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Carolina Watchman from Salisbury, North Carolina • Page 4

Carolina Watchmani
Salisbury, North Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

I i -1 Li tion imd with hef botf ratseul tffoit Gtod trr lwk he puttered, on- A low-browed; elfW cnt-lae, sleepily nestling 'ireatba csnopy. of branching hemlocks- Here dwelt FACTS SPEAK THEHSELVES! lltfahh i a great tleseijjg." jUiet-nfe Is a waul of raise, auU whltuut i he kahiiitii and couilorl uf heallb, wUnl wrexlth worth happinciw mn ihtre be in lil ll we are not well, it in a bUmi thing to bow to rv gain health. I oSVr thin knowledge, tree! ami without price, lo the wbole'worid: "Take BttXPBir.ii VKorrABLE Pit. La whenever Fee Simple Deeds. Deeds in Trust, Mortgnge Deeds, Commissioners ll i Cfcftttle Mortpjuses, J- arm uoinracts, larnage and Confirm eWf.

forms for sale at the in suGSrieut qnantify was a sedative and would lower tire Ijeart's action, and by si doing might relieve me of niose 1 tlierelore Hiueejjeil all the juice I Jsssibly could mt vt one of the lemons into the iass to wliu-n added alnnit two leaspooiuui waier, and sucKed me 1 1 of the juice. In atmtit twenty minuses I tok aimlhei-. lemon, and hiied it in thesasne manner. Iiiashort it in the same manner. Ju a short time I iVlt very if I were lying iu close proximity to a large mas sliow or ice.

My nulse had dropied to. GO. I shut my eyes to see if the irtipleasaut vis'mhs were gone. I not only found that they were gone i.ut by placing my hand upon my head I found the pox op my head had gone also. My was bathed with; gnimous-like fluid, which had exuded from the pox It stained the napkin I had applid in wipe it off.

It seemed us if each had given up its contents! and wilted down to a level wit Ii he surface. The same had taken place with th'se upon; my face. My heard was glued together with the same kind of Moid. Those upon my neck hail not burst ed, but had shrunk away and diminished in size considerably. I jaid down and slep two hours comfortably.

I awoke, 1 res hum from alllrough I had plenty of cover upon ine and theire was still burning in the grate. I felt so well ple-sed that I took a little more lemon in ice. I kept mv nuke at fin to (57 for 3P I IOIIIV. u-hin nil .1 eruptions had lisappoiared 9 from mv 1 then bit! trood bve to lemon juice and small-pox. St thoroughly am I convinced of the power of loin-Mi juice to abort inv and every Cise of smail-pox, if; ui istered as almiuisicred it to mvseti, that 1 look upon it as a specific of as much certainty and power in smallpox as ijuinine is in intermittent fever.

I. therefore, publish mv experiment, Imping eery physician having a case of small-pox will give it a fair trial and report the result to me. Jam us Moo uk, Surgeon, M. D. Irnnton, April 25tli, 1881.

TI.T122 TABLE WESTERN IT. C. Railroad. Takes cSect JUaJar, 3.23 o'clock, A. AK- IVE.

I.SAVZ. STATIONS. LEAVE. a. in Salisbury i 4 5op.ui sn5a.ii: creek 9(K) Sii I 9S2 i An I ltM SOW ton 1 4H llll '-inovi iu I HT 51 Ill 1214 pm, 15p.ini 12 51 l.loryinfon 113 jOlenn Alpine si 1 iS i tri.leewatcr MoT 2W 'Manoa 2 53 old Kort a 47 SOo 3 20 9 3T 4:5 Mountain 44 4 43 i S4 4sa i 5 1 2 Vshoviiie ju'eti 5 o7 I lAatieviiie 1 soon.a.

Trains run ully. Sundays excepted. A. B. ANDREWS, Gen.Supt cried out 'Here, yonrj ntan, cme here! I want yon itt, Welp tn digging a lew bushels I will see that you do not incur Mr.

Denver di- pleastife by doing as desire. And, indeed, for that matter, you might a well be working for ine as tn be idling away yottf time in' killing Inrmltf rt creatures. Come, wlwt do trmle creatures. Come, what do 'All risrhtJmiss I II with you fcm I cari exchange my gun fiir a hoe, for I suppose you iutetid to keep Certaiu'r. Now don Ims long about it.

