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The Sacramento Bee from Sacramento, California • 2

Sacramento, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

SITUATIONS WANTED AUCTIONS FOUSALE-COUNTEY PROPERTY ADVERTISE MEN HURRAH! HURRAH! swKDimi Sir) want ltoIloiito private families do general ion-esork Address Soramvuto i os oQlce o6-3t Cl niUI saik 200 Acre of lend Iu tbe foot hlilz 24 mile from thU city Baa house barp rto on It Partly cultivated Inquire 36-tf BELL CO AUCTIONEERS 01 Fourth fltroet hot wad WAATIU-AS APeiHECARY wnU sttnAtion as eirk In a drug AO-AXN VICTOniOUS I city or ooantrr Good city reference If required Address 0g3t- niTrATlosr to Imi ap fitairf work tnd of or Ugh' fi6ttatwoik in rtt country Beat of rerr-ence AidreM Bit office ci-3t ch Md fiepMom ttf OurMr) la MaU 06c 00 6J A'kjf iU sale day for Furniture and Horses Buggies Household and Promlacuous Goods of all kinds raesdays 4k Frldiaje 4 10) A SEOOND-HAND FURNITURE Bought Bold or Exchanged Liberal advanees made os Cow Signed Goods Sis-lm HELL CO Aucti oneers THE I business prospects of Nevada City have been bo good at any other time for fifteen years past Gravel mining is receiving a new impetus and prospecting is going on in all the gravel ridges the The Truckee Republican referring to the Flomas Eureka mine gays it is yielding from 30l)00 110000 per month It has 13 stamps in the mill and will have 10 more by the first of January when tbc-regular monthly yield will not be Iobs than 5(J000 The Fair season is nearly over The Santa Clara Fair was very numerously attended and the exhibition itself was superior to that of any former year Blxlh annual Fair of the Upper Sacramento Agricultural Sooiety closed Saturday a great suooess and that without horsa racing WA3TCU-A PUSiriOM AH housekeeper by an American woman Nob 147 and 147 St bet Fifth and Sixth SAXBAMfcSTO (SUFOBTIX BEATS THEM ALL AUD IS PBOHOCNCXD CHEAPEST HOUSE IN SACRAMENTO! TO TUB CHASE A FURNISH WE SELL NO AUCTION T1TASII And Have Ko (onnection with a 117 other House Iu Ihe htate GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES! SAMUEL NATHAN CO 147 and I47J street Between Fifth and Sixth S-crament') 18-lm 0 ALUOND General Dealer in SEWING MACHitES ESPECIALLY Invite all to exam' the Before purcbialng MACHINES RENTE 1) orSOLI fe On In-Ullmnt DO NNOLLYS The reputation of these Powders Is so fulljr establ shed that further comment Is unnecessary Factory ind Office 121 Front Street San Francisco CALLAGHAN Ac CO Proprietors GOODS ONE PRICE AND FAIR DEALING I Let aue xt for other machines make to believe that the HITE OOM PANT bs broken up etc Fuch report are ill false I will give 850 to any on who will prove mat they are true and I will give another 60 to any one who wllll furi isblofor mation that will lead to the arret acd eon Vt tl ft parties who are circulating such re prU Needlaa Oils and At tachm nts at way down pricer I) ALLJI0XD Ml ntreet Between Sib and 0th EAST PO WD ER 10-1 REAL ESTATE AND IM SCRAM c-acarc EDIV CADWAUDER Real Estata and Iuiurauoa Agent OKNEKAL 50FKT FOB U3II0S IKSURAKCL C0JIPASY OV SAX VBAXCieCO Ciapltal sad AaseteoTer 6iUC6000 Fire and Marine InMurane at loweet current itea Offloe 61 atrt ol-lio SWEETZER ALSIP Real Estate and Insurance Agents NOTARY PUBLIC And rotnmlanlonvr of Deeds 47 Fonrth street between and oorner of the alley Besting Houses buying and selling Beil Estate made a specialty We rep resent the IMPERIAL of Lon uoo LONDON of London NORTHERN of Loudoo Ud QUEEN cf Liverpool INSURANCE COMPANIES North British and MrresuHls In uranoe Company of Londo i ra Edinburgh iEtnia Insurance Compact Ag gregate Capital fflo f-ti'OO aud see our llcutvs to let ol-lm A WETZLAF REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENT Conveyancer and Notary rnbllc Agent far Hie Home Mutual Insurance Co OF CALIFORNIA The North German and Svea Ini Cos (t ombluod) and the Helvetia Snlss Fire Insurance Co ALL NON-BOARO COMPANIES) 1UTIS LIBERAL AKD FAIR Collt1on M'YINO SELLIH bCAL ESTATE a sp'dalty Office 80 and 88 lonrth 'reel Sacramento Cal ol-lm SAMUEL POORMAN Real Estate and Insurance Agent RmI estate boBMttfi and told and Re ul collected ou eeinmUiioD Ageutsforthe following first-class Ineurauoa Oompaniea: Korth Amcrtcia the American Fire Insurance Company and tbe Pin sylvian! rlre tnnrsnre Oo with a COMUINED t'npUnl of SHO0OO Loises promptly paid in Gold Coin Office No 100 above Fonrth street eecosd deer sj1 lm THOMAS It AOOCI ALFKtO SNII SPINKS A ACOCK Real Estate and Insurance Agents WB HIFKtllllT TR1 HOME PHCENIX 7 0 S' irxw iom ov liitreis UlCRtttN-AMERIt'AK Of New York City flrst-olaes Fir lusoraucs Com- paule VJWs have come to and ex- pact by dealing fairly with the people to get our full ibae of the boelnaea 3 orricx 1 Ns 69 II ear Thlnl and 6 ktrsela karramenlo sig-tf to COLEMAU Estate Satesroorr Has 80 street I II I If fRPOOL Real FOB for the New Fork I He Iiervanr 0-n pany Alao Agent for the FIREMEN'! Ft N1) Ib urance Co Beal Estate bought and Id oft commission if lm TO ILL WHOM IT WAY CONCERN The qiestiom ha rein re peatedly asked us which of the Box Fac tories lu this city was dolrg the greatest amount ot business? We aotwer the PIOHEER BOX PACTORY easxmsi 07 THE l'ATE The Constitutional Convention is getting into working order and ere another week we shall have indiostions of the probable action of the maiority on reformatory measures So far as yet apnsars the Convention will not be able to harmonise and it is quite probable that the majority will resist the adoption of articles without which might as well have had no Convention Indeed there are many members of tbe body vho think the Constitntion needs no radical