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New Castle News from New Castle, Pennsylvania • Page 17

New Castle Newsi
New Castle, Pennsylvania
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SIXTEEN Hoover Pool Head HHHHH ELLWOOD CITY NEWS MOW $1 Down Delivers TO DEDICATE LONGEST BRIDGE North Side W.C.T.U. Coach Gills Has Two Tom In Suit Action Resulted When Pander a General Yllectric Nasher Vnd Sacredie Fail To Re port For Practice Rev. J. A. Kirg Aid In An Interesting Discussion Last Mght H.LWOOU CITY.

Oct. 21. There wore 15 membo und live visitors prc-nt. the regular mating ol Aoe North csidc W. C.

T. U. at the INTO TOUR HOME ELLWOOD CITY, Oct. 81. 1 wood City will be minus two of its Credit Corporation the organization provided for In President Hoover' plan for ro perrormera wnen tney tsckle All-quippa, neat Saturday it was revealed this moraine.

Introducing THE ACTIVATOR Specially designed by General Electric engi of the nation. George M. Rey Bill Pander, varsity halfback and Andy Segedle, promlsinj backrield man were ordered to turn In rhir home ot Mrs. ry Matheny on the Wampum road ist night. The meeting ls an unusually interesting and i nteitalnlng event, -After the busin mcctini.

Rev. J. neers for exclusive use in General Electric suits yesterday as a result of disobeying an order from head coach, nolds (above), of Chicago, It on of the moit prominent banker in the Middle West In 1008, while president of the American Banken Association, Reynold) accompanied the American monetary commie sion to Europe as adviser. The following year he declined the Washers fastir easier cleaner King an hi lorary member of the society in a short talk emphasized two impoiUnt phases of the Coach Olll hari players from practice Monday af- Hi KZflHH I vcruuuii puc nau requesiea Begcdie and Pander to retxirt. Both had temperance inesc were: "Are the Dangers of Alcohol and Tobacco in the Human System.

Being Taught in the Public Schools as rury In President Taft'e Cabinet. camplalned of injuries that were not apparent to Coach Gills, and They Were." the argument. "That unco. io report I or practice. Nevertheless the nracMcx vmt nn Members Assemble without them Tuesday afternoon and proved to be rugged.

A sertm-mage was held in which everybody rastlclpated nd another lit scheduled for this afternoon. ftnarh Gills stated that the team laches ex- THIS is the Washer that makes blue Monday a red later day. The multiple action of the ACTIVATOR is the secret of its success. The clothes are never tangled or braided bur are carried immediately and repeatedly inro the Full Power Washing Zone completely and thoroughly washed in less time. with no effort.

This new General Electric Home Appliance it moderate in price and operates at small cost. Mrs. Paul Moon Is Charming Bringing Back of the Saloon Would Restore Prosperity. Be Intelligently Combalted." Bnili received quite a bit of discussion by those present. After Iho i.

eetlnR a delicious luncheon was svrYcd by Ihe hostess and her comnil tfe. The next mef of the Temperance Union wl he at the home oi Mrs. K. Ramsey of avenue on the third Tuesday of November Mrs. Charles will be in charge at the time.

Mrs. Northrop dled by having more scrimmage Blocking. Uckllng, and a pass de Hostess To Members Of Club Last Night fense will be' stressed today. A little time will be placed on further ELLWOOD CITY, Oct. 21 The developing vanaenuo and Luxen-benr.

As a result of the action taken bj Coach Gills, either Charley Frisk oi Dick Wilson will -nllri members of the Tuesday Evening Bridge Club assembled at the home fill Pander's ahoes and Dudick win of Mrs. Paul Moon on the Ellwood-New Castle road last night for their regular meeting. All members were present and expressed appreciation of the clever Hallow en decorations. probably take Segedles. Pander Club Hostess excellent view of the a spienaia oeienjjve back and be missed.

Coach Gills stated that any one else that docs not show Bridge at two tables was in ogue for the greater part of the vrning at the conc.usion of which Come in and see The Towel Tug Test it's a remarkably convincing demon- Si NOW ELLWOOD CITY, Oct 21 Balaao ine proper auituae to (he adminls tratlon and the practices will bt compelled to turn in his suit. Donald Northrtp opened her home Cieorce Washington Memorial bridge, over the Hudson river, from Washington Heights, Manhattan, to Fort Lee, N. to be officially opened on Oct. 24. It was built as a cost of nearly and is considered a mar a section of the great cable, which is made up of 26,474 wires In bundles or strands of 484 wires each.

