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Crittenden Press from Marion, Kentucky • Page 5

Crittenden Pressi
Marion, Kentucky
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i ual fVAFl wj el tc riKWtirHsw kx Mm James James LAWYERS MARION KENTUCKY Practice in the courts of Crittende ulid cut rounding counties and in tbe Cow Appeals jxuta J1MK 3 11LUE JH DKIWE BLUE DEBDE Attorneys at Law i i i MARION KY ill practice in all courU of the ttatc Prompt attention given to all business entrusted to their care jOJS in brick building on public aqua re CRUCEMNN ifAIlION KENTUCKY Prompt attention given to all buii Baft entrusted to their care Oi swell Bennett Attorney at Law MARION KY Office Over ilarion Bank Will practice in all the courts of tbe County and will give prompt attention to all business entrusted to him KPHA Vv5z aIH Pur sale byE Moore Mattoon -Walt Paper- ike everything If has tumbled to thef touch of hard times oil I am just in re4 Anan eeii Ufa big lot ofpVHBl the Prettiest PareA vcr shown in Ma PfijflAO ifoiu The late de jjniWD signs are things of beauty and for quaMThon Hy re beyond com4tlll pirison Then as to jjricos they are in eaUypn reach of every onel heso goods deserveV Sroui inspection NoRQfATil WiOleto show them JDwWI 0 KWoods The Dntfit Tailor r1 -Merchant MARION KY Ttst received a One lino of Fall wi Wiuter goods 1anU to Order 100 and upward Suits to Order I 1800 and pwanls mi uuarou Goods sold by the yard CASH I mil oar cash for jour Bides MBCHWAB rHlBi ELECTROPOISE CUItES DISEASE The Electropoise gave mo complete relief from excrutiating pain in three applications I also find it good for treating children for their numerous ailments Soden with Bridge ford Co Louisville Mr Flint ol Skylight Ky says I suffered for years with my kidneys inflammation of the bladder and enlrrgement of the prostrate gland After a short tnal of tbe Electropoise I am entirely relieved ami teel twenty years younger I have derived more benefit from the ue of Electropoise than from all other remedies combined I think it the grandest invention of the age It can not be praised too highly Mrs Gorman Sadieville Ky August 20 John II Davis Iq of Barbour ville Ky The Electropoise is tbe best all around doctor1 1 know of Mj wife suffered from effects of la gipp for several years also a complication of other ailments now she is entirely well Indigestion bothered me a great deal am now well One of my neighbors is using it for lung trouble and report improvement As a curate airent the Electropoise can not bo equaled Nearly 1000 have been put out from this office in the last three months DUBOIS A WEBB 509 Avenue Louisville Ky i OHarauteed Cure We sutborize our advertising drug git to sell Dr Kings New Discovery tor Consumption Coughs and Colds upon this condition If you are af dieted with a cough cold or lung throat or chest trouMe and will this remedy as directed giving it a fai trial and experience no benefit you may rfturn the bottle and have your money refunded We could not make this ofler did we not know that Dr Kings New Discovery could be relied on It never disappoints Trial bottles free at Woods diug store 50c and Large site 1100 A McGuire a well known citizen ol McKay Ohio is of opiuiou that there is thing as good for children troubled with colds or croup as Chamberlaius cough remedy He has used it in his family for several jears with the best results and always keep a bottle of it in the house After having la grippe he was himself trou bled with a severe cough He used other remedies without benefit and then concluded to try the children medicine and to his delight it soon el fected a permanent cure 25 and 0 cent bottles are for sale by Moore Orme Cure lor IIdactic As a remedy for all forms of Head ache Electric Bitters has proved tht very best It efTects apcrmanentcure