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The Charlotte Observer from Charlotte, North Carolina • Page 2

Charlotte, North Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

if V'' J. S. PHILLIPS, LEE3N DAILXvOBSERYEB. Bchool. For this reason, it is alMm-portant that we keep up the Graded School in Charlotte.


GUARANTEED IN AND WORKMANSHIP. TUB -1 A Are PartiMarly Aiiajtet to lanlation Use. ONBS 4 PENDtKTON Proptrs. J2 froa the. dotjB'gcrile8 that FOR Mecklenburg County.


ALEXANDER. Jbr Treasurer, Cik. erElBELK. br Superior Cburt E. A.

OSBORNK i For Register, WM: MAXWELL "Far Survey, MOORE, Ffff County CbmwMMiwwrs, THOS. L. THOS. GT -UYAS, "DiARMONbr W. E.

AUDREY, H. 'DIXON. tfSWSrt ratf.LWnWrT.4i' tmtrn TION. In Cartei- ret cditotj'4tirtthiate, a n(Hea'cifara'ctef, 'pOR- there lives Jativ caJleaihe u.uecn ot narkev f-qhe is a poor white woman; poor in this world's goods, but rich in spirit, and intellectual 4 111! ra gs t-3 st: PEFtUtE pdrchasgpsend for Price List, 'TjallI--lw. i PARKS BDILDINti; nHf -11 JBIlIill 1-1 8 IrS iff50! a a co I 05 C3 frj 1 VW Cu I I 1 I '-itJi 1 1S3 1V vJi i-.

It'll I a it I'll PonrlC-'tba School is permitted to die then the little children of the poorer classes of our" citizens will-have lost their only chance for an education. The sons and daughters of well-to-do citi-aeu-4ure independent- of conanaon schools carvhesnt gTrivate With thetn? ittisf' theitsomwoi school or nothing. 't 7.. i -The election-of a Judge who knows somletHihg aboht la 'kiU he 'a reat conyerueqce to. meacters of the -bar.

Mr. Schenck heinginitWo hoofs ride byrail ofChaflottev cdlildtSy at fet and thus aave jfche fcimft.of the regular termf i The' cffaJfiracti 5 is found in toe' Revisal, inpthese i "In -all the Sdperlor Couft itt TOcatiotfTias uh der the'eiistingfjaws qf the StateA iid-all of the: Myrtles ignite iii the proceedings, they niay apply jfor elief Superior Court in vacation orn fterm tibne, at theirielection." This i coy era at least one-third of all the cases tried in the Sujperior Court: iciudingia ainiy; Idenlttrrers, motions for attachment, motions to dissojr attachments. nd inr general all oases which dolbotrequire the inte'rvention OfAJ-ury. The present- Judge done very little of this --sort 6f practice, for the simple of the law, and tnis legal opiuions not worth a pinch of snuff. v-ti fc by having an ignoramus on to be tried the regularfjterma mulkiplied-terms are lengthened juriesand witnesses are detained" the costs of the courts are increased taxation is heavier and after all the expense and trouble, iejiiugieiits ot tne uourt are or no vaiue.

wjm iiogan) tne oeucn.niH rtdminiatration ol juHtiee is a farce euk.tei?.lii rg iablj' 'reprer 8ented in the-Legislature since the war. For Senators she had, iu 18G(i, Hon. H. Wilson in 1868; the gifted and lamented James W. Osborne; in S.

Jetton How any decent white man can vote for such a an as George Washington Logan, is a mystery 1 we -cannot com prehend. Proof Piling; TJp On Poor Purnell. Mr. Mathes. editor of the Winston Sentinel, Dr.

Amos of Davidson, and rurneu replies tnat tne cuarges, amJlX cr 4 EbrtoB-Arf editor iz a male beinc whoSbuamess iZttO navigate nauze- Wi wf jueo. jeujtorjais crinus Ifnatter.afite8 other neonle'a battles. Paper.for; two dollars anctfif- ty. cents a year, takes white, beens arid apple sass for pay when he kin -fith. raizes'a large works nlheteen; middle-aeedi-artd 'bften -brokfen nearted, leaves xio mioney, is xeroard uduc instruction.

ill I I f. Nl 2 1. J111 1 Wit i -'Si power. It is to hier'mentaf supcrlori- 1870, Col. H.

