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The Troy Record from Troy, New York • Page 23

The Troy Recordi
Troy, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

26 Supreme Court Greets i Justices Cas Supreme Court Justices 1 a were a wclcom a Counly a aflcrnooi runny was i a hy the unveiling of a a i of Donald S. Taylor, retired justice ot the A a Division. Third i cial Dislricl. Justice a PIT- Mdin! justice of Ihe Appellate Division. Third i i a District, al Hie ceremonies which were a by Ihe associate justices of appel- a division, several supreme court iusliccs and either area jurists.

of Judges Casey, Mahoney and Taylor families were present for ceremonies. Welcoming a Ti. Stewart delivered (he welcoming a lo Justices Casey and a on liehalf of the Rcnssclacr Conn- a Association. i to occasion as precedent a i Jones said it was first i bar associa- i had given endorsement for a office. The association had endorsed both Casey and Mahoney.

He described the new i as voimg and a a i and Ira red I i friendships hack lo i high school days. New Lodge To Install Officers Installation of officers lor Ihe first Leonardo da i i Lodge in Hcnssclaer will be conducted a a at Mario's Theater a a with Lawrence J. Bizzarro the principa ipeakcr. The club's first president. Carmen Kosano, i announce the complete a of officers ol a i a i formed to pro- mole I a i a and historic values.

Bizzarro, Renssclacr County Court i a is a past president of I a i a Comm i Ccnlcr and is a member of the hoard of directors of the Troy Boys as well as a of ils Old Timers Association. Biwarro is a former deputy corporation counsel for Hie i Troy and former assistant district a for Rensselacr Connly. i has hern active ill various benevolent and Ki-ictics locally. is a a a of l.a- Salic I i i i Siena College and Brooklyn Law School. Art Catalogue Charged As Anti-Semitic A A A I Two a senators complained Mon- dav a comments in a a a logue ot Ihe Metropolitan Museum of Art were "anli Semitic a i a a The statements, said in speeches in the Senate, were in the introduction of the a a about the controversial i a Inn on My i exhibition at the museum.

Sen. a i Golclin, Bronx, said the a was unwise and has enraged a min i group in the city. Sen. Albert Lewis, 11- a a tan, called the introduction "ra- cisl and bigoted." He said he deplored the fad a public Juno's were used to pay for the catalogue. The catalogue's i i has allraclcd criticism from several persons.

On Sunday, aboul 30 members of the Jewish Defense League picketed Ihe museum. The exhibition traces the 68- year history of Harlem. SO-Yciir-Old Widow Marries i i 17 DACCA, East a i a A A )0-year-old widow with eight children has married a 17-vear-old student, Ihe daily Da'inik Pakistan reported. It taid the boy used to visit Ihe woman's house after the deatl of her a One day she fel in love with the youth. prnpose to him' and he accepted, the pa per said.

Inspiring By I PRENDEtlGASI "A collision of interests leads W'or, bul the passions ol the notion decide independently of these to what point the war shall 1 coiricd. War aids in th ottainment of Iheir objecis; yet it the of subordinate interest it must he waged i the cnen lias, been completely subject This necessarily a i the dec sivc ULC of all neons, ond a i a olifcc, tending to su jugotc the foe Boron Kolm Von Der Golu. a one we have war there is only or i.hing to do. '1 must be won. Our main Interest ii in iccinj tht II your wiihei art carriW ou Phone 235-5610, I I i I A HOMK, 718 Ifl your need.

Ad ey, Mahoney in T. Casey and A. a i ed in Supreme I'ourl for Density Iheir associates. The cere. i concluded by lelling the judges a Iheir are in i hands anil a the har association wishes icallh, happiness and success.

Justice Mahoney (lien responded and said he was proud a his niolhpr could a a in the ceremonies. He exlcndcd his profound thanks to the members of the association. Juslilce Casey then delivered his response ami oflred his a to the members of (he association. Moth justices offered a prayer a would have (he a i to conduct the court i i Scroll Presented (irorgr S. i president of the bar association, presented i (iibson who read a scroll prepared hy the associate justices in honor of Justice Taylor.

