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The Waco News-Tribune from Waco, Texas • Page 35

Waco, Texas
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II-4ENERM. HELP WIN WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED 34-SITUATIONS WANTED SO-MISCELUNEOUS Thursday Oct 25 SO-NISCELUNEOUS 1973 ihf Nfttifl-S'riliuitf Waco Texas- 5S-fURNlTUNE -Page 5 Exporioncod Air Conditioning txtry 1120 muso ApOty pcrton TEXACO TRAViL CENTEX duct man. uood pay, paid ihomwa vacation, profit sharing plan, steady work. We will pay moving expenses to Waco. 10CHR1D6E-PRIEST 126 UKE AW 722 0670 An Equii Opportunity AVON CHUCWIN BACK TO SCHOOL? You ttn thty iMrn.

Bo on AVON You'll hivo your own your own hoiiti, your own oirnlnflt now 772 0110, In McLtnnon County, ft Clifton CARHOPS WAITRESSES Will or Ovtr IS Apply porton ONLY RESTAURANT 19th ft Ptrk AMBITIOUS ADULT COUPLES or ind.vidu»!! who went Incama. call 662-0076 for BOPt YEUOW CHECKER CAB CO. wanttd. 19 or ovtr Apply in parwjn to 606 So 1 Hh MALE-FEMALE Mttura ptrton far ratpontibla managar poti tion of driva inn reitaurant Battar than average wages for right parson Training period tan start at once Send name, phone number iniormation to 0 7850, Waeo, 76710. THOUSAND Of PEOPLE ara adding to thair income With just a few a week, you can do it tool for appt 662-0351 HOUSEKEEPER, live in.

driva own ear 2 school children, retired lady OK 772-0540 BODY METAL MEN Can you retire in 20 years? We have a plan ONE AUTO METAL MAN ONE TRUCK METAL MAN Commission, satsry, or both, oermarrant post tion All company banafits including ratira ment plan See Tom Yuli Duncan Buick Co. Duncan Truck Sales Co. 3500 franklin, 3333 So IH 36 NEED EXPERIENCED UPHOLSTER 752 9781 ELM MOTT MANUFACTURING COMPANY Needs fop notch Individual for plant produe lion foreman job Bsckgroond In construction helpful Call Texas Prestressed Concrete ELM MOTT, TEXAS LOOKING FOR HELP for company branch Opoortunity for per week Apply 7528350 for 10 til 2 only hahdresssr David Bevarty Beauty Salon 753-0311 TRUCK MECHANIC Good pay, must have own hand and be eiperienced fleet Truck Service. 6003 West Waco Dr 772-039P SALESMAN Oebtt salesman for Waco, up to Si 50 weak 10 start which incraata monthly Futura managamarn oooodunity. FuH company Expananead or inaxpariencad.

Complata training program for imarview call Lou Gibson, 817 1031, between 8 ft 1 FRIDAY TYPt general office work Great olaca 10 spend each day Call Becky Barge. EVINS PERSONNEL CONSULTANTS 1825 Austin Avenue 756-5321 TOP NOTCH Secy all skills finanieai rtsponsi bility excel opty for adv $500 Em WANTED FOR warahousi-purchaslng ft inventory controll Must be exptriencad Sand resuma to Fab Knit Mtg Co 1415 No 4th Waco, Tax 76707 WANT TO WORK? Save time and energy Let the show you how Call SaMy Casa. EVINS PERSONNEL CONSULTANTS 1826 Austin, 766-6321 LOT COWBOY TRAINEE raoutrmg horse handling exparienee, starting salary $2 50 hr Plus home Apply In person Warner Feed Lot, 8 So of Waco 3rd St Downsvilla WANTED PERSON FOR COUNTER SALES industrial axoarienca preferred High School education required Apply Purvis Bearing Sarviea 2413 Frardilin WANTED DAY COOKS and cooks assistant, alto nurtat-atda, 3-11 and 117 shifts Apply Bellmead Nursing HOma, 4601 Wicontm 7996581 HELP WANTED, apply in person after 6 pm 2112 LaSaHe. Cirtte Drive In Theatre IXFfRIENCE SiBVICE Station attendant with loeal reference Apply in pertort Hooker Tex aco. 28yh 8i Gorman DEPENDABLE Motor needed, no col lacting.

men or women, all Dallas Mornirrg 772-7851 QUINIUS PEST CONTROL Opening For Temp Service 2089 Franklin 752 4441 FASHION TWO -TWENTY 2511-13 Grim 752-7991 MTST TRAINEE If you like to type.then this It perfect for you $315 Call Mary at 752-9711 SnellingftSnelling Per Svc 403FNB LVN WANTED 3-11 shift, full time, parttime, 11-7AM, 7 nights weekiy choica of nights can be arranged Park Nursing Home 1201 McLennan, Mart Homar Price 876-2531. PUBLIC RELATIONS $10,400 to start. Wa staffing 60 locations in US Call Len 752-9711 SnellingftSnelling Per SvC 403FNB security HS educ Exp $5100 fimo raise 40ht wk Pd ms Call Bob Bohn 752-9711 SnallingftSnelhng Per Svc 403FN8 WAITRESS OR BARTENDER Needed Fulltime ft evening shift Apply In person 9 to 10 am or after 5 pm Bar, 18th ft Columbus. DRAFTING Exp nlcetwiH trein if sharp 8 5 Mosp Pd vac $6200 Call Temi Lee 752-9711 SnallingftSnatling Per Svc 403FNB iiiisllDES Experience needed for alt shifts Immediate openings now available. Come by 2329 North 39th Street between 9 am ft 6 pm OFFICE CLERK Auto titia and or warranty claims experience desirable Must be good typist and use 10 key adding mechine 40 hr week Permanent Catl Mr Cowan 752 9737 WANTED EXPERIENCED WAITRESS.