change and whose principal business will be to resist tbe efi'orts of the Workingmen iu their endeavor to incorporate into it their progressive) ideas The most important mutter to come before the Convention is tbe proposition to limit the possession of land yet no Bpecial committee has been provided to take that vital question under charge and present it to the Convention practical form Among the people of the State there a growing desire to obtain freeholds Never before iu the history of California has there been such a demand for small tracts of cheap land for homesteads and never before has there been greater difficulty in obtaining it There plenty of land for sale many large ranches have been divided and an abundance of laud is offered in small hut the prices demanded are beyond the ability of the people to pay While it is true that one or two good crops would put the poor purchaser beyond the danger of losing land bought credit it is also true that a single unfavorable eeason might result in the loss of the land and all he paid on it There is nothing to exceed the rapacity a mortgage It never ceases in its demand Until the last dollar is paid Neither fire nor flood abate one jot of its claims nor are drouth and sickness taken as excuses for nonfulfillment Thus it is that tbe poor hesitate to saddle themselves with burden which may make them virtual slaves leaving them destitute if thrown off grinding them to the earth if retained The demand for laud on lease is much greater this season than ever before Tbe large yield of wheat has given hope to the enterprising laborer that he can make more by leasing than to Work for wages and there is muoh contention for favorable locations The Hlocklon Herald says: is questionable whether there is to-day a section of the country in tbe whole United State that offers better inducements to men to engage in farming than the San Joaquin Valley Land along the Stanislaus river just below the fcct-hills is held at from 1S to $2'G per acre well farmed those lands will yield a crop every year Beal estate transactions are very frequent and the pnrehasers are mostly men who propose to engage in farming personally and not Barnhart lately sold a ranch of 200 acres near Lodi for 155 per aore also one near Ceres Stanislaus county of 2600 acres for 10 per aore The last is oonsiderod a remarkably low price An inexpensive mode of getting water for irrigation has been tried by settlers near Deer Creek Tulare oounty Believing that an underflow of water sufficient for irrigation purposes existed iu and Dear the channels of oreeka and rivers which through the summer months ere dry the settlers as ws loam from the Delta dug down to the bed-rock and found a snpply sufficient to fill their irrigation ditch They then dammed the crock with clay from the bed-rock up to stop the water flowing below Of course disputes might arise as to their right to do this thus outting off the supply from below but the first experiment was made in the lower portion of the ereek so difficulty will be deferred until some one living higher np follows the examplo Frank Fixley has been investigating the irrigation question snd ha says: time will come when by storing the water in tbe mountains by irrigating the plains by exhausting the lakes Tulare Kern and Buena the waters of the San Joaquin will be so controlled and regulated within its channels that all the islands and margins will be left for safe cultivation When this time comes our Stats will have added to its wealth untold millions in value These valley lands will support a population as great as the most fertile spots of India the most productive shores of Ihe Nile or the ohoioest places under the Alps in Lombardy Here upon a soil of Inexhaustible ricbtiess in a climate almost free from frost orops may be produoed in rotation during the entire year" It is announced that the road of the South Paoific Railroad Company from Alameda to Santa Cruz and already oomplete to the mountains will be finished on the Santa Cruz side of the range in May next leaving only six miles of staging as a connecting link between the two tunnels whioh will require another year to finish Tbs stags road will ha constructed this Winter The staging will requ're about one hour's time and the transit between San Franoisoo and Santa Cruz aU-ui five hours over a road embracing greater variety of scenery than any road of line distanoe in the country The travel will be by steamboat stage and car along the Bay of Ban Francisco across the beautiful valley of Santa Clara over a spur of ths Coast Range through tuunels and mountain canyons of which the canyon between Santa Cruz and Felton is said to be maguificent iu its sublimity and wild grandeur The Contra Costa Gazette again congratulates its readers ou the prosperity to follow the construction of the railroad through that oounty After detailing the advantages to produoers it adds: realize the full advantage of thee opportunities exclusive devotion to grain raising must be abandoned large farms subdivided and sold or leased in smaller holdings that can be cultivated in diversity of marketable crops and produots by the labor of the holder and his family" Ths ruining interests of ths Btate are exceedingly premising The Grass Valley Unioa in presenting its monthly review of the mines of that district says The general appearance of regular and prospecting operations continue very favorable and that at no time in the last five or six years have oar mines given more enoonragement than now During the present season number of companies have started in upon old locations which have been standing idle for The Nevada i Herald also i Tbt mining rd not in