and the most dreaded habitual tick headaches yield to its influence We urge all who are afflicted to procure a bottle and give this remedy a fait trial In cases of habitual constipation Electric Bitten cures by giving the ueeded tone to the bowels and few cases loner resist the power of this medicine Try it once Large bottle only fifty cents at the drug store oi KWoods Croup is a terror to youug mothers To post them concerning the first symptoms and treatment is the object of this item The first indication ol qpttapit hoarseness In a child who subject to croup it may bo taken af a sure sign of the approact of an attack Following this hoarseness is a peculiar rough cough If Chamberlains cough remedy is given as soon as tbe child becomes hoarse or even after the rough cough has appeared it will prevent tbe attack It ha never been known to fail 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by Moore Orme Children Cry for PltolWsCMtefls IlHcklema Arnica Salve The best salve in the world for Cuts Bruises Bores Ulcers Salt Rheum Fever Bores Tetter Chapped Hands Cailblains Corns and all Skin Eruptions and positively cures Piles or no pay required It is guai an teed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded Pnce 25 cents per ox For sale by tf Woods Vai1 naNi tiooua known PRAV If th to be some weak one CI re mc strength to hlin on If blinder tout the- Let nu gulJe him rer Thro Ma rajr mortil iiu ooran true With the work 1 i would do Clothe with Itf ha weak Intent txt tnr be th tiling I meant IxM me And it Thy employ Peace th dearer Is than joy Out of self to lore be led And to heaven Until all thlnps sweet and pood Seem my nature habitude John Whlttlnr IN A HOT PLACE Tlicra used to exist a great rivalry between Captains of stoamboat i ply Ing on our lurffer riven To outiiieod one another they would recklessly put mora stctm iixin tlio capacity of iliuir encincs than they possibly could stiad and In consnuenco the boilers fro queni uuri ana too boats were wrecked I was employed for a niimbor of year on 6 boat which bad a boiler explosion In sjch a ruc by which slv persons lost their lives Afto tho Jam po was ropnlreJ and tho sit tlms burled wo mndo the necessary preparation to rosumo our voyuo jouo carTentcr work rctnninod to bo lone but Iholnptuin thought that ou be finished wh la tho boat was Wo had worked very hnrJ 01- two duyi and tho last afternoin a allowed us for recreation for -lily no morn the anchor would heaved fco we went ashore When I returned to the boot tho alpht was bitter cold and very stormy lnteud of statiouln a watchman on leek tho boatwn locked every hlng and retired to his cabin Only the en i io room was opon nnl tho uards and plankj which wcro do nolshcd by tho plosion hud not een replaced Tho Coor was wot ind no place could bo found on dck a iheter against tho lncroajinj torm I concluded to leave tho Interior of he boat nnd sleep In open air instead bslny uipoioJ to tho fearful draft 1 felt In lbs dar with my hands ilonp the engines to find a way out hen my foot cauVit on a cover ng near I etucMad and fell with ny arms in the ot 1 opening on the onp end of tho boiler throush hlch a man might crawl for repal tnd which when the boiler usoX Is losed with a heavy Iron cap fastened jrlth a weighty clnmp Iron maklnj ha bollor air tight In this opening tbe blacksmith had odo the day before to repair the toller When falling into this open nc I knocked my head ngainst tho wller giving me great pa When recovered from tho shock I did not ics ta to uso this uncomfortallo but iroteeted shelter In preference to the oagb weather outside So I ciopt oto too Io lor Tho pi co was nnd warm nnd 1 would hivo lain ory comfortably if his couch hat been a llttlo soitcr liut for all that I slept and slept well I had to change my position scvorat timet