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The Sun from New York, New York • Page 6

The Suni
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE SUNDAY, OCTOBER 12, fc JEWS FIGHT TO SAVE LEO FRANK Countrywide Appeiil lor Man Convictcil of Killing Jlnry riiiiuim. HACK IIATIIKI) CIIAIKJKI) 3Iotion for Xrw Triii I in (icoryia Units the Hangman. NKCIJO'S STOHV I NSU A KKN Defence Hope tn Show That lie Shelved Ciiilt on I'm ilk. Atlanta. Oct 1 1 Mtlumeli flunk has been 1 1 convicted and sentenced to death for tin- minder nf fourteen-) eai -old Mary Intel est tn the case continues Keen as when the condemned man was faolnn tin- Jui.v This Is due to the fact that Ti fl lends have denounced the veidlct a a monstrous peivctslon (it Jutico ami have begun a canipatKii that is almost nationwide tn Ret a ri-velsal Frank was sentenced to he banned on Oi toher lull a motion for a new tilal prevented the sentence belnc oairled into effect.

Tills mntlon has not et been ar-puod but ptob.ibly will be in two weeks. Jf Judite, Hu.m. who ineslded at the trial of Frank, denies the motion, the ease will be taken to the Ueorilla Supreme Court, and should that tribunal iefue to Interfete Flunk's aitornevs ay tiny will take the ease to Ihe I'nlteil State" Su-pienic Couit, thouuh It Is dlttloult for a layman to see what Federal question Is involved. In all the criminal history of Ocoisiu no such determined Hsht ever been marie for a convicted man Is beltiir made for Frank, and tint visor of the tlKht has much to do with keeping Interest In th ease keen. I'lthl tuulnsl X.rdlel.

In their motion for a new trial Frank' attorneys Rive 115 leasons wh.v the vr-rilct aRalnst him should not be allowed to stand Most of these reasons seem to bo merely technical, but several of them. If true, seem to be substantial uiourIi to warrant a in tnal Amonp other thincs, It nlli-ced tlmt the feellDK HR.ilnst Frank tlant.i was sn bitter that it was not possible for him tn have a fair trial, that the "mnb spirit Invaded the court room durlnc the trial and intimidated the Jmy into returnlnii a veidlct of KUllt. and that time were men on the Jury who had atd h.foie behiR summoned foi duly that Flank was entity and that tho.v wanted to Kit on the Jury to "break his neck." To sustain tluse thaws Franks attot-neys lull oiiuo-d allldavits from a number of persons to show that one Juror said that he Intended to net on the Juiy n'nl that In would "linns it until bell froze over" unless a verdict of culltv weio Ie-turned This Juior is II II llenslee, and lie was the tlrst mm of the twelve chosen to try Frank, neither the State nor niaktr.R objection. SoMcitor-iieneral Dorsc.v now en-SKed in inep.iiiiiK an answer to these rlarRes of the defence and as soon as is roart.v the matter will be arKUed before Itoan how the State will controvert th" charges made aK.iinst Juror llenslee remains to be seen, for the affidavits affe. t-I-ir him are sworn to reputable citizens.

If the defence tan substantiate its charRes Henshe it is difficult to see how a new trial can tefti-d This i action, however, would only rellect on Meuslee and would not weaken the circumstantial and riliect evidence which broiiRht aoout the conviction of Frank An Impression seems to pnvall outside of Atlanta and leorcla and this Impression has hn sedulously cultivated bv Frank's friends that he onvicted en purel circumstantial evidence. Ilrriint-oit Impression. This Impus-don is enjirelv eriotnou There wcie powctfiil circuinstances whuh pointed to Ft. ink as the despoller anil murdeier of htlle Mui Chilean and these circumstances would have made his acquittal difficult evi'ii If theie had not been a shred of direct evidence to connect him with the crime. Hut the State had the evidence of an eye wtne.

tn suppoit the circumstances which first caused the arrest of Frank, This witness was Ihe iurio Con. ley. who swore that he came upon Frank bendlnc over the body of FhiiRan, that Frank coiif(seil he had made improper advances to the Kill, that she ie. listed and that he struck her and she fell unconscious. The ncsro also swore that Frank saw-he had Rone eo far that ho killed the Rlrl to protect himself.