Judge Gibson said that -Judge Taylor i be rcmem- ipied as one ol the greatest appellate judges of this genera- ion. His noble a i i lie a i have combined to create a i i i a of a great and good judge. The scroll was presented to Mrs. Donald S. Taylor.

Judge Gibson then unveiled a portrait of Taylor. Hie portrait was painted hy Mrs. a i Semcrad. wife of Ralph 1). Semerad.

P. Taylor addressed the courl on behalf of Ihe Taylor family and expressed the a ily's a i for Ihe honor be- owed upon his a A reception was held at the Troy Club for the judges and I i a i i and the members of the bar association after t'he ceremonies. Troops Airlifted To Germany I a (AP) A huge a i i from Ihe Uniled States started pouring some 5,000 combat-ready Gls nlo Nuernberg a on ie way lo maneuvers near the Czech border which both the So- vicl and Czechoslovak Column lists a protested. The first of Ii3 giant I Star- ittcr jcl transports arrived al Nuernberg airport al exact' a.m. It brought 52 men of a surgical hospital unit from Ft.

Ky. The airlift is called Reforgcr One. i plane a i every lalf hour and most of car- Ting t)0 men or more, Ihe last i 5,000 soldiers is due in Nuernberg by Tuesday i Mosl of the soldiers arc mom- ids of (lie 24th a i Ina itry Division, a so-called dual lasrd unit because it is sla- ioncd at Ft. Rilcy. a hut lias combat equipment slock- pi rd in West a The troops a i i Monday and a arc i i a 12,0110 American soldiers who have been flying lo West Ger a since a (i.

Also a a on the scene are four tactical i squadrons from the United States, a i 3.500 men. Vhc A says speed is not Ihe point of the a i i It says the a i purpose is to tpsl the efficiency of dual-based plan of operations. Politics is also a major factor. The exercise, now scheduled for Jan. 29-Feli.

4, was moved up six months because of the Sovic occupation of Czechoslovakia last August. Miss Shaver Addresses Circle Group Miss Shaver of Schcnec- lacly, well known a recoul guest speaker at the Dorothy Brown Circle of the Sheuen- dehowa Methodist Miss Shaver spoke on "Extrasensory Perception." Members of all eight circles of the church were guests. She is author of "Psychic Vis tas" and "She followed the Psy chic Path." She has traveled in Russia, Mexico and Ccn Iral America and has written wo books about area people which is expected to bf publish cd shortly. i Hostesses for the evening wer Mrs. Cornell Balding and Mrs David Murdoch.

Warning Given On Unlicensed Dogs Jn Area Clifton Park has more tha SOO delinquent dog owners, ac cording lo Slella Ilallec clerk. To date, accordin to Mrs. ilaUr-e, only 73-1 do licenses of 1.730 registered, a been purchased. The 19R8 do 1 tags expired Dec. 31.

Th a of delinquent dog owner must he turned over lo Ih 1 town justice. Mrs. Hatloc said a i the provides lhal owners of un licensed dogs tint arc picked rfos wardens muM pa i a fine to retrieve their a i a Licenses may be obtained a Ilic- clerk's office, (own i building, from 9 a to 4 p.m Monday through Friday an 7 to 9 p.m. on Friday. THE TROY RKORD, TROY, N.

TUISDAY MORHIN6, JANU Trojans 'Lucky' In Lottery lickcls. bearing names of area residents were among the first selected Monday morning in this month's a i of stale lottery. A ticket in name of Wayne 1). Kcllogg, RD 2, (ilens Falls, was the first selected. Under a new system twice as a prizes, 430, will be awarded for each million tickets sold.

A a of will he shared by 1,821 prize winners. Monday's drawings were con- due cd in A a and the final I a i will be Wednesday at he Port A i Bus Terminal New York City. Lottery officials had the fewest number of tickets to choose from since the monthly a ngs began in 1967. Only tickcls were sold during December. The previous low was when total sales were 3,839,974.

Among tickcls selected early Monday were four a i Troy addresses. They were M. and J. Winston of Ii05 4th Marge Slaltcry, 2439 5th John Moscalcllo, 4lh St. and Her- lard a i 5 Birch St.