before closing my eyes First I crept to tho farther end but I moved orw rd again and from tlrao to time Urelched my hand through tho open ng to convince myself that It was not yot cloiod As 1 did not fear that toy would lose tho openng wthout in Iioarln ho adjusting of tho heavy Iron cover I gradually drew buck to tho other ind warmer end of the boler Hero fell asloop ull tho sounder iu tho hock against my Lead had stunned me My awaking was horrible 1 hoard livers sounds by which I concluded that day was approaching though nil round mo was impenetrable darkness lho fearful thought struck ma that Juring my sleep tho opening of tbe boiler might have boon closed I crept towards It A chill went to my heart All was dark closed Impcne rable within tbe great colin around me without the least opening to ad nit air and light Terror deprived no of eontclousncss Moan nii I Jropped down How long I lay 1 do not recollect itul tho physician told me later that It must havo been more apoplexy than faintness Wuile 1 lay there a tonsatlon crept ver mo as if my feet wero lying In water It rose higher and higher It already reached toward my kneo oud tl made me feel uncommonly chilly I he chilliness Increased An indeiorlbable sen atlon crept over ma is mere and more tho water covered uy body At lost rising slowly It reacneu my reoo and finally my mouth I heard the regular mot on of Uie pump pumping water Into tho boiler With horror I ttarted up My ter rible situation soemed to trem thon me tbs blood rushed to my head but the Lord be praised -I did not fu nt again Iho stunning terror which fell upon mo when 1 first realized my fearful ltuatlon gave way to a fervent de Iro fortelfprcservation 1 vrrcumed and shouted with nil ray might I again moved to the closod oncnlns itretchod my arm totheplnco through which I got In and camo to the conclusion that I was burled allro I yelled again and again in ray fear so that tno wans or my iron olin shook Hut tho regular pulses of tho pump gave answer us mockory I gavo up all bopo at last and be came tranquil Ihe thought of my death and In such ahorriblo way had uow cothing terrlblo to me It was nothing new that roan hud to din such a death Thousands are often caught In such small spaces of ship have sunk to the bottom of tho sea have in despair beaten against tho too well closed hatches and been drowned Why should I not also dlo In this way Hut alter 1 had accustomed mysolf to Iho thought another came to mo I fell tho water becotning hot I henrd the crackling of tbe fire which baj to change the water Into steam bofuro It could rise high enough to drown km I sUiMswtX ssMrful Oi -it -Mr JXE tioa overpowered mo again Feebly 1 tank baek upon the floor of tho boiler Hut in full concoutncss roturncd again At I toi hoarse to shjut very loud I beat again it tho wall louder and louder with Increasing or co and with a strength which only despair ould im art hero wcro men clo io by who ought to my knocking Could 1 not hear tho shiilling of ttior foet tho dull fuillli of tho wood1 Cotld I hot hear even tholnughlng of tho flroinnn who wus only a Inclpi from my tomb Hut th singing of tho wntur which surrounJc my knees inado In tho so imlng bo ler mora nolso than my wcac knoeiin against tho lr jn wall Then suddoily I steppod upon if moveable oject lor tho lncrour heat forced mo to keep my fcvl in motion Mechanically I roie out nnd toadied a heavy hiimui that tho buccsmiih hal acciduint 1 Kl thora With whaldollght I look Ui I Willi what renewed hupo I against tho lion walls of my livin gravo Hut oh hornir I li iti kcurccly listened for a moment when I heard tho clinkng of tho iron do which tho lireman oencd 1 Hr eolved how tho tiro which whs about to torture mo to doalh would bo fed with a now supply of fuel Sudden now hopo sprang up In my heait There was not ho co I might