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Belvidere Daily Republican from Belvidere, Illinois • Page 8

Belvidere, Illinois
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

----1, BELVIDERE DAILY REPUBLICAN, WEDNE8DAY, MAY 8, 1918 WEATHER FORECAST Motion Picture and Photoplay Magazine for J-von sale at Box Office KILLED CONTINUED COOL. Chicago, May 5. Forecasts till 7 Fish 10 Cents 10 Cents two mi p. m. Thursday: For Illinois: Tartly cloudy tonlaht SHEPLER SMS BOYER IS DEAD AND BURIED III WOODS high and Thursday; not much change In temperature.

Benefit Tonight for Carap Fire Girls! WILL J. KIRK GETS WORD FROM PERSONALS LIVERPOOL THAT BROTHER'S Vm. Dreher is in Chicago today on SON HAS FALLEN ONE OF business. Mrs. Frank Miller is a Chicago vis FIVE NEPHEWS AND THREE STORY COMES FROM OREGON THAT MAN UNDER ARREST HAS 66 itor today.

COUSIN8 FIGHTING IN ENG Tom Griffith motored over to King ston today. The Mystery of The Tea Dansant 2-ACT KALEM LAND'S ARMIES. ADMITTED HIS IDENTITY AND HAS TOLD HOW BOYER DIED A. Schnelle is the guest of relatives at Gilberts today. Will J.

Kirk has received a clipping John Cleaver made a business trip OF EXPOSURE DURING FLIGHT to Rock ford today. from the Liverpool (Eng.) Echo, bringing to bim the sad news that his Kirk, of the Liver FROM OFFICERS. L. V. Starkweather of Rockford was 66 99 in Belvidere today.

The Strength of the Weak Miss. Bettey Wentworth was a Rock pool Scottish, has fallen in action against the Germans in Flanders. The young man was a member of Kitchener's volunteer army, and crossed to ford visitors today. That Joe Boyer Is dead and buried in the woods beside a winter camp is the story that conies to Belvidere to 2-ACT ESSANAY, Miss Tillie Tullock visited Rock ford relatives today. day from Oregon, where it is reported ays! May 6 May .7 Big catch of Fresh Lake Troul; cannot remember of ever selling Trout so cheap less than half the price of meat: For Thursday morning, Fanby Lake Trout.

France early in January. His brother 66 E. S. Lamb is in Chicago today on 99 that Holly Shinier has confessed, his is a regular army man and has seen a business mission. That Heavenly Cook EDISON COMEDY service in India as well as being in identity and says that Boyer died shortly after their escape from the Frank Lawler is a patient at St.

the thick of the early fighting against Anthony's hospital, Rockford. the Germans, being wounded at the Dell Daniels called on the cigar officers early in the winter, and that he buried him close to the shack where they were stopping at the battle of Mons. He was sent home trade at Garden Prairie today. 66 but recovered and is back at the 99 Archie Frint went to Chicago to time. front.

Two And Two VITAGRAPH COMEDY. day to drive out a Chevrolet car. Shepler is understood to have stat Mr. and Mrs. Kirk visited at the Miss Helen Taggert of Marengo ed that Boyer was overcome from ex ybung man's home in August last and he was then at home.

Mr. and Mrs. was a visitor In the city Sunday. posure in their flight from the posse which they escaped In the night near Jack Rowe returned this morning Kirk were at Liverpool again before from a business trip to Freeport. Admission 10 Cents Oregon, that they took refuge in a they sailed for home in October, and Mrs.

Henry List and Mrs. John lonely shack in the woods, and that the youth had at that time joined the Hannah were at Rockford today, Boyer, whoywas far gone with con colors and was in camp. Hon. Frank R. Covey was a visitor Parmount sumption, succumbed to a hemorr Will Kirk has had five nephews and Thursday "The Unwelcome Mrs.

Hatch." Feature at Rockford yesterday afternoon. hage, and that he, Shepler, dug a three cousins in the army fighting the Willis Brown departed this morn grave close by and burled his com Teutons, counting the young man nufM'it ill ing on a business trip to Chicago. rUOUBAM 8UBJBCT TO OHAltUB WITHOUT MOTIOa panion. He told the location of the who has been killed. One nephew is Win.

Wilkinson left this morning place and it Is understood that of for a visit with relatives at ficers are making a search for the remains. MAJESTIC THIS HOUSE OP FEATURES Edward Benson has arrived home When Shepler was first arrested he denied his identity ami said that he from Escanaba, for the never had known or heard of a man Watch For Our Friday Fish List Tomorrow. James Moore has returned from a named Joe Boyer. A man returning to his home from Oregon yesterday. a member of the Scottish Greys, who have been in the fighting from the start, and who has been in the army for years.

The death of the young volunteer is referred to in the Liverpool Echo as follows One of the Liverpool 8cots. Private Alexander Mrk, of the Liverpool Scottish, and of 33 Ashton street, Liverpool, who joined the battalion in September and went to France at the beginning of January, was killed on April 9. He was twenty-one on March 31. The company officer, in a letter to his father says: few days' visit at Rock Island and Moline. Miss Mary Lawson departed this however, says that after Shepler had been identified in the Oregon jail that he admitted that he is Shepler and morning for a visit in Chicago and Elmhurst We will make a special effort to told the story of Boyer's alleged Mrs.

