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The St Louis Republic from St. Louis, Missouri • Page 19

St. Louis, Missouri
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

'Vrc -'V -V' THE REPUBLIC: SUNDAY, JUJSE 22. 1902. Wily" JMmSi Yale9s Ik D1 I Food Removes wrinkles and all traces of age. It feeds through the pores and builds up the fatty membranes and wasted tissues, nourishes the shriveled and shrunken skin, tones and invigorates the nerves and muscles, enriches the impoverished blood vessels and supplies youth and elasticity to the action of the skin. It's perfect.

Manufactured only by lime. JI. Ta'c. Health and Cornploxlon Specialist, Yule Temple of Beauty, IK) Michigan avenu-, Chicago. Call lor JIJIE.

TALE'S 3page Beauty-Book. Given free. We sell Mme. Yale's Skin Food In two sizes at cut prices. We an- Mme.

Yale's SL L-rjls agent. MM GO. Fishing and Hunting dub. The wirty Inclulel uiu ..3. wuiin st.

lessor anu Low man. Mr.n.1 itoiJiin CocKreU and Miss Nolllo Howman. The Mis'es Mary and Cornelia Xewton entertained at a o'clock dinner on Friday evening of last week. Miss Cornelia Drowne was a visitor In St. Louis ut

Mis. W. Jones has returned from an extended vUit to frlt.ds in Marsnall and Wells-ilh, Mo. Mr and Mrs. were lsltofe In Me-dora.

ill lht week. Mrs. le-ry has returned to St. Louis. un jirb.

iaria cm. Mr. r)iin tins ntiin.1 C.1 A.U lln. Hfnry Orojjean has returned to St. Loula.

to Jcrrerville ii Geonte vhan cmcitalccd lira. U. O. jiaii ul iumi lait week. nn i and -1TS.

ItObrt tit rrBtn tTTs are -pending a few days at the Piasa Chautau- An "althews of Jacknonvllle Is the curat friends. Misses Lillian Stpwnrt nnt. rrturned to JacksoniUle, after visitine in Airs M. a- rn.t.n i IliiI. ntll i wi.ajii iittn guile au Jlt' "herded Mslt In JerreyviIIe.

Ia entertainlnf- Mrs. Charles UTO.V. 1 roturned Tuesday from Salt ImitSSl where she has teen -(telllnc Urs. Charles Klunlc have returnel Irom LTilcnso Mr. and Mrs.

Timothy Donui of Naahvllle, SI0 of relatives In Upper Alton, of Be of St. Louis Is the guest mts. J. A Kyrlj Altou. ss Alice Hewitt Is vliltlns in St.

Louis. Apies lUnna has returned from an extended stay the East. Mr. and Ura. George Allen have gone to Harbor Hearh.

Mich to spend the summer. Jllses Jennie Watpon and quelle Uodgers entertained at cards Tuesday morning at their nome In flard-n street. Upper Alton. ilni. Italph rilxon Is vlsluns Mrs.

C. P. Scott in 111 Mrs. o. It.

Lane is entertalnlne Mrs. Charles Vassal of St. Louis. irs. n.

F. Det-rdlng is entertalclnr; Miss Oia Collins of St. Louis. Mrs. E.

A. Clement is visiting In St. Louis. Mr. and Mrs Charles Long celebrated th fiftieth anniversary of their marriage TuiSdly afternoon with a reception at their home in Upper Alton.

MIs Helen Taggart has gone to Chicago to Vend the summer. MIm Elizabeth Cox of Joplln. Is a visitor in Alton Mr and Mrs. Arthur Hlbbsrd hae returned to lie rto. after visiting Mr.

and Mrs. Mlis Isabel Norton has sone to Boonvllle. to viplt relatives. Mrs. J.

11. Yager has gone to Upper Mont-clair. N. to be the guest of Mrs. E.

W. bparks. JIr. Elolae r. Karris departed Thursday for Denver and the West-Mr.

and Mrs. 3. s. Scott have gone to Muscatine. for a month's visit.

Jlrs. George B. Sleile of Jerseyville. Is the guest of Mrs. Harriet Klrkpatrlck In Upper Alton.

Mrs. IL II. Tilfce is entertaining Mrs. Louis Walter. Mrs.

Belle Warner of Challacombe. 11L. Is the guest ot Mrs. K. IJeall.

Miss Mae Taylor entertained the "Browning Cluh Monday evening at her home ia Middle-town. Mien Katherlne Dickinson Is entertaining Miss H-l-n Hall of Minneapolis. Minn. Mm Edward K. DetardlDg entertained at a "Mranna" party tsaturday afternoon at h-r homo in Summit etreet.

The guests nere dreeied in Japanese go-vns. For amusements the party plaii "Blind I'edro," using Japanese, fans for counters. Ten tables were ployed. Prizes v.ere won by Mrs. Cleorgo Marsh, Misses Mayme Tes-win and Harriet Harb.

CARHO.DAXE, IIIi. Mr and Uz Janwa Howell viMte-d In Marlon 'Sunday. Mrs. Georcn Stocki Is on an extended vitlt with friends in Anna. Mlci Uian Johnston of Duquoln la Tlsltlnc friends and relume in this cltj Judge O.

A Harker Is in Hprlnvfleld attending an adjourned term of the Appellate Court, of whlcn ba ii one or the Judged. lira. O. Barbour spend the summer at acuta wa Tark. Mich.

Mra. Georf-ra A Crow of Cast St. Louis ia Ttsitlnc friends in this city. John Alexander of E.r.n. formerly a realdeut Of this cltv spent the paft week here renewing old acquaintances.

Mrs. E. M. Yoet returned Wednesday from a visit with relative and friends in Mound City and E.ansville. Ind.

Mr C. Mitchell and dausbter. Allee; de- Sarted yesterday for an extended islt with Mrs. IltchH's parents in "West Tennessee. Professor GUbeit Rundle, Surtrlntendent of the Wat toon City Schoo.F.

ait recently with th-5 TJevernnd Mr ard Mrs. P. L. Thomson. iir.

ana aim av. Menrv Saturday frcm an extended ttav in Mount CaTmei. Hi si LouIse Kirk ham har returned to this cltv from Joblin. Mo where she has been enrar-l an a teacher in the public XV. W.

