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The Daily Review from Decatur, Illinois • Page 22

The Daily Reviewi
Decatur, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

I Page Twenty-Two THE DECATUR I Sunday Morning, Aprfl 29, 1906. "If a man does not make new as he passes through life he will soon find himself left alone. A man must keep his friendship in constant Want ads have introduced more people to each other in this city than ha7e met through any other means. SMALL PRIVATE FAMILY RESIDING IN i desires the services of. comiic- i girl.

None those rurnli.hine best rcfcrtinccs as to chmcter need apply, i i and home lor i Address J. care Hccatur Ucviow. WANTED--A QIItL FOR A IIOUSE- work. Mrs. M.

Z. 936 South Frank- WANT AD BATES. Casb In No oroer lesa than IRo. 8c a lice the first Ic a Hne eacb subseguei time. No ad counted than iree Ilnee.

The following pehedule will Je taken as a banls for counting llnee: 18 words or leas 8 lines 19 to is words 4 lines 26 to 32 wordB 6 lines a3 to 39 words 6 40 to 46 words 7 lines 47 to 62 words 8 lines 64 to 6(1 words 0 61 to 67 wordi 10 lines BRANCH OKFICffiS. The following are the placf from which you may bave yortr want telephoned The Review. Thffle branch offices have been established with a view to accommodating the public. The pries just tho name at a branch office as at the main olfloe. J.

C. BEAR. Orocer. I A. J.

KRI'SH, Grocer. 1210 E. W. O. M'CRUM.

Druggist. 1101 W. Main. WILLIAM Ix ALLEN. ooor.

1500 E. William. JOSEPH ECHOENLB. Qr jer. 631 Wood.

FULTON N. Water. BIMONDS' MARKET. Or, eery, 64S W. Leaf land.

ARMSTRONG. ELLIS Dnigirlrt. 1113 N. Water. ARMSTRONG.

ELLIS DrugSlat. 1001 E. Herkljier. OUS LABHARDT. Confe tloner.

7W-72S WANTKD-LADT SOLICITOR. A A I in city, good pay. position a Audress S. S-. cart Hevleiv.

A I CAN MAKE $10 PER week at a i a i aprons for us; KomlB i i cut ready for i can send Roods any i a steady employment; send 'itamp for i a i F. Eicacli, manager A Dayton. Ohio. A A ONCE, LADIES TO DO I I i i at i homes. Paying eriiploj-- nivtit.

Call tnorninKS. 1466 Union st. A -COMPETENT GIRL FOU al housework. Small a i Apply 667 West Wood street. A I A WHITE GIRL FOR general housework.

Family two. est Macon. WANTED--WALL, PAPER TO CLEAN. ALL work guaranteed. Leave orders at Ferguson Co bcth phones, 65S East Eldorado street.

GEORGE PUYOH. A WALL PAPER CLEANING. Have had 5 years' experience. Leave orders at Horrall'n Drug Store, Main and William streets. Olc phone 223.

WILLIAM SILBR. SOB ARMS. FOR SALB-3IW-ACRE MACON COUNTY a the best Improved in central Illinois, i well at a barnaui. F. FICKLE, 157 East Mam street.

FOlt SALE-27 ACRES BIX MILES OL'T, good a bargain If eold soon; L. Wiliskey, J36 East a i FOR SALE-KI-ACRE FRUIT FARM. SEVEN- West Wood, $2,500. Eight-room house, tuodern.

weal end, price 120-aere r.irrn"nVar"iVe'cntur, Slov'per acre. Eight-room house, hard wood floors, rurrftoe, hot and cold water i a on two lots; price io.lXJO. i house, all modern. West Decatur, H.oiiu. i uni bouse, west end, price A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOVSB- work.

Good wages for right party. Call at N. Kdwarii. GOOD CtIRL FOR GE.NERAL bousework. S4.

K. Wond street. A A I A HOUSE- at 748 West street. A A OOOD I TO ASSIST I i i work. A a i Hall, corner F.ldoratlo and a i WANTKD-OIKL i Call mi TO II ELI 1 Feake slreet.

ROOM OIRL WANTED--A I I hotel at once. A A ONCE. THOROUGHLY COM- petent i i at SS3 South Webster street. A I A I A LADY FOR or companion. I i H.

