Chicago Examiner from Chicago, Illinois • 1
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- Chicago Examineri
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- Chicago, Illinois
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we AWEft CHICAGO AND Fair to- day and Friday warmer moderate easterly and southerly winds The temperatures yesterday: Highest 70 Lowest 59 Average 64 GOING OUT OF TOWN? Have the Examiner follow you on your Vacation Changes of address made as often as desired Vacation Subscription Rates Postage Paid Daily Examiner Two Weeks 15 Cents Daily Examiner Four Weeks 30 Cents Sunday Examiner 1 Month 25 Cents Call up Subscription Dept Main 5000 Give us your vacation address and we will start paper following morning VOL IX NO A THURSDAY CHICAGO' JUNE 8 IS PAGES THURSDAY Regifttnred In Patent Office PRICE ONE ftRefrr aloton Japanese-German Alliance Against Is Threatened DEMANDED $25000 MSI PROTECTION SUES FOR IT John Haley Alleges Wheeler and Lieutenant Bonfield Took $860 to Let Him Run Disorderly Hotel and Then Closed It Both Deny the Charge to Chief McWeeny DEFENDANT NAMED INVESTIGATOR Millionaire Is Reported in a Critical Condition Women Say He Attacked Them He Charges Blackmail EVV YORK June William sonia Hotel was sliot three times and badly wounded this evening by two girls whose apartment on the fourth floor of the fashionable Vanina at Broadway and Eightieth street he was visiting The young women were Lillian Graham twenty-two years old a singer and Ethel Conrad eighteen years old an artist Each fired three shots Miss bullets inflicting two wounds Mrs Writer Says the Arrogance Americans May Lead to Such an Arrangement Speclal Cable to the Examiner BERLIN June 7 Count vpn Reventlow in an article published here says that America shows signs of adopting an unfriendly attitude toward Germany we Germans shall seek an alliance with Japan The American people might well reflect whether their interests would be served by forcing Germany into a community of interests with Japan I watch American events closely and noticed one Of the leading American service papers on of the leading American service papers Army and Navy Journal published an article describing Germany and Japan as the most probable enemies of the United States Mahan has written treatises of an itnti-GcYinan character American naval officers have delivered speeches of a similar nature- I do not over-estimate the significance of these individual utterances nor do I apprehend any real danger to Germany Americans are inclined to assess their strength on an erroneous basis of wealth One cannot create a naval and military efficiency Unlimited supplies of money cannot make up for a lack of discipline and organization frequently an exaggerated view of their power and influence which is almost humorous Nevertheless Germany could not in the long rim ignore unmistakable signs of American antipathy lo herself and if such indications become marked and continuous German policitj would as a matter of ordinary common sense and business aim at cn -operation with Japan in joint oppo-siliou to the United By Harry Dunn Special Cable to the Examiner A MEXICO CITY Juue 7 One hundred ai eights-live persons most of them soldiers are dead as the result of an ciitn-qunke which threw down many buildings and spread terror among the residents of this city and its suburbs to-day Moreover from seismic conditions to-night another shock is anticipated in the morning Among the dead are thirty women who were klllled when the barracks fell at San Cosnie a suburb crushing more man a hundred soldiers Five persons were killed and many injured by the collapse of a church at LLoil-pilco another suburb where the victims were attending early mass Twenty-one buildings were completely wrecked and tbe total number of dead will not be known for three or four days The number of injured is not detiuitely known but is placed at from 200 to "00 Pray for Deliverance To-night the churches are tilled with tnejb women and children who believe that the earthquake is a dispensation of tied who is angry at the internal dissensions of Mexico and they are praying that they be spared further punishment The shock to-day was the heaviest known here since the disaster at Acapulco two years ago The earthquake impeded but did not stop the huge demonstration on the arrival of Francisco I Madero the revolutionary leader One man alone Alfredo Garcia made an attempt on life at the Colonia station Garcia- drew-a German automatic mid leveled it at head just as the latter stepped into his carriage but one of the guards struck Garcia's arm with the flat of bis saber causing him to drop the gun and Garcia was strapped to the back of a horse and hurried to prison lie probably get a life 'term in Tres Marias islands the terrible penal colony of Mexico on the west coast The enthusiastic welcome accorded Mu-dero Jr late Provisional President on his arrival was marred by the defection of the army of the South the most powerful RUSH TO TAFT BAND WfAGON factor in Mexico at present Greeted by Multitude LEAVES BRIDE AT ALTAR Champaign Man Weds Chicago Girl and Mysteriously Disappears DAN ILLE 111 June 7 Miss Augusta Gertli aged twenty of Chicago is looking for her husband who left her mysteriously immediately after the ceremony Last Monday she secured a llceuse to wed Harry Eaton of Champaign Accompanied bi her father Miss Gerth went to Justice office where she was joined by Eaton The marriage ceremony