Frank then, according tn the neRio's story to the Jurv, bribed the latter to take the Kirl's body to the basement and conceal It until op-porlunlty offered to burn It In the furnace. It was this story, told hv Conle.v to the Jury, which clinched the circumstances rtRalnst Kia.nk and resulted in the verdict of cullty. And It Is this story which Flank's attorneys will havo to breakdown to fiee their client In the event that he Rets a new trial and faces another Jury. Wiil'dcrcit In I'nclory. Mary Cliacm was munleied on S.itur-dav, Apiil Confederate Tiny -In the National I'encil factory, of which Leo M.

Frank was superintendent, The little Rill had been employed in the factory for some months, but had In en laid off a few riajs on account of a sltoit-use of material. Theie wiih a small siini due Inr and she went to the factoiy on April "6 to get her money and then take part In the Day paiarie, The, Rlrl was to Ret her money from Frank, who paid off tlm einplii.vees. Sue lr ft home about 11 In the leached the factoiy about noon, en-tercd Frank's olllce and was never hi en uRaln. It was a holiday and Frank was alone in the ImlldlnK with the excep. tlon of two woikmeii tw HoOIH Hhovu Flanks olllce.

Fiank ailtnitied that the cr came to oMici. out h. says he paid her Iha: she IhM the hulldlnK About 4 o'clock Sunday momim; Newt, the ncRio piKht watclunan, In mak. iir Ida inuiiilH oaine Kill's bodv In the basement. The nemo at i.

phoned the police who rame and moved the slrl body to the mink-no Knamlnatinu showed In tlie Elil hid been Htiiuiied by a blow on the head uiid then stianwbd to death In whliii was pulled so tlKhtly as hi cut Into the flesh of her neck. I'hv slciiins dared lhat she had been sulij, Cei to (txlial violence. Dill Mil hi If. II, Wrank, is huperlntendent of facioiy, Has iiolltiti. uf Ihe llinlliii of ihe bodv and the polUc vvent to his home Sunday morninK nnd luousht him io iiie iuoiruh to Identify the Rlrl.

Frank 1 1 1 ln BOl know who she wa. Latti on Sunday the body was Identified H8 that of Mary I'haKiiu by a Rlrl friend. Meanwhile seated of Ihe basement liy the ditectlves lesulted III the discovery oi two badly written and Wly MpulUU notes, ptirpoitliiK to have been written by Mar.v saylim that a negro "did this." The police nrrcsted he, the nepro nlitht walcnmaii. and also Arthur Mulllnar, a white man, who knew Mary rh.iKan, Later J. M.

Clantt, fdrmer hook-keeper aJ the factory, was arrested as a lesult of a statement by Fiank that (Jantt had seemed to be fond of Mary l'llllRIIII. The Coroner' Jury was In session severnl dnjs and heaid many witnesses, (lautt and Mulllnar proved alibis and weie released. Finally the Coroner's Jury oidered that Frank and the iieRt-o, Lee. be held for the llrand Jury. While Frank wns In Jail nwnltltiR the action of the irand Jury the poller nr-icsttri Conle.v, the lieRio sweeper at the factory, on suspicion of knowing somethltiR about the crime.

Conle.v was prilled by the detectives and finally told the story, which he after- wind 1 elated on the stand, to the effect that Frank killed the lrl after maklnp lii.pi opir advances to her and hired him (Conley) to help dispose of the body. on ley told several versions of the tiaRcd.v, but never varied fiom the main i hai Re that he found Frank bendliiR over the body of the Rill and wiir hired by Fiank to take the body to the basement. liiilli'liiienl nf l-'mnk tin this evidence Fiank was Indicted and on July -S he was put on tilal for Ids life. The State tllst established the which Incriminated Frank. the (lil.f one beiiiR Ills own ndmlssli i that Maty came to his olllce about noon on April -t'.