havo been aved if 1 hat found tho hammer even a fow minute- sooner Noir I had tj tako tho las means Ict to ma which might saw me or raght causo mo a death still more horribo I recollected Hi it I had a chUol in my pocket and In los time than takes tj describo It I put lt ug int ono of lhoo plates mid droa it through with the hammer 1 he water ru ihoi thi ojgh tho hole Would they see it a noidin part Hon hll It jet from thorn the walor had to run oor tho doc before lhoywould notice tho leak I enlarged the opening Iho decron ed If It ran out much mure I was In danger of roasting allro upon tho lion plates which bu lit my fie alrcaJt Ha now they soeil I bear volcoi They call for crowlar Tbj planks nh as they are torn awa lhey Cnd tho leak Tho try to come cloo to It ood ioJ hy don they try first to oxtlngu sh tho llro Instead ot calling for tools A desperalb though crosses my mind nnd fainting I dt tho last thing which can avo me With tromo orlioa I put my in dex finger through tho hole 1 hear tho cry of tho men who saw It hear tho call to oxt ngulsh tho fire I tho first moUon of the pump ti throw cold water nto the boilor an comeloiibosss leares mo When I a voko I lay upon a soft IkJ surrounded by kind mj lovn fnenJ ralnlitenng to wants Tho lol would baro been sUijipod in fo minutes had I not put linger In tho hola That linger Is a xhapjles at imp now but It did a yerIcu hard to bo expeotod frjm sj an lnlgn tcint mo nbor It aved my It -National IMbuae Ir4Zllj 1Toaile lll What a hard time of It says correspondent llrazllnn bookkejp ers in Jt hate wth tho Ion lino i figures which reprooat tho ordlnar commercial transactions of a bainc nt or morcantllo houso lorotampla real tho unit of tbe monetary system written 0001 and is ual to th valuo of one twentlnth of tho Araer can cent Theio Is no such coin in cirruliit on the smallest being 10 reis There Is a copper coin of 40 rcls nnd a nickel coin of 1C0 iota and anothoi of 00 roli Next cimos the papoi money In notes of 10J res called rollrcls Thoro are two mllr 5 10 0 iO 50 nnd 1UJ to maximum i00 mllrels nurasrl ally expressed this wayi iOOfOOA Then lhero Is un Imaginary dfnomnaOn named conta which means lUJJ mllrels una Is expressed on papr 1 OUT Tin pur valuo of tho pnpar milroU is a un to about 51 coits Amercan money but of tourse it vurlos with tho llruua ill Ililralon Tfil ros 1 ho protection wh cH Ilrltlsh urlos aord to men who nbuso their wives Is cxlrnoidlnary nnd this Is untrlking caia At Leeds a man named Kn ght whose wlfo had deserted him on ao count of his violence and went to sco her to ask her to return homo and bocauo slit refusod ho II red throo shots at her hlltl her oach lima wounding her in Ihe aria back un ear Iho ury found that tho prisoner fired only wth tho Intent to Tighten lis wla and tho man had to bo discharge Fresrrscd rtinilr Henry A Uowor of Adams town hip Hamilton Ham Hon county in 18i4 slipped a small cucumber Into glass bottle nnd ho perm tteJ the vino to furnish nourishment until tin cucumber had filled tho available sprco Insldo tho bottle Iho lno was then clipped ol tho bottle was ullud with alcohol and carefully scaled Tho cucumber still rotulus its original appearance and it looks at perecl as It did when bottled up thtrly elght years ago One Hundred Ycar Old A Huchanan of Obion county Tennessee has In his possession un old hunters powder gourd such as was usod by all tho old poncor hunters in which lhey carried their powdor that bolongod to his grandfather nnd Is according to Mr Huchanans estimation over 103 years old Iapir llallroatts In Herlln rails for railroads are being manufactured solely of solidified paper lapor wheels have been in Use for Tears alia and im aml4 superior io iron la NO FLCE FOR SMEUING tills Tourist Knrw of Ono Tiling It WTS Vrll Omit 111 ist niLi iv Slt lit nitinnif