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The Bridgeport Post from Bridgeport, Connecticut • Page 8

Bridgeport, Connecticut
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THE BRIDGEPORT POST, TUESDAY. MAY 29, 1951. Fairfield Rainbow Leaders Rnh-jpiihlicilv: Mr. Howard Banbom. er cling ion.

recording see- sunshine, and Mrs. Alton Barrett, retary; Mrs. Knlheripe Hunt. liens- telephone Town Announces Traffic Rules During Memorial Day Ceremonies General Logan's Memorial Day general order followed bv the legion memorlnl service with Onpt. ArsenaiiM In charge.

Rolrent ceremonies will be conducted by the corps, assisted liy a fire squad from the Criruiucllcul National finiirit, To Clone Wedoendsy urer; Mi's. Albert Travis, enrre Iiondlng -nlHi-y Mrs. Fred Itn Hrjj nl .1 FAIRFIELD Nil I in I Aflllle.u will be I he lilgli Hclux.l Wlnfleld Rnmlali, pim- I he 11. Hatold Swafflelri, school prln-clpal. The group of more, than will be transported In buses and will be accompanied by directors of the orgnnliBUnna, Michael German, Bessie Jennings and lzobel Burg-stallnr, Bullriintf Permit.

Parmlla were Issued ynaleiilny In F'rancaa V. Plstey I'm repairs In a cottage on KalrHeld Beach road and to Andrew Sedloclt for a one-car garage at IflO Wilton road. Activities Tonight l.lltle league at Lnglon field fi o'clock. Meicuilos vs, Townlea Recreation Soft bn II league at Gould Manor at o'clock, Bron-son Braves vs. Green Comet.

News About Town And Townsfolk day parade VblVLAND'S jf Klghl I.Ida In all were en-lyed lh wnrt which la expert- i achfiol in I'lnaad for vtu'u- Kivr nt.hai contracts fopwork also were awarded. They were as fnl-lows: cleaning nf heating plants, Holland Furnace company, $420; garbage removal. Modem' Ssnlta-llon, septic lank cleaning, Modern Sanitation, aldewalk repairs, Levarty and Hiiiley, one contract on a bid of $1,000, and Sllli-man a second contract on a bid of 2f cents per square lur of Ihe Stratford Rapilst. church, will pronounce Ihe henedicllon. Trophies nnd olher- awards Tor marching, musical nnlls and floats will be announced at.

the clone nf Ihe brief ceremonies by O. W. Pound, chairman of ttic Memorlnl Day awards committee. OnMolay installs Kobert White was installed as rod from Smith to the. Old Posl rn hull srffn for the adttional Major Gen.

Leslie Grove will be principal speaker six-foot fence at Holland Hill school, which will he transferred high school auditorium in the i of rain. Anchor Kance company, $S75. Bids for the erection of a fire escape nt Washington school were Charles Hoyl, son of S( Chief Kranvik announced rejected when the low bidder. Kra- chapter', Order of DeMola.v. at semi-, public cerennnnlea lout, night, Robert Thorn look over as senior counselor and Alvln Burt as Junior counselor.

Officers of Milford were installing officers and Stratford assembly, Order of Rainbow for Girls, drill team presented an exhibition. i 1," "p' jmer Iron Works of New Haven, "Oyl, played "Duke of York r. i withdrew Its offer before the meet- fhe lead roles in the revival of r-r. Ing and the other bidder, l.eake. and Shakespeare's "Richard Vh I 1 1 rlon.

quoting a price of $2,895, 1 cond" in the commencement, play anove tne. appropriation set for Wesleyan university. His par- Parking wl, he permitted uP ents were present for the piny the Charles took an active par Elizabeth Miller Named Youth Fellowship Head both sides of Post road, back 1o New Bids will be called for at uly meeting. Marriage Intentions Applications for a marriage to Reef curb, from Rua road: both sides Elizabeth Diana Miller- was president of the Youth Fellow use hav been filed In Town hall rallel to curb, from South Pine Creek road to Runne street: east side of Old Post road, back to street: easw back mntlc and musical activities at Roger Ludlowe high school from where he was graduated last year. Chief Tom Carroll of the Center Fire company Is reminding volunteers lo call for' their parade uniforms at the flrehouse.

The volunteers have a busy day tomorrow, ny George F. Stein, C.tHsmere ave-iri, to( S(lny Wi Blown Ro))n. to Benson oke avenue; Joseph R. Franr.lno, 24, itlon of the i of 1L2 Vincellette slreel. Bridgeport, first (Jhurrh land Arlene H.

