The Gazette and Daily from York, Pennsylvania • Page 1
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I AH war news censored at th source. We print the latest accurate news available, but not rumors or unconfirmed reports. We want you to be able to rely upon what you read in this paper. my YORK, TUESDAY MORNING, JULY 14, 1942 TWELVE PAGES. PRICE THREE CENTS FIFTEEN CENTS A WEEK VOL.
110. NO. 17848. Tk Weathw Eastern Pennsylvania Cooler today, showers and thundershowers in east portion. he York County Answers Gall For Rubber British Fleet No Hearing Date Set On Shooting Cose Definite time for hearing in the case of Charles Rupp, 20, 212 East College avenue, on charges growing out of the wounding of Miss Florence E.
Kling, 20, 304 Susquehanna avenue, July 1, has not yet been fixed by First Ward Alderman Walter F. Owen. Authorities say a revolver, RAF Blasts Tobruk In "Bomb A Minuie" Raid Sunday Night (By The Associated Press) Cairo, July 13. Heavy four-motored bombers of the RAF made a "bomb a minute" on Axis-held Tobruk last night in a savage attack which lasted three continuous hours, RAF headquarters announced tonight. Direct hits on ships in the harbor and dock installations in the German supply base were scored during the raid, a British communique said.
The air action came on the heels of a violent bombardment of Matruh from units of the. Royal British Navy whose big guns were turned on another of the Axis bases in Egypt. Germans Smash Past Russians Retire Withdraw Toward Moscow After Bloody 12-Day Battle, When Germans Launch Smashing Offensive From Stronghold At Rzhev; Swift Advance Toward- Caucasus In Three Great Drives Along 2007Mile Front Continues; Soviets For First Time Officially Describe Situation As "Grave" Terrific Losses On Both Sides i J) 5 tifi 1 Photo by The Gazette and Dwarfing the two men standing In front of it 1 this 58-ton mountain of rubber at the Cities Service Bulk plant, 575 Grantley road, which was collected throughout York county during the scrap rubber campaign. This pile bf rubber, one of several collected, was gathered by Cities Service and other service stations. The men are J.
C. Potts, left, and W. C. Lauer. Plan Lump Filing Of Extra Gas Forms For War Workers To Induct Married Men Who Have Dependents Last Local Draft Boards Di-; rected To Postpone ing Married Men With Dependents Until All lOther Sources Of Man- power Have Been hausted 34 Essential Ac-; tiyities Also Listed Hershey States Policy (By The Associated Press) Washington, July 13.
Local draft boards were directed by selective service headquarters tonight to postpone induction of married men with dependents until all other sources of manpower for the armed forces have been exhausted. A statement of policy, issued by Maj. Gen. Lewis B. Hershey, selective service director, established the order in which seven classifications were to be utilized for draft calls, and also contained a list of 34 essential activities compiled by the War Manpower commission.
-r Based on recent amendment to the selective service act, the statement was designed to guide local boards, Hershey said, but in no way altered the statutory ban on group deferments. Its purpose, he said, was to protect bona fide family relationships as long as possible. The order in which local boards were instructed to consider registrants for induction was: (1) Single men with no dependents; (2) Single men with dependents, but not contributing to the war effort; (3) Single men with dependents, and who contribute to the war effort; (4) Married men, not engaged the war effort, but living with their wives; (5) Married men, engaged in the war effort, and living with their wives; (6) Married men, not engaged in the war effort, living with wife and children, or children only; and (7) Married men, engaged in the war effort, and living with wife and children, or children only. Must Date Before Dec. 8 In all cases, said the statement, the dependency must date from before December 8, 1941.
Provision was made for local boards to coordinate their reclassification orders through the state director, to prevent any community from inducting men from one group before neighboring localities have reclassified that same group. When deferring a registrant for occupational reasons, the local board must decide that the business in which the man is employed is one of those classed as essential, and then determine that his particular job makes him a "necessary man." In addition, his work must be in fulfillment of a contract for a government agency engaged directly in war activity; concerned with promoting or facilitating war production, or furnishing materials for war production; or concerned with providing food, clothing or "other requisites of the civilian daily life in support of the war effort." The list of essential activities: Production of aircraft and parts; ships, boats and parts; ordnance and accessories; ammunition; agriculture; food processing; forestry, logging and lumbering; construction; coal mining; metal mining; non-metallic mining and processing and quarrying; smelting, refining and rolling metals; production of metal shapes and forgings; finishing of metal products; production of industrial and agricultural equipment; machinery; chemicals and allied products; rubber products; leather products; textiles; apparel; stone, clay and glass products; petroleum, natural-gas and petroleum and coal products; transportation equipment; transportation services; materials for packing and shipping products; communications equipment; communications services; heating, power and illuminating services; repair and handtrade services (blacksmith-ing, armature rewinding, electrical and bicycle repair, automobile repair, harness and leather repair, clock repair, tool repair and sharpening); health and welfare services; educational services; governmental services. Girl, 4, Hurt In Fall From Station Wagon Jean Ann Hoffman, four-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hoffman, 443 West College avenue, was injured at 6 o'clock Sunday evening when she fell from a station wagon driven by her mother.