The State proved that the Rill was tievei seen alive after she entered Flank's ottlce and witnesses were llitioduced to swear that blood spots weie found on the tliior of a room Just In the rear of Frank's olllce. The State also piovrd that Frank was alone In the factory nearby alt of Satin. lay inornliiR and all of the afternoon. It was also proved that when Lee, the nlRht watchman, came on duty at 4 o'clock Saturday afternoon Frank sent him awuy and told him not to come back until o'clock. I The State nlso llitioduced an affidavit made by the ncRress who cooked for the Frank family to the- effect that Frank wns icreatly disturbed on Saturday nlRht and that she heard Mrs.

Frank tell her mother that Frank tried to kilt hlmelf luring the nlRht. All of this was preliminary to the direct evidence nfialnst Frank of the iirio Conley. Conley repeated lit leiiRth the charge he made In his afllriavlt about I Fiank killing the girl and In addition told of acts of sexual perversion by Frank Conley had been at the factory for two! yrars and said that he had been employed as a lookout bv Frank whenever the latter had girls In his office, which was almost weekly, accoidlliR to Conley. elrd l.nnkiint, The negto's story was one of the most remarkable anil revolting ever told ml a couit loom, and much of It was mi-, printable. He swoie that he was acting, as lookout for Frank the day Mary went to Flank's ottlce and that half an hour after the girl eptcied he was summoned by Flunk, who told him that the girl had slsted his advances, that he had struck he too hard, and hud killed hi i to keep-her from telling of Ills assault on her In pantomime Conley reenarttd before the Jury how lie and Frank took tin- gill's body to the basement, when- It was lain-to be cremated in the furnace.

Conley said Fiank agrenl to Rive him $2ii'l to keep silent, and he said he had rini.iltnd silent until Fiank deserted him and seemed to be tiylliR to fasten the, ci line on him. The liegto was ci os-eamined foi two daVH bv Liitln i Hosser. one of Frank's attornevs and one of the leaders of the (Jeorpla' bar. but the witness never vailed fiom his stoty. Trap after tiap was set bv Kosser.

but the negio lefused to walk In. 'nry' Mor Xnliporlril. The State put on witnesses who cor-! roboiatdl Conle.v 's story as to his pies-, enc at the factoiy on the Saturday of i the crime. These witnesses swore they i saw ronley at the street entrance of the Fiank the defeme tlrst Hied to! establish an alibi. It was sourIi! to account for eveiy minute of his time cm the dav of the murder and to show that lw was at home at swoie that the body of Maty I liaR was beini; disposed of bv himself and KlThe' th.o.V of the defence was that I murdered the slrl and that to save i.

t.A.x itin tnr ins Finnk. Hy manv vv Itnesses 1- ran. time was accounted for on Satunla.v but over aRalnst till" was FiankN own ad- i mission that he was praitlcally alone in the factoiy neailv all of Satin day and that Marv came to his omce. It was iiioved that she was lwvtr seen alive after eiiterlliK the factory. I The defence then pill rrai niaiin-tei in evidence.

Many witnesses, most of them testified that his character was Rood. Itabbl Maix was one of th witnesses. He told how Frank was pieslilent of the local IVnal H'lith and what an Inteiest he took In the sna-RORiie. Man KlrK employed at the pencil factory, wue cnlled who testitlid that Ftanh had always been icspectful In Ills conduct toward them. Ill rebuttal, tho State also called other pencil factory Klrls.

who swoie that Flank's chatneter was bad In to women and who lelated speclilc Instances uf his conduct. Frank' Mntrmrnt. Then Flank made a statunciil In his own It was a remaiknhle state, ment. covciIiir every minute of the day of tho crime. Fiank, apparently, was able to lemeinbrr ever thltiR that he did no matter how trivial.

In fact, Ida memory for detail seemed uncanny. The siimmlnR up took several das. Luther Ilosser and Reuben Arnold, bolh leadera of the OeorRla bar, spoke for two dajs In hehalf of Frank, They chaiRCd lhat the neRin Conley killed Maty and that his story Involving Frank was told to save IiIh own life. They also ehaiRed that the detectives, foi reasons of their own, were bent on conviclliiR Frank and that they had dllllcd Conley hi his smiy. It was durliiR Itosser's speech that tho Hi bt reference was made lo Fiank'a race.