That a man! Slie wasariie-tlv digging way when he vaulted over the fpittx and stood by her fcideJ hoe in hand, his hat; lower down on his face than ever. But Widow Da ley's niect! jmid no itteution to his personal apjearance. He waii'thing but a hired man, so: whether ugly or comely what mattered it to her Old Sol, an inrtiined ball of heat gloefeil upon them savagely, ami tne perspiration tood in beaded drops upon their faces as tlley toiled on, Mr. Denver's hired man making no better progress with his row of pot a toe than Garnet with hers. The girl glanced at him contempt uoiwlyj 'Yu don't succeed any better than I a girl "You are the greenest hand at digging potatoes I ever saw.

Mr. Denver '11 not keep you long, I know 'Perhaps not he said, in a nonchalant way. 'I am a green hand at it, I acknowledge, but I guess I can; learri after awhile. See, miss, if I have done my work well 'Oh, my she cried out stupjd how very stupid you are! You have not got the potatoes half out of the hill, and those yon have hauled out are well-nigltehop-ped to pieces, by the hoe. You wield that instrument as if it were your intention to mutilate, to destroy.

Yon need dig no more 1 'Well leaning contentedly against the and wiping the perspiration off his forehead with the daintiest of white from which emanated the perfume of violets, 'what next shall do? Issue your commands, Miss Mus' 'lumbers, young man, and an espe-pecial friei of your, master, Mr. Denver. Well, as you do not man- age the hoe adroitly enough to he anything but detrimental to auntie's potatoes, you may as well take the half bushel basket, gather them op and put them in the bags. Tf.ey are peach-blows, and are sure to bring an excellent price in the market She stopped and, eyed him narrowly for the Hrt time, styling him a remarkably handsome ami distingue-looking person for a hired man. 'You maycall me Bb he said, with a comical griiuance.

Mr. Denver calls me that 'Well, Bob, to work Don't lag, and when noon comes you may share my lunch with me under the" apple tree lite an inducement. A feeling of Indierousness came over him, and he fairly sluok with laughter. Was he laughingjit her? Garnet draw herself up proud a spark of fire in her bisf i i uarK eyes. .1 1 i oai inaKcs you lausi so im moderately, B.ib? It is nut polite of you, and 1 shall certain Fyrcport your iil-tiehavior to Mr.

Denver 'Prav dou't, Miss En hers with an affected humility. '1 couldn't. help it. Indeed I couldn't. If you had seen that ill-favored hop-toad lean over that potato you'd laujrh too.

Jt was so funny. The toad was so small. whereas the potato has grown to. an enormous size a rmxular whopper! oook i Mim Jankers, there goes the fellow now under that stragliug vine was all the answer she vouchedsaie him as she went on with her but she doubtetl the existence of the toad and believed he was making'sport her. The minutes crept up, 12 o'clock came, and Bob was waxing savagely hungry.

A lie 'emptied the fourth 'basket of tMitatumi l. 'It is noon now, Miss r.mbers, I'm sure. Se )hl i us. Come, let's have our lutieh un- der the appJe tree. I'm hunrnw 'I too aaknowlerlged Garnet.

Get that parcel lyouder. Bob, and don't squeeze it, else you'll crush the cranberry tarte iir it. Aunt Sarah made them, and slie's a famous pastry 'Cranberry tarts his mouth legin-niug to water. 'You bet I'll hold it lightly. I am especially fond of them.

But what delicacies docs the luncheon contain Miss Embers, prepared by your 'Not any. with something that sounded like a sigh. 'I am tetter cook than dressmaker. We hive both missed our vocation. I wcrked two ears in Mad am Brown's establishment endeavoring to learn how to cut and make dresses, but tail-ed ignominiously was therefore nent home miuus a recommendation.

So it will be with vou. Bob. AIttio.irh thoroughly I good man, Mr. Denver is aA'eiy exacting one, and if Vour work to-day is a specimen of what I a iJ4 1 she was coirinmtii "called by the inhabitants Limfor. Here, since the rleparture-of Ircr iricce, Garnet, lief brother Robert' child, for the city in learn the clreaftn ikerV trade, which event ocktrrred a cflitple of years ago, she had lived jalune, euMMing on tne Mu4ita il fin tlitft'vtf nercs of ground attached the cottage, -which.

WW ft lU wv fthe managed -to sell or uufler. away for groceries at a thriving unu three wiles distant. Day was fast, verging inta lusk. Indeed, for some time -twilight had lain eray upon the sceue, and only a feilver Hue kissed the purple tops of the distant mountam. The VViiJow Parley sat bv the window busily en gaged in darning a wretched-looking stocking over a mammoth moca orange, beuioaninjj with her every stitch her recent attack of rheumatism which confined her to the bouse, when she Was thoroughly conscious of the (act that her services were needed out of doors.