performed whereupon the groom excused himself saving he would return in an hour He failed to return and the father-in-law failed to find him and then the police were called In Eaton still is missing The bride is said to come of a prominent Chicago family Young Eaton is well known at Champaign His father who had 110 inkling of the marriage until It was consummated cannot account for the young disappearance Five Senate Insurgents Will Support Enemy Aims Revolver Leader Entering the Stricken City at 185 ARE DEAD IN QUAKE Natives Believe Disaster Wrath From -Heaven at' Ousting of Diaz Madero arrived here at 12:30 and was greeted by an enthusiastic multitude who crowded the plaza around the railway station and delayed his departure from the station for the palace over an hour His route to the palace he arrived at 3:30 was marked by an unbroken scries of ilemonstratiojis and continuous cheering Generals Asunculo and Miranda commanding the 15000 men composing the army of the South were at the station when Madero arrived and both offered the services of themselves and their guards to Madero but the latter peremptorily refused Both Generals who had 6000 men on the outskirts of the city refused to wait for the departure of Madero from the station but left independently In automobiles for a conference with tbeir chiefs of staff regarding what action they should take to-morrow In any event it is definitely decided that the army of the South will not accept Madero as President ARREST SECRETARY WILSON DETRpiT Mich June When Secretary of Agriculture Wilson was in an auto to-day hurrying to the Board of Commerce to join a parade which was forming there he was put under arrest by a traffic officer The chauffeur had crossed a car track without first stopping The officer supposing Mr Wilson owned the car lectured him and informed him a complaint would be entered against him YOUR "WANT can be left at the new office Madison and State streets 9 West Madison St YOUR ANSWERS to Examiner will be received and delivered at this most conveniently located office in the city at the southwest corner of Madison and State streets You can phone your ad to the Examiner Call Main 5000 and ask for an ad taker Chicago Examiner Pages Read for Profit Use for Results Southwest Cor Madison State Sts Ask Immediate Investigation of Lumbermen's Connection With Lorimer Election FUNK TESTIMONY IS BASIS Resolution in Hands of President for More Than a Week Formal Action Monday A pptitiou signed by number of members bars been presented to the board of malingers of tlie Union League Club asking an immediate Jtn estimation of the eoriduet of Kd ward Hines a member of the club in eouneetion with the election of United states Senator William Lorimer The petition which is said to curry the names of nearly a dozen prominent members has been in tbe hands of President William Sidley for more thau a week If is understood that it will be considered at a meeting of the managers next Monday i The petition for investigation quotes liberally from the lindings of the Helm committee of the State Senate Extracts have ben made of tbe testimony of Clarence Punk who told under oath how lie had been approached by Hines in the club and asked to contribute to a reimbursing fund of $100000 which was to go to those who advanced the money that elected Lorimer Herman Hettlcr anotner member of the club told the Helm committee lht Mr Hines had almost made him miss a tin in telling him how he (Hines) had Lorimer over' Mr Hettler's testimony has also been used in the petition Cites Club Bylaws The petition it is said calls attention to this by-law of the club: Any member guilty of any misconduct and especially any member whose conduct shall be hostile to the objects or Injurious to the character of this 1 may lie suspended or from Ibe club by a fwo-ttdrds vote of be board of managers The pelition asks that Mr-H inry be expelled because of bis actlvilf-a in the Lorimer matter President Sidley left for New York yesterday afternoon hut will return for the meeting oil Monday It is declared that he will press the matter for immediate de-i isiou understand that ibis petition or resolution is in the hands of President Sidley" said Director George Dixon last night has been discussed informally but no action has been taken It will likely be brought up formally at the next meeting of the board which I liiink is set for next Monday This is a club matter and I beg to he excused from discussing it" The I primer faction in the club has rallied tf the support of Mr Hines in this new extremity It was said lust night that cither John Herrick or Charles Alien would look after Mr interests before the guard Club Members Maintain Silence "How did you find out about this asked Mr Herrick last night when an Examiner reporter asked if be intended to conduct the Hines defense Is a club matter and should have been kept within walls I will not help to spread such information" Attorney Allen would neither deny nor affirm that he woald conduct the Hines defense have heard that a movement to investigate Mr conduct was under said Clarence Funk at his Oak Park home last night was not consulted in the matter and did not Investigate the movement I am not familiar with the details of the petition and did not sign It I want any one to think that I am hounding Mr Hines in the Union League have not visited the Union League Club in the last ten days and knew noth- Continued on 2d Page 4th Column REE Lake Trips on the