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The Van Nuys News and Valley Green Sheet from Van Nuys, California • 4

Van Nuys, California
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WwUmA AmVi sad mUms nw. Mli hMt M. Friday Aftereamia br uir Oaa Taa, M-N Hwi i jllurai TI to Ml UUMUCUIFTHVI HAT Hs HvMba, IJl ij (IV Canto a to tariff Goodyear Blimp 7 In i Airport Event i After dellverisl'a cargo of air-wheels to the Bander Air Service. new "auto and airplane gas station at Metropolitan, airport, tM Goodyear blimp, Volunteer," left tM local field Saturday morning and returned early In tM afternoon to. take part In tM celebration ataged to connection with tM official opening of tM new establishment.

While hundreds of visitors viewed an exhibition of pew planu and Inspected tM various aviation plants, the airship with Lieutenant Carl Lang at the controls, made several trips over tM Valley with groups of Metropolitan airport of-' flclals and heads of many of the plants located there. ilw atoia utetaf II Mil at -rts (Jaiilutala, auto rts A4 al Hank HI, Ito, a a aawi'taaAiv, aaatoatt Vaa Har al Hi a Ma alaaa aa MHaHa IHaalialaA tow Mwnwi Mr', 'and Stanley ft. Frill made an airplane trip to ompuc on bueineu Saturday. Womens Aid -of the Ftrtt Fraabytertoo church met yericr-day afternoon at two o'clock with Mra. Jackaou In charge.

Mrs. Myrtle Marquee of Balboa avenue 'hu returned frojnoe Angeles after undergotopKn minor operation on September 37. Her daughter, Mlu' Gene Bogardue to with Mr, Mlu Betty Bcherta of Log An-getoa, formerly of Van Nuya will be the guest of Mlu Portia Young, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. OUvar W.

Young thto wuk-end. They will attend matin of "She Couldn't li. Bay No" at Caplton In Holly wood. TM Literature section of Hie Van Nuya Woman' club will meet tomorrow at I o'clock In tho puti-llo library. Mm Ralph M.

Albright will give a review of "Mjinbe'i Daughter, and Dr. Fgrqiwrou will lecture on "Early American Literature-Colonial Period." 0. by In 1 I torsi ChalrpiRn Report ln 1'rogrgfMlng for Volley District p. Holloway, chairman of Community Cheat of Loa Angela Pi via Ion No. 34 of the San Fernando Valley.

report the organisation of tba army of worker for the peal appeal, I progressing satisfactorily, All the Van Nuya district have been iponaored by some organisation and their ceptahu are busy lining up their Ueutonanta. The A. of the Wtonetka aehool, comprising the Week's Oolony, have assumed the responsibility fur their district again this year. Through the efforts of their president, Mra. Minnie Hughea, their organisation to nearly com-plate.

Present Indication are that they will be tlw Arot ctstrtct In the Han Pernando Valley to report their organtaatton complete. The people of this thriving community are alwaya quick to respond to tha call of tha Cheat, residing Lha good that to being accomplished by He egenclaa that eould not bo acoompflslied by a small local charity organisation. 7a tha wonderful thill ofthe 'surgeoai and nurses of the Orthopedic Hospital one of tlielr own little boy haa been benelHted tto'fho extent that, where he was seemingly hope leu Invalid, he to now able to walk and attend aehool regularly, -TTiere are Umusanda of such cases, a number of them In the San Fernando Valley. Vkn Huerta fl laUtoMaa Pto to totow ft Va II II alfiaa at Va fka Nmw tomlatoa iwirwf ato oauai TyAN NUVH. CAUPPHN1A.

Many Plants to Be Shipped to Eastern Markets Mori than fiowo worth wg-tar 11m and aquatic plants will ba shipped to eaalern market from San Peril luto Valley durum lit coming season, scwwdmg to Mt-nwles furnUhed by owner of larya aquatic gardens in thu aooiitm. Initial order for spring deliverlea are being received thu nuuiih, aev-eral grower report The Industry he made tremendous atridea III the Valley during the last UO or three year -end this sworn's shipment will ably be duuble tlioae uf 1921. Y. D. Woodford, of Fulton eve nue, nawlved hi Aral order for spring delivery Ihl week, request for aquatic plant.