Kosser charRed that Flank was being prosecuted because he" was a and asserted that the detectives weio In a conspiracy to convict him. Ilrsentrd UnrUI Hollcltor-Cieiieral Horsey, siiniminR up for the State, attacked Ilosser for allud-Iiir to Frank's race. Horsey showed how i limit and Lea had all been arrested before Frnnk and said that action had bet taken aRalnst the latter only because of the overwhelming evidence aKalnst him. Horsey alluded to the fact that one of his own law partner was a Jew to show that he had no racial prejudice, Koan's charse was brief ami said to be absolutely Impartial. Tho Jury retlied and in forty mlnutea re.

tinned a veidlct of guilty without recom- inendatlon to mercy, which meant that Frank must ho haiiKed. I Two ballots wcru taken one. us to Frank's riiIII and the other an to whether I lie should be recommended to mercy, which would have, niuanl llf Imprison, On the first ballot the Jury was I unanimous that k'ninW the iue.itlon of recommending to mercy eleven Juiors were for the death penalty and one lor mercy, and he Joined the ma. joi uy. Ilenaler Voted for Mrrvy, Slranse to hf(y.

the who voted for mercy A. II. llenslee, who Is now AjtKeR SoK CP Broadway and 18th Street Important Announcement Retirement from the Retail Business LAST THREE DAYS MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY Extraordinary Reductions in Neckwear, Laces, Waists, Veilings, Embroideries, Trimmings, Flowers Laces Black Laces, Shallow, Embroidered, Alencon and Venise 50c to 2.00 Former prices $1.25 to $4.25 Allovers, Venise, Shadow and Dotted Effects, 18 and 44 inch 60c to 1.00 Former prices $1.20 to $2.00 Nettop and Shadow Laces and Insertions Former prices 80c to $4.00 40c to 2.00 Venise Laces and Insertions (5c to ,1.50 Former prices $1.35 to $3.25 Veilings Novelty and Dotted Effects. Black and Colors Former prices 25c to S5c 10c to 40c Chiffon Veils and Scarfs at Half Price Embroideries Batiste Edgings with Galloons to match Former prices 65c to $3.00 25c to 1.00 Dressmakers' Continued at beiiiR charRed b.v Franks attorne.vs w.th1 haviiiR said before he was summoned for Jury dut.v that Frank was rii.I'.v a id oiiRht to have his luck nioken Theie was a Rreat crowd about the court house, and whtn the veidi.t uf Riiilty was aaiiniinied a miRhti went II i I As Solicitor-! iener.ll Hoisev came on! of Ihe court house he was seized aial carried on the shoulders of sevcia! ii.rn to hi olfice acron the street. i Since Frank's lunwctiou mm has! been said to mnke It apiear that he w.ij the victim of i.

ue piejudice and lliat be. was convicted because he was a I The facts ,11) hear out this chaise. It Is Reniiall lonccdul that If the cu-cuinstances and direct evidence had In-volvul and liantt, the two vouiiR (ieiitilts Hrst arirstnl, instead of Flank they prohabl.v would have hem l.vnchid. I At tllst theie was absolutelv no prejudice aRalnst because of hi- Hue. Atlanta has piobably hi en (iut of the Judm-hete spirit than anv cit in the South.

Jews Have In en lepiat'dlv ileetid to oITice and none was oppo, beiause he was a Jew Frve Jews v. ele on the Rraiul Jur.v that Indicted Frank and tins can hardly be accused of i.uial picjudiie Prejudice llev eloied Fiejudlie did hnall.v ihvelop aRalnst Fiank and also aRalnst the Jews, but Flank's niends were responsible for this antl-S luetic spit it. After Fiatik was indicted man) Jews to asset publicly that Fiank was not Kiillt.v, lhat b-iUK a Jew he couldn be Rinlt and thai even he wiie Rinlty the Jews would spend thousands to pievuit his lonvk-' lion. Some Jews were credited with saving that even if Fiank did kill Maiv I'hiRan she wns iiothlnK but a lactor.v Rill Such remarks as these -non causid di-ciilid anti-Semitic fieliiiR and It ion-' tinned to grow duiliiR the trial of Fiank Tin teilliiR was Incicaseil when Fianks motliei, who i.ime hue. from Hiookbn tn attend her sun's tual.

