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Kentucky Irish American from Louisville, Kentucky • Page 1

Louisville, Kentucky
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HlUJg TO HKI0K8 HH mHWWTHHI STMC mM Yta Mm IImJ HARD.WARXC irar Kffis, uinik n. 303 W. Market St. Mh ftMK 432 Inter, fy. Kentucky 1600 Srery Drlrer aa Btcort LMrfrHfTMhik Trmftt It laeorporatoe VOLUME XLV.NO.

26. LOUISVILLE, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1920. PRICE PIVE CENTS. AMERIGlN IRISH POLITICIANS Amused at Camouflago Hirqwn Out by Morrow and Republican Reformers Allow Phono Gougo Bui Oppose Raise For Street Car Company. Col.

rotty's Bible Class Lecture tliio Prologue of Dizzy Keystone -Whirl. KEYSTONEHS GO ON A RAMPAGE Howdy Ed Morrow, Kentucky's Goyernor, who boars the distinction of being elected In one yoar by la 40,000 majority and repudiated, by the same voters the next, was in the political limelight this week. Morrow said that he was opposed lo calling an extra session of the Legislature because of the' burden. It would Impose on the taxpayers, this causing much amusement. The real objection to calling the extra session Is not because of the burden to the taxpayers, but becauso the Ilcrt-JScarcy-Chllton jnaclilno can not muster enough strength to put over the redisricting bill.

In the House the Republicans have a majority, but In tho Senato It Is a tie rote, 19 and 19. During the regular session Senator Burton a Democrat from Grant county, voted with the Republicans, and Lieut. Gov. Ballard would cast the deciding vote, As per example when his vote decided tho voting certificate repeal law, which gave the negroes tho privilege of voting throe or four to tho white man's But now Burton refuses to perform for tho Republican machine any more, and tho fact that if he did tho nineteen Democrats could block tho machine measure by leaving the hall, has put a quietus on the redisricting Jobbery. And Howday Ed said it was because he wanted to eave tho taxpayers money.

Today he returns from Marion, where he was sent to try to persuade Harding to put Tobe Hort in his Cabinet, Morrow carrying a nice llt-tlo scrap book of the Herald effusive editorials and all the nice things said about Tobe at the Ballard flour mill dinner. TRoform' "Wbrksriifa mysterious way and no one can prejudge or explain the moves of a real reformer. The and Homo Telephone and the Street Car Companies have been bombarding the city administration on their rates. The phone' companies want a continuation of their war rate, whldh means big money to them, while tho Street Oar Company wants Its first raise in fares. Now hero is mystery.

Near Mayor Smith and nearly the entire administration, liavo worked untiringly In favor of tile phono companies, but are bitter opponents of the Street Car Company. In the Board of Aldermen Tuesday evening Lawton and Thatcher, oX the City Attorney's office, were present, and Thatcher was asked point blank by President Kirwan as to which he was representing, the taxpayers from whom ho is a servant or the Cumberland Telephone Company. Professional men, business men and those representing civic organizations bitterly opposed the telephone gouge, calling attention to the big reductions now going on in wages and commodities. The mention of the big reduction in wages, tho unemployment of thousands and the genoral hard times since Harding's election didn't seem to sit well with the Aldermen or County Attorney Matt Chilton, Paul Burllngame, Fire Chief Neunschwander and the others who were flitting in and out. But despite the protests of tho citizens Aldermen Johnson, Miller, Morton, Schardeln, Schoppenhorst, Viel and Willson voted for tho phone gouge.

Tho scene shifted to the lower board, where the reformers are not eo or smooth las the gentlemen who comprise the upper board, arid their attempts to make the taxpayers swallow the sugar coated pill of higher taxes were amusing. First they emphasized their regard for near Mayor Smith by completely Ignoring his request for tho same tax rate as this past year. Then the attempted hokem performance began. The leading statesman of the board, Honorable Nicholas Denunzlo, majestically arose to his feet and told how much this administration was doing for the schools, the city to got only $1.40 and the schools to get sixty cents of the tax rate. Then Councilman Mcintosh and President Jako Isaacs tried their hand at hypnotizing the taxpayers Into believing that they woro getting a low tax rate.