I East 1'aeliard street. pin acres near good town, a fine corn farm, well tiled, price WI acre-. A sr.a.p. i other Macon county farms and Dec a i properlles, Dakota anc a a lands. Come and see POSITIONS VV'ANTED--HOUPF CI.EANIM TO DO TiV reliable while woman.

Arid CSB care WANTED- A POSITION child or companion for an lari. 2-35 W. a i WANTED-POSITION BY LA AS HOVMB- keeper for a barhelor or wi lower. Addruus caro Review. AGENTS WANTED.

A A A IN any line, to sell general smr, In I i i A unexcelled specialty propositii OonuiusMone, and J.I5 weekly Mr 1'hc i a Clcvel.tnc, O. I A I A lor Also an apprentice i Mm. A i a room 1 Masonic i i WANTF.D--OOOD I FOR a i of two. a i a wag's. Mrs.

J. A. Swearlngen. SJO West i i a WANTED-AT ONCE. A TO a i Must lie a a resp-c- i Deeatur references desired.

Can i Kood lxard. Will pay well. MRS. W. C.

A I i a Ills. liuora 4, Central illock, Decatur, I i i one i 100 a. clone, a ance i barn a cattle shed, i take Hi pan a acres i i a i i I i a a bu miles a of i a ol acres i 16 ac a in oil region of I i i L. Ii. FKC1T, Main streH riTi: UEST IN THE COUNTY.

PLEASANT I STOCK A IS i by a Hie i a in son It a i acres, and llr richest a i a soil. acre i goo, 11. soil Is dot'i an.l rtraap avc i ct irn- i y. SMU snibstumla WANTFJ-A I A work. wages paid but to good help only, and such need a No washing.

a 7 A I I FOP, housework. No i i or I i Mrs. A. 8IU West BUSINESS OPPOETTJOTTIES. FOR A F.ST A I I 1 MEi-1- A I A To or i i a commissions, i $lw a i't-rmanmit jiosHiori Lu JJ tint It It LH'- i Mich.

i MVHKYT.HI.V; CON- a i MX i and soliti i i i a i i i tooay. a i i i i i a i FOK A I UOi ID cnicker.lack i i a just the i i i carnivals. M. A I A I 26-1 a st a i a i i Th a i Corn, i crops. i i i i i i i i l.uililini;.-.

is i 15(1 nct-cs tin do- llofc i i i i a i i a i i at all parts of i a I TLMHliR, a i i to SO acrrs, i i i i a i i i a i i complete a i makes i Income I i i MIL10S A i a i i i tins a i i a every house; good a i a rates and tnai-- an acre. Till 1 price has bepn i i a i lo i sale. A i a on i a be carried, If desired. A tu- lo-r, i i i a i Mo. FOR HOUSE ON BAST Condlt street.

SI. ISO. Two new four-room cottages, close In, on jaymsnts. Seven-room modern cottage. North Mam S3 600.

Three four-room cottages. North Clinton Jl.576, J1.400, $1,150, Five-room house North Union, H.E50. Seven-room house. West Decatur, partly modern, Modern houses on West Main street. Lots In all parts, $300 up.

L. C. WILLSKEY. 138 East Prune. FOR SALE-VAC ANT LOTS- Beautiful 50-foot lot on N.

Main Vacant lot. East Herkimer street, Vacant lot. East Herkimer street, J3iiO. Vacant East Herktmer street, Vacant lot. East Condit street.

33:5. We nlso offer for sale several deslralilo onies of the hast class in all parts of the city prices Impossible to duplicate. And the Inest vacant lots in the i for the money re those beautiful lots on West Green street; i-Ice easy terms. 9TROHM, J4 North Water St. Agents.

FIRST CLASS REAL. ESTATE BARGAINS. Elegant new eight-room -strictly modern house, i lot. east front, close in on North Main street; possession i i a Seven rooms, modern, i location, car Ine, and one of the best bargains of the day, at $2,000. Five rooms, city water, sewage, paved street, close to car line, lot 50x176; a snap at $2.200.

moms, new, cellar, well, clatern, barn, from. University Place. How'a this at Eight-ronm modern cottRge, hot water heat, i a i close in on the west slfle, and snap at JM.OflO. Rlpgant now six-room cottagp, harciwond floors, crUar. wall, fine lot, 40x160, North Main street.

