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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 22

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

TKIDAY OAKLAND TRIBUNE SEPTEMBER 10, PT5HSOXAI.S. T-OST AM) FOOD OaRland tribune BUYERS9 GUIDE PATRONIZE LOCAL MERCHANTS GivetxTip i i nere's no easier, quicker, or surer way to get immediaefplfillrnent of your needs than througKaJittle want ad. Think of? the thousandaof peo- i i i rX pie wno reaa mese ciassincauons. ANTTQrE FCRNTTrRE. YF.

Olde Curiosity Shoppe Mahogany chrs, bureaus, davenps. 7th-Brush. CARPET CLEANING. OAKLAND House-cleaning Co. AMERICAN House-cleaning, windows, whitewashing, -fanitor work; art a-ugs; waxed floors a specialty.

K55 Broidwav, room 24. Phones Oakland 3940.T Mrritt 763. CAST-OFF CLOTHTNG. H. GOLDBERG will pay highest pric for cast-off clothes; write or phone; will call.

969 Harrison Oakland-Phone Oakland 49S6. CEMENT CONTRACTORS. Call me up for a fle-ure on that foundation, walks, floor, walls pr cjrlvewav. F. Nelson.

P. O. box 12. Berkeley. Phon Berkeley 5618.

RAVAGE AND STORAGE. JAS. HENNERERRT does all kinds of draj-tng. Office. 6th st.

Phoies Oak. 564. A-1564: res. Oak. 40SCV A-274S.

DRESSMAKERS. Street and evening dresses made. $3 up: French styles; dresses: taade over. 572 Jones near 22nd. MABTE ROMELTj Ladles' itallor 'made PiiKs, latest stvles; Parjsjan modes.

820C Telegraph ave. Phoiie Dressmaking School: dlnlcf-mas given. 1033 Washington oyer bare T-Touse. rTfTECTRTCAL OAKLAND ELECTRICAL 405 12th. Phones Oakland j34l; A-4341.

REPAIRS Century Electric sfid Fixture Co. Phones Oakland 91l A- 911. 1375- 1377 Broadway, just nortrj of pdstpfflce. FEATHER RENOVATING FINE upholsterlae. making, feather beds and pillows -renovated by steam: mattresses mode oves.

27th Ft. Phones Oakland Home A-3341. i FRENCH LACNRRtES EAST OAKLAND! FRENCH L4CNDRY. Strictly high-grade wo-k; ladles' and gentlemen's fine work. Phone.

Merritt SR94. Immediate atentlonV 418 East ISth St. i FFRNTTERE REPAIRING R. TIFNTER. expert cabinet -maker, upholsterer and polisher.

532 Telegraph est-ihlished 15. HAIR GOODS AAA DTEHL'S HAIR STORfc-Lnrgest stock of switches, pompadours. Psych knots, old ladies' half wigs wfgs and toupees; Marcel wavfnsv tiaErdresslng. ehampooing. 463 14th st.

CHARLES HOFFMAN Importers of hmran hair. Manufacturers of wigs snd all kinds of hair goods. 476 Thirteenth phone Oakland 380S- LOCKSMTTHS door-openers nnd kevs. Kev Wcrlrs. 55 Clay st.

Phones OakHnn 6717. NOTIONS. I WHOLESALE notions nncf hosier. B. Llchtig.

Kfll fith. Phone Oakland 4290. RATTAN GOObs. OAKLAND RATTAN 2Sth and Tan Pablo. Phones Oakland 2736.

A C7S6. Baby carriages. and rattan goods at lowest martVt prices: all kinds of repairing; goo4s of aiy design mads to order. CLASSIFIED ADS IN THtT TBI f3U PAY niG RETL RNS- FORI MONEY INVRSTFn. MEDTCAL ATTENTION LADIES Dr.

Woody, 171S Geary between Fillmore and Webster. Phone West 5SS7; World Renowned Specialist for women -only; no delays or disappointment: relief gtiar- anteed: by most superior ipalnless meth- American Publishers Association. W. E. DARGIE, President.

JOHN GONNERS, Managing Editor. J. CLEM ARNOLD, Business Manager. Every evening and morning. Morning TEIBITXE (six days a week), 50o per montn.i Everting THIBTTNE and Sunday THIB-VHE, 65c a month by carrier.

One year, J7.80. Singie copy, 5c. Entered at Oakland Pcstofflco at eo ond class matter. Sample free on application, Publication Office, TRIBUNE Building, corner of Eighth and Franklin streets. Telephone Oakland 528.

Kome Phones Advertising Department. A-2I51; Subscription Department, A-2158; Chrculation Complaint Department. A-4041 Editorial -Department, A-2157; City Editor. A-2155. Eranch Office, 1058 Broadway; Phono Oakland 767.

ban Francisco Office, 7S9 Market strrt. near Fourth; Phone Kearny 5810. Berkeley Oifice, 2133 Center street; Teicphjiie Berkeley 180. Aianieda Office, Schneider's Stationery Store, corner Park street and Santa Ciara avenue; Telephone Alameda 559. I'ruitvale OfHce, Dawson's Drug Store, Fruitvalfv avenue and East Fourteenth street: Telephone Merritt 77.

Melrose Branch Office. Eagle Drug Store, comer Forty-seventh avenue and East Fourteenth street; Phone'Merritt 53. Fitchburg Branch, Calien's Drug Store, East Fourteenths and George streets; Phcne Merritt 639. Elmhurst Eranch, Phillips Phillips, druggists. East Fourteenth street and Bay View avenue: phono Merrvtt 737.

Richmond Branch, Eudey Freeraans, 70S avenue. San Jose Agfencr. 28 North Second" atreet: Telephone Blue 1321. Manager Foreign Advertising, "Williams Lawrence, New York Brum-wick Building, Fifth avenue and Twenty-sixth Etr-eet: Chicago 1324 Marqnette Building, Will T. Creamer, Representative.

