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Bangor Daily Whig and Courier du lieu suivant : Bangor, Maine • Page 4

Bangor, Maine
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NOTICES, i mttn 1 DflESS AND' BUSINESS 7 1 i I BOYS 1 tho a a i i i BBJf. Banjor. 01' Unbltaehtd; Hat Art.c! Good Shapt, That ofBight Sizes, I'sr 1 have good lot of if I('B tlic kinJ vou SWEET, 3 A I Aroostook -failroad MTGE. 5 I n. a Plac'n, Eoaton OR SALE.

Union nnil Co- nlila most desirable rc.Mlclciice.ln'a i Lot larffo i a lioiiKo. to II. Ally. SAFE iM VESTMENTS. i Sh'aresjE.

li.W^K'v Stock. i i i rtlord, 4s. Gold 'itral Fallsj K. Cold 4s. Paul, 4 l-2.

choice b'onjs. solicited. PRIOR, i a Booton. a a a Ci A i i I p. .8 3 a soil i 1, 1SUI.

Holders or the Six For Ceii.l. I'jnds can now tbe fall a ol i i a aijd Interest i In fxclmnge for A. R'y Slock olhcr I stcurllles. on a i a i to'" a iRRE 1 1 i 'BROWNj 'J Central a i L-- I I of Uw Safe Deposit Tanlts, Every City, of N'ollco li brreby clrcn the GliVct tbe wlllon Ibo 7lb 1a7 or July, A.U. at 3 o'clock r.

woct on ECAT lu liuictloa wlui Jjvlrti' ton UU (iocalk-1), i procxNxi to Lay out from MonttromrrT-BtrMt rcnirrly about- and will alio at EaJd ijmo IJiyo-jta for iilj a ilccWa Ihrt daaiaKcj or beacRU»on or jTiay lustaln Ihcrcbr, auporUon to law, lurk to fled Jand, Uicrcln a.i,l br street, ai brao ot Cltj- fi, All In fcrt cl 1 Uioy I IMU.flD rilm- li. flORT- iJ'l'EIUiyT. COLD'L'OSDS, imiiDiiiiiio.v/iyoRHs 1 DOUBLE GlimmKD, STOCa, cthtr Choice Lome InvestntnL 1 -t tin! Bonds'''talt'fl-in tichange. PEARL 1 7 STATE STREET. -Many peoplo went resorts on thn iteamer City of JBsngor Taeidsy afternoon.

members' of stafl, who have'been attending tluscelt- bratlons lu Fort F.lrOeld. and -were city Tuesday on their return home. j' lady iras thrown out of'hef csi rblge'yesterrtay afternoon while driving Fern ktrect, the horse stumbling and falling She went out the dashboard and was somewhat Injured." It was reported yesterday that Cornelias Murphy and the tawkr ba'vo between 8 and.O millions of logs on the East Branch, as. It was feared that there would not be bring them I The County Commissioners began a regular session In this city yesterday and transacted routine business. Thcrr was aollon' yesterday the jail works'hop, which Is 1 now In their' possession, orcoDCrnlng the stone yard.

Sevcral'mooso were sccnjat Webster on llonda'y. Near the a cow mixiso and calf came-from kbe woods and crossed the roaJ. Later Irj jtbe ds'y a big bull roooso was seen to cbmcj out jof tho woods back of tbo college bqlldlngs, and In the fields for some time; 1 1 i II. of has oen chosen president tho. board of truilccs South Berwick aoidjmy.

Thi-oujh tho of tho Fogfjfam- 1 liyBerwlck academy one of Onest sclijx)! i I a gctocr with an'cicellent publlp 'library. Lieut. lioydcn, military lostrnctor at of has returned a i where he participated li)' the celebration. Itoydcn i a evening for i Portjand to attend, tho "silver tbe KolRhls of h'svlng atcfjiltd'an odlclal I i a i to' be 1 present 1 at- the event. 1- I Ycstcriiay Charles K.