Try i at rooms, modern, one of the best loca- i in the wPBt sldf. nnd gor-s at Five rooms, well, i cellar, sewapf, i i good a lot 60x175. First class a a i at $2,230. Seven rooms, closets, well, cistern, Rewage. pavt'd street, first class location.

Price $2.500. mod am house. steam a a i i lot 5fixlS2. paved i-lnso to cur line, north part. Price i-even mom 3, burn, i water, sewage, a i to car line.

a a i Fine i house, a i i corner lot in the. city. 108x152, fine trees, both streets pavod. and offered at a a i sfMl. Sre us for part-ttuiSara.

First class corner lots, located in any part of tho i and at all prices. Special a a i in a lands, a in any part of the United States, A I A Room 6 f'asflekl i i 224 N. Mo i FOR SALE-DESIRABLE LOT WEST southwest corner West Wood and Edward HIS. 31oek from i a and street cars, bioclt rom business, three blocks to business center, toom for five houses or three double flats, icst lot In city. Look It over, then see Lower, com 218 i i i building.

A A I K1VEK VAL- in. a a i to ci on your i not ni xl Tin great di. homo und a i a ,1. i UK on May 1 and look IlllHEli. .104 K.

I a i i i i i i Ills. a I by ua and wo i a i i a one is a i i a i a i a crops, a i a loi.s. i i i i i i A A i i out of i i i care Km i A FOR A I 1 I I SK1.1, i i if May 1. Call i strc-ct. I I 1 A I A i i i i i i i i a i a a near i cur- The i i I I A i i i i A i i colored pictures; nou i i i a iToall milCHs A i i i a a i i a WANTF.D-TWO I ence unaecessari- i i i i i i to weekly iuid 1.

bond required. Address i a C. A. i Decatur. AOENT8 SAN A ctaco Elarthuuako Book.

Li rse path's, stui-l- llng pictures, eleuant i Hooks i Freight paid. Tit) Bible i i street, Chicago. "DESTIU'CTION OF BAN FBA.Nl'ISCD." Book. Large profits. Act i Free.

Globe, Company. i'hlla. A A i MI- shop i i a a L1 A I I I FOR A A WANTF.D FUR A a iateresl In a well a i i a supply a laruo i In one of the best i In a I i i none but i class a i i a ler.ce a Owner has more business a a a to a ac.ircss a son Son. 31K a Iliock. a Ills.

SAJ.K.-1 A FAP.MS I''l(oM 160 Tf Tile i prik-prcl foi ti. i wluu want you i i A. J. I a i Okla. FOR SALE--DWELLINGS-11 rooms, iiodern, Water.

10 rooms, modern, North Water, Sii.lOO. 8 rooms, North Water, rooms, modi rn. West North, 9 rooms, mod, West Decatur, So.2'*. 7 rooms, modern, East North, 7 rooms, a Jl.wn. 5 rooms, and barn, N.

8 rooms and a 3 lots, Water. SS.UO 7 rooms, 'ottnRe, North Church. f2.2,10. 6 rooms, cottage. a G.

A. STADLER SONS. i i FOR seven-room i North Mon $3.000 n. K. A 133 East a i i street FOR A i COTTAGE, COR ner lot.

East Wood, very cheap; A i A- Sons, i i i i FOR SALE S-ROOM TWO LOTS barn, side, all a a i Two lots a i close i Four modern hom-es, a i 7 rooms, N. a rooms modern, barn, W. 9 rooms, Packard; ronnis. E. ii 1-001115 modern.

W. Mm." i a i a N. hn lots i i cl.ise i i i bargain. I a writ ten. A :111 E.

a i POULTEY AMD EGOS. FOR S4.LE-WHITE WYANDOTTE EGOS from best prlzo winners a.t per flllcen. Second house went of Jones bchcol. FOR FIVE-KOOM I Morgan strei-t. Inqolr at Ktmi I a Rural Route No.

7. Decalur. Ilia. FOR SALE-S. C.

BKOWN LEGHORN EGG3 from prise winners. and per i Rofers avenue. John oil. 'OR SALE-SEVERAL RESIDENCE LOTS near in. J1.6CJ to 47.500.