TO STJBSCEIBEBS. Suhscribprs fulling to receive their paper si-thln a reasonable hour after publication will please report the pame Jo THE- Office by telephone. and a sreeliil messenger will be dis patched with a copy of THE TRIBUNE at once. Manuscripts or photographs submitted to the editorial department for -consideration must have stamps enclosed to ensure the return cf same if not accepted. MORNING TRIBUNE.

Entered as second' class matter 21. at the I'ostoff ice at 'oak-land under act of Congress March Yota Cap TELEPHONE a to The Tribiioe (T rn Classified ISLM Department Hbme-'A2151 All adreTtiaemBnta Intended fw innona Inaertioo nnder hdlji 'fTOO I.ATE FOR CXASSIPI Ms' Une daily. All ad vwti sementa ordered by Xm-phone for a definite munbor of insertion will ta charged for the time sgecdiied, rabjoct to no rebate on diaconrtlntiaBC order before expiration data. ill advertisers should retain counter checks given, aa no mistake will be rectified without presentatiom of theee receipts. No orders reoonited fo ad lull Le monta far inaortioa "Till Portdd." Ho chare- made for box rental to patroes answering advertisement re-Qnesttag tajwrrs to certain box numbers.

Special Notice Patrons of THE TRIBUNE are par-, ticularly cautioned ag-alnst -paving money advance for any advertising to be placed in THE TRIBUNE unless aollc- itors can produce written authorisation from the Business Manager. TRIBUNE PUBliSHTNU OO. ALBERT TREER European trained masseur. -Refers to lir. Crowley, Dr.

Kt-teau and Dr. Hainlm. Phone Piedmont 2399. Gives treatment at your home. STENOGRAPHERS ANNE E.


DAY AND CONTRACT WORK A b. geiieia-i coulractor. Jobbing, store ttttingr. 1114 Merritt 27''S. Oakland.

2739. ANY kind roofs repaired or A. Hillman. 506 E. 12th; drop postal card CARPENTER wants work by the day or will take Mnall contract.

Box 9324. MARBLE and granite monuments. larg and artlstL- gto-k: marble interior work. E. Dinneen.

ehow room 717 7th Oakland. tinting, papering; get our figures and see how. much we can save von. Phones Home A-333S. Oak.

7183. TCerrnen R54 Harrison. INT papering, tinting done Lustlg. 759 Jefferson st. Phone Oakland 711.

'CAKPET CLEANING A 1. ME 1 A "Count Steam Carpet Cleaning Works Carpets cleaned. 4c yard; cleaned and fiali. yard. Mrs.

J. J. I.errl Co. Tel. Oak.

TT-tne A-3334 cleaned and reiald. 9c per vard; carpets cleaned. 4c per vard. Berkeley Steam Carpet Cleaning Wks. W.

V. Heine. Phone Rerkelev943. Zk' r.T"S'r G--'Id steam '-arret V'ennlns: Sr-6 Clav. All Work guaranteed.

l' 41S4. A41 P.e. A477S h'l'ET laving and ciear.lng. I'hones 0kind Home A-4763. Robert Bl-ke Blo-y.

ci rloonfi reiald: reflttlr.g es- wo, "ucranteea. c. 1.,. o- .) -CLASS1FIED ADS l-N TH? TRIBUNE PAV -RIO RETURNS FOR MONEY IWESTFD. HEWSC tt Beating Pl- 'Il.

s. Mer-'if IJENOV'XTOHIES U'AN1-H ave irg- r.r.A 1 near 2. KM cleaned and 3S5C. 0 prices 31 Tel- vou Col-hm i- ods known to medical scl-mce; most in BusJ TVninirig. Short-obstinate cases treated: all female "mi- phand.

fypew rltlntr, 5 Telegraphy, also plaints ahd irregularities: treated: civil. Electrical. Miring and -Mechanical no hesitancy if in need of my services; Summer school. Frea cata-absolutcly harmless; low fees; by con- sultintr an eminent specialist vou savij A merchant would not think a. oma very wise if she purchased a yard les silk for a town than she needed even if It were very fine silk.

Nor Is the merchant wise to purchase a column less advertising space than he needs, even If It Is very fine advertising space and I i .1. ANY girl In need of a friend, a ihome or advice, is Invited to call or 'write the matron of The Salvation Tlenlah Heights, CaL Phone Merr1ttr CALIFORNIA PRESSED BRICK ACseMmerit No. 1. of five cents per share, has been consult this office concerning the legnUtv. reasons and purposes thereof: all holders of stock ilrvS this companv having stock standing In the name of persons ether than the holder will learn much to their advantage bv consulting this office.

Suite- 705-6-7 Union Savings Bk. Oakland. ELECTRIC bsths and massage: rheumatism a sneedaltv: gentleman attend-. ant; chlropodv. Mme.

M. Turner, helper Bldg. Hth and Broadwav. Room 75 to 78. Phbne Oakland 6575.

Residence Oakland; 3344 snd Home A-445B. EI WTRO vlbrAtor massage. 'Mf- of i Oakland Sanatorium. o5 st. FUTURE reveal send dime and hirtn-date for reliable test horoscope to PI.ATCl Box FnfTalo.

N. c. AS Assn. reduces your dim to SO per cent 12th St. L.

-'S CARK. Jacie-son st. i Consultation free. Open Ines. 1 MISS F.

M. MAYNARD Electrolysis, s.nlr treatment, etc' iSSV, 13th st nvr chlnn-Berctfe': nhnrte Oak. 399. lErrCTTTa'nrnajssaee scalp treatments. both soxesL.

experienced masseur wanted. lftlS YCashlngton, office 17. MMK MONTAOfE. a professional mas-seufst: both sexes. 4s14 7th room i R.

TTj m'NGRlf? Cafl at Loeb's Oulck Pervic Lunch Room, i 972 Franklin st. CNAlI.E" for suits, trousers and overcoats at less thin' cost at Chas. Lyons. The London Tailor. OF; Broadway, bet.

th nnd, NOTARY TMTBLTC AA V. Stuart, notary public; money to loan, i Tribuh, office. Sth and Franks lin. Phone Oakland HELP WAXTFD XTLEN'tdTTCnTa'nTi be looking- LOOKS your ad. should be "THERE." -COOK to fro to' Santa Cruz for 11 days.