Now was the time tor dig her potatoes, now the time to gather certain apples, and- do everything in fact and here he riot troly un able to get about, but so heavily trammeled by debts that she found it impossible; to secure the assistance fo luuch needed. 'Well, I This cxclamaiion was caused bv the fnmhllnor old ftr.irU, llmt tlatlv 0 lmesed her house, at the front gate, from which alighted her niece, who ran lightly up the walk and into the house iol lowed by a strongly-built man, bearing on his siioulder a good-sized trunk, which he deposited in the hall ere making his exit. 'How d'ye do, Aunt with a hug and a 'Not a slave to rheumatism, I 'Yes replied Widow Darlev, who, by the way, was a tiny woman of fittv, with a face not unlike the wrinkled apple that grew on the tree the garden, 'the monster has me Jigain in his clutch. But, wlratever brings you horn You haven't surely been ent adrift 'Yes, a tremor of pain threading her voice in spite of her ef forts to appear unconcered, 'times are dull, and madam Brown has so little work that she deemed it expedient to dispense with the services of those ri I 1 tent, being the least skillful of all her apprentices, was discharged with out regret. 'Most summarily she dis missed me, withholding the few quaint words ot commendation sheirrudmirlv uusiuwi'u upon me incrs.

i nave no taste for dressmaking, and am termed -a regular botch. Not a very eootl re Commendation to help secure another bituation, eh But, never mind omit! I see I mo needed at home, IJow are things 'Not at in her most dolorous tone; 'the place is fairly weighed down with mortgages, and. for auarlit I Jknow to the contrary, Mr. Lincoln tnay ioreclose any day. Ye, any day may find us without gUeiter.

larder is about empty ad there is no money to replenisli it all of the fl mr has been scraped from the barrel, and to-day I was obliged to borrow a pailful frooT Zaue Gray then, too, there is not a lea-leaf in the caddv and I do not kHovv how to exlswiihout my cup of tea. 1 had meant to have duf fl fitlV lut.ilml.1 Mr. Denver's horse to go to obtain some of the things I cannot get along without, but I am good tor nothings-good for with a profound bigh. 'Never mind, aunt, don't worry. I'll see what can be done in the morning And next forenoon, about' 10 o'clock, with a hoc swung over her shoulderjind a half-bushel basket in her hand, in which renospd dozen potato bags and a dainty repat done up in a trudged to to the potato lot, to see what could be done; for the widow's niece, Garnet Embers, waa a girl equal to any tn cuitigyucy.

one was a slender grace- girl neither blonde nor brunette. Jut a combination of both, as pretty a creature as one would care to sm: with her wonderfully fair complex, tiui wiui me merest ttuli of pink, her dark eyes, almond-shapetl, and full of vim, shadowed by black, curling lashes, and a superb abund-danceof red-brown hair, coiled low en her hn. donned a duu-hued calico dress, which she had fastened up on all sides to keep clear of the dirt, thereby displaying a foot arched and slender as an Arab's on over her he.ul, hid im her Vnuiuu3 uair, was one ot tier aunt's inaKiug ner look, as she declared, a regular guy. She reached the lot and set to work injiarnest, but somehow she made little progress QUI if some strong-handed masculine creature were but around What short work he would make of that job. juucuirc ine report of a gnu sounded near, and Garuet IcH.kPf! up just in time to see axchipnmnk ht from Mr.

Denver's, topple over andati instant after a man in gray tea larly fra raed and handsom 1 (as Apollo, with wide sombrero der his brratn, wishing that sue woum toss tff the hu i bonnet that almost concealed Iter tare, lien a' uoou to dig jwta I supjMve At wliu- lptli laugiied lieartiiv, 'ami together iney wen.ipa way ine appie iree, wciguen. tu huh it I i .1..... golden fruit, atj wlowe to they were partake of their lump. 1 A musical si reiuilet threaded its way over a sirt-inilet threaded its way over a letl, watshin the roots ot the apnli tne as it Iran iiierril on. Here on the grass, in sound of its babbling voice, they seated themselves anl prepared to partake ojf the repast, which Garnet spread daintily out on.

a newspaper, h)st throwing oi; toe offending suubuunet, which motion 1 I II. cauel the red-lbrowu hair to tumble about her face, making a picture at which Titian would have, raved. IW Jupiter cj iculaiel IJb, is even' prettier! than 1 imagined, fcshe is a pertect He had hffed his sombrero, and his pictnresqii Moori-U face, illumined by darkly splendid: eys, Gauiet thought the handsomest in the world. 'if he were pot a hiK'd man," she mused, 'or even had ever so small an income, I believe I cou'd love him. As it is the idea is simply li'diculous.

