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Fairbanks Daily Times from Fairbanks, Alaska • Page 1

Fairbanks, Alaska
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Tr VOLUME V. McKay and Potts Dispose-of Their Holdings on Iditaro'tl Stream the Dredg'irig Syndicate. 1 I COMPANYOWNS MUCH OF. CREEK Guggs Are Now Prospecting With Keystone on Otter Creek and May Take Properties Over Soon. IDITAROD.

Juno 1C. Tho Gug- genhelma have concluded the purchase of the McKar and Potts properties cm Fl-at 'which gives the big company control of practically the entire stream, with the exception of 'lower end. The deal was put yesterday. The four outf Its have lays oa the ground JusfspuTcbased. will continue to work until the expiration of their leases, tout the royalties will -paid In future to the new owners.

The Guggenhelms also have options on aU of tho puy ground on Otter creek, same of which la very and Me company te now prospecting their holdings with tho Key. stone dtrlMs which were shipped down at the opening of navigation. The mem -who are operating on Otter fit 'present may close down at any moment, as it Is generally believed the Guggs will take up tho options, In which event two more dredges wlH tie shipped Into the camp during the summer. Ing, a former Falrbankean, Is In the Kuskokwim and Is reported to be In the money. Wada Is In Fairbanks on mining business.

Ho return to the lower river camp ahortlj'. MONSTER OUS ONE AT VELT MORE MONDAY PLATFORM PRO, i Two Counties Are Badly Several Peo- pie Are Kilted. Good Pay Is Said to Have Been Discovered at'Point Seventy-Five Miles Down River From Ophir. FOX IS NAME OF NEW GOLD CREEK Miners Are Stampeding from Ophir and Iditarod City on Strength of the Reports Received. IDITAROD, June stampede is starting in from tills camp to Fox gulch, In the Innoko district, wnere.

It te reported, a rich strike was made late In MVwch. Fox gulch is about seventy-five miles down tho Innoko from Ophir, and twenty-five mites east of Slmcl City. Pox empties Into Cripple creek, is a tributary of Graham creek; Graham flows Into Colorado and Colorado Into the Innoko. According to the toport brought here by 'Fred: who arrived from the strike ton -the fourteenth, -pay averaging J2 to the foot was fount! oa discovery claim, and on the clalmAbeloy. the pectlne showed even better values.

On the latter claim, "the owners are reported to have cleaned up $52 from the bottoms of tho two holes sunk. Good prospects also have been found on Gtariam, Cripple and Eldorado creeks, and the surface indications on Colorado lead to the belief that tnat stream also carries pay. Anderson, who Is known as a (reliable' man, eays that he was on the ground and made a personal examination of the paystrealc. He says that when the news of the strike leaked out, every man in the Innoko diggings who could get away, stampeded to Fox. He plans to return immediately, and many local people are preparing to start out as econ as their Informant hits the trail.

CHICAGO. June 13. The- arrival of Colonel Roosevelt aflcrnoon was the occafflon of ne of the wildest demonstrations witnessed In this city In recent jears. Thousands of cheering men and won en crowded about tho station the train pulled In, and it was with difficulty that the popular arrival reached the awaiting nuto. As Roo.iev.eU stepped from the train the crowd jelled "Hurrah for Tcddj ami reigned until the colonel had disappeared behind the doors of hk headquarters.

Tho colonel was vlsIMv effected by the reception ghen him, nndi he apparently takes a much more hopeful view of the situation than he did earlier In the wv-ck. The colonel dofftvl his new brero as he stepped fnom the train. and carried It in his hand until ho took his In the auto. The crowd pressed lilin on all sides. and the streets oil Ui- way to tho headquarters wore lintxl with people.

hn arrival wltu loud cheering. Three bandrf and countVsa of admirers preceded tho auto, tlie former jdajlng at. vals, BEATRICE. June 15. -Several 'people were killed today In Lancaster and Gage counties as a result of the severe oarUiquake rocked that portion of the sta-te violently this afternoon.