Apply 466 20fh before Sat, noon. ERRANT -bov iwlth wheel; good wages. Louis 404 14th, Oakland. FIVE boys with $30 to S50 pr month. Red i Line ilesseng-er 45S nth st.

WANTKD Younej men-Ho learn automobile business ihj mail and prepare for positions as chauffeurs and repair men. Ve mnke you ekport In ten weeks; as-eist you to seciiro position. Pay work" pleasant: nemand for rn-n ijr'pat: reasonable; TTlie for pa.rtlculars and sample lessonl (Empire Automobile Institute, Rochester. W.AXTED-Boj; it to 16 years of age, (rood education. jneat.

olefin and pood penman, for -rwo-rk as office boy with larpc manufaoturinar concern; frond chance for advancement. Apply In I own hand writing, stating ape and ex-l Box 79-42. Tribune. -Bookkeeper; salary1' $35 per I month with Hiance for advancement; state aee and experience if any. Box I WfiG.

I WANTED A strcinp. active boy to work in laundry; steady place: ape 17 to- 20 years. Call tod ty. 37R9 New Broadway. I WANTED Men tio learn to operate, pic ture machines: i operators In demand; salary weekly.

221 Locust R. F. ANT ED-rYoiiTig man over 18 years for S-itiirdav and! Pundav onlv. Ilassanl Murtry Piedmont avo. WANTKD a bovj must be 15; good for boy.

llil (Washington R. 214. dlsli washer at 1S10 7th Oakland. WHEN the right employer begins to read the "sltuatfons; -wanted" yours i should "THERE." A COOK for country. $50: 4 cooks from $30 to $40; oo.l sewers, $2 (lav; general waitress-, chambermaids and house girls.

E. Exchange, Albany Block. Phonei Oakland 3359. A LADY demonstrator ror desirable, ln-j dispensable article. House to house can-I vass; generous; commission.

Call at 11065 I Washington room 81. A TTOT'SE CHAMBERMAIDS. SECOND OIRL. WAITRESSES WANTED. 420 6TIi: ST.

-OAKLAND 4631. A MIDDLE-AGED woman for iious work: plain cHjklng; $20. Apply 2 E. 17th st. A GIRL to: assist- in general housework; sleep at $23 month.

Bo.c -Tril erne, i i 1 A3 GIRL' for general housework; J35 a month. lit. COOKS, housemaids, waitresses. Housework girls call: at New Oakland office. 65 2 7th st.

Phone Oakland 3302. DISTRICT srhool-: teachers, goo! places. Fisk Teachers Agency. 2142 Shattuck EXPERifSNOEI): girt Y3-ork in bakery Bay Station Ba kerrjC-iBOO Sherman st. Alameda, i i EXCHANGE furti.tur2iJor laundry work.

llld'i Urush. i FIRST-CLASS hantls. Mrs. 112a st Alameda. M.

H-RL to itsslst Avith 2 children from 3 a. m. till p. na.i Call at 199 20th between E. 21tFi and K.

27th. GIRL general small American i i Iv dfilinan preferred. Phone i I GIRL old Tril. 14 itij care for 10. months' vuni 8 until 6.

Box 9325, GIRL with tor ba and assist 1 Ci.iremoiit ave. ii1--; GIRL for llsiiti housework. 21 Monte Vista, avn.i Phope Piedmont 914-. LADIES. home errjploymeni.

stanioing transfers; stead'v! or evenings; $1.50 tlox-en upward. S10 Market. Westbank hldg R. Psn Francisco. LADIES to tasi iione work.

Trelber, 1240 Sutter rear Polk st-, San Fran- I CISCO. i SHOD will open Sept-. 14. 51: 11 th Oakland. Milliner, da Voo.

Pljone Oakland 4539. NEW niilllntry si-liiool; students prepared for positions; u25 14th st. I i i Si i 'Nil 4 rooks I'rom ftlO'to $40; goo.1 52 day; general valt--ses. and house girls. Wi E.

Albany Phone i i.klan.1 i Ix H. girl t-. with houseworl 1311 Lelse tave.i JFrultvale. TA1LORESS ion tjrje one that can jloitton 1'foles; stea-lr work, goo AppK- 456 8th room SI. AV.A NT! and c.

Goo 1 i pliable young or irid-wi-tnah 'for general housework in fhinily of must fur- i 'alrwn or Swedish pre- lerrc'l. A r.oi,i. Zi Telegraph iiregori Berkeley, near ve. i WANTED eno'e-i to assist woman with refer-wlt'n housework: no wishing and but' littl- cooking; small family; this is a g.oU position the r'ght Dana Oakland. Phone Piedmont pi IS WANTED i i infant's nurse to take care of 2 children; refer-pees.

'sill between and 12 a. S. -27th ave. and E. 16th st Fiultvale.

Tel. Merritt 1512. WANTED either sex, experience unnecessary-; donft apply unless you want big money ure willing to work for It. Ba-rlow, picture maker, S5- 12th. Oakland5.

WANTED A vounfe lady to plav piano evenings and sing illustrated songs in theater, Cal' Thursday 5 p. 106S Broa.lwav. Rooni g. WANT Eli A young girl from 15 to 17 years, to care for 'ehildren from 9 a. m.

to 5 p. m- $15. -real! Saturday, 172-5 Oak Lit 1 a e. i A TED -Girl for iToliswork and child i small new tlat: iroii "'Hires: Trlh'ine. required.

Box WANTED Trained I infant's nurs; experienced; must have best fit references. Phono Berkeley 19Co. -2225 Hearst ave. i IP TOD EOSE ANYTHING Adver-ttse It here. It will be returned to too If an bonest person finds It.