Dole of tbo Sangor Uas Co. placed tha i a for the erection pf. the now brick and a gas bolder tank be- president Yf. Bstcbeldtr, Jobn i a Waihburn Thcjiward will soon be a The i a Society of Grace JM. E.

church a i i the members of all other, literary societies to attend tbo ecturo upo'n "Abnham i It has secured for nezC Friday evening. Tbe admission Is twenty-five cents. Tho Rer. M. B.

Pralt, of East Ssugus, hy i lecture a prominent place among tho Lyceum speakers! upon a i i themes. The Peoobscot Central Electric, Kail-, way Company Is. preparing to Occupy tho large i i on Front strcetjwhlch the storehouse of Dolo.A ''Ffigg's'mlll. It i bensed for freight' a and aa a waiting ,70003 a well adapted for the purpose, being commodious and, well located. Tocj.track' has already bcen.lalu through more than a of Front street and to i i about 1C-0 of tho building.

will ext to.the and) thencea short 'distance to tbo of tb'o 'Bos'too A Baoy.or i a i -Tho com- piicy i have the privileges i a for i and passengers. "Tbe Bluflj," at ilt. Djscrt Fcriy, has boert sutcessfully opened by Landlord of IhcJHotel Ereraril at Bar A number, of Bicgor people havi) been and aro Several 'parties will arrive tbcro this inocth to pssa-tlic season. Neit 'Saturday i there i be a hop at Tbo Bluffs and It i doubtless be a by a people this city wbo; will go Jhcro to pass Sncday. Among the Bluffi a a 0.

W. Field, of Bangoif, and tliclr Mils C. W. Issbcll, of Now and Prof, acd L. L.

Paine, of Bangor. .1 lAwls'A. Ilarker Company, XJalform of Pythias, met last even- i for a i In 'tbe armory! a i a 0 a unueT'tho I i of Capt. a P. before a i for Portland to (attend the silver a i a at Portland 1 'on and 1 The KJnlghts i a a a at tbo Exchange tc-Jay at 12.30 In dress i and will from tbere'march to tho Eichang: Btatlon, under" escort of the i i a band to meet and Bar a Tho will bo formed and thp.

march bd 1 taken up' through El- cbangc across through Main and Pjillrosd 'slrecta to tho a Central station 'where they i bj Honlton and jVinct-' boro" companies, a i i on" tno 1.20 train. i leave on for a 'Biggsgo wsgons will bo I a a at tho Penoblcot El- change, to convey all trunks, etc to the a i Central. oll.nocolvod tho Worst on Tuesday. no delay tho pa wen were, op attend tho State) (.

Diver Samuel Crocker to West'Sullivan to search'Ior the, body of Maodlioon who'was drowned 'tbfro on has teen a good. Bale of tickets for.the search light raicuralon to De given on tho steamer ScdgwlckThnrsdayovcn-: will a aaL.of down the steamif thlicity at 8J iMtnre 1 tlon yesterday aftfrnobn rt Eall'by Miss D.lana' Stevcna, of Boston, wa'sjargely atte'rJdcd ace" Initrnctlvo' nUirest to Tbehidles served wIJi somo delicious)? cooked lecluro wlll.beglveJ today'at The l-cture Is'free and all iro Invited, i 3 A special met ting of' the' -Board of derm'co w.i'i bold a 4 'o'clock-yesterday, antrndon the Tbo board took acUoa npoa the case of, Michael Drlsooll, against.jwhpm'; a complaint of tasablty'had been an'd he, was committed to. the Tbe Mayor then 1 stated he called tio' board together 'fl' Ibo only who bad leRar'aqthprlty tb'mako Bucb. call, to give them'an 'opportunity to act upon tbo railroad question, relating lo ralls'ln Central street; tbatho had no personal'. Interest the entirely; from tho deliberation board.

