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The Pantagraph from Bloomington, Illinois • Page 8

The Pantagraphi
Bloomington, Illinois
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

7V MjOOMIXGTOX, SATURDAY MORNING. JUNE 9. 1900. THE WOMAS'S COSVESTIOS. HEALTH hair The saa ei tiara saslUaa battsrs of that.

tcaat hair dressing la tb Uttd State nd Ores Mat la IK'S, that It baa swpaastog Witt and oats all that la claimed lor It, CWTM IltY RAY'S HAIfUHEALTHf EVEIY DOTTLE Fancy Striped V. Flannel SUITS will be all the rage this suuimes. We are show- ing a beautiful assortment in II th newest desnrtis in Warranted 7 to tmum gray, wtiiia, or faded 7 1 The Typical Summer Fabric is Blue or Black Serge. Always in style dressy cool and comfortable. There are a great many serges of Mra.

Ilruara. of This rlty. Writes af Sonne Tolnta of Intamt Brsaaht Uat st Mllwsukew Laet ack. Id the first place It Is verr delightful to go to a beautiful cliy Id the month of Juneand be received with unfailing kindnesi and courttsy by the club women, their husbands, sons and brothers, the hotel people, even the street car men and all the other men of whom the thirty-five hundred women have been asking In the second placs the sight of so many well -dressed women li a pleasure to the eye. the courtesy a delight to the soul, and the wy they manage their business and Ufa discussion not only from the theoretical standpoint but from that of practical work.

However, this same woman, upon reflection, finds that similar problems exist In all communities and she carries away not only added Insight Into human needs but Inspiration as to the solution of her new-found p.oblems. Club federations and mothers' congresses have been more or leas the butt of ridicule and the picture of women In elegant toilets and kid gloves, reading papers largely complied frjm encyclopedlaa certainly had an element of the ridiculous In It. but the club has been "the university of the middle-sged woman" and sbe has been graduated Into practical work. I'crbaps one thing women's clubs sre to accomplish Is to keep the element of beauty lth the everyday work of the world, ft they can do that their work will be twice as effective. Certainly a large body of women of diverse tastes, enperiences snd beliefs is educative in the highest degree In the matter of tolerance and In the development of humor of wblcb women are said to stand so sadly In need.

Sole agents thm haur to youthful color tcu on lb root, i 7 th rqtr4 Bouhihi positmly proHuc color emit ourtthineiii noaiUT! pronncaa nnt. lutunaai UiK-k bair on bald beada. t-y lr, tha teatlmonf uf hundml usuig It. Hutr-UMllb uadalntr has basa a Messing to UVmeands arhe kat sray of tola. air.

Stealth a healthful hu food. Rawing yontblel color 4 Seaulj 13 aray and faded hatf. and nr. rent. annereCand stops falUnf and arseluag at (be hair.

It a re. and puemvely wiU not gnoular the ecalp, lnoj'ts or cloth-In, and ua oat cannot fce detected, by best friend. resent, hair falllaf after sea bathing or much perspiration- Urcatitig and a necetaary avijunr to tTrj Cdjuev, ana nnui wiw prvnaraliotia, it ia iaUtif nl on tl roou of Iba batr, eautct the oolor.w better black, brown or golden. One Bottle Does It, Ilarge soc boitles! At Leading Dnigg'sts. for fered by other stores at ridiculously low prices.

You will find in many cases that the fabric is as ridiculous as the price. We have a beautiful range of men's fine blue or black serge SUITS gratifying to the pride. THE SPEAKERS. Tor the flrt time lu the history of the G. F.

V. C. the chief speakers, for the evening meetings In particular, have been drawn from Its own ranks, and If all were up to the standard of Wednesday night the prosramtne committee might Oood for 25c. cake HARI'INA SOAP FREE SOAP Offer THE MODEItATE WOMAN. Perhaps the federations of clubs Illustrate the usefulness aud power of "the niodernta man," for whom Octave Thanst made plea.

Among other things sbe Cat out and ct Bill Coupon in fire darn and take It to any annrelet. Mrt he will rive yon a urrs bottlaef r. Baal Halr-Moalth Use tor Hair. Scalp, romnlexlon. Baui and imin.

noin hit rmj; i. von can 'A eente. thrl otter la good onceunly to laine rnmllT. rdc as leia se, 1i 1 price, be Battened with Its choke. There were kmil theieakaaaaalV.

or th. I IW Nl MAS I nrM.riiimr anik WUbaU aoajs aapreat prepaid, tn aUtn eraled packaue oa of aou. and Uiu oouikio. wide stripes, narrow stripes, easaav Some bold, others conserva- j(T tive. We don't know of any fabric that will give more solid comfort during the ex- jaaska.

trcimily warm weather than our flannel suitB. Single- kj a ted, double-breasted and the new straight front, round corners. Some have double-breasted vests others only coat and trousers with or ithout turn-up to trousers. Of course, it makes a vast differ-erenee where you go to buy suitings of this character. We see some offered that have no more style or fit than a coffee sack.