She suffered concussion of the brain and a possible fracture of the skull, according to Dr. Fred Berg-doll, attending physician. She is a patient at the York hospital and her condition was given last night as apparently good. The accident occurred at Acco-mac while Mrs. Hoffman, Mrs.
George Wilson and her daughter, Lorna. Mrs. George Himmelright and Jean Ann were driving from the Hoffman bungalow to Wilson bungalow about a mile away. Jean Ann, apparently mistook a door handle for one which controls the window and upon pressing it the door opened and she fell from the car, it was learned last night from member of the family. Blasts Matruh, Axis Supply Port While This Was Going On Australian And South African Troops Keep British Army In Possession Of Its Newly-Won Positions West Of El Ala-mein; At Least Two Laden Ammunition Boats Are Sunk British Hold On To El Eisa (By The Associated Press) Cairo, July 13.
The British Mediterranean fleet has entered the battle of Egypt with its guns and its planes, it was disclosed tonight, leaving flames and wreckage at Matruh, the Axis' most advanced supply port of scant 100 miles behind the front lines. While the slugging power of Australian and South African battle groups kept the British army in possession of its newly-won positions west of El Alamein, the fleet's warship swept in close to shore at Matruh in the predawn darkness and sent salvo after salvo into the harbor. Naval aircraft had proceeded the warships' assault with a violent raid on the Axis anchorage, scoring a direct hit on an ammunition ship. Guns of the fleet finished this ship off while the naval pilots pressed their own attack on the port. "It was a magnificent sight," said one naval airman who was aloft at the time of the bombardment from the sea.
"The Navy knocked hell out of th place." 700 Shells Hurled The devastation at Matruh was so great after the fleet had hurled 700 high explosive shells in a 30 minute blasting that naval men said the port would be useless for a long while and the Axis would have to depend on Tobruk, 200 miles further west. Besides wrecking the port facilities thoroughly and firing small shipping in the harbor, the attack resulted in the sinking of at least two laden ammunition boats and damaged to other vessels. Navy planes also swept over the El Alamein battle zone and shot up and bombed a concentration of tanks, trucks and armored cars of the 15th and 21st German armored division which chased the British out of Libya and to the approaches of Alexandria. Hundreds of vehicles were destroyed, one attacking pilot said. Naval planes also were credited with destroying an ammunition dump or a concentration of ammunition trucks west of the El Alamein battle cauldron; other bombers blasted Tobruk and in the daylight, the RAF's fighter-bombers shuttled through a stinging curtain of sand to pound the Axis' armored formations.
Dust storms enforced a lull in ground fighting but the Allies clung firmly to the initiative consolidating their newly-won gains along the coastal road. Allied air forces pressed their ceaseless it was that the 500th enemy airplane had been shot down since last winter campaign opened Nov. 18. (A Reuter's dispatch from Cairo said two RAF planes had bombed and machine-gunned a "Fieseler Storch" plane of the type used only by the German commander, Marshal Erwin Rommel, and his senior officers, and that all the occupants were believed killed. One bomb was said to have hit the plane when it was only 15 feet off the ground in the El Alamein sector).
Artillery roared constantly over much of the desert front, .70 to 80 miles from Alexandria, and there were sharp attacks and counter-attacks of a local nature as both sides went grimly about the business of consolidation, reinforcement and supply for the coming show-down. Gen. Sir Claude Auchmlecks Army of the Nile held on to the important ridge of Tel El Eisa, along the sea ten miles west of El Alamein, occupied in the weekend advance. The British had repelled one strong counter-attack in this region Sunday, while the Imperial battle groups and artillery harassed the -enemy on his southern The British regard the Tel El Eisa position as vital to German Marshal Rommel, so much so that he is expected to make every ef. fort to recapture it before trying a general advance.