Woodford, like oilier aquatic gardener In the Valley, haa more than doubled hi capacity during the last twelve main In and will ahlp out than ItoO water plant this year, to addition linearly a many) plants which uippHea local planu market. 9IN.M5 IIAII. HTOKM A hail storm hi the east recent- ly ceutod epprukimaieiy llOOXtod fiwpww Maal Va Nr nnri Jus flatolial late I Haa. Via The Hewing Circle of IM Van Nuya Xebekah Lodge mot today at two o'clock in tho O. O.

P. MIL Mrsi! WUUam O. Wueet and email daughter Dolores Ann have returned from week's visit with Mm Monto Praeton nt Long Bqach. Mrs. A.

Berryman and Mlu MaUe-Berryman of Long Bench, who were tho guest last week of Mrs. Louts Turner, left Friday after a very pleasant Visit here. Albert 0. Brown of 14533 'Oil-more street to now oonnectod with tho bookkeeping department of Security-First National Bank, taking tho place of Roland E. Wtllto who has accepted a position to the Announcement has been received several Van Nuya friends of the arrival of a baby girl.

Carol Btoa-both at Uie Andrew J. Fenner home Canauraga, New York. Mm Fenner wu formerly Mlu Either Rowe who spent several months recently here with hey sister, Mm Lee R. Bharklett on OUmoro street ouU that to mor aenslbto rulo than tM old 0ML th mn 00 hsft. let us et 1,1,0 intersection first.

Ior hliji. to go through and clear the intersection nnri Ui fhn ktott nn thd pinhl. ifaiH and let Ih taan on the right stop TUESDAY, OCTOBER I. 1W9 Shriners Will Be Guests at Entertainments Slirhwra In Southern California n4 member of their famlllea will have fur their enjoyment, three piora enterlaluuienU al At Malal kah Tempi durljig Octotier. utile Hubert A.

Halfner, elialr men of the entertainment eomintt tee, aimouiiced III eveula today which liave been arranged for thii month. They are: Tuesday, October lih VeudevUle and picture fcliow. Tueeday, October 15th Mutton picture In the Shrine Auditorium at o'clock. Dancing In the Slurlne ball 'room at 9 o'clock. Saturday, October Wth Vaudeville slmw and nunton picture hi the Bhrlua Auditorium.

All Hhrlners are attend and bring their femillei, Irreaueciiva of the Temple wi(h whk'Q they ara Identified. Bmne unique vaudevUl acU are the I tou seal of the Shrine Auditorium will again be filled. During the past month event haa drawn capacity house, tauare-eouniwg one pound ol bu-1 1 ter Ul KUr vsrrt-aa iuanu I i Department EntablUhes New Bureaua; Radio Used In Communication According tho report of Sheriff Win Traeger, tM sheriff department -now comprises eight major divisions, Including Criminal, Civil. JalL Detention Camps, Constabulary, Bureau of Records and Identification, Bureau of Public Relations, Research and Statistics and tM Property Custodian. Tha Criminal division to further sub-divided Into ten minor sub-dl-vlsions or detail Thera ara nine branch offees or sub-rfMiiona of tM Criminal division now located at various points In tM unincorporated eec lions of tM county.

Throughout tM year the Deputy Sheriffs and Constables made a total number of IS .307. criminal Investigations, tM highest amount ta tho history of tM office. There wu a total of 11,671 arrests made, which to also a peak record tor all time. Among some of tM outstanding accomplishments of tM Department during tM year wu tM creation of tM Sheriffs 8taff for Disaster. This staff consists of a group of men representing 'various civic organisation are equipped' to aid tM authorities In meeting a general calamity.

Among tM outstanding potato in thto development to tM creation of a private communira-tlon system by. mean of a short -aiamlty. Another movement undertaken by the Bureaq.or Public hu been a survey of the work done by other police department to tlie application of sho wave radio tloni Is now engaged "in some ex-! 'of our local universities. ATTRACTIVE 1GX TM Murrey Signry has Just completed pslntirg on tlie doors of an ApacM truck tM trade mark of that concern. It Is an Indian! Mad In a circle to which is In-; jenbed "ApacM Motor Corpora-: 'two.