I tin A till lV ItllMU ul peaks ami coves nun ravines oi mo Jumlxrlanil iiiouutnlus beforo Ulng coiulicd a bit by an old friend at Hrlstnl Ho told mo of several things I most not do ami on tcvcral oc coslous I had rcaon feci very grateful Ono day when I was well the iiioonshliicrs I suddtuly scei tho aroma given out by a still mid at thi fnmo iiiotant discovered a long halr rough looking old iiiruiitaliutT soatl 3ti a roadside rock with a double knrrel 31 slxitguu nenws his logs I saluted him removed my ack and at down for a Miiol When ho had lighted tio Igar offcretl him I nktd Is ther much wild game in theo mouiitaiikf A rinlit rmart of game ho replied I supiKito you kill a bear now nud then Vis reckon 1 do Tlu I ticcMioiicd him nout fio faring tLc rrii tho schools the clinrchcs and nlhtr tliliifr nnd lio not only nnvwered mo briefly but I conld not fail to that ho was closely nntchiu ma Hy uud by ho asked my huMum and when I told him ho hi ed to prow even moro suspiciou I wanted fomo iufurmatiuii aluut tho routo and wanted to get him in good humor and I Lipt rattliun on for a quartet of nn hour I finally polo of Uristol and my friend down tin re and tho old man turned on mo with Wliatl Dyo know Jim down thar rt Bristol Why certainly What sort of lookfn mnn Is he A largo man red faced light hair car on his chin keeps a grocery Thats tho crittir Io had a talk with Jim btfo comin up ycre I reckon a long talk Him told yo snmthln I reckon Yea many things Onoof them was that I shouldnt smell anything up hero uutil I had mentioned his nama Stranger gin us ycr jwlnalil the man as he extended a hand aliucvt ns big as wofhboord Did you knurr I was watchiu yo I kuiectuUt Vcs I was watchln ycr iioso The boys hcv got a rnrty hot firo under tho still and tho smell comes up party strong I had on eyoon yo and if yod hcv ituck np that noo and sniffed and snuffed befc yo mentioned Jims nauiu I shonld hov torneil looo on yo fur a rvvenoo rpy ami taken my chancfs of bein right Glad to see jo Mighty glscL Coino over to tho cabin and bring yor now along and git a bito to cat Detroit Free lresn CARMEN SYtVAS HEART It It Very TrndVr a Llttlii ltouiuautaa tilrl llu IUiuuo tu Know Hero Is a pretty little utoryabcnt Car men Sylvn A few years ago when iiho was in tho zenith of hir jiopularity and health sho visltetl a small Tillage school incog and asked permission to put tho children through their paces Tho schoolmistress was highly delighted Although she was unaware of tho high rank of her visitor tho gnrsred from ontward appearances that tho latter was of no common order The children did their mistress credit answering with great promptitude all tho aim plo questions tho queen put to them Jnt beforo leaving tho queen noticed In Poor Health means so much more than you imagine serious and fatal diseases result from trifling ailments neglected Dont play with Natures greatest gift health out inuareleciinr ol torn tak au pvnfrally ex Browns hiusirtl fcc oui ae no iUie and ct nt work begin at enrenk tiiir I I a IV Iron medicine hlchU Iirotit Iron Bit tics cure buefit cvmea from the Bitters ery fsrst doiei von i iaim ytur tfftk ami lii pltaunt tu tike It Cures 1 Dypcpala Kidney and Uver Neuralgia Troubles Constipation Dad Blood Malaria Nervous ailments i i Womens complaints ftl only the Ktnulnc It list crossed rrd lines on the wrapper ethers tie sub- siliuies un receipt ol twusc slsinpssse will fcrnil trt til Ten flraillul Vnldk 4 slr VI ws ami book lice nnVAu ruruirn fn iui runer un awassswvwSnybysAnbssnwgwSssT Tim 3 MatifTPr editor of the Sun- lieam Seligmau Mo who named Grover Clevelanil for the Presidency in Novemlier 1882 while he was mayor of Uuflalo is enthusiastic in his praieo of Chamberlains colic cholera anu niarrnoca remedy He says I havo Uted it for the oast five rear and consider