The SSOO-foot pan between towers is twice that of the longest suspension span constructed that of the Delaware rtw bridge, between Philadelphia and Camden. Mrs. Arthur Nicklas and Miss Zelda Twentler received first and low awards respectively. the pleasure of the members of the Ewing Park School ince of Norman Pack vel of ginecring genius. Inset, served a dainty lune.leon as a closing feature of the evening.

FREE! An Ironing Board, Electric Iron and Clothes Basket With Every Is Banner Winner Washer. Mrs. Herbert Haourt Invited the club to meet at her home on Law- Modem Bridge Club nnd two special guest Miss Grayce Harris, and Mts. Helen McBrlde. The home was decorated with beautiful fall flowers.

Bridge was the principal pastime of the evening three tables at play. Miss Jcsophmc Humphrey and Miss Agnes Welskopf were presented the first nnd second awards for club membf -s nt the conclusion Women Club Hear 1 avenue in two weeks for their regular meeting. Has Bert Attendance Fori Court Of Honor To Be Held Friday UP TO S25 FOR YOUR OLD WASHER Mrs. E. H.

McCauley Month Of September And Lest Tardiness of the ramef. Miss Harris received. Rev. R. A.

Bruner Speaks At Union I Scouts Win Participate In hmthcon was served I Noled Wanwn Speaker Points evmbif: by hostess. Out Facts In The World's a dainty later in the Mammouth Legion Parade On Armistice Day much to the pit Daily Politics Community Chest Campaign, ent. The dub Vrlli meet again ELLWOOD CITY, Oct. 21. Bwtnf Park school is floating the attendance banner with the American flag outside the school as a result of having the best attendance for the month of September.

Circle school weeks at the home of Mrs. Gladys Community Chest Campaign, Oct. 19 to 24 "Oi rui tm A Sirir Bfore." ELLWOOD CITY, Oct. 31 Oct. 19 to 24 ELLWOOD CITY, Oct.

Place in Political' Life" was the subject thoroughly discussed before an attendance of 75 of the members oi the Women's monthly court of honor will be held on Friday evening at the Shelby club house at 7 o'clock. All those with back badges or tests are urged to ELLWOOD CITY Oct. 21-A great crowd welcomed the Rev. R. A.

Bruner, pastor of the United Presbyterian church. Mountville, West Virginia to hear him deliver his second eosnel message. "The PaTablc Mrs. Charles Will 'CKr Tea 111' equaled Its attendance record of 99 per cent but Ewlng Park had less tardiness and therefore won the banner. The remainder of the schools had the following percentage North Side 98 per cent.

Central appear at tnis court ana Clear tne club of this city at the Ellwood City Country club, Tuesday afternoon, by or the Lost s.ieep. list ol names Is here given for of the Kn McCauley. those who should appear, and other 97, Hartman 98, West End 97 and Jnr Prea hp? wi ona rv ndlne women. PITT8BUROH, Oct. The speaker explained rr.embered by aU who heard him and will be productive of much good in lly enjoyed a triy to the mountains hijstess served the group a delicious I recently.

lunch. Clyde Chappell and Loyal Martin The KoDuel Commvmitv Service Lincoln 96. There is also a home rc ner In each school. same court. All cards should be in by Thursday of this week.

Wampum trocp No. 1 John Marshall, Dorace Shapiro, Ntck Trlve-llna. Fred Cochran, Joseph Procapio. have returned home after a business Club held a luncheon at the M. E.

The prayer service preceding the WAMPUM address member- of the Pennsv. trip through Ohio. Kospci roessaae was conducted politics ar.d to aid in securing the best people for public offices. Mrs, McCauley pointed out otse hiidi- vanla library association meeting here tonight for their thirty-lirst Mr. Jos.

Clarke, as was also the song towry ficers ol the clitb and special guests I were present, making a gathering ot 21 men. The women of the eh-jrrh jtoop no. juiwodo uny jonn Popuscue. Twer Quartettes was beautifully ceniiv. West Pittsburg Albert Beres, Hans Entertains Club Mrs.