Ours are Perfect Fitting and excellently tailored throughout. Prices: $7.50 $10.00 flfllBlHTCC Dr. 1It nlr-DaljBlllAn I EX llMilULaiiynlxrrr In the Vmlad urn'mcJ. niy bve hu lues l.y adiUIli.i I.OSl'OS M'PfLY llroadway. Sw York.

addrrulnr I.OMH aoaMa, "tfutr-aeolt" oaa uaijima $11.00 $12.00 $15.00 AUVKKgR, Keput mtnm. two favorable signs of the attitude of the audiences toward the work of the committee. One was a keen discrimination on ihe part of a large number of women, the other the emphaita placed on the brilliant success of one programme rather than upon the mediocrity of another. It is gratifying to think that the pretty entertainment of Tuetday night was not $7.50 $8.50 $9.50 PaUewtnt dnifgiatt mvKKy Itolr Mail to ana nanm soap ia ueir aaopi ani; i KM w. M4DMON.

IIS KOBTH MAIN STREET. Knox Straw Hats (I MORAT7. 101 North Main. HAERIKO 41S N. Slain and MS t.

Oroy KIPLSV 110 Went Washington. ORBKN. N. cor ort Houa) Square. DYSON.

MB North Main. U. OARVER. 1S Weat Jeltersoo, LOaR A ENLOW, Main oer Mulbarry. riSt'HHKC'K Main opr Orpra.

DUNN A Main oor Fronu MoKNIGHl' MiKMtiUT. NormaL said, the moderate woman made no fuss about her rights but wncn she saw one she wanted took It. So the federation was organized for the pleasure of Ita members and as a means of serving society In ways not definitely stated. Now every subject effect lug social life is being considered, not only the beautiful as exemplified In literature and art but sociul service In every form. In addition to tho papers, speeches and discussions there wai an Interesting "arts and crafts exhibit" In charge of the local art committee and one room was devoted to southern weaving, the Abnakee rugs and the Industrial work of Berea college.

This was In addition to the exhibit of pictures, ceramics, rugs, laces, books, gems, wrought Iron and carved leather in the main exhibit. The traveling library was shown In all Its phases. I'rlnted information concerning It was supplied for distribution. I'erhups Wisconsin heads the list In thin work but No matter how low our prices you can depend upon the fact that our fabrics are thoroughly reliable for wear and absolutely fast in color. Excellently tailored throughout.

All seams double stitched silesia staved. A head Questions the standard for a national gathering of representative women of the United Slates. THE SOCIAL SIDE. The social side of the biennial Is delightful. There were receptions galore snd a drive about the city, elegance and beauty everywhere and weather and climate adding to all the good things women (and men were doing for tbeir guests.

Hut, as one member Bald, "It la not merely a Junketing tour." In ten years the number of women belonging to federated jmZ.t "If" requiring hat solutions are best positive guarantee from ripping. We also want to thoroughly impress you with the fact that we guaiauteo a permanent perfect fit. There ate no better serge suits I mude than these we otter. There is no way to make them better. $12.00 $15.00 $8.00 $9.00 studied and most easily soivea 4 U- Tx a.

many states are doing much. In addition to caucuses and regular work email groups wore constantly forming where women from widely separated districts compared notes as to work. There has been so much enthusiasm over the Denver biennial that tome members of the Milwaukee biennial board were made very happy on being told that this wni Ihe best of all." It waa with regret that one visitor, nt least, left before the cloe of the meeting. COKA BTANTON BROWN. SllOCS at Reduced Prices.

Tan In the light of. our stocic Any man from a swell dresser down to the plainest citizen can top himself In the pink of fashion and to the acme of satisfaction with our aid. Prices likewise figure in the matter, but ours also figure small, and are worth studying. SHOES Goat 3.50 SHOES Goat 4.60 00 TAN (5.00 TAN clubs has grown from Bouietbiug like two bundled and fifty to one hundred and fifty-five thousand. Women from every part of the country, with various needs and gifts, meet in a democracy that cau-not fail to be a good thing for society, t'ltih politics Is rife, In some quarters at leaFt.

but politics, creed, social position, sectional lnlerets, are not only forgotten "over a cup of tea," as some facetiously put It. but also In the face cf ume queitlons common to all men (or From consideration of home sanitation and decoration It has been easy to extend the interest to similar queitlons with regard to the city. The discussion of the welfare of the child opens up the subject of education, child-labor, women wage-earners and eventually economic 3.00 TAN SHOES Goat 2.i!5 4.00 TAN SHOES Goat 3.00 25 per ceut off ou all PRISONERS MAY GO FREE. Chicago Judge to Ilresik the Indeterminate law Next Week. Times-Herald: Judge Holdom is to render an opinion next Tuesday In the All Childien's Clothing reducod 20 per cent- Children Clothing.