Remarkable recoveries are brought about every dar thrmieh. thin column. IF YOU FIND ANYTHING Aaer-tlse It In T1IK TRIBtTXE. OfTioes Eighth and Franklin and 1058 Broadway. THE UW Section 4S5, Penal Cod of California, is strict In requiring finders of lost property to seek the owners through advertipement and otherwise, and failure tc do go.

If it can be proven, involves a aeveie penalty. FOl'-ND-r-Grnt's gold watch. Hunting case, at 59th St. and San Pablo ave, Oakland. Owner may have same by describing article.

Phone Alameda 2652. FOl'ND Adark red cow with brand on rlglft" e3h; strayed to --5744 Telegraph ave. LOST In" Oakland, certificate No. 14 for 10.000 shares of Douglass. Arizona, and Sonora Development Companies; stock made out to Geo.

F. Bodiish. Return to No. 42 Golden West Hotel. Reward.

LOST Thursday. Lie 9th. fady's gold watch, ribbon fob, on College ave. car. or on Broad wav or 13th prizn.l as i gift.

Return 2uS Lakeshore Boulevard; reward. LOST A tortoise shell backcomb with wide gold (hand little pearl stones. Return to 1623 Tiiiversitv Berkeley. Reward. IALST Off wagon in East Oakland, bundle addressed "Mother Alice." Return to 600 Eat Twelfth st.

Be ward. LOST Bay horse, Saturday blind in loft eye; left knee cut. Reward if returned to 4610 Grove- St. LOST Small boy's coat Sept. 1.

30th between Kilbr-rt and Snn Pablo ave. Return 14il; reward. LOST At cireus on a "neck piece. li'W'hllla fur. Phone Berkeley S35; reward.

LOS "-p Fo iTi tv a is ts Sunda y. Sept. Reward. Return to 1,62 Goss kelev. LOSTx-Tuesdav -night, large cameo pin set IrKgold.

Box 9.313, Tribune. Reward. LOST Sororitv pin. Return to 740 Oakland avo.XRpiviril. ROOMS Nf i ICSES CO It SALE Twenty rooms: furnished tliixe months: two years' lease; vv itliin rive minutes' walk of 12th and Broadwp.v; eonXenient to" both S.

P. R. R. local train stations; owner compelled to go East; easy terms. Only seriously intentional parties need investigate.

Box 12913. Tribune. FOR bargains in hotels, roo.cirig houses, apartment houses and exchanges of all kinds, see THOMAS C. SPILKER 1241 Broadway. Phone Oakland FOR SALE Berkeley boanlirrg house, newly rTi'sbed everything first-class; block from business center; terms reasonable: good reason- for s-Ulng.

Address Box Tribune. FOR SALE Chehp Fine modern hoard --ing house; centrally located; good business; ill health cause of sacrifice. Box 9264. Tribune T.ODGINO" HQT'S FOR SALE. $750 20-room i 'apartment house- In two and three-room suites for housekeeping: fully furnished; central.

It is a money-maker, but must sbe sold at onc3. Call between 11 and 3 lilv anj see the owner. ATHENS REALTY 420 11th Oakland. FOR LE ISCEI FOES A ELEGANT enamel B'A-root bsth. 20x31 porcelain pink and lavatory, one week only.

$15.50. 330 McAllister, and 1984 Post Snn Francisco. BARGAINS in new aud second-hand motors. We buv, sell. rent, repair.

Install, exchange AUTOMOBILE SERVICE. All work guaranteed. Ccnrad Elctrieal 411 st. BATHTUBS, pinks, clasets. lavntorv fittings; everything complete In the line of plumbing material.

Oakland Plumbing Supplv S12 B-oadwav. Oakland. ETG Sot. 6 pair wear 6 months. $1.

Lithotln waterproof linen eoltars. 25-Tom- Ronald. 1234 Broadway. Do Need If vou ever lnter-1 buvlng fvrnttiire now Is the time: I 'havf hie credit against a furniture manufacturing agencv; If you have anvthlng to trade like a lot or hav In quantity, merchandise, pew wagons tc, let's get together; this furniture is new nnd you cm r-nve vnnr choice. If you have cah It do wonders on fur-filshlng an nrartrif r.t house.

can supnlv you with nnvwhere f'-om flOO lo worth. Address ho-? lefin. Tribune. FOR MAMTATrRpRSi A- E. G.

ARPS FURNITT'RE house that s.ivs you; nncney becanst we are awav from the rental district. 512-14 7th EDISON Horn" pVionosrrai'h with 00 records: all good; price 30. Box 925, Tribune. FOR SALE A. W.

W. Thompson Ice cream freezer, including shafttnsrs pulleys and beltings: flrst-class condition; cost when new 5-372: will sell at a bargain. Box 1 3171. Tribune. FOR SALE -One six-nlate wood, coal or oil range; a bargain.

Inquire at Or.S Telegranh ave. IFOR SALE- rol'er-tap desks nt a sac- riflee. Anplv 295 Bacon block; phone Oakland 542. FOR SALE All kinds second-harel firewood. For tin.

2ith and Webster. FAT man's stor! pnd I'Ti-lArwPI. 7I VVE s7 which is Jtnp. 30fi San Pablo large shirts tlmilwav. tt'e 1-air.

efish vabie will sa-ific. Co! at Yviklr.nd. Calif. TyADTES. attention I have a larire vari- efv etab.

fr-iit rn.t ornaiuental trees shrubs, na lm sw climbinsr vines, bush and standard rns. berries and "iifilvnf'iF prices reasonable. Jos. Furtado. nursery, head of Lake Shore piedmont.

Cal. Phon-' Piedmont 921. OAFtWP pOI'ND. Ctli and PeraPa sts. DnriMng end house does for sale.

Nf, 5-tth ga or woo i nearly new. 9r." TWO cows and calf for sa'e at 1019 ton st C-ilKorrla Perlrelei-. i WANTED MISCELLANEOUS! When some one who wants to buy some-thinc vou want to sell "looks over the ads." yours should be "THERE." A HIGHEST price for trood men'i shoes. S34 Tel. O.

fi93. uir sen vour iiousenoiu gooas until lyou see Coleman. 41? 11th wher- vou will reniize more for It. Phone Oakland FURNTTFRE wnnted We wl'l r'v you more for yonr furniture and household poods than von can cet elsewhere. J.