C. Jones in 1872, Col. ty and remarkable energies of body as T. Waring. In the House, for 1S66 we well a3 mind that she owes her title had R.

D. Whitley and' J. M. Hutclii-of distinction. son for '68 I.

Whitley ami VL 1 epjOlp years ago, this M. Grier for '70, t. JVariiVg 'and Ji? 1 ncnie Beaufort to teach W. Reid; and for 1872, Jih.nE. Brown the negroe'sr She was an adventure- and J.

Reid. For 1874, we predict some spirit; and? seemed animated by Mecklenburg will be represented by but one all-ruling passion that od6- P. Waring, J. Solomonv Reid, and ARE FULLY MATERIAL Li NO I and a comparison wltn List of other C. MORGAN, i General Agent, Charlotte N.

bf Erie Cltv Iron Works, Erie Pennsylvania. Win "53 5' j1 issps 23iTHY0H'STBEET IT om XT lift WiLMiiroTojr, 26, 1873 the advertisement Of 'Bradley's Patent Enamd Read sun: Abcad of all CompetUlonv TFhat shall we say. what shall we dv TJ SSOtftON CO We lire here and don't Mfase fTo sell cheap coods to all that Oiir credit bad our aroflts. i mi A A 1 1 jaiyssa B.T.. Babbitt's "id CONCEKTRATEP i pidQnble the strenjgthiifiany-other- SAPONirYING SUBTANCEw i I have recently perfected a new method of packing my Potash, or Lye, and am now uackine it onlv in the coatine of whicK'will saponify does" not "injure Ui is pauiteu waw wumimug Directions in English German for making liflJd and'soft soap' with this Potash package.

junel6 a T. BABBITT, i Washington St, Y. Wilson Black, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, CHARLOTTE, N. C. We have now in store 50 dozen Bitters 26 25 25 12 500 boxes 4,000 6,000 10 bbls, Plantation Vinegar Home Star in Koopnian Window Glass.

Putty. Pure White Lead, v-" Linseed Oil. 6 Ttirpenune; 10 Varnishes. 10 Machine 50 Kerosene 10 Tanners' 10 Copperas. -v 10 Epsom Salts.

t. 75 cases iAmp Chimneys. 200 doz Paint Brushes. JOOoz Morphine." i- i'sm ici 500 Qninine, And a full line of everything pertaininjg to the' Drug business which tliey offer to pirhpt customers at-tMnse WILSON A BLACK. 1 JACK BLACK, WHOLESALE RETAIL GROCER, KEEPS THE LARGEST STO JK OF Wines and Liquors In Western Worth Carolina.

IN futuw he wijl keep a Jarge stock of Fine Liquors, Chaiupagne and other -'Win, for ditfheJ1 pafties Of for craninill pilr-pOJts. A few barrels of thet justly celebrated ZEB 'VANCE Whiskey, ripe and always on hand. 5 -His stock in the General Grocery line is complete. Sugars, Coffee and specialties. When you come to Charlotte for Urocer-es, call and see Black if you want the worth of your u- I respectfully return thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed upon me, and respectfully solicit a continuance of further favors: W.J.

jiine 13 UsliQlsteriii and Beckwith Buildlng-Up Stairs, (Over W. B. Taylor's Oun-shop.) I TAKE pleasure in informing the, public that I have again opened a shop where you can get your sofas, settees, lounges. chairs andmattrasses put tn tne same condition they were in when you bought them from the store, ht reasonable prices. hare attiniH VA otTiiKti Afii flWt III ltd TTrtMnl sterer who has served his trade in vBarUn, Prnnsia.

arm therefore' ran 'amftrantee satis- taction io au wno may Depieasea to patron-1 jze KEf ABKELESA1TE dliDTHIHG JUST received yesterday, very, large and and elegant additions ltb our 1 stock of Clothing. It is beautiful and idurable and win De sola cneap yur stocK 01 wotnintr anil tiSimWlnff rttna iaonrntilatA in an respects, ana WB-oniy ass mat genuemen call and see Jt.i5ci0ttr suits are composed of all kinds of colors and we guarantee satisfaction in quality and prices. Lome ana see ns. J.A, SON, juneO the last half: of i Majv-the motlttt ef X. xreignt aenverea at.

tne rairDanu oca fronts, 6 jonnsrjury, t. was vso tonsi i. Hard times. nesitate the eivlni-and re- celvine torrect weight, and hence the increas ing demand for aibbanks BCabks. jNoin-Idk Inferior bears this brand; Each year In creases Its reputation at home and abroad.