it the best preparation of the kind in tho market It is as staple as sugar and cotiee in this section It is an article of merit and should be used in every house- bold For tale by Moore A Orae i i ono tittic tu iiinfariort of tho man with her tangled head cl nr leut enci somo bewk Tho child wa tltrply eu grusel in her reading that she took no uoticu hate Mr of nnybody in tliuincm Tho qurtti nskttl the reason of htrsi lenco Waashodtsf or otherwise nflllct till Oh no was tlo answer but 1 Vaataataaaaaaaaf lftaat ssssssssaVltkJ I sho stupid and never attends to her studies but ncize cvrry epiiortunily to rvadhtory Wxiks Carniin Kjlvn walked qnietly up to tho little re ftdcr and putting her hand mi tho curly lit ml ak ed gently what tho child was leading and the latter held up tho Ixxjk tu tho strange lady It was Fairy Storic and Icvnm by Carmen riyisx jou lilotlnn talc nU the i Iikotheiiimiidnine OhlluVe And Cariurii Sylvia took tho i hi tu her arms kinii I tho little rlushel tun nud de urtttl About a uik ufterwarJ tho childs aunt for the llttlo maiden was mi orphan rrcvlvisl a letter fnmi tho queen oderiiig tu tducato and bring up the child Tho ofTe was gratefully and thankfully accepted and now the little ono Is in one of thu Ut schools in Itoumaiiia IUlle SatUOML At thu Worlds fair it wasnmaslug to note tho diversity of objee ts which isil on found tho mit lutt re ting Uuo iu stanco a tliit of aji old couple weary looking mid bundlo laden whet aVnl a guard where tho Mluc wota bnildiug could ha fuuniL Ho lndltalil thu dins tloiL Is it fur aikd the man Yt olo it half a mile from hero Oh dear Well come Mary we II put her through uow woiu hen said tho old man shonlderiug his heavy bundle Hut the woman was more garrulous Sho detained tho guanl long uiough to explain that they lived in Mliiuewota 11 yean and then moved to Ohio Now they wero gtlug back to Minueaota Wo was goiu thmugh Chicago so we jit Ktoppod off two hoars to the fair Wo dont kwr much for falrx any way All wo waut to new is the Minnesota buildln an wo are bound to are that it it takes half a day Youths Componiou COULD HARDLY WALK on rcecT or RHEUMATISM FORD AfUT TWO YEARS Suffering ItCURKD Ayers Sarsaparilla For fully two ran 1 suSrrtd Irora rhcumathn and was fruiurntlj In such a condition that I roukl hardly walk I sint soaic tlm lu Hot XirlafS ark ami the treatment hUJ dm for tin time brine hut soon In eotnplalnt rt turnnl and I was as taJljr affllctwl as eier Ayers ftarsaparllla belnc ruemlcd I resulted to try It and after bslnc six buttles I was completely cured II Fouii QuachlU CttJ La Ayers on Sarsaparilla Admittsd AT THE WORLDS FAIR oooooopoooooooooooooooo There is no medicine ao often needed in every home and so admirably adapted to the puriojcs for which it was intended as Chiiuberlains Pain Halm Hardly a week pauses but some member of the family has need of it A tootlmcho or headache may be cured by it A touch of rheumatism or neuralgia iiuieted The severe pain of a burn or scald promptly rn lievttl and tho lore healed in much less time than when medicine has to lie sent for A rprain may lie promptly treated before iuflanintiou sets in wiich insures a cure in about a thirp of the time otherwise required Cuts and Druises should receive jniraetliatc attention beforo toe parUiiecxime swo len which can only bo done when the Iain Iklra is kept ou hand A sore throat may bo cured before it becomes serious a troublesome corn may be removed by applying it twice a day for a week or two A lame back may be cured and several days of valuable time saved or a pain in the side or chest relieved without paying a doctor bill Procure a 50 cent bottle at once and you will never regret it For sale by Moore fc Orme Irving Larlinore physical tli rector of the A Des Moiue Iowa says he can conscientiously re commend Chamberlains