j'Ho then called''Alderman -Cameronrto; tto against todo the samb-against bnt-Grcen -and Smart saw first and 'secured tbo issulnglof two I -'iJLater O'lJalloraa called on the' but was.tolll' that" warrants 'enong! been given for tho prcscnt'tJmp and that 1 bo "tried b'cforo anything farther wis "In Sheriff Uro-Tri sorvtd f-- i -wicy i but WM tolh that" warrants enungh from-Wednesday to Saturday on to'a'sbluilon of tha question than that' day' Thome, had. moustache This completely transfc -IJfltecilves at. be lie fed to bo, tho year 1S7 became 'analogous S. 11 1 15 so: his. of will probably be

corner 123.h atn i A i The stopf told 'Avenue all vw' DOTCL qnlqofl, free bollc3 down UX! cnu abroad-Uua whit wlll loirn troo.K«ikjoo[ School 1 A.n«H. 1 1. Wtflnciilaji 1 Jnlr.ith.'Ctti Vtl-SOP. DUBA'flWJTOTl of' will flTM Ireo 11 lo ltn of rftct TOU Uio munificent oomblnaOociof nilnnu fcxx5. In ilx) InTlUnr niinncr Mmplod frrc to ui wbo DK ipoon -KMl- fort.

worfi ot cooking bo oUUncd Bcoreinr recent of the Cooklnjj piiool rrorldcnco IL I'rpTl. i MTi: "lUe T- A I I I (boldl 1100) wia lo OTCrnowloir compQKul ctlcay of a 4 i was I progress tberp: ou.d'l under the suiploej of the Stand-. In j. beneath I the Cag Mrs. Prentlsa made nomo very pleasing romarzi.

There wore several recitations and a jbp supper wai i 1 rtiero may scoc si matched, hoso 'race at Park by- electric light, bo. Monday 'the 'hose racing team, of'Bar Harbor, and the. Dlrigo boM running In a at Bathl together other! teams from the western part of the The Orioles woni'flrst The Brewer team.ran to tho-hydrant and ready 'for water'sccjonds but tho plpcmen missed tho coupling. time tb the hydrant the best mado by. any Mr.

Curls. Toolo would put u'p a purso of JlOOfor sjraco In this 'city; between the Orioles and Dlrlgos, to tak all, or ho would as first 'mone, as second the', teams so desired, tic- -bejrun by. electric light at Mnp ewood'Park some time this month. the; was taken from tho laid at" the last meeting a'nd of the petltloncn" by, yea nayroteas follows': Ward up that dance I 'for them'."^ 83 being tho a of a nances of that Borne, -Qoeen Mariesre re- company. -The property was condemned ccivcd Ambassador and William 2 purpose of Improving tho Monon- Draper this i 1 i river In accordance with tho river I'jlhoy'aald 'that It about floal of condcm the last'dadce when lO'Hallonm' started the property and.appnrten The property Aft.r.

anme talk daring which Smart drew a ix" owing urder was then Ordered; that as. near as may be, center of the street curb and curb be the samo Is hereby''desig- nated as theciactlocatlonforthoralls of tho Banaor, Orpno fc; O'dtown- Kallway In Central narlow 'street to and mu West Market Sqnaro and'' that Ibo Itpe for the same bo defined by tho City i and tho' plan plaoeS on fllo In of the City, volver, and Broart OJHallbran 'spinning'through the door and bo wect over a railing to the ground a dozca'fcet. Chas. and harbor act of Juno 3,, 1800. K'-- 1 Lot Thoro bo Peace.

Montreal, July 6. MBT. Merry dclVal baa Issued an oUlclal farewell, address to I Fauro to Tho senate unanimously, adopted today the credit asked for; to de-' fray tho expenses' tho visit of President Faure 8 Itv Mr. De- i i i i the of through -thf Jesntr, reprciontlng one of tho divisions present and as. he started to Ibc aid mmsbop 6t L'Boniface, Which of the republic was not take wdgnor.

iDnnlel wsa not much hurt and! caroo hack Into tha ball. Bo pat out his bond to Green as though to ihako Boor Will Pino. i Dniroit, C. Proprietors of 1ATURE i nn bV The following table glvca Oio. weather, conditions aj shown by tho thermometer and barometer at' Miller's phar- i I maoy: Ther', viomctcr 58.9 H7 a Several ncwXocgesof Good Templars have been organized follows: of Scarsmont, George', E'.

Depoty, John Lane; Wood; M. E. Poor. Meets pvonlugB. o( Weit ParU, by Mrs.