Threaten Supply Lines Atop this high stony ridge "The Hill of Jesus" the Imperials can command and seriously threaten the Axis' coastal supply lines. Aussie South African front line infantry spear-headed the offensive fighting which took the ridge and consolidated' the positions around it. While the Aussie, with gun and bayonet, were pushing westward in day-long fighting, mopping up sizable groups of Italians, the South African troops were spreading out in a bulge southwest of El Alamein, taking over the positions previously cleared by the Aussies. SEVEN U. S.
AMBULANCE DRIVERS MISSING Cairo, July 13. UP Seven U. S. ambulance drivers of the American field service are missing as a result of operations in the present desert campaign, the organization announced tonight. 1 Jury Hits Lack Coroner's Jury Probing Death Of Penbrook Man Finds Intersection Near Dillsburg Not Properly Guarded And That Both 4 Drivers Did Not Exercise Proper Precautions A coroner's jury sitting at an inquest in the court house last evening found that drivers of two automobiles involved in a fatal accident near Dillsburg May 10 had not exercised proper precautions when entering the intersection at which their cars collided.
Edwin Miller, 36, Penbrook, occupant of one of the cars, received fatal injuries and died on the way to the hospital. Drivers of the cars were Arthur Shank, 2L R. D. 1, and Julia Ethel Wrightstone, 20, Lemoyne. The jury recommended "that proper warning signs be placed at this intersection and other like intersections in order to avoid further occurrences of this nature." Witnesses at the inquest testified that there were no warning signs on either the Barrens Church-Kralltown or Mt.
Top-Big Dam roads at the intersection where the accident occurred, and that it was difficult to see because of high banks along the road. Arthur Shank, the one driver, testified that he was driving between 40 and 45 miles an hour as he approached the crossing. He stated that he did not see the other car until he had started across the intersection. Under questioning he said that he had travelled the road frequently and was aware that the intersection was dangerous. When asked by Coroner Zech whether he considered 40 to 45 miles an hour safe speed "if you cannot see at an intersection" the witness replied "It isn't the speed required for intersections." Richard Smith', Dillsburg R.
D. 2, occupant of the car driven by Shank, also testified that he did not see the other car until the intersection was reached. Julia Wrightstone, driver of other car, testified that she did not see the Shank car until arriving at the intersection. She said she was driving between 30 and 35 miles an hour. Mrs.
Ruth Miller, wife of the man who was killed, and who was between the driver and her husband on the front seat of the Wrightstone car, also testified that she had looked at the speedometer just before the accident, and said the car was travelling at 30 miles an hour. Officer E. A. Hermesky, of the Pennsylvania Motor Police, testified as to the positions of the cars when he arrived at" the scene of the accident, and stated that in his opinion both cars were traveling too fast as they approached the intersection. He testified that at a distance of 25 feet from the crossing a view of 100 feet could be obtained down either intersecting road.
Occupants of the Wrightstone car who also testified were Edwin Wrightstone, Lemoyne, and his wife, parents of Julia Wrightstone, and Russel Klinger, Mechanics-burg. Members of the jury were: Marvin A. Rahe, Harry Maleski, Merle Sullivan. Theodore Stewart, Stewart Strathmeyer and Henry Ruhl. Assistant District Attorney Edwin M.
Buchen represented the commonwealth at the inquest. ENLISTS IN ARMY William M. Wilson, 21, 562 West King street, was forwarded yesterday by Sgt. Anthony Mattys, U. S.
Army recruiting officer, for enlistment in the infantry. GETS STATE JOB The Pennsylvania Department of Health announced yesterday that Mrs. Anna H. Small, York, has been aDDointed as a stenographer at $1,080 a year. Of Warning Signs "HP few XV t) I need exists for gasoline and that board will then be able to go to the Office of Price Administration and show the need for gasoline here.
Millard King, of the Harrisburg area of the Office of Price Administration, in charge of gasoline rationing, also spoke. He approved the plan of having shop key men help the workers fill out their applications for supplemental gasoline ration books if an actual essential need for such books exists. He said there was no necessity of a sales talk to this group representing industry in explaining the need for rationing. He gave detailed instructions on filling out application blanks. Mr.