de-nnuncid Mr. Hot Key in the tout I loom as "Von Christian dog." The antl-Seinllle feeling was the natural lesull of the belief that the Jews had banded to lice Frank. Innocent or guilty. The supposfd snlidaiitv of the Jews for Fiank, i'H if he was Riillt.v, caused lentlle solldaiitv against him. That Is the truth about Fiank being the victim of Juden-hetze.

IVelliiK In llurnl llltrlel. No one, of couise, can forecast the ultimate outcome of the case. Fiank may Ret a new tilal, but the general opinion Is lhat he will he promptly convicted again if lie Is tiled In Atlanta and If the, State Introduces the same evidence If he should leieive a change of venue and the case sent to a niial district, Frank would be in a woise position Ifi possible, for the conviction that lie is guilty is almost unanimous In the rutin-ttj counties. Circumstances, admitted by Frank and his attorne.vs, make the nise daik -iRaiusl him. and when these rheum- stances ill a hacked ui by the direit evidence of Conic), the State's case heroines almost Impregnable unless Conlcv's story lie shatteied.

Conley may he lying bill until he is pioved a liar Flunk will have llttla chance before a C.eoiRta Juiy. REBUKED FOR FALSE AFFIDAVITS Wife SreUlim Custody of Son shown tn lint Deceived (laiirt. Mrs. Catheilue of 241.1 Lorll-lard place, The llronx, was cbuked by Supreme. Court Justice (lleRerlcli yesler-day for what the couit believed were false statemi nlH in her behalf on an application for the custody of her son.

Mrs, Mcfllnu brought a separation suit in 191" against Daniel Mcillnn. a photo-engraver, and he tiled a counter suit, His wife did not appear when the case was called and Mclilnn got Judgment ugaiiist her with an Older for the custqdy of thcu-boy, In applying lo Justice (llegerlcli for the custody of the sou Mra. Mctllnu submitted alleged affidavits a to her good character hy the superintendent of a business college In Jecy. City which shn said her son attended, and by the superintendent of a tobacco factory where she said she was employed Mefllnn produced alfidavlts to show that them was no such business college as the one named hy his wife and that the supeiiiijendenl of the tobacco factory whtio Mrs, MctJInn said she was cm-plojcd had never licuid u( tar. Neckwear Hand Embroidered and Lace Jabots, Dutch Collars and Chemisettes 25c to 7.50 Former prices 75c to $18.00 Trimmings Crystal, Silk and Metal Trimmings Former prices 75c lo $3.50 25c to 1.25 Fancy Braids Black, White and Colors Former prices 40c lo $1.00 15c to 25c Buttons in Jet, Crochet, Crystal and Metal Former prices 40c to $2.00 15c 25c Flowers and Feathers Fancy Ostrich, Wing and Coque Feathers Former price $1.50 50c Gold and Silver Flowers Former price $2.00 50c Broadway and 18th Street Supplies and Wholesale Millinery 417 Fifth Avenue, Corner 38th Street MEAT PRICES BOUND TO RISE I nithn from I'arj lintid Stat' and shows a steadv Vle.CM- allliJIintlllR to OVel- 11 I' lent in thti last live Itereull) thou-ands I of cattle have been luoURht In fiom ada mainlv because of poor pasturage and p.iittal failuie of the ha.v crop there, i mi CniimliCn I "This movement mav lontinue for a I time, hut It will natuiallv have the fieri of fuithei reducing Canada's stock of i cattle.

The unsittled lonititlons III i no make It unlikelj that anv consid- eiable iiumbfr of cattle an be expi.ted lioni lhat count I. for at least a tew eais. "Aigenlma mil An-dialta an aluady suipllng most of the Mulish uniioits and have hem cnlbd on to make up the! loss suppl.v foiinerly fiitnishul the I'pltMl Slatis "The Australian lolonies. howevei. aie ihcep rathei than cattle cnuutiies ami i port piobably foui thins as much mutton and lamb b.v wmrIh as In if.