Ths Httiif 1in lha' Wacit. all material. In fine, la nlaced Iff the hands of xne most BKinea meonanics, ana ine proauci. ill a Scale considered the world over as the Mandard. Quality being the criterion, there la no Scale In America or in Europe, which can for a moment compete with the 'Falr- oanKs, ana mere can De noenecK -w a dusm ness conducted on such principles as govern this famoHS r- r-r ii 1 Coarders AVantcd.

MY house Is now. open tptr the, reception and accommodation' of tegular nd I xatne supplied witrr every aencacy in Beas a. xBb aocpmmoattngii sLj on, Tryan.StJ, 6n. door below Charlotte- Hotel. a to 8 for the; purpose" of registering all persons entitled to vote in the -ensuing election, who have not previously, registered.

Oermsin and 'Arltlinietlc "A iWiTTii'frdm Danzig offers XX. iessional services as teacher 0 man Language and 'Addi'eBS, A. Wittke, Box U0. Jy 21,. friit 111 RrrniiM IjANII.

m', A Title guarftnteed.Term $8 per acre- Call at Levi Vanderbnrg on the premises, or mv8 JONiSS f. iAnd-Ageritp a h5 rTUST received, another of verTBU perior Segars, which will be sold very QIMMONS'lHepatic Compound, Simmpn's kj JUiver Keguiator. liitters, Hostet- ter's Bittrs. i'. i June 12 WB'BUEWEL3UfcCOl QIMMOK'S nepatlc 5 Compound, 'a -new Debility, jrx.t received, at 1- panels P5VQ STORE." THE RISING '4m me.

Uraers lor ruattrasses or. repairing from abroad attended to pfomptly. jtmeft I I i i I 1 I his theGerwJ intr ood.r renofts that tlve'ne-4J. v'iH Cured bv Midway's Resolvent. In from One to Twenty Minut, 6S.

rav unt nuuR after rea Ung this adyerttaement need SUFFER WITH PAIN. EVEEY PAIN. CURE FOR It was the first and is Xho Only Pain Remedy that iimtantly 5tnp thp morttTtemdatini! Jnflamma lions, and core Concerns, wh 1 one application 0 br IN FJ QKE WENTY MINTJTE3 no matterhow Violpht'nr pxrrnciatinir th. 1 jRHEBMAirjaii lnnnn, Crinnld neuralgic, or prostrated with disease may juflet 'nt RADWAY'S READY RELIEF WILL AFFORD INSTANT EASE INFLAMMATION OF THE IDNTS INFLAMMATION OF THE nt INTLAMMATION OF THE BOWET.s. BLADDEi CONGESTION OP TTTP THKOAT, DIFFICULT RREATHIX LIJKgSL PALPITATION OF THE mSTKBICS.

CROUP. DIPTHERIA laE HEabt "KEADACHE, KHZi. Tne Afipllcatlonof the It end Itcllefto th. parts Where the pals or difficulty fexisis will iffilEf and Comfort, v. iDor(1 Twenty drops in half a tnmbler nf water will in moments feure CBAMPg, PPXSMS.

SODR HRARTBURN, SIOK- ilKADAUHE, DlARMn DYSENTERY. COLIC, WXJiD IN THE and all INTERNAL PArNS. A "OffELa, TraTrterahooM ahrays carry a bottle of R.j nilj'i nnrar jKiiti wnii mem. AtewrlmiT water will prevent sickness or Dains fmm v.LuPslI water. It Is better tufcn Freiuia Brandy or Bitteri tiiBulanL tiasjj 1.....