I will smiud him to see if he is as intellectual as he jlooks. She did so, and they fell into a conversation so agreeable to both that time passed bv! unheeded. A man's voice aroused them. It was Mr. .1 a.

ver s. i lie in a hearty lme, 'having a p'enic on a small 'scale? llngiiy iiuan) of you Miss j'Garnet. not to extend an invitation to your nearest neighbor When did vou arrive 9 'Last night; I Ami, as they shook bauds, '1 tipok the liberty ui' s)lieitiug help livuii ytiur hireil man in digging a few bushels vf potatoes to carry to market 'Ha, ha, ha The good manV laugh rang out loud ami clear. 'Did you really tike Bob for a hired man? Wny, this is my guest, Mr. Lincoln thegeutleuian who owns the.

mortgage on your aunt's place, lie, to use the expression in vogue, is. fairly rolling in riches. 11a! ha ha! uiv ied man Miss Em i. its, Mr. Lin awar.aud the tv.o were I I I letl atone.

repiv the face was buried low in her han Is, and Garnet as if she cojuid never liieei his gaze again. How, came she tt uiaky suuii an egregious bliinder. Well no apology woual he uw, ami nhe mast brave ii out as well as Garnet, and now the hands were removed Irom the tii.ied face ami held in his warm clasp, 'listen to me. You have made a mistake, and thi-ouly wa vou can recti l'v it is to ac- vept me vour iVieudi Will vou And piucuy little Garnet, with a coquettish glance from under her jt t-blaek lashes, said '1 will. Tout with a pretty hesitation to her Voice, 'ifj Vt-u tuisC n.e and auntie's potatoes to market with Mr.

Denver's hore. I wish tj purchase souk groceries. It is neediest to say that he did as she desired, a ml late in November, wnen the air wiis keen, ami the fl ikesof snow lliel to the ground and coveied it a nianile ot hile, Koher; Liiu-oiti i seated Mr. Dar le) with a deed thejdace, a.d took Garnet away with him ju his city liome here, as his wile, siie reigns quili royally; 'and he blesses the day wlieu he dug uiiatot sw. th her, ami she took hiiii for 'Mr.

Den vcr's iurti Startling Discovery. Cure for Smatt-Pox in the -ach of Every One Lemon Jake the Aye at Uaed. From the Register. I wa taken April 14llt, with what I stitiiic(l to he a w-ero told, liaxi.ig hud my hair sliing eil the tiny previous. Friday J5ti, i qui It verisih, with pltio in head ami hack.

Saturday lOthJ was no lct ter. rftitidav, fever so. reduced, 1 presume hy the aid of atoniuy which hatl heen adtiiiiitered to tin-ly Drs. Morris and Lhum eriipiini; very iiuli.stiiict uti.lerneath the Mondav ml uioruitiir. JSiit.

I I 1 1 1 1 tininistakuMy that of small pox. 1 ifstiav iiturtun. t'l-uption verv ahiiiidantj crop inei eainr rtioidlv in size and uiMiiier. Weil.ns lav morn ing, a very dense crop all over lace, forehead, scalp of head, neck ami soles of feet. Upon the arm-, hands, legs and hodv, they were pretly evenly disUilnited, but not so chei'v packed as ujmn the ahove mentioned parts.

By evcniiiir I was in tensely froni those np iii the scalp. By o'clock the ji.tin was almost intolerable. My nt rse hid retired and was sound asleep in bed belli ml nie. My let were hi K-uder that I dare not let them touch he loot-iJ1Mrt uf the bed. Mr head I could not suiter to lis upon thju pillow.

1 lay raised up, on my elbow, my neck resting upon my hand.J lal by this time become so nervous; 1 dare not shut mv eyes from fear of seeing unpleasant visions. i'ulse abotitO. I had upon the table at the betlside, a pitcher of water ami drinkiii" tlas a box of KnHnt-, aj v-aaaa orate of at my and also all the j'nce toii Akira WATCIIJIAX slieriffs. constahl certainly reat injnsttce toown first jrivinir Rmnle notb tfl body knows are insufficient dollar or two ppent in advi-; i Pottt iui oiin aie notices promptlr aJid ortntrtiunlw. i l-'y Ducts.