Theodore Peterson returned death. There Is a disposition to think yesterday afternoon from a visit at that he may be romancing to cover up Rockford. Boyer's escape, as it was reported they get your Fish delivered in time for dinner. Miss Katherine McGonigle departed I would like to convey to you my bad been seen together a few days ago near New Milford. Another man I morning for Chicago to visit for sincere sympathy, not only from my resembling Boyer was picked up there a Iew days- ut also from my brother officers in the company and all his comrades mrs.

uaroune reiers ana aaugnter, the other day, however, and he may Mrs. Eleaxer Dawe are visiting at Ever since be joined us with a draft have been the one reported in that Herbert today. vicinity. It would not be at all sur A. Fisher of Rockford was in the prising, however, if Sbepler's story is found to be true, as Boyer was city yesterday afternoon on a bus! from home he has done good work and behaved like a soldier, making himself popular his comrades.

His death is a loss to all of ua." Major C. Gordon Thin, In a letter, says: "It There Is nothing we caif say which will convince you why you "Should buy a diamond her Diamonds are Bold through confidence Nothing else. You know little of the comparative diamond val ness mission known to be suffering with tubercu Mrs. F. Goodrich left this morn losi8, and to the fact that he knew ues and you must rely oJ your jeweler.

Ing for a couple of days' visit In Chi- is with great regret that I write to con- that imprisonment would kill him is Some day we'll sell yu diamonds, and when we do, we'll both cago and Evanston. firm the sad news of the death of your credited his desperate mood and his warning to the sheriff of Ogle county Miss Lulu Brickley departed this be fetter satisfied. son, Private A. Kirk, who was killed in action while on duty in the trench morning for Terra Haute, to that be would die fighting rather than J- remain with her sister. es.

On behalf of the officers. N. C. be taken. Robert Inm'trnr was at Rockford this and men of the Liverpool Scot afternoon for the opening of the CORNELL REAM Three baseball season.

tish I wish to express to you our heartfelt sympathy in your great loss. We feel we have lost a good comrade THEY SAY THEY Mr. and Mrs. Hairy Perlett return 4 Retail and Manufacturing Jewele and a brave soldier. His body was laid ed to Chicago last evening after a to rest beside others of his comrades visit with relatives in the city.

FINE WATCH REPAIRING. Telephone 4S1 v4i who have fallen in action, and a cross DeKalb Chronicle: Mrs. W. J. Rude June Motion Picture Magazines nefcr on tale at box office.

will be erected to mark the position 4 sill goes to Chicago tomorrow to i of his grave." spend a few days with relatives. Mrs. Wm. Virgie of Chicago was the la Arrested on a Charge of Boot-Lea- guest of her mother, Mrs. M.

J. Poust and sister, Mrs: M. Cole, today. William Cassidy and Fred Hope tin HOPES ging and Awaits a Hearing Next Saturday. Episode 9 went to West Chicago this morning to attend the funeral of Nick Cummings 'Frraay.

Miss Alice lies is home from the Oscar Turney, who gets his exer Contains thrilling hand 'to hand fieht letwcwn Wllbarann mil nn Drake university in Iowa, called by cise grubbing tree stumps from the IT HFLL DIE and a reaistic pistol and carbine battle between Mexicans and Dore'a the illness of her mother, Mrs. John hard and unyielding soil at an un mines. 11c iuii oi action. lies. named place soutn of the city, was SRECIAL Rev.

and Mrs. M. P. Oden returned this morning from Pax ton. 111., where arested Monday by Sheriff Loomis Shattuck on a warrant sworn out by Chief of Police Ed Haack, charging Animated Weekly they attended the Lutheran conven SAYS IF HE RECOVERS HE WILL tion.

A large 25c bdttle of the best Turney with boot-legging in the city Coast tf Coast Awheel The Human By A Mile a Minute on Skis A KILL HIMSELF REFUSES TO Mrs. James Jarvis and daughter, Turney was found at his grubbing Voyage ht Mercy Indians at Capitol-fEngland's Colonial Navy Belgian Relief ShipTerror of the Seas tAiser on the Battlefield. Mrs. Stephen Nemeth and little son. headquarters.

have gone to Los Angeles, California tomato Catsup for 1 tomorrow only -lOl The prisoner was taken before Jus to reside. TELL WHERE LIQUOR CAME FROM BUT REPORT 13 OUT THAT SON GOT IT FOR HIM. tice Scott Clark this morning and ThuridA- PAULINE BUSH In "Thrads of Fate." Frank Early is in Chicago today to continuance taken to Saturday. see his BistetV Mrs. Jennie Shannon, Matinee Every Da 1:00 to 1:11 Nlaht, 7:00 to 10:0.

tESn VEGETABLES EVERY DA F. who underwent an operation at St Joseph's hospital. Sumner Hawver, senior, of Che COMMERCIAL CLUB mung, who crushed bis wires skull Dr. F. S.