1 1 llix riJVEJl AND AGUE. FEVER X10 AGUE ciired for fifty cents Th.r. not a remndJa4.pnt in this world that win cnrJ "vX" ind Akuo, and all other Malarious, Riious Typhokl, Yellow, and, olher Fevers aidl 'bviiV: TVay-s VtLLS) so quick as BADWAY's LltF. Fifty cents per botUo. aux re.

HEALTH! 6TRONO iATn TUBE RlOnj BL00D-INrRE5i! OF FDBSH ANO WEIGHT CLEAR SKIN AVn BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION SECURED 10 ALL. 'MsaprillM Resfal fVHS CREAT -BLOOD PURIFIER. HAS MADE THE SIOST AST0NISHINO rURES so QUICK: SO RAPID ARE" THE CHANGES THP MODY UNDERGOES, UNDER THE OF THIS TRULY WONDERFUL XUAT i Every Day an Increase in ftl -aiid Weigut, is Seen and Felt Every drop of the SARSAPARILLIAM RESOI, rE.VTcoTnmnnicates through the Blood, Sweat, Urine ami other Fluids nd juioeof llie system thevicorcf Iiie. lor it repair tlia wastes of the body wiih new and eomid materiaL Scrofula, Svphili, Consumption, tilanditlar disease. Ulcers In the throat.

Mouth. To-mors. Nod.esJii thfOlaudsand other parts of the system, orc Eyes, Strumorous discharges from the Ears, end 'he worst forins of 6kin diseases, Ernptinns, Fever s.Tcs,iald JieaA Ring Wornj, Bait Rheum, Erysipelas. Acne. Black Spots, Worms In the Flesh.

Tnmors, On-cors in tiie Womlj, and all weakening and painful dis-c'hitres, Night Sweats, Loss of Sperm and ail wastes ot thSlite principle, are within the curative rarifrc 01 this oKler of Modern Chemistry, and a lew davs' ue wi.i Ijru-re to any person uaudt for either ot these furau ui tfxeaso lis potent power t6 cure them. If the patient, daiiy becoming reduced by the wstes and decomposition that is continually mic-ceeds in arresting thee-waxres, and repairs the same with new material made from healthy bIool and this the SARSAPARlLLiAM will and does fecurc-a cure is certain; lor when once this remedy commences Its work of purification, and succeeds in diminUhini; ll loss of wastes, its repairs will ba rapid, and every day the patten. wiJl feelhiinaeltsxowinit better andstrnncer, the food digest hip better, appetite tmprovii)', and flesh, and weight increasing. Not only doi-s the SiRSAPAftrLUAif Rksoitw eicel all known remedial Chronic, Scro-lulous. CoiutfttttiuiVut Sliiu dibcaies; but it ilia only ainfs, t'srfUNtltiyi mlidiseasafl.

Gravel, Dial FtIuoOBtioMerof Urine, tiai 4d4 aU caees win the watr mhlck, (Usmsm, umver, uwDetes, urensy. urignt's u- igtit where there an iclf the water mhlck. cloudy, mixed vim the whtte Of an atnr. or threads like inir. siife.

t.r tH-ie'l ti murhid. dark, bilious appear- and white hone-dust deposits, and when thereto DR. RADWAY'S pcrfecHy tasteless, elegantly coated with sweet gum, purge, regulate, purify, cleanse and strengthen. Kaa-way's Pills, for the cure of all disorders of the Momacti. Ri.riHnr.

Np.rvous Diseases. Headache, Constipation, Costiveness, Indigestion, Dys-fnen8la. BillousnesR, Billons Fever. In flam (nation of tne vMnwste, Piles, and all Derangemaira ot tne interuM viscera, warranteatoeneci a pomu Vegetable, containing no meroury.uimeralsoraeleten- fiUfdoi of RADWAY'S PILLS will free the all the alove inmied disorders, cents READ "FALSE AND TRUE." Send one letter namp to RADWAY A No. S2 Warren bt, New Sorkrilnformation worth thousands will be sent you.