Apply in person between 2 pm. 4 pm Cathay Mouse REstaurant, 1009 Wooded BUTCHERS HELPER apply in person only 312 Hillsboro Drive NEED CRANE or Tfainee Please mail inquiry to 0 Box 1175, Waco, Tx 76703 LADY FOR PART Time work in office at large apt complex Need individual to work full time Many com pany benafitt Call personnel office 776-1301 An Equal Opportunity Employer NEED LABOR with commercial for steady work Apply 321 South 6th, Byford ft EXPERIENCED PORTER 5 day wk, company benefits See Jerry Ctow, 772-6330 FRANK WEAVER PONTIAC Charge nurses, all Apply 820 Jeffrey or call 772 9480 GENERAL OFFICE, typing, writing orders invoicirrg, filing, a good deal $400 COLVIN CONSULTANT EMPL 753 0216 MOULDER OPERATOR ft ash and door man for custom woodwork Must be capable of grindirMJ ft making set Top pay ft liberal company Apply in person to Khoury, 1129 Webster, no phone Experienced Fry Cook Needed Night shift, 40 wk. off on Sun day Chatham's Drive In 4216 West Waco Dnve BARMAID WANTED 6 day wk good wages Apply to Agnes Sportsman's Lounge, 809 Austin, no phone calls please NEED RECEPTIONIST In nice new office Gen skills ft willing to learn Catl Kay at 75? 9711 Per Svc 403FNB EXPERIENCED FRY CDDK TOP PAY FOR nUALIFlED PERSON Old Town Restaurant 754 4862 SHEET METAL Layout, brsakiog oi spot welding $2 hr Raise in 2 mos Call len 752-9711 Pet Svc 403FNB WANTED TRUCK Diive's to rmerafe tanrJem dump trucks on Rip-Rap hauls it Laka Waco Also wsnt to hire tractor truekiki to pull Oiir cable dump on Rip-Rao haul at lake Waco Phone Calcon. Inc 772-9636 PRESTIGE POSITION for skilled sec'y fast advancement Cell Kay Rich 762-9711 SnellingftSnelling Per Svc 403FNB HELP WANTED $400 PER MO starting salary plus pd. vaca tion, group insurance ft other benefits Apply person Must have past permanent work Apply in person 100 Elm.

Must be ettractive poised $400 Call Mary at 752 9711 SnetlingftSnellmg Per Svc 403FNB. CABINETMAKER Experienced, liberel KENT MILL ft 3193, 77-2461 ----------------------------------------------------OFFICE CLERK Will train hard worker $340 Cashiering ebiiity helpful Cell Kay 752 9711 SnellingftSnelling Per Svc 403FN8. On all Apply Beverly Manor 401 Owen Lane MGT TRNEI Stay in Waco Move to mgt after irng Call Len 7b? 9711 SnellingftSnelling Per Svc 40 JFNB SERVICE MGR. DPENING Need experienced service manager wuh retail sales exper in passenger, truck ft tractor lire sales Apoiienats with retail experience Contact Arthur Swart? at the Firestone Store, 7lh ft Washington, WacO, Texas An Equal Opportunity Employer NURSES AIDE Evening shift to move to day shift $300 Call Mary Dean at 752 9711 SnellingftSnelling Per 403FNB MANAGER TRAINEE No experience nei.essary Paid while training Apply in person after 6 PM at Circle Orive-ln Threater sales $8400 Hard worker good attitude fttos Retirement plan Ceil Bob Boim 762 9711 SnellingftSnelling Per Svc 403FNB WANTED DISHWASHER Apply after 4 pm Executive Club 1001 Lake An Or COLLECTIONS 000 Group vac Retue Call Tami Lee 9711 Per Sve 403FNB FINISH carpenter permanent )ob, will do repair ft paneling PM 756 2071 11 PM 7AM, 6PM 12AM wk or wkend Type, housework. fact work etc 754 .1933 aft 6 pm.

PRIVATE DUTY Nurse, experienced, phone PL3 4430 or PL3-5627 WORK WITH Elderly people or children in home ft live in 753-3230. MARRIED FEMALE College student, 3 office work 5 yr. clerk typist exp 756 1404 afl 3 pm. 35-CHILO CARE FffiS BLAW'S KINDERGARTEN Preschool Modified Montesson Day Care Speech 2524 Austin 754 3207 State Licensed, 752-7536, 3524 Fredrick WILL BABYSIT For working mother my home, children 3 yrt ft under Crestview schl. 776-2624 EDUCATIONAL VETERANS Ask about our approved CALL FOUR COLLEGE, VETERANS AND NON-VETERANS LEARN PRINTING Learn priniing for a lifetime career which wiil offer you opportunity, satisfaction, and Ity Dernsnd for is widespread You are always assured of steady irrcome year and year out No season Income is far higher than other manufacturing SOUTHWEST SCHOOL OF PRINTING, HUNTSVILLE, TEXAS DIESEL TRACTOR TRAILER Driver training by Ryder Short home study jHowed by on the ng experience at one of our giant training centers Approved lor Vet Edue for location, intormariion call 776-1180 RYDER TECHNICAL INSTITUTE 401 Loop 340 Waco.