Others selected included Little Vic, 138 Ash Saratoga; Higgins Family, Jack, Dclorcs, Beth, i a 302 South a i i a i i Bill and Gcrt I'latl, 4 Holland Lane, RD, Caslleton; Cclia Wilson, RD 1, Kaydcross A Saratoga and Rose, 1004 23rd a i Monday nine other area tickets were drawn, including two more from Troy. They were lislcd in the a ol Richard F. a and family, 515 5lh and Janet and Helen Pennex, 331 7th Ave. Others were F. Shannon, 14 Cataract and Sophie Sur- prcnanl nf 5 South Dudley bolli Cohocs; A.

L. 'J2 Warsaw Avc. and Antnette Santa a a and sister, 16 Maple both of Alechanicville; a a A. Withick and Udah K. Scyhith, 27 East Glenwood Drive, a a Angclo J.

Lasaro, 5 Longview Forl Edward, and Joe, Linda and Lisa Ill-ecu, RD 4, Sherman Road, Ballslon Spa. Wind, Rain Sweep Across California By THE ASSOCIATE!) PRESS Brisk breezes brushed Califor- lia Monday while heavy rain ionlinucd lo wash the slate, al- flooded in some areas. a i snow and fog hampered travel in a parts of the country. In a six-hour period, Los Alani os. had 1.74 inches of a i and Blue Canyon 1.17 inches.

Beach, S.C.. had an nch (luring same period. Light rain in San Luis Obispo Counly, brought a bit of a rcsipte from the Sunday deluge there. In 32 hours, an estimated inches of rain fell in that cenlral California area. Schools were closed there Monday.

Several a i i had be evacuated from their homes in a low-lying area hard hit bj flooding. The basement of the county court house was still flooded Radio station KSLY was forced lo move from ils basement by flood waters and was still oper aling on emergency equipmcn Monday. Parts of scenic California re mainod closed by washouts am landslides north of San Simeon but U.S. 101 was open. Snow fell from the Pacifi Northwest through the wester mountains and in the Midwes Freezing rain predicted the mid-Atlantic region brought ravelcrs a i also for the mountains of eastern West Virginia, western Virginia, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, northern Maryland and Delaware.

Gale warnings were poste( for Ilattcras, N.C., lo Cape May N.J. The sky was gray and em pcratures were in the chilly 30s or the i a a i of Presi lent Nixon in Washington Freezing rains which had beei ircdicled did not materialize he, lime ceremonies ended. Burglar Sleals Camera, Razor A a entered the base mcnl a a of Edwarc at 10 Washingtor PL, Monday and stole a camera valued at S100 from a bedroon and an electric razor worth from the bathroom. The burglary occurred be twcen 1 p.m. and 2 p.m.

En trance was gained to the apai" mcnl after breaking the glas panel in Ihe door and then open ing the lock. The investigate was made by Del. Bernard Msdsen and Plainclothcsma Charles r. King. Speakers To Discuss rosier 1 'a re nl Plan Two speakers from the de parlmenl of social services wi he guests at Love Luthera Church.

East Greenhush, a p.m. today, it was an nounced Monday, The subjects to be discusse arc tiie (osier parenl plan an child adoption. A question an 1 answer period will follow. Re frcslimcnls will be served. I)K.

Fl-Oy S. HYDE To Be Guest Of Troy Church. Dr. Floy S. Hyde, associate rofcssnr of religion nnd soci- logy will he guest of the Chrisian Education Department of 'awling Avenue United Mclho- ist Church consultation pro- a at 7:30 p.m.

today at the hurch. Dr. Hyde has served as as- ociate professor of religion and ociology at Hartwick College, he completed undergraduate vork al Florida Southern Col- cgc and graduate work at Co- umbiii University, receiving icr Ph.D. degree from Colum- )ia in 1949. She has had wide field cx- jerience in religious education nd served as staff person for a i a Council lurches.

Rev. Charles J. Warier is pastor of the host church. Allegheny Steel Firm Fined 1500 The i of an a i a i substance into a creek which empties into the Hudson River in a $500 line being evicd against the Allegheny Ludliim Steel Corporation by federal Court Judge James T. I'olcy.

The incident was said to a occurred last 8. A penalty of $1,000 was levied iv U. S. Attorney Justin J. Maloney this week against the lai'Sc Hygrade 18 for an oi lollulion incident in the Mo- lawk River last.