The only Reliable Gift country 1 150.000 00 Hltv.tkrsTRIBDTKD IN Regular Monthly ENTERPRISE V.Ji. "KXJIatr A 11 tr 'lOtll. ONMMB- CAPITAL PRIZE Two Prices each Tffi fU ind Matched and Horses with SUver-Mouuted II a r- Bugjry, with gjver-mounte One Fine-toned Rose-wood Piano, ww Five Family Sewing Atannes, worm n'l' each ISO Gold and Silver Xwer'-'' T'f rUt jwyrtf20 $300 each Gold ChainsTilver-Ware, Jewelry, Tickets TICKETS 1 "0 JJberal frc urns will betpilda.f'ft1" Single Tickets; Six' -Twelve Tickets. Five 2.. nf VlW iircniars containHtg ivui 6ftiru4iVner of dra (hBe and other information: in; reference to dering theni.5 All, letters must be acto edto jW.

iitjsin 0. Cincinnati. HA.IN OrFICK riUTTER'sockei IrihalercureTc 1 KjuuetZa' ii CO, the which are offered at the lowest possible pri ces. hn.vA flHll nn hnnil. andr a largerjstock .1:1.

UJitl HATI ''i; i SiHJRTS, C6LLARSr fe(jARViSarjd of all kinds, which are offered at cost, in or def to close them at the. earliest possible moment. A FTJLIi LXllE 1 of thef Finest. Goods ept contymally on hand jn. Merchant Tailoring Department and made to order with disatchand at the ldwest figures.

i apl 29 TO- THE PUBLIC! A a -eternal visrilanceis the irice of libcrtv. io is continued hone3t, fair and uprigne dealing necessary to.saccess in business? from the outset (18 years ago), appreciated. these acted up-; on find ourselves tAyfay. rewarded for the countless anxieties, and the loaiiof boors of rest by seeing out- long cherished bones realized, of making a 4 Wholesale Mart, and ours an exc! usi ve lilR, Wholesale House. In order tabe more we have ihe pleasure of itiiorining the mercantile world that we have lea.eti the fenperb store, adjoining OHf jirvaent, (lteretotore occupioil by Msrs.

Brt-ni. Hrowy AjCo-t' as tlieir Diy-liKuls yiurt'i, wiih will occupy by tirsl of epteniher nnxi for the retail trade only, nm vt ill use our prepent vln'aut snd cm-(nodioUs store HOLESALE HOUSE giving totlieJriMlta irictly Eflahlhnient," wher they van heir selections from a dtock purchased for luit. trade only, thus coming in contact with a lletadbtock and Jtetau srs. iheanTRnlaees or surn a Jinnse are -oo obvious re heed filTilier T'talve the Kenerar reader pa; iptioi ot the colossal dimensions of our Houses we ptate that we will have u-arda of tiiirtv thutlSaiid feet of gUnerfidal tinor room or a lane of ten feet wide were formed, of our stores, it would reach sonsiderably over half a mile. At the same time we inform our numerals friends that our Mr.

Rintels is now jfjain North buying our second stock this leason, and owing to the decline in" gootls, will again place us in a position, to success-nlly compete with all other houses. Very respectfully, WITTKOWSKY RINTELS. Charlotte, N. May pl 81 OSWEGO Silver Gloss Starch, MABCTACTURKD JBT T. KIWGSFORD SON, HAS UEC0ME A HOUSEHOLD NBCESSIT V.

Its great excellence has merited-the com-. mendation of Europe for American manufacture. PulVeriZCd Com Stardl, 7 PBKrABXD'BY T. KINGSFCRD i SON, Expressly for food; when it is properly made excellence. JST- Far Sale Tty aW Firtt-ctass Grocers.

Tiwon-PT iwii )rftnMDrttn AND PLANTERS your WX, Super Phosphates 4k Fertilizers And save, from 10 to 20 Dollars per Ton. Get the Pure Ground Bone and Chemicals. Oil. of Vftrtal. Muriate of Potash GrouadTTas-ter, Nitrate and Sulphate of Soda Carbonate and Buipoaie 01 Ammonia ana suipaate 01 Magnesia.

sena of Trices. BAKER OCfJ 36 and 38 South Charles Baltimore, N. d. juue ax. eixim wiiij "TO i I ns Scu Lu jfTAVlNG located in toe Rneat tiraberT xx gion in western JNorth Uarolina.