See Geo. Lower, oom 218 i i i building- bOTP FOR cluso Jn. N. College. East Wood.

Hugh. Snell a miO, X. lildward. i Place. .100, East a i I 6th add.

llfid Clirimb. Commerce Eliq Hiclge. 5, Waggoner street, jtipj i I 2nS North Main Pt. FOR SALE-30 CASH OR PAYMBNTS; acnuc houses that, must sell by a 1. H.

i TM a IS Tlift TIME TO QKT HBAUV 1'XUi tloultrie County and i't-t block Shuw, to be held HL rfulllvaii. during the week of December 17-22. iWtf. D. W.

Uuncuti, Lary. FOR SALK-PUUE TURKEY. AND Kock egES. F. J.

Stitch. K. l. No. 1.

Aiacun, Ills. Fl)R SALE-EGGci FROM THOROUGHBRED stock Silver-laced Wyandottob, Light Biuh- mau Uarrdii Rocks, Single Comb Brown J. A. names, R. F.

D. 7. Docatur. ew plione i'tta on line 7. iOK BALE-lfiiaUB FKOM 1'uHii iiKii-D b.

C. ii Leghorns and B. Hocks. 75c anJ L'lionea--New. old, Ilia Untun BL 31JRDS, DOGS.

AMD FOR A I A 1 i WATER hpamel. 1 year i pnotie li'is or call at GOODS. OR SALE-LOT ON EAST A I I $450; in a Oi-ovn a i i lot ll a near a a shops, A A A 1211 East Main si. FOR SALE-LOT, 1100 BLOCK WEST A a i i i purchaser. Also house mi i a i un a er a a i i Latham, FOK SAI.E- TWO MCiO LOTS UN UcL-atur street, cheap.

O. fi. 1W i Main St, THli BU', 1 I A A I IS ON. i cut iJieceB. faui- I'm U.i i i a i i i i A i I A ucu.

i i FOR RENT-HOUSES. FOR RENT-- FOUH-Ri OM Si; I porch, i is wi li-r. cl -fe i 3.3I Un 'I i i a stive! FOR 1 i r. i'ii 11 i i i l'-OK -A I I i i i suvi I WEST ft Num. FOR -A 1 tatle.

i a RENT 1 I i ly paper, il i i J. K. a i i HW FOR it a i i i i i 11' FOR Jil-JNT- close in SiC .11 vl's i a i i i i i --1X iT A FOR HK NT i i A A i 1'UDAY SALE A A IF A A'l unco, W. a ic jive. I I ''F-NTS A A 1 I FOR SALE-BEST I I LOT I Deealur -IU feet widi-', above i i low block Wood Price i No need a Owner, 17.6 nil Broadway.

FOK SALE-TWO LOTS AT THE CORNER of Edward find Deeatur etreo'ls. These an- as ua you ever saw and are reasonable. A I FOK SALE AH3J EXCHANGE. FOU SALE OU A I A A A rk to TUt; i i i i i A1A- i a diaphragm. A.

iluliUcrs ile 1UV8 a a UUU 11ANO, UbliO TliKKE i tiyu. fciultcrn. t-iibt 1 i .1 V. VV I I I 'H CM' I i 1' i i 7 street, st B. K.

A 1M Prairlt; I Hi U.K I I a A i a i i i a FOK A TU I'l'FJ I DeuaUir. a i 1 trade, low Unit; I I 1 dovote i i lo i a trad-'-. you a a Hon. SIS Wait block. K.

T. WANTED-TO RENT. A 1 ti WANTED-AfiENTS I A I houn. Brown and Scuit ecu w.irk 1111- rolB Oooil unt-y paid to tho right W. Wul Ueucrul Agent, Point, Ilia.

AGENTS WANTED--TO Ci NVAB FOK lOc fcrtiole, neccSMly in evor" lomo; 200 per cent profit. Sample to tliob who nifan bubl- TVrlte tuduy. Union I Dept. Milwaukee, VN IA. HELP WAMTED 1 A i i 11' i i a Call inoi-ni close In.