Sept. 30 lie- ween Locks 3 and 5 and Wa- Another barge, the Anne 3ray, was found lo have been mlluling the Hudson River at Walcrfprd on 23, 1B87, leaking fuel oil. A fine of was levied against the craft. A similar a was set against another barge, Dana iray, for like pollution at Wa- erford on Aug. 18, 1967.

Personnel of the local field ufliiT. nf the a Super- sion Branch of Ihe U. S. A Corps of Engineers, New York District, handled Ihe investiga- ions of the barge cases, while egal action was handled by the U. S.

Attorney in Albany. Acme Oil of Rotterdam Junction pleaded innocent to charges of pollution before Judge Fnley and will appear again next May at a dale to be set. Troy Youngster To Participate In CP Event nilly a Ihe 196!) Capita Di'slricl Thenin Child for the Cerebral Palsy, will be among those a i i a i today a a.m. as the Cerebral Palsy Telethon Bank Account is opened in Albany. a i i a in addition to the 7-year-old student at Forest Park- Elementary School, Colonie, and son of Mr.

and Mrs. William a will be Lester leiv.og president of Nationa Commercial a Trust Co. Albany; Lewis Swyer, tele chairman, and Richard vimmercr, president of the area Association. The event will he in the office ot the bank president. St.

Patrick's Mothers Club Slates Show Mrs. Victoria Dawson, chair man of the St. Patrick's Moth crs Club, announces plans fo a card party and fashion lo be held Feb. 12 at 8 p.m. i the school hall.

The mothers club met reccntl and completed plans for the car party and fashion show. a i committees named by Mrs. Dawson: Pro grams, Mrs, Beth Maro, Mr a Anne Tcta. Pat Pans icrry, Mrs. Judy Patrick an Mrs.

Margaret a ticket re Mrs. Connie LaPasti Mrs. Katliy McGowan; hospita ity, Mrs. Maureen Holt and Mr Pauline Palitsch. The theme fo Ihe card party will be St.

Va enlinc's Day. Pniyii Hill Road TM To Gel Stop Sign The Stale Dcpt. of Transport:) lion has ordered a stop sign 1 be installed on Pruyn Hill roa 1 at its inlcrscclion wilh Rmil 1 lifi In the Town of Halfmoon The new sign will replace yield sign. Obituary Dentlis Funerals Miss Alice T. Rourke Miss Alice T.

Rourke of 454 ird daughter of the late 'atrick Rourke and a Me- Juirc, diud Monday at Fatima Wlla Nursing Homo, Schodack Landing, following a long illness. She was born in Troy and was a communicant of St. Joseph's She attended St. Joeph's School. She was employed ly Cluctt, Peabody 0 years and retired about ten 'ears ago.

She is survived by a ister, Miss Norma E. Rourke of froy. The funeral will he Thursday it 8 a.m. from the Christopher 1. Clinton Funeral Home, 556 1st and at 9:30 a.m.

from St. loseph's Church where a Re- tiuieni High Mass be cele- irated. Interment will be in St. Joseph's Cemetery. Mrs.

Margaret Foster Mrs, Margaret Juno Foster, widow of Harry Fosler of Round died Sunday in Round Lake. She is survived by her son, Robert Foster a daughter, Mrs. Grant Calkins of Round ake and a sister, Mrs. George Vosburgh, of Hudson Falls, hree grandchildren and six (reat-grandchildren. Funeral services will be today at 11 a.m.

from All Saints Episcopal Church, Round Lake, Rev. Leon Cartmell will offiicate. nterment will be in Prospect lill Cemetery, Guildcrland. Funeral of Mr. Legge The funeral of Carlton L.

Legge, operator of Carl's Oil and Hardware Co. of Troy tor 22 years, was Monday afternoon rom the Bryce Funeral Home with Rev. Thomas S. Evans, pastor of the First Presbyterian of Lansingburgh. offici- a ing.

bearers were friends of the mily. Interment was in Oak- ood Cemetery with Mr. Evans ficiating, Funeral of Mrs. Loucks The funeral of Mrs. Lottie oucks, of 40 Vandenburg as Monday morning from the ryce Funeral Home, where ev.