H. C. Dcpulyl W. 1 G. Morton; E.

n. Brown; N. I. Swan. Meets Monday cycnlngB.

Bark'cttvlUiJ, by George E. Files, Deputy, I.C. Powell; C. LJ Lcnfeat; T.ottlo M. Meets Tufiday evenings.

1 North LWrmori, No. 1WJ, Of N. Uv- ermore, bjj Mrs. ,1. li.

Pollard. J. M. A Qraffam; Mlonle eTcblcg. M.

I No. 103(1 of by J. a Cyrus DiVis; secretary, Cnas. Meets Tborsday even- i i No. 3 of Llvefmore Falls, by HrB.lJ.

if. Pollard; E. A C. T. Kempton; Vena Meets Friday 'even- i .1 Wejt Appleton, No! 353, of Appleton, by Files.

1 W-L. Benn C. J. secretary, Addlo Meets Saturday crcn- 1 1" Pcltoma, No. 3iC, of DctrolUjrHrs.

F. N. MalncJ. 'CafTteRobert- 's'ecrttary, Bcrhlce Friday nvcn- -jTho organ zers i 1 again 1 commence conunuo threo months, Tjey.stnJ'all|particulars '-to' tho.ffracd E. Brackctt, Belfast, Me i The Btayolo Path.

Interest among tho! riders of the wheel the new bicycle path Is itcadlly on the lucreasefand-. a largo' numbereojoy tho Posts will placed at cvory half mile, tho dlstanco being correctly measured, and riders can Ihcn test their rjeveral springs'have been discovered along tbo, path and the clear, sparkling. bo appreciated. 'Few spoti so many natural qualifications for a blcyclo path as this one. OUT Own Folko nnd Otrior Folko.

Mrs. has returned from a visit to Dr. F. A. BlcVford Is In Brooksvlllo on a visit to bis mother.

Mrs. Llltlefield, of was In tho city yeiterday. Mr. nnd tin'. Rlchkrd, Dodge, of Now York, are at tho Uangor House.

Dr. Hayward 'Stetson arrlied home yesterday on Mr. N. U. Jones, superintendent of tho Lincoln pulp i la In tbe city.

Tho family of C. Kydor has gone to Yloalhavcn to pass a fow days. Fish and Game Commissioner E. Caribou, was In yesterday. Mri.

Jennie.W. Hcnnlgs, of Meridian, Is visiting her mother at 192 Ohio i i i i. i i i i a ui bands, but Green considered It a trick tno 20 In Detroit arc eavh tlbn" of returning and brought a club down upon O'flalr plarinmg to sell out to a syndicate. A 1 (Chocrs.) loran's ami, breaking the bode. O'Hal-' result of tho consolidation rwljl bo in tho price of from'84 to $6 per barrel to marks wro greeted i a piotests.

Mr. Brlsson, president of tho chamber, declared It was, abiard to about iquanderlng money when It was a qacs- ylslt -of conrt-sy. i i i loran was a a i out and did not como The. danco then closed. O'Hollbran'received much needed attention from ajpasittdnmkeog pbyslclnn.

Ho looked Wry ranch like a physical wreck yesterday with his. head all bandaged and hlsjaro) bandaged and In i A A I I I Tho credit was adopted by a vote of '447 to 20. Footor-Arrlvod In London. on, July 6. lion.

Johp Fos- ono Copy. salobf tho Ashbnrnbam library In London, on Monday a 'of tho Mararln' Bible tbo Rood-jlzcd Bum of 620,000. The Bible Is 10 called uccauBO a copy of It was flrst andihas paid a visit to United States Ambassador Hay. Mci'srs. Foster Now Advortloemonte.

remnant salo of wash goods.nnd woolen goods nt Tho discovered by UoBiirc I tho library of ItlncuCo'BJ beginning, to-dry. DlmltlcB cardinal Parli, about 17C0. 1 T.ta value for book lies In tho Mj Katabrookjcan lell you tho kind that It Is tho.flnit book! of any mag- of bloyple you want at liberal terms, nltudo printed from movable, types. It The best of repairing done, also a flno wns i 3Bac by Gntcnbcrg'at Malnr, 1460- line of spojrting goods. 6S tLQt reason Henry Stavens the famous calls I tho ''Gutenberg JBIblc." It.Is GRANT AS A WRITER.