Ai-' Rintliia Is a laiKe pioducer and epoitei i of b.ef. inn has apparently rcaclud the I limit ol lt puseut cattle nsources. Tin- number of tattle in that cnuntrv showed! a at the last census, mil, as' minpaieil with the pieciiiing "The lepun fioni ltueio. Avies lliat 7.2t;s. i i-afle weie killed in HU2 nut of.

a lotnl "link of linllcates that ViRcntlna Is diawiiiR on Its leseni. It thai lOiuland alone tmildi luob.ibly take all the fnieisn bet available foi expoit, to sa.v nothing of the new markeis whbh have hern fonneil in other Furopean cotiuii We shall thercfoie have hid ag.mis: 1 1 2 1 i I and other imichaseis of f.iie.a beef, and this compi tltlon will tend to keep li p. l. es. It must be ler.iellllieled loo that ilns foieun beef is not up in the stand.

ml of ipi tilt of nut corn fed btef. "In view- of the present meat situation ai home and alnoad ll Is unlikely thai our rattle raiseis will have much to lear fiom forclRii heef. I Cooieiiilloii Itreoiliiorndetl. The Hepaitment in Its bulletin holds thai i he chief hope I'm- a solution of the piublcni lies In the small farmer mining to the raising of slock as he did before Ihe pa. kins house Willi artltlcial lefrlReiallon put an end lo local hutehei-mg.

Ilul before the fanner will under-, take to raise mine stock he must he as- silled of a local m.H kei The Hepartmenl I ccoinmenils cooperation a niong farmeis In different communities so that thev mav raise the same kind of animals and ship them tn a central market In carload lots, lltie Is what tlm Depai tnient bulletin has lo sa.v aboul the establishing of pub-1 lie abattoirs and the sale of meals under public supei isinn "An liupoitnut icason why fanners' produce, less meat than Itniueilv is lo be found in he s.vstem of distribution fiom luodiner to columnar lhat has giown up in this count! v. In most of the commies of ICurope public abattoirs have hern' coiihttucteil to which fanners may consign their fat stork, the meat from which is then sold to the consumer without pass-' ing through the hands of an Interminable line of middlemen, each of whom takes his toll "In this country the farmer receives i only a small fraction nf the price paid by the consumer. Ilnoriuous packing es-1 tabllHhnientH have monopollxrtt the business and thrru is little or no coinpetj. tlon In buying the farmer's slock. The enormous foituues that have giown up In this business in recent yeais show, that Ihe farmer has not been getting his full share of the profits.

For l.nricrr Itelnll I nils, I "Again the retail meat business at I pit-sent conducted in cities renders enoi-i iiioiis piotlta necessary. Numerous small giorerles, earh with Its Independent lie- livery system, clerks and fixtures, serve, a few pations scattered over i onslderalily overlapping ureas. Hetter organization! nf the relall business whereby It shall be conducted lii larger utittt. with well I HyMcmatUrd methods of dellveiy Is suiously needed, "Huch organization could gieail letacn the tetall price of meats and at the sani time pertjiit the tanner tn receive better pries This would entourage greater production. "Private nrsant7aCMntis for the s-tematmlliR of the retailing of meats without public supervi-ion will not meet the situation mii ti hi g.

titrations alreadv have grown up in ihe tail milk business, but of cheapitmiR the pu. ducts la consumers or luMea-ing the prl. to pro-dm its tin have the savlttR thu iflicttd Into exorbitant prolits Pub. lie abattoirs with public sale of the meats of animals slaughtered at them have be-come a crying need in this rntinlr). Fnrtnrrs Hulil I he The farms of this coiinlrv have- almost unlimited possibilities for live pin-liit lo If the fanners can be shown how-to produce live stock at a leasouable protll anil how to get a readv maiket for it when it is pinduu'il thev will all tin meat that is The bulletin savs that the only protlinliiR animals that have bun iiiotltable to the farmer in the decade aie swine, but these have not incieased In number of the I av.iRes of iiir holera Shi -p have en slowlv decr'-asu' in niiinliei and there is no nohabilt of an consiileiable future Im tease.