Proste Cfife' SJ-2 cnionce, aal docs not intfere tios wrecked from self-uose cod tzt0" memory, removic uSt Aversion to Society, etcTnffil Iide. cf prematura old bo usualli troablo. od restoring perfect S3 It bas been doraiaut lar yers. 'Thfi m.wtSY meat ha, stood tUe ttti ver, tcribed la Uese trouble, -p rtE to, with but little S5rnT is no NonswaM about tlii3l Woi Si prn-ation enables ks to I It has been in reneral ase. t.ave ihrnVu i I riorual.

as to ft. aiae. and it u- ni1 kiacove, MabttwU known to bsthf cauSfT tir nostrums ta, big foe'sTTh ll Fit upla nt boxes, of taree sires? No fST to last I in a cent manent Of ro, Irx Fover cav irT mm uavuwM.r m. A all III IP TIL 1I fiHlrf (lastiag over toNt mnth will WriAm, iir. ii for SenW Pamnh.

atVtutl Atiatomirnl i anA Teglituonrj, irhith -iil onviutl ilia ttmat Mim.iiftr! rcfttfn-ctl to jtevi ret fit. iiiuk-ii; mil tic it I KARRIS RZr.TEDY CO. KF'i Treat all Coron pleases, and reputation through the curing of rtai.luutHl! NO EX ocSiOaa of tba biool, skimr bunm. rr.atniliiit M. cesa, without nsiotf Men-ury or oisooout ili-di? YOUN(3JEjlj J' tima for Hi-a or rK-n'RocrtlyfttirC peruinal pr'errcJ, i FREE trt ur, ed.

Lift of i.uexirnitto ui i. ileairtfttofr htent mi.l lr it any a iiirpn-mr Unfilur theuid tWIraMnaV anil Irarn iB iuijf iw tbrlr a4caiAcv. Hiavtttatma Coifli uttir-'i i snuid te iil'n mi lilt- utlTs, is rt stk su sowii, VICK'S ILLUSTBATiD FLORAL GUUE For isaisan Elegant Hook of lvu lacrc.H, (wos, ortd Flower Plate, and 6oo Illustrations, witirJi a uu. wiii unn, a jJiiocttons for irnminsr. Onlv iiis.

in li-ih or German. If you afterwards order sctJi duct the lo cents. YK'K'S SEEL'S jretLe best In the -world. TSt Fi.oa al Cii iik will tell how u. fi und Krowrera." VICS'S KLOVVEK ANI YEi.KI'AP.l.K Pasres.

colored Plates, svo Engravmp. lora covers; lu cK'L'ajit CIUtl-S facrllth. YICK'S ILLI KATF.p MONTHLY MAOAZTl 1' iires, a colored Plate Ini every niraitn al many noe Enjjravlngs. Price $t5 a ear; cop e.s for fi.eo. Sperlmea Xumbcrs stntfef Lt-iiis copies for 5 cents.

Ad lre-s JAMES YK K. HocUestf r.S. TRY THE NEW YOSK OBSEETO THIS YEAR. The Largest and Be3t Family Paper theWorid. Send for Sample Copy Jim 3 7 Park Row, Vcrfc Outfit furnished free, wit ii full Instruction for conducting tlie most proutuble busies il I I I vlil liii III.

JL Vls easy to learn, and ourlmarucilLBSP simple and plala Unit anyone ruaVe great pj ilus irom the veryStart. one can tail In? to work. oinen are as suec esMul as niea. WJ Prf eirn wruius. "aV busliiei over one hundred dollars taitW in.

ntr mii in i 1 1 sr- auu i i uiuiu "bleu they ere ableto make money. Yen fl business durlno; your spare timrtgr iou tlo.noi have to mvest cnpiUli 1" t'ike ail i Those who md rryny Wiltf nx nf fifti'p All ii ririShra ITt. drw- Tkcb Augusta, Ha. just AT RJCHMOHDPBIC Rod and Saplon Clover, Orchard Grass, Timothy ami Blue Grass AtENNISS. GARDENSEEDS, Fresh and Geatasa JUST HECEIVKI): Landreth', Buist's, Ferry's, Johnson Robbins' Al Wholesale and Kctail' ONIOII SETS For Sale At EXMrf.

VVAHTED, on: oil Sets At rsw SALE OF LANIH I The le.n the npenor i ourt of Kovvan eoiiiU. lolier to fell the land owneo ii. ll. Ltniper, ami Kadel I'oti. common, will, on the oOtb day oi il hcini; ihe l-t dav ot rf Court oiler at public rale at (' lrctrf i wieliwu "--ti i inn in Ssilihhmv, ihe following i more more l.inti, in wii iririH.

liiiB" I recK, -v HIS "II uir -in the land of Jain. Woodwile -nd Ter7n. one third cah, months n.Loe-lhirjl in twiive nitf ilnr ot -le. Si it i.t i in" NOTICES Distillers Entries, an4 venous -i Administrators, executors, cornmissioners. call on ns for printed sale notices.