Lookingbill said plans are being formulated for organization of a car-sharing program for workers in stores, ofifces and non-defense factories and businesses so that they too can save gasoline and ma'as. application "for supplemental ration books to provide gasoline to carry automobile loads of workers back and forth from their homes and places of employment. Each person was given copies of instructions on employee transportation questionnaires and car sharing questionnaires, also different forms to make the survey in respective plants. A survey will be made to determine the number now using automobile, bus, train, street car, or walking or bicycling to work. Copies of statements in full prepared by the Office of Price Administration explaining the gasoline rationing plan and the relationship of car sharing to this plan were also distributed.
Two York County Soldiers Promoted Staff Sgt. Ralph R. Bollinger, son of Mr. and Mrs. Guy F.
Bollinger, 514 West King street, has been promoted to technical sergeant. Bollinger, who is an instructor in the Engineer's school at Ft. Belvoir.Va., was home over the week-end to attend the funeral of his grandfather, Clayton R. Bollinger. He enlisted in the Army Nov.
25, 1941. Glenn W. McCurdy, son of Mrs. Laura E. McCurdy, Franklintown, has been promoted to sergeant.
He is stationed at Harding Field, Baton Rouge, La. Truck Drivers' Contract Signed Union Spokesman Says Signing Yesterday Of Contract Agreed To In April, Averted Strike Signing of a contract between truck operators and the AFL Teamsters' union in the York district, delayed April 10, took place yesterday afternoon, according to spokesmen for the companies and the union. There were two versions on the cause of the delay in signing the contract which had been pending for two months when the companies and the union reached an agreement which granted to the workers a wage increase and modified working conditions. A union spokesman claimed that the union had threatened a strike to be effective last evening at 6 o'clock, whereas a truckers' spokesman said the operators had been awaiting a decision of W. H.
Durand, Reading, labor consultant for the WPB, upon interpretation of certain clauses in the contract. There were 22 operators involved in the drawn out negotiations. The spokesmen agreed that the opeiators had met all terms of the contract, including granting of pay retroactive to Nov. 1, 194L carelessly handled by Rupp, was discharged and a shot entered the back of the young girl. She left the York hospital Saturday, but is still under the care of a physician.
Unable to furnish $1,000 bail, Rupp is being held in the county prison. FBI Nabs 14 For Aiding Saboteurs Charges Of Treason May Be Brought Against Some Of Them; Only One Native American, A Woman, Among Croup; Hoover Declares Investigation Of Bundist Activities Is Still Under Way (By The Associated Press) Washington, July 13. Charges of treason, it was indicated tonight, may be brought against some of the 14 men and women accused of aiding the eight alleged Nazi saboteurs now on trial for their lives. The 14, whose arrest war announced by Attorney General Bid-die today, have been held without formal charge. While no official would be quoted, some officials expressed the belief that a variety of charges to fit the different parts played by those arrested would be At the same time, it was pointed out that J.
Edgar Hoover, director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, declared last week that those who had aided the alleged saboteurs, now being tried secretly by a special commission of seven generals, were guilty of treason and added that "treason shall not become profitable." The group of 14 includes six women, among them Maria Kerl-ing. wife of Edward John Kerling, leader of the four well-equipped, well-financed Nazis who Janded from a German submarhie near Jacksonville, on June 17. Also held are the parents and an uncle of Herbert Haupt, a member of Kerling's detail. One Native American Only one native American, Miss Hedwig Engemann, born in Brooklyn, was in the group. The others all were German-born, but nine of them had become American citizens by naturalization.
Announcement of their seizure followed by a few days the arrest of 158 persons reported to be active in the German-American bund in the New York area, and scattered arrests of alleged German sympathizers and supporters in various parts of the country and in the Panama Canal Zone. These were the 14 as announced by Biddle: (Those identified as "German-Americans" were born in Germany but are naturalized citizens.) Helmut Leiner, 33, a German, Astoria, Long Island, N. Y. Anthony Cramer, 41, German-American, New York. Miss Hedwig Engemann, 34, native American, New York.
Hermann Heinrich Faje, 36, German-American, Astoria. Mrs. Maria Kerling, 38, a German, New York. Ernest Herman Kerkhof. 36, German-American, New York.
Hans Max Haupt, 48, and Mrs. Haupt, 43. both German-Americans, Chicago. Harry Jaques, 47, and Mrs. Emma Jaques, 41, both Germans, Chicago.
Otto Richard Wergin, 46, and Mrs. Wergin, 44, both German-Americans, Chicago. Walter Wilhelm Froehling, 40, and Mrs. Froehling, 32, both German-Americans, Chicago. Probe Still Underway The FBI chief declared that the investigation of the activities of the 14 still was underway and that other possible contacts were being sought Those already in custody, he said, were "known to have given shelter to the saboteurs after their arrival in New York and Chicago and to have furnished them assistance which would have aided the foreign agents in their sabotage activities in the United States." Meanwhile, the secret proceeding in which the eight Nazis are fighting for their lives against four charges of violating the law and articles of war, apparently was going slowly.