nii Wltli Gem Ice cream, Ncw.Ea'ety Sballpg at Chas. Choice "spring lamb, sugar cured ham Qnd fresh at Lyn'cb'a market. Now sulti received at notice of application for admlFslon to thoiiarj divided into two volumes, the first-con- 321 and tho locond Vlcoroi IJttU Ommciit. General Horace Porter ill "Oanipnlgn, Ing With Grant" i i Century ox- 1 prcasejj tho following opinion, o'f Grant aa'a vrritor: Hla.powcra of concentration of -thought ten Iphown by- do under i ho wroto. i that on nrouhd uuu wiu uii i each page, cooslstlng of.

two columns, blm, upon tho flold or in liiiiquarters, The characters, which are largo and handsome, and much tould distract hia attention or him. Somctlmca, hia interrupt tent was, crnblo manuscript. Boforoltho discovery flllod Vflth offlccra talking laughing Fflster, was generally rewarded turn to, lifs of this Blbla the soalled B'sraberK tho ton of 'tlicir voices, bo would BlblcUf Fflster, was generally rewarded' turn most FINE WATCH 1EPJSIRING i I A wor a to All Work Slrio)ly First Class a Warranted. 'Mr. G.

on the steamer of Bangor yesterday; afternoon for Boston. -(, Mr: E. of New York; Is a cto' Bllllngham cottage nt Mr. E. H.

urccley, Ellsworth, was In tho city onTacsday- on bli way to "Miss. Lena of, Audovor, I Is visiting -Miss" Leila Fallen, on West Broadway. W. Field, D. went Belfast on the stenmcr Citylof Bangor yoE- 'terday i Mrs.

C. gono' to Fort Point to pass tho-stimmor at the 'Llltleflold L. and D. A. officials, were In I A According to Dr.

abundant i i i i i i 11L.IU1 II. lii thore nre six known copleajof tho Maza- company, but ho nlwnya limistcd upon 1 BIblo on vellum, ono tho' tho conversation going I after' PotTtlo'n'for Approval of Artloleo of volume; found In awhllo his offlcor, cnmo to ibdontimd nr Aoooolatlon Tho copies on vellum, however, are later Ua wishes in-thia rospwt, to Jcom that A ABOOOI on twenty-one of i 3 0 apparently asttanl'na rather th'on ohcck to Jiia flow of ideas, and Augaata Jaly G. A peMtlon hau nro boijln oxlitencc. ,820,000. Practically, however, their the Aroostook Northern railroad, for tholiiblc on paper I 815,000, and i and oporaJJrtg a thoso on vellum are valued at abent railroad from a point on tho-Bangor 820000.

TaUroad throufch Fort Kalrfleld tqtUo-lownof Limestone, to Rlvo for tbcm. It has i distance iUBoif 15, miles', or narrow matter of dispute whether the types cm- ,0000 said; rtrUdng leatoro ployed In i i this lilblo wcro me "txrat Grant's orders no matter how or wooden, bat tho question Is hurriedly bo may write thci on' tho hares. ni As a spccimon of early Held, i has slightest 'upon hla mindwas, concentrated. In i i his atylo and terse, with littlo of ornamcntj Itamcet' eh pcrspK neral chief of, staff- BEST DRY- BIRCH EDBINGS. $00,000 In 8100 Two Hornoo Killed.

much moro 1 than tioao 'derived 'from tho Greek mid extraordinary' appcslto tia agma Hp had studied. French orso Billy, a nt Point, nnd piokcil up Bomo CIGARS. We tbe IfEdi Imported, Kcj Wc.t. a DotMiOc. 1 Cljin'ln the martet, Ufa Trade a Sptfany.