magnificent Theodore Roosevelt and United States TICKETS WILL BE GOOD AFTERNOONS OR EVENINGS CUT OUT THE COUPON IN NEXT EXAMINER STOKES Page 2d Column Department Head Asks Wheeler Himself to Report on Case Payment of $3200 Annually for Privilege on Hubbard Place Also Denied Other Resorts in Vicinity Allowed to Stay Open He Says HARGING Inspector John Wheeler and Lieutenant John Bonfield of the Harrison Street Police Station with connivance in obtaining money John Haley 509 South State street through his attorney Schaeffer yesterday filed suit in the Superior Court the trial of which is expected to shake the very foundation of the Chicago Police Department Bonfield it is claimed by Haley collected $860 for of the Kensington Hotel at 446 South State street Half of this money ha declares fell directly into the hands of Inspector Wheeler as the higher Only the praecipe of the suit was filed yesterday but the declaration according to Attorney Shacffer will follow in the prescribed time Early yesterday morning a conference between Chief of Police Mo-Weeny Haley and Attorney Shaeffer was held at which time Haley told his story in full Inspector Wheeler was summoned He arrived at tha office of Chief of Police McWeeny in haste only to make a sweeping da-Dial for both himself and Lieutenant Bonfield of the charges WHEELER CALLS IT BLACKMAIL all lie and a blackmailing scheme on the part of this man declared Inspector Wheeler came into my office some months ago and stated that he wished to start a hotel on State street will do tha right he said to me I did not wait for him to get any further but ordered him from the station He wtnt and has never returned This is his method of Chief cf Police 'McWeeny hesitated but a moment lie had heard both sides of the controversy -r-t forthwith ordered Inspector Wheeler named as of 1 unit to investigate thoroughly th chtuges made by Haley McWeeny said want you to make a complete investigation of this matter lor me I want one of those cursory investigations You must get to the bottom of this and make a report to me I want all the SAYS HE PAID $3200 TRIBUTE According to the story told by Haley yesterday he has been conducting a transient house at 12 East Hubbard place for the past four years He came here from New York During all time he has paid money to Lieutenant Bonfield personally at the rate of approximately $3200 a yehx since I have had the he said have paid royally for the privilege of running it In fact I was working for the police department and practically all my profits reverted to Lieutenant Bonfield who in turn gave Inspector Wheeler his share Bonfield charged me $20 per week for each girl in the place Some weeks I had two at others four and six The Lieutenant would meet me at Michigan avenue and Hubbard place at the end of each week to collect do not wish to regain this money because I was allowed to do business and have my own way Early last October I was approached by a uniformed policeman POLICEMAN SUGGESTS VENTURE lie told me on the quiet that there was a chance for a lot of easy money on State street He showed me the hotel at 446 South State street I purchased the place and then my trouble with the police began the middle of October I think it was around the fifteenth another uniformed officer came to my office at the hotel on Hubbard place and informed me that Lieutenant Bonfield wished to see me I met the lieutenant that same night on the corner at Michigan avenue and Hubbard place conversation was strained from the first I do not know wbat his complaint against me was His first words were is in my power to put you out of business on State street You must give me some money to make it right at the station Inspector Wheeler will get half of it this time I told the lieutenant that it was Impossible for me to give him an answer that evening Isaac Foster was a silent partner in the venture and it was necessary for me to see him and receive his consent to the arrangement the end I gave him the amount he asked That was in October His demands were so frequent and insistent that 1 wras obliged to suspend business in the middle of January He would meet me every week er so and get all the way from $100 to $150 received notice long before 1 was obliged to suspend business that it was thought best that I should give up the hotel as the was becoming crowded Both and New were doing business openly one with six and the other with eight girls Somebody had to quit Bonfield collected all tlie money from me in person One night I failed to pay The girls were all taken to the station and the place cleaned out 1 am suing to get back this money CLAIMS TO HAVE WITNESS did not make much of a row but confined my attention to the hot of Foster and I conducted on Hubbard place But the vengeance of lieutenant' Bonfield reached me there An officer in uniform was stationed outside the door of the hotel and anybody seen entering or leaving was taken io the Harrison street station only have I paid money to Lieutenant Bonfield but i have proof that It was paid My partner Foster accompanied me several (lines In addition I paid a meat bill of twelve dollars for Inspectors One of his men asked me to do it as a favor Both Inspector Wheeler and Lieutenant Bonfield last night denn-d emphatically the truth of the charges made by Haley ordered him out of my office when he' asked for special said trspeei WV- mi he is Lieutenant Bonfield was absolute in his denial Haley and have seen him only once or twice have