Wilson and ife of Wintlow. are KuesU of Mrs. Schartz rrofe-ssor Washlnrtt-n Davis of the Normal faculty delivered the era floating address Monday before the Htonefort Schools. Mrs Frank Boyd and children of Boulder, are rteltlns relatives In this city. COLLIXSVIXI4E, ILL.

Mrs. r. L. Marshall and family departed this week for their summer borne at Winona. Lake, 3rd.

Mr. XCrau-Ocof? and daughters. Misses IlattI and Berenice, wno are on their way from Love-land. to Bellefontalne. departed Thursday, after ilsltlnK re lathes here.

-Mm-. Loula Piper it entertaining her mother jrom ACZ1CO, JUO. Kundav BWet 0I vltJtea menai hereI Sunday Mlu Mattie Loni. who been teaching at vvebiter bchool dcrlni me past ar. depaxteit this week for her home in New Donglas.

Mrs. James Good-Mllle of Warsaw, Mich, is vls-ltlnc her parents, sir. ard Mrs. rtobert Reed. Tne ladles cf the M.

E. CJiureh aave a lawn riartr June IS ar the home nf -Mr. Thnmi The annual catholic bchooi olcnlc took place inurEoay etiiernoon. I The Centurv-Club will rire a Fourth I A class of iwenty-eltnt boyan received IUM. tire memtier.

of the Kanrardsrille "depart- Ta. H.ttle Pchleesinrer of SU Joseph th- piest of Miss Estelle Cohen. -n- Mjsses C-rudla and Gladys McCord departed Vt dav mornirur for a visit to relative, in 5reen- Sr. Abe Selg-I and family of St. Iul, were eraduatlnp exercises of the Beethoyra cSS-rvi! $3' -sa- j.ssss., fc.d.

Tof "iK" tomcraroorp-ffi. ha. A IV Ajl lv MISS JUAN1TA KABLER. Of Hannibal, a srauualc from Howard-Payne College. been changed frcm the ISta to the 51th of this month.

of Ueroautiitr. Jli. AmiuiQ, at Pit-asanl CARKOLLTOX, ILL. Mrs. Lion Wheeler al.a daughter huve returned a to r-ynnslit relatives.

Mis. II Kinne. -Mrs. li. II.

Kojiperl and Jilts i'iciron spent 'InurtJay tn Jerstv die. Mrs. A Itanixej of fct. Liuis is a guest bf Mrs. T.

C. Hut.s Messrs. K. tl. Fain and son.

Brace, and Clvda Stone have sone for a month's visit to Las: lir K. r. Kersher derailed Tcesday for An-kona. Fla where he wilt spend sevtral months lrs. hn Jones of Uoodhuuse is tsitiiu Iwr dauliter.

Mrs. J. Sharon. Mi. 1 A.

Culver departed Tuesday for Holly. Colo. Mr. Elmer of llardla srer-t Wcdnes-dav with I'arrdlton fr.ends. Mis Jntft AII2 is lsinng Jacltsanxille frlenJs.

Uollin 1'enney departs ilonda for ht. wnere in make noaie. Ms home. I Jennie ItoodhousJ depart, M.j-'.cfi A1a anl Tuesday for Coioiado. utsday ror Colorado.

Wednesday from ttf In Vt Tj-iiii Col'tnel John Itobertson of Jackscnvlllo us hte Wednesday. tadie i.ahcncv of Chicago is a guest of Mrs. i. Greene. I.M).

The new home of Mrs. Albert rtheinlander In Upper 1'lrst street was thrown open to her frunds We'lncMtu. when she extended the hospitably vf her hume for a pr. euchre party in honor of her guvst. Mrs.

John Cnatueld voods of Cincinnati mx table were used, 'lhe first prize, a was. won ny Mrs. WeKhis. the curst at hon.r et a i of jrjld-dtcoraleii klass. was awarded to Mrs, J.

II Roberts, anl tt. thirJ. a pUte, vias taken by trantc Urns. The souvenir was v. on bv itisi ljvett, it bilnc a mte-and-eauze The Jlann.

Kdw rd Cranlvlin Horton bteele. Frank liyrnes. Shelby Itcberts. 11 J. Roberts, N.

Jerome. Ojcar CUr! Boeillcrier. t.innle 1.. iliUre-J W. ol-ley.

lllanch Johnson. Matilda- Dixon. lleln iOk. koulse Ijoett oi Anderson. Miss B.rtha l)e Bruler.

Mrs. 1. J. Wood anJ lllas 'lUlle Miss hnm i'auimr- Frrall ana Jlr. lUnrj" Lasnell wer.

married at 8 o'clock Wednesday ffornms at the liome of the brtde in litst Vir- g.nia street. ceremony as psriormeu uy he Reercnd C. K. Knoher. paster cf the Km Prestjterlan Church.

Hr. and Mts. LasneU loft on the midnight train for Des nines, where thrv will ilslt friends nntU Julv 15. when they will return and be at home to their friends at IlowcII. a suburb of this city.

Mr. and Mrs. Lowrv Brtelson entertained a few friends Wednesday eenln? at their home in ciwiiu 'licti, iiiv; i.u iui: mnu' onnlKmn- nf 1r. I euessin- contest was enjojed, after which lunch I eon v.a. aprvp.1 Mrs.

Georee I Mrs. George Ingle, who has been here for the I past week as the euest of her narents. free as tne euest or ner parents, air. and Howard Wells returned Thursday ta her home at indlanapoll: Aire, jonn A eltz nnd little dans eitz and little daughter. Isabel.

nae returned from Louisville and Owensboro, where they spent several weeks. The German Lurheian chu ch of East Illinois street was the scene Wednesday opening of the wedding of Mlsi Lyd a Becktr and Mr Oltj Engelbretch of South Dakota The vows wer pronounced by the Reverend II. Engelbretch jf Chicago, the lather of tie bridegroom. Several out-of-town gue'ts attended. Miss Ross of LouisW.le has been the guest of Mrs.