The shock was particular severe In this (Gage) county, many buildings being wrecked, and eartn faulting at a number of places. Two men were kAMed at Wymore by falling and) reports f'-om other portlon8 of the county Indicate that" the death list will toatf a tfosen. IDITAROD NOTES RECENT QUAKES IDITAROD. June 15. Several slight earthquake shocks woro felt here during the past week, and the distant reports of the eruptions on the coast -were plainly audible, followed by a deposit of volcanic ash over the entire dump.

Doing It Now." The train reached tills city at 3:57. and U-sldos former president and hl.s immediate pirtj, there were several hundred hot i who came in Uifoo ars which Ing for Uie colonel, all the time. this season ater 3Insi Meeting Monday. No program has been mapped out by tho Roosevelt foltywere. except that arrangements have ibecn made for a monster mass meeting to be hfld on Monday night.

Tho further (Una lift will be left for Roosevelt to outline. Roosevelt Cheerful. Colonel Roosevelt apiears much more cheoiful tonight than he has at anv time thmlng the past week. He was gloomy when he started for Chicago, but the enthusiasm of the crowxli which cheered him at every station, and the further demonstrations In this city ba-vo caused him to take a much more hopeful view of the situation, and he Is entering Into tlie fight with something of his ohl-timc activity." Recall of The first ptanV of tho Roosevelt platform, which completed this. afternoon, was submitted to tho colonel tonight for his ajrp-oval.

It provides for tho recall of the Judiciary. Wnrneil. Manasor MvKhtley, of the Taft has a statement to i. wasning tit em against wtrc attached to tho Main at Buffalo. City Gws Mml On-r Vloni-l.

The rltj tonight to have gone frantic mad Meetings arc being hfld a dozen different place-. nnl Is a constant orowd about the luadquarKTS demanding that the former dent be given the- nomination The California delegate, including the delegation which was trot I to Taft tho delegates rightfully be- seated, are parading the long to Roosevelt. the the efforts that will lie made to win tht-m to tho opposition. Ho toils them particularly to lie- ware of tin 1 "Four I1ush" stato menta whidi proliah'v i bo made by Colonel Roosevelt. St-vt-n Demand.

The wlio petitioned to iHTome a f-amll- date, have a letter to the national committee that the action resclmlel which cool sented ft place the dele! larly chosen at Ot The fourteen de chosen by the Taft contention the state of Washington, were seated this afternoon, In the face of the strongest kind of opposition, and It 'posBiblo that the Kow York swing to the" colonel ai a result of the decision of the 'conte'Jt committee. A revort to Uils effect received this morn- Ing, members of the delegation tlureatenlnff to desert Taft in case the Washington detepatoa were awarded to tho president. Two. Of the many coniests decided today, Rocievelt wo? given but two delegates, while the president was awards! twent delegates from Vlr- glanla. two fronr tho District of Columbia, and twenty-four from Texas, the fourteen from Washington.

The delegates (jlveif Roceo- volt were from Uio Fourth North Carolina district. Tnft Controls Crcilenllals. The credentials commlttoc is controlled 1 Pn- Ident Taft, there be- Ini; tut 21 Itoos veH men on the committee against 32 for Taft. Still in HIiiR. TOI.i:nO, Juno I his brief In this rit cn- routc to ChliiiSo, Colonel nddremul tlie of ontlnihiasts which h.ul gathered nt the depot, tel'liiff them that Ills hat is still in the riinj ami will n-maln there i has been counted out by the referee.

at his command, and the troops will be scattered over tho state In such a manner that there will be Itlle opiwrtunity for a renewal of lostllitles. KIKE SMALL CAMP Reports from Kuskokwim Brought by Passengers On Steamer. That the An vale and Tuluksak dls- trlcts of the Kuskokwim will furnish material for small mining camps, is tbe news brought from tho lower river'by arrivals on the Seal last evening. The Tuluk- tfak diggings are ,90 miles from tbe mouth of the river, the principal scold-bearing creek being Bear. Both the Anlak and Tuluksak empty into the Kuakofcwlm on the left limit J.