nev i-i in Gti these o-easi i a Him Roosevelt Denies Report WASHINGTON June 7 From a most reliable source it was learned to-night that a break has occurred in the ranks of the Republican Senate insurgents and that fife of the group of thirteen have decided to support President Taft for a second term The insurgents who have decided to climb aboard the Taft band wagon are Cummins and Kenyon of Iowa Boran of Idaho Dixon of Montana and Brown of Nebraska Cummins is perhaps the only one whose defections will occasion surprise He was regarded as having presidential aspirations himself From Springfield Mass comes an interview from Colonel Roosevelt in which the ex-President denies that he had agreed to support Taft CHICAGO BOY DISCIPLINED Charles Adslt Jr Suspended From Harvard in Acid Throwing Case BOSTON June Tlie Harvard faculty to-day followed up their investigation Into the acid throwing case in which four students from Cambridge were concerned by suspending for the remainder of the college year Charles Chapin Adsit Jr of Chicago the fourth of the group to come before the board Adsit however will be allowed to return to college in the Fall as a sophomore and will have the privilege of attending Summer school to make up deficiencies The college officials dealt more lightly with Adsit than they did with the other three because of being apparently a victim of circumstances In the police court William Crapo who is alleged to have thrown the acid was fined $100 AN IMPOSTOR New Yorker Who Tried Suicide Not Son of Ex-Congressman NKW YORK June 7 The police are investigating the identity of the young man who attempted suicide in the basement of the West Side branch of the A and afterward claimed to be Leonard Boutell son of former Congressman Henry Boutell of Illinois To-night they received advices from the Boutell family that the man was an impostor who had been using the family name for at least ten days At the Koehler cafe it was said: man came here on Snturday and used the name of Bartwell not Boutell He repeated a story of his wife deserting him with VOTES FOR WOMEN BEATEN HARTFORD Conn June Suffrage for women in municipal election? failed to pass the House to-day 168 to 49 The vote was taken after two hours of lively debate and la in disagreement with the Senates and Miss one The first two shots from the revolver penetrated Mr right leg One in the thigh may prove very dangerous The bullet penetrated the lower part of his left leg Late to-night at the Roosevelt Hospitftf X-ray photographs of the wounds were made and pending the development of these the surgeons declined to say how serious the condition might become Stokes is a cousin of Stokes who killed Fisk in a quarrel over the beautiful Josie Mansfield nearly forty years ago The possession of a package of letters both the girls and their victim agreed furnished the motive for the shooting The letters it is said were written by Mr Stokes to Miss Graham before his second marriage which occurred last February There were two versions however of the difficulty which arose over the letters The hotel man asserted that the young women summoning him to their apartment on pretense of giving him the missives locked him in and then demanded $25000 from him under penalty of death if he give them the money GIRL SAYS STOKES TRIED TO CHOKE HER The girls declared that they intended to give him his letters without payment but that he grabbed Miss Graham by the throat and tried to choke her whereupon she fired in self-defense Then according to their story he wrested her revolver from her and Miss Conrad thinking that she might be shot got her own weapon and commenced firing Weeping hysterically and exclaiming: was either his life or the two girls were arrested a few minutes after the shooting They did not try to escape With them were taken into custody three Japanese employed in an adjoining apartment who hearing the shooting thought Mr Stokes was the aggressor and pummeled him vigorously before they realized their mistake The five prisoners were all held to-night in the West Sixty-eighth street police station Detectives who searched the young in the Varuua found a large number of letters and also the fragments of several which had been torn up apparently before the dispute began for the pieces bestrewed the floor But they did not reveal the contents of any of the said to have been written by Mr Stokes to Miss Graham A clear story of what happened according to tbe millionaire was given out at Roosevelt Hospital by his attorney Clarence McMamy whom he summoned shortly after the shooting STOKES SAYS WOMAN DEMANDED $25000 this said Mr Stokes was called to the in my hotel by Miss Conrad whom I met only a few weeks ago and in whom my only interest was to aid her in securing a position as a fashion illustrator for a newspaper She asked me to come up at once to the Varuna where she was living with Miss Graham whom I had known for several years so that Miss Graham might give me a package of letters Miss Graham she said was preparing to go to New Orleans and might leave within a few hours reached the Varuna a few minutes before 6 Miss Conrad opened the door of her apartment for me I spoke to her and entered Miss Craham was in an adjoining room but came out as soon as the door closed come into the station to see the Inspector street that it all bosh The man must As for my meeting hftu eh the be crazy or is trjtng for Continued on 2d 1 i.
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