J. O. Medcalf for the pa-t week. Mrs. Hentv Ycagcr cf I lm eton, Ind has been the guest of friends In this cl for several days.

Mrs. Varncy Dixon has returned from Salem, 111 where she was the guest ot her parents. Mr and Mrs. Oeorco Rnrban'i have returned from Chicago and will make their future home tn this city. The ladies of tho GulU of St.

rani's Episcopal Church gave a lawn fete o-i the grounds adjoining the rectory Wednesday evening. A large crowd was present. MIrs Irma Scr-aefer ard Mr Ole Ofcen wero united in marr'age Tuesday mo nz. the ceremony being performed bv the Reverend rather Dlestal of the Hcly Innrcen's' Churn. Thev immediately went to housekeo'ng at No.

V2 Chet-nut trect The bride i th" viunreit daughter of Mr and Mrs Joseph Sihaefer and Is popular In social circle. Mrs Charlis Baker "Ward ha tone to Green-caztle. Ind where she will spend several days as the guet of friend. Mls Dena Kaiser Wilder of Hocnville. Ind Is spending a few days as the guest of Mrs.

Arthur Farmer of Adams avenue. Doctor J. Jerome has gone to Boston to spend several da s. VI.CCXKS, IXD. Mr.

and Mrs. Austin Thompson of Bloomlncton ed rh MIs-m-s Reyno'ds tM. wefk. Mrs. H.

i Judd of Ch cago is the guest of his sister. Mr. B. Harsha. Miss Kthe'yn Welsert bas returned from New York City, where she spent a season studying piano music.

Kvlre Walker has gone to Bedford after a visit with Mrs. Cl R. Alaon. Mies Ellzab-th McDonald of LltUe Reck. Ark-Is vls'tic-r her parents, the Reverend and ilra.

J. N. McDonald XV 8 nd fsm lv of WsMn-ton and Frank and Harold Roudebush of Carrollton, are guests of John h.ost. iugi anj fam ly. Doctor James E.

Manchester and wife depart this weelc for a trip through Minnesota and the North weit. Miss Marparet Holland returned to-day from Winona. MIrn. MIsp Elsa K.tterskamp srent thli week with Mifs Clirabcth I-ewis tn Irdlanapolls A. J.

Ortenhood and family departed yrsterday for La Vea-i. their home. August Twltnieer and MU- Mavme Schuette and Andrew H. Rupeman and MI Lydla Louise Bufe- were married AVednedav etcnlnp. Karl Malo34 cf CIeland.

will arrlie to-rnarrow to visit hl cousin, MI Leona TewalL MUfies Derele and Maude Grant U-parte-, today for a visit In St. Louis and will then bo-journ in Louisiana Miss Hat tie Mae Goodwin and Mr Joseph Wil-llam? were marrlM at the brjde's home at Wat-nut Grov bv tho Keerend Ll B. Johnson. Mr. TlIam Miller of Indianapolis Is the jruest of Mr.

XV. J. Nicholson. hot srmxGs aric J. R.

Coburn. proprietor of the ostrich farm, departed Tuesday for St Lciil. w-ere he will spend a few day? en bul-eB and pleasure. Ml Winifred Hyman of St. Lnula Is the family of Captain and Mrs.

Maurice at the Maurice Flats. tJ1? EaMman. wife of Coor-ee II. naMmin of the Hale Baths, depa-ted Tues 'ay for Chlea-o where she will spcnl the summer with She will spend a few dais with relamex in Louis. -u Lyman T.

May, rranacer of the Arlington and Eastman hotels, returned Wednsdir from a business trip to St. Louis. Chicago and New Tork. Joe Dails depsrted Tu5dny for SL Lou' anl Chicago, where he will sprd two weeks with old friendV. He will return to Hot Springs before joln'm: Messrs and Walker on the dnadisn raclnc circuit Mrs.

KInc. wife of Doctor A. M. Klnc. deoart.

ed Toeedav nirnt fir St. Louis. w-re she wM-Kpend a few davn before troi-R to Quincv 111 for an extendel visit with relatvrs L. Stone has pone to St. Lout to -m-tVe a short visit She will spcrd a few dajn In Chicago before return'ntr.

Mrs. Sherwood, Inndladv of the HnM Sherwood, li the truest of St Lonls fr ends this week She wl'l soend the ummrr In rh'onwo. Miss Emrra Roehl of Cape Gir rdeau is spend-Ine a few dats at the Ore-it Nrthrn Hctel 5Ir nnd Tr A Iir Tn Cory, Mac. In. L.

"Skldmore and Anient were nmonir th St Ln is vltors rejris- 'v iiivT'ii i' ip nr iti Suruiy "lt! Wc-id In -flltr i- in ,3 Wbrthw. Ttr Rob rt P-nVd. Don Sirhnpnfl''(1 ninhm.v.1 all of St. Txmi! were jmone the guests at the Great Northern ThursH Bi Mrs- O. Col'ler.

S. J. Harris nnd OB. Concannop of Dordenelle are vis'tlns? "Sj 1 Mrs. D.

Cain of the Waverly Hotel hns re. I turned from a vl.It 1 erf. il i' turned frn. 1, Ti.i. 1 TV 'ltJir rnr re- SimSo.

a xUlt t0 ln st- ad Irtok County h7J25 Irom geSs lmnlfislTSl. ffi C-rSffct Tot- Sha-dedl-V a lar? cfrUrtX Lm' wal' ffl riiitTheces0 WThk, alonL nTthhSI.2 "1'1 PT "rnr- ssiss! 1 0t "'r life Orace T. Polk has returned from s-'t. where she has been sTienilinar the mo ntcKs "iin ner proiner. llajor Geciee It.

UcMlng and Ooernor Dals spent puit of this wetk in M. Loul? on liuil-ittrs- cunncrteil with the Arkansas Coaimlss.on to the luiM.ina I'urenase Kxpositlon. They returned u.e Utter pan the week. Mi.t Mjii lranccs Williamson entertained a. nm.iur or jouns friends at her home on em aenue aturaa eeninsr.