Dewenter Co. Ttaa flMt llaa of RagllgM Bklrta avar akawav Agents tar Daalaa Hat The Bis Dayllaht Store. conditions. A spirit of earnest Iniereat In all these was evident. The women of the federation begin to realise the power of au organised body to make public lentlment and also to feel the responsibility connected with such power.

TEACHER AND CHILD. At the session devoted to education, demands csme from every section of the country for better preparation on the part uf leachcrs. TogeibeJ- 'with this, and application of Cory Miller for release from the atate penitentiary on habeas corpus that may open the way to liberty to every prisoner convicted of a misdemeanor and sentenced to Joliet for an Indeterminate period slni-e the Institution of the Indeterminate law In July, 18U5. Judge Holdom baa held lu this case that the prisoner Is entitled to the writ as prayed for lo hla petition, aud has set tb cast for dual hearing next Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock. Aa the only mat THINK IT OVER L4rtTA tTlCrl aTAtltMrtC cloaad laat tall with well known dlC LttaU and reliable nuuufacturera have placed Di, thia aeaaon, in the best poatible poaitiou to otfer you in r.jv to-date work the greatest value that can be ubtained anywhere for your money.

We have just received three car-loada of stock monuments more than our show rooms will contain in various styles and sizes, and can furnish you monumental work in any marble or granite you may ih in all-ham-ntcred, carved or polished work also of Montello granite. Better look at our line before you buy, than in you had when it is too late. equally etrong. was the demand for more aymuaihetlc appreciation and co oper tlon with work now done In our public ter then to be determined Is the truth of the averments In the application, whu-h art based on the record of the Mllller HIGQINS 227-233 bast Front-st. trial.

It Is almost certain that tb applicant will be set free, aud that many oiher prisoners will hasten to take advantage of the decision. srhonlt. Higher salaries, smaller clissrs, endowments fur acholarehlps lo enable teaihert to do advanced and special work In preparation fur their profession, ro-ope atlon of club and shool, of home and sihool, hgltlatlon for compulsory education, were urged at suitable urk ir women's clubs. In court tlon with compulsory education tb problems of clothing child-labor, necessity for truant athuol. all came up showing that women are a are uf some of the dif and you'll realize the advantage of buying Vehicles where the largest, most desirable and most complete assortments are shown, and where prices are the lowest.

Careful buying is the fundamental law of business success. Come and take your own good time looking through our stock. We aim to give the exact truth as to quality, also A Word to Thoae tviahlag to Parcbono Miller was charged before Judge Ilakcr In OVbruary. with consi.lrlna with COMMENCEMENT GIFTS Mrs. Charles U.

Meyer to commit an assault. on Cbarle-a (,. Meyer. Th jury jund Miller guilty and fixed bia punlih-mint at imprisonment In the penitentiary. In the Mar term of the court Miller was given an Indetermlnte sentence.

He was sent to Joliet. and has been lunula. It It tnulams aad aroocn.r to purchase where iou ran vat he be-1 raluee. you will kindly lira as a call a IU ba mora than Iweaaed akow oi a roniplrle tin of Diamonds. Watcaaa aad Nov Uaa We anal lour (ee.ry ficulties of free education for the pwpl.

RESILTS. One of the good reiulta of such a aatta-enna at the eye -opener II must be to the woman from the small club In the out-of-the-way place, as she silt beside ihe woman from tb a'ge rlty where questions of education, phllatithropay. civic art and en nomls lying entirely beyond the pale of her tsperienre, com up fur kualaeaa. and wlU treat row ao that wa will kaa; It Nrat Ktrnt Will H. Homuth, Jeweler and Optician.

Nai.onal Hank' to satisfy all customers. rKBB0S "If Wm from Harbor' It's) 407411 South M.lnf.t. ooed ever since. Attorney K. t.

linker, who mad the application for the writ. bat-d bis rlaim on th' contention that conspiracy be lug mladeniranor and pun nimbi in the alternative by fin or imprisonment, or b'h. lb Jury should have delrroiliird nut only the nature of tb punl.bment but the time of confinement or th smuulil of Ihe flu, lo ordering the relator brought brfor hiui and deciding that La la to the art. Ju.lg- lllii.m drlieetcd a written opinion. In ahi he stairs: "It is coutod-i that tb crime for which th prieonrr was In luted and trie waa a mid-raanr and bat a felony.

rrlony la an often putil.habl with death or br Hiirieunmut In th peniientlaiy; every other oflitte a nu.rtn-aaor The an none of our solute bst bn-n given a literal conatrurtioo by th autren. Startling Prices of Clothing and Gents' Furnishings A Cause for Rejoicing at the The reception of the Hocr envoys in this 1 -f court. Tb aentrtif of th pneunrr. Miller, was node the an-ealb-d Indeterminate arntvnr law in July iwtiun 4 of chapter 1 ditv. ta tha o.anner and tvrtue of tb ae-ntrnrv.