TM work ta beautifully1 executed and ta very attractive. Place your advertisement with tM paper that reaches tM people' TM KCwa Traffic Authority Explains New Provisions of Cal. Vehicle Laws Following to tho third article ofitlon In going Into an Intersection a aertoa dealing the' Hew. guilty of negligence and guilty amendments and change to tM vtoaltal ta that regard Inet- Of whether h. tod the led by Allan Davis, traffic author-' llv of tho AulomobUo dub of of not.

Southern California, to a recent tec- X11 rrt rul lure at Grotto dub, approaching shall Major which yield to tM vehicle which hu en-gerUMi glanallni on Turn1-! itered: and 018 econd part to The section on giving signals re- ihn whlcte 90 th main It hu that tM mo- ne 00 lrtM enter the BherlfT department to now u-torial to required to give hi Uwn vehicle on tM rlghtsured of a private eommunlca- nal continually during the. last 60 feet traveled before turning; than Now ad a hlackboaril here Parlor with interment at Oak- doesn't mean he hu to keep hi dto 1 Hunk could snow OBITUARY Funeral, services were held Monday at 3 o'clock for Thomas C. Olbsun at tM Van Nuya Funeral feet traveled before turning; that Los Angetos: 'yield to the vehicle which hu any, i that battery operated portable radio equipment. By mean of thto equipment, tM St eipita will prove itself America Greatest Right ia own home, the Steinite will offer undeniable proof of its greater value. No mat-ter what eel yon have been considering, tako this important step first let us place a Steinito in jrour homo for a free demonstration.

Then yon may check (of yonrself its many outatand- ing features compare twm to the feature offered by any other radio al anys price. Your choice must be Steinitel worth of to automobitoM MllNTY HITTEH FHOW'CTION wood cemetery. The deceased to through ripped top, took an gWusi ellWJh to spread over at survived by hi wife and tour ehll-and severely marred body finUh, i bn dren. John. Olbsun of Van Nqy.

WTflPIJ RMlitol wNtJ lM4e, i Thomas Gibson Jr. of adding to i llill of Van Nuya. Myrtta Cuaw ordia hand out thare Ml IM tlm while actully making the turns, as matter of faqt probably wouldn't able to handle hit wheel if hr but he is furr-t! to give that signal for some appreciable distance .5 belkra actually making tho turn. Harlten 7 Hlgul Net Baqolrad Now, as to whan must gite I that signal? If there to nobody In 0uck of huu, nulxiy around to, be affected by hu movement, ha faritued to Dallforiua during ill! Sepulveda; ale brother John Gib-Mast ik ouuitli of 11, wa re- sun of Ohiah; Colorado, Jamas veaied in a rep.wt of tha stats de- son, William Gibson and Ed Qlb- communication to. automobile pa-1 before actually entering; tM nunjtroto.

TM Bureau of Public Rela-: before Iw states a report reaching the 4uw of 8uuifarH Califur uia. mUiDil'V IN tHK HOME Junior: "Are aa to have grape fruit fur breukfaatV" lduilirr: "Yra. my dear. Jwuur: "Than, TU not atoh tny 'facw" on tM right stopping partmriit of agriculture. Lus An-j son all of Oregon; George gclea comity (audiu-rd l.lMAat Clitym ol PMier.

Valley; four U- ipuundx of this. In cuiupariwm wuh iters, Elisa toMter of Vkkah. Barali 1.233.430 pounds In the sum pvrtedjRado of llamay. Oregon, and Motor Fees iGain Million Dollars i SacramenUy Oct I ton An increase of $1,238,139.45 received by tM state to paid registration motor vehicle feu wu reported during the from January to July H. 1939, over tM amount during tM pre ceding six month.

TM total amount collected by such feu in tM later period wu $9,381,179.99. TJie report of the California Highways Division also revealed tM total -registration of vehicles In tha state for this period exceeded tM sum period In by 160,17. In Tanganyika there a 5300 Europeans 24,000 Asiatics and natives, according to latest utlmatu, Music Co. Phone 590-J prices enters docs not block tM Inter-; perimental work to devei section. type of equipment to In.qthrr words tM new rule toistandanto Criminological designed to clear tM Intersection studies of community surreys Mve and not get them all In there and been made by tM department blocade each other.

with tM co-operation of students thto al an Nuys 6312 Vaa Nuys Bird. jkariite Oray of Van Nuya. to 1937, the report Mid. tt Tuesday, I Hear Dr, Copeland fanioua health authority CHASM OF SILENCE Mr. Rtehman: "ty do you like this place? SMU we buy it?" Hu Wife: "Oh.