to The on too are Ban hit of METROPOLITAN THEATER O0AKLVS CaLLIKDEB ttuarava iitoHMtttIlepreeeniiuffJH Uaveriy Dabux Fbohmab General Badness Agent FOUR RIGHTS AND SATURDAY KATINLE Oetnb-r I WEPSESDiT THORS Dir M9 11 and 12 I FiA AKO 8ATUUDY THE CnEAT TROUPE OF OEXUINI HEOROEF Organized thirteen eari TfltlB FIBfi'C AH-BAKACk HEBE I triLLEiniER' TCALLEN UEB1 a is a -ws CEORCIA GEORGIA CEORulA CEORCIA CEORCIA CEORCIA The Great Original Company ofGcnuloe Plantation Negroes! MINSTRELS MINSJREL- MINSTgfeLS MINSTRELS MIN NUN iRELb Uenttld American Minstrelsy Uenutae American Minstrelsy MR 3 HAVIKI UK 3 11 HaVEUEY Takes grat picssnre In announcing bis reran1 purchase of thla unrivaled oorapauy of Genii Negroee for a trip around the world and they will ha presented hare under his direct proprietorship and management Me I Orowned Monarcha 1 20 Meuj of Ulnatreley I 20 Eu Ariiaiii They for excel their white Herald Tne entire on-piny will give delly street parade In GORGEOUS BAND UNIFORMS ed-rrfcee ee usual Rente obtsln-d st ti Theater box offloe without eitra cherge o7-6t CAPITAL Furniture Company Manufacturers of all kinds of FURNITURE! Factory comerNistti and balearoom 178 1 it Sacramento RMTt RF I PHO lerq 1 dole nannfactnrera of Le bodoln's A celebrated Kitchen Cabinet Call and It To the trade of Central and Northern California and Nevada we offer apectal Induce menu AVERY President Mill Secret ary and Treasurer tfO-lm WOOD YARD FRONT 8TBEET Between And Sacramento f7r RICElVID THE VERY 1 beat 4-FOOT LIVtS OAKstcond growth also COTTON and WILLOW WOOD Now lathe time to lay in your Winter up ply Do not fail to call on OAHTltO andez auilna biz Wood and get bis prioes The Cheapest Place In the City SILVER MEDAL For beat display of HATS AAD CADS! First Premium for beet BILK BAT ws awarded to HLATEIJ The Batter 108 8t abrve Fourth ot-lm SACRAMENTO RESTAURANT (Ob ban Francisco plan) Ne 85 li street bet 8d mid (tin THE COOLEST AND neatest place in the city The bkst in Ihe market always on hand Tbe most accommo dating waiters ft-Prices so low that all are suited IsDfiMIlH Proprietor EBERHARDT 1 4 NTKEEr HR tween fitb aud 7th Hacramento Turning aud Gun work Importer of tbe flnea Hhot Guna and Rlflea Amina nitlon of all kinds Meerschaum Plpea and Amber Mouth Pieces Wood Hteel Iron Amber Lone etc warranted Turning In All work oV8m WOOD HAWING PAYMwonrH iiorsr-piiw er Wood Hawing Machine The cheap art and quickest for all to employ Orders taken for two oo'-da and upwarda Drop poatal oanlt or apply at residence No 18 Fifteenth street between I and i 8w 1NOH NET ERA PLEA 1 ant and oomfortably furnlrtied rooms ith line of bath room one block om the Pavilion snd two bio- ks from the Capitol Apply 1 1 MKH R1VETT 214 and 916 street between 7th and fitb o7-tf jlOKftALEOK EXdlANOKFOK improved city A portion of oue of the bert fruit farms in Waoraraeuto county containing fifty-aeveo acres one-half mile eart of Kart Park highly improved On the tract is about two thousand trees of the choicest varieties of fruit to be found in Oall fornla Three acroe In strawberries etc For particulars inquire of the proprietor on tbe premlMee ED WARD AIKEN Glen Gardens September 7 1878 o7-lm AMERICAN EAGLE HOTEL CORNER TWELFTH AND 8TRBET8 A AM It! TO -LATELY HE il BUILT and re-furnished throughout Those wtblog nice Ventilated Sunny butts ot Rooms please call Board and room par day 81 to 800 T8 W1LKINHON ofi-lrn Proprietor CITY HOTEL 80 71 78 76 and 77 stheit SACRAMENTO Ber ONE IIIIMK IKON TUB Railroad Depot aud Htaamboat Landing Board per week 84 00 board per day 76 oentn board and lodging per day 61 DO single rooms 60 and 26 ceuls lodgings 26 oeuts meals 26 cents Barber kliop ahI Lamidry ronnecL el Hlllt the Home ofi-lm ANDREW NOON Proprietor WATCH CLOCK -uro- iri IlIKdll'AIGlNT In the city FOR GOOD WORK CHARLES NOACK'S Successor to A Schick 176 street betwees fitb and 7th Jewelry mntle to ordnr All work warranted ot-lm FOK FRANCISCO CO NTKAMrKS LfiZEoei Alice Garratt Centennial JLA6E FOOT OF NTREET A Dali Dally at 9 o'clock A- touching at Free Olarkeburg Richland port Olsrkeburg Richlsnd Courtland OuUbo Walnut Giove Isleton Rio Vista Emma' on Collinsville New York Mar-tiues and Benicia connecting with the Company's Steamers at Pittsburg for all Lauding on th Han Joaquin River Bn pert or accommodations for carrying Horeec trelght and Passengers lower than any other line For further particulars apply at the Company's wharf foot of street 1 eavea Han Fraucisoo Dally at 10 oolock a for Hacramento o7-tf SACRAMENTO INSTITUTE A ELECT Boarding and Day School Bt THS CHRISTIAN BROTHERS Corner Twelfth and streets Sacramento bile the higlieralitdles receive vv due attention special care Is tafr en to Impart a thorough knowledge of the branches moat required by young men whodealreto prepare themselves for bukinaae Is the sboit-eat time possible For particulars apply to BliUTHKB OIxNAN ofi-lm Frinolpal REMOVAL A FRANKENTHALEK C0( MERCHANT TAILORS HAVE KkMOYRn FHOH street between Fonrth and Fifth to 142 i between Fifth and Sixth waere they vtte all their old customers and th public to give them a oalp All gKMts at Easteru prices Perfect aati notion guaranteed or no goods Allowed to leave the house to stars given The Mrs also the at flee 10 at a I isAlF Land on the did Jackson retd 10 miles east of H- riornto the old Lord ptaoe containing 8'0 Fruit Bartlett Pears Early and Lata Peaches Cherries Flams Apricots ell to splendid condition and will bear haavr crops next year Abont 10 acres to good bottom land wall suited for trult and will produce 80 bash el a wheat p-r acre not sold before RATCPDAT OCTOBER will on that day ha sold at 11 o'clock to highest bidder at publio