Texas 76710 Home Office. Ailama, INSTRUCTIONS LEARN TO SEW Individual Instruction, all problems, your hours Lucilie Mohler 756 5192, HAVE OPENING FOR Additional p.ano stu dent harold Wiftner Call aher 5 pm 77,7 5641. 2509 43rd LIFE INSURANCE AGENTS Do you wont: To earn $16,000 or more a year? To spend 85 pci. of your time with protpeett, not proipecting? To hove 95 pet. of your appt.

accepted? To write a millidn face value or more yeor, every year? To whole life policy that the con afford? To use proven soles system that you con leom in paid school? To represent a group of companies eroting in 50 states and 17 foreign countries that is growing rapidly with many opportunities in management? To hove on $800 per mo. minimum guorontee to start? FOR DETAILS IN A PERSONAL INTERVIEW CALL: MR. THERON HOWELL B17-772-9440 Oct. 24 25 9 A.M. to 6 P.M.

Equal Opportunity Employer EXPERIENCED 4679 BRICK Layer heloers WANTED EXPERIENCED ELECTRICIAN 756 COOK ft KITCHEN HELPER FRANCIS hospital 752-0311 HELP WANTED WE NEED 2 employees I with baste know ledge of Oich 360 off set with basic knowladga ol Bindery equipment Phone 753 6400 after 4 pm WELDERS WANTED Exper shop welders Appty person only Pipnoer 91? loop Or NEED RECEPTIONIST In nice new office Gen skills ft willing to learn Cali Kay at 762 9711 9 ftSnelling Per Svc 403FNB AIDES ft ORDERLIES wanted on all Apply Bevarty Manor 401 Lane MOSLEY MACHINERY INC. Old Dallas Waco, Texas NEEDS WELDERS and MACHINISTS Apply in person. No phone calls, please. An Iquel Empleyer HDIIDAY EMPLOYMENT SERVICE MACHINE SHOP TRAINEE $355 MECH TRAINEEI4I $465 RT DEL $760 TRANSPORT DR $57S DRWER SALES PEP $WX) MANAGEB $600 OFFICE EXEC CLERK TYPIST (55 $365 KEYPUNCH (EXP) $375 general $145 528 NEW ROAD 77? LIKE PEOPLE. VARIETY Li typinq.hling "Odd (Obs $300up Great Call Kay Rich 752-9711 Per Svc 401fN8 BODY SHOP MANAGER Combination body paint ft estimating new 5 stall (aciiity Excellent James Fullei Service Manager Woody Jackson Chevrolet McOREGOR B4U l.wii CASHIER If you like to work then you'll love job $3CX3 Call Mary 752 9711 SneMingftSneiimg Per 403FNB STAfF ACCOUNTANT Start to $12,000 porgressive firm CAii Dsn Rots 7760600 Stone ft Stone imp WYiew Bank BIdg CLERICAL AIDE Help wuh oPice Greet clients $310 Ouir call Kay Rich ot 752 9711 SnellingftSnelling Per SvC 403FNB ROUTE S7U.

es Advance very Qu-fkiy Will Tram National co Can Len 75? 9711 SnellingftSnelling Per SVc 403FNB KNOW ABOUT Experience earn $10,000 a year Dana Smith. EVINs PERSONNEL CONSULTANTS 1825 Aushm 756-5321 SALES MGT TRNEE $7800 Salary Berrehts incl group msftpension Can ten 752 971' Per Svc 40eFNB AKE CHARGE OFFICE MANAGER Need mature, good solid bookeeoer Saiarv commensurate with experience and abinty Send resume and photo, with experience background and Box 762B Waco Tribune-Heraid- Outstanding typist College prelerred $500 Cali Mary 752-9711 SnellingftSnelling Per Svt 403FN8 Want Get Results BRICK MASON Helper LOOR INSTALLATION: Custom work coverings Good hfs $6700 Call Bob Bohn 762-9711 SnellingftSnelling Per Svc 403FNB DIRECTOR Of Nuftes Salary open Many Innge bene'its Conraci administration. Municipal Hospcta AC 214 875-3837 TRAINEE Meehan aplitude Advancement in salary ft position $40rx) Call Tarm Lee 9711 SnellingftSnelling Per Svc 401FNB HAIR DRESSER needed full or partiime Vil lage Beauty Salon Robmson, 662-0411 SAi ES REP- Expanding co seeks those w7 initiative Work variety $7800 Call Tami 752 9711 SnellingftSnelling Per Svc 403FNB WAITRESSES NEEDED No Wust Spill shifts fo miAGE BARN RESTAURANT Field REP: Career edvancemern program Natl CO Pd insftben $5100 Call Bob Bolm 75c 9711 Per Svc 403FNB WANTED TRUCK Dnver with comn.ercial license, hr Starting pay Call htj. 0483 or 753-5963. SALES TRNEE Aoqressive indivFlex vac radius $6000 Call Tami Lee 75.

5711 Sr-ehingftSneMing Per Svc 40iFNB SMinpiNG CLERK State co fiex hr or I'lnfit snaieftms $5700 Call Bob Bohn 75? 9711 Sr Per S-vC 4Q3FNB. MERCHANDISE GARAGE SIGN When you place your Garage Sate Ad to appear in the Classified Section of the and Times Herald, be sure to pick up a SIGN It will identify your house as the Iota tion of the Advertised Garage Sale Wallpaper in stork, Linoleum, $1 4i Sq Yd All types latex paint ROBERTS 914 Elm RUTH'S MART ft THRXT SHOP Closed for vacation Reopen Ocf 30 3527 Memorial WE BUY FURNITURE One Item or a houteftill 7560636 FENDER BASS guitar ft Ampeg large amp Both hka new $.350, Spider 2 ipd lulo Like new $20 753 7176 STRETCH STITCH Sawing (8! Nationally advertised brand, all the new stretch stitches, front loading bobbin, built in bunonhole, btind-hem and decotaiivt stitches You will save over $200 on this too of the line model Easy available United Freight Sales. 632 Valley Or 9-7, Seturday 9-6 BEDROOM SET Iff 85 Beautiful Spanish 4 pc bedroom tets Hand rubbed weiniit linnh 3 only eva-i-sble nr tetms at UNITED FREIGHT SALES. 63? North VeMcy Drive, weekdays 9-7 Saturday 9 6 SEV7ING MACHINES ($491 We have (10) brand new 1973 sewmg mech.nes for salt $49 each These full sewmg fealure round lever contrnt for cate in stdth selection, built-m darner. monogrsmmmg, end embroidery stitch UNITED FREIGHT SALES 632 Valley Mills Drive.