About twenty weitf pre-ent and refreshments were an intei-esting feature or the ewnng 0. X. Jtix sjnt Sunday with relathes In Little 1 Itoch T. .1. Cralahead has none to IiOuls.

Chicago and Detroit to islt trlends nnd lelatlies. lie will be absent several weeks. Mrs Alee. Schwartz Is tht. guest of relatles in Houston.

Tex. llias. JIcKm. president of the Hot Springs Car Cempanj, has returned to his home In I'lttsburg I'a. i Mi and Mrs John Gracs are idling their I old home, uttunina, la.

Walter Ij'lniuin. clerk nt Klsele Hunt's I r.huini...', is uanReiouvly in with tyrhad fJer. Knnnle has relumed froni ClHMon. where she has been teaching 3iafea JeE.Ie and Law-son are lsmns in oklnlmtra e-ir I who has been Msltirg 1 rotl.ers hero the pat two weeks, relurnrd Tuesday to his homo In rortalis, 31. Colonel George 1 alias.

Fish Cor.rmls'loner of Georgia, who has charge cf their imoas hatcheries. Is a lsltur In Hot Springs this week. Oftlcer W. W. Willey.

whi has been danger-rusly III with congestion ef the brain, has sufliclently to be out again. WentzIeK chef at the Turf 'Cafe, departed th.s mT. tnr mr f.ttiir hrmt In Wiirrfn. Mo. Knbt Foliar, the little ton of Dootnr Robt.

PcIUr-i who was badly injure! by an of jrasoline last week. I rapidly recmerinE anJ will not lose the right of one eje, us had been frared. aim Floret or nw iorK is in bucbi w. Ai-crman K. Grenier this -Li otn' fiw'iMM ulth the Water tym pany at this place has accepted the manaBe-rrirnt rf th company at fine Bluff anl entered upon his duties this week.

t. II J.tifbr prescrlptlcn clk at Klein phar-raacy. leaea to-nicht for St. louls to erend hli acatlcn with i-i, Geo Ke Cunnlnnham. B.

E. Hunter, rrank Panlrtt and Edward Hunt of bt. Louis ar storiplnrc ar th St. Charles thli month. rt the Iul, Olohe-Demoerat wiitlnc for his newspipcr here this summer.

jirs V'ih maid of St. who nave cues! at me Ariiiiieiut- An lrs .1 Mnnnrutn ally Sp-tnsT'ret'ined Tuesday evening" to their hThe series of weekly dancing parties which have been given bv the Arlington management the pa-t reason. Patu-dav night with s. ball The orchestra ofn-lted for the last time before leavtng for Put In-Bay. Mrs L.

Stone is violins friends ta St. Louis and Clllca.o.inraMrc-r cne of "iX wlll.a'a several vfK, be'orc r--tum- LoIH' lu- rett-rred Mo? after vls.t to hr slvo Elseie and YVavr. AVEnsTEU nnovKS. lir J. P.

Dawson and Miss Frances Davy-Fon departed Saturday nlsht for Jfew "aojK. where the latter will visit a granddaughter of Doctor J. J. Lawrence. Misses Gussie and Kittle Quarles are at home, niter a eIx weeks' vllt In various Mlrsourl towns.

Miss Virginia Smith, a cousin, from Marshall, returned with them. The weddinrr of Mr. James Quarles and Gertrude Dunninf? of St. Louis will take place Julv 2D. Miss Dunnlns's family H-e3 in the South.

She lives at present with the family of Doctor William M. Jones, pastor of Hyde Park Congregational Church. Mr. Quarles Is a son ot Doctor Ralph A. Quarles.

and Is the orsanlJt of Lindell Avenue Methodist Church, where Dunning is alto In the choir. After the wedding, the couole will keep house somewhere near the churcn. Mrs. A. Quarles save a dinner to a dozen quests Inst Tuesday, In honor of the encaged couple-Mrs.

Robert G. Hocan gave a luncheon last Tuesday for MIfs Pattle Lee Sparks. Those at the luncheon were: Misses Virginia Hazard. Nellie Marton, Amanda Adams. Ruth Gruet, Elna Campbell, Helen Skinner.

Mabel Merrill. Katherlne Black-iner, Alice Gibson. Florerce Sparks, Ruth Sparks, Mrs. Hogan and Miss Hazel Hoan. Miss Alice Kceweke of No.

4E15 Morgan s'reeucave a unique entertainment for Ml Pattle Sparks Monday anernoon. in tne Kh.T of a handkerchief shower. Those present were: From Webster. Misses Alice Gibson. Helen Skinner, Ruth Gruet, Rosa, Brooke.

Lucy Brooke and Hazel Allen; fnm St. Louis. Misses Annie Laurie Wright. Emma Gould. Florence Hunter, Gmee Laneenberrr.

Mabel Sindcrs. Grace Martha Barrere anl Mrs. John Hfhrt. Jlrs. T.

C. Tounpr. with her daughters. Dorothy Ruth and "Mnrjorle. dejarticl for Svlvan Beach Wednesday.

Robert Stockbrldge departed Saturday for a weck'n boating; and fishing on the St. James River. Mis Addle Wilcox departed Monday for a visit ln Tennessee. Mr. and Mra.

Frederick L. Stoddard entertained at dinner. Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. l.ouis Muilgart.

Mr. Jack Cunnlcham cf St. Ixiuis and Mr. nnd Mrs. U.

A. Allen. A company of picnickers. Including Misses and Mmes. II.

('. Sal'sbury. W. Warren, F. L.

Stoddard, F. G. Howe. A. lrooke.

C. W. Clarke. Mrs fochenower and Mrs. Fldler, spent Thursday at Fern Glen Mrs.

Charles Knight Is at home, after six wteks at the St. Louis Protestant Hospital, where she had a serious operation performed. She ls apparently ln perfect health. Mr. Krnest R.

Kroeger spent most of the week at Springfield, attending the Missouri Slate Music Teachers' Association. His Wagner lecture recital was one of the features of the convention. Mrs. F. H.