It is their property at public auction without quire uientK of the law on the suhject often sacrificed from this cause when a saveu ii auu luuoi- it unug ji v.nuc. i OA rm roR Fruits, Candies, Cigars, 3coks, Pictures, And Pict ur e-Fr ap o. tf WIIE. YOU WA.T 1 Bft-DV A It 13 At Low Pigures Call on lliv un leivinid a Ko 2. (Jranii Vr 4 AT 1-: 1.1 ll.

Jfl 4 T3 tf ft the cr ADJOIXIN'J TflS-COVIfTIIOUSE. owner-, of ol3 Mlalnj Lun.ts an.l Tmrtri All laterosta nictt proci'pi atto.itl;n. Koie, colieetevl. Estates, and all titers oi and Executors. settlcl Lanl an'l all otat-u-lilies eoret'utly Investigated.

REAL Estate AOiNCi, Lnuls iii an.1 i tj ilasa Ojuui sk-l. a-i v. i Lose tlcirlns to buy (r'inenrs main purcrnse cheap lands in i Klort i.i," i is an I a u.u p.iM iuawu as I the proiiilscd Lan.f. Land- tor la Illinois, along the James river in Virginia. Panics to or co to.

North Carolina farnlsaod vviili mcC.HS.ifv i N.H. Laa an 1 aim? th rropo-d line of t'e an i illioaj. I ro.ul nrnt ilU wiictiirr An.Via. Si an.l nn i-ii'i ii tnitside aid or nor. The nrorress of the ml tin -x ikcnhii enciyics of the p.

ule of counties demaw.l r.J n.n-1 have u. nan,t. b- to rnt tow lots Salisbury anii ai jnaa-s in niinui l. P.s. A utarket rcalv forsnaall rivslrable farms.

ff C-ill 'l'N. I oc': V-r- P-rt As? Mfa'S is iii jji u.u i.en Vaiue.ani Is a PObl NVt i.EMEOY tor all the diseases taat cau.iC inics tu tlit lower iart of the ou.iy tor rorpld l.t. vT iicad it ties ul.i!iess, tiravel. Mot l.i, au I ail lil.S rultles of the Kktney, Liver, an rlnary irjjans. For ai olSASFS 'lenstiu upms.

during Pieya uit it ii is no juil. It resi ore he organs that inKtt the bioo l. and hrnee Is the host BLOOO PJrtlfl'vJt. It Is rae onlv known remedy that cures iQifsoii For Diabetes, hi WAttX- 1. 1 i r.

I A II r. I For sme by liruirpiMs and Dealers at per bottle. Largest bott-; in the marked it. 1 outat mt.ii. trot-1 'j taose who wtsn to engage -a in Lie mor.t plcasaui and prohabie i i ft KveiMiiinjr mv.

CaintJl noi re- mired. will fumii vou vr tiitu. tU ii ui i K. i win away from home over nlat. No rtsS whatever; Manv new work'-rs warned at once Many are tn.i.

king fortunes a the bu. LaOicsnial.eafeinuch as men, an1 young and make great pay-Nooiie who is uliing to woi a f.dls to make more taoney every day tuau can be made In a week at any orllnary eniployuieut. who i-ngiiije at oace will ti lid a su- ri lo icrtune. AdJres H. il.vixEix i Fonland, Maine.

61:1 o'daitieil for new invention-, ok fur imp'ove-nieniM in oiil ones, fve.iis, lull ini ini I'i ole-Mai k-, ami nil patent bnsictrr pioiupi ly attiinlril to Inventions that have been R-jected may Mill, in ea-e-. be piHnn.i l.v ih. Ueing t'ltfiH D.Tl.-e. aiiH ell- MH-irii in Patent Business exclusively we Minie prtl in iK tlfan tliue who are remote limn lun. When InventniA eml is'iili 1 or skptili, we st-arrli in ll.eTalt ni OfTiee, ami lo ils pati liabiihy fru- iiirie.

Corres-pomU in i-i i i'iiu mial No Charge Unless Patent is Cbtained. Wc.reU i bv i. iiv itcr. to il.e Si.i-eiiii, i liTZ lltfiii Mcn.v iv.a For r-prrial u-ft-rf i.rcm in tXe 'olil e-- A. Sft OW CO Opposite C.fiiec, Wa.hin-i,.,;, O.

C. 8:1 9 CURES Indigestion, CUBES ''r- r- Lost Aspmrr v4? 'J 3 Foul Breath oujTlVtE5S. I nv Cn. y6a6lr.BL6. Bat Mill Mi DEVON BULL.