William C. Groshans, of ic Christ Methodist Church, ficiated. Friends of the a i were learers. Interment was in Mt. la Cemetery.

Mrs. Nina Blow Mrs. Nina Blow, 84, formerly Troy, died at Santa Anna, Saturday. She had livec California for the past 13 ears. She is survived by a daughter, ilrs.

Vivian M. Schomheinz: wo sons, Raymond K. and Pau 5. Blow, of California and sev- grandchildren and great- Funeral services will be at Saddleback Chapel, Tustin, today at 11 a.m. Iri- ermenl will be in Oakwooc emetery, Troy.

Funeral of Pvt. Shoemaker The funeral of Pfc. Mark A. loemakcr, U.S.M.C., of Route 9, Sunset Heights, who died of junshot wounds while hunting, as at 10 a.m. Monday from ic Styles Funeral Home, where cv.

Harry Mansell, pastor of i First Presbyterian Church, roy, officiated. Bearers were David J. Scares, Patrick M. Turrigli, Carl Sicbcls, Stanley C. Weather- ax, Francis W.

and David S. Ross. Interment was in Elmwood Cemetery, Troy. Funeral of Mr. Osofsky Funeral services were held Sunday from the Stanetsky Memorial Chapel in Brookline, Mass, for Reuben Osofsky, 65, brother of Mrs.

Thelma Newman and Mrs. Mollie Gordon, both of Troy. Mr. Osofsky was born in Fall River, and was graduated from the New England Conservatory of Music in Boston. At the time of his death, Mr.

Osofsky was choral director of he Congregation Kehillath sracl and the Hebrew School, loth of Brookline, and of Temple Tifereth Israel of Winthrop, ilass. During the 1920s and 1930s Mr. Osofsky was a Yiddish Theater musical director. During the 1940s he directed the Reuben Osofsky Orchestra, a Boston musical group. Other survivors include his wife, the former Elizabeth a daughter Mrs.

Irene Singer of Newton Center hrce brothers, Mycr of Brook- inc, Mai of Dorchester, and Joseph of Newton, 'our, other sisters, Mrs. Anne Puck of Chelsea. Mrs. Sylvia Martini of Keansburg, M. Mrs.

a a Spector Glens Falls and Mrs. Syd Bon- ncr of Newton, and four grandchildren. 4-H Leaders To Take Course In Alterations Renssclacv County 4-H Clul leaders will participate in pal tern alternatives today al a cial session to be staged in th Defrepstville Project Center. The course will be from 1 a.m. to noon.

Sewing and filtinj problems and pattern alteration will be covered which will helpful to teaching girls In th third or fourth year of sewing. Leaders are requested to brin 1 paper, scissnrs and lunch. Fo additional information on Ih class, contact the Rcnssctae County 4-H Division staff in th Troy Post Office. at ai, itw 2 Members 41 Of Family Succumb Dr. Carleton M.

Cornell, 57, i jf Cambridge, until recently of surgery at a Me- Zlellan Hospital, Cambridge, jied Monday at the hospita after a long illness. His death occurred one, day after the denlh of his mother-in- aw, Mrs. Theresa C. Stewart, i 13, of Cambridge. She died at he hospital Sunday afler a long llncss.

i Dr. Cornell, who moved to Cambridge in 1961, was graduated from Cornell University and Cornell Medical College. He was former president of Cornell's Medical Alumni Associa- ion. In 1942, he entered the A as a medical officer and served until 1946 when he was discharged as a lieulenant colo- lel. He was a Fellow of the American College Surgeons, and a diplomate of the New York Surgical Society, the Riverside Practitioners, American Medical Association, and Washing- County Medical Society.

He was also a member of the Cambridge United Presbyterian Church and a former trustee of church. Survivors include his wife, the former fsabel Stewart; three daughters, Mrs. Marshall of Napierville, 111,, and Miss Uary Cornell and Miss Betsy Cornell, both of East Chatham; a sister, Mrs. Mary Klinger of East Chatham; a brother, H. Barclay Cornell of Pleasantville, and two grandchildren.

A memorial service be held at 8 p.m. Wednesday from the Cambridge United Presbyterian Church with Rev. Alastair C. Parr, pastor, officiating. Funeral services for Mrs.