I "an prepared to furnish t4Ali IXinds of tumber at my mill on the W. R. at short notice, and any desired length uner 55 feet, on reasonable terms" 1 I will make a liberal excbancl vith any Derson who will natroniza anxt-can nurmlv me with Btich articles as mav be needed for my "i ji nave 0 co ruu- acm or jana tot sale to suit watered, good: timber, THE undersigned take pleasure in informing the publie that they have lormed inersniD. xoriae purpose 01 carrying on mer- cantile business, In the city: of Charlotte under the Arm name and sty loX, 1 Or UXii-JUJL. They are now receiving 'an immense 01 MILLINERY GOODS.

FAN OY GOODS, JfHITE GOODS and NOTIONS, and solicit share ot the public patronage. i Jet KOOPMANN BOTHS CHILD) Mr Koopmann takes this method. to tender his sincere thanks to his friends, and former tronsfor the natronaee heretofore so liber pesiowea upon mm, ana nopes. sax ine same Will be continued to the new firm. i Those Indebted to me are respectfully requested to come settle with the new firm.

Either of us Is authorized to receipt for the eirae, June 28. lm. iOOPMANi APPMCATIONS, dry, for sale 1 dly wky. tf AT TIIIS OFFICE r- .1 ,1. -fi rcOPAB.fIrtlB.SHIP I I groes of the South were in ignorance, and had none of Hhe-bene- nts ot eaucation, had reach ed the ears, and fired the ambition of this woman.

She done as Yankee School-marm. Mariyeld her in derision." But' she persevered, and finally won the res- pect of the 'people, That she was one 1 Ol Iff" I. i I 4' S-l il the anany wboiem anate other, gentlemen of Forsyth and Da-from New England, was abgarent to vidson counties, declare that Thoiii as all but her by theruits Purnell to their own knowledge of her actions, bb one cnnld iidemn member of the Ku-Klux. The her -r. Reidsvule Record 'brings the same "rtV'' 3 charge, i The' Greensboro Patriot, a bhe CdUblnhea scRl, whiVhhas paper of large influence in the -west, for a long number of years been one challenges Purnell -tor deny First, gf the flourishing institutions of that hewas present, i aiding and as- rfotridShehM Mcen built a CW-a free Church, open to all frequently came from Trinity College denominations.

The edifice is 'of to the town Of Greensboro to attend the neatest in the Steia i Mrirntkv. meetings' of the Klan held there. eral hundred neonlef and c.nsti25m I C. i. i- though so distinctly and bolahrmade, the money, was raised by, her own in- are infamously false.

The people dmdu4l efforts 'withher 'frleoi3s however, we satisfied with the READ. READ luenorin. xnis cnurcn is the most ueuve anu in ineir eyes, nomas it striking object, on the island, and prnenstandaaiaidcted of grosj de- pointing tower, is a magnificent. "VColored rnsrlM GREAT' monument to the energy and piety iof hoId'yoUrKb Klux Candidate for the ipook prave and responsible office of Stiper- BracJIley Patent, Enamel a jd f.ra sempje A Ku Klux for the head the fici-in theiwildaofHarkey'a and reau of Education and a for" Pare Wliite lnd Linseed Oil and Zinc, and Always Ready for Use. 4 5 1 sn ti jl '1 1 '1 )'if klJjVt' w'P i i REAMttE FOLLOWING TESTIMONIALS: a 'vJ- jJYakk Forest College, October 4, 1873.

Mr 8it for sevemliiiontha- baeu Bradley'? Patent Enatnel aintoxi our College liyildiug, and are well pleased with ikvfThough it was applied by Qne having no experience in such work, yefwe have a good job. Ve shall continue to ,99 tbat in, point of economy, durability and facility of application, it isnDerioUtq any other pigment offered in the -a BIM.MONS. i'-j vvi4 uv f-O 'f''" From Messrs Englehard Sauntfers, Editors and Proprietors "Jotirnal." 5 tN" the sljow what woman may acc6mbliflh. -Thtf iiirfmp of this womah is Miss mny Bell." The team point of interest io hs In MUst Dell's career mr thatt she! caiiie need of education aYd.idn. abandoned the ne- irrnVa rtliK.

nB groes, to labor for the good of her on 11 race-. 1 inis.Bhe has done with an in this I Our common school WOrihleSH. It it that is quite remarkable1 ttia a 'Vlii PPul ucation has been mMWixi i tviuwvu iu iiorin pfVf.SrfWM nina many countries. 1 in' ihis vx .5 a we aesirtffofcan especiat attentiotf PaintWai can recommend it from a 1 rf to1 of this office having purchased some of this have used it, and speak in the highest terms nours out otevery Hwenty-fourkDOze Jna Sunday gits damd by everybody," and once, in a. while wbipt bi some- when lie" cant lives po'or, IkjiJi.