9 7 Saturday 9 6 ALMA'S CERAMICS Discount 20 oct ceramic paint, moulds i price 1701 Clark UNREDEEMED BARGAINS' 3 PC STEREO TAPE PLAYfRS DIAMOND RINDS WATCHES GUITARS TYPEWRITERS NEW YORK LOAN 806 Austin l-iee Parking WOOD DINING SETS Table and 4 hardwrmn Chaus Stain and heat resistant table lop pniyi $159 Cash or New dining furnrtuie includes Spanish, Early American, and Mediterf.inean styles, with matching China cabmets UNITED FREIGHT sales. 6.32 North Valley Mills Dtive. Week- 9 7. Saturday 9 6 DANISH LR SUITE, chest ft onrt washer gas range, dme'te, 4 cha is, gas hea tifs, othei furn 826 16 SEWING Repossession up to $150 Discount Used machines $12 50 up Pay repair bal only 3 only Freight Damaged, 25 pet Discounts WARREN SEWING MACHINE CO 3615 Franklin 762 0411 FOR sale Set of 4 Cragor SS 14 rims $120 Also 71 model 360. 71 engme power pack heads, 4 barrel intake, complete $750 Call 754 6387 FOR SALE Antique upright piano $125 Ca'i 755 9 til 4 Mon thru Fn LORD Acre Festival Auction Antiques Oct 10 am til 4 pm.

Service Memor.i!! Methodist Church, 3600 Memorial Drive Spaghetti Dinner $1 GARAGE SALE Wed. Thur. ft Tn Dimng rm table ft chairs, round kit. table ft ehaus. 1 twin bed, sofa, what knot shelves, si-me clothes, curtains, typewriter, misc Ethel LIKE TO READ, but tired of paying new high or even 172 Then why pay more? Shop 7 days a wk at Bergien Used Bookstore, 716 V.

25th, 8 am to 8 om Buy- Sall-Trade-All kinds pocket books comics, mags, novels, etc No one sells books cheaper than we do CLOSE OUT sale of Flatware 26 gold plated $10 limited number sii- verpisie real Sales Ideas, Inc 5009 Fort Ave (One block North of West Waeo Drive, Righi Behind Cameiot Inn FREE USED LUMBER Also lumber for sale reasonable Call 756 1139 or 756 4838 GARAGE SALE 4012 Homan Thurs, Fn, Sat Tools, dishes, ft so forth Everyone welcome PATIO sale furo, glessware. heater mist 3840 Sherry Lane USED LEE Carpet, Herd twist ft pad $1 50 per sq yd 76? GARAGE sale 3028 Robinson Or, (Off C-r del Antiq, dishes, irg site ladies, all sue men's ft children mtsc, GARAGE sale, Fn bed spreads, step table, captam cf-air. lamps, 1725 Live Oik GARAGE SALE 634 7 Fn. Sat. Sun ONLY Very good things, 5r, 10c.

25c, ft 50c Good record player, radio lots of avon bot ties, dishes, some of everything Waco Circle Flea Market OPEN TO pueuc CHURC ft SORORITY GROUPS WELCOME 1 bik So of Circle on Hwy 77 rental space rtav Daylight to dark Open Sat ft Sun Specials $1 On Sat only for mo of Oct Herring 66? 2919 THE EASHION DEN 208 Cranbrocik 772 8154 Jr's ft ftidy to wear OrMSM ft pantauits LINGERIE'FORMERLY HANDLED by Smith on Avondaia New at 603 Catalina af Sanger ft Petite thru 4X PH 772 3677 54-AHTIQUES ANTIQUES 1212 25 St majestic ANTiflUE RADIO. Early Mmf condition $300 752 7176 6 MATCHING CANE Bottom chsus beautiful call 754 5732 or ANTIQUES-ALL KINDS rURNlTljRf IRON MiSf' 1704 NEW OAI. AS HWK COLLIERS. Where anhqui-i a'p found priced nguf guaranteed Furniture, glass ehma. olheis No 18th, 756 2424 FOR SAi Brown Couch, gold floral seat, ft brown dmetta sal 7537023 TRIPLE DRESSER, mirror, night stand, quaan hatd board $359 95 for $148 Slight fratght damage.