A. Munro- 1007 Clay Oaklnnd: teler.hone Oakland 4S71. 2321 FI'lme-e San Fra netweo tel ept-tnne Wet FURNITURE wanted The Eastern Auction Hall is the market for second-hand furniture and general merchandise; Mehest cash prices raid, or will trade. 1552 Broadwav. Phone Oak.

5244. TTojre A-11'4. W. F. Howlett props.

HTGHFST frice pafl for a rlothinrr. Mrs. Dav. 530 Sth st. Oakland 4373.

IF you mpst have the most money for your furniture, rilse. call un Oakland Auction Meysel Mv-set. auctioneers: tbey will pay you the cash or, sell -on commission. 13th near Franklin. Phones Oakland Home A-4479.

L1G LIT tion. surrev: must b-- In Box 13501. Trib'une. goorl eon 11- Tierkelev. ROLLER -TOP and chair.

.13520. Tribune. Berkeley. WANTED 2 or 3 horsepower alterh ing current electric motor. Box 79 Tribune.

WANTD- -Th frame uf a 10. b. p. direr cu rrcn 'Tilts iiofrir dvnamy: 1 1 o-1 i-vf, MlI.LIVEnV TO ti.e winners in misspelled wo-d contest we otter a 10 perrent reduction on ostrich feathers and fancies. Chria-tians-on Jones, up-to-date milliners, 203 Telegraph, at ISth.

Phone Oakland 3S0. HIGH OLXSS Private. Boardfirts House I Siaorlse Laiuiinidry 4101 E. 14TH ST. AT 41ST AVE.

FRCITVALE. Telephone Verritt "S32. Work called for and delivered anywher Alameda County. Special rates on contract. Fuj3yama Laundry Largest.

Finest. Ih-omptest. QuIcKesW Delivery all over county. Broadway, neat 26th, Phones Oakland 9122. Home A-20i'a MARKET LAUNDRY CO.

Quick an'J satisfactory servloe-! delivery enywhere. S60 Myrtle both phones. TELEGRAPH LAUNDRY. Telegraph ave. Phon Oakland All kinds of work done by hilnd.

-No machine work; ladies' waists, 25c up. TOKYO LAUNDRY. FTRST-CLASS WORK; familv rates. 17S Filbert st. Phones Oakland 2SS3.

Homo A-23S3. TOGO LAUNDRY. Perfect work; wagons call anjrwher; lowest prices. 16S5 7th. Oak.

50S4, A-IS19. Union Laundry Co. Best Japanese laundry op coast: nil work done with enre and idisnatcn at lowest prices; wagnn calls 19S3 Union st. Phones Oaklnnd .3955. MOTORCYCLES AND RICACT.ES.

ALWAYS IN FRONT Pierce motors rind hlcycles; tide the Pterco motor and; cushion frama bcycle. J. T. Chick. 312! San Pablo.

SHOW CARDS. AT, MCLVAN iShow caids. 101S Washington st. Phone Oakland STOVT5 PLFMRTNG. STOVES moved I and connected a spee-ialtv: reneh ranges but't nnd repaired: sheet metal Wftrk of nil kinds; repairs v'for all stoves.

Pled. 4335. 679 Sflth st. SHOE REPAIRING. BY mnehfne.

while veu wait. S. M. Sam Fan Pnblo ave. TATTjORING.

NEW TA1T.OR SHOP. 40S 10th Tt. Broadway and Frnnklln F1rt-c1aso work at" fvpular prices: cloanlne. rressing snd repairintr: work dons promptlv, no-delay. 40S 10th st.

9. uoidsteln Co. ATT NIGHT TATTORS We call for. clean, press nnd return vour clothes before von arise In the mom-lne. The Club RrmvfltnT.

611 Pan Pablo ave. Phones Oakland 4520. A 1393, LATHES' TATT.OR, rT'PSENBATTM. Indies' tailor, 1S0S Grove corner San Pablo ave. Phons Oakland 57.

JAPANESE TAILORS. THE hlarh-errade tailors for ladles and 1610K. Geary S. F. FMTRELLAS AND PARASOLS MADE re-rnvered and repaired: soeclsl-tv embroidered parasols.

WhHtPll Factorv. 6nR sSan Pablo ave. Phones Oakland Sn. A-24R0. CPHOLSTERING.

PERTIN. upholsterer: mattrewses made nt your hrime or shop. reMirneit same day Phones Oakland 6401. A4378. WINTJMILI? AND PLTMPS.

A. R. EATON moved to 405 lOti st. Phone Oakland 478. JFTrCAi A Modem School for Modern Times, Polytechnic" Business.

CtfllSiPQor and -echool of Enqineerlng, 30S 12th Oakland. Cal. Leadipgt Business College of the West. Patrick Hildesley JjVoico Culture. 1M5 Broadway.

ENGINEERING Civil, elec me-eve. es chanfcal. survew assay; da-. 1S64. Van der Nalljen -School, 51st and Telegrarh Oakland.

ETTZABETH L. MAKTNH. Teacber Elocution and Expression: Dramatic Reader. 1 31 Market. Oakland 5457.

FRENCH and Spr.inish taught; quickest, therefore cheapest method. Professor L. de Gaudet. 1114 Webster st. Heald-Dixon College San Pablo at lGth Oakland New ard modern: 12 schools; greatest facilities and' strongest influence: com-merclal.

shorthand, typing, normal. D. J. HAP P. copying" in teroreter.

translating; Span'sh Iessonsgiven, also lessons In the English branches. 573 8th st. MRS. R. B.

CR7CHTON. experienced teacher: shorthand dietation public school work, f.09 17th st. MRS. F. piano.

3947. LURCH ER Voice tried 573 17th st. Phone Oakland MISS FLOR A C. KENDALL. pianif and te aoner.

inth st. Phone A-33SZ. ma iv i i Shorthand Institute; estah. 10 Vfars. select private school of limited personal guidance of expert ceit.ned iln5tructors; moderate terms.