The burden of all their talk was that the taxpayer must forget all about tho isxty cents for the schools. In other words. It you are a taxpayer you must convince yourself that you tare only paying a $1.40 tax rate, and the other sixty cents comes Santa Claus or some good fairy. Tho $2 tax rate sfeould stand as a pillar of reform to near Mayor Smith land ate feMow-reformers who were elected oa a platform of lower taxes and economy. The new tax rato Is the highest in the history of the city of Louisville, and to make it doubly burdensome assessments have been rateed to a top notch flure.

Pride goeth before a fall and no one realises thia better tba Chief of Police Petty, who Just would per-atot in going around to Bible claw meeting oa- Sunday and proudly telMug the good brother and uietera whet a ettietent, momi po-H. department we had. At the eoacbttton. fcta ituiarte the Mg-mea4e4. Xajwtoae oreliVa would render those inspiring selections: "Just So tho Crooks Get By" and "The Long, Long Trail of tho Bootleggers." The only criticism of this band is that all of its renditions have a flavor of "Turkey in the Straw" running through Ahem, and some unkind critics eay that's because the bank (performers played only at Podunk dances until a year or two ago when they came to town to be a city constable, by gosh! But back to1 Col.

Petty's fall. Sunday morning ho addressed the Bible class of the Portland Presbyterian church and the Louisville Herald Monday morning said in part: "Col. Petty paid tribute to the men of tho police department and tliolr willingness to give tho city tho best in them." But in Justice to Col. Petty he made one statement that all will agree with Ho eaid that I1I9 police department could not please everybody. Bravely spoken, Chief, as all will agree with you that the Keystone cops are not pleasing everybody.

But, anyway, Col. Petty got wldo advertisement from his Sunday Bible class lecture, but the. Koystoners spoiled it all as usual. Tho morning Ipapers carried the story of Col. Potty's Bible class address, but Monday evening tlio newsboys on tho corners woro shouting: "Poipcr, poinper, all about big, police scandals." In tho Wfth police district Patrolmen Paul McQuady Bill Leo staged a battle royal while making a post at Jackson and Roselane.

How the big army of crooks in our midst would have en-Joyed that spectacle. "With club and gun the two Keystoners walloped each othor all over tho street and when tho smoke of battle cleared away Leo had to be taken to the hospital and McQuady had to bo taken homo for repairs. Then tho censor got on tho Job. When reporters called up Caipt. Hoimerding-er, of tho Fifth district, he denied all knowledge of a fight and said there were no police of that name on his roll call.

The cause of the fight which left that district unprotected is unknown. It Is said by some that Lee and McQuady fought over as to who raised tho best crops "back hum," while others say the argument was as to who was the most valuable to -a street car tho motorman or the conductor. Neither wiU be punished severely by tho Board of Safety, which follows its regular rulo of (putting all drunks back on again when tho public isn't looking, two of that kind, lost week being appointed. Tho board list contained tho names of the two drunken cops picked up at Eighteenth and Kentucky several months ago. And to add to Petty's misery tho Times said that he must look to his police.

How about Buningame, Johnson and Selllgman, of tho Board of Safety, who reappointed three police fired for drunkenness In the nasfc two "weeks dnd refused an es caped fugitive from Tennessee serving on the (police force? With Monday's story of Col. Petty's lecture on his efficient police was from R. D. Wlgginton In the Courier-Journal, who said that if he were a housebreaker, bank robber or murderer he would locate- In Louisville, as four notorious bank robbers had Just lived for four montlts om East Magnolia avenue without molestation. Incidentally they lived across the street from Patrolman Claude Beanblossom, who resides at 325 Magnolia.