A I i S.U,F. A I FAHM A I i oheiip tu cluso a I i i lays a i a i a a i i i i i a I i i (l nl a a i i uti'rr-r 'u'lil't'u'ihlii-cV. a In iircliani, II i I l-'lvr i i i i i i arm i a i two a i I'ru-ii A I i i i i FOlt A A Itil) 1 i i i i i i i A A i a aero If PIT acru Gar- tHH I 1 -16') A i OF FINEST i I A EN'I'iiY FOOT a I DITCH- IT A I A AND I A I I I I I'lil'CE i A i A AND i A U.I.S. HAI.K A I A I I A I M1LU1KIN WAKTED-TO BUY. A i 1 I vveiBli aliout l.ftlu I I I I I i-ach.

i a ai i i a or the Di-i-attir i i i a i a i i Company, litili North Wali'i- llln. WANTED-TO BUY A A I OF 1'lourliiK or BhJjilap. Call old phone Itil 1. A TO KT'Y- BECOND A i A i a In fc'oori i i also I i mill i i Addrots F. caro A A A A aurt-'S a KO nn i lieret'ord cowfi.

rishtT, Ukla. Price J13.00I). Foil I A I F11KE HOMB- i a a i i i i M. i I'. I'oasl i i i i i a anil i a i Land Llnton or i N.

I). Foil A I I COT a i a i i i llni-' conu-r 01 pave.I $2 un.i at onci if sold i wock. W. F. i i In.sivr- A E.

a i at. WANTED--AT ONCE, A JOK FOU HOME baking; good wagon. West Main etrnet. ri, 1. N.

Ki-yes, 11KW HT.T.P I TO ACT AS (tirianan and Job man on A fctatlng a a i i and a a i L'nlon olllt-e. i''oi-i--inan tualt pot vvL-ck. The Clinton, WANTED--A riKST 3 BAKUEU; S12 per guaranteed. Ap 'ly John lluusain, Howaaqua, lllu. A I TO BliY-A BIX OK FOOT show case.

Dink's Store, 14': a St. A I I I YOUK A I and of all i i i i i i prices a i Willlanvs, WANTED-A FEW A eultable tor livery work. JJavls ery WANT TO A I MHO cash buy a 8 or 4 room plai-e; i i i to go Ollf build mo "tin. i Ko JirjO a I'll you a wi'oli to got mi' 4 or rooms; can Sl.OnO 1 1 I I a bee 520 Walt. WANTBD-A SINGLE A WITH A GOOD team and I i i i a i i a Dl H.

D. WANTKIJ "MEN, i i i GOOD pay; to i i i a adv. matter, ta iglis, no convasotHK. A a Dirt. liureau.

lw a a Bank 1 Ohic.tKO. llin. WANTED i TO tack slunB, i iars, aainples. no a i guixl pay. i A i Uu- reau, ChieaKo.

A EL10I I I A GOOD MAN FOK insi'le wo'-k. ALiitrcss W. Ii. care Review. A 1 MAN I'D Jib Tttilur, WOKK IN i Main 8 OR 4 HOYS FROM 17 TO 18 old to work on est Macon etreet.

A A TO A I --5 TONH OF A E. a A TO A i 3,000 horse lor i i -wagon. Ifili S. a i St. A TO HUY-COTTAGE OF OK ti Klve pi ice, location, etc.

Address M. L. care Review. FOIi I I AND STOCK FARM F.r.,'lte i i Illinois; MO acres. 1'jo In or a easy I).

C. Varuluila I i i A I I I I A A I I i a i i i a list for Bai n. the a lUctilrrond. V'a. HUMES FUK TOE rEOri.K AND WHERE deliver th One or 5 Suburba MiBsnur; To I arc prepared to sell and i )ne or 1 '0 propertira choice all a hi? city.

Stlburba i i a i I low a a i i i i a i i business writ i deeds, i insur'ance. i a'hstraets tinri I i I i A over West's Drug Store Olrl Phono 18112 J17 Hast a i a Ills WANTED--TO BUY SECOND A whimls In any condition. Bicycle Hospital, CH Kaat Kldorado street. WANTKD-TU GOOD HAND clothes and tdioes. New phone W7.

A TOP, must bo In guod condition. Address Box 23. Maxoii. IllB. WANTED--GOOD CLEAN CLOTHS FOlt WIPING MACHINERY, 2c A POUND.