1005 Wjisblhgton st. kindergarten Vth. Tat 1125 AdelTne 'between 12th and 14th sts. Phone Oakland 7002. PIANO Instruction: highest standard: HAZEL REEK.

Studio -oom SO. 1115 Broadway: telephone Oakland 6454 or Home A14CS. Private' Instruction plven by experienced lady teamer In English branches of both private, and public school work; terms moderate; best of references. 2SQ Fairmont Oakland. TUITION Common English BrTrToru-s; children or ad ilts.

Phone Merritt 3751. yTot.IX- ST'UDTO Max Lercher, F73 17th st. Phone Oakland 3147. Inst fur. free.

ALC UIOL and t-lectrl' I inland House, 'Haskell. massa ge. 102 Room .12. Kilti.s CABINET bat lis and alcohol massage-. OHie Engalls and assistant, 522 6th st.

No sign. ELl-'TRIC ba-h find massage. 303A 12th. room 2. Miss Helen Williams.

Fl RS'J'j-CLA SS manicure and massage, parlors. Miss Rclchmnnn. 2.0:)A 12tb room I. FA ISIK Vapor bath and massage. 1105 room GER'I 1 st A 1 )N.

moved to 5 forinerl 14 9th st. of CIRCLE, bath and massage, private; sign. 520 Ninth st. MABEL' CLIFFORD Alcohol and scl-n-tltic mass-ace. nn th suite n.

MISS f.E Ec I a gn 1 1 reaTrncr7t7or hjst vitality. 553 Van Ness. R. 3. S.

F. MISS MMviri Gonzales, cabinet baths and 'alcohol 9th room 16. VEEN A COLLINS. shampoos. steam baths, electro-magnetic massage.

7 avr no slcns. MOVINf; STOIiACL BE KIN OF COURSE. 1070 Broadway, near Bt. OOOK-MORGAN Storing Moving- Co. Furniture, pianos, mercharjllse packing and shipping.

Oftlce i03 14th phono Oaklnnd 3235. KURNITURE stotcd' in separate, rooms at reaironaJile. Porter. 1016 Broadway. 1'hone OSikland 1990.

LYON STORAGE AND MOVING CO. Tracking and shipping. 437 1 4th piiOne OaUlnn -J', Home A-2ri71. PRESCOTT Viiri' ivl "Storage separate compartments cartage freat Phones Merritt- 432: Homo B-1144. Office, 1115 23d ave.

1 cr, a re tiv -rue TDinilMlf PAY BIQ RETURNS A TRIBLET PHONE! THE i TR Oakland 528 or 767. rTELJPWAJVT WANTED kiirl for cotikinp and generai liousework in small family references. Apply at 1217 Sherman Alameda. WAITED A woman for general house-- work; must be good cook. Apply 2S11 Korrest Berkeley.

WANTED A first-class pirl for iipstrfirs work; koo1 sewer; waees $35., 245 lee St. Phone Oakland 721. WANTED A younp pirl for housework; no cookinp; pooJ home. 62 6th St. Phone Oakland 8977.

WANTED Competent plrl for housework ana cooking. Phone Piedmont 6271. WANTED A first-class cornucopia baker; none other need apply. Box 1387L Tribune. WA NTED Good )od girl for general house-sleep home.

Apply K21 Stitli work; must st. WA NTED A plrl to do second work arid wal i Pli one Pledmo nt 2 6 5 WANTED for work. Phone Oakland References. YOUXd girl to assist with light housework: must mind children. Tel.

Mor-rltt 2rifi0. I YOUN( girl to care for children, 21.7 Alcatraz Collepe ave. car. UIEN the right employer to read the "sltua-tl'ms wnpted" yours should be "THERE." SALKSMKV SOLICITORS L.PKKlENCl-,ii leal estate saie.s.ii:m travel; splendlcl offer. Call 4 and 5 p.

Hamilton Hamilton, Bacon Blag. Arcade. Oakland. MEN and women for a fast selling article; good commision. E.

I. TTzall, Room 40, 10S. Washington st. WANTED Real live agent for qu' -k selline, useful article. Call at 141S Castro Otiklarvd.

bet. 7 and 9 p. m. WANTKD Good solicitor and salesman; permanent position; opportunity- to ad-vance. 465 12th st.

SITUATIONS WANTED MALE WHEN "the best" serv ant is looking for a new place, your ad. should be A YOUNG man wishes to do work at evenings and on Suralav. Address Paul Drasky, 1117 13th ave. Photic Merritt 1077. BOY wishes to learn automobil Box 92S7.

Trlbun-j. trade. Cf HiW uitntc eOt-l-- 1: 7 1 i boilSC Or 1 KTTinlt -restaurant: fimiI worker. Box; 13.:.14. Tribune.

Rerkeb-y. FIRST-CLASS JapafK-se coOk wants po-rltlon in" family. Frank Isoe. I 'hone Oakland HONEST Japanese boy wants to do good cooking. Phone Oakland H.

JAPANESE, expei.icnced laundry man. wants to work -for a few davs in every week bv tl-e continually. Phone Oakland 2949. 7tli Oakland. I JAPANESE bo wishes position to do ccf'king and housework in Berkeley try Oakland.

Phone B. 544. 2150 Dwight way. B'-rkeley. JAPANESE wants position as cook in good family; v.iges $7 up a we-k.

K. Kobo, SiiS Franklin st. JAPANESE boy wants position t. dishes evenings. K.

Yanagl. 7C0 i i- WANTED Position as man about place. Address S. Johnson. S03 Hav St.

T.i.iln,., aa awklant bookkeeper. clerk or general off, man; steady, trustworthy atid industrious: reasonable salary; ref B2S1. Tribune. Japanese wants position to do cooking and housework. Oakland 127 WHEN "the hest" cook looks your ad.

should he "THERE." SITUATIONS WllN "the best" servant is looking for a new place, vour ad. should be "THERE." A CAPABLE lady desires position as conipa.i-.ii or nurse for ad lit i children. Address L'ella M. Wilbur. Gn-eraj Delivery, Oakland.