Wada, the Jap tnuaher, known throughout tbe Norrtx. stated last evening that pay going $2 to the foot had been found there In places. the Good 'News 1ay region 30 miles from tbe coast, before cominj to He re- TEXAS REGULARS DON BIG BADGES Juno mem- bena of itho Taft delegation from Texas appeared on the streets today wearing badges a foot square, In honor of their victory over tho Roosevelt delegation. WICKERSHAM TO START A PAPER VALDEZ, June stin- of Delegate Wiekerehttm are thinking of starting a small weekly paper hore for the purpose of boost Ing their candidate during the coming campaign. Heavy Material Being Transported to Gugg's Flat, Holdings.

IDITAROD. June Idit- rod Traction company- Is busily engaged In the carrying out of its ontract with, tho Gugscnhclms, hich eon-late of the transportation jf the huge drcOBC from the dock it this city, to the vroixyrty of the Company on Flat creek. Twenty-ton cranos been erected at the ends of the trtamway, tho roadbed has con strengthened anil extended several miles, and new rolling stock added to the former The woirk is now progressing smoothly, and It Is expected by. tho company officials that the heavj machinery -will be landed on tho creek In ample time for the reas- enrbling of tho parts and tho com mencement of dredging operations enrly In tho summer. NAVY SECRETARY REST WASHINGTON, June Ifi --George Von Lengerke lleyer, sec- of tho navy, was taken sud denlylll yesterday, and has 'been to home in Masraobu rest.

FAIRBANKS POSTAL SAVINGS The last mall brought advices Postmaster EJ H. Boyar that a poc-ta sarings bank had been assigned tho Fairbanks office and that th oeceisary papers and stamps wcr -the way. A (petition for a ure ou that Jto. Baele. in thai postal savings depository mad -Qood bay fegton.

Hante nfi a rfrram i a Witness Says boy of Firemen Remove Contents and Throw the Trunk Overboard. NOME. June with stealing tho contents of a trunk belonging to "Doc" Arnold, president of the Wild Goose Mining company, of this city, the messboy of tho firemen on the Victoria Is In custody. As a witness In the same case a stevedore named Anderson Is being detained. The arrest made upon the arrival of tbe Victoria into iwt lUet week.

Anderson, In a conference with the authorities, stated that hc raw the messboy the trunk alleged to have been the of Hie mining magnate and lemovo there- from a quantity of papers and jewelry, lie says that the messboy then threw the tsunk the time i i that he was unobserved by anyone. Arnold claims a the trunk contained articles that are of considerable value to him. A number of private as well as diamonds and furs valued at Jl.OOO, were taken and are still missing. iniTARC timers indignant govern nf summer The; compl wtntei months 1 to receive only ami during the the winter's ac- arc dlstributit portions If tbej- Last summer vr ol one delivery and there apper that can be expect. a Parcels at the the an.lf it fis considorcd tioro than- the cuotomary livery made tn present summer.

Ten Dredges Are Now On the Way to Seward Peninsula. 7SOME, Juno total of 10 Cw'dredges aiie on the way to thli camp from the Outride, according, to a count made during the week. Tlie Installation of the pold-dlggere means emploment for a large number of men throughout the summer and a prosixrous treason Is therefore generally 'predicted. It is understood here thnt the ships from Seattle ihave a great deal of machinery and a nwmber of passengers for uprlver points on the Yukon. Introduction of Dredges Causes Many Miners to Quit Camp.