sale on the premises terms at sale At same time and placa than will be fold Horses tvo of them young fast and highbred) i two- tree Wagons 1 Light Wagon 1 Buggy 1 Buckeye Head Drill 9 Mowing Machines Bulky Bake Revolvirg Bake Plows rows etc Redwood Hop sound all of which will ha sold to Ihe highest bidder for ca to aatlify Indebtedness aualnet the property Partlee who may wleh to buy the land at private aala will leave word at the ooe of Welty northeast cori ar of Fonrth and streets and I will call sud taa them out to farm i2(-2w WMMHAYNUS BUSINESS A'NtiUNCEMESTS FRENCH THE FRENCH class will be resumed by the undersigned the Hacracnen'o Bnsinees College on WED NESDAY the 9th atTrM Class evenings Wednesdays and Saturdays st 7 04 lw I Di FIN0D RAWING kflfOOL Fanils received on and after MON REOPEN DAY Ocbber7th Instruction given in Photo-grsph 'lorng Painting and Drawing in all branches Residence room No 9 odd Fel Temple io4-lmJ 0 BINGAY CHI KOI JON EN BER- RE the well-known musicians prepared to furnish muMo for balls pante etc either in city or I oountry Orders promptly attended to elO-lzn fOOK AT THE LINT OF PKEHL A UM8 awarded the Mechanics' Store by Htate Agricultural Society Thla is thr test of merit Best os who oan sd0-10 Pl Kl IT' A LINM KM IIOLMEM Business and Test Medium may be eon-suited af Masonic building Ui stairs entrance name on door PASTURAGE pAHTt'KAUE-ItFfcT OF ALFAL Pasturage fo horses At Hnttrrvllle Riverside road s97-2w 0 A NT I' AlJ Ik PAN' TURAGR for Fall and Winter may be had at the ranch of the urn dersigned in Brighton Stock fed hy during Winter: plenty of shelter Place well fenced ana watered Terms to $6 per month Apply to MURRAY WATT at Golden agleorOapital Hotels o4-tf GENERAL NOTICES NOTICE A inpetlngofUifiioebhelft era of the Eart Park Association ill held at the flhe of the Secretary 44 i In at a rett TUESDAY EVENING the 16tb lnrtant 714 By order of Ih Board of Directors 8td ALBERT GALLATIN Hec NOTICE milR MOt lillOMIKRS OF THE bacruroeulo Building and Loan Associr lion sra hrhy notified that at the rgular uieefring of the Association to be held Oct 7th pros a proposition to amend Article of the By-Laws will be submitted to the Htookbold-era By order of the Rosrd of Directors 80-7t A LEONARD Secretary NOTICE The nitnnial meeting for choice of ofilcfrs of the Hacramento Library Association will be held at tbe Library Rooms ou MONDAY EVfr NING October 7tb Jh78 at 8 o'clock per order Hacramento Heptember 97tb 1878 e97tf NOTICE PROPONAIN WILL BE RM'FIV KDnpto the (8) eighth day of Octolmr next at the st re of Greer Co corner 9th and streets to furnish one hundred oords more or less of dry fonr-foot second growth white oak wood to be distributed at the Public School Houses in this city aa the Board of Elucatlon may direct Also forty tons Eastern coal more er lees Bald wood and ooal to be delivered on or be fur' th (20) twentieth day of October next Tha Board reserve the right to reject any or all bids GREER Chairman Furniture Committee September 80 1 l87fi i80-7t NABOB WHISKY! ARE REFERRED ing extract from the report of the emluent publio analysts! ia a ure barb-y and wheat spirit remarkable to ragraut ethers which Impart a delicate aroma at tha satua lima greatly Increasing Its value aa a diffusive eiimulant '1 he solid reel ie contains a Urge amouut of tannin derived from storing In oak oaeks which Imparts to fins old whisky one of its valuable individual qualities The amount of tha residue proves tha whisky to be free from the exoeee-tvs ooloring aud sweetening eo generally nsed in sriulternting In fact in two words is tbe WlileKY and will not only snpply a public want now that whiskies are sogener-ally adulterated but will be of tl greetrst valu to the physician In those numerous cases where pure whiskies ere tha moat useful of ell medicine" We are gentlemen Faithfully yours HIM MOND8 Hold by sll druggists tnd grocers liolfinls Ac CO II slfi-lm STATIONERY BTAPLE AND FANCY PimiTlllG! WE DO THE BEBT 42 AND 42 BT SACRAMENTO LADIES' isa BAZAAR nth Opening new stock with Ladies' Children's and Underwear and Fancy Good miNNEH- 4X1) 1IIL- BF1T8 and WUAPPEHB in all eii of whioh we offer cheep lor cash Gome oue come ell and convince yourselves Dressmaking snd Cuttiug to order o8-lm TOBACCO STORE TIIEIKM NKOP KOEMIKfiHY No ti9 atreefr has been refurnished painted restocked aud reoneued eveiy thing as nert aa a pin Tha fluert stock of Havana Key West Now York and (Lmiestio Cigars and Tobacco All kinds of Sin kers' Articles Give him a oall geutlemcn aud you will be rtitifled MEMBERS OF THE STATE CONVENTION IIAVETIIR AETAURMiron lole left at their daks or at tbetr place of rertdtnce by leaving an order with the Sergeant-at-Arma or at th book store north tde of between Sd end 4th or 4tb between and next to the Port Office All orders left on my bjok will receive prompt atten lion 0 HOLTON ollw Agent SYEKS FRITZ UNOEHTAKCilS 90S tlrwl Io Odd Fellow' Temple) are prepared if ifrteud to order for kunerale from oity ouutry Metallic Oaaee Caaksta Hhri udt to oonrtaMly on hand o8-1m SAVE 40 PEA CENT WHY PAY 20 LENT WHEN yon flau grt GOOD CLEAN SfcHVfi prHceuti LOCId uu? h- find fitid No fli Jet Regalar Office tuce For 931 stairs to they 01aa Ml that bat of reference cm be given Bit offioe Address o4-3t HELP WANTED WAX TIC It OPERATORS the eewlng machine Apply to Me oilw ohaulce' Btor WANIED-MISCELLANEOUS FOR Country I onus on real 618 also fi00 $700 inquire of Taylor o6-8t A CIRC TO RWAMD and go to school Address lira ME 18 Hacramento Postoffloe WANTED ftO (ENTS EACH will be paid for two cr three coulee of Weekly Bui of date of Jaly 6 178 Leave tble office WANTKD-aOO TONS OF RAISIN Grapee end