A DJ LE-AI I'D American. woman woui.l like position as housekeeper Iri widower's family; -mother's care givt-pi to children. OS 11th St. A tlen to Ka.Wfl. Jananesi- woman wants posi- lo plain cooking.

Adilress 15th nr. S. A girl, posi! h.i.; best ( cook, wishes f'-rrnces. (;- land 3.3'i2. A RESPECTABLE woman for was.ilng and ironing by Jay.

or cooking. llll'i 22nd St. COMBE-TENT woman wants work; smaH family; adults. Call between a. into 4 p.

6tiS 7 fa --st. No postals. CO pT-TTENT Swedish girl wants position in private family; Box 9:144, Trtlur.e. EXPEPll KNCED housek. years old; wishes p.

in lias girl 10 it Ion. city or conn ry M. box 9205. Tribune. GOOD Japanese girl wishes position as -cook.

Phone IMe.lmmt 4211. LNEX PERIENCED -jfenog ra pher wishes position; good references; eas, ins bio wages. Box Tribune. NEAT laundress wish-s more steady places; good ne-t and quick worker; give phone. Mrs.

R. McEvilly, Fitch- burg. REFIN'KD girl would "like' home where she can be a companion and assist, and attend school: small recompense. Phone Piedmont THOROUGHLY a st- adv plac. competent nurs" wlii-s earing for si' or invalid person.

Addr-ss Nurse, r.13 st. i WANTED by a competent woman to go out rv tne uav; is quiCK ami neai. Phone Piedmont 2074. WHEN th best" cook looks your a5. ehould be "THERE-" I I I in no and and 1 A A.

(SMALL TIIIBrXE ATT) WORKS WOXDKRS IXLIILLS KLUY NEED. rfome A2151. nrsTXEss chances WHL.N the man who wants to buy a "ready made gets to look-lng." your ad. should be BI'SIXESS enterprises encouraged, arranged and financed; capital for promotion secured; prospects written and Investors secured for enterprises of merit. Suite 205-6-7, Union Savings Bank, Oakland.

HCTCIIER SHOP for rent: fixtures for sale; next door to a grocery store. In-qulr 251 Cth ELEGANT opportunity for right party; portion of an elegant store suitable, for ladies' furnishing goods, dry goods or shoes: finest show windows and store In Oakland. Box 9397. Tribune. ELEGANT store and fixtures for tense or sale; on San Pablo suitable for any kind of business; a snap; rent verv reasonable.

Box 9396. Tribune. Fi SATJS One if ie best moving nic-ture and vaureville theaters In this city; iloing fine business: all furniture fittings, fixtures, Including piano, SlSOn; best of reasons for selling. M. T.

Minney 1 Broadway. WHEN the buver lookg" the seller's ad. be "THERE." INVESTMENTS WHEN the man who wants to buy a "ready made business" gets to "looking." your ad. should lie "THERE." PARTNER wanted with $2,000 to invest in mining proposition; rich disooverv of gold In Death Valley; good chan -e for right partv; worth investigating. Hox '9307.

Trlbune. 25 to per cent on your money: wilj guarantee 1 'per cent, with ample real estate seeurltv; proof on request. Box 11570. Tribune. HORSES AND WAGONS WHEN the buver "looks," the" seller's ad.

should be "THERE." A. A. SELL, trade or hire any kind of a horse, all kinds of v.agons and buggies, single and double st-ts of harness. Auction sales Wednesdays and Saturdays, 11 a. 565 4th st.

Phone Oak. SS92. AN pp-to-date surrey, almost new; no reasonable offer rtfu-ed: in full or easv payments. f'Vl Marsliall at San Pal'l' S. P.

station. Auctions-Wed. Saturday Horses sold on commission. 66-1 way. HORSES boarded and shod.

J20; large sanitary stalls; special rates on first-class business: buggies furnished by the month. 4S0 25th. near Telegraph; phone Oakland 25S2. HoRE good for deliverv or bussrj'. Apjily Piedmont Market, 40th an 1 Pied-y mont ave.

HORSES. 1000 to 1400 pounds, for sale and rent. 619 Franklin st. WANTED Lumber team with or without driver. East Shore Lumber l)e Fremery Wharf.

$120 A GOOD gentle horse for sale; adv can drive. 423 near Tel. ave. Clairvoyant and Sparat Med sum I promise to tell vou whether husband. wife or sweetheart is- true on false; whom and when yon will marry; Ijwlll tell vou to g.jln.the love 'of the you most, desire, even though miles away; in fa-t, will tell you every hope, fear and ambition better than vou tan tell yourself.

willrtell you what business to engage to best succeed; when jto change; when to buy. SPECIAL READING FOR DAVS, ONLY 50. A FEW JAMES 511 23d co- Telegraph Located In his own home. You meet strangers. Lady attendant.

VERNA "M'Vliurn" card uTeT. tells I'Vei-ything true; no humbug. 7 Telegra ave. MRS. BRYANT, located- at S5H Wash.

R. 19. 'lalrvoyant. circles Sat. PROF- WALLA CM F'l RITT'A LIST" Greatest living astral clairvoyant of the age; on business affairs of life; tei's your full name what you called for.

whom you will how to eontiol the one vou love. even thougn miles away; reunites separated -gives rt powers to control. I oca ted ft The N. St. James, 1010 'A sh i nrt'jrn st.

iOc a n.t SI. I'URNITURi: FOR SALE BARGAIN -Cunip'ete furnishings of 7-room house for -S125 cash; house rent a snap. fall 577 Jones hear Irovo. Phone home A 2570. ELEGANT furniture, lesk chairs, table, for sale.

210-11 Firt Nailonal Bank Ring. PurnJttjire of two nicely l.irn'slied flats; upper and lower live and nine rooms: "will sell both or separately, cheap; full good roomers; also lot. of odd pieAjs. Call 522 Dth near Telegraph; location; rent low. FINE furniture.