The dcia t-inenl's expei is Mnd also that then piospirt of iuciease In poultrv pindiicis in gi eater ratio than the incr-easr In oopu-atlun. The deiailnient tells tin farmer" of the count! how thev touperate to solve tin nn at piohbni and what they shutilil do. CROP YIELDS SMALLER, Price Level ivr Onl. lliaher Than In 1 1 I vsiiisoio.x. net II- bulletin issued lij the Depai tnit-nt of Arii-cultiiic gave details in I.

Rant lo the outlook for the i rops of the piesent viar as coniiartd wltli last and also statistics In legald lo the live stork on faims In the I'nlteil Slates. It savs- "The roinblned londitlun foi estimates of of all rrops on October 1 was about KM! per cent, lower than theli conditions on October 1 last yiar and about 11.7 per rent, lower than the aveniRe roiutitlon of riops on October I of recent vears. "As londltlons on September 1 were per icnt. lower than on September I last year anil in. per cent, below the aver.iRe year it Is seen the month of September as affecting clop prospects was somewhat more favorable than the average September, though less favorable than September, "Vci good clop vlelds are Indicated III Florida, Wisconsin.

Minnesota Arizona anil very poor yields In Illinois, Missiiiiii, Nebraska, Kansas, Kentucky and Oklahoma. "The general level of farm pricts nf staple crops Inn eased about 2.1 per tent, from September 1 to October 1. Tills is an unuual Increase, for dining each Sep-temper of the past live years the level of pi Ices declined during September, the average decline for the five jears being 3.x per cent. "The avcince level of pi Ices of etops on October 1 was I per cent higher than on October 1 last cai, n.S per cent, higher than two vears ago la year of short eiops) and li.S per cent higher than tho aveiagc of. the past five yeais on October 1 "The aveniRe farm price of meat animals on September (5 was about $7.1.1 tier 100 pounds, which compaics with on September LI a car ago, two jeais ago and tluee years ago." The Information gathered by the bureau Indicated that the condition of the corn crop on October 1, was liu.U per cent, of a normal crop, compaied with S2 2 per lent In and a ten year average of per cent.

This, Is an InipKiirnn-nt of a 3 per cent over the condition last month. This In-dlcates a total pioduction of nppmxi-mately bushels, compared with II, 124, "46, 000 In till 2. The llgures of this year aio the lowest since 11103. The spring wheal and winter wheat riops glvn a total production of Inikhels, tho largest ever grown In the t'nlted States. It exceeds the IP12 crop with bushels and the I 1 1 crop with bushels, The total wheat iiop In the nineteen ptlnrlpal wheal piodming countries Is estimated at 3,333,000,000, or 1 per cent more than was pnaliiced In the same countries last The kid of nuts lb 2U.3 bushels jr 5658 FIFTH AVENUE 46th 47th STS WILL PRESENT FOR THE FIRST TIME.

ON MONDAY NTIRELY new adaptations of the last Paris modes (and originals) from French couturiers of note comprising the most complete showing in this country. PLAIN AND FUR-TRIMMED SUITS PLAIN AND FUR-TRIMMED COATS LUXURIOUS WRAPS FOR ALL OCCASIONS DINNER, OPERA AND EVENING GOWNS LUNCHEON. "BRIDGE" AND MATINEE FROCKS SMART TAILORED STREET FROCKS CHARMING FRENCH BLOUSES AND DISTINCTIVE TAILLEUR WAISTS Exquisite French Millinery Late importations and adapted styles in PARADISE, GOURA AND OSTR ICH-TRI MMED HATS SMART WALKING AND MOTOR HATS CHIC HATS FOR THE YOUNG MISS FEATURING Stunning New Street Styles in Fur-trimmed Hats at s25 Of finest silk-velvet, smartly trimmed with the season's leading Furs Fitch. Skunk, Mole, Seal and Leopard. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO MOURNINC M1LLINLRY.