Figi Apply to Geo A Delta 61 i etrtet Berramen'o udAw WAKTED-A FIKSrC LASSfaome hor Apply atllth and ol-lw LOST JST-A RI N4 OP KEYS-I HF flodr will pleaae return to the Brief and be rewarded o4H STRAYS 1MTR4T HOKSE-4'AHE 14 I to the ranch of WmOouniman mi lee from this city on the Maryevile road a Borrel Hore no brands diacernable Ihe owner can have the I nr el by proving property and paying chargee o2-lw TEKnONAL INFORMATION WAN TED THE nnderalgncd wlahes to icarn the present reald-ince of bis alrtef Mm Andy Dtilge When Urt beard from ia 1816 she wee llvlug Flat Tdolumne county Cal Any information leidlng to her discovery will be thankfully received by John Bpangler Mary villa Gal o4 6t IkK If (OIIEN I AIE OF I HIS -P city will please call at this office or lend word of his whereabout fc(flllKLEN FENTON CAKI Anyone knowing tbe where shouts of the above nmd pernm will confe favor on the advertiser by addressing care Bk tfflee gyu-Ht FURNISHED ROOMS AND HO A LI) riTO NICELY FEKNINIf Elk I front room with double bed cornet of loth and up stairs over Butterfield's grocery olD rr RENT -TWO LY FI NIHUtD room with board if denied or board will be given single street bf twern and 0th Apply at 310 oLlw riTO PLEAfcANT EI RNIftfl ED rooms at No 004 street between 7th and 6th 2w flO LET-A PJEANANT UtltE A front room or single rooms at 911 street FITO LET-VIANIINOMELY UK JL nlshed rooms for geutliuen corner of 8th snd streets 94 tf ni KMMIKII R4MI5! 141 LLT- 87 No 66 street near Third Mr Ottfi baa first class furnished room for Gentleirw or Families by the day week or month at reasonable rates MHS OOG o9lm Proprietress WATNON Ot ME NT between 8d and 4th Newly throughout Ju Nice airy rooms to rent single ov in suites at reaeouahle rates o'Hra IM'RNINIitl) BOOMS TO LEI 7 A nice pari and bedroom Also other furnished room to rent two block from Mate (Japltl Inquire on the premises 20d strert between 7th snd Htb 2)-tf jATIIANl 11 KAMAN room en suite or single furnished unfurnished with or without board In Na than Blook corner 7th and I streets sTUf rro IjEt-a pieanant mm JL of rooms Including a splendid Plan Heut 26 per 220 street south side sl6-lm LEr-FOl'K rooms sui able for bouaekeping Also three nnfnrntshed rooms luqulre at the grocery coruw loth and sts HA MINOR FLY 51 I II II ltooma also Unfurnished Rooms su able for offi-ea or housekeeping MRS D- LYNCH corner Fonrth and over Capital Bank ali-lin i 50K KENT-FOLK NEAT I snd wife Apply to GARDNER wood yard 8th street bet and Rent 819 per month or8ftfrtwo alfitf II0LSES TO-LET rrto irr-A nm ely ri kniniieo JL resldeuce contatuli elx rooms bath room gaa and all oonveniencea and Improve meats Address st bs office o61w UOI'NK TO ON PftTKEttr between fid snd 7 rooms 820 o6-tf WM LYON Ranch to kfnt in Placer long lease on very low trma a good hardy fa mer can make au excellmt living on It' Wood water and good teed upon it Also a good House Barns etc Apply to MoULELLAN 63 Nluth street between snd s'i-tf 144 A I4HBK II ALL 4lHO ft f-et with or without rooms in Masonic HU building first floor euDsnce on Hlxth street inquire of A Kgl No 140 street 02-tf mo lkt-at Tin: iapiiai ft Iron and Brass Works 9 rooms with or without power l97-tf ROHE 10 It SALE-CITY PROPERTY MAIE-TIIE VNION licstautaut tnd Lodging House sit Ml uatad on the norttiwest coruer of Eighth and streets 1 offered for sale as ihe owner is oeriroua of retiring from business This hr use is well known and is doing good business For partlculai inquire ou the premises Also 160 aores of good farming land situated 7 miles from Baoramsnto on the Marysville road Also 86 head of choice dairy cows and all the implements belonging thereto Also horses harness wagon farming tools and other things too numerous to mention Re ii I The wrtl-kuwn Rix-mlle Douse on the Marvsvllle toad and tOOUacr of flue land for either farming or grazing pur poeee For further particnlare Inquire at Union Restaurant oorner 8th and streets sVRIni IUSLKR FOK nOR A FFRTI I'K'ATE OP scholarship iu a fitet-clae business col b'gewill be sold at a oousiderable discount luqulre at Bai office o4-tf 110K NALK-A riliEl'ON NEAR ly new Apply at stab 9th tree! opposite Piaza o4-tf MOK NALE-A SHAKE OF III aide Road Co Block Inquire at Bfra o4-tf MIK THAT DFAIKtlllK busineM known as ths Filth Avuue 8 a loon and Lodging House located on fith street betweu and R-corner of tbe alley The house oan be ruu as a good paying hotel and the siloou 1 tn a first o' ana location For fuither particulars apply to Cbes Bellinger on the premise ol-tf Notice -an interest in a Carriage and Ketutiriug buMloees for sale For particulars inquire of the undersigned elfitf PHITUHAhP RARE CHANCE DW 1 1 IKO liorki AKO I Lot for sal for 8000 also one for 8700 Apply to BWEYT6RR AIS1P Reel Estate Agents No 47 Fourth street Sacramento aStf wait kAP0THECARYp ri DR NFRICIhTfi FEB fumary Toilet Articles etc No 82 aout heart Corner and Sicond atreeta Sacra mento alfi 2plm Endlfmn is CANES AKIbTY Fancy Steel Comic Sword iot'ked Thom Tea Wood Mallaca Rubber Oats Doga snd Owls -68 different d'udi at If 12th the Light It si Poles held the at its lows are ihe trae on to 64 be at at FELLHEIM GENERAL AUCTIONEER Heal Estate and Insurance Agent st Fnrnl tare fltore 08 Fourth street bet and Regular sale day for Horses Buggies Furni etc EVERY SATURDAY All business promptly attended to and 18-Im MUSICAL MUSICAL KINDERGARTEN JR4 I JOR4IF TEACHER of Munlc has opened classes for young children with daily instruction In nmaio In practical and systematic method which has accomplished tha most wonderful result terms and particulars call at her rooms street between Eighth and Ninth up o6lm DANCING ACADEMY AT TURNER