piin balm athletics gymnastics bicyclists foot ball players aud the profession in gen eral for bruises sprains and dislocations also for soreness aud stilPucbs in the muscles When applied before the parts become swollen it will effect cure in one half the time usually re quired For sale by Moore Orme TELLS THE V5l jse 11 iTWAVC 11 ilci JWw 4UU UUU ilJJJfiIXK3 UUJ clJUL JVAlivis vi i ifcr AT -The Very Lowest Prices Walker Olives Big Store i it Coffins Caskets Burial Robes and Slippers Hearse i mm hfi i i vecKicrsr3x My Clothes arc whitcniy Health bettor my Lnbor less ssawV iWf C14JI I Ea cvitiijy BAarvtui3 vBest Purest 5 SOLD aut wt Bryant Stratton DTiaUtaSB IM4 SHORTHAND cU Vf tStVttlk TELEGRAPHY it Ciskf INSTITUTE- runkJine TotHE North flOUTE OF THE JUlCAOOanJ jlAllTED ASH VILLE ONLY liiiaii Vestlbulcd Train Senrtc wltb Nawast and tneat Day Coaches Slespwra and Dtnlnc Cara OM rf SOUTH STOl no I ante Indianapolis CHICAGO iwaukco St Paul NO All POINTJ TMl Am IIQRTHWEST avanJiLuiic ta Krasnvllla A rrro finite It It KVWSVHfK LVD 8 1- ItODOKItH Southern Iasscneer A Kent CIIATTAVOOOA TKVN WASH A -aw Sltaal au7 awawaVTawaaw Vis A K2 aaraawTaaiaarVSaK 4f aBBaaal aaaaaal JsaawJv ttVYtoftMTIO i fnK VHniiii wii prnnpior las CiiwrcialCcllagojrNe Awarded Medal and Diploma ty Oia Warts Cslsnblaa EiBotltlon BSwalaewa BCwitellw imi io romplei iiiSu2lLaiTloUMtoi TlTw tsuiht IOnumrerful KB lit hHll wA IMM Ml VMW uiuciki mm BfiH ir irtia uftiM HrHcLl ftllntluB SaatTar1aaa alluaillasaia 1 SMITH LIXIMOTOM KV JBGRIS50M1 Msla Marlon Kentucky Pure Old Kentucky 4 Wines Hradics Gin Htc UKSrilKANIKSUPClUAllS My Liquors are selected Hith the Ust of care Onler from i abroad will meet our prompt and careful attention Jug Trade aSpicialty MARION HOTEL SALOON I Newly Kelltteil Oune aud see ui when iu town Foil SiLK A houso of six rooms on ffooel cistern corxl pillnr in i vviiiiaiijr cated in Marion For price etc toe Walter see Mrs Gilliam JiJlshsfflstf i mtmmmmmwmmmri lawns- Sssi mi Krca A ari vHinpitTesrsMff i rri rz msM SINCE I USED Most Economical KYEKYM1IKHK TUERKFAIRBANKGOHPAHYSti0115 Business College i Bttftlntti Edoeitlon ss0SMtCs ta taKt4lM af kHlt ftOtsltl ttMJlb wtM Aas Ttf AJttirt Drytfit Stratton Ccttcgc Louis i kj St LcTRR TIMECARD GOING KAhT No 6X si Iv llrinlrrson 70 ji Ar Ixuisvillr laoru is GOING VVKST No I lV I ouUllllr i30r Ar llemUrion 1210 a 1 II MOKDUK lH IOUISVMII ovt TIME CARD III IIOUNItTUAIN No 3 Not timr Mi Kvsnsvlllr fiil a in in lltinileTson 7rl Corjilon 71 5 ii Morifantlchl SjIS -7 DiKoien Stli I Sturitla a I fi MAltlOV tttti i 1rliiei lm ill I ti Vruli aii Slips 1 1 3 1 i Gracry lili IliipklustillollO i in I0i NOItlll lOUNI TltAINs No 1 No MIlY Ilillt Iv HopllnMlllo Mia in 3 ic lrliictiin 715 r7 MA II ION SH 7 DeKtnrn 017 7 Mormnrlelil 6J 711 Corjilon urm lliinlcrnin 10V 1 1 Ar KvaiisNllIu llii UNIONTOWN IIHtNll HOUTII IIODNI TIIAINS Iv IIniHiton 7 10 a in S3f ni Ar MorKiiillchl gl5 am 00 in NORTH 1I0UN1TIMN3 IvMorjranllclil llfcOn 7 Ar Unlontown10i a mhlSpm TC JAMMON ARint Marlon Ky II MITCH KII 01 A Katiil Inil COAL I COAL I have npencel a mine of the celt brateil Heath Mountain Owl fur ull ptirotic8 ns any in tho county or state Will sell at tho unties lor cents per bushel My mines is on the MhMnn and MorpiufleM road a short distance from Ikrinby fc Hr graves mines You will sco tho eign hoard Send down and get the rlirap est aud beet coal ond tho niaiLcl ltead the following We take pleasure in rtccoiumciul ing John Imlndeiis oal in being firat clam qunlity 1 Truitl Munn Hi 1 et Heath Asher Hughes II Sullnan John Haw FAUX FOIl SAIsK I Imvo a farm of 125 acroi lyl Flatlick creek Crittenden entity Ky that I want to sell It is wel improved and has plenty of lastiug water on it Terms easy Como aud me 2m a Wawok.

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