The spirit of the French styles expressed in skins as supple as cloth, designed in modish draped and combination effects, every fashionable Fur receiving full representation. A four-store organization with its Fashion Bureau in Paris and Fur Headquarters in the Lake Region of the Northwest thus combining an authoritative knowledge of style with the broad experience of Fur Experts. A year-round business offers price adcanlagcs sajeguardins the Gidd clientele against an cxtraiagance o)ten met ilh at the "limited-season" Fur shops. Coats Coatees Sets Separate Scarjs and Muffs arte, as i-oniparnl Hli last e.i, eioiil ylelil of Tile Pi-pal tllienl lillllellll s.l tliu the lioiato piospeet lias luen i ,1 i 1 1 slmitls fiom I lo i niiii.iHiii on oetntiei I This inluitiou Is ilue iliii ll to ilainase fioni fiosl III Nw VoiW Slate Onions anil i ililiacfs will lie niatt-rlalb less last vear itenlloe Heel In hlenuo. net II -Willi the In I ilown by tlie new tin Iff law Aicentlne paekeis slnppe't l.ilnii lef iiiait(is Into tlie I'lileaBti market Tills stipplv as illslrllMlteil foi letull sale on I lat several rents less a potllifl than lu ef slailKllteieil lieie I MINERS TELL OF MURDER.

Tmii ny The lleltl l)enl While Their out pa nlon hn llliu. MKT. Hot. 11 -foinplete have been obtalneil fioni two of' the nine i-opper mine Mrlkirs belli in eon-ilieetion with tlie kllllnK of Deputy Slici Iff I'olloek at llnrontown, anil thiee others Iisvb inatle ailiiiiislons, All siv the kllllnu was ilone lij tlie tieatl stilkcr, who vvn inorlally wounrteil by olloel. laikk.i i I'lese anil lieoiKe Hilskl say that Polluek shot Maneileh aiul the latter tletn kllletl tlie deputy while the.v held tho ollk-ei There have been live deaths In i-onme-i tlon with the strlki, three strikers, ope deputv and one National Ouardsniin, CAN'T USE HIS OWN NAME, seninnal Wanted to 1'railr on Brother' lli-ptilnllon.

Hy a llllllIK of Supreme Couit lee Illjur a man has no rluhl to use his own name In his buslntss under eertaln elr-eiiiustunees. The tiuestlon was before the court on an application by Sehlnasl rlKurrttP manufacturers, nun Inst Sehlnasl Inc. The papers In the case show- 'that Albeit Sehlnasl wiih the representative In KlO'pt of his brothers, who established rlRarctte business here some veurs uro Ho eainii heir a few mouths hk iiffer he had brolun otf relations with his luotherii and oi untitled the defendant concern Illjur said he bellevid Mbei-t imuiose in I'omliiK in this cnuntrv fioni Kfiypl was to trade on tho Kootl will nnd rrputallon of the plaintiff i'or tills reason he granted un Injunction. WISE if you till on MASON'S nd get Pnr or Kim Carpeti. etc.

Morr you purchsve fivrvht. MASONS Cor tf Irlttt St. Myrtle IMQhn IM HI I'i-ti nnoiio. Nil 1 1 Sprlns-liice. who st seven mllr-s fiom It, ie si sn his lili.vsiclan said 'li do, need a few in liavliiK his summer htmi.

Ii "77" A hard stubborn Cold thai i' on, is broken up by Humpiun' "Seventy-seven" COLD Cold houses, cold oitKL-churches or places of i nient, hefore the artihci'i is turned on, are the most causes of catching cold. A vial of "Seventy-sew the pocket is the nearest to a self heater, because a -taken ut the first chill or i will either prevent or hu the Cold at once. If you wait until your begin to ache; till you cough and sneeze, it nun longer. "Seventy-seven" is' of pleasant pellets, tits th. pocket, 25cts.

and Alt Stores or mailed. Ilunilihrev lliimeo Medicine! fi'ieci, oiU Vdviribc init at op 'K'S to ike id lie I.

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