HOT SPRINGS LIVER BUTTONS from tho famous Hot Springs Ark Tako one each nigbtfora few days eat better work better sleep better your eyes will brighten and your skin grow clearer 2S cents flnmnli yf thamu i ZUIU non tier about tbe femnufl Hot Sriaes RbfMtupkm remedy and Hot Spnugi Blood Kcmedy OR SALE BY MeUALLUM HoriMN AHL Hail yrm imrtdeomer chafing dink than th cnrlim'r You want noTimfhlng even' morn oi hammlai thsn 1 want on ip 'bt riutiri! and imjvu wouldnt fblnk of nvln AN COUPLE The dispatches tell us mrniy Die way orimwn'' but a good story la hidden Sway with halt a dozen lines'and the 7 news' writers never sec them' 's 1 It was announced the other dnv that Mr and' Mrs Charles 8tak of Ashtabula passed the ex amination tor lawyers Their chll dren had all been graduated from college before they begun to study This simple announcement means but little to tho ordinary rcadi 5 seems that la worth more than that simple announcement Here's a couplo who worked hard ail heir Hvbs to educate their chll dren The parents had never hud tho time to school themselves ami when they were of srhool ag" prob sbly didift have the opportunity They wont ahead patiently and edu cated their children them all through college and when the youngest passed they theniselvcsc: mtrii'41ated and now they Imvo passed Suppose that Iho children Jy ths giaduallug CMTi'tses of their an unusual thing for children to do But there parents all over 1 this land and country who are struggling that their chijdreumlgiit have an education and many of them never think of educatingf" themselves as this remarkable con pie did Court dayr each rhWw afternoon 'Uabanm '1 WHATLEY brothers I lluSouth oster St Heavy draying and Veep a select bunch of horns i and mules on hand for Ganiv oli i Miss Suzauim ben Uli Iu I Oilrig da ugh 1 Howell irroil of imi'ili mg ho' report 'cry Baron a wealths Itiesian ni Miss tarroll ij hivr Wc have one car of the I bc8t Red Ash Cxhabac Coal we will sell av Sum mer prices George Cotton Son W'fU A Jf i ainaanuJw DR CHH'mjo Phy sir fan nnj Siwaew noy and Order by Psrcel Post odddress 0 Jf Justice of tlie 1 Beat No piuoZ ag'ilm't thy ji tv mil kvil ucllv i harm Carrobelle I la) Clllzvii Mr Ruti of Newton is Imre today nf tending rim Houston mmn Tom hers' Institute 4 My wife hasn't spok hn to me for a whole day! f' H'npeck Lucky Bro'ok if X' Citizen We urn at a loss sometimes as to where all the hard wordrt come from Tlioso you know you ruu up against and cuumd prouoiiriiii or define The doctor are responsible some of them Probably you 'fiiispwted a much Yen much be laid to tho door of tlm 'along the freo coinage op jnwi words that Is If they nro big omw No doctor will ever coin ft simple According to tho Constitution the word has been turned out with tho stamp of ap proval on It it menus just what it say: Dg rut lzatlon Now suggested that' this the word thoy should which away with the fleas Well fill great reforms cornu slowly You can't expect too radl cal a cliuitco In bur vetbago at will fall to pieces of 4 )r its own weight like the Hooswlt 1 Un spelling that had fad a few yours ago but from whlih 'nitack our people have about fully recov erod Including some of the mngn fne that tackled Every time wo coin a new worn we should kill one We have tbo many words now In tiho English language that are not at work Puttho drone aside and give room for coming that express something' ter of Mrs New York 1ms writli'tt liiemls here ilinjlng that biie engaged fU lu bleman bem mu ilcd to Major John Pin! IIHI ot li 11( r(1 HOiih um xplaiuml I the matter with Jim His and took him home right off second Washington Herald wlte cook S'ar my iliddic Jrai If in: tbdr Ics mi" Mild tjr)r nantto Ills ti 1'hbor below datr'i i neighbor ilans ri a 'hi for duciloii in my dly llf'lWlUt ed Senator to till the vacancy caused by the death of Johnston That John ri ould fin tic position HERBERT Af HICKsf 9 ft Porter armer Building a COAL i The Dothan aerie'(Every afternoon except Bunday) Hall( Editor and Proprietor Entered at the Dothan Ala post office as second class mall matter DR I LYNN Dentist armer Building Good Drivers WTm Enow the Roads Price GA HELMS Phone too Nmht Phone A wmsbmm mmsmnmhh mmmmm in mmwbnsnh cnsmw mhm Lad Car JUIIGV oW" 'W1 i ti ch tvVl 'J lb i1 A ND I iWiSf i uhiirfTfflf A it HR.

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