McCauley was the director tions of small public libraries, it waj announced today. Tor sorrow, members the asso Hsner, steve km. Ovid Buchanan. rendered by r. party from the Methodist church at North Sewlckley.

Herman Newmeyer, Francis Bannon, CLUB MEETING Woman Club will hold till ular monthly meeting next ciation are scheduled to visit librar narry voiancl, James price. ATTEND CELEBRATION ELLWOOD CITY. Oct. Miss Oct. 30.

flDDCI luncn. IvUir UL i The Koppel volunteer firemen held a special meeting at Lheir room in the Municipal building Mor.dav Society ot Koppcl met at the home by a concjutjtd an en. of Mrs. Charles Rogers Tuesday Joyable evening. President Rogers evening.

The following newly elect-1 presided during this me district roundup has been set ir November 7 at 2:30 p. m. The American Lesion has asked for 5 Mrs. W. H.

Braiey of' Fifth members of her club at her ed the oi trie state uepartment oi welfare during Governor fisher's administration and has recently attended the White House Child Welfare conference and the International Mental Hygiene conference. She told of the important part women played in each of these. The speaker has had varied ex- returned Tuesday evening ies at Allquippa. Ambrldge and Sew-lckley, designated by the orjtanlai-Uon as small libraries. Jotai Macy, noted critic, will speak to the associatio.i at its annual ban- quet tomorrow.

home on Lawrence Ave. last nljht. Virginia gi. reeuiar DufjnEss Day, November 11, and has invited troop in the county to partici and social meeting In the parlors of the Methodist EDiscooal Church on pate in the parade on that day. Thli pr.

tuy aecoraieo in aummr, colors. NRtural BrirtOT and Tlaces of UINNER FOR HOUSE ESTS prrlencc in civic, educational and ELLWOOD CITY Oct 2'-As a Pllca hie and spoke with author- Tvesday evening, with the president Miw Ne'lle Orlnnen presiding. After a dcllCiolis tureen supper was served, business pertaining to the local sociely was acted. at officers took charge of the busl- i A Hallowe en party was held at ness Mrs. WUliam Richter, presi- lJSTXtt dent; Mrs.

Wetzel, vice president, primary department of tne M. Mrs iT.rrn::.r. Mis Law. i E. Sunday Many treasurer; correspondent secretary were enjoyed by the children.

At office has not yet been filled. Fnl- early hour the hostess served her lowing the business discussion the litCe guests a dc'-icicus lunch. H.von; ioiect. tine was nlng with card at the conclusion which Mra. Jacob Boots and Mlssj TO HAVE MASQUERAWE Lillian Russell received the awards.) ELLWOOD CITY.

Oct. 21. is spienaia aay io give service r.nq the Boy Scouts will carry it through. Miss Brownstein and Mrs. J.

D. McDancl of Walking Beaver Education whlch maintained kir. appointed hour the liosteM ladies of the Loyal Oraujte Lodge delectable Ellwood City will hoid their rcRulpr N. who are a trride and groom of last month, Mr. and Mrs.j Roy MeDanel of the derpnrtens In the Beaver public I schools lor a period.

For six yeas she was "hairman of annual fair closing event of tlu meeting at the Bchweiser Han HEAR MRS. McCAULEY Wamoum club women who Entertains Friends Mr. Qlen Hoffman will be hostess Friday evening at a o'clock. Final oplc road fhterlamed at family dinner at their home last evening. to the club on next Wednesday.

to Ellwood City Tuesday afternoon plans Ml he completed for the r. mi querade and barn dance to be held At tlx o'clock the guests ed them from tlx Woman's Club given lor the benefit of the Beaver i County Children's home and chair -iman of the Beaver County Liberty loan during the war. She was the woman In Pennsylvania to be president of the Pennsylvania State ELLWOOD PERSONALS anj Mr. W. E.

Hall of Ell of that place to share with them Hazel Dell Stop. A good attendance the pleasure of Usicnlng to Mrs. Mc- wood Cltv and Mr. and Mr. Henrv Take the axxietie? out of Winter Driving ELLWOOD CITY, Oct.