S-ALE THEO. HEA9Q HARDWARE wty vr PHI HU Bl other i every In I i tn are It tA now nearly fifty years Mitoe 1 introduce! Ilivxv ft Ik to the A merican HMple. ami, ahft tiring tiny million ot Ux-ex, the vmiitt ol' the greht jury if Auu-ricun aovert-igua that tht-y ar Hit btft and aalftfl imrgatiw wr known. Thrjr mnerreilcd merctiryantl which wan lounu hi very general ine in him con in ry ulty yenrw ago. aiu I llhe one wai joiHoiionH and the other a uitiroerotia treatment, the remedial iowfr of nature had not only to care the diseace, but' to rradic-ite mercurial ioitona and ruly new ftreamfof blmxl to exhausted tiU-tilR.

wliUli wax too in itch for any cuiiKihiition i thnt my plan of treHtiut'iit wan lo remove dhteaxe hy purifying the bloKl with Brandrftli'a Pi I In, for when the blood waa lima made pure, the medical force of nature cmeinto full play, and. unlet God willed otlu rwie, the palk-nt mre tofe-co-er. Urandreth'a 1'illa nature in all tier effort. It is nature that curei diae and not medicine. Every othei couo'e of treat-un-nt onlv ihrowK ureal olmtacie in the wav the constitution.

I i-ni ha (py to nay I hat bleed. ii4 wlsirh I said wan jilwaxs improper, ha? Iieen geuer illy abandoned liy the medical profession, and that the poisonous qualities of nier-curv have been far recognized that the use of it ha? been forbidden hi the United State Army, by the Surjreou-fJt-iivrat. In the cahn-dar fur 1881, I publish numroua cases of cures by lira lid nth'- Pills, some of them so remark able as to be little hort of miraculous lhit tliev are triif, and the witrifssei can be seen and consulted. If 'Brand ret L' Pills were us in every family, each box would tie a magazine of health and a pel feet medicine chest. OBSERVE, that Pills, taken on ah empty stomach, create no nausea, vomit iiig, or griping; They do good any time, but are most efie live and agreeable taken on going to bed, whin little, or better slill, no siijier lias lcen eaeu.


Hon. B. BnAKPRETii: My Dear Sir I like loli ve a of Draiulri. tli's PilN in ny house, ami llK-ifliiif eticlo-ie ationh lots of llee fills when I wan lrouMt-l iiii oVi'mate cosii veneiw and dysjipiar By taking Branilretli'n 1'ilU, two every nielli, for month, my Hiucstion was reitcrel, and 1 became perfectly regular. Ciias.

F. Koj.i.ins. CURE OF COUGH. North Faihkield, IJuron lonnly, filiio, Ocioher (5, 1S7U. IIok.

B. BRAXDnnni: My Dear Sir Some 1 wa a hifiken down invalid, wiifi a had rough, and pain in my idr, which doctors ihoiiulii came Irom liver coiiid.iin., hut none of ihem could do any good. I nun-niiu ed ninjr lliai iln il.V I'illn, laking ihree the firl iihl. and increiiuu one every niyl.l a week, then rexieil a week, and a-jain. In ix weeks I pit well and Mroiir, entirely recovered my health, and have le-mained so ever niiice.

F. Jacksos. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Print ipal Agency, 201 Canal Si reel, 20:1 Hew York Citv. Yourselves by makin? motipy hen a golden chance Is offered, tbcrebv always keeplu povtuty irwu vour door.

al.v.vs ta r.ii. vanta or tlie good c-haiK-p Tor making- money that ire offfiTd, ecnerally become wealthy, lilie tLcse who do not Improve Mich flun-c ri nwln in nr.vpit We want men. women, boys, and pli to woir ror iss right In their own lin-alnles. The busisss will pay more lhan ten times crdlnarv apes. rurnlsh an expensive outnt imrl all that voii need tree.

No one who enx ge to rcake inonev very rpl1lv. You cin devote your whole time to th work or only your spare moments. Full information an I all that Is neeried Kent free. Adfiic.1-, 51-ly Stinson i- Portland, Maine NSW CASE. Ne bee mss It Is only within the last fe.v years that It ii is 1 n.irov-ej aa I within the reu 1 of every one old In principle the nrst mieano i wa an I the iiiyt itent ikea our.

neirly twenty years -juso, an cn.K made at fiat tl ne an I vvorn ever siri ar nearly as as nexr. Keal the following whU Is onlv ore of iny haalrels, your Je.veiers can tell of similar oaes: SlAvsriEi May 23. 1S73. I hive a customer who is iie one or Toss Patent cases fifteen y'ar3 and I new It two ye irs before he yot it, and it now appears good for ten years longer. H.