HALL CHIRIH JONFS A BEEBE tke pleasure in announcing their friends and the publio that will organise classes at the above oarned hall a follows: Gents claaa on Monday evening at 7 o'clock for Lad'ee and Children on Saturday afternoon meeting at 9 o'clock SiociHl every Saturday evening dancing to commence at 8 o'clock Admission to Social cents Lutre Amigo 4lub will meet every Tuesday evening olblm HEW DANCING ACADEMY fWINH TO INFORM MY friends and the public in general I have opened a new Dancing Academy in Central Hall Days of fruition for gentlemen Monday snd Thurday evenings at 7:30 Ladles' clars Monday October 14 Saturday evening ISoirees Admission 60 cents Private lessons given by leaving orders at Bookstore Fourth street near Post-office First class music lo attendance 0 LA FRANCE ol-lm Conservatory of Music ifml any date Fnrtermeend jsrtlealars inquire at Oonserva ory Eleventh street between and THE BEST CHANCE TO BEY GOOD CLOTHING CHEAP CLOTHING WHOLESALE PRICES I CL0YH INK HOUSE Corner Third and Streets saotAMXirrOa I OFFER TO NELL MY WHOLE stock of Clothing at whole ale prices for sh No cheep trash or aucti goods in my bouse My stock of Clothing snd Furnishing Goods is ill brought from the best manufactories AU goods warranted aa represented One price to all My took of goods is too large to advertise price list therefore everybody Is respectfully Invited to call sud prioe goods before buying elsewhsre TRARBACH nux-i CLOTHING UNO FURNISHING GOODS nor Third ud itrMt iltin AURORA THE FINEST IN THE MARKET TRY IX 8 DAVIS GO AS 3 STREET AGENTS aii-tf VALLEY CIDER Manufacturers snd Importers of UVAMIMGKR IT YJFW YORK IS DKR APPLE OIDKH snd 01DKH VINK- GAR These articles are superior to those of flan Francisco and 26 per oent cheaper We have supplied with New York Cham-pagne drier for one year well knowu whole-aale merchants of Hacramento city Powers Henderson and Adams McNeill Oo Ws are now prepared to supply all demands and guarantee to give satisfaction Address Nncmineiito Valley filter Deoot 16th aud ate box 648 o'-lm REMOVAL wish to moan ma frlenda patrone and the public lo general that we have removed fr a street between 12th end 18th end purchased the black smith and general hone aboetug bust tea of uelauian Co oorner of 1 1 th end ol-lw W18E MoNAlR WANTED I WANTED! OIR THOUSAND DOLLAR wmth HeooDd-band Fornl'nreCsrpeta Bede aud Bedding for shipment which we will buy in large or small lots to make up the amouut Partlee deairing to sell will find it to their advantage to rail on ns before selling BIMMON8 CROWELL oS-lm 110 street bet Fonrth snd Fifth NOTICE -SEWER CONTRACTS Tine give DKRWI44NFil MOITD give notice that having jort or pie ted the sewer oontracta with the city he is now prei trad to lay sewer pipe build cesspools or drain iu the eity of Sacrainen'o vt vicinity at low rate aud ail work guaranteed to give satisfaction Orders ms? be left at Homes Oo office I street between Fifth and Sixth or at 184 klxth street between and ofi-lm JaMES TOCHEY SACRAMENTO ART SCHOOL IErENTIY FSTABIIHHFn I'll der the endowment and patrenagn of th leading cltiaena of Hacramento by the under-signed le now wi to etndeuts in all partmentaof Braalng and Painting at the newly fitted up rooms 911 nirael between Eighth and uth where to apply for terms and particnlara slT-lm LOUIS JORAN Prinripal DEVINE IMPORTFR AND MANY7 FAOrUKER of all kind of Mar- bit and Granite Red Bootcb Gran Be Monuments on hand and made to order Oountry order solicited Patrons giving me order fiom the oountrv will bny 80 per oent lbs of me by correspondence than they oen from other traveling agents Sixteen premiums and Gold Medals 1h71 and lcT6 fcPGtv your work to a practical snd experienced workman where your work will done satisfactorily or money returned No 016 atreofi sli-la be NEW DYEING ESTABLISHMENT 8 Pants Cleaned and Pressed WboleSult Gleaned and Pressed Pants Dyed Ocala Dyed 1 76 Ladles' Draws UleDd end Dyed at oorr ponding prieas Also Tailoring dons Country order promptly fliledi luim H1BAI a I ititol kti lixto iaJ l-Htki ALL 1 ine Notes There Is no money in San Franohco's purse and therefore her soliool teaclu rs forced to take city scrip whioh they must sell at a discount For the second time Bargontsnd Page have failed to have tbe Chronicle oou-victed If they propose to make third trial they should have the east tried in Frinaisco and not In £1 Dorado whioh has been already overtaxed for tbe misdeeds of others Frank Pixley who baa lately ridden mule over the Vast possessions of large landholders in the Bonthern portion of the Btate expresses tbe opinion that tbe monopoly of land it crime against republican government and one the first steps to an overthrow of this republic of the United States Another Truckee young man Angns liorrisob Wat fatally crashed by a rolling log a few days sinoe In the delirium which preoeded his death be thought he had a big job to finish and said he was tired" then fcrigli toning up he added: Never tnind to-morrow rest" When the morrow came be had found rest The following statistics ars from the Hollister Enterprise are 311 071 acres of assessed land In Ban Benito oounty and nine Individuals or firms owu much more than one-halt the entire quantity as follows: Donnelly Dunne A Co 85270 Carr 23402 Flint Bixby A Co 14044 A Grogan 8700 estate of Estanislani Hernandez 87008 A Laveaga 24600 Miller A Lux 20 885 Malaria 10217 Joan Yaudartc 5087-in all 181103 leaving only JMS74 acres in tbs hands of ths small holders The-: extrusive possessions smhrsoe large proportion of ths best agricultural lauds of the county very little of which is tilled sud some of It is not need for any purpose" Ths Public Good Hanford