Rojas. 22, of 18 New ewi area in fron of Christ. taking part in the local pnrade In eet, and Robert 1.. Ada the mornit ling and In the Stratford No parking will be permitted on 'he east side of Reef road from Oldfleld road to Crescent road and II traffic will he halted on Reef (riflht) worthy a.dvi.or of Fairfield Amembly 21, Order of Rainbow, for for the term, receive, the gavel of office from the retiring worthy advi.or, Sabra Ann Weiton. Pre.iding at the ceremonies in the Ma.onic temple Fairfield, was Alma (center) mother advi.or of the anembly.

759 Dwelling Permits Issued In Fiscal Year, Inspector Says mniean, and Jane L. Iran- parade in the nrternoon Four rg, 21, of 44 Chestnut, street. Trumbull and one Easton resident: Properly Sales have purchased $5 beach Property sales listed yesterday In, parking stickers to date. Less than ship of the Methodist church at a meeting Sunday nlghl. Other officers cleciert encluile Nenl M.

Prleatly, vice president; Gall recording secretary; Barbara White, corresponding set-rotary; Betty Hood, treasurer -Georgia Owen, telephone squad-Margie Kuhl, worship commission; Marian Nicoi, world friendship; Alvin M. Burt, community service: Roland Rahn and Ruth Gledtiill, recreation. Realty Transferred John G. has old approximately 10 acres of hl land on Huntington road to William R. McNeil road during the dedication of the deeds filed honor roll of World War dead! lows: Harry S.

Wilcox, land on the John L. Glover grand Rozdisky: Michael Jchick, house on row's parade, fallinz into the line rn me paracie and fine Creek avenue tr. Won-- of Jchick: Patricia Edgerly, land on STRATFORD bfl mnde w(th Margaret T. Barker of march on Bungalow avenue Plenty of elbow grease la being used at the police station which is being readied for- tomorrow's inspection by the Police commis- and Carolyn S. Pedersen, land Chatham road to Robert H.

Feld- rs. Anderson, Tonight In Town Gl Sunshine Mothers club. Town to Decorate Ludlowe Auditorium sion A. Thompson Warner, son of Mr. and Mrs.

Arthur W. Warner of 58 Barlow road, has receiv wiiusm e-. Blarney of McNeil-Blarney, developers, according to a warranty deed filed with Town Clerk W. Howard Wilcoxson. In other deeds filed McNeil-Blarney building department during fiscal year ending Mnrch 31 the stellin' House, 3 Civil Air A' Patrol meeting.

Sterling House, i. Home Nursing class. Unit 'Musicians to Visit building Inspecto says In his annual report to Town Une' Cl0BS chPte' house, 7:3 una soia propel dard first aid class. Red terrace to Theresa KIci Manager Harry B. Flood.

er the high school auditorium, a pro-WeSl POlm Academy bai college Senator Benton ject under consideration for several busy in Washington, reported to years has been swarded by the i As a reward for their services the Memorial Dav committee that Board of Education to S. M. Ern-' to the school, the members of the he could not accent H. West Point Academy I Murial Peterson and David C. Bristol to Nicholas M.

Bristle, Castle James school. valued at $7,210,833 were Issued bv Tr00p niiijuuiiceii yesieraay, nijrn scnooi oand, orcneslr in the reviewing stand for tticj'he department during the year of the 759 dwelline-s were listed nflnl'sfll' o'l town hall, He bid 3,490 for James M. Anrie second low hiridei innounced bv at W.781,300. non-realdential per-1 AN chols PTA aid class, mils totaling 163 were valued at A-venne scbool, 7 and 374 permitu for addi- I sh'p L'0l lions, alterations and repairs valued 7:30 Senior recreation at 5172,283. In addition to the build-I leEtie game, ing permits the department also I 6 Military ball, Raymond fusued permits for electrical Goldbtwh post, Veierans of 704 oil burner Installa- Rn nnd sllxif.V.

VFW hull, tlons and 858 for plumbing work. I Economics Club Selects Mrs. G. M. Keib President I Mrs.

Giles Keib has been elected Ins president of the Sterling Home fficqnomios club, It waa announced following the recent annual meeting, Others elected include Mrs. John of to Name Officers During June 14 Meeting Guild to Elect Officers At Meeting on June 7 On this day we pay tribute to those Americans who have fought, and yet fight, to preserve the most treasured heritage of all freedom from aggression, protection against totalitarianism for all peoples! To those who have valued honor and freedom more than life we dedicate this day. Howland's Will Be Closed Memorial Day, May 30 See. Hon land' a In Wednesday Telegram Far The Marvelous Values On Sale Thursday Christ church guild will have its WI" bc nominated and annual meeting and dessert. June 7 2, -B meetlnS- of the parish hall, at "-nignis or 001- hich time a slate of nffl.

umDiiK, inomaa B. Coughlin. crand RENT A TRUCK be presented for election. A musical "nnounced. The new program will follow after which I offloelB wl11 fae Inatalled with spc-Mrs.