IDITAROD, June careful estimate of the present population of this camp, plncea the figure at COO, a considerable falling off from tho number recorded a year ago. The purchate of the Flat creek properties by tho Guggonhelms and the Installation of a dredge In tho caimp has iroduced the amount of Individual mining, and there la. In consequence, a much less demand for miners. Practically all of the surplus- men already have loft tho camp, and; in case tho Gugga take up their options on Otter creek, thero will be a still greater decline In tho -population. There 'has been considerable exodus this spilng to tho new Ruby camp.

IE OF STATE Mexican Congress Appoints Federal Governor of MAZATLAN, Juno entire elate of Sinaloa has been de- cla cd under martial law by the federal government, and Genoml Delgado named governor by tho Mexican congress. It is believed that this move will effectually wipe out the rebellion of the republic, and restore order In the inany cities which have bpen ait the Sjnercy of the rebels and ibhdr 'brlgnnd allies. President Will Not Allow the Convention to Keep Him at Home. WASHINGTON. D.

Juno 1'f tho 'people of tho United States believe that President Taft will sit nervously about the wihite house on Tuesday while tho national convention Is deciding 'What his future shall be. they arc very much mistaken, for tlie (president already has announced that ho will the ball game which Js to toko -place in this city between the home nine and the Philadelphia Americans. ILLINOIS DELEGATES I Delegation From Twentieth! District Will Have to' Show Committee. BALTIMORE, June Is ro-l ported here today that the tlon from 4ho 20th Illinois which was elected- for Clark-, will I be contested, the supporters oil Governor Wilson claiming tho I delegates ore not entitled to seat. In the national convention.

Washington Man Shows Unusual Knowledge in Naturalization Hearing. TACOMA, Pin- lay; a naturalized born in FVancu. appeared among a list of applicants for citizenship papers today, and' astonished the examiners by repeating the onUre constitution of the United States. Examiner Staples eald It is the purpose of the naturalization officials to make the examinations na dMllcult as possible GO that alien applicants will Clash of Opposing Armies Results in the Death of General Estonoz. HAVANA, Juno in.

General one of the lenders of the rebellion, was tolllod today In a battle 'between several hundred negroes and a force of government trooir. The -rebels were, completely routed, and it Is tljcught the death of the genera) will hate much to do with a of pence on the TANANA TO TAKE BUT SMALL LIST N. N. Boat Will Get Away This Morning For the Lower River. For tlie trip of the Taiwrna.

'but a snail number of passengers have made reservations. Tho boat will meet the St, Michael at Tanana and return- with Ita pass- cngera and mall. The following have engaged passage: 'FVr Hot Springs--P. J. Date, H.

M. Hcnnlng, P. A. Peterson, Robert Long, ClvanteB E. Nelson, Carl Anderson.

Tor Tanaua--Oscar Gootz. Tor Dawson--Lieutenant II. C. Tatum, James Hill, E. L.

Scrafford, Mrs. W. W. Jensen'. Short and Johnson Find Pay On Lay Taken On Goldstream.

GIl.MORE, June P. Short and A. G. lohnson, laymen on '2 below, Goldstream, bedrocked a prospect shaft on tho claim Friday afternoon and landed on pay. 'Thi men, until recently, have ibeen working on 3 below, Pedro.

The" lay on the Mogan ft ground was taken last week. Satisfied that they have a good proposition, the laymen Intend to move- their plant down from Pedro to the claim week. The depth to bedrock on 2 below, Goltistircanv is 2-1 feet. POLITICS QUIET POLITICIANS MIX OVER FAVORITES CHICAGO, Juno 1C. Francis Honey and National Committee-man Kennedy, of North Dakota, came to blows tonight orer the meiitB of their respective candidates.

place greater value on their citl- Theic very llttlo arucmont had' roach ab-olutely n. There Is doing here in the way of vdjitlca tbe city is deep in dt-bt, anil Mierc is rcarcely enough water in the float a launch. ED SMITfl WILL EFEREE FIGHT June har been Reeled as for 'die 'btgf match between.

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