Tulare county propose tbe following amendment to tbe Oonstitnliou of this Btate: Hereafter no person body corporate or joint stock company shall buy tuko by bequeBt gift or otherwise or have or bold in bis ber or their own name or in tbs name or names of another or others lands in this Btate exceeding in amount ICO acres to each head of a family and 100 aores to each and every child in suoh family And it is hereby mads tbe duty of tbe Legialature by law to declare all lands hereafter attempted to be held in this Btate eon trory to the provisions hereof forfeited to tbe use of tbe publio schools forever and to provide by legislation tbe necessary means for making suoh forfeiture operative and effectual The cricket match between tbe Aue-tralians and the Pbilsde'pbiuns at Philadelphia was terminated on the 5th the Philadelphians being the viators by forty-three rune To all wuo ire untiling from ths iron and Indiscretions ot youth narroua wsaknaaa aarly daoay loss of manhood ato 1 will send a reclpa that will oura you frsa of ohargs Thla great remedy was dlaoovarsd byt ailaalnnary to Booth America Rend a Mil nldraiwed envelop to tiia Hev Joseph Inman Station Bible House Haw York 01 ty olO-ljeod The scene of the story of LAitneeM or "A Friend" Is laid tn Parla at the praaeut time and ahowa eminently Henry Grevllle'a great talent for analysing character Avxsa for breaklaai and Buffalo Ryiun (or hot cakes you gat Goldman's To luvnre laiNvrilon tlie kABs biuie day aiivertlwrunta should ba tutted In before noon AdvortUera Will oblige oe by bearing thla In mind Alteullon Ek- Tbe regular montUl etupt firemen1 ly meeting of the Kx Firemen1 AsooUtlon of Hacramento will be held TH1H (Monday) EVENING October 7tb 1878 at 7 o'clock at Firemen'e Hall Eighth tret brtwern and A punctual and full atteuflauoe iadmdred Dellnnuente will be deal with according to law Dated Hacramento October 7 187H JOHN DOM1NOOH President Gbov JowttOM o7-U Ittmiiptoiin of tliw Rod I'roKi- You are hereby notified that the hour of meeting will be 7 HU ru until further nott A lull attendance required on WEDNESDAY EVENING Hecond Degree will be oon'erred Hy order OHAtt LEE Commander MoKkbvkr HecoMltig I'lekeis ItiMiichA on Mnllni thek Piano can be returned and money refunded at No 119 Third street aa It is iuiposslbla to sell them The mouoy for the ones sold wsa trusted to Davis and Mar cuss at tha Dima Having bank Parties In trusted with ticket will plsaae return thru o7-lt PstrouiiB the Goldsu Eagla Oyster House because It is oUan and reiaoiahl Cronin proprietor 179 stre i lm A7TKH- A RKKFKCrAULE Proteatant woman wishes ta do cham-herwork or launilreea Best of reference Ad dress this offloe o7-8t yAMTK'lk- A RKftPM TABLE girl wishes a situation to do housework In a private family where aha ran return home at night Address EF Bi office o7-dt tlfAN TEIk PARTNER ITH 63UO io assist tn mauufartnrD an ar-tlrla which ther is money in Inquire at Bat offlea o7-8t WAN FED BOY AT ME rhanlcs' Rtore Apply Monday night it o7-tf 6 o'clock aid after A IIIMMLAM Meamstcss Apply at 1U6 fid street be tween aud o7-lt aNI-ON OdOHFK Bl NOfif where between lit and and 17th and streets pair Gold Spectacles tn leather oaaa marked Wacbhorrt rna finder will be rewarded by leavlug the same at jewelry store o7 lw riO AN ELIGIBLE SIII'K JL of rooms also two deslrsb'a single oms in the new Masonic Building corner 8th aud entrance on 6th street o7-tf MbH KETOUUM AMI MADAME jMto -LMAriLDA the oelehrutcd gist from the West Iudlea will tell fortunes by cards or the Uube Call on her at 119 Fourth street between and o7-lw BUILDING AND LOAN Regslar meettuic of Ihe Bacrsmanto Bulld-ng aad Loan Aa soclatlon for the payment of dues aud inter! Til 1 8 (Moods) EVENING October 7th from 7 to 9 o'clock- 00000 6o Loan New share furnished to borrowers o7-lt A LEONARD Beoretary NOTICE TO CREDITORS IMriTROF MAKAII UH SOW 3'j ERS d-'vw4 Notice is hereby given by the nnderslsned executor nf the last will and staaueut of ttie itate of Barsh Ann Powers deceaned to the creditors otand ail persons having claims against said deceased to sxhibit them with the necessary affi tavlta or vnui hera wtth'n four months after the first publication of this notice to A Wilcox northwest oorner Seventh strMts In the city of Harrimento N-VaOOXFxKttiOf Dated Owfwbcr 7th-1878- 'ITIIU I Qv) lot xaalor nf101 tne that tee The Bin i circulated by Agouta ifcroagb the Hell in ever town 1 ia psrteUM in Control and Northern Oomia and the moot importan! la lh Btate of Nevada CT3XM OF THE CONVENTION The Daily Bxe will be delivered to all MUben of the Conatitnlional Convon-Han ordering the eeine either at place of rttldenee or on their deeke at the Capitol The Daily or Wrekly Bii will be Bailed from this office to the frlenda of Habere if they to order Leave orders with Sergeei-at-Anne or at this office THE COUNTY HOSPITAL The destruction of the County Hospital by fire brings to mind the fact that it was located in an ont of the way place against the protests of the people by a peddling Board of Supervisors who it was not doubted at the time made a job of it The Bek opposed the location because First It is too distant from the oity It is difficult and costly of approach Third The oost of construction there would be full 18 per cent more than in the city There can be no adequate protection from fire beyond the reach of oar water works Patients having to be carried that distanoe would be liable to die on the way Sixth IU supplies and the expenses of maintaining it there would be 10 jer cent more than in the city Its distance would prevent Board of visiting physicians from attending the patients and would leave them to the tender meroies