21 Miss Fannie Brownstein was a charming noEtcse to a few friends at her home on Fourth street last night. The home was appointedly decorated with the seasonal colors for the ered into the diiing room where ihey were server! a delicious menu consisting of several courses. Mrs McDane! had as her aides, her daughter. Miss Gladvs. The table as well as the home ere artls ttcaUy adorned with fall and autumn leaves making a pretty set- The ladies enjoyed thi; afternoon HOSPITAL NOTES ELLWOOD CrTY.

Oct. txxxie or lamgrove nave reiurneo from attending the funeral ot Mr. Thomas Piatt at Oil City, Pa. Mr. Jhn Hough of Connoquen- immensely and feel very grateful t.o the EUwood ladies for the invitation.

mitted Tuesday; Grant Mattocks of School Directors association. At present Mrs. McCauley is a member of the executive committee o( the State Rcmiulicnn committee. The club quartet consisting1 of Mrs. H.

J. Hawse. Mrs. W. H.

Thompson Mrs. Adelc ERgers Fur-nlss. and Mrs, C. P. Cloak favored Brldee waa the chief diversion of I6 Those attending from the warn-im club were: Mesdames C.

C. in New Castle this week. he evening with three tables being Cunningham. E. C.

Hulbert. C. L. William L. Dean was Discharged; Charles Taylor of Ellwood City.

Born on Tuesday to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Garwle of Simms street a Covers were arranged for Mrs Ar play. Mias Florence Oswald and Kerf Miss Jean Graham were the winners C. H.

Butler, and J. M. Martin. Faus visitor Tuesday evrntng. 3.

Y. Douris is a business visitor In New Castle today. of the first and second award daughter. the audience with three vocal selec- tie McDane 1 and Miss Byrd McDane! Of this city. Mr.

and Mrs. J. E. McDanel and daughter Janet of EVflng Park. Mr.

and Mrs. W. hiioir.Cc nii I the conclusion of the games. WAMPUM PERSONALS Mrs. C.

Stapf, Mrs. C. L. Reptnan. Decorations were car-1 With the assistance of her mother cedod this, James Fox ot Fourth street a daugh- Heart-Broken rlLL your winter driving be a constant sc riea of distressing adventure? Will you go out to the garage In the morning wondering whether the ear will start? Does it eecm to read a "Welcome" sign on ever- eervice slut ion? If the answer (o any or all of these quest ionn if mournful Mcuane oi the Country Club.

Lewis riC(1 out in ftutumn coors and ao, Mr. and Mrs. J. McOuUough Hostesses for the dav were the of Renfrew and honor guests. Mesdumrs Hne Chamiy'i-s.

Thom At League for U. S. nnd Mrs. H. E.

King spent today in Youngstown, Ox Mr. and Mrs Abe' Caplan and Mrs. David Shapiro motored to Pittsburgh vesterday. J. E.

Kelly of Pittsburgh was business visitor here Tuesday. The after Mnt un I H. Mn-ee. later in the evening. Those present on the occasion were the Misses Ruth Wilkoffsky, Helen Schwelger, Florence Oswald, Jean Graham, Grace Andenon, Edith Botiorff, Dome Lee Huey, Mildred Sanders, Doris Berg, Mary Hemmerly, Fay Irwin, and the hos- basic bettermrnls in the De Soto Six since the beginning of the year.

Included in these improvements are- fcucli silcniiiii features an Free Wheeling and an Tranrmbaion with silent Second. You never need touch theVluteh in ihifting from one forward epecd to another iu FreeWheeling. With the Easy, shift Transmission you can in either direction between second and Kipli at car up Io 45 miles an hour. Lome in and let us give you a demonstration tbat will ohnw lnformall with and reminis- and J. W.

Humphrey. There were guests present on the occasion from weaver and wamoum. Rev. MeDanel ii a former resident of this city being the son of Mrs. next meeting of the club will Artie MeDanel Sixth and be held "Yes," why nut lake the only sure cure for your trouble I and buy a uew car? Can you afford those constant peltv ex a Brother of the and Is at prrs-.

Thanksgiving luncheon. Mrs. Wll- NEW BOOKS RECEIVED AT LIBRARY iwa uam cojci win Be or CHEWTON Watklns Glen )ect will be "The World Peace Move- ELLWOOD CITY. Oct. 21 The Wurtemburg public library conduct- SM PL'S ivChH I I Chas Yoho has resumed his duties penditure! of money that probably would go a long way towards making the down payment on a new car? And there are other reasons H.

meets 36 new books. These are EI Lwoon crrv o-, t' 600,18 Ql flcUon we- ELLWOOD CITY. Oa 21- A imgi-H authOrs and have been M. lecwd io suit the iueds cf the var- the -monthly gatht.lng of WILLING WCKKKKS CL ASS ELLWOOD CITY, Oct. 21 Mrs.