and limit Its "p-r ration la rontirt fur Uiuiit A fair inirpraita or in inietrrtninat law Impel IhlS rotjrlti.lon It fnlloaa there. country and the decision of President McKin-ley not to interfere, has caused the British lion to rejoice greatly. You will rejoice when you know about the way we sell goods on easy payments. Have you a bank account? Then don't disturb it. Use our cauitabtc tartiat thai tn lurr should he Bsed th duration of th patil.tirmnt by toutln.

rnot In th pnittittr In th tetdltt. It la Th Jury dttmin lb tlm uf ronrln.tii.tit "Th arUtetti of in court must raft, fiwm to lb trrdirt af th Jjr. Neither th r-tl of in luty th bttir of lb rmirt rotiturttM lo hi. ttatulm r. Trustees' Sale of the Headquarters Clothing Stock.

Everything must go-and quickly. Never in the history of this county has such an opportunity been offered to purchase clothing and furnishing goods such ridiculously low figures. Remember nothing reserved. Merchandise must be turned into cash in order to wind up qullewcnt Th -flslir ha. ba tried fr a nile.ittte.r.of aal fuwud sully i4 a felony, and eiiit to th penitentiary fnt a-erh felnoy Af th i t.

t. Jmlf rwnl and roitr vH or unly ni 1x4 th Ml aad fault rtr ibr Jutle. diruMi in finding tn of a rrtsn of wMh a ihatg'd. sod eaeirtr.t htm lo an la U'ettninsi t.rm 4 irnr-Haaameal blh waa aiibKt war-leM la a Tb fit. 4.

the Jutia-lklkHI tar). ai.J gtanta th payment plan instead. It costs you nothing. We arc making a special drive on Rocking Chairs this week-having over 85 to choose from-all low and mcdium-priccd-ranging from 9Sc up Howard Kirkpatrick. Mq.

S2J dad S24 Mori hi Mala-nl. Me. Net a see rat art la. -Mrs M'4'avLs, id tk lwe Orihant' at rto dl sblUlly electlKd te day Ik irmnbses of the II atoll (Uh. .1 bi.

ha I. tlun.brf. 4 the business. Th ladle, of tb tl ib lo th of ghte net .1 the Nwtiuil leftal. nus or in.

isiiosy by lattiase ftow th hoM and lru4 sa.itlhg Ihern Sensational Prices. tnost acrewshl they eboa or Ih aa4 gaad f.n.ll.r si th lt toteni la aeMl. Something New Ituoa that sai t-a 0.4. in it th fit sol th no baiilir-o wortli $20.00 worth $15.00 ai 'SMi ianta'a 4 an sd and thai ti Ua id ted Mt hem. lha lejeata laeta.

ekiHr.a, oHt MEN'S MEN'S MEN'S MEN'S MEN'S BOYS' BOYS' Now Now Now Now Now Now Now SUITS SUITS SUITS SUITS SUITS SUITS SUITS S6.9S S5AS S4.9S S5AS S2.98 $4.98 $3.23 Uneeda Dlocult a new delicacy. Wholesome, nutritious, tender, delicious. Delivered to you right from the oven In a novel package that keeps out dust and moisture. Keeps in all the goodness of the biscuit. Can be used for a lunch box when the bbcuit are gone.

s4 eoWirnoniM on 111. ,4 utdef fcf ih iase 1. ha. 1. t-a a4 M'tel 4id i hia.ia worth worth wortli wortli wortli $14.00 $12.00 S10.00 $14.00 $10.00 Ih.

Sneiind vmtf Tha SMie4 M)r 4 ll a iMaetw. n'i' ht I Tv 1 I a fln. tMhT t.SK Wal' ea m-k a-h Tl4 rttie. 4 It. 4 ell Ph-m icn a I lat.te'M.t'11 r-t 1 II a.

Children's Suits from 50c to $2.15. fine Percale Shirts worth up to a dollar now He. Collars (all styles) 5c. Linen Cuffs (all stylet) 10c. Hats.

Caps and Socks nearly given away. Ta'te AehlM. a( --1 AO Ii4 seat Mallf Can I tA any grocer. Aik for them. Trvty rt ttwayt put up in tuuttiul Koyal Purp ani Whita packages ani art for a nickel.

l.4t (j, n4 Ttr. 1'k it an w.f lnlt 1m wit t(it t- 1 Wt'ts-'IH la'' Hethati LUL.sus.IUS A UAUI, Ati. faimtt. fb -If" t'le tsleg -wa--jiy-. l-eH ty fed t'oas Xtlell I.


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