Knlcht snent several ilavs nf the week In Olney. 111., stngins at the pianola concert given there by liollmaim Bros. Mr. and Mrs. Mulleardt, who have with Mrs.

Charles Maclnnls for stveral months, will leave Webster this- week, rnd does not expect to return. Mrs. Mullgardt goes from here to Chicago and tho Northern resorts. Mr. and Mrs.

W. A. Onrdlnrr nnd MUi Katherlne Smith denarted Wednesday to make their home in Minneapolis. A little son was born to Mr. and "Mrs.

Walter V. Scholz Monday mornlnrr MIs-5 Harriet Austin returned from two weekB In Keokuk on Thursday. Lucille McCrellls came to Webster for the summer last Thursday. The Monday Club held a special mee Tuesday afternoon at the residence of Mrs. J.

R. Bcttis. Only club members were invited. Essays were writen by Mrs. W.

Lacy, Mi's Kate K. Jones and Mrs. Olivia Race. AftT the proeramme refreshments were served ln the dlnlnc-room. Xew tin ners just admlt.ed to the club arc: Mmes.

F. H. Below, Louis nry. Wm. C'csg.

Alb'rt Hungerford, Charls Henry Sal-vet T. Charles H. Tudkrr, H. a and Uises Elizabeth Corzens. Fannie Delano.

Loslse Gltscn, Ellen Herman Ora Per-y, Marfrarct Tlehenar and Franc Wild'. Miss Pattle Lee ffparks's marriage to Mr. Mb-rt Pou'ln takes place Wednesday evening at 7:30. It will be rather a quiet nffalr. owing to the rcent death of Mrs.

Sparks'3 brother. Mr. Robert Lyle. Onlv relativs wl'l attend the ceremony, which will hi followed ty an Informal reception. MI-es Florence and Ruth Sparks will th- br ccma'ds: Mr.

ames Kinsella wTl be beit min nnd Mr JVlhert "jnilii. n.T.ttri- PhiiXnfn win I will De groomsman. itti Grrgory Tupper and Robinson Strickland will be flower boys. The Every Oth Week met Tuesday night wl'h Jlr. and Mrs.

James R. Bates. The Wednesday Cub gave a reception Wednesday afternoon at the residence of Mrs. W. D.

Blgg'rs. ln Webster j-arK. in me receiving party with M's. Riggers were Mmes. Oeoree Andrew.

Chas. M. Avery. William V. Taylor Alfrl K.

Price and Charles N. Warerhouse. At -th runch table. In another room, were Jlr. Euirene Booth nd Mrs.

Charles Kfndrltic and Serving at the dlntng-table were Mmes. Edward A. Clayton. Albert JI. Frllows.

Burton S. Gterand Louis F. Rooth tho guestn present were: Mmes. Geo. W.

Senders Wm. C. Dyer. W. Cornelius Dyer, H.

L. Wilson. W. A. Sifson.

R. A. QuarTes Jnrtln Kendrick, Fred Chase, SL W. War- ren. Chas.

Dyer, II. Gore. Walter A1W. George Watson. C.

Martin, C. W. Clark. Harry Allen. I'almer, Uoser Annan.

K. M. Cushlng; Jllwes Marjory Dau-Mjn, Ruth Grunt, Canle Chase, E-ther Watson, Lilian Graves, Katherlnu Aveiy, Sarah Avery, Kathcrlne Kndrlck. Jlyra and Helen Skinner. Mrs.

Jiiitin Kendrlck and Miss Katherlne Kendrlck returned Thursday fiom La Salle, where the latter recently was graduated. Mla Joel Laposkey of Texas leturned with them. A large party of Welisterlans. with several St. Louis people, will depart Julv 3 for a fr-umner at V.uup.ika, Wis.

Amonr them are: Mr. nnd Mrs. George W. Sanlers and Jilts Mabel Saiidcrn. Mr.

and Frank Canter, with their children: Mrs. C. -M. Skinner. Mvra.

Helen and Julia Skinner. Walter and Sidney Skinner; Mr. C. M. Avery and her family nf children.

M-" Sarah Avery and JI sr Ruth Grant. Doctor Fred Chase mother is visiting his family for a lew days. -Miss Carrie Chase returned irom a visit to Columbia Monday. Mr. and Mrs.

Gcorg D. Barron and children departed froul -Mexico Wednesday for New York, where thry will spend at least a year. Mr Vinton SI--on. has been in Southwest Missouri with a lunoins irty, has just accepted a lucrutie lositlon In Alie-Sheny Cltv. Mrs.

Alfred K. Prince--. sSUr. Mrs. Iy-lsh-ton.

of Chicago. Is visiting her Mrs. J. Grtit-t and daughter. Esther, returned from Newark on Thursday.

Judge MiKtlchun. who has purchased the old SylveMtr Walls place. Is making extensive changes in It. to Its occupation by his faml'y. Mrs.

Marrhall 1 nker and Mrs. George Morton rt turned Tuesday from a house party at the countrv home of Jlrs. Thomas Metcalfe at I'lasa. III. Miss Lucy Xickervon of St.

Iouls 1-r the guest of Miss Hilzabeth Cherboniiier. JIlss E.lse Jams is speiKiing lilt- week wltli her cousin. Miss X.inine Ciiasiang. Miss Florence Tush was the guest cf Mrs. George I'- fce'jmour lat week.

Mis. Har-y an. htr sun. Hugh, of Canton, are guests of Mjjor and Jlrs. J.

T. Jlrs. Pricilla Tta-dale of St. Louis has lcen visiting Mis. Ocar Iteld of Aslibrook plac.

Mrs. Charles A Cunningham and her sons hac departed for the Gulf Coast remain the re'st ot the summer. Mrs. William II. Tiflln has returned from visit to lier parents in Kansas.

Mrs. T. L. Curr.o and her daughter. Miss Maude, of New York City, are; the guests I of Mr.

and Mrs. William I. Currle. Miss Martha Garth lias returned to her i hurne in Manchester after a visit to her grandmother. Mrs.

It. I-iton. I Mr. and Mrs. K.