Whitman returned this afternoon from Chicago where he bad been taking a post graduate with an ax while frenzied with drink YOUR INVITED TO MARENGO course for a. few days. Avenue Grocery and anger; is improving at the Cottage hospital at Harvard, and will probably recover. He wants to die The trolley on the Rockford line broke today Just as the incom I. T.

Pcnticoff Two Telephones: 1S4HI and says that he will kill himself any ing one o'clock car came in. It was Secretary Frank R. Colburn of the way. He still thinks that bis wife repaired without any delay. Belvidere Commercial club received 3 I 'if is dead.

She is still alive but not im proving. Miss Lila Lewis went to Chicago a message today from Secretary Pat this morning to attend the convention PATRONS regardless of the amount of done, receive every courtery'tin all matters of business entrusted to us, and there is Nothing la safe banking we cannot perform. Hawver keeps repeating that he rick of the Marengo Commercial club, inviting the Belvidere club to meet of the manual training teachers and will not tell where he got his liquor. art teachers at the Art Institute. with the Marengo club this evening, One story is that one or his sons Mrs.

George Adams returned last the meeting to convene at 8 o'clock. brought it to him from Sharon. Modern Methods of Heating and Plumbing are far superior to those in use a few yeara ago, in point of Economy, Sanitation and Appear, ance. Allow me to explain the very latest in Heating and Plumbing, and give you an Yours for Modern Methods. Geo.

H.Ray evening from a visit at Rockford. She The Belvidere party will go down on was accompanied home by her grand children, Robert and Mildred and the lnterurban. It is understood that B. J. Arnold is to be present and make an address, and that business of mutual Interest to the two cities Franklin Margason, who will remain for a visit.

Resources over $700,000.00. Start a Savings Account 2nd National Bank will come up. Mrs. August Johns, of Perham, GIRL BEREAVED is expected on Saturday of this week for a visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs.

I. N. Witt Mrs. Johns was WOMAN PUNISHED FOR before marriage Miss Luta Umbacb Edwin Cressy Brlggs, formerly of and a resident of Belvidere. CONTEMPT OF COURT Mrs.

Sarah Ferguson and daughter. Rockford, died at Phoenix, Arizona, on May 3, of tuberculosis. He was born in 1881, graduated from the Mrs. Levi Knox departed today for $rY Sioux Falls, S. D.

The former will re Mrs; -Annie Bell was sentenced to Rockford lilgh school and the Uni main there for the summer with her versity of Illinois, and became a READ CAREFULLY; HENRY FORD'S STATEMENT. "You may say that we shall pay back to each purchaser of a Ford car between August 1, 1914, and August 1, 1915, barring the un-forseen, the sum of $50. You may say that I authorized you to make thla statement!" Order Hard Goal teacher, his last service being that son, C. L. Ferguson, formerly ot this city, and the latter will remain for a of a professor In the Colorado School Mines at Golden, Colo.

visit of about three week.s. Now! jail for contempt of court by Judge W. C. DeWoIf this morning, the charge against, her being that she failed to make payments of $7 per month to the. support of her dependent mother and little Bister, as ordered by the court some time ago.

ANDREWS 4 BECKINGTON, Get Your Order In Now. Wheeler Slater received a mes He leaves two young sons and his sage today from Los Angeles an widow, who before marriage was Miss i nouncing the death of V. F. Sheldon, who was a former resident of JPeoris Constance. Frits of a daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. R. C. Fritz, We are making the following Low Summer prices on Hard CoaL quality and weight guaranteed: Range and otr ton and travelled over this territory, for HAVE BABY BOY. now of Redondo ueacn, California, Fresh Stock of I ires Tri-Arigle Garage clothing house.

He had called on They were married while the Fritz family were living near Harvard, a. Wheeler regularly for eighteen years up until a few years vnesinut 9.00 per ton Mr. and Mrs. Ed Smith are the parents of a baby- boy, born last evening at their home on the atone quarry road. Mrs.

Jas. Hlgglns of 61 Logan ave REMOVE8 TO WE8T-: Delivery must be made before September lst Telephone your now. nue leaves on Thursday for a month's visit at Cincinnati and Covington, After June 1st she will ga to the SIDE OF SOUTH STATE. SPRING GRANGE MEETINGS. Blue Ridge Moutalns in Maryland to Gerve C.

Smith, general agent for remain for the summer." Ned, of the 0. Wright fit Co. Telephone No. 17. Hlgglns cigar factory, accompanies his mother 8 far as Cincinnati, where Spring Grange will hold its meetings on the second and fourth Thursdays of the month, making the next meeting fall on May 13, to be beld at Herbert halL SECY, the Forest City Life Insurance com-t pany, has' removed his offices from, the Foote block to the west side of State street.

Into the Mclnnes Mark-' ley block, No. 61L ron 33. West Pleasant St he will visit, -friends for a week, returning to Belvidere about May 15..

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