World of Sleep. 1320 lake Air Onve, DINETTE SET, Table ft 4 chain $16 Couch ft chair 116 Baby bed $7 60 Reclmer $5 Ref rigerator, repair $20 Coffee fable 15 Box springs $5 End fable $3 859-5598 I appliances APPLIANCE REPAIR 15 YRS EXP on Kenmore, Whiripoof Serw all makes relng, fresrers ft A Cs Work guar 927 i8ih 7-1836 FREIGHT DAMAGED Rsfiiqs ranges air con o.iiorie,*, DOUBLE DISCOUNT SALVAGE. 306 South 8th, 752 5511 REFRIGERATOR ft Air rigeralcrs ft air conos 7514081 fprid Ref- fpr sale $45 ft up WE BUY FURNITURE APPLIANCFS, TV ETC Marlow Furn 305 So 3rd. 764 8749 ARAGE SALE 1225 .11 St (back) anbq rrirection glass ft bottles good variety ft rriisr GARAGE KA 213 Joyce Norlhcreil Ciqi'-i hp.itphqld goods, lamps spreads ft 2400 OAK CLIFF Garaqi' 'ipfa, gas range, mini ke Eih.r. A ii Bed.

toys etc Go out Bishop to Ml CArmei 1 street to left. Sit. Only BARN FULi Antiques, furniture, guns uuf ki glass etc, 9 am until? 1708 Richter I as range refrigerator 4 Jointer plane 754 J.387 CASE OF Whetstone mix, vycif Cycle Supply. College Station. Sale Thurs pm, 401 32nd War GARAGE SALE 1610 Lyle BRICKMAN SALVAGE 618 ELM iP'H FURN APPl A linoleum 40 g.i' wu htrs $49 Comm C.

FURNITURE 4 p.r. dark 08 h' i'Ti- Ci'i5 4 (- 6R tuitpv With req queen or r. i 59 PC LR ruifes wuh mrt'm' $195 'v 2 pr lR I 59 7 pt i- et'e Bunk beds eomplett h-Ii FURNITURE DISCOUNT CTR 1811 Alexandei RECONDITIONED MAVTAGS Ciuaranteed $39 95 772-8031 WACO APPI CO 5016Franklm REN! A NEW Vayiaq or Wes'-nghouse waf i iir or iliyer Wac 0 Afipiianre Co 5015 franki.n rissar GUARANTEED USED APPLIANCES Gat Pa-- I 1 r-o- AUSTIN-CIOSS USED APPI CENTER $50 USED FUHNlTURF BARGAIN; Used Danish Modem ug Ruom uite Sqt.i. coffee table, two end tati f- two lamps in exredent rnriditior, Also five pc 591 i w-P' room sota ben i nwiy II -ll M-I-. I 8th ft F-anklm HAMILTON FURNITURE CO rtAH.t-’ w.iiihi-- for liir 7 8.

57 dryer ft for Knth almost "I DSPOT Fr manish GARAGE SALE Ffi, only 3627 3rd. Clothes, bed spread curtains, mise 756-4740 BIG GARAAGE SALE Fri Sat Sun 2601 Bosque Blvd Revere tape recorder. RCA TC. 4 14' tires, 101 CC Kawasak Trail boss motorcycle Fos- fC'ia crystal, silverware, dishes, religious albums other misrellaneious items GARAGE SALE 8-6 pm 1809 Baylor Mens c.iothes, ladies (10, 12, 141 Boys 12-14, Girls 3 MiSf Items GARAGE SALE Miscellaneous items for thq home 4713 Erath. 776-195? MUST SELL FOR FINANCE Amr-it new li week'-.

pim Net briance SAun or pavment'. u-. tr per month tarti in December Cmdit -ipphcalionf welCt. over inn i-cone MODERN FURNITURE 15 I Austin Avi. TOVE ft REFR I 4 75' iRi ran NICE clean refiigerator iln WHITE IPON Patio tat 8869 an 5 ft 4 Cham Crr LIKE NEW RCA WHIRLPOOL DR i 'ER $75 'T 16 IV ENTER I APP1.IA NCE '-'AB c- iMPAf, FOR SALE Ufa bed 80e- Ni Wed rnasonabU; offer good I'tres at 1 Nat $30 hr best FI VEG 7 ft ift.

Ti 584-455- Mc' 2 TWIN FRENCH Prnv each 1 American overstuhed -cassette $20: 1 set Coiher includes bookcase ft I r-f Can '76-0120 davs 772 LIKE NEW RCA WHIRLPOOL ti' $85 18N' I I 'N i -XR APP'. ia NCE PAP- ant Gi'l 32-SALES NOTICE MORNING I CARRIERS I For North ft North West Waco Call Between A 5 pm 7 pm LV.BAnLES 753-1511 A WANTED For work in Elm MoH Concrate Products Plant Laborers No experience necessary Apply Texas Prestressed Concrete Elm Mott, Texas CAREER-TRAVEL u.j GAi 5 3 4 i 4 guys over '8 npnded for travel prog- Fju'i to all niaiO' 5 Cities and return as pub- Transportation fur expense paid framing, $4(X) mnntriiy oua'auteed after taming, peimaneni fiap-d advancement, education no b.ufiei ist be f'BB to start immediately, if you would fo tiavr-l with a fgn group, call Bunny Ann Trruth 9440, ThufS. Ocl 25 ft fi- O'-i tii- for an appomfmenf and pe-sonal mferview between 11 am and 5 pm GAL FRIDAY TRAVEL U.S.A. Assist young executive Continuous travel to all major Some bookeepmg. typing arid qerierai secretarial work Lots of public relations Above average earnmgs Call Lloyd Hoinnes 772-9440 for apoomtmtnt and personal mteYiew.

Thurs Oct 25 ft Fn, Oct 26 only, TRADES STRUCTURAL DRAFTSMAN FULL OR PARTTIME 829-1201 nite 799-4515 Immediate openings for experienced tire changer. $2.30 per hr. Apply K-D Manufacturing Co. USED BOOK STORE comics, mags, half once or trade lor 2 wtth of hooks EVERYBODY'S BOOK STORE 2117 Clay HOME FREEZERS Alfhoiiqh is a shortage of fteerers wn I si.iiiaiiy will have on hand nf CHEST MODELS From 4. 6.