T. Blow have ifiven up their residence- on El.zahelli avenue and moved into their new home in Larkln I Marlon Uesloge lias been the guest of Jlrs. Thomas 'H. The ladles of the t-re'-uj teriati Church gave an ice-cream social on the chlircU lawn Friday eenlng to the chlldien or the Sunday school.

bT. LOI IS Mis. Joseph C. Draily, who has been visiting her parents. Mr.

and Mrs. J. T. Ap pier, has returned to hit nume in Hrown. Tex.

Mrs. Gorman CrevelliiK. who hns been visaing relatives in Clav ton the last two months, will depart to-ni'irrovv evening for her home In. San Luis Potosl. Mexico.

Robert GreentMder entertained the members ot the Clavtun Public Schuol graduating clans with a lawn party at lii3 father's home in Olivette Thursday iiirjht. The members of the class, accompanied by their teacher. P.orence Stephenson, and their principal. Murie I Turner, went to the Griensfelder home from Clajton in a hay wagon. lwanl and 5IIs3 Minor, both of Sprlngiield.

were visiting their aunt. Mrs. EI Henderson, in Bridgeton. last week. The ladies of the Methodist Church In Clayton will held a missionary tea at the home of Mrs.

William Wengkr. In Clayton, next Thursday afternoon. Maud of WelIion was visiting Miss ltuth Harris in Clavlon for several davs last week. Miss Florence Higglnbotham of Kinloch Park has gone to Denver. to visit her parents.

She will remain there the rest of the summer. Mls Theresa Pondron of St. Louts was the guest last week ot Mrs. Jesse Moynl-han. in Florissant.

Mrs. Josiephlne Graham of St. Louis has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mar-nultz in Meramec Highlands during the last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Corwln of Meramec Highlands havu mo'ed to Granite City. where they will make their future home. EAST ST.

LOl'IS. Mrs. Kathcrlne Parneii of Chicago Is the guest of Mrs. A. Dill, in Hall street.

Miss Addle Carr ls visiting friends in Decatur, 111. Mrs. James Bradley is visiting her daughter at Salem. Miss Mildred Tate departed last week for Mississippi. Mlsi Lela Launtz Is vlsitins In Kansas.

Misses Hattie and Kdna Murphy are vlsit-Inc In Louisville. Ky. '1 Miss M. Lunev has returned to her home In St. Louis, after a -visit to Mrs.

M. J. IZddy. Misses Delia nnd Vera. Breneke have gone to Nashville.

Ill Miss Xcliio Foster of Illinois avenue Is vlsitins- Odin. 111. Sirs. r. Sams has returned from a visit in Granite City.

Miss Adda Mendith or is vlsltlnc ber sister. Mrs. J. D. Aden.

Miss Odessa Shields of Kansas City, ls the guest of Miss Ophel.a Fekete. Mrs. Robert Manley of Indianapolis, Is visiting ln this city. M'ss Ruth Stephens has returned from a visit In Flora. 111.

Miss Gralnoy departed last night for Edwardsvllle to spend the summer. James Allen and daughter of Webster, are visiting Sir. and Mrs. Lon Harper. Miss Emma Teacu? of Duquoln, Is the guest of Mrs.

E. Freeman. Mrs. C. Jennings of Kansas City.

Is visiting Mrs. L. Fekete. Miss Octavla Hiward has returned to her home In St. Louis, alter a pcisant visit in East St.

Louis with Mrs. Jav Howard. Mr. and Mrs. S.

Sevand cf St. Liuis are the guests ot Jlr. and Mrs. C. R.

Hessrlch of Chartrand avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Charle3 F. Marker of Missouri avenue entertalred friends Thursday evening in h-nor of their first wedding anniversary.

The parlors of their home were decorated In cut flowers and notted palms. At o'clock supper was served. The guests were Messrs), and Mmes. F. Deutschmann.

L. Merkes. Messrs. Fred Deutschmann, Henry Mcrker and MIs- Ida Deutschmann. MAPi.r.w oor.

Mr. W. Sells of Indianapolis. ls visiting his daughter. Jlrs.

Ed Chrnery, of Ana Mrs. Francis Wood of De Soto. and Mrs. A. Halle ot Farmlngton.

were guests of Doctor and Mrs. L. W. Cape last week. Mr.

Eugene Pound will spend the summer In Falcom. Colo. Mrs. Slodwell of Sarah nvenue left the latter part of the week for Kentucky, where-she will srend several weeks vlsitins relatives. Piofessor Lester Major haa accepted the position of organi3t in the Fountain Park Church.

Mrs. J. Hewitt of Lanham nvonue. Mrs. Liman Thomas and Mr3.

M. Marshall of Manchester avenue vls-Ited Mrs. Hewitt's parents. Mr. and Mrs.

J. P. Sapplngton, in Sapplngton, last week. Mrs. Wiedmer of Elicndalc avenue has returned after a pleasant visit with Doctor John Stewart In Holstein, Mo.

The Mls.s?9 Margueretta and Helen Searing of Flora avenue, are home from their trip to Carbondalc, 111. Mr. Harry Ayres will spend the summer In Piasa Bluffs. Mrs. A.

J. Crum spent part of last week In St. Louis. Mr. George Lydford has gone on a business tr to Chicago.

III. Mr. and Mrs. L. Stuckey have returned from Lexington.

Mo here they went to attend the commencement exercises of Lexington Military Acad my. from which Institution their son. George, Graduated this term. Sir. and Mrs.

Jchn Carnahan will summer In Southern Slissourl. The Lad es' Assoc'ailon of the Congregational Church held the final meeting of the session Friday afternoon In the church parlors. Mr. Charles Baker departed last week for tho South on a business trip of two or three weeks" durat'on. Mrs.

Lulu Roper Tatum has returned from New York, where she was studying for the fiage. a severe tnroai irouwe necessitated her return. The mothers' meeting of the W. C. T.

U. was held Monday afternoon at the residence of Mrs. W. A Colby. T' noKn nas rtiurnea to Ills Dome after a vsit with Mr.

and Jlr. j. -jv. Hogan has returned to his home Mrs. W.