BRING THEM TO THE REVIEW COUNTING KOOM. MISCE1LAKEOUS WASH'S. aJso tnnti ot' O'j E. Herklmcr. i all at Feed Bton.

A MAN TO WORK I A store. TtdlLr, 12b A TO I A trade. time to Busy Few cumyk-t( Top graduate-. PoiiUluns wait iig lttv-t irudt: tn Ihe world for pour man. a business, Barber Cullc-Be, Chicago, Ills.

TABLE WA1T- lor blil-ol-faro voi'k. Write or call At 406 Center Btn-et. IN SIX WKEKS WE. I A XOU IN laleBinanahlp, secure you position an traveling Ktlesmun with resyoi ilble i Address Tbe Bradlttrcet Syatem, 3i jchester. N.

Y. WANTED -FEMALE. WANTEH--TO A WALL PAPBR I urn ail sxpert i 1 experience In Decatur. Leave your orders at King's Drug Iloth j'honea. D.

WILL.IAMS. WANTED-TO PIJEAN i A I TAPER. l-'irM i a work a a i.eiLvo onlerw ttt a Paper Oebhal't Mock, i Ii. F. P1H1.L,U\S.

A I i of Bros. X- I'd I- fxperl. A A A nnd set retvrcnres at boili (itiones. or Haines Ks- Store old phone. i years' In I a i LEWIS.

Expert Wail Paper Cleaner. FOE SALE--CITY PEOIEETY. FOK A MY I I A 7 room a 7 rooms, i -t. I rooms, S1.1W. rooms, 'l.

a terms. i West A i i i a i jr, n'Kt for i liome, 1'ralrie a I i i i a i i I a for new live-room house east en. i a lo The i eve 7IIS I I 1 I I SAI.1-: ROOMS N. A S' a a very a 7 rooms i a I a i a i 9 rooms. Kjist i a rooms, noi-th a SJ.T.on.

lots, i A. .1. i I-S Powers i i i FOR A I COTTAGE, NORT part. Modern house In 61)0 We for jii.inio. Mmosl new i modern seven-roo hriuse nnd barn, desirable a i house and two lots, 10.

block Wesl Wood street, for 51.SOO. Four-room a and on Mo to loan and i a lowest rate: W. F. PICKLE. 1C7 East a i fit.

WANTED-- I A I A at 821 West Marietta street. WANTED--STOCK TO A 2 I west on a a l.ltz olil phone 90U, 2 rlntis. A A PLOWING A ALL. otlier kinds of plowing to do. Jacob Showers, old phone 1474.

FOR GENERAL hooMwork; only two In fimlly. Call 322 S. VnlT-trlet. V. N.

H1NKLE. WANTED-- TO CLEAN YOUR WALL PA- ppr Four years' experience. Leavo orders at Irwin'8 drug old tdeplione K. WALTER HANTX. S- PATTERSON.

Do you a i tot In wept inve 'it. we a 20 to select from, nut- rlic monpr- and must have I If you wanl eonie to us; If you go to fellow. We have rhoiro bargains in hntist 1 room house. i i near nmni modern house. West Macon new hoirses a i i New house Sri.IWO, will for room house, corner lot, i street.

We have i hut harpalns. rotne and see. T.F.FOROKE PATTERSON. A -A r-HOOM i a $2,. tn 7-ronni iious.

si.Ic, i modern vest i nmrlern i vai'iint i 1 Men i markot al a a i Fepcl -stnif? a A a llti room modern i lot. i i 11. K. I A Kast Prairie A I HOUSF.S. P.OOMS i i a i a i rooinr.

a i i rooms. Mar'iin street; six rooms, wesl side. a i Seven rooms. College; ir-' and two rooms, is in all a of i up. A i rms for saie.

I A Hoom 6, over a i Shoe Store I A I A SPECIAL! A a a flown, and to il" (V) per i secure you a eood house, cellar, i i i a i a pouth A a a i l.irs. A I A Room ti Pasfield 224 N. a i OR A I Kix-rooni Wept Eldorado H. K.

I A i n3 East I'rairle street. OR SALKn- liouse, conveniences, t.w, is a a street, $Viiu. B. K. I 133 East Prairl.) 'OR A "OR A -1 A ON A of C.