SIDE :0.,1 M. O. I A homo of n. Esther was tho sccni ol Tuesday evening, theiiflth 01 Junk when her 1 r.l.;_ un The by 3. Small In the presence' of the Immo: dlatc relatlvdB of -Th'o bride was attired la.white, with r'lb- carried i bcaut((nl ot.

bridal 'roses pinks, and- olh'cr flowers; Mils Porter as, a a dressed wlthjaco trimmings and wqre'a bonqnet or rost's; Gctchell, brother of the best room Ln.wbich tbclceremony took place was prettily decorated with potted plants, ferns arid The brldii daughter of, tb'o late Willis M. Hon'." Isaio II. Bailey, of New York, Is vIsltlngTiUi nlcoo, Mrs. Cbarlcs D. Dennett on Forest atcnuo.

Mrs. Laurlotta Bangor, Is vlsltlncc her Mr. and Mrs. W. J.

Judklni, In Watcrvlllo. Murdock, Boston; camo to this cliy ycaterday from' Bar Harbor on tho Mr. Frank A. Bourne, who has been visiting at hla homo In this city, has returned to Mr. and Mrs.

down river on tno steamer City of Bnn- gor yesterday lir. J. F. Parkhrirst vesterday on tbe- Boston steamer: Ho nas a.cotu«e at that Labor Commlislonor 8. A Horoo that Eato Raw Mont.

The most a TM Wit and plokedl up some boat 2.19 pace, died from 'handaouio bay ownccl by A. knowltdgo of tho Mcjd- tho etTc'cts 3f the heat. Son, the butchers of the Pacific Fruit can but ho coold not hjold-a cou- I Later L. Bnow, was exorcising JMnrket 6an Francleco. Horses are in either language, land rarely of tbo Pomlret Stock Farm ijrcqucotljy to show a liking for employed a loreign word of his lectio a Bni1 Instaaccs.

-are related, where writings. Hla adjectives wore iW nu'd" would tlilnk. beer; but -who 'ever wcl1 10BCtl isaw a torae tiiat was fond'of meat and jflBh? 'Billy's duties' to draw the tlrm's land is on street In front of tho shop; religion--n form cf kuowlcdg'o without' Here ho. Is, often on ciblbltlon, eating tho power of an apparent relish steak, liver, trlpo' Ho Vnroly Indulged, in metaphor, 1 fpi BpOOCh pole and ccllldod i Bcablrd, cli. and aa a nunlt tho latter Is dead and the formerjprcbably ruined for life.

Doath ot Lovvlo Mo. July L.Thurs-. idollvcry his ton, one of tho heat, knowni citizens of Portland, tied today aa tho resale of a No clocorucnt Which over come ifrcni i i a a in least dcgrco pretentious. claim to did not pcjsacsa and seemed to 1 feel, A'ddiKon, that "pod- in In like hypocrisy in lie about' o'omi weuks 53 years old. i had aq hbndrablo war I tor, so' well known In and a young lady whoso raro'ojialt- tics endear her to ber a the'East Maine Confer- M'rlandMrs." Lawrence; aro vlsltlnp tho parents, Dr.

and Wasgstt." Charles nnd little a tcr Helen, of aro visiting. Mft' "Rev. H. i Fosii'bfVvtho Btrect' Methodist'church, has gone to Portland to attend the State tho Eff-' worth i Mr. E.

ycater- day on tho Boston steamer from CamdcrJ. 1s occupvlog house, Arcqu'lpps, i I formerly of iBanROr 1 junior of the commission houao of Colo Boston, from Now York last 'Saturday a of tho 1 capitals of 'Sgulrrol. Island -ctrfcs'pn'dent" Bath Frank'Owen and a i opened their Intend to romalD( July" a A a hits Booty In Fllaht. Frank Dlnrlch, 35 years old, who re- Billy's' developed several months ago. NoVono of.Jlt'untll one hn to reach the i Bennnda Hundred bolng a 'bottlo.