A. Celbv Jlr. A. E. Stone ls snendlng a few days at his home in Eraser Park.

Jlr. William Hayes has returned to his home ln Vlcksburg. JIIsi after a. pleasant visit with his aunt. Mrs.

N. B. Stewart ot Mar'ctta avenue. Special services for the W. C.

T. V. will be held in tho Baptist Church June 29. Tho Reverend W. L.

Nash will preach. Jlr. Barnctt's mother from New Jlexlco ls visiting at hi home on JIarshal! avenue. The Ladles' Aid Society of the Christian Church gave an Ice cream sociable Friday r-venins on the Itwn nf the church, which proved to be a very pleasant afTalr. The musical and literary entertainment given for the benetit of the Jlaplewood Congregational Church recently, under the auspices ot'Mrs.

Charles Baker, was great success. The handsome sum realized was r7 rf The only RUST-PROOF CORSETS made. Look on the belt. Ease and good figure combined. $1.00 to $3.00 per Pair.

SOLD BY Mtfflclent to clear the debt for which the entertainment was given. The Reverend Doctor Hoffman is building-a handsome residence In Ellcndate Home place, and will be joined by his family, now in Columbia, as soon as the house la completed. Mr. Merrltt Marshall will replace the building lately destroyed by fire with a substantial brick structure as soon as possible. Mr.

A. J. Tufts has taken a hoJse on Arthur avenue. Mip. Uhr.g has rented the Jackon house umi win remain uieir uuiihk liic nuiiiuict.

Mrs. Charles Green, formerly of Maple-wood. Is lying- beriously 111 at her home In Syracuse, N. Y. Mr.

Eugene Hunzlker was graduated from the Manual Training School of Washington University this June. The graduating exercises were held at the Odeon, St. Louis, on Wednesday evening, June 18. and Mrs. M.

McCrady of St. Louts are being entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Ames of Sarah avenue for a few days. Irving Lodge, No.

253. Knights and I.a- I dies of Honor, gave a successful entertaln-mtnt on June 17, at May's Hall, In honor of Grand Protector John D. O'Keefe and nis staff of officers. A number of choice musical selections were rendered by Freda Kleinsmlth. Rose Goldman and Dorene Myers.

Litle Mis. Victoria Ph'li-bert's piano solo and Master Jake Liber-stein's violin selections almost brought the houe down. Miss France" Bearman recited "The Maniac." with fine effect. Refreshments were served during the "after which dancing was Indulged In until the wee sma hours of the morning. All together.

It was a most delightful affair. Irving Lodqe feels quite elated over the acquisition of Its new slano. KHIKWOOD. Miss Harriet Whyte of Washington avenue deDarted Monday for Indianapolis. where she and her mother, Mrs.

J. G. Whyte, will make a short visit with Cotter (nee Whyte)) before going to Boston for the summer. They have rented their house to Mr. Shallcross and family of St.

Louis. Miss Mabel Bawn gave an original "linen shower" last week for Miss- Fanlta Mitchell. Many beautiful pieces wer brought. Sirs G. L.

Edwardsj also entertained Miss Mitchell with a yellow-and-whlte luncheon. The refreshments were most artistic. Miss Mitchell having placed before her a yellow ladles' slipper, with a white bow. Among the early goers ls Miss Skeele, who departed on Friday for Colorado. Miss Skeele will probably spend the summer there, visiting friends and' relatives.

Mrs. J. S. Lowry of No. 423 North Taylor avenue, St.

I-ouis. gave a tea to the ladles of Kirkwood who attended the Cincinnati festival. Among the number were: Mesdames J. L. Blair.

J. H-Rlcker. Randolph Mitchell. D. S.

Brown. u. ij. tAiwarns. u.

M. iicLean, Th Misses Franklin, with Mrs. James Porteousi as chaperon, have gone to the Pacific Coast. They nil! not return until fall. Mrs.

F. II. Rlcker of 1G Parkland place, St Louis, gave an afternoon tea for Jllss Fanlta Mitchell of Kirkwood. The guests were entertained by some playing ping-pong, while others proved their knowledge of geography ln a guessing game. The first prize, a fan, was won by Miss Mitchell.

Miss Flo Livan won the second prize. Other prizes were won by tho guests. After most elaborate refreshments-, the Kirk-woodlans boarded the car for home. The First Presbyterian Church gave their Rnnual Sunday-school picnic at Fern Glen on Saturday. The usual p'cnlc games amused tho children, while the Meramec River afforded a splendid opportunity for rowing.

Three cars were attached to the M. P. train at Kirkwocd. leaving at 8:10 a m. and returo'ng at 5'10 p.

m. Mr. G. L. Edwards and Mr.

C. O. Evans. ha the picnic In charge. And It was one ot the best on record.

The Kirkwood MU'tary Academy held tl elr commencement exercises on Thursday night. Professor Haight had the excr-clfes In charge and It was a pleasing en-tertairment The graduates were: Cadet Harry S. Scaling, Cadet Rob-rt H. Thompson. Cadet George W.

Scaling, Cadet George R. Whltmore. Jllss Laura JIcDonald cf New Tork Is now at ss Jlttchell's. whose bridesmaid she expects to be next week. The BBlscocal Church had their Sunday school picnic on Thursday at Meramec Highlands.

The day being a perfect one. many attended. Rowing was the chief feature ot amusement. I The class of '02 of the Kirkwood High School gave their closing exercises- on Tuesday evening. The hall was tastefully decorated with daisies, the -class colors being yellow, white nnd green.

Those comprising the classi were: Jllss Edith Alter. Miss Edna Bat run. Jlirs JI. Brassard. Jllss L.

Liu-termllch. Jlr. II. Brashear, Jlr. Lee Monroe, Jlr.

H. White. Jlrs. E. Winter and Jllss E.

Jludd. The class motto was "By Virtue and Labor." Jlr. Charles Knapp of Chicago Is now at the home of Mrs. C. O.

Evans of South Webster avenue. Jlrs. John Hamilton of North Jlnln street Is nuite ill with fcarict fever. JlrT ar.d Jlrs. Joe Jlatthews (nee Jones) are visiting Mrs.