Make six lots, i I year' W. 121 East i i a A 7-FMOM i I lal'Bi' a Must sell i i 1W College. A FIRST CLAPS I A A A new and a atory house, cl em and lots of young i trees at Ea ohnson avenue, one block and half lock west (tt race true-It entrnnce. FOR SALE--7 ROOM N. Cheap.

O. Q. Mulr, H'J E. a i St. i-OR bALE--FINE HOME, EIGHT LA MO rooms and two a rooms, every rnoder onvenifnce, barn, drive, West Maeon.

A bai a i lou giiod to keep. So us today. Gher Ovana, i i i iildg. OR SAbE--ON MONTHLY I 1 menls i now 6 room house uortlnvest ler of Church street and Harrison Avc nciuil'e at house. FOK SALE--TEN ROOM HOI'S i a close, in; Just tilt place lor ruon era and boarders.

Price Montgomer Wait FUR A I ROM HOUSE AND A lot I i i i mnlte four -10x120 foot lot only A bargain, Montgomery. 4 a Bide. FOR MANN. YOU MAY Ct pi'lce on my S-room modern house a for two weeks oniy. Half cap Balance a 526 Walt i FOR SALE-A I RESIDENCE PROPEV ly, 700 West Decalur, at A eive-ro cottage, N.

Calhoun, 11.100, tot $10 'J'wo vacant lols, 11 block West a $760 each. a a lo for sale or trade in all parts of the cli Money ui loan on real a Keller Sa deiB. i i bulldliinr. FOR A I COTTAGI3 ON College street, it taken soon; cheap. I.

'are Review FOR BALE-TWO POl'B-HOO I A i i A A LOTS. lor acres on I a or graved a i depot tor team. at A OR A -Have a i i a pa, er, worked six rks. hows a 2:20 Sound as a i a a sure a i I a i is year a. i cl.iss a i i for a house ami lot or a a Ma.

at F.dward street a ti o'c SALE-- LA HI I I A i ed a i six a i i i i i a i a a i a ins BICYCLES MO) AUTOMOBILES. OT FOR IIIAMO.N'D-WILL A i i lot in i i I i a A i KeMew. 1'OCK A I 1 FOR A A IU A OK A 11 I I Buff a i i a i ANTED-TO A SOLID ATCil and top i a single a for i hoi. 1 and heavy work hoise. i pay i i if any in cash.

Adju-css Care 'Review. FOE SALE-VEHICLES. HI EXCHANnK--HEVERAI, HOTELS, BUS- I i elevatorn, i coal und leed a i i i lots, a n'iis i i a merehflndisi), racket i i i i a i a hooks and sla- coiilectiolieries, res- i i a i a i a stores, lc More a 2'H A I to a a for ex- isini-'e A of these i numt moved at once. W. E.

Hitcheock, at Kaxar, phone, Uio Wat-r street. A FOR A A FEW I a in A a i for exchanne. a liave in stocks of nierchrui- ise or i a I a a S'ortb i i Tnrst i Mo. SUBURBAN REAL ESTATE. FOR.

A I I FOU A A ROAD a ill ltrl clas.s a a a a a i A at 11-2 Hast i i a sir" a I i A LOTS-OAK CREST, ON IN- TERCRBAN. 81x175 good a ttnrt drainage, concrete a roads made. i i city vi'hool pr-ivllefies; seven from transfer louse Hou. service, EC faro. Apply J.

M. Allen, a i a Bank ol Decatur. or on premises. FOB, SALE--LIVE STOCK. KOI! A A I If your horse Is i doinp; i i of Stock Food i back if a i a Feed Store.

a a a A I I A i i a a loiii Wood i F. I I I A on i a i a i i a i A i 1 at M't olic SEEDS, PLAKTS AND TREES. A SECOND A a pony surrey, lit H. a i Ills. A A I i i I horse, lop wagon and a very reasonable.

a al 272 East a a a FOR A COW AT 429 EAST O.ordo slreet i SALE-PART I a I i IHU East a i slreet. FOR A I I 3 A i broke i a a a i a a S. B. C-lllespie.