8 d. ft, to as Urge es 28 cu ft UPRIGHT MODELS from 16 cu ft to 20 cu ft either defrost or Frost Free HiCK'S 18lh ft AiiStir. 1671 FOR SALE All stoves. I miul tans, bed, other items 1000 Kane 799-444? AX 7000 GARRARD For the fust time in the Waco area, you can buy the model AX 7000-Garrsrd tom Donet stereo on a limited quantity r-ri fome First serve basis" Th.s feature power till 50 watt, solid state AM FM FM stereo receiver. Garrard professional change- and large soaaker enclosure, containing -ur siisponsion speakers, each Scratch, rum bier filters, jacks for tape and headphones also exclusive one year parts and labor war raiiiy.

npt.unaiiy advertiaerl for $529 while six last lust $299 UNITED FREIGHT SALES, 632 North Valley Milts Drive. Weekdays 9-7 Saturday 9 6 SINGER Sewmg Machines. Zig Zaq sewmg machines, some still cartons, no attachments needed tor buttonholes, bi nd st.tchmg, fancy patterns, monograrnmmg. etc $59 96 cash or terms UNITED FREIGHT SALES, 632 North Vaitey Miiis Drive, Weekdays 9-7 Saturday BEATEN Down Carpet paths fO whin Bum Lustre arrives Pent electric shampooer $1 Parkdale Pharmacy Valley Mills Dr ft Bosque Blvd FOR SALE LW8 insulated Pickup camper $i'iO 613 S. nth, phone 759-2881 8 am to 6 pm KEEP Carpet cleaning problem sn'all- use Blue Lustre wall to wall Bent electric sham nooer $1 Green's LaVega Piiartritfcy, 185 Eas igate Bellmead PORCH ft YARD Sale Brcjok Ave 753 1701 Oct 26, 7.

ONLY 8 am to 7 pm Wociden ice box. orange bar stools, chest ot drawers, vacuum cleaner, clothes ft odds ft ends KmBV VACUUM aEANEB I ike new Cash Only, Call 776-2171 SINGER FEATHERWEIGHT port. Also 7.q ri.msole. like new 803 No. 15, 756-0881 or 754 7968 GARAGE SALE, odds ft ends, fireplace wood, lots ol clothing, 3708 Gorman igger better oarage sale Furn, lovely clothes, glass, bicydes.

stereo, TV novelty radios, drapes, bed spreads, antiq ft much mis. 33 Lochridge-Priest, Inc. LBNNOX- Authorized Certified HE triM. ilH RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL 772-0670 225 Loke Air Drive CALL US FOR FREE SURVEY An Equal Opportunity Employer CHAIN SAW SALES ft SERVICE McCulloch Dealer for over 12 years See us for the complete ime of McCulloch Cham Saws BEV RICH. INC.

764 4141. 764 4346 GARAGE SALE, tools, dinette set, dishes, toys 2100 Curtis iothe-i FREIGHT SALE Complete line of sofa ft chau combmation velvets, herculon and vmyis As low as $139 per set UNITED FREIGHT SALES 632 North Valiev Mills Open 9-7 Daily Sal 9-6 Prepare for Winter W00DBURNIN6 FIREPLACE Complete installation with brick or paneled face Can Robert Stroud 754-2018 it no answer call 776 1317 AEROBILT PORT. BLOGS. All sues new ft used 5 mi. north of Elm Mott on I 35, Phone 829-1181 Open 8 a.m to 6 pm WACO BOOK STORE Histories.

Medical, Technical, Motor Manuals. Nat'l Geos Pocket Books, 12 price, many Texas books Sitonia Texas 610 WASHINGTON 754-9164 "NEED FOR BARGAINS LISTED? Personal Loans at Texas Star Finance 9th and Columbus or call 753-0205 BIGGEST GARAGE SALE In Lacy Lakeview, bed, chest ot drawers, coffee table, end table, cook stove, baby furnitu butane reftig wooden wardrobe, throw rugs. Iwm bodrocm si.ite. elec heater, smaii refng record glassware, lots misc Fn ft Sat only 8 am utifii dark. 205 Ave lacy Lakev.ew AVON BOTUE COLLECTION selling entire col'ection including some fat fory test bottles 772-187, GARAGE sale INSIDE HOUSE, Methodist Youth Fellowship, 1528 Windsor.

FOR SALE, love seat, wing back chair braided rug ft other items, See at 3010 Ethel GOT A JOB TO BE DONE? LET EXPERTS DO IT! Contractors, Individuals, Business Firms in the Classified BUSINESS end SERVICE DIRECTORY ARE AVAILABLE TO SERVE YOU BUTTONS, BUCKLES PLUMBING SUPPLIES Covered Buttons Belts, Buttonholes, Hemstitching, Monogramming, Shirts, linens, lac- sweaters, coals, furs B-B-B CRAFT 1211 2hth BURGLAR GUARDS GARAGE SALE, Thurs, Fn childrens clothes, ft bik No ol McFernn Sat Elect motors, 2704 Woodrow, 1 WINDOW GRILLS, porch columns ft hand tails Free estimates Call DAN THE IRON MAN Oan Daniel. 772-0077 OAK FtREvVOOD Delivered stacked. S25 half cord. $45 cord. 753 2765 FIREWOOD DELIVERED $45,00 per cord Mixed hardwood.