Stewart will be held at 2 p.m. today from the Charles A. Ack- lev Funeral Home, Cambridge, with Rev. Parr officiating. Interment will be in Kensico Cemelery, Valhalla.

Born in Hornell, Mrs. Stewart resided the past six years with her daughter, Mrs. Cornell. A resident of Mt. Vernon for over 40 years, she was graduated from Mechanic's Institute, Rochester, and was a member of Chester Hill Methodist Church of Mt.

Vernon. Besides her daughter, she is survived by a son, Alexander M. Stewart of Novelty, Ohio, and five grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. 3 Negroes Beat White Teacher NEW YORK A Three Negro youths waylaid a while science teacher in a racially lense, police-patrolled Brooklyn high school Monday, beat and kicked him to the floor and set his clothing on fire, school officials said. Injuries lo the slight, dark- haired teacher, Frank Siracusa, 30, apparently were minor.

It was nol immediately determined whether his attackers were students. The incident of violence was the latest lo plague Franklin K. Lane High, which is an overcrowded, predominantly Negro school adjoining the Queens borer in a generally while neighborhood. Nearly all its teachers are white. School Supt.

Bernard Donovan wenl to Lane after the assault to investigate the, newest trouble spot in Ihe New York public school syslem, which has been wracked for months by racial unrest and teacher revolt. "Since Christmas, 11 teachers have been hurt and innumerable students, both black and said Siracusa, who blamed May or John V. Lindsay for condi tions at Lane. "1 think it's the mayor's re sponsibilily to make sure tha he schools are safe," the in ured teacher added. "It's no my responsibility." The scries of disorders a Lane led last Friday to the as signment of seven policemen to patrol its corridors, after Har old Saltzman, head of the school's teacher union, de dared: "There's a conspiracy here We feel we're a target schoo for a black takeover.

These kids can't be acting in ad hoc fash ion." Railroad Pensioners To Install Officers Installation of officers of the Capital District Railroad Pen sioners will be held at 3 p.rn Sunday, in Odd Fellows Hall, Albany. Daniel L. Uffner will be installed president; Alfred Gallup, vice president; Oscar G. Wogatskc, second vice president; Maurice Crowd, secretary; Fred C. Deutschlandcr, treasurer: William Seiferl, assistant treasurer, and Joseph Bickerman, chaplain.

Henry Wilkins, past president, will be installing officer. Firemen Extinguish Blaze In Cellar The Midway Fire Dcparlmcn was called at 2:05 p.rn. Monday i to the home of Mrs. Evelyn Van Vlerin, 63 Watennon Co hoes, where, firemen said, flrt was confined lu canil-jaru imx in the cellar containing Christ mas decorations and rags. They reported no fir? riaiiisci! lo the building.

Firemen use booster line. The cause of the blaze was not determined, CLASSIFIED INFORMATION nouu OuMit Ad ur hruunh FrKIiy A.M. lo 5 0 Id T.30 P.M SundlJ. our teliphum Ad-TtMl hu will help you wurd your ia VhBlher to pliei o' cancel Ml ia pi eliniriol id bill OJ tm ol lain 1723 Broidwiy J73-IOW otuies biancti 29B Ontario St 237.3WXI rftham OftlM flechanlcvtlle Office-- 0 North Main St e64-51W looslck Kails 25 Main S'. SBo-WJJ WANT AD RATIS iffKtlvt April 1.

NON BUSINESS RATCS Days Lln! pel Day. 23o Per Uay Dayi 30c Per Une Per Day Day 32o Per Lin. Pet Day BUSINESS RATiS Daya 24c Per Per Day Dayi 26e per Line Per Day Dayi 34o Per Line Pc-r Dai Day SSc Per Line Per Day Contract Rate on Application A 50c service charge will made in Troy Recorfi box number SPECIAL NOTICES Birtn Notices 30c Pet Une Per Day Cards of Thanks. Confirmations, Engagements Marriages Annlver. lary Masses.

In Memonams. Reso u- ions ol Kespect, Unveiling! etc. 5c Per Une Per Day Classified advertisement! are PUD- ishcd In both The Troy Record morning) and The Times Record evening! ot same day for one arice. All advertisements start he morning edition and appear to til. Insertion.