A brief mid-day statement issued by Major General Frank R. McCoy, commission president, said merely that the ninth witness, who first took the stand on Saturday, still was undergoing cross-examination. Letter To Roosevelt In Cramer's furnished room in New York City was found an entire file of letters protesting to President Roosevelt against this nation's "meddling in foreign In Mav of last year, Cram-( Continued on Page Two) See FBI io6 14 Japs Driven Out Of Futuo Island Counter-Attacks By Chinese Troops Landing From Boats Relieves Pressure On Foochow, One Of Two Chinese Ports Menaced By Twin Japanese Drives (By The Associated Press) Chungking, July 13. Foochow, one of two Chinese-held minor ports menaced by twin Japanese drives on the Chekiang-Fukien seaboard, has been relieved by counterattacking Chinese troops who landed from boats and drove the invaders out of nearby Futuo Island, the Chinese announced today. The Japanese, who took the island near the Fukien seaport only on Thursday, were forced on Saturday to flee to their ships, leaving behind 300 casualties and considerable quantities of supplies.
The Chinese counterattack lasted a night and a day. the communique said. Meanwhile, the threat to Wen-chow, the other of the two principal ports still in Chinese hands, continued acute, with the Japanese pressing fierce engagements to the northwest in a drive from Lishui," southeastern Chekiang air baseJi The Japanese have captured only 22 miles to the northwest, and have occupied Juian, 13 miles southwest of Wen-chow. Chinese accounts from the Chekiang battlefront were greatly delayed, however. The latest covered the situation only up to Friday night.
(The Japanese said they occupied Wenchow Saturday night and Sunday morning.) In Kiangsi province to the northwest, part of a Japanese force of 30,000 reported trapped last week when it started a new, offensive westward toward Hunan province, was admitted to have broken the Chinese cordon when Japanese air forces came to the aid of the cornered units. Meanwhile, Chinese which pursued the units fleeing to the neighborhood of Linchwan (Fuch-ow), 45 miles southeast of Nan-Chang, were "continuing their relentless attacks," the high command declared. Fall Fatal To Charles Reiss Stony Brook Antique Shop Proprietor Fractures Skull In 12-Foot Plunge From Porch Charles Reiss, 40, proprietor of the Stony Brook Antique shop, was fatally injured about 7 o'clock last evening when he accidently plunged 12 feet, from the porch to the cement top of a spring at the rear of the property. He died an hour later in the York hospital from a fractured skull. Coroner L.
U. ech issued the certificate, listing the death as accidental Reiss had beerr kneeling on a glider directing McCoy, New York city, a guest, where to obtain some cream that was kept in the spring. McCoy told the' coroner Reiss' weight caused the glider cushion to give way, and Reiss lost his balance and fell. Calls were sent for several physicians one of whom summoned the York hospital ambulance which conveyed the injured man to the institution. Reiss, who was unmarried, is survived by his mother, Mrs.
Emma Reiss, Seven Valleys, and three brothers, George 220 Kurtz avenue; William E-, Forty Fort, and Harry 729 Jes-sop Place. Tentative funeral arrangements call for services Wednesday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock at the C. O. Goodling funeral home. Seven Valleys.
Rev. M. L. Kroh, pastor of the Seven Valleys Lutheran charge, will officiate. Interment will be made in Mt.
Prospect cemetery, Seven Valleys. (By The Associated Press) Moscow, Tuesday, July 14 The Germans have launched a smashing offensive from their stronghold at Rzhev, 130 miles northwest of Moscow, and after a bloody 12-day battle the Russians have withdrawn toward the capital, a special Soviet communique' announced today. This news came shortly after the regular midnight communique had acknowledged a German breakthrough at Voronezh, 300 miles south of Moscow, and admitted German advances at two other Don valley points in their great drive toward the Caucasus. The fierceness of the fighting in the Rzhev sector, where the Germans had held out all winter despite heavy Russian attacks, was indicated by the terrific losses on both sides. 7,000 Russians Killed The Soviet communique admitted 7,000 Russian Soldiers were killed and wounded and another 5,000 were missing, but said the Germans had lost 10,000 killed during the battle which lasted from July 2 through July 13.