E. Caughcy entertained Uio mem-bars of the Wili ng Worker Class ot the United Presbyterian church la; evening at V.K parsonage. Mrs. Jacob Olasscr. who Is teacher of the class, Ud the devotional period, while Victor Koach presided at tlie bt.siness fession.

Tli? class decided to ell wax paper to ious age groups who patronize the members the H. C. last night rne nan. Ko" mall carrier utter enjoying a two weeks vacation. Mr.

and Mis. Fred Belke and son Mervin of Beaver Falls, spent Sunday afternoon with relatives here. Mrs, La re Weir and sons, Garath and Jack of Beaver Falls, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Fosnat.

Mrs. Kate Hennon remains about the same. Mr. and Mrs Fred Eitelter and These books can be secured ters were only transacted what performance mean in tcttns of today's motoring. AND I P.

r. O. H. I At TO It Fit EE WHEELING 1 0 A I 1 A I. cry Thursday evening from seven tme.

Foliowin 'hit a m) for buying a new car besitle that of saving money and trouble. This dew Do Soto Si.t offers much more thau you ever imagiued could lie had at the price. There have been more than 'ith cards and chat was en toyed unui nine ocioc ana iTiursaay afternoon from four until five O'clock. announced that the degree raise money. TROOI' COMMITTEEMEN MEET Concluding th ELLWOOD CITY.

Oct. 21 The hour was held wit i games and con- a class of candidates. children, Delores and Duane, spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. troop committeemen for the Card tests Doing the features.

Mrs The junior decree team will go to inal Elrl scouts of Wurtembxtre met A. Brown. in th? school house Monday evening Misses Blanch Lutz and Pansy and arranged to hold cooKlne class Hoult, were Saturday visitors at the." home ot Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Brown, es to begin November ft. Mrs.

W. L. Tlmbllin. Mrs. Landls Roeloff.

Mrs. Mr. ana -Mrs. hottv umesuie ana. lng contest and Mrs.

w. l. rimbiL-n ot candidates at a Junior Rai-won the apple u-ung oo ly. The inUy will cotnTrLse four A dainty lunch served bv circles; Sharon. Grove City.

New the hostes-s assisted bv her daughter I Castle, and Ellwood City. Miss Elizabeth. tones I predominated thi o-jghout in the PROORESSjTVE CLASS decorations W.LWOOD CITY. CM 21- Tile Those attending wcro cl k.i and Mrs. Andor Harsany will con-.

cess Rohie of Albania, eirter of i fric." Consur" lii: SOTO SIX it i pntiDitT MORGAN BURROWS MOTOR CO. family of Ellwood City, visited with relatives here Sunday, Mr. and Mrs Fiank Baker and: daughter. Betty and Miss Ruth I a contract calling rr an en aire ing the AWARD COLKT POSTPONED mcnt in urominont Tlllla. were in Chewton Sunday.

Harry Hazen. Mrs. Harry Wwt rh nf Mi n.iw trt o'c ai wW-k .1,1 iS Air. una nars. ucorge an-unce the birth of a dauKhter Thursday, October 15.

Council of the League of Nation In the capacity of during the diflcupaion of the Sino-Japanese crisis. While Gilbert could enter into the debate over the Manrhurinn situation, he had jib vglo. New rstlt, r. mus Lutz is visiting with Mrs. Donald Hcpic-.

Mrs. W. L. Tim- on Sixth street last night. After a was scheduled for Friday, October thi step after her love affair with bum.

Mrs. Jacob Olaxacr and the short bu.sin.-ss meeting nil interest-; 23 in the First Baptist church has a young officer had been ended boetess. Miss Amy Kctlcr and Miss me study period and social hour was been postponed two weeks for Frl- "as a matter it policy" by mem-Maize Falen were sjciai guests, enjoyed. 1 day, November 6. ber of her family.

Irlcnda nt New Castle. Mr. and Mm Pnta TlUla ar" rm..

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