No advertisement counted as less han three lines Part lines counted is full tines. When an ad It Is automatically entered un our kill sheet for cancellation on he day following vour Instructions Claims that an ad was canceled or different date cannot be honore unless substantiated by our records ANNOUNCEMENTS 2 Last and Found AT Male, sandy color, lost Saturday, vicinity of Congress Brunswick Rd-, Pawling Ave. AR after 12 noon. AT Siamese markings, black, yellow collar, lost Main Wy- iiantskill on Friday. Answers to Monkey.

283-4321 alter 5. OG-iMale, part terrier, brown, white, answers to Friski, lost tin- day vicinity Glun River St. '272-4433 afler 5. DOG-- Medium siv.c, female, mlxiid breed. Short hair, reddish tan with wh te legs.

Answers to "Liiy Belle, lost vicinity Port Schuylcr. Re- wavtl. 271-7248. short hair pointer, English springer spaniel, 8 months old female, brown, white markings, answers to name of Ocr- 274-8020. FOX TERRIER White, 2 black spots on back.

Lost Thursday in Burgh. Answers to Fosie. 23a-4020. 3 DRINKING OUT OF CONTROL? -If so contact Alcoholics Anonymous, P.O. Box 771.

Troy, N.Y. PIANOS Old. taken away free. Call 4 Persona ll READ AND USE Ciassltted's new listing "CHEER- NOTES" It's a convenient way to express your personal sentiments for any occasion. Look lor It under Classification No.

1. ELECTROLYSIS-- Hair removed, permanently. Newest methods mud equipment. Reasonable. Martin Goldstein, 13 Second St.

272 8156. Auto Transportation RIDE WANTED-From 125th No. Troy to State Albany, Call 235-5647. LEGAL NOTICE VALMCY COU.EGK Tiinv, VOHK ADVKRTISBMBNT FOR BIDS SEALED bids in duplicate will ho re- eiveil by Die Enarrl of Trustees oC Hudon Valley Community College for 'livslcs Laboratory BqUlpmonl In IV.e offer. fi( the President.

Gucnther Hall, on HIP colicKe CHnipils 80 Vanrlenburph Avenue Troy. New York, until 3:01) p.m. (K.S.T.) on January 1-1, 1969 at vhich time they will be publicly opened and rend aloud, Specifications may obtained upon application al ilic above address. The Board ot Trustees reserves ihe riRhl to reject all bltls anrt to wave formalities In a bid. Bidders must agree to conform 10 hec- tlnns I03a.

I03h. and lltfri, or the General Municipal Law of Hie State ol For informal irm contact E. jOlfber. Pliyslfis Department. NOTIfK FOIt BIDS The Cohops Housing Authority wi receive bids for Fire ami Liab 1- ity Insurance on January 23th.

lO'fifl at 2:00 P.M. at the office of the Authority at Rmilier Heights in the City or Cohocn. New Vork. Bids will be opened the same, dnv al 8:00 T.M Those wishinp to attend are welcome Proposed forms may be obtained by cnllinR at the office of the Authority The risht Is reserved in reject any ant all bids and any informant es COHOES HOUSING. AUTHORITY Cohocs, New York niKMC NOTICfc Sealed for the of the Melrose Grn.nsc Hall and land wll opened by Hie executive committee the New York State Grange at 11 a.m.

Feb. 1-2. al Hie Plaza Hnlel. Ithaca The right is reserved to reject any "VK'-mav be wnt to Robert Drake New York Stale GranRfi Mas tcr. Woodhull, HS98.

Inspection of the properly may be made by calling John Reagan of IB kirlt. Tel. 6Sfi-nSOO. Class. SALE A SALE! 45 You olwoyi wanted a Head Salt.

Here it it! THI 116 SKNTS STORt 270 RIVER TROY 273-7253 ANNOUNCEMENTS Auto IDMS WANTED (rom South TW 272-4Z67 afler 8 EDUCATIONAL 13 Minkil IUSIC Spicltlliti i la- ind drum. Tror Muile ems AR 8-0777. 14 Piiyott Initrueliem UDO OR KAKATE auallBeil SBB. VICTOR COMPTOMETER SCHOOL 00 Slate Albany 434-5731 NOTICE I i AdvertiseTM Reideri 1 IN ACCORD WITH N.Y. 1 STATE AND FEDERAL LAWS 3 AGAINST 1 IN EMPLOYMENT BECAUSS OF SEX, UNLESS BASED ON A BONA-FIDE OCCUPATION- 1 AL ((IJA1JKICAT10N.