Captain Jonc3 of Taylor avenue. Jlr. and Jlrs. E. C.

King have rented their cottage to Jlrs. Havre, of St. Louio and have gone to Joplln to visit Jlrs. King's mother, Mrs. Rogers.

BOER SYMPATHIZERS MAY HAVE POISONED MULES. 2sew Orleans Story Offers Explanation for Diseases Among Uritish Animals. New Orleans, June 21. It has developed about the boarding-houses where the sailors and muleteers were recruited for the British during the South African War. according to a story printed here to-day 111 the States, that the diseases now raging in South Africa among the live stock there are dui to Inoculations made at this port by Boer sympathizers and disgruntled mule- icrrs piayiiijr.

even wun tne Bruise. It Is said the virus used was secured from a Philadelphia chemist and that It consisted mostly of charbon and glanders. It ls also stated now that the British suspected that this Crime was belnir eonaranrlr cimmltted and for that reason removed their headquarters from this city to Jlcn-treal. The Incoulatlons. it Is stated, were also made in Lathrop, so that It was neces sary to oreai; up mat camp as well.

The British are now retaliating, so it Is Intimated, by refusing entrance of Louisiana cattle ln South Africa. Diamonds Are specialty with HESS CCLBERTSOK. Corner Sixth and Locust Sts. YOU.VG filRL ASSAULTED Katie Marcus, 13 years old, who lives with her parents at rc. am ivortn rwenty-nrst street, reported to the police yesterday that she had been assaulted by a strange man In a vacant lot.

on Newstead, between Carter and Anderson avenues, Friday night. She was on her way to the grocery from the home ot Joseph Strotjest. at No. 4121 Anderson avenue, where she Is employed, when the stranger seized her. She was afraid to cry cut, because he threatenea to Kill her 11 she did.


Models of net and cotton tapes, all as diaphanous in the Summer frocks. Stand the severest rust-proof test in the warmest temperature. Looked upon by corset experts as the best expression of corset art shape, materials, finish, trimming. OUR PATTERN DEPARTMENT. 80 Cents Each io Cents.

V.l "sK-PX I I eSse? 1 1 rOfSS-SSe'Vj? 4 8659 LADIES WAIST vyrTH ELBO'w' SLEEVES 8057-LADES' CIRCULAR SKIRT Waist 32, 34, 36, 3S, 40 and 42 inch bust. Skirt, 22, 24, 2 23 30, 32 and 34 inch waist. FIVE GORED SKIRT WITH CIRCULAPf FLOUNCE. 122. 21.

26, 28, 30, 32 and 34 inch waist. I1K St'HE AM) FILL IN YOl'R CORRECT TOST OFFICE ADDRESS. TUP rcpiiri IP; nnncp ni Send 10- cents (one silver dime) to The Republic Pattern Department. Republic building, for EACH pattern ordered, and Inclose this blank, properly ailed out -with juui jiaiiic, anu uusi ur waist measure ior eacn pattern oraerea. Xo.

SC55. Ladles' Waist, with elbow sleeves. Price 10 cents. Bust measure ta No. S313.

Matinee. Price 10 cents. Bust measure .1 Inches No. SHi Ladles' five-gored Skirt, with circular flounce. Price 10 cents.

Waist In. No. S34J. Ladles' tucked Waist. Price 10 cents.

Bust measure NAME POST OFFICE STREET DROWNED IN HELL GATE. Five Men in a Boat Upset One Could Not Swim. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. New York. June 2L Struggling desperate ly in tne swm rusning waters or Little Gate, between Ward's and Randall's Island, fivo men who had left th.s city In a round-bottom rowboat.

fought for their lives late ln the afternoon when their little craft was sunk. Fcur of them were good swimmers and they made heroic efforts to save a tlfth companion, who could not swim. Eac" took turns In trying to keep, him above water, but their strength failed them and they were finally compelled to let eo and watch him drown. Then, after a desperate swim the others managed to get to ward's Isiand. The five men were Nell Relllv.

Michael Touhey. Thomas Walsh, Joseph Gucrslns and Herman Wllklns. Grand Jnrr Selected. The Bonn! cf bupervlsors of Jersey Coaity has I appointed the members nt the Crand Jury for I the Seotember term of th Jenwv fnnntv- tjourt. which will be convened at on for the Guarantee Stamp ALL RETAILERS.

e-WH-Ladifi' TucVtd Wiirt. 8205-Ladiet' Circular Sfcirt. Waist, 32, 34, 35, 38 and 40 inch bust Skirt, 22, 2i, 26, 2S, 30, 32, 31 iacli waisi. MIS-LADIES' MATINEE. i S2, 34, S6j 33 and 40 inch vsC hixv fou ajt PAOTEnxiAM) SIZE'S -VOIKIT-AIIOVK.

WLrd Itliltoul. Petpr Jarahun. Ajdelott, Garrett S. Craig: JtrJey. MalSf Carlln Shnri.i Mr J- Carlin.

Jchn JI. Shortai jiuuivr. uavna laui luu.r rrni.m dale. Charles Cteason: Kuyle. Samuel J.

'hb(a WOULD BE A GOOD'AMERICAN. New I'ork Lad Resists Attempt to Send Him to Scotland. REPUBLIC SPECIAL New Tork. Jun- 2L Jlr. Jo'm Miller of Greenpolnt brought his 11 year-tMd nephew, Robert, before Surrogate Church In Th.e bo' In his oitS right.

The uncle wished to hint to Uto with relatives ln Scotland. I don't want to go to Europe. Judee" said the boy I want to be an American ut- Ir yu sent to Scotland I won't stay there. I'll wprk hard to get money enough to pay my fare back: to this country, and I'll come on the, first-steamer. The Surrogate was' pleased with the boy's "Pint, and said he.

would try to arrnmrnr 7f v- iiunr inn. am-. csss: iir J1 Ilfnsnn: l'laa. Charles Lone Ku. f-ent: CJuarrv.

John Watson. Joseph Ket-vn," a i 1 A 1 U-r 'ytsiig, J-Zyyi0i.

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