Its perfectly lore ly. TM view from this balcony so fin that it leaves me speech toea." "Then well buy it. Answer tLondon. Cut-worms and army-worms are numerous in parts of tM Philip- pines this season that they are preventing tM planting of SUPER SCREEN-GRID RADIO I "f-T i-. 'I a.

i i i 2 1. 1 vfr, t's ii i ti 4 i1' itNMimBtiBiwiaMiBaiiwtiiaawmitoBiit that is the AMAZHRiG EPESIBERICE of the otvsiers of this ref rigerator TVJO wouder tho owner of a General IV I pridewhen before we move doesn't have to give tM signal He gink thg signal wMn his movement might affect tM movement of any other vehicle, and of course, as you know, at all tunes tM burden of doing that ta on tM man waking the turn. Bsctten 5 Kight-af-Way One of tM must taporunt change to tM Vehicle Act relates to tM right-of-way rule. I dank, i know of any role ta more constantly violated; have aat In my car in a tree totmecuona where there was not traffic signals and observed tM conduct of motorists to see how nearly and hdv many of them conformed to tM actual rules. TM old rule, giving tM right-of-way to tM' man on tM right under practically all circumstances simply did not work out and was not always enforced by our courts; for tjfla reason Xn many instances tM nun so tM toft, would' enter first.

would get two-' thirds of tM way across tM street. would do this figuring had i time dhough to get by. a man, would approach from tM man on. tM right could have Aided an accicent by stepping on hie, brake Just a little or slowing down just a little bit. but hiid not eserctaa that care and tbs man on tM right struck.

tM right rear fender of tM man on tM toft Under that circumstances, under tM strict interpretation the old right-of-way rule, tM man on. tM left wa in bad-h had fifcJ ed to yield tM right-of-way to somebody on tM right; and yet to all taimese and justice it teemed a harsh rul to peoalu this mas! nt tha toft whan he had gotten ate; moss all tM way through, the inters1 rectant and wa struck' on the right! Furthermore; the old rule vw unsound from a traffic smudpeuth! If there were tour vehicles cn- taring tM intersection from fourj direction at one jtnd the time each on 'would hare the right-of-way over the one on his left, but would have to yield to one oa tM right, and tM result was a perfect blockade. No. one oould go forward. The'! i rule has been changed to read aa follows: "That a vehicle approach- i ing- an Intersection shall yield to-' a vehicle which has entered tM tjcnection." Now.

when that rule was discussed some objection wa! imade to to on the ground,,ry,, wouJli to-i Nuya tjlj terreaton; but remember. i hare, NmwyiOttMB SSCUin Qlk Speed. wro Mvia ami yy. a over KFI below 50 the figure agree as the daaget Como in today awl spaced pay saeut plan. he uya, quietly, "Yu, bus a Get eral lik-ctric.

For, which vki-tric refrigerator van uuuh'hte in cfticioucy. In quiet acts, in sUiuius, in avnicc? Tho record uf more ibu in vro with no owner having apeut a fur repair, or survive is ouo which truly challenge voaiparison. Tho nictbawUin of the General hive Nfrie is ao simple it never needs oiling it hcruictivally. Mrslod in a ttoelcusingwhivh kveps it foecverdu8-pivot It creates no radio iulcitervuce. It has an accexsihlv ftwaiug regulator.

It wakes plenty of The cjihiuvts are uff-sfeof, They can. not warp. They are particularly cuy tovlcau. Sturdiest hardware is bolted right into the stevl ScU-vloBiugtloor latch, glider to protect your linoleum. autoiuativaUvuuiutains a trn Hurry before its too late to buy FURNITURE, RUGS, STOVES, Etc.

at the worlds lowest prices Cash Only of course at sacrifice pcrqture several dejjeee which medical authoriliee point ja food preservation. askobouLourconveuicnity FUROMRE tKY ELU.TUC KURICiR-VTOS 15 HERMETICALLY SE.VLKD GENERAL ELECTRIC ALL-STEEL REflUGEKATOR The George Worsham Co, '3343 hnnhernhiia Bld. YhoHo North Hollywowli 1300 Nuekh HoUyweud WM Vmi4Nuy phone Van I 6373-75 Van Nuys Blvd it Victory A 0.1 a.

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