trongly, lefcVredjlto at ono horses. SAFETY MAILING ENVELOPES Absolute man of nh'o Onb hundred Tho' horse" tcl? hlm from wljlob sentences meals ho. was' nld "P'cctcd i'Bet in BOSTON UNIVERSITY' 'LAW SCHOOL Xcw, Hall, ABhbnrton' Plato, lio'stou; i OpflfiS Ociobor II. BEXNETT, of L'onox crlod to Ui uv 1 hayo peace," "Tho beat mcniis of socur- a a In: tho Billy shock Vh'n'ad'ifraiitlcally'and repeal of.un obnoxious law is I policeman wanted 'to In pain bat tho-crustacean hold vigorous enforcement," shall havo 0 op ant11 was by bolng.bang.d no policy to enforce og'alnat tho of 1. ho.smashed the thojslde Uio "Let, no guilty aan SAVINGa BANK.

nsure During the I past pear-'sro has been engaged as'a the pnbll'dschools' Of.Oldtown.. i i Mr. etc I ell Is grade sto'prthe. go'r BDSIneis'Collego and a moat estimable employed postal, clerk bctireen Bar Hartor and The (ZlJu'were'cumoronB-and valnablo and Ibo light 'fresh'me'nti'wpro'served." aro In tbe wllljpass tbo summer ley Is a Malno' man i a la proprietor of tho Hortnn oooof tbo' leading hotels at San Diego. Mrs.

Had- Iny-are now-visiting Mr. and birsl'C. eto of your vnlunble; 1 jt.i cost In tho burglir proof a proorSafo Deposit Vaults' and email 'flre 25 YEARS' uj to our caito-nert' ''All fery'cnloy- Jco lemonade were served 'during 'the Many friends unite InUxwndlnjJ to tnem heart-, lest I on', Danlel LaceyandEdwanl was fined and'josts'. I- i Judge': on BQ oo Call'Notba. -The members.of, tho'Bancor base 1 bail team.left.

gor Tuesday afternoon'for their In'Masi'dchuiottB 1 Now that the Maine Icaguo overi'tho Bangor havb no obtaining place's; the 'New wonts Shirrott who.has-recolvcd lct- for.his't'erms.l; Lately been si Btrrng.tetraand they would been' tho. front ''hid r.tho.- Icaguo A Story 'About Hotty.Qroon.'*! NoUcc It hrrcbr Riven thai tho a raeclltiK of tto Corporalo ilcmtxin of U)o UauorBavlniii Ilink, ror iho cbolco of aod ior tho other bnilnflat "tnlT 1 como before thorn, wtll lo bold ilwlr Jlocmj ou 1JO.SDAY, Julr IS, 1817. 3 o'clock p. ry, i i JO CnoSBY, Cltrk. JulrS.

1CT. oomooiij Ceirtury AI.L 1 OT frTW 1I1 In' evcrr tpoct tho Icmdlnr Amorlctn tmwuLlno lu ol including lao lltcnuurcjanil art. Ttm.prMoct Inlcre.l American huiory maiM Mpoclillr Uitiolr 01 UHJ -AtntVlcant UoroluUon. leiulnjr wttJ roitaio ror jiarTand too rnuu of lu Dr. Wclr: UlOi.tL Wjono OTroo Jmior," punxi pooplo who wore rowa.o»i aTs mxl ot aa ixj Ul rrocj a the "anln'st of i a a tgoMV three snvbra) plecea'cfjowcl- fao returned Cnci 1 UnujL'nUff In.Chlcago tell i lead ng says: io.

A A I i Jaundry' J.i:o liutiniiro that wbti is wed. too proMctour Ccpendcat liavo." Campbell of writes Ring's Now 1 0 Bumptlon, Colds? I csmJot sajr enoogh for its, merllBl; 1 Dr. KhB liemdls- appolnu. at-Ara ll1 DB bankrupt In two 1' nsed op; bariHeirncd'' money lbcjor(1 1 dldo 1 morning she csoje with a of 'American U. tbo bMU 0 1 rui mo-dcmllroln Novonbcr.