ALERT PEOPLE NEEDED TRUCK DRIVER WAREHOUSE MAN LOCAL SALESMAN All benefits, steady work. New off ce building and equipment. New truck. Only talented people need apply. Troy Sanitary Supply Latham.

Call Mrs. SLATER, 7858510. AREA MEN $243 per hour, evenings and Saturdays. Must be neat and have a car, For interview appointment call 869-9584. Beverage Delivery Driver Familiar with Troy area.

Excellent pay schedule and benefits. Apply Cott-Hersh Bldg. 706, Corporation park, Scotia, N. or call Mr. Hcrsh, 346-2326.

CAR WASHERS And drivers. Full and part time. Apply Minit Man Car Wash. 124 FerrJ Troy. CARRIER BOY Vanted in vicinity of Boght Corners.

Must be 12 years old. Call Circulation Department before p.m. 272-2000. CAR WASH WORKERS' AND DRIVERS--NO phone calls. Apply In person only.

Super Car Wish. 690 River Troy. COOK Full time days. Apply Otto'i Restaurant, Latham Traffic Circle. 785-1349.

Credit Collector Par I time for afternoons and ve- nings. Experience preferable. Apply personnel office. GRANTS 120 Hooslck St. Troy Plaza "An Equal Opportunity Employer" DISHWASHERS' 1 for days and 1 for nights.

Apply In person between 8 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. to Palace Diner, 5.18 River St. DISPATCHER for medium size tractor trailer fleet. Operating during the daytime in the Albany area.

Reply and send resume to Sean Oil 1914 Black River Rome, N. Y. "An equal opportunity employer." DISPLAY high school graduate, service complete for display department. Beginning position for the right per- ion who wants to get ahead. Only ndustrious people need apply.

See Mr Rogers, 4th floor. No phone calls. DENBY'S 303 RIVER TROY An Equal Opportunity Employer DRAFTSMAN Varied. Immediate. 5100 starling.

Fee paid. Csll Sandy Davis, 272-1066, Ceroua Placement Agency, 403 Fulton St. DRUG CLERK Sales stoefc. Experienced only. Call 274-6422 for appointment.

Dunkin's Donuts LATHAM, N.Y. Donut Maker, full or part time. No experience necessary, will tra Top wages and fringe benefitl. Telephone 785-8835. EDP SALES SALARY $9,000 National Co.

needs man for local territory. No experience necessary: 4 year degree required. Company car. Full expenses. Fee paid.

Contact Mr Kelly, Bailey Employment Agency, 42 N. Pearl Albany. 463-1154. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES WITH ALLEGHENY LUDLUM STEEL CORP. We have immediate openings In tht following areas; GENERAL LABORERS MILL HELPERS MACHINE OPERATORS Minimum starting wages of $2.65 pet i hour plus excellent fringe including: LIBERAL PENSION PLAN PAID VACATIONS PAID LIFE INSURANCE AND HOSPITALIZATION 7 PAID HOLIDAYS APPLY AT EMPLOYMENT OFFIC1 between the hours of 9 a.m.

4 p.m. Mon, thru Fri. Spring Si. Rd. Watervlitt We are an equal opportunity employer.

EXPANDING OUR BUSINESS Need more help. Fringe benefits and exceptional goad earnings. Cill for information 274-4161. GUARD-- For Garry's Security needed for Fri. and from 5-9 Rate $2 per hour.

Must, have own sidcarai and permit, Apply New Shoker or phone 3ft9-7A8K GAS STATION ATTENDANTS Full time employment. Silanr plus commission. Pump only. No Mrvlclxf. Mlnlt Mm Clr With, 124 Ferry Troy.

GROCE.RY CLERKS Part-time, 0:30, Abova hourly mtt. Will alder full time Apply 1 Family Gardens, Ataum CohOM. i.

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