of ome incompetent person Eighth stealing were to be 4taaily rings tbs chanoes of detection would be lost in the country than in the city The medical fraternity nnited in an appeal to the Supervisors not to locate important an institution in an out-of-the-way place and properly owners and the good citizens generally joined them in this appeal but that wicked Board saw a job and they disregarded publio opinion Now that the building is wholly destroyed the question of looation is new again and we think the esperienoe of the past is sufficient to convince the pnblio that an hospital should be near to its supplies both of patients food and physicians If this building had been in town it would have been saved 'Where and as it was it was but a trap for the destruction of human life by the scores any day And it must be the same again if bailt outsido of the protection of water works It were better to procure a block of land in town for its site The farm will sell for more than euongh to buy the block nd the building can be erected much cheaper in the city than In the country The fact that in after years it may in tome degree heck the rise of adjoining property is en argument which will apply with equal force to publio schools to daneing halls to saloons to black-smith shops to houses of ill fame ete and yet no one asserts that for this reason these institutions must all be driven into the country! In all cities that we have ever seen save only Sao-nuaento the hospital or hospitals thereof are placed in convenient localities easy of acoess and this should be here for the reasons stated aB well a for anmerous others that may be mentioned It is to be hoped that the present Board of Supervisors will not determine to build another hospital in an place Let it be in the tfty where it can be reached with ease saved from fire and watched with care where in fact our local Board of Phy-eleisns can make arrangement lor visiting it daily Tu Examiner thinks there is goad material in the Constitutional Convention for the formation of Cou-mitteee because there are two ex-United States Senators Messrs Ilagar and Casserly two ex-Supreme Judges Terry and Belcher several ex-District Judges and a number of ex-legislators aad eounty officials These are it ia true men of experience end ability but we doubt if some of those included in lilt will be found as nseful members severs who have never been heard af ia public hie The kind of men mam wanted in the Convention are not t-Oee who are capable of splitting "ir-Gl but plain honest and aaest men who are disposed to accord to the people needed reforms Eraedetufb amounting in value to tfl LSiE have been shipped from San IoaeUeo since the first of July Fifty-to tassels loaded with wheat left during Ca month of September Pric-i are Ll and the market dull Thirty vessels bow taking in cargo but there are tl fort sixty vessels disengaged C-5 to the Argonaut: would I the whole system of taxation Ijilaatfeg against tbs cultivator and rf the speculator la wrong we ky lljil taxation offer a premium 'Zen we would by double taxa-i toaJjente every inch of the epecula- here af sir summers Charlie 1 af TruckeewUle in bis falti- ta river few days sioco i Ry of a child in Ibc water end rfnl vat strong ha lasbid Li i nt'k and after a bard i the baby to tbe shore on for reptiring country rales come i-ud Llc iu is is lots ou of DRY GOODS GREAT INDUCEMENTS TO BUYERS OF DRY GOODS 4T STEVENS GO DRESS COODS NO rrnli par yard DRESS COODS 89 essli per yard DRESS GOODS 87 e-at DECIDED rd ALL BARQAI53 40-inoh Cashmera extra quality AU Colors only 79 cts per yard 90 Grois New Ureas Buttons at 10 19 and 20 cents per dozen Beautiful ilk Bows at 20 snd 29 cents ALL 8TYLE8 IN BUTTERICK PATTERNS NOW BEADY NEW DEPARTMENT OF AND CHILDREN'S Forth very beet make cf SHOES at low prices buy only of STEVENS CO Eire ns a trial and we will eon-y I nee yon that we are selling S110KS cheaper than eYer offered In Sacramento slO-lmKd CAPITAL SAVINGS BANK OF SACRAMENTO 1600000 Alold Cola Bald Guarantee to Depostton Rt CAKfcT IA8 PORT id Presiden Oeehiev aad beoretary Dtrsetorst 0 OA RET ALBERT GALLATIN RAKL 0 WHFRUia 0 CLABRBk FRED'K COX fnxunfi Depoelts received without ohargs Intercv credited to dspoeitors bemt-annually Losq made on reel estate end collateral eecurttle Exchange for aale on Atlantto oitiee and Fnrop and a general hanking business transacted Sl6-ln PHOENIX MILLS Cor Thirteenth and Streets UAYIYO STARTED IP THE Mall again wa are prepared to receive grlnt end to furnish everything In our Hue at abort Botloe Cash paid fur TVhrat Barley and Oort s14-lm FOR SALE FAB! THE RKYftR)lDB Why? lit We employ three tlmre tie amount of labor than the balance of the Box Factories In thle city employ alt'-getber fid Our ealec er ovor thre tinree Ue mount of ell Box Factories collectively 1b mating this statement WE MEAN BUSINESS Any Box Maker doubtlrg this statement eaa test it for bet of a suit of fi Timento mtdo clothing Cook a ion Another proof that 'mrthlng rur than chin music is required to run a Bui Fae lory legitimately eol-Ja FOR SALE Bo eontaJolDg TO scree of rlah bottom land produce four end five orops of elfaifa year bee good Dwalling large Darn splendid orchard brtng on of the uuet deeirable piece of land eve offend for aale In the county being only a abort distanoe from th Toll Gate Apply to SWEETER A ALSIP Heal XiUto At'nt 4f Fonrtii iosy I -u i04a BlMk fclwtCB Flhlwulh StotMulh nil Suulb One-talf Block aad Tulfih TliIrLfolli Th bOT prnpCTtf will icM rt tfcr5s4 lb Bct ili Idtsiia (f itiW sud Fanxjf Stur N- eorasr Slid il'i) 'pra M'jaio MRXiW W)5 UUUW At tLii IX 1 i.

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