Call 662-0454. SEASONED, DELIVERED ft STACKED 662 WOOD FOR SALE $30, pick up load or $45 per cord, delivered, 662-1490 BIGGS PLUMBING Company 24 gency -6656 REMODELING Allen electric cash register, like new CABINETS $250, See at Exxon Station. McGregor, 752- --------------------6925 FLOOR COVERING DINING RM Suite, table ft 6 chairs, Model A running boards. 756-2350. 1509 13th.

5 FAMHY GARAGE SALE WED thru sun 9-6 3712 UTIMER BELLMEAD. DEARBORN WATER Cooler, lubmg ft hook up. atiti warranty, like new $60, E'ec lawn mower, pertect cond, $25 Exerciser $10. 8 ft. step ladder $5.

rollaway bed frame. 1920 S. 24th, CUSTOM CABINETS Formica tops, cabinet mouldings ft hardware CABINET SHOP, 4301 Memorial Dr. 753 5888. CARPENTRY HOME CARPENTRY SERVICE Small jobs a specialty Call Terry 662-3839 A-1 BUILDERS 2516 WACO DRIVE Call Glen Bone, 756-1542 iinoleum, special as low as $3.95 yd installed HAULING REMODELING, ROOFING, ADDITIONS Roofs, custom CIRCLE LUMBER CO.

754-665C PANELING ROOF'NG. gci.eral reoai'- Do own work. roofing iding ft ho i-i yr? exp Terms Can MADDOX 756-3088 ROOFING. PAINTING, v-nyi. ft aium -q.

stom alum --ig If you di-i. me we both los-' mm-y f- ft Maintenartce Paneling, remodeling, repairs, estimates. No job to small. 752-7515. free WACO apparel tndustriol Sewing Operators Experienced and Inexperienced JEAN MANUFAaURER expansion continuous Earn While You Learn Fringe benefits insurance, holidays, vacations, sales discounts.

Excellent working conditions. Our employes are our most valuable asset. We treat them as such. Year round work 4 day week. 776-1910 701 s.

Loop 340 Carriers Needed In I Providence Hospital I area and A Homan Bosque Street 25th to 33rd Coll I I.D. Shipp 772-25fif9 A NEEDED Openings for WELDERS AND GENERAL SHOP HELP Apply in parson enly DEMCO LIVESTOCK TRAILER N. loop 340 ASSISTANT Body Shop I manager Experience desired. Pay. Good working condi-J tions.

Apply in person toj Verlon Young, Body REFRIGERATOR ft Stove, avacado green Boat motor ft trailer complete 2000 Parrish 799-3806 or 799-6557 OLD JEWELRY, Braided rugs, drapes, dishes, yd chairs, hunting knife, 2509 N. 31st. 754. 4408 small WIRING ft electrical work install yard lights 662-0545, 662-2916 WINDOW FANS, Tables ft chairs, cold drink boxes, ft Reg Colhe dogs. Would sell place 853-5188.

SALE! SALE! SALEl 1803 Alexander, Maple Br suite, reg $120, now $85, old buffet ft dimng table chairs reg $150, now $115. a lot more bargains Baby bed sets, bicycles, antique dressers, br suties, We have everything Special items- make offer. Also 68 Cadillac, hke new $1695 766-1581. gyy Old Glass ft Jewerly 754-8830 LIGHT HAULING ft clean out garages General clean-up. 829-1331.

CLEANING GARAGES and light hauling Eau Morris 310 M2 Elm St. 752-6912. TRASH HAULING ALSO CLEAN GARAGES FREE estimates 7966 ROOF. SIDING akif A Cohins 7K3-6924 screens bs'-ik -rill i Roy Vers-, CUSTOM CONTRACTS, carpenters, concrete. IRON WORKS REMODEL BATHROOMS, tile, wa-; kitchen ft arai-M Also plumbing fixtures Make older battv.

look like new. Ycu -ran afford it. Reas iiecauoM employed Reoan work. Smalt or large iSA-SI-hA boat trailer $65 799-6670. weekends.

662-4835, Tommy Moran CARPENTER 3989 WORK and remodeling. 756- WROUGHT iron handrails, gates, burg guards. bdskesba.I post. White Welding 3020 N.19th, 756-2411. ROOFING CLOTHESLINE POLES 2 l-'2" GALVANIZED poles set in concrett with .4 lines ft tighteners.

Danny Darnel, 772 0077 CONCRETE WORK Manager. Frank Weaver Pontiac 1101 N. Valley Mills Dr. I Waco, Texas POSITIONS OPEN FOR TRUCK DRIVERS Need Qualified Experienced Truck Drivers To Hondle Semi With 40 Ft. Troilers JOBS AVAILABLE FOR Long Haul And Local Delivenr Steady Year Round Work.

Good Wages And Benefits PLANTATION FOODS 799-6211 Gholson Box 887, Wato Experienced REESE P. W. OPERATORS TEMPORARY POSITIONS AVAILABLE IN AFTERNOON EVENINGS HOURS FLEXIBLE Set Your Own Schedule Top Earnings Available FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL: Clifton Mfg. Co. 753-7346 Night Classes Now filling in Shorthand, Typing, Keypunch, Accounting! and Drafting.

Day and Night Classes 4-C College 756-720" garage SA E. 1713 Nelva Starts Wed Oct, 24 Dishes, adding mach bed spreads, camping equip, sew mach. lots misc GARAGE SALE, lots of evetythmg 3801 Katy Lane, Bellmead. COPPER CEILING Liglht fixture. Curbed mak folding doors, full lenght ft halt lengh, 772-0447 RIDING LAWNMOWER for sale or trade for garden plow, 7994388 DISPOSING OF Many years of accumulation Brass cash reg.

5 old viciorotas ft records. Irg wal. cab. showcase, sm oak tables, some old glass. 1722 Cleveland GIGANTIC GARAGE SALE, Sat 8 am thru 8 pm.