E. OLNEY. Uemember that Jas Ross' Is the only patent ense Ji ii vOiie oiusiue and one Inside) covering every part to cr nr nn.i i sisfht. the ereat advantage of these plates over eiecirivifiiainff is apparent to everyone. the only patent case with which here civt-n written warrant, ot which the follow leg Is a facsimile See that you get.

tlie guarantee with eaca case ask yuai- Jeweler for Ulustiated catalogue. THi BEST PAPER TRY IT. BEAUXIFanKILLUSTSATED. 30 th YJ2A2L. ntut.fifllmf.jfoii.

The SciNTFlc A'IEKICax a large Verklv Svvtt ijicr of ijctevu p.ii;tri, primal in Hie most nt.iiiiiii style, prjuety Ulu-Uiulcd wMi tpleudid eiiyitiiKj. rei.tcciiiiiiy Hie in vtnlioiis and tne most recenl Ail-vaiicei in the art! ami eitlM ii.tlnilin nrw and iiitertslinj; lactK in Agricnitnre, liuittctiJ-ture, tlie Home, Health, MeUit ul l'roajM, bcit-iK-f, Natural ll iitory, An-ironomy. The 'uust valuable prai ji.ifrM by uniiifiit wrileix in all ilearlineiits of iei- eiu-e, will be luiind tn the Client itur a inn term, fr year. bl.GO half vr which incliKks iKiHtae. iJincouni Atiits.

i wm.h mi icm, ruiu py aij lew-, PiiblUherx, 37 Park Kow, fvew York PATSNTS, In eonneetion with the Scientific Ameiuca, Miinn Co. are Solicitor ot Amtriinn ami Foiei -n I'at-enl, have had 35 year experience, am! now have the largeet t-HtatilishmVnl in the world, i' ltent" are obtained on llit beM term A nje-cial notire i iuale in the hcittilific Aniei it Hii of all inventions pateiiltd through this a'encv with name and refiilence of th pntei lie. Any person who han made a new diseovrrv or invention, can aicerlain, free of charge whether a patent can probaUv be liy-wrfiing to Miinn -o. We alw.jsetid free our Hand liook alwat the putt nt laWn, patHHe, cavenU, trade marks, their mh-Ip, ow cored, with hint for prm-nring advances or. in-ventions.

Addrerp for the paper, or concerning patent. MTJKN CO. 37 Park Row Nw York' Ttranch OfSce, cor. 7th Sin. Washin.

O. "JV tijieio-t I FOR THE WATCHMAN. HELP mo rc cSAif' xa Case tf wt IMMUTACTURE3 UNCI Jpzitzfrmx! or twratti or iC'JO iAi uth una anra kvlj rt i 1 a Oinger, Bnrhi, Haadrake, MIIIiBffls and many oiher ot best niilu-in knwn bined so bkillfully in Pavkek 1'onic as 4 to make it tne grtatest Blood Purifier and the Best Health and Strtnf th Restorer erer nacd. If nie Dl at "DMinaiiam, neuralgia, Slecplettneu, and all dicaesof the Stomach, uuweia, i-uMgi, Lier, iMonevt. urinary Urcsaa and ail Femala Comnlainlm.

you ate wasting aw.iy with Consumption crl my unciic.usc ine 1 oml io-ojy. r. m.itlcr hat your symptoms may be. it wdl surelv hplr vm. I Rememuer! This Tonic cures drunkenness.

is the Best Family Medicine ever made, entirely different from Bitters. Ginner Prenaratinnc (other Tonics, and combines the best curative nmn. nunc genuine wiinoin our signature Oil Outside wrapper Hiscox A Co Chemists. New York PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM EEiESSJ FIRE FIRE FIRE in time and prepare yoin-se tltsaster before it lib too late, bv callinir at TOE INSURANCE AGENCY J. ALLEN BROWN, uul olitaininqr Policy of Insnrancb t.ainst loss or hv FIUE oir LIGHTNING.

This is the i LARGEST AGENCY IN THE STATE. Agreate Assets represented over 800,000,000 All First Class inehvlinir English as well as Anicii'-iin. ami our wn State Cos. I All Policies written here at this 55" Losses promptly settled. SPECIAL RATES I mn1e on jxood Dwellings.

Furniture, aiu Fiirin property, for a term of 3 to 5 years. Fcl 10. "tsi. 0'ieap Chattel Mort-ajre other blank, for wle her. I 1 tf mm "1(-0J1 I Tun ran ni hA i shading his f4 aptred in lis inn i V' anq one oZ.

ot chl the fate, werel ha ibtvlm-ZZ lnU; I had also she had devoutly wished for was vo. w.irlc r.f a ll'er of lemons 'Ucr-amau. Mr Deave hirl ian. 1 "ZSIa "1 4 wF These were 'Ithnnr Rl. 1 eets within my reach.

my a April 2.

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