A A I years i 900 Harry Fisk, UK a St. A I I 1 A I A hiiBc-. a i i i a i 1 1 i i bi-sl i i i i asters, i i and i a i i si loses i ID I'l-oM-iM, a i a a 1 a i FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS. i A A Cse.l once. I a i FOR SALE a FOR A -TWO I I In good i i 'an be -n in i i i Co FOR A -TWO fiOOD A JIORSES, and Call at I'eed store, Herkimer FOR GOOD WILL SKLTj a i take bicycle aa part a 640 a a LIGHT EOIJSEICEEPINO.

1'OE KENT-BOOMS. A A i i cheap. goorl a i FOU A -OLDS i A I I hr.rse Moles Til'" i i i blown'. Hay i i I i I i W- I A GOOD in i from 1.000 lo 1.30(1 Good" workers. 1 i of i on N.

road. atiou southwest part. .1171 West Main street, FOR SAI.E-- Flve-rnnm house. Herkimer, $1,500. FIve-ronm housn, North MorKan, $1.850.

Eight-room limine, Smith a a Five-rocim house. Railroad avenue. SeVen-room house, North Union street, Five-mom cottage with all modern conveniences and barn, a i $3.600. six-room collate, good condition, a modern. Morgan.

$2,400. Good four-room house, East tx)gnn, $1,000. Four-room house, Kaat Jefferson, Modr-rn eight -room house and barn. North College street. 53,800.

N. WATSON SON. 318 Walt i FOK SALE-VACANT LOTS. FOR A I EIGHT-ROOM MODERN house nnd Knod on West Wood strpet Good seven -room house on "West King street. and water.

Six-room house on Herkimer. Houses In all parts of i for sale. DAVES 50S Wait FOR SALE--CHOICE LOTS-North Water street, Jfjtit) to West Eldorado street. $550 to 3600, Center street, jtiEt east of Water. North Main street.

i i l-'iaee. to JGoa Chamber of Commerce, $125 West street, Jl.iliu. i i a street, G. A. STADLER tl SONS, Conklln building.

KOR SALE--DESIRABLE HEijIDENCES; VA- oant lota, business houaes, chances. SM quick. Oca. 318 Miliikln bulldlnr. FOR A I 5 2 A OLD I fresh i i trade pony.

C. Ea-les, R. R. 6, miles south. a i rr.nd.

IVYEAR-OLD HORSE. l.ood pounds, pound nnd all ripjit. rme new studobakpr 4 i i waKon, set of a harness, good aa new. West rir-een fitreet. YOI-'R A FOR we I P' a i c.iaiu vise.

Horse Khoeir.i; slocks i It, I a I 1 i i a wood i i i pulleys. loois a i a a a KOO.I a a i i i a I i i at i i A Lock 22 a a 111- FOR A -good as i a and sc a bread ease i door i i a i I 'rvvolvhl's oak a md i desk. or Si. i a FOR SALE--TWO FRESH COWS, nice 4-yenr-oid i i horse, i i a for ladies one mnre. set of double harness a i a i wagon.

Call at rear or 02C North Water or North Water street. FOR S4LE-A GOOD MILK COW, A IF taken noon. I i J. Perchone. 1657 East Sansamon street.

FOR HALE-GOOD OENTLE HORSE. COLOR white, and tali dark. Also i c-arrlLiKe and harness, good as Call Kfist avenue. JERSEY cow. a Isaac Shoemaker.

1272 Locust street. A A A I I maple I i a 110 a i SODA FOUNTAIN 1 In eood i i a i or i i o( "Soda i i a 71H-71: i i i i I i New phone old plione FOR SAI.K-- rows at SI EEL I i A per section, i a i two, HiM four-section a i a once, us closed J. A. Wilson Son, 1.10 Wa- hash avenue. FOR SALE--REGISTERED SHORTHORN bulls, cheap.


PECSRAM HOSTETLER. CITIZENS BANK BL'ILDINO. o-o-o--o--o-o-o-oo--o-- f- o-' FOR SALIC. One Hnncncli Disk a plow, new, One a a in Rood tion. 0(1.

One a Innt. One a engine, all In oondl'. A I of repair a i a i i i a a I I A MF'i. a i i O--Cl -O-0'o 0 -o I PA1HS i IK I I i all -n (jood order. a in X'2 I street.


3O LOS1 OB FOITNB. LOST A I 1 I i a A on i i 1120 Kant Hickory i i heiai i EWSFAPESl.

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