Including 30 piano and complete furnishings of an bungalow; t.350. E. 2fh st. FURNITURE for sale; all nice tine rms. 'cheap; cottage for-rent.

St5 27th St. FiR SALE New furniture oF a 3-rocm flat at a bargain. 614 17th st. FURNITURE for sfle cheap; lu a. m.

to 4 p. m. 540 31st St. HERE is a ror any one looking for a bargain In -furniture. I have larne account against a reliable furniture house.

Will s. II ail orp.ait of my cl at a good Address Box 1001. Tribune. NICELY furnishes. 5 -room fiat on arcouiii a oa r-sichcness.

gain; must sell JlC-i 12th st. SUNNY, seven-room flat furnished complete. 641 I7tb. st. Call forenoons and evepinf i time and mnnev.

All female complaints iVrerl- advlno. free- 10. A to 4 P. M. nnl 6 to 9 P.M.

Sunday ll A.M. to 2P.M. AA PRIVATE home for the sick: eon- adorxion: all women and children's diseases treated; invalids taken care of. 171 E. 14th st.

HAPPY 'LADY home treatment: relief of all female troubles; satisfaction guaranteed. 247 Pine. S. F. T1-4; Con: free.

LAiriES don't experiment: Mnie. I Frare's renowned home treatment prevents all irregularities: safe and per hr prepaid. Greene-Cross San Francisco, Cal. Box 523. MMK.

DR. E. grad. electrician; private home ment: terms moderate; 1 3120 Wash. Fruit vale.

midwife and for "on fine-to 3 p. m. Merritt 1fi.7: WONG inM. DR. Chinese famous'herb do-tor.

Offices, 126S O'Far-i roll st. PHVSTtTANS DIRECTORY AA -I 'It. SCHIRMVN positively cni-s; rheumatism and sciatica: diseases or the heart, blood f.rd nervous system; liver, ki.liievs and bladder trouble. Of fice. 1KJ0 Post San Franeiseo.

DR. F. W. D'EVELYN- Office. 2115 Call- fornin ct Fran cisco: rvhorre-" Y'est 1144; hours.

1 to Residence. 21 03 Clinton ave. phone Alameda i 150: hours, p. m. 9 to 10 a.

7 to 8 RICHSTEIN. J. and skin I. M. IX.

genito-urlnnrv -s." .31 1-15. S.30 THE RICORD MEDICAL TXSTITT'TE. fl7 Oakland. Phone Oak. 1 RELIABLE Graduated and' licensed specialists In I TO I A dis eases.

BLOOD and SKIN affections. I PROMPT nnd CURES bv Professor Ricord's method exelusivelv F.F.S A SON A RLE. THE RTOORD MEDIC INSTTTT'TE, 517 23rd nea- Telegraph" OAKLAND. CAL. OSTEOr VTH DR.

R. L. MEYER. Mil 'Market. S.

chronic, nervous diseases, mental aberration, ear, nose, throat, chest. heart, stomach, liver, constipation. rheumatism. paralysis, weakness. I cure where others fall; no drugs, no knife, consultation free.

DR. F. A. LACEY, Oteopathv. Eleofro-Therapeuf ics.

Ok. Bk. 12th. VALPEAE'S FEMALE PTI.T.S VALpEATfnKiTe 'regulation pills sold; -price $2.50 by express. Osgood's Drug Stores.

-Oak'and. II All? PHYSICIAN bit. M. CARTER, hair physician I'-iseases ot head and ha.Tr, treated; fealp rind facial massacre, shampooing ncd Rooms 17 ond 0. 106 Washinrrlon st phone Onkla-id ACTOS ALUMINUM brazing, aluminum! solder for Sale; dies and models; radiators repaired.

Von S-rkev. 357 3d Oak-lard 417. A1174. A. A.

Model I Franklin touring car. T-i ss condition: all extras; grat bargain. pj. Tmont -2209, or box I good con. lliion: will sell ell.

ajV or' exciianrre fur real estate. n4 Telegrnj-ih rive. BARGAIN In t-passenger, 20 horsepower. MS; perfe-'-t condition will trade on lot. 2712 Eruitvale Phono 114.

COAST Aluminum Works; soldering. 707 Frarklln. land 2209. brazing and Phone Oak GOOD touring -ar for sa! change for good yotiag 11S15. Tribune.

or will ex-horses. Box RI'NA IK Al condition; owner wanrs cash; $225 buys it; answer. Box 7937. Tribune. MISMA INSTRl'M ENTS W-HKN the tiiano-liunt ioka over the ads.

vnurs. if vou hav ve piano to sell. be "THERE ACCti'NT fall trip to factory, coast must s-'ll this week used player-piano K.ample; value $700; sell less than half. Uiller-is Berkeley. cor.

Ahbv. I'lANOS TO RENT FINE pianos for rent. Eohlei ft Chase, 1015 Broadwav. Phone Oakland SPIRITUALISM PROF. GEE, Medium.

Reading 50c. SI. Circle Sunday. Tuesdav. Thursday.

Friday, 8 p. m. 25c 616 Xelesraph av t-! 1 OI ITCES a a RFLT ABI h'-Tp Km p. Ags. V-' Chinese -erv.

Phone Oak 31 01. 3ffl Sth. For! felLi'idn colored he'p. I male or male call A Is so. Oakland 39 40.

O. Hudson. Kmrl'vmerit Agency, S55 Bread -vav. "4. VYpNT7''-T and house-elean-fr-g nfflce! 319 7th: phrn Oiklnd I Ifi.N.

I'dH-ULS, IrtLO S. Piitent Of fee. Me- '-ank S. SCIIBOFDER. 1 S.

and for eign rntcntJ. 415-16 Firt NbHotjsu Panic Oakland. Phone Oakland S047. HOUSE MOVERS iiBrLEJvmS moving; buildings bought and old. 481 2Jd et.

Phones Oak. 2807. Horn B158..

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