Robert H. Sherman, Fair' com- ceremonies at the 28 mittee chairman will meet with her meelln8-, chairmen and co-chairmen. Dlnn'r D.dlin. Set Intermediate Picnic Set Wednesday has been set as the The Intermediate fellowship of dea(line for reservations with DRIVE YOURSELF HERTZ SERVICE BARNUM GARAGE 508 FAIRFIELD AVE. 5-2103 Harry Gaiser or the annual fhe Methodist church will have lit 4:30 p.m.

Carol charge of reser-st be made by picnic Saturday a Piatt. 7-5356, is in vations which mi Wednesday night. WANT SOME REAL PROTECTION? jnen specny our westherprooi U.S.G. Roofing for your homel This long-lasting material comes in various colors nd styles, -will really add to the beauty of your home as well as give a "house-time" of servicel net- of the Mr. and Mrs.

club of the Congregational church scheduled in Packard hall Saturday at 7 p.m. Lordship Church Advances Service Hour In Summer Services in the Lordship Community church will be moved ahead to 9:30 a.m., on Sundays during the -summer months, the Rev. Buckncr Coe. pastor, has announced. The new hour will become effective July 1 and will continue through Labor Day.

Parade Plan. CompleU Robert W. Nei.on, of Howard 38 Eunice road, Fairfield, wa. one of six Univar.ity of Connecticut Undent! commissioned second lieutenant, in the regular Army in Armed Force, day ceremonies Friday at the college. Lieut.

Nelson ia the grandson of E. Everett Cortright, president-emeritus of the University of Bridgeport. Registration on June 5 For St. James Kindergarten Registration for the 1961-52 term of St. James klndergarten'will take place June 6 at 2 p.m., In the school hall, the Rev.

James Lambert, assistant, has announced. As in past years registration will be taste jf Order the Roofing your home needs NOW) DEALERS FOR U.S.G. SIDING, TOO! THE Plenty of limited to 40 children, Father I bert. said. Rainbow Officer.

Rehears. There will be a rehearsal of the I iiikSCHWARZ Parking! Frederick A. Young, grand mar-sbnl said loday thai nil plana have hern completed for the Memorial ilny parade and exercises scheduled for Wednesday at 2 The dKU). parade will since Worlc newly elected officers of Stratford Assembly. Order of Rainbow for Girls, In the Masonic temple Sunday at 2 p.m., Janet Greene, worthy advisor and Mrs.

Grace. Anderson, mother advisor announce. Rainbow Sunday will he celebrated nl ihe Masonic home In Walllngford Sunday with cars leaving the temple at ,2 p.m. Advance reservations present Indications, in the event of COMPANY 95 River St. Tel.

NEXT TO CANDLELITE STADIUM i a In the parade will be cancelled, What's New About Town And Townspeople CITY TRUST IS CITY-WIDE Merrill AH mwMBSEM mander the Chill Disabled American Veto mi- befn ted commander of the DAV The oft-oalted question of whether or not "Sonny" Foi'Ixr would fold up after seven innings of pitching was proved last Saturday in l.ongbrook park when he twirled IS innings finishing just as strong as he started Maintenance department painters repainting the Honor Roil In front of the Municipal building John son's Little 400 keg! honors In Ihe division of the lown bowling league and received the trophy at a dinner in VKWhnll last nlghl with Callahan's pin top-piers Inking second honors by a Legion Plans Rites At War Memorial Yes, your check is truly personal when it's drawn on a City Trust Special Check' ing Account. Your name is printed on all checks at no extra charge to you. No longer is your check just like everybody else's it's PERSONALIZED. Use checks like that. Open an account now.

Handy book of 20 checks, $3.50. No other charge. Memorial services at the my Hill monument on Wednesday following the Memorial Dav parade will be conducted by the Anderson Dunn Kochlsa post, I American Legion, Donald H. Beers, i gener al chairman of the Memorial Day committee, has announced, Louis Petrle), post commander, has announced there will Welch's ln speaker and the servli of THE MASTERPIECE OF THE GRAPE MASTER Flavian Areennult of the Legion The "Bridgeport-City Trust Company DOWNTOWN EAST SIDE NORTH END FAIRFIELD an amazing value at this price 45 quart I F. P.

.1 t. f. F. INSURANCE CORPORATIOH nnnor i.imrd in charge. The program will open with ttie Hounding of "assembly" by the American Legion drum and bugle I corps; Invocation by the Rev.

Ar- i rhnr Seyda, pastor of Orace Lu- Ihcran church: welcome address bv Council chairman Frank Larkln, land playing of America by the Commander Potrlel will read I produced and bottled by THE WEIC WAPC JWCt amm. atTfce ftn tocim Impellers, New Yerd, IX T. ICHIVEC EW SPA PER! NewspaperBRCHIVE.

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