TV'S, clothes, carpet, antiques, many misc items 6409 Tennyson, NEW 3 PC Dinette set, upholstered chair, reg $100 for $40 Metal office desk $50. 2 new wrough iron swivel Chairs upholstered, leather $30. eac. 8 ft. sliding glass patio door PEARCE LBR DOOR ft SALVAGE 809 Dallas 7540181 ---------------------------------------------------DEEP ELM ANTIQUES 416 ELM Flea Market with established regular dealers Back-Hoe track-loader motor-grader to serve your needs.

Ask for ft will find. 10- dump-trucks road building septic tanks 6.30 pm. Closed Wed. Call the Byrds, ft land cleanng ft leveling fthourly or con- 753-3921 or aft 6 pm tract James Walts 756-0249 or 756-1333 JOHNSON LUMBER Call 756-0494 881 1606 MATTRESSES TRACTOR WORK KELLY 421 So, nth CO. 754-4761 CUSTOM TRACTOR woik shredding, dirt work, post discing 881-1944 DRIVEWAYS, PATIOS, no job too small.

752-4415 Find out today why we do 80 pet. morel Drives, etc. Catl us first and save those $'s 756-5077 MIKE HABERN CONST. DIRT, SAND AND GRAVEL W. L.

Clemons 753-8422 SAND DIRT GRAVEL J. Parsons 753 3777 od Soil, sand, gravel, rock, ah 5 MOVING AND HAULING Move, Haul, Anywhere Closed Van $4 ft up 752 0208, 754-0076 LEVELING, SEPTIC tanks ft line, bee remov mg, cleaning ft heuling. Road grading. No 0 too small. Joe 772 2673 SERVICE EXPERIENCED MOVERS.

Fully equipped Reasonable hourly or flat rates Call Ed 7540022 or TOMMY'S TREE SERVICE Removal -shrubs brush hauled. Free est. 7992861, 662-2375 MOBILE HOME REPAIRS SUNSET MOBILE HOME 799-2861 Accessories Co. Service work, skirting, tie downs, roof repairs PAINTING Fred Binner, NEW 3 PC, dinette set with upholstered chair, reg $100 for $40. Metal office desk $50 2 new wrought iron swivel chairs upholstered Black Dirt, Fill Sand, Gravel ft rock.

After leather $30 ea 8 ft sliding glass patio door p.m. PEARCE DOOR ft SALVAGE ------------------------------------------------------754-0181 809 Dallas SAND, GRAVEL. TOPSOIL, black dirt leveling Tk BECOME A 3 SECRETARY 2 CALL 4-C COLLEGE 756-7201 free estimate L. Olson 662-1057 W. Lambert 662-2297; C.

GIGANTIC GARAGE SALE Waco 945 Duty New Oakwood Addition; off La Salle, turn on 12th St by 7-11 Store, slay on 12th St, until you gel to Gurley Lane, follow signs Womens clothes, some new jr. miss, little girls 5,6, ft 7. Blouses, coats, evening PAINTING. PANELING, ceiling tile, do own work. 752-4415.

CUSTOM PAINTING, interior, exterior, tree estimates 829-1913 or 8291230 PAINTING. REPAIR work Experienced, reliable. Free estimate A Outois 799-8645 PAINTING INSIDE ft OUTSIDE FREE ESTIMATE PAINTING SERVICES Beginning holiday specials, living rooms, kitchen, baths ft woodwook, paneling, modern equipment, a complete package. 30 yrs. exp.

772-2629 GATES TREE SERVICE Renioval tnmmmgs and hauling Also wood for sale 752-5217 TREES TRIMMED ft removed, pruned, brush hauled For free estimate. 772-3244 Roberts ERVIN'S TREE SERVICE Trees ft hedges pruned or removed Free estimate 752-1474, 754-1371 TREES ft HEDGES removed. Lots and bidgs cleaned Free estimates 772-1366 TELEVISION SERVICE LEWIS TV repair, color, Used TV sale Antennas mst 1617 Lexington. 756-2868 UPHOLSTERY FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING COMPLETE FURNITURE SERVICE Wide selection of Fabrics Gene, 752-3174 after 5 RESIDENTIAL WIRING, dryers, ranges, air condition circuits, etc. Licensed electrician gowns, shoes, purses, you name it, we've got 772-2230 it.

Everyone welcome. Starts Thurs ft Friday morning Oct, 24 ft 25 at 9 am til Sat. af noon. GARAGE SALE; misc clothes, 5218 Loch Lomnnd, GARAGE SALE. 5400 Hawthorne, bedspreads, drapes, dishes, clothes, all sizes, Thur Fri ft Sat From 7 til dark GARAGE SALE: Thurs.

Fn ft Sat Come see Den chairs, mens, ladies, babyies clothes, dishes, child toys 4808 Loch Lomond. Want Ads Gel Results Tribune-Herald Want Get Results PLUMBING SUPPLIES PAY LESS PLBG SUPPLY CO 5 DC. Color Bath Set Sewer Cleaning Equipment Gas ft Electric Supplies 918 ELM 762-1925 Want Get Results MAYER MACH ft MFC CO 1009 Texas St. Bellmead 799 5544 Welding Cutting Cust Fabi Portable After 5 pm ft weekends 7877 SERVICES WANTED TO 00 Cut hedges and cleanup flower beds, light hauling, know the lOb welt Call before 7 am and after 5 pm 753-3491 FOR FAST ACTIOA, LIST VOIR BLSIAESS OR SERVICE HERE DIAL 754-2331.

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