Tho nTt? or Krloi miulo bjr the ra to.nt Wtodaor a'incldcnt Zed Bupcrb Art ShortSlorlti. i tf.OOaftar.S3 onto a I a ibtcroitlna-expbrl- (i 1 BOUTEl CASUAL ACQUAINTANCES fiddoni ugred that one bicvclo ia art good an another, i Growing accustomed to a wheel lias everything to, do i one's point of "SVlicn you conic to Imy'a wheel from us you tho kind you want. coufmo our reX)rnmondation3 to Bi7j of frame' jmd stylo of handle bar an J'loavc to 'the buyer's (aato. Ij.ibi.Tiil tc'nns. i have.tho bast equipped i shop in have the moat A iotic and Sporting Gooda Btorc.

Cull j- and'sec. i ESTABROOk; 22 A A We Repair- Jewelry Spectacles Kcw Birch EflglDjrs, partially dry, and Soft The dlrcokrs named arc A. Bur- printing Is magnlllccnt, con- donb't ns to tliolr-mcnnTngTw 1 "ovcrhas j' na Preston Parker E. Mining embolllslicd capitals. In to'rea'd'tto over second ItLo to un-' atjd Ha'rry R.

Burlclgh. blue, red nnd crB taid Tho gcncrnl Med.An-' ooosLos. DoWfi towb oCc3, 17 r.vrk St. (E. MftrLcH i comcxipj JYuM.K'J i 3L XV ONE BOX, 100, I I I I A STOGIE CIGARS I'HIGH GRADE.

HAND MADE. MOST 5 CENT A GOOD AS MANY! 10 CENT BRAND'S. I TRY THEM: FOR SALE TEA WHITEl Jlfo to mc or tho UOTOIOIIOH raoet lnloro.1. I aa4Uwcaaractcn.UiclndoWa.ti. and other, to Uxi sticli i i For our JAdvertiser.

1 1 i a all 'thrU i CKS i Th, ti i i i i i i Mul i i yitx'ii). Thi'Iv HMJ i i i 1 i BHurr LO Tr OH i i I I I I I a i i i i a i i a i i i i i i A A I of i k.i^ii", i i i i i ICBK- (n i i i i I A I dcprt'iiKloq, 0 i A i a a i i i a lth or i a iL'L'Ovpr I i i i ID j.lW "vorili of 1 A I A A i See Advert Pbno.blscot Ri i l- wr.oi,,^.)!,,,,," I 140 i 4 2 Qroad St. i9 I.AROT.ST 111: I Steam and I I I a i to Uto tho Mora I Bangor application i EXCHANC Plumbers, Steam CITY of BANGOR, JtiATKdJ Vfiw title. TIK PKR i Infknto Had ie, tb'e'00; asked to aoctpt tbe I jladly pick out a Jew roses and keep' 1 cnohln't accept such expeniUe present from she DMd not bMltaU on account, dWn'tcwt me yonog Borlei down thinks" get on rlnbl of m. BO I won't rslM Lls rent but It (DM ip Mil srjor.Hi,' At (Int I was traiy but arttrward I Issirmrsl BSM was Mrs- Chilblains, his life one of lard Llntrtui, Juno 9J little irl, five years old, hia.

been 1 pale and ellcate for tbe past years. I have lior Ilooa'i ind It his llkt magic. 'The color-has jtnrced to cbnks and has Benhsd wonderfully. We bsve used Hood'd In family more 'or-'less Jor.thn nul right yaars, and rcsrard at A. dr not easy for pro- bolter' tobovo'bctn at faUsplc'ndor, ondnjndc Aftorthst hia altoectijcr'preinqlcdal to tin icilnoiuent of or tr.o'al^i*.

IT ChV 11 CO JU 0 11 ill r3 lUnror- A Ar 6, Kale WaikftralUnzor'-'for fc-Si Trllno MCE unU.N re MARRIED. i 'iHood's llllB are ttie fstorlte famll eath S5c. Kuy lo take, fentlt, nilicl. 1 I I 5 IT GIVES I GIVES i GIVES GIVES IT. GIVES 'IT-GIVES -I GIVES I 1 GIVES all imcajtan all the mostj re brilliant and fascinating Jan unerce IBC 'scientific an hmnorans'-il entertafnrhen 1 Wo'cklyjjCo' til ONE.Y i I r.iur tnl Otlco, N'ow Tia'liUSE trill bo At this Office,.

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