Here's an other funny angle In connection with Chief Petty's lecture. In the same Courier-Journal of Monday with Potty'u address all of tho Ipolioo Captains were Interviewed and they all agreed In saying that Louisvlllo had one of the best and most intelligent departments in the country. Then came the deluge. Robbery after robbery came Monday and the only one caught was Clint Pierce breaking into a Jewelry store on East Market street. And the censor never lot this get out.

Pierce was aflrerman appointed by tho present Board of Safety. As for the alibi of tho Captains, there is a bigger wave of crime here than possibly any other city this size in tho country, but tho pnblic is not given tho news of (Continued on Fourth Page.J HOLIDAY VISITORS. Mr. and Mrs. Frank E.

Flaherty Arrived Tuesday evening from Great Falls, to spend the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. William M. Hig-gins and Miss Hattie Hlgglns, 110 East Burnett avenue. Before returning they will visit Col.

and Mrs. Thomas D. Cllnes, Audubon Park, and Mr. end Mrs. Joseph N.

Higglns, 1600 Dlwood avenue. John Halllhan, who is a student at St Moinrad's College, is home for the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry (Halllhan, Portland avenue. DAUGHTERS OF ISABELLA.

The Daughters of Isabella will entertain their friends with a sub3crlp- I tion dance next Tuesday evening at me uyjer ioici. rue cnaperones will bo Mesdamcs T. Meehan, J. B. Arbogust, J.

C. Hood, John. Holland; Joseph Mulhall, Henry Schim-peler, Frank Walters, Joseph Span-Inger and Misses Margaret Boyle, Annabelle Cochran, Frances Shanley, Dorothy Sehon. BASKETBALL. In fast games played Tuesday night tho CaUhollc Basketball League developed several surprises.

Far throws and star plays were feature, and each of tho six teams showed Improvement that promises close and exciting games for the balance of the season. Mackin Council' holds thelwere looking for his older brother. lead, with St. Bertram! and Trinity tied for second place, and, K. of C.

and Vernon bringing tap the rear. i 1 VISITED BY SENIORS. A The eeators ot the Holy Reeary Academy left -Monday for Sprlng-Meld, where tney attended the bsr itfven by St. Oatherlnets -Aeauewy and greatly eajofted fthelr vhrtt. -Tories and tices in his own QUAKERS Declare Themselves Horrified at Mis.

rule That Prevails Throughout Ireland. Tlireo Inquirers For Society of Friends Tell of Ruins They Saw Everywhere. Sir Horace Before Plunkett Will Ajpcar the Washington Commission. BROKE INTO PRIEST'S HOUSE. All (liberal elements in Encland.

especially the numerous and Influ ential sect of Quakors, are horrified by revelations of military misrule In Ireland, says Paul J. Furnas, a delegate to. the World Conference of the Society of Friends recently held in London. Mr. Furnas, a resident of New York, is treasurer of the General Food Products Company of that city.

He appeared before the American Commission on Conditions in Ireland In Washington. He said: "At the outset of the conference a delegation of threo English Friends was appointed to investigate Ireland and report to the conference. They were John Henry Barlow, Roger Clark and Miss Edith Ellis, a sister of Lady Palmer. Their report which was unanimously approved by tho conference, absolutely horrified the delegates, most of whom were English men and women. They found two complete governments In Ireland, one the republican, supported by at least 80 per cent, of the people; the other, or crown government, they found confined to a few well-guarded urban centers and resting uoon a campaign ot murder, law lessness and intimidation.

Their In vestigations included Dublin, Bel fast, Limerick, Cork and Galway. Everywhere they saw the ruins of burned houses and buildings. Children are driven terror striken into the fields and woods to seek safety at night." Mrs. Nellie Craven, of No. 1701 Rhode Island avenue, Washington, who returned on November 3 from a visit to her parents in Hetford, Galway, gave the (following testimony: "Hetford Is a tiny place.