.7, dies knowle-oMtemS it is as dunibleitrtrfOirrary painty it has a much finer finish, and its cost and convenience will recommend It WrMHn need of paint. 'v- paint. ftom.M liLf of it. after a trial 6r several months. Ivhue McGill, XX The Plains, Faquier Co, Va, Feb.

6, 1873. ff fr.hfe toil with short- free wary pu in the nuzepapers. changes please copy Sittings' was slack. I did ilie- Twr weekh ccieu im the State. abalmHOSl ft.

ASfWYii-' 'Ell V. --i wura ir vii silk-frf -i From and 3 buckets, l'eallon each. As nractice iHpt constant; is now genera. colors, there i tioti-which i adopted this Any countrv lad can bsfr feel sq forcibly the wpTXi cpmpieiea 111 nouse, lP conceded, thati tor 9 rtotia.handsoTtt jdb in the i an item fusKliowvwitlitliB two coats 5 ine last coat applied thick, and it Old little tO OrOmotA nrfnnatir. I i L'llXl tive Candiriatar fnr Hnnmw.

4 p-Jl- hardness, nd body and harmony of pro-j 1 placed I saved; sixty-five dollars by the operi- South cm firinnlrl-- hat rrtmara Mir aODiv it. I bave: rftiTet dabbled in suh tArlr great adaptability of -y pur "Enamel Paint" respectfully and trnly, McGILL, to t. mo wauwj wur iueneuu 01 jnaienai, inr oeauiy 01 coior, ana in xne iact 01 its being "ready mixed," that Teive Vorf nermission fif it is desirable to vnnV to mkn what use yon think proper of this letter. the masses. Threasoif 6f thi.

1 iit tnef aTyrronnni.iAn rr-r" now aue quale to the purpose, and'teachine bidder, apd of course. incomnRtPnt 00k rsUnrj? 'w. 1 private' sources, 'and from xeaooayj Wlth.ppor- m0ney cau be raised to' Wslr PPvide school hOus plenty 0f books. the Graded Scho, uiviiLv or hftrtki lft IS that Vi i n. v.

p. 11 At far Bcho a "A jtToni ay ue, 01 tne irm ot Hartiett Kayne, 48 Carondeiet Street. 1874a rAXniWirrNQ -Weet Jximbard Street- JJaltimoreDear Sir 'ItT affords' tne much pleasure to advise you how well sMisfied I am, with Bradley's Patent Enamel 221 'Sitizen8 at following 1 iv.Si..Wr... i-. iiaa, -Jniv ofi.v NwtonrTuedayJ linPcoh1hu rBeattie's frr? 1 r-: 22nd 23rd -24th 25th.

27th 28th BI.Ick, Stanley 29th 30th setnei, uabarras-OaLfridar' Albemarle. 31st Aug. 1st 4V: 3rd I issKav, -w retspuiiaioie iot uw I aeDU r- Z. -V ww r0 Ployees of the" dS SS NDLETON. cottage (new) at Ocean.

eprings, having used all l.boqght of yott in. painting a largt and having found it tooefver and work so admirab ly; and very far superior to "ordinary metal paints and colors not subject tg fade, besides being4ecidedly cheaper. Itis my purpose to lend you'tfnotfcelf order lor more very soon.1 YouYs WT RAYNE. applied. old by the gallon.

--ts Always jready: for se and, easily bwtsuiy square yarqs, iwo coats. 4 Spcim tiTwi Vice wit. Ftu-nislied Liberal inducements to the tr.ade. Gratis. juiy'2S 6m 93 West Lombard Street, Ualtimore.

1 r.3 tt.

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