(The German high command earlier had announced that 30,000 Russian soldiers had been captured in an encircling movement southwest of Rzhev and that several infantry and cavalry divisions were "under The regular midnight Soviet communique, which described the situation on the 200-mile Don front as "grave," made no mention of the drive -which might become the -northern claw of a pincers move to encircle the capital. Special Communique "Southwest of Rzhev German forces launched an offensive attempting to encircle our troops by flank attacks and cut their communications in the rear. "As a result of fighting between July 2 and July 13 against numerically superior enemy forces, who had a great number of tanks, our units inflicted heavy losses on the Germans in men and equipment and and themselves, sustaining considerable losses, were forced to withdraw and leave the defense area occupied by them." Break Through Voronezh The Germans not only snapped the Red lines and apparently broke through in great force at Voronezh, the upper end of the Don front where the Russians had held out gamely for more than a also continued to roll on eastward in the Boguchar and Lisichansk areas to the south. Boguchar is 140 miles southeast of Voronezh, and Lisichansk is 200 miles due south. In all three areas the Red Army, pitted against overwhelmingly superior forces, fell back steadily.
The communique said of this retreat: "Mobile groups and aircraft covering the withdrawal are pinning the enemy down and inflicting heavy losses on him." What Js Threatened Amid calls for the Allies to open a second front in Europe against the Axis, the great German drive to the east with its unchecked (Continued on Ten) See Rustian Front Troops In Britain Standing On Each Other's Shoulders (By The Associated Press) New York, July 13. A CIO union official said today that the pressure in England for a second front was tremendous and that the trooDS there "are practically standing on each other's shoulders.1' "There is a tremendous concentration of material and masses of troops in England not being put to immediate use," said Joseph Curran, president of the National Maritime Union, who returned recently. Curran, who attended an international labor office conference on the wartime problems of seamen, said that conversations with work-ingmen, and British government and union leaders "I found that they were all eager to open up a second front as soon as possible. "The majority of people in England want to help Russia," he said, "hut at the same time there is a minority which says: Ve don't know which is worse, Stalin or Hitler, the Germans will come back and the next time crush England." Approximately 100 persons, hold ing key positions in defense industries, attended a meeting in the court house last night and were told of plans whereby many man hours of labor can be saved by filing accumulated applications for supplemental gasoline ration books if to get men and women to work in defense plants. If the workers, individually, were to make the applications to ration boards, each one would lose valuable time which should be devoted to the war effort, it was stated.
Under the plan as outlined last night, key men in the various shops' wil help the men fill out the questionnaires and then deliver the papers in bulk, by messenger, to the respective ration boards, where they will be approved or disapproved. Ralph H. Lookingbill, executive secretary of the York -City and County Defense council, who presided, told of the need for coopera-, tion on the gas rationing J. Huntting, administrator of the war transportation committee of the council, told of a previous survey of the local situation by the Manufacturers' association, which is not ample under the circumstances. He explained how necessary it is for each plant to sta a car sharing program whereby the use of automobiles in carrying persons back and forth to work can be limited and gasoline and tires saved.
"Out of each car we want to make a little bus, in order to bring as many men to work as possible," he said. Mr. Lookingbill said the local organization must be able to show the War Production board what To Fight Price Conlrol Changes Administration Leader Sarkley Tells Senate If Restrictions On Henderson's Authority Are Not Lifted People May Get Impression Senators Are More Interestd Patronage Than In Winning Home Front Battle (By The Associated Press) Washington, July 13. The administration went to bat in the Senate today against weakening of its price control authority, with Democratic Leader Barkley (Ky.) telling the chamber it would be unfortunate if the people got the impression senators were "more interested in patronage than in winning the home front battle." Demanding a delay in all controversial votes until the 43 senators he said were absent could return to the city, Barkley served notice he intended to for elimination of restrictions on the Price Control administration written into a $1,856,000,000 supplemental money bill by the Senate Appropriations committee. If the restrictions were approved, he declared.
Price Administrator Leon Henderson "would be so limited he would have no authority whatsoever." The committee increased to $140,000,000 the $75,000,000 previously voted by the House to finance a year's operation of the Office of Price Administration, but stipulated that none of this money should be used to pay subsidies. It also tied up Henderson's authority to fix prices on processed agricultural commodities. This battle, he said, was against uncontrolled inflation and the Democratic leader warned that if Henderson lacked authority to keep down prices on food, shoes, (Continued on Page Two) See Price Control.
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