Only about thirty 'Black and Tans' wore stationed thero, On September 13 the curfew law was imposed. A few days later tho 'Black and Tans' raided our house, took away my youngest brother, a lad of nineteen, who had never been identified with Sinn Tein, stripped ot his clothes and beat him with the butts of rifles until several teeth wore knocked out, and he was We carried him home; and he did not totally recover coosclope- ness 'iiu me next. ay. i tninK tney who was a. volunteer, ad were sore at not finding him.

On October 19 they raided the home And public house of my cousin, Michael Wateh, in Galway, smashed everything in the place, took, ail the money and check fh the till, 'and other, money they found la -the boitee. Alter get-tin very druak. they took him awmy with jtfle. 'Next, day his body, with a Huuet-jw tM temple, found" floating to the quy.H HANDS ACROSS THE SEA. pro-English a policy that way.

T- The following, affidavit ot the Rev. Michael Moraly, of Hetford, Galway, was to the Commission: I "October 1920. On the 12th of September, 1920, after the burning and sacking ot Tuam, an anonymous letter delivered to mo stated that if anything to tho policemen I must die even If had to go to the chapel to get me. On October 3, at 12:30 a. sixteen British soldiers, commanded by a 'MaJorfforclblyenteteU -my -htjuse.

They smashed Jn tho door ot my housekeeper's room and at point of a revolver compelled her to got out of bed, while they searched that and everything else in tho room. They entered my room and threw books, sacred vessels! and clothes around tho room in their Roarch, while one man held a re volver to my head. The taldlng party brought John Flaherty to my hoiiso, and when they left took him along. Tm minutes later I heard piteous ampeals for mercy and blows. This continued for five minutes, when I heard the lorries depart.

"The next day I saw Flaherty and he testified that he had been strip ped and beaten In the street. Ho was In a terrible condition his body lacerated and discolored. On October the military arrested me. I was sentenced to nlno months hard labor because a few rounds ot ammunition I had as curiosities were found in the house. After serving ten days in the Galway Jail I was released.

The raiders stole five pounds In money I had in tho house." Hearings before tho commission were to be resumed Wednesday. Among those invited to testify is Sir Horace Plunkett. TODAY'S MASSES. All should remember that today, the Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ is a holy day of obligation, and Catholics are bound to assist at the holy sacrifice. In all tho churches of the diocese thero will be special masses from 5 to 10:30 o'clock this morning, with Christmas musical programmes In each.

Christmas day is distinguished above all other liturgical festivals by having appointed' for It three masses in place of one. On other days In the year, except on November 2, according to a recent decree ot His Holiness Pope Benedict omly by a special I6ave and because of somo real necessity can a priest say oven two masses. On Christmas day he is bidden, to celebrate and to communicate three times over. In most churches and chapels, be they over so humble, there will be placed in tho sanctuary or at a side altar the representation ot the crib or stable of Bethlehem. In many ot the churches the cribs ore very beautiful, costing hundreds of dollars.

Bui Blmplo or not, tho "creche" tells the same story ot the Infant Jesus born in the mangef-, the Blessed Mother and St. Josoph kneeling near, with adpring ohopherds from the hillsides, and aloft the angels bearing the Christmas 'message, "Gloria in Excelslg Deo!" HELPING WAR VICTIMS. Offerings wilL be received tomorrow in- the. Catholic churchee in every country la the world on be-, half ot tho children in all countries, who are suffering because of the World War. The day has been, iixed in an encyclical letter issued to, the churdh by Pope Benedict.

The Ite fixed is the Sunday precediag Holy Innocents' day, December 28. The appeal of the Pontiff thle year differs from thet ot last year in that Include a ree.ueUJor help JoV children ia every country deraeteied by the war. while UmLot 1S19 aeked tor help fair tor the children, ot Central John Bull prac HOLY FATHER Sends Clirlstmas Greetings to tho Catholic Press and tho American People. Cardinal Gibbons, Sees New Light Piercing tho Darkness of the Cai-dlnallOJConncirSajs Christ Child Still Leads tho World UNSHAKEN FAITH IN AMERICA. The Press and Publicity Department of tho National Catholic Welfare Council has received by cable from His Holiness, Pope Benedict tho following Christmas greet ing no the catholic newspapers, to too iaitniul and to tho whole Amer Icon, people: With tho utmost satisfaction wo tako the opportunlty of tho an preaching sweet Christmas time to Bend our paternal to tho newspapers adherent to tho National Catholic Welfare Council ot tho united States of America, and through them 'to the faithful, and to tho whole American people.

We neariuy wisn tnat tuo saw news papers, under the wlso and paternal guide of the Episcopate, may de velop ever more widoly their action Tor tho good of tho peopffie arid tho defence of the oatrimonv of doc trine and charity hold by tho Cath olic cnurcft for tho benefit of humanity. Well acquainted with the serious purposes ot American. Catholics and their devotion towards this Apostolic See, while wo 6end to ithem our paternal benediction we express the wish that their activity iri the fertile field, of the press may boar ever more abundant fruits and, like, the evangelical mustard Eeed, grow into a -strong and mighty tree which under tho shadows ot its branches will gather all the souls thirsting after truth, all the hearts boating for the good. BENEDICT XV. P.

M. From Cardinal Gibbons: We. ought to rejoice particularly on this Christmas occasion because one again Is tho world reminded that Jesus Chrjet, our Saviour and our God, became man for oureakea, and Jived for us, and worked for us, and thought for us, and prayed for us, and suffered for us, and died for us and for us arose again from tho grave, triumphant over pain, and sorrow and allure and death, arid ascended into Eternal Llfo, tracing its pathway for all of us. We should thanK Him, and ptratoe Him far that Ho shows ua not only the safe way through the perils and miseries ot time unto the bike ot everlasting Joy, but also for that He points out th way, whereby wo may find ogrem from the crowding and baffling problems of the age and arrive at a just oad stable condition of chriMzaUoa hero and now. "Peace upon earth to all men of good will!" woe tho message of the herald sagels who announced hfls coming, and tbt promlee has -never failed, wlU never fall, and can.

not Hail, for God'e worde are creeetvw Truth, 0ko will it which, ig the ooadRkHJ. of Apeee upon, earth; good fUDWMWt UJttte- tian religion on its human side; and good will means a true willingness to be Just, and to bo charitable. Justice and rjhnrifv nm iha itwln pillars of Christian civilization. They set up in the hearts and the minds and the souls of Christ's followers, and If Ch.rJshIn.Tm nr tn the principles of Justice and charity they will leaven tjio whole world with the spirit of Christ; they will reflect tho light of Christ through-otu iDtve darkest nlaces: and will nn. eomnJ.laii thfllr on a tiwi Aniv rfn llfo, namely, to love tho Lord God ana jhs cnnaren, tnoir men.

Let us relolce that the Grat. War's terrihl aftermath of private sorrow and public calamity shows signs of being lessened, and that tho light of hope may be discerned through the darkness of tho age. Particularly in our own. dear land do wo perceive this light, and if wo are truo to its InsnlrnMon WW mar aviortA It-a blessingV to other nations less fa- voreu oy Aimignty oa. i race our futuro not only without armmlwm- sion, but with unshaken faith In our American Institutions, because these are basedupoa tho message of unnsuanaiy.

From Cardinal O'Connell: Over nineteen hundred years ago, In a cave In the heart of the Mils of Bethlehem, Mary, tho mother of uod, "brought forth- her first-born and wrapped. Him in swaddling ciotnas ana aaia Him in a man ger." The Word was made flesh and came to dwell amonst us. Tho heavens shone with glory and resounded with tho song ot angel oholrs. A few shepherds, to whom the Angel of the Lord had announc ed tidings of great Joy, -knelt in reverence' to tho Saviour of mankind. Heaven and were united In tho angelic message of "Peace on earth to men of good will." To the infant Christ, in tho humility of the manger, tho shepherds gave full riosaesslon of their hearts, for they were tho children of God.

Tho (jjlttlo Child of Bethlohom had come to his own and his own gladly received Him. There was no room for Him In itfhe Inn at Bethlehem, but there was welcome, peace and adoration in the hearts of thoso who had been awaiting tho fulfillment of tho Words of the Prophet. Pity Indeed It were if that welcome, peace and adoration were but for a day, and that Bethlehem should grow -cold to the hearts of men. But' tho coming of tho Christ Ciilld was not to. be in vain, Tho Infant in swaddling clothes was to warm for all tlmo the hearts of those who would hut follow Him, Down through the course of tho centuries tho ihost of shepherds multiplied and each (recurring ChristmaTfound at tJho crib, of Bethlehom the increasing ibomago 6f-a joyful world.

Tho love of Christ was to endure forever, for the gates of hell could not prevail against it Man could not but surrender his heart to Him who was to bring redemption. Satan and the powers of darkness waged a constant war, and though at times victory seemed about to set upon their banners, the "light that shone in tho darkness" lhas blinded and scattered them. In our own time tho world has felt tho shock of Satan's cohorts. For a time she seem-, ed stunned hatred, dissensions and envy appeared about to crush her, but once again she Is turning her face toward Bethlehem and is' picking up and weaving tho frayed threads of Christian charity and rraternai co-operation that once more she may put on the mantle of her Creator. Muy the coming Christmas bring to humanity a last ing recognition, of the only hopo of salvation and a complete conversion to "The Way, tho Truth and the Life." On Christmaa the Christ Child is leadirig, it Is tho day of incarnate love, the day that has mado us brothers In Christ, tho day which tills our hearts with the peace ot heaven.

That peace, and that peace alone, haa left tho Impress of true happiness on the world throughout the long, long years. It will never fall to warm the hearts of tho children of light and be to them an inspiration and a benediction. TROVniE FOR ORPHANS. More than 100,000 orphans in the United States and Canada will be provided with Christmas cheer In various forms, according to estimates made by Supreme Secretary William J. McGinley.

of tho Knights of Columbus. "Subordinate councils of I ho K. of C. are signalling their complete turning from war to wholly peace work by making a unified drivo on unhapplness in hundreds of American and Canadian orphanages," lav announced. "In all parts of tho country local chapters and councils of the Knights are arranging to visty orphanages on Christmas day with gifts ot toys, candy and clothing.

It Is the largest unified Christmas gift movement that councils of tho K. of C. have yet undertaken. More than fifty orphanages will receive toys from the K. ot C.

toy shop for shell-shocked soidfera at St. Elizabeth's Hospital, Washington, D. BOSTON HONORS WIDOW. Thousands ot sympathizers with the causo of Ireland tribute in Boston on Sunday to Mrs. Muriel MacSwiney, widow of the late Ter-ohco MacSwiney, Lord Mayor ot Cork, and to Miss Mary M.

MacSwiney, his sister. Forty thousand persons, it is estimated, escorted the Station to an uptown hotoj, and more gathered at night in Mechanics' Hall to hear Miss Mac-1 Swiney. Mrs. MacSwiney, who had been announced tta a speaker, did not paanear, remaining at her hotel. TESTIFY AS TO BURNING.

Eye witnesses of tho burning of. Cork are expected lp- Washington to testify before the Commission ot the Committee of One laveeti-ga-tlng coAllio8 Ireltwd the' week of December 28. CONFIRMED Statement of President-Elect Hard-ing Interpreted as Endorse: ment of Bill. Government Should Extend Aid For Education -of All tho, Children. Opposition Not Confined' to Avowed Advocates of Parocliial Schools.

AIMS HAVE BEEN VEILED. Additional weight is added to the frank avowal of ajms, heretofore frequently veiled by the publication of a statement in the October Issue of tho N. E. A. Bulletin, given by President-elect Harding to 4 committee appointed by the N.

E. A. and interpreted as an endorsement of the aims of the N. E. regarding the diiscussed bill.

According to the Bulletin, Harding, having been appealed to to endorse the Smlth-Towner bill, said: "I have committed myself to tho creation of a Deriartment of Public Welfare as a necessary governmental agency for grammo for the promotion ot social justlco and human welfare. Without Interfering in, any way with the edu-troB and management of public education by tho States, the Federal Government should extend aid to the States for the promotion of physical education, the Americanization Of tho fornlcn luini (li cation of Illiteracy, the better train- vi uHicuers anu tor promoting free educational opportunities for all tho children nf ni WWlo this statement is vague and uuuBBroireuy anaerinite, it is perhaps more nnn-rninmlHil nn Srnlth-Towner bill; at any rate, it shows tho tendency we have proven tju ai me Douom of the Smith billL And ithn v. a 4a as an endorsement of the measure. iiuB use or Harding's statement is characteristic of tha tactics om-rfloyed by tho N. E.

as la also the use of tho worda "co-operation with' tho States" and "encouragement of education la tho States." It is llkewisn nf T.t- policy to insinuate- that" oplposltloil hj une oiu question da confined) to tho avowed 'advocates of the parochial ChjOOl- Thn n.hlrntrn Review refers to the Bulletin of tho National Education Association) as laying great streas "on. the fact that: the TarOChIal school nm opposed to the bill and that tho blU is being misrepresented by somo who say that It will centralize control," As a matter of fact, it-hn wiidwiuoVn friends and patrons ot the parochial schools, Catholic, Protestant and Jewish, can not help seeing that tho bill threatens tho Tlnn nt m-M- vate, and especially of parochial schools. But they neither woro nor are alono in tholr attitude of opposition. Wo remind the Teadors of tho strong opposition voiced by Dean Barris. of ninHTin.tM Tin Won.

sity; Bird S. Coler, and lately by President Hadley, of YaUe; by President Hibben of Trinity; toy Finley, Commissioner of Education, of tho State of New York, and by A. Sadd, ono ot tho speakers, addressing tho American. Bankera' ABsocto-don. None of theso men are identified with Catholic parochial schools, at any rate; and their position should rates them above tho suspicion of being swayed by school interesls" Mnisvwnr tho arguments advanced in nnr pamphlet, "For the Freedom of Education," are none of them arguments Jieflecdnr it.ho intAmata nf parochial schools "per so." They aro all arguments based on the position taken by the writera as citizens, as champions of tho rlghlta of parents and of the States, as champions of democratic distribution of power rather than centralization ot power, and as antagonists ot State Socialism.

In faot, it appears that even the N. E. A. has hp.eun to imdnivhn.i that the bill in its present form can nox atana tne test of criticism based on the broad ground of American idealst Fpr suggestions' and (petitions for revision of tho bill have been given, expression In organs friendly to the and Ao the Jf B. A.

But a riwWdn mwmii without femoscuTatlng tho bild, be- the bill with fosterling1 is so vitally inherent in it aa to make revteloa-futlle. It Is for this reason that America, in its editorial columns, facetiously suggests a compromise IniVoKvln thA fnTlrtnrlni Eliminate tho $100,000,000 annual' appropriation. Strip tho proposed secretary ot all power to review, obliging ihlm to accept any educational iprogramme tho State may wish to iproaent. Deny him all power to examine Iho schools any State or to require reports from any State. Don't mako Ihim a Cabinet officer at aM.

The Smith-Towner bill, thus amended, would' no longer be tha same bill. It being possible to compromise oa It, there raiUiae aoh-bag but open, 4tetive oppoBitfoa. Let every friend of freedom of eduea tlon advtee hie representative in tho Con grew that they muet oppose this bill and simllAr bllfa reflecting the me teadeaclm ft te the duty ot American, ettiaeae to watch and work aavd pray afcit a ceatHtlieaittoa which wWi rob ifcte nation of the eoasUtuOoaal Kberl Ues. Liberty of eduoaMefU ik eeri-oueiy endeagered